CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Feb 1901, p. 8

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ÎÎT E. IL . DeWoft, PMU W ObarI.oiê W. 0. upt0n. Win EILook. Numerou ta wivtovt eaad. The ria iuiin a tODI 'cJ. P. Powell'. and the finiah vau the mouhlulna Of the Werner propertly hers a couPle Of * ,ep 1gbSaWukgau1 iundred per.aila veto uitio0ned. emba" 1 o loi eydecker' King Uigeri led tise W« Mx h but %=. boni obbuecet o te b.atternoon ix visoi bu oausd t1e vena. Ail samxoecp i Lel are lover chi@ Jear M gUIS Umra inalama! ears the 1 M Mla iMos. Il la on.etfthe lalute in Winkogan, a place « uo vuspatronlaeti bjtise dosa aet people, but vihlcisba Iseheulquirttrs tarr1th Wp lveui up b! the police. Tise , c I vuet iace limis uhe hotel o! iqw dei. People trm m lauvez 1b« uý4'i stppel there. The toorna VU UW lel, tae stables vore over- IQWlOfl duly aud.lthe yard vwu nal biggeuoah a ceomluidaie the tige. me ISproprietar vamicglise ,lO ble place in claieti, alier a Me* aleteig isitoy Ihau that o! mM u bUitagla th. chty. Waukegmc hu a i "lra. Nation"aia ave. Frid.iy ovenicg lait a vomien reaseti nto AI. Beifrtalamon anti pnsbiibeSot vy throngh tise crovti, sihe rusel h o à table vflare liet heebmnti, Wesley Storm@a&et piavinig carde, anti pitcheti se ombrelle ai hie beati, j net mimiiig tise craeiurn o! hie partuer le tise gîme viso hurrlediy mate ieg ecape. "lieu ont o! bere, gel ot e! bure! ahouied tise frantic ail angry vite, .'Plîying carda be vian jon ahouiti be et qwatt. (et ont or ifl smash yan're heuti aid avery- thlng ln bsea." Tise isabaiti, seing tha is i ie meant business, dropped the cards ant ivithba fev varda o! disaent, rase anti le!ftlie place, is vrslh!ul bouieral! !olioving cioaelY beind, lise daugeroua umbrella potlng hlm ltise Sbas »haprecedtibet ta anti Iovn tise treei. Ot" et1the Chicago icI Mlvîn- Nov comas tise report ibat uhe rivera bta mutoetRou coniemplalo ptticg and iarbora bil may lau le tise Bnale *"xroearvice. Aus investi- comrntiee becînle o! the grovlug #IMla Seig madtie10msilif th e lief ,nthie coeiîfittee that If iA bot»u teceivel vili COMPenfale aiault pais ln aey foret Prenieut t» m or thea improvOent. Cns McKinley la litely ho veoA. it.Stce 0W aàl"y'la bioig tua ever lise lie bill gatI mm the banda a!1lise m»bOivma Evunulan and W&uke- senuots lie hoalibas been mountiug auAt 46-JIle.auiiouT r vsenit aheaily npvarti ucîl ai the preseet MWea lie greieelapel. Thisla t a turne îît.uciseu ties aueceg aggiegste Movasapen and illeavea Evanston t af uèurly $76,000,000. A leatiing j oolool, attiving aitbise cariS terni-western rnarner of tisa cornrittee said M m an aur lier. Tise actuel dis- thtishé Swuvs aiiied that lise present smene 2a4Imiles. Ovtng 10 curvea purpoe af the repebhican leaders le 10 am"i ale. liseta speol la retinceti. pernuit the bill io alumber vbere itlsl ber otO ....-.)iOgel am» nUcicl050eotier hbandi enator Frye anti paqotlaSa oil. The pipersaire ainaiers vho are ver! close 10 hlm saa Igougt t vaushon aver tise trolley ihîl tise 51lvii hi reparted intesome nims. formi but tie! xpress tisefeur tisai if s*nov-rmoig laea&l the go nov--djasi t rsiijeni iinKisty wll SaWaUkefan. Scsiday liheridin Rou forcedt o veto it becacai it carnies ie,! aàbig coof I oree.neanti more rney han the guvermeei cO epoolalea ailtise carts parno!fbise milorte opectd for rivets anti barbons - yevmutc fue wsduton a gnd ork durlng tise comlng fiscal jesr. epe eriy tu %be morelag haviug Sach lile pille as DeWtta Liltie lUmIel off the truck so tlu vas-ice Eîriy Rislers ire very easiIy tatou, and gotg. inog Ua iorérne vea:$bey are wonderftly effective lu satu. àmug he hrdeen wre lemang tise liver anti bavais. F. B. (iim , lydcker, T. H. Hope, Erra Loveli, Lib.riyvile; J. l. BIaàoua, lu Et, osm uSeelu (drivlmg N. A. Orae. The Lake County Telephone Company .... CONNECTS WIT H.... The Chicago Telephone Company. Have you a 'Phone in your residence or place of business? if you want to be up wlth the tlnwes you should have. The expense la nominal, only a few cents a day. For Inlormatlon. rates, etc., wrte--m CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Lake County Telephone Company, Libertyville, Illinoie. If you burn coal just cal around and order your supply of us. We handie the famous WRIGHT BROS., Libe rtyvil le, I llinois A Series of Short Stories IBY THE Honorable William H, Hirichsen lm appearing eacli Snnday e'<clusivel in I THE INTER OCEAN. Second installment Suday, January 1'3. ubject: "The Power of Lovc in Politica" NMr. Hînnel eCI I f04ritten exclu- sively for THE SUNOAY INTER OCEAN a senes of fascnating short @tories regarding the most sensational ev ents of Illinois< politice ini the lat twenty years. These stories are in the forn of novelettes. THEY GIVE INSIDE FACTS. Nothing of the kind has ever hel ore been attemptedl in political history. Factes tranger than fiction &bout political history told by a mani who knows them ail. Revelations regardinii deeds anid men of lame ini the history of this tate. ,,1E SUUE AND ORDER THE SUNDAY INTER~ OCEAN EACII WEEK AND) OET TtIEM ALL. bý di T q li. ow ~sala aehn t.B. 0. M UILhh@Vdbt 1..OuïIY~é i@u )Onuts J"oiinthe City this vea. lues SeUky. liembeta 0f thse lidies MAid 001.1! xww«e i wiunîgMr. sud mm e. W. 5uFa*I.or, who, u à piga. »M aai lishome of lira. DoOlille os t ' as ~da». aut emIet tgMalis roaday. Élebaîî »uddlea ia vorking on lihe BoeMla' a t r.and ira. A. T. Thse hesviea anow torme of recolti heo puti &wu veeks. Pub. 3d the wissd Lake. Osea« Whilcomb. of Chicago, wlsa 1ev a gale drUftlug the >flow lu ail Mrs.Cole bas been on tiese ick liât Wanoonde viaiter rellouly. lrectiona and blockiu tie rads. ]Che satutm lest Fridaèy niglist wanuri for thse liai 1ev deys, but ia botter ai Wua. Clough and P. A. Xl4sekey were u hod. 'lise oid:weeiintense. At tis apreseul. Walegac vieiiorae eaday. rrtlg heaclhîg 3vay oo. There were no services ln the chureS Dr. sud lirs. L. E. Hughes, of Dxon, LI\ - "dýIdeul Public Seionle9," like ciler îast Sueday ou accouti of the ronde @pent this ofaiaItise eet bere. dalis arc rare. But nome of the8 ulitieâta ta elp 1t a aiz tise ideal being 8o hiocked Up vils suow. T. V. Biocum la aeling ai acciiosi to odition ate l.uggested 'by lion. We underuiand ttisai George Brainard cloue oui hie macisluery and merchan- tndrew é. Draper, Irehideut of the lin ot4e nov ta romain ail aumnmer. lHe d. University o! Illinois, inuan article to ae oebca@ ftepu ppear in tise Xoutli' (oxnPauio , onsbrebcnee epor OfMirpei Lodge, M. W. W., wiii give a> Feb. 14tii. isalth o! his lter social ln Ihoir hall Prîday avening of Tise lLockelell2r Dramatlc Club viii The eniertaiument given briler the suas veek. gilv 'Ujncedejack,- by b. M. Cook, auspices of tise sehool waau ntl aeue- Acmuelc f os uuaig Miat. lai. Ibolietnublea ut Mlartila ceas financlîlly. but thse lecture ind as M. W. augbes': furuiture. hardware, Blake, eaatieilby 8erlilaueis o! lier tggwe ergodcapé,t. riiLu relatives arou8e a k un uteraeiuigvr vr od o.ptec whielu la inîerrupted by explosions o1 Tise young peopje eeajoyed a aleigis Waconda 1. O. 0. P. gave an lu- mirthataitise eomedy passages. ,Jack ride to Libertyvill'e liai Saturday igaittion Party lu the Oaklandi hall lenit Fenton retnud tram thie gold-dlg- vueg hypariook of ai oyaier uayveig gînga, Nancy Maiouey au Irisbh girleeig hyTedyeeig and the Widow Mcüli keeap Lt" .aotil ou5pper t i raya retaurant wviîle A iva-yeurold chld of Mr. ad Mia, Irir4R.E.ACH&. cilongvery brlekly rime îplay there. Bueledor! dIed lini Suuday. rie C U Eo t 0 rc vr opi ronveya a good moral, and wil '111 A. Liuioînl Kirk, the vell knowe funera va heli Tuesday. U Eo t o rc v ysa moubtiy, be weil received. aieiocutianisan d impetsûliitflt, viii il MieMasiiChazleRvorthetf ci. ---Jr~' 'Çisre are a great miny thiligs tiha the eveelng, Ti'eaday, Feb. lits, for thse win aiee reach of ail. M e its o add ta the beauty, attrîctiveuless aind cge oen afo dysUi beIustr utility of a village. Good roadj3and iviiilioe Public Sohool. lMr. Kirla ag peta M@ . f.Hgesday. vuslie idr sidevalka, wll sept dour Nardsa uui<lability la tac velI knoosn in thia Io- Ms .W uha eeiy ~cost it bas teaatbc gp t..a la lawne andi maDy otier l'Ille thimîg( cality ta need fartner comment. Ad. The chioken pie social and entPr- -a tg L ibat do netlobt simue butl' iiin aisiiéon: Adulte, 25c; chiîdren, l6c. taluiment, whieh vas given by the entfrly satlsfadcor for W0 many varied -use; great deal in tlia md. Letti, year ladies of the M E cisurcis, vie quie bo a record breakar for good ruade. "lise parties vios tole tisa fur robes welI attendaid. ~iid - -'~ - ai eldewalksanmd everythîung uise tlat anidisorse blankt tbelongieg t0 the i wi i hework ofa.Fm lf d CoUIIkifla tenda ta make Rockefeller um flîethle %aaeifre in .L rc u mol l oves oft1he cotlîty. 'Ficsrluie leighlng Party fron asa isI . ae lîormdltsatA.ontP-cetasJ . o S ahItnedfraSeilpro cencuesashows tisai the popult ion of urdry igisi, visle tueseaiuma a old out hisieiteret the inistore .o. o sapec in nddfra pcal ups. ibis couiy hua increased more thon aRoy standing lu a certain place le Lberty- Price Thee llrm viii be kuovu Rs L. IO Y C.1 o-j M CNT -p otiier lu the sage exo.t ltCook I CuîflIllwr 'vdnl uk gaov Price i&Son. tSucc euaiothe --v tIrex m and if iople aie uncuraged to inove vilMr 1deiylrlgaoudIOYSA boere thse village wiii grow. to osee hat tisey conld ateel. It la LAKE ZURICH. Despîe Ili luclmeime o! ise so very evîdent ihai the persans or veaihar nu ite bâti condition Out lmepersona reaide very Deux Liberiyvllle Fielaeitsng rmade ait lest Frlday eveulug Mesers. as if vieai ataie bour uatsa sd Roney & Carr atiîppeti cetteli APTAKISIC. SHERMERVILLE. J. H. Croukhfitr sud Frank Tisoms articles vere @taoen. 19 looks very week. lia Glas bai inca ta Kankakee 10 Bts. Arthusr Tfisrrico I l'eut Monday doatindut thee old e f Mrlo d cMrc&. mucli as Ibougis 1he deed via perpe- Iias Augihia Eicismau le home ou i viaiti hardaugiier. i.n Chicago. Ueo. Ray at Di...oud Lake. Tisetateti upparties vho reaide right ile ,si. Mlt. Vols called oun ber daugisler. E. J. Hofifmann .1l-1 farin tl, o iMi- aiteudauce %vas amali but taimpl.v town u it in lelt veryilikely gihai mny- lit. Slogan bas returuedtahocagîo Mr@. Eenry Suyder, iaut lNonday. I yakee, ajani hiliday lbir,. saY tisaI ail proeuet sPent fa very aen- onu inftram tise country wouîd beo gor uMelr@. Harimai, of Brllngton, lova, *'Si. Valenlinea eti)a eut a," etre- joyabie tîvteîlîg would be Ptiltilug J mmt tfosruIaoiy mc irtviabore on a ahorti sai it vusber body la ?wndering viso sent 19. very nslid indeed. 'llie donation v mul.asvsDt nya eutrc, Chas. goit. o! Chicago, vie home hrniher, Chas. Wlacbmati l1ut week Peier Delert. wbo lis beau o,~ postpoiied taMoudav uveuing and wis but IL vaa crimiun alonse. This e o ve laklâ,inrpdyreoei welf atteuded. Tise occasion vas very nul this irne ihai auch work L uam ut 'ia.act Ii .rpdu eoelg informal and everyone 0aeeued te be beau don§ le Llberiyville, as a ceriain Louis S'op vwu a Chicago visiter 1,Bleighlug Parties are tisa rage. A Abers Wulff baubeen wtiugci.. pertecy ai orne n excllentld toppeti ut Mat Wickrsbeima raliroad tise peutiveek asitilnfiL eper vas aeturoe An texelligpenretnily bai a pair of nev Iiss eek. *and anoifler ai W. Wachaniuiga lui cleuing tise anov off ste iîack.- supper wa served ad tha kvVolizpersaertcelai numbenda aienila apentin iu oiailtv, plavlng germes 1111 voolen blanketa staoen fram Ie lii.. Hottie (lainer has returnel liundsy o bi tvOalaigh losd" of Long Grave peo-. frianeedsta a leigiig part! TIititBay qnie laie slienu ilie oman! rue- batreu. This deed vadoue ast he frim Chicago. pie îiteeded the ciech Party at lohe evening o! tise eek sud evretybody luctautly bote tanks &ai depatedmaime place visere the robes ind lira. J. Dickion vas a Barrlngtoii Neyera Tuestiay levealng. Of cour"e sud a malt enjoyable trne. Mmr Raisaite famet bies Mrf asîd bauîes ere staonlen iaat aurday visiter lait veek. lJoin «waav ho tt&Hailnjoyeti a 131068. The POUloffice vau loadel vusb ell'ility sas royal enlertainters anti the Dights. We have eij one thieg 10aiY Melvîn and Arhur Sett n vere6 aean ut evecing. Dovie literatere a lev laya @go. Nie occasion viii long tio clierisiedinlutise 10 tise guili! parties, and thas la, lhey on Oui aîraeias unday. A povartul engice cannaI be rue ver, nit ivre ofthls acs t tiiere beirte 01 litoa. preet.Tise ruceipta vlU :bea caught doing orne of Iheir wvus a veak botier, andi vo cuit keep wua aDow toit, ln ouremilait. tor oti evninil ere~ ieudais orkari tiat isepenlty lit. Weldeuiseter, ot Chicago, viitaI up tise atrima o an active Ile vitil a Tihe leigblng Party lut ve vws frbt vns o. $45.7. iîcis hey k derv viiihiepealty Me mter ia. Siep. recently. es.k stonsaclineiher eau va At0P tise certaiely doomed io miatartuno for NOTE. wichthe deArv wil li deitt be moher Y. human machine tu meerepaira. Il visen ihey alarieti ont ihey wveoupel. Mien Giidieys pupils eDljoed s theexmal 8 as evere as tise liallove. Musn Emma Neyer anti triand, ef the sionsach cannas digest enougi sumd sàlitile laser tise team tan avay; mleigiing part! one day lest veek. __________ Hutiley, ver. hors aver halurday anI foal 10 keep the body esirong, sncb Ob but inckily nabody vas hors. Probably A eploudid program vie§ rendered b)y LONG GROVE. Sunday. preparationuasK01dal1DyaWpepel Cure the drivai viii drive vlth bath bands tise puplis on tise annivoetciy o! Ina hobIliehoused. 19%tulgoiwhai YOuDcei lime. birih of Lincoln, Iteis iith. Tisa lodge look le ivo uev membera min Waiker, af Chicago, va. a vis- sea1i nlisimpi! cami iseip but doe h lu fucranysilhig Tise memiers efthlie Pupils' Reading t ILlulaimeeting.flior ai tise Zurich Bouse aturday and joufloodi. P. B. Laval, Libertyville; artise uetinerfainytn lireng CiCeare UtiiZiag tilicit eçare J. P. Ititzenthaler has been isauling Sucdaj. J. B. Ba&cifua, uruai. engins. At uh. meeting lutatlay moments tu readiug the books o! uhe baieti hay taHglgsandi Park. A number o! ladies venitoavatais eveeieg a consmiitee vas appolialeth cors.Mr. Stellleg and 11ev. Schmilditlookthlie me ois wtt 5 electi l ght aithtie QUENTINS CORNERS. gel ail tise Information possible as 10 Aboutîit lteoîî pupuls were di- atrip taBenaenville Tisersday. Consumera' lue CO. Ail enJOYedth ie Tva more vetiie are ta oceur tletise probuble cosof a suaitable origine. ippoieheilestngFridayait vas atri neo h omte bie ho attendi the sctiool enterlsiiimeut The meeting lua lise Evaugelicai nove! igist. a short turne. alnRy&atherboat ahno tise coandte et Ivaaboe. Lutiseran chsutc aitwuleailei nt uday A bakerteam Wauconuî camtes ta Our gaz collactoir la mailing hie cala, tisai vould nDO til uhe finances ofo!ur Fiv dllrsva clard t is eeer aanng Ia othe tia unay prie. and you may sas eli prepare for hlm. vtlbagars tai eaviiy. va an fmiguin talnrnetgiven Feb. 2od. WA are lu- ceding, onseccontl of the saturt. Zrc vr Btru udSuutay. NM. Henry Popp sol suddellvered wvus a six andimailacsl vice1mm debted ta Mr. Ueo. Hardeu, Miss Anna lMr. tyan, J. . ielere nurse vbila le He vilîbeo pleaie ta 1 ate jour order tthraie'loatis of tat porters ta Lake Zu-t. Io inch basse throvleg ai,îinch and à CronkhIie aîd otisers fer tieir ssllig tise Cook Co. Hospial, visel dhlm for acytising lus lie isukety line, Jici parties thia veet. rquarter strean, ise cous at luI.&bout service vhen mot needed. seearai daja recently. Ut. Eilser bas 'Borne o! ont Young sporta have le-.$26" 'Io. Aiotiser meeting In tu be bel Tis nxieneraimei ii le imprmved so muesl isealt illtiihe ,PRAIRIE VIEW. veetetia .*pnnchbmg 3iooe theY vii vwiîchisiiideelde visethar ve viii ghîv xten oetetinot iai ioni eau ventlure ont doctesa iutile sen h i taMr. H. Meer vas le Cbicago Salut- be Iss"'Dg challougea hbave aIre englue or uat. One o!flise floueFridhomevoei n Mthe lai. lA ~pleasînt. Tise creameryite houai vms iliied commiliee caileti on Chiai Svenle, ut pouygentritietav" de JatchtatiseApits r. ed lia. C M. YjThe veee wu ialofgondiqbail- tise Chicago Fire Dpi 10tage pointera paIeitue. pieteak"Jethiyin M.antiM tappM.NIjva avilortiiavekeTsicoain-so ngta tr 0tise boul ad ep peeyadhpiysurpha)Ied Priday Frank Wels u aWaukagae iste ity snd 12 leciseasctr. tvanta why daitiriisaae gou i>8ÂMÂTIS PERSc04. evenliug by trienda and neigihors, tise Tnosay. atise day. leegtben vsev airntelle. on Majorhiasnmdegui Mrt. Chars. M(;ntomeoY . l iln 1evoccaionbeiug tise biuiyday of Mrs. lMr. Eti Bractxan vaes luCicago begles ho strengthen.- W. are havieg poiuters on Incorporation? Jack Fentonmmu med 011i il ron Wiicox. Tise gueuseta otpoaaaeaion 0of tise boat sleigiig experiencedl for___________ theWet)........ J illIe1 te bouse andbai a joily oldti tsn, on buaines satnrday. Years. H EIG Constable llutiI............toli ,A.ime 'vutisalbiglul idetvuwre expresaed, Mt. Fred TtLientrausmoteti bualeba Master Wilde Bocteimme hie been Mm hre oto,, ... uoMýe ttIOaaîsvr nti rofune musi er, lu Chsicago ast Friday. very ict vuS ltypioimi pneumonie, Il. F.litut bs te house ftieîi Melba ad fluemrr nul, fr.oiriTm,.ee but la botter. Hiea malier brothet in and la ready for hot veather. Wiminv McGl.i..... ........ HesUrlimiaki nJoli goea ithout sajing. Net A nev doclot Sas iocted lu our aise slek. urvmn mol aegatyo Nancyt Maicimy ..... ........ oi,re c usete g usae tertited n * We bave net learnat isamre. Ounr acholars vent go Faiifld lent orvui epebv ral t ,ciailv, but physîcai vante vere aieooeltenesegigIi ek Evesyy ear trigeuesm ur vitm- ctserad 10t by servlng rafreshexente, C. F. Wells, o aiWsishgton, la., isav- vout Wedundaj and repaid a vucià iim fu iihugii at victinthoai a Country siOu bueeAil bon sm.oe carne tisebout o! partin nrneibi îrttlitpae m rrnm iiat sehool. An oid tiahluemi AIl. %Weriiiing, of Chicago, in§pendl- paii faâges ara 15sebld iatpeldiiugboy wdohome evasI eilgîjiîjebsdaimetîng plae lisr.-velmugsys- atvenosd. 1Piglàfeldar enibispaent ii bimmîpioal irnllimtewol L a ae sîieurb'et oe e nil- relnraued to Vereoen. A. Robert&, of Linîner, 111 w , îng Lms aboliilievird Ilmy etself toallame il he diti flt have a good Weltg le diaadvautages but nio ingeuulLy o!tlimer, Indeeti, sucSà a gooti&lrne idi J. A. Mion la attendlng a conven.- suiferai tour jeaact u a vad lu hie ______ mîodere pedegngy bise scceeîied lu a,, have, lftf liMr. ant isr. Willoxtion o!fiSupervisera, County Commis- stornacis anti cotild nietat. Haelma]ontT E ciseiging tise objectiotms vtisout ever vent another surprise, ail tisey onaatiCeyClraiJot 65 ponucis. Tuo botties o! Dr. CutiPAA INE daslroyleg uore vmsiabie suit esseutial helustarietsata let lislake peoli e î yrup Pepain restoreti bis 1'fmleNoodmenadance viiacw factures. Tu, oepiiatur@scandlasd tisu l fienda fi'..Diarnond Lake, Ibis veek. appetite, curet isliastornacli trouble Fet, 21, coufain no maliy iuîigrme eiPrairie 1vadtiLong Grave vili sur- and todey buie vIwl anddiartj sud We are eotry goi lucr of thu tîluess of casea Il i teadom4iserfacletiseta lrse1 gasu I-ALF ~DAY saYa ha Ovesnltsis bamtis te Dr li,@sMutble Lewis. Juci tue 1liel lhirig ii theî inrîlfor la Mr. G. Hi-tetwieer, of Chicago, and OnîhITA R. CLdbrtvll Sytp PeainC. BEoRTS, lira Huonin rlaiitisboet tistowa iw tuilmreu n mmmir iii. r lt. eiger aideti V. Sier & Bro. bebrrtyvilia; Uo.-MCn.uaisxîts osata lieniselfrehatlat ntatiug au Invoice o! %bitlstock. AIt i o 0clock Tusdse miiilma, m-ý 5Wa uconcia, WîLL KEsIGO, Rockeler; lgieMs atr resources uake hrtSl eatadliGAîSAt.ÂE PiIaÂCY. lit. and ite. JohnUn Cbdensloct are selfliscîptul. Tise ciîy hcl eu eracs The titrm of V. Botter & Bro. baisson mi teebIer ncen uiat Dii ncurredt tseasppy ovur Ilie arrivaI of a tiaugliter iitis eighty pupile lit eue grade;conu. diaolvcd anti the fitm la nov V. Salurneth luo! Mis Mary îleaâon, one ofîle arI iletiseir home Velufi, ecieecinugly ibouilitue crn bis îuîmy, & Bon.lMr. A. Biner vas lu tise Éin setlersetfIbis iceunt,lete 51th tsar oflier AUCT ION SALES. lilas Hopins anti Mios a Byer te- apeutis eo .imîih l ime iu carefuîlv fut 15 yesrs, iaving previously ciretelale IaSvsst iersi !lsas aaignitng lesons, puinting ouI for five yeara. He bas sthua beau but ratherthe n aturel declîrme o! ilvigorous 'lho undersigneti, belug about 1a prenented Paclatine a liseh-Queen Vic- difl 1iites evtaling< tînaipectuti cloaeiy confliet for abouitventy aud active life. (unit farrnind, vîlliut m public aucuinetramrobla teCiaoAdtr pilfalila, bridglug m3 sfrmis ihasma,, yucaaîmd tîmogît Ill ime go bave a Tic aubîcýtoth i rlnliih. lMary Fesi*r, ouaise promises known me tis e nt ci uniy. atiutcontug lail timîmtionel pille, vcsm. bi as uaetieluniteiy de- vas brun lu Vermont,. JaIs 31. mit. and 14lvi,-mctmainarex sitoateti 3 mîie(§ unrth- Mira Nm.liumuse and Misa Viola, sien distillitsg boney tram every recîtetion cd ta h is fture watt, but le- the tet of a famliofut e lld iSite west esât aI Librtyvilie and 2J miles soutis- rm. tIbslui..Seiti and lira. Brunce,iA and tinscîuatiug avery questionwii i ted tavefr lamne lime, lHe va vitlier. iParens tetOnegra. Tioga ronut. vesi o! War-nionstation on W edues- Oleagiicame ouitIta reexînti Mr. a bution-luole bouquet, lthat tere la a young mina!f flueebnsinesa abiliiyv, N.Y.. la tisacatrtirtlssand vas ucite-ildiv Pcb 20, 1901, cormneecing ai 10.00 P. Sisirdting tisai Fuir. 71isvs , li very littie fer lbis pupils te do utI playi itagrlly o! chariacit, IndusIilus, ai-l- nmariai.te Enmott leases Feli.19isei. ocioct a. ex., tise foloing guda, viz: b)irtliY. marbles, kick Inot-bili, etc. Tise via getil and iccOMomrntilig, Inlu aletisin of 18m0 bie fanli>'cane 5ebt Ô cave, 2 milkers. 2 apriegeta, anc 1 3- Th ise 1 olzv limm i eilti itudui i chaingaetofteoucher@ is coneilderuti a short. lSe vas evetyboda sfriand.lie luIte Eria canal andistout lates to Wamke- yr î,Iti h. iier; 3 yearling beiteta, Jersey Irîmni Elmhrîrst andmiMissne ri drawbackt but thiia la uelsu bail as tis aaiaya ngedetibsinfluence ou tis aide snanti bave gasce reaiteti lu differemmt o. ball,.1Isr oic; 7 §boute, 2 mort horses, Scuierduimg and Delta, Fraut anti Ar achools vlieri tise touchers setion i de, of rîgist andijustice. rTiss notetl11,tIn tIis ceunt. vI26001; i2lrmoti soya, farrow lunhMay; tisur Kîigge. viii give s cancersii neyer marry and tcaver reigu. samybecatîse ve viss la flatter, but va Thileunion vas iliesaed imt elevuil rbiidreu. lumber cRgon, nearly 0ev; hai! plut- lattetmaiia Ball, Sîîlîrdiy lîlglit, Fe' No apparalua? None 10 Éapeatmof, but fesl couatralietitram s senae o! sevan ofl visee i til iing. ag folieve: ftrn sprieg exit wagon, Kejalonie 111h tise base bal i our gobe, the black- Obligation ta @Peak O! bisa cardinal vir- Ira. IMary Hlarris. Grand Rapide, MieS; lire drag, nev; 2 bone waltiug cultivator, ioardout charte anti ail ouI doora out lues and blolti I&hem p as voriby o!f xsela Zmmrand Mre. Ida FieisMuiîs- Stlîii g piov. pair et bobsn, qmuiv NORTH NORTHFIELD). loibratory. tiseamniation anti imitation o! every tee. liteS.; Mark B. Enos B. Hiram E. andcrn foider, 12 tous Ltebiay le hansi, Yonng min We visih lmn succea Ls'duJ..lialIDay. Beides thislarge farnuir tick second crop cloverurniser o! Missges Addia anti Laure Hubert vere LEITHT N. ,eraver iis future watt may talle a! ablidren, lise deeaseti is survivei St 2e goeeeand dae, forts, atiovels, lu Chictago recantly. LETT .hlm. grand chilitten anti20 great-granti ciileren. spades, anti many Tilir articles, tac Milne Libisie lehl la antort(itning lier AFiersîlue ls choppieg vooti for J. OlIsLEr SCHOOL. lira. Gleisen vas ireededta t tisa iettcr numurous ta mention. Regulîlr terme. issu n janby ber buabani. wv ie diMay . e. V. 1 siPRoN, Prnp. lmunt,blIra. F.IB. Fini, o! Chicago. Ccii on Sliumruaeand cutiirton for a Cherlie Vos in sct witb tise chicton Bshe viliialwayaS e remearbeted ai a ladre R. B EPKEi, AuCiionee.r. Rev. Feist conlucted iiarteti! meet- sîmîghIsrdeimOX. antiIndueit cotiser, ever iooklug te lise gvn odm ai n elgige lmbr o e.Et ii Mies Ida i rtickman le wuiking for Louis Webreeiserg hbai a airions ah- confert anti welaireoî of Latouuti irA avttoieg solti xy 1 tam seio eg n liasi lt1ev.nuIla 0.0 olti.ýtack'tIlanon bleeti liai eek. typiclah omne citer Ie tise triestsoneaornIublu uî o throm aissu ileiau U.D rîllihli matie a bualuîas trip Tise . W. Club, inetami o! bavîng theword. antasmcoâtasauredît eareed lise soulis o! Rockefeller andti of s mlle Mt. George enValleg aiwededtihie liNrgD .metig en g isiltr-beed ravard oth.e IrueSanti falîblul, a to imn LkledyFb cytiwdig14bsu-h n tilt birmîgo nîlaion, aent ont for a seleis ride. vsrsss aspsai iebai been a 19, 1901, comeneciug mt 12:30 O'clnck rrtrîî t euermeigli ia llr sio irot Lie usiyFi.cyti edu 1bsnpe u M r. îîîîl lita.J. Ailanon sauraCiii. oSraismemrneneari ali liber lfe, tinatît if- _ li1fil-in -.o à 1 Mvte lr. iiiiilire.>aimo. ssesing, ui r.6 w, Libt Dr. Off 1< Libi Dr

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