CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1901, p. 8

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*Matio Ohicgo.1mai "bu ueedi b la et lilUbuta llat 11M uLke Cornnty Tekophone Company ..COUONC1S WITH.... Chi=cago1Téléphone Company. you a, phone in your residence or place of bu$iness? ,~t tbe up wlththe tintes you should b*.. The expn"e Io nominal, *Oniy a fow conte a day, ,,QÇOTRAéT DÉ1'AA1TMENT., Utiko Cosunty Company. Libdu'tyvillU, Illinos. -If You burn coal just cail around and',oder your supply of us. WO handie the'famous "%"IGHT BROS., Mille, - Illinois.1 A Series of Short S tories BYTHER 'l appearlua m«ch Sunduiy exclusivelv ini TRE INTER OCEÂN. Second instailment Sunday, Iaaum y13. Subject: The Power of1»Lve in F'~ Mi. Rinrichaen bas written exclu- msoàt mai" events of Illinois poliuiea in the luti twmlty yearm Theme stories atm in the form TH~GIV£, IMM IDE FACTrs. Nmwmg l tW k biirWbitos. heeu ttesspWe Pmbos.ts aou rager a"n tes *Iàý ,1itayId by suau who kapwu ORDE~ 41 UNDAY iNrm edowo vip 'kK"es am on séa msM acca*o bàM qs twmmue , lu vume 0uu"à*~*.k a.Ulbh vidov eOPi U~ vive 11*0sOMMa JmsZea uuma, A"a $bd Osa,;ai» of Waren-à tio Grove. Sehla aeelel sebool eniorianmou st leke Zurich lob. Slnd. a. F.,V##tmaii 500k a trip$0 Chi, The f Munersbaveftlhed hauling »ee fritée@mmry. FredNilim andamimoiber visied ai Ut. Blermaba Irldap. B. &ebsuaama bubonght Ibm F. itoh place motibof ovu. A. Buta,09 oSiOblg, viafimi vSl H.I.Sbstethu nremmhl. H. Oletb au goee 1 Lake Zurich te workfor the conuma e 00 C. 'L . Sobvemaihbuspouem a black timnt of coite of Fred LeMker. Min Ilome Bnucbb& ,of Lake Zurich, vmaied Witt lirm. Levla J. Kulgge a fev dupe la ifflek. Maslerai Beon. The PrirIte ieM. W. A. baud v» giea z a la theIb Hal Day Tou s ISaariictb, God aci o. Dunce tiokete 30 cents. Aul tvfied. la Ovppe Qickly Cured. "i-4te wluler oci1lm0 ad l10 v t"«emdovu vitt a evere tlack 0f whai je caled. la bGrippe" mmeF. L. RemUtta eromInemi drugglul ut VSutd0, DI. -#The a coUmuolué I mmd wvu vo hotie..ot ObamberlMn'e Colube edy. Et hwacheup the ou aMibmopge the cogbimilte Mag>ie, mi 1 bave mqver ime been Iroubed .5t pe2 ObemberlaWsCough g m = mi avay bmioeid upon hahe ,peuovoeoimd wvinoff Mr tibr*Watd aSlaek 09 psumcn i la 9=1Ul$0W"te, toc, vlacb moaeltu" lae uSib Mdmmonete01 t"bMM ouSppua. prepermiou a. amua Ir. B.Loiaii, Ubukiyvili, G"à Wm.e YorVent tu Chlcmglonombusai- nouse alny. 1e16017lame lransacted businesusu Chcago Sainrdap. O.G. Feaiton Sm atteudlug 10 hi. diîsu &gan, afier bing absent ueveral days. Tite Letblon mhool weut, for a aletgh ride Tburaday and ail euioymd it very mach. Reporte show a gralYlynctemsed death rate ibom Ibroat and luag tnoubles, due te the prevaleuceoro croup, pueumeula and grippe. We advime the uoeo! One M nuse CoUgh, Cure lu ail of those diBoutùtes. Ilta Ibme ly barmlesâ romody that givea lmmediabe reaults. Chldrou 11ik it. F. B. LOVILL, Libertyvllle; J. B BlÂoMa, Gurueo. FREMONT CENTER. C. M. VogaitlaS visttug eh frieuda et Prenîou. lit. aid làm.n. lar ue guesefrontW Iseo nain. md Mary' Luby arnIved bee but Saturday 9tlo a nwkakee. Mixte Wagau vialted ut Long Grave lot BatuîdoY aud Suuday. ima Jane Traut le visitlS.g ber moîber, lira. Cottbenue Trant. Mr. andilr. Lmhyas Infant daugbter died lent Wcduosiday veuing. John Vaguer, ubo hmbauben very miok, a Snprovlug at pemueui vrtting. Boen, Adamu, of Quruee, vimited old fieuda bore lai# laturday and Sumdey. Leuis Lyon amidIanily, 0f Liberty- ville, wene Frontont viettons lent Sun- day. liSte Trant attended ibo maqurade bail given t Oakland Bll luit Ftidas avenug. Mesrs. G. i. TranS and C. M. Vogeilivoe eWaukegan viitera iai veet Wodueaday. Johil aiclà. 0ot lihvukee, tg vIali-ý nuge hi brothersam iabSter, lit. a.4is.Bt Luaby. George Tecumpe bah the uîsortune' t0 fia1 &Bd out big face vory badlp ihougb mno aeulp. Biteàda uamqtmde, et Long ,,Oový S atpu $uluetg. bi. "mi" inLuelia M Fas audel the muqaerade #ài Long Grovo la"i Eatday eveing. 1 lrmsk Dietlzmadfamihp Win noveono t'els m taibe laS of libr, aMd lMI baeuh Vii movuom $he fartu ho pué. ohaïad trosu C. P. Thona.. Wemosavho eumipbol takm cudiaar P n Ai Il a pemure 10 taho De- Uriui ti Ivrpilaturmi Ow bwàléornr.,1dburiPille :J.Ma" Veiu ai oie NI Ii %4 es .ll0 f c ~Fm4 FeBaBp iiihi 1 it Dr. Ski Tbe i muocemi boprovlig~ phdms1 Miay nlgbi via WtI. . wtijq. c Iet bl W or~a gei0 ber daughser, lire. 'tbm pUyAsliReading Circlo books bave beau voceIci and the membe,. 841Pla c gowiug. "eben. ol h. Toacler'm EeBdiug Otlyde Mreqaemted le oattend tbm meetng et 19rmymiake omoro. Pr. iaxlir. -Permowe, of La" e Fbroui. jenlo theibgood leighlmg1 lait Tuemday by calling on thoir Ilockfete, friendu.1 A number of!tle. inonde of B. l 1ýhomahie ha omenetmIFriday1 evenng andihoe was agreeablY ur- prsed. Gamma mMi othor amusementta ver.e sjoyed bp al. Iteftresmeuta vèe termi. Nohody queutions the bravery of colonel Roosevelt vlth the, record .0f hlm obarge up lian Juan bilh and hie msavug off mountalu lions lu Colorado. But luat lot lira. Nation gel aflter him vfib ber ltIle baichet, aud tbeu sec Il ho doeno& retreal or aurreuder. Ou. of tbe mcmi unique onlortalu- mente vhioh v. bave atnded a given lu the obiipel 1mastliaturday1 evecng. Thome vbo bâti tha plenaure1 of ettendiug eau ber vitnesa ta tbe abmbft fIoeo vho 109k part. Nov. tevesa as unable o tend and inela -Mabel lisrgatroyd, of Grayolake, and Dr. Von Loehui, of tbim village., aissim lm lhe enertatumntu. Thetattendano vu good. Il you oxpot pour village tb gnow and prosper do someiblg te taI end. If pOu bave uolhlug teo ffen by vey of Improvemeut bo vllllug te accept the Ideas of others. Are pou Sn faver of a $ovu hall for lte village? Il yen are, lalk *bout l. There lu ne doubt thal a good building vould add gealy 10 Ibm lopestlte place. Theo 00.1old nol ho veny greal and it*euld pop g4od Steret ou the mouey Iuveoled. Let evryoue make thie a ponsonal malter. A poverful englue cannol bc run vllh a veak botter, aud vo can't keep up tbe aIrain of au active 11e Wiit a woak tomach; neithor cmn vo stop Ibm h«Ua machine &0 mate repaira. il the alomach caunot digest euougb footo10keep te body troug. uucb a preparadton ai Kohol Dispepmla Cure aboaild ha used. I9 digeste vhal pou estand ait umply cant hlp but do pou good. Y. B. Lovei]. LiberSpvMIe; J. B. UnÂCaua, Gurnea. Psrmerm are bup draving Wood. P. P. Buterafidl visitei Chicago Fr1. day. LAKE VILLA. MimaMati Etchaude Sook part Su thm leachers' emitg aS Antioch flmir- day. Borace Nelun, Whob u a aPosition Su ChInkgo. apeni Sandup vih hie parents ere. Theto o ehlenac i i. mand liam Sugone Ville.bave boeun <pate atck thm put vuekt. lire. B. A. Doughflau vM taSiurday lu Anioch irîtis ber brother, leola agit, au ilumily. B. O. Shepaimdon mtmttd lionduy for bi& old bernelu PeuMmulaua.B. rexpectes obe boutmi*bout a mot. lir. sudlira. Wl» Pester,,of Auti. mûb, aÀà i MM* leBrowm vWtle Moniap ul it, r.ami liré. Jos. Fater. Bon, te lrani lUm. Ben chrama, Friy, lob. 1«a a daagbter. AUl oun- cernun are doug veli, and of courue Beu Su happp. Wm. Walker vus quite badly hart reoeutly by %the falig of a herm door. EM In stili oonfinod tu Ibm bouée, but vo hope for a pedp :eoovcry. J. B. Bunett, of hilocb, wu a pleuant visIter Saturday. Ho bau re. ceully old ta lir. Naier, of Chicago, tbe conr' 1e opposite Peaieru abop. )Maber oniemplaima building lu Mima Avis liaimer reiarned home hst usek front a long vit alMi ss ouri. ah. va. accontpaued >y !-!-bh e Blcb, bo lasbo eau living tbere for tbrea on fouir dcame home for a vAut. BKm iukuho likes lia. sourS boul. about tueuîp.fvm e Uimea muore party ut lte hoo»oflir. aid lira. 0. B. Cable lastl tdai o vmaiig aid ahi eujgored a plemmb t ime. The lirsi primsnveto avardol 10 lir. aid lira. . P. Manier, aid oconaion prises voeevon by Mort Kapple and Mrs. C. B. F[aulin. LAKE vilLA 50100L8. Booml No. 2: Twelkty-ueen puapis eurollei; puplila neiihar bélomt unr tardy durtmg moiib 01 Jesuar-84Mr Kerr, lau i ~, lrmuk Seison, Olive leiio imepsmuoe amou, Rroli 'Bar- bongh.-ZeW O obb lalSa Racket, John Laonar& F. 2TU~WTahr Boom 1.- Tvonty-8v* papils on- rollel; pu4pilo m»~urabuO * or tirdp iSnmoutSb4 'X,» *hO4r-Eiy Leon- mid, iouSe t*«mtd , WonsFemimr Lutin Manr,, Oti5 lagmsGale vieve Boger, N ,i tbm ae terdy but >oaceo-I*uea phAn-I G. A B Iwo ut. au <,la., os Drn. Cmli 1» ta ma obd bobxm l b. ow Ma S~Uate D». 0pa W i 4.J-N"aF0lVega . J.dbemvilie 018. . Bona heauME LAKE ZURICH. lir. Hogan basu raiifrom Mh. cmgo. Mr.s. huti vau Su Burtugbon ou bums- neom Tuaaimy. lioum. Romey and C" sbpi ctt. 11dm vek. Miu Mary Oonrttaep vu a Chicago vijutor 1tut vmek. Otto Fiche maie a buainem trip 10 Chicago at vek. Mr. Runliaglon tr&Dmcim buaines in Zurich iW&a veek M»s. Roeoubu roturumi home af- ter a TSis lu Chicago. Mima iaura Laniortte, uhe Sa attend- tmg blgb mhool naI liflu, vaa honme ove? ftnimy. WAUCONDA. G. ÀD. Roborlu viiibuild a bouse tbl sprtng. L. 2. (Golding, of Chîcaglo, speul Suaayber.. Mrs. J. B. Glpuch, vho bau beau vetp IDI, Su reporimi boter. Prof. Kani, 01 Chicago, vu& on Our atreetse saurday met sunday. David MeClin returumi Sataltdap fronta 5ev veokavies sla Iova. Wnt. pu Mditamil, ilwtteiFox Lake rmhd . rob. Ia, iL p,«ibthe hilea noe faim, 0»4&» ' #-mue ve otfel ike poms o0006, Foi the v.mmuuaMd prctakmtion fOlloving thoeIbra la mtbwgu Prompt ami neuSv uOe.Mal Cougb aOprbTh. pmie*al hi"by mim oa n nuta re e r e gs rot MI MUg kealsaW ani île efrw>.epreteae ç»o>p itou. 19 %,W*mode te curse qduxl. P. B. L14t4X4LlboMillmJ.IL BRsoia, GI.SMe WAliUNTON GROVE. liSsÀatmieAdamm Bai thiemster. lune te break bier leg recentll. Thon. viiib.oa baaket modaletlbe acbool boudm i tlonday ventng. Mrl.F. a. FOudr, of Evaumion, visBted her mo, Vlli. bore ami uuek, lir. J. P. Sherman entertaiued ber Sunda dmp ichochuslut SaIlrimp ai- terncon. lBon Jameis mOld bis fiue o te a Konoubu pmry and eofgm Frry drove ibema ibese Sturday. Nirs. Prutk Bortows u u emlibhro front 0111g01889teattend but mobe' f unral. lile.Osa Sherman vas aloo oaUed home *rom Waakeffn. lira. 1. R. fSerman dlod aS ber borne lu Wrreiosi Greve Tnesdap evenlng. Fun"talVu hold ftemntefamly homeaesmiTbarday at i o'clook. Recaiî expermtuu ow Ihal aou clemmea 01 food aympb.OooMpletly digati by a prepuagotlc calei Kodol Dy4ppea Cure. hieb ab- solutely igt" vbal pou est. Au is la the deuecmbimaticm0f BLU the naturel di$Wuta ver ievtmed 'ibm deanIb c* kb« beoome oormoum. hMu îtv" fied 5Io cure Inm verp voti eam. eS Indigestion Bai si %'-y$m lve. nsSroe.. F.B. Lovai, dbmzvll;J. B. Baaoui Gurnie. licburi licCsbe oen$iàa vek ultb bis parent$ bohe, rotunig 10 Chicago Tuewday. No services ver. ho ulbnth . . E chereh Sumiay eveulul on amantm of inclemoit vautiter. Mr. *Mlr. Goo. Rimoidinger, of Cary, upent Satutdap and Suuday ultb lit. and Mien Dautelson. Mtames& Eloua Arpa, RomcConverue &ad Delta& Kîage uer, gueula of hMJ Lu"lla er.cbberger luaOut ah rk re- oeuiIp. lis Amande Bar«moniug toturnoi Wedmo.ilay, aller a Iuo vectu vialS *#tI ber aier, lits. Batteriman, in maylair. AIberi Bentier rmlutned Samiay from a bauilaut rip ta Englani. Hm &pout etglteu menthe ihore Sm ibe emplop o1itheVWeseru IleoIrio 00. sacb 11111e pilla au DeVSu L lme Barl Rimeravae very emallp Iaken, ami tbey r- wonderfmllp eftiuve hi pri et Saurdap att4dia .7Loveil, Lbrtfl; J. B. Ba&onia ehemin SoIm oucam boumtm 0~logo uiday. n.bu ib trip. LUOT ION BALC. Mm .1. B. ponetla roportA " M SBaviîrroutinMI frt. for a ieom c peua.,1Ivinl mon aipublicauclcii,1 *b. hou". ofbu eg Au ~Pla obe!9. mue. toum efDiausoaieko lrd« Thoro u a suprlmipe$p ~$ki Vb, IU,1901, cmimiga hom»et SWu. oo ?504q "i'mI. l-le Mi. w D 0 !bofom, *o, tfv!ltt.opt ne moqua bailw" M«0@u~t4 libg thO, s ffl ouvpl.#4I"opor Tii,~OIl.LS!1.1.. !caA1 r91M" ,8. t bull vied R9,.et'Byne "ahis, xegelaiom er M"faae lir. J. B. TurubulwU IMe viol. isi$um ,P"o «MegOS &mi vwesi, t beabolb piy4hSno bl bitai. Ao Sfony PWUI% uoepeoi.M~S DIAMONO LAKE. Dr. C. K a. Ndeevlle viomapupi liethoimi puipli on sBuda" Al- M ter the unoa" preaohlmg @ m ee somatof the Lord'* happer VIl!b. adinmteted. 0= TiMn oN&avon. There viii b. a pdimUve id lit. au ikm , o. "yap hu)»"e. Ing <io-olgotu. The olh bopuaigfrl are eupeolallp rgéài$0io q.emm& TheselamagVend iM ii -,u*0u* Il, Proceda or benoît of ibbhiuaw»4u lee buhch. Notice. rlwiJgridous mud-Sb ITmuip u f urther nouies'.14 WINTER TOU RIST TIC9K9T$,, #4on o to e- SENO YVP1JR NAMUg:To a-* wuwvos ho iemImInto hI lelS be 1a.kkbed, !à m)wl-w ~t,.l.T#» abu a uftdejg bét & peypi~ et cflambeao. Dr. psemmo.luailtlolatip aremabimg me4 là*Oh étihlhg la geitîmli v6od aMi, humilitopa tetbe milii 10 b. lir. Buabe lut*%& bouding a largo huit M bu taran hore Sm th mpng. 1. Blobar&a m&Wo it7udmbuildlnga MMu. AU"&aZimme or fManlimo, Uleb, vu caill bute lmnt voeek on éu- ceMiS of the msalons condition of ber M~ t m ,lr.<leemon. 4k. Giessen, Or.. or Gm à Gleuas," »Mabe vas fmmwlicalci dimdi lioniay ngBi aMbut home bote. vbmre "abe ariu~d o nanYyepet, tue op 01 m a flgbty-uoven pus. Our gentil mticbant, S. T. Foule. «pls immore irade in tbm future, sud sarmiy m«Penie ihe Young Im"es tu ý tep lu for -puemu, au ho bu on- "ed Àamk Sobroier au clerk. Vermson Tux Coflecor$n Notice. 0. J. Bomober, lui cilector for the ToiM of Vernon viii b. ai the Io 1 v. ts u place. mach vemi ou days memilcumi, vhe eVannoa ezpapers cam Uqutiai. ieiSdebiedmeau: Tbmrmiapmarmng, Apiakiafe; Thuta- dmp afmrooa. Buffao rov.; hilap mcrutmg. Prairie Viev; ftrdap~u-e, Booz, saif Day; saiarday, Long Grave. PRAIRIE VIEIW. Wl lancHSu O labau ie100 boume. Frank Wellmsla bauling vood thlm voek. Frred "abu in vorklag for A. Webern- berg. - - John Stanoiif Stam oug vooi for C. 5bt! humé Mabel Loomtmsla home for a LouisBOchuimr tauaated business la Chiagso Stariap. B.O obtrosder iranuaci uinessau la Oicogo Saiurday. lire. Guizier, of Norilte v l iait. Lus relatives t hia vesk. chua. Surm sappe a alei oSo hWboga theibUnion 5500k Yardas1d veek. à, docior of tsheWlmoamn sa" lievau b» oreSaurdap eveftmg ami vamoluAm M. A. Wagm ,ami W. 1. IitLMlo0f People are btNu W»il wbo lm te iAusbai ihWha hausaes. liéleue, PM llrapie.P.Il Lovmi», LSberiyvMB.o 2 *5,OM Gurme. iiwk d LO. y. Jeameme *sdito imbe op b a uMiia usbu bemuà fgaeb intabai rem&. bau TitmCouriMhp Of1 au ie bdmSmiay, a1 !u idftobavueelameW momive placa0f dmiy luai uf*0ma Sha moon le *»tWbs propslmr. W*»w bie phiareOf ='i siuce. a aimiesi o ibooaikho veer uy vi Na à*rouami*. lhaevu $te the êvalmg os accouaS 2«90 thé Obalk Ta*k(0 . W. A. XRil, byIBOn. Fuk et oogfnrd Snajocft: The nAss Snal By."Baph f ISSIBU. ibthe ume Ob,»e mi"e.Thoumopn 1 a60 oem ï lwaume. irio. ake t <th ouwm itqidwaw eam -,W" w0 rm c, q* a &0the hnpwkka d asb* whlchm sbora a nMto du m fas di04 t é MVRy mw-n40e"m oeT. Pula LONG OROVE. Buaday scbool IantîîutXN. 4. Doleubeecb bu beau kept bua« 0f The Illinmotis uII4Y Maboul Auam.. laie gofiilruuuemlio uatlmgtildes. litonwiliboid lusitutea lau As à meeitngof ibme luagelli Anj. ooumip au foiiown: Aqlttooh. Tooodap malatca cbab. irsteMmesfr th, lb. 12; GtBPshae We'ixmdi, qub eniunli oeu& r. ere .etef. 13, Higbland Park, Tburidap, 1'b4 Th - ii' f oo a aligacieWaukegau, Ptlday. Pub. là. -puperu« or u otmiiumnt.1ITe pilcais othr h ma@u5W Wmic fo bRi Shh vii b ~ thahmu pb. lutspemedby 1oq E Jake H*Ock. laveloo 0k sevetal sor.Il Sm4u fo11ova. land. Jaelagotinlg quile hautdy xafa Bs phocppb. GiÎT, ma a Oi. , iw à ricb fMau au Do dos; a vmll4o-do 1108. Lem"" o t .8 mmn ba o0»edog; a pont ummU.*.b u . m. heoblas md T.ehea. ... dopMda 'pigited p - hm.u- .....Contemame bd by Olta mt Sbreedoni. IUIbo uho. lau pus Ilon. AritaDoI.1 ims. TsemUnwy servi e ...... The reporter vm maowe lnl, mani 2mas. xpointa uwbaulzuu.C.8 lhm hae doeua% knov mu"h bts wek 2m O oms Up-io-dateimhd..nk <vhiob. however, la generalir th. ma. BonaiTraalua Leue.O. IL $@u* «ue,> pou muat emelemone fou. Pt1mrWork ........ . mlrrae rày ym _ Devatioma soua servie... They"Y henthegro" ba o :,, DimDar ......C. 8.* me hims badow tbé Smd of ebvuar, u&M The Tweodeth Century Tedqs ho vm I«rein mb ole &saou $oteo- flopomatUCI........8 .. m sua Mmai ab Wu».a" emisuday ft Wu uMum mtmliaomc. Wbaiare pou APTAKISIC. seins ta prcphegy nov. Peit Enoh bu ugala mov e t#4i~ algHroher bu recivel bhi. boa"ndb" fie the meotormbip eftomeua lit. aud lin. Elehm bai ibeftr BI&l clark Rue»., mid émcs ieb.ouen mbabp gbIrl brsséedekW oui Sua. ruai. Nov poul mutai am oT our aolm liaxer la oc.vieutg sle«l mOM "11187y. Yuhave 3oa, -9But Wlnkeabelmn, vb bau beau we.b Ia aum geo" or Pe l U0 or U anMd tug a l euuland uwneecm la ga$ nme.itu Pm tWI ev ea u tir te amb UZb b.ddollar, SB» Uttuf$ 0ehorel dUlg tis e old oaap. DeWNl iteh B"aBve are vcSth- elm The ml qalokl oureapile. le a mbed unela"teek.2uo@Mya mes« kin dlmuae. Ir. B. 0f the marviagf S ofllam LoTULL., Idbertyvile; J. B. DuAcana, Cam. Pr lUma n ha Cbicgo. B«& M» QUM"e. _______ oung people boru. ma p M. e pa% PALATINS. lime reulieula herei, hoocgblmhly f1 Uma.Lydie iltckisse regarnod Itou hct v Otn nSh e mevelesit but vait tu Chicago sundap. rond runig bateiveS Chieffl M Evanuiom. Their old friendasa»na lu > Umien artIadae caled on friendi wivilg thein manceauamd happlanu -1 r ---me -----a-y ---- 4g. 1 1 B. ab

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