CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Feb 1901, p. 8

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OUM an tUeasiy sud lm auMb4r from Ibis place me umqu.bail ai Mofenry I~V lget ii sr Oft Io4ga M. W. W. gave a Unirw hall on re~day eveuiug OW. About ou. huudred vere avtUGleaing of lest veeI a Psnar lie home ofMr. Wo. Baeeiey. I report e #&MUOIW W. . C. entertaiued lie 04" !W. X. . aturdayaflter- 1 i the venlug thrae vus a atoowin ith0. A. R. hall. S PRAIRIE VIEW. 'Ol, ini hler le on Ihe mlk liat. 31 Snoàkma u a ahibcago viior «Ms. irigen, of iver Veu, in veil- ,iag relatves ber.. lra. Bansd Ena. W. J. Pttîmen qula chineagoe àonday. *Thon. vers qulte s feu people aI- tbe.-the dunce. etlaitDay haturdev Mrnsd ME& Frank Wels attended 4" tfsemai ut arelative lu Des Plaines Niase Dalariàason sud Dura Foote ,'1fWe vielu»g Ricin friendoansd relatives. S' *. i. W"lle mrkeled a canioad of fAt mèèèe.ofhie own teediug lie finIt Qiea numbertrain bers tteuded .Q.tcaeWa of Krs. Win Peel at De. Vai« on Tueeday lut. M. P. Oidley, of thb.rin of Gidley, ihm àao C0. o! Obleeo, le In &bis -,i)M*It looking aller businesa inter- eaUyle a 1111. tMnd, but w. plbliai mm,, M lit vus xotedtoc ila mo let veeh: Th. i.a t Urnedonation Party hsld et 1the reidmee of IMr. 3.."Yaou the. 111h or hile montb vu liertepa the most aneceuet n soceial event wllnesed lu Dl0 oud Lake for mant, yere. The fine veether. apieudld aiigiilgasd unique eharactet oorlihe enter- talumeul aBil epedlo aveU lhe sie o el number present. beaide a tronr reine- sentellon fr0. Dlsond Lake. there wëre deleaions, front Rootefelar. (lImer. Huif Dar sud Llbertyvllie 0Of course nId se- qualntancesuievers reuiwed sud uew friendahipe forcied. One lued plentr of op. portu.nity te disouse ail mater. ef moment. The cheiof terest. hoyever. cetered lu tbe games pkaîed.g.vIz: "Copenhagen.- suap sud catch 'cm" aud jolly miller. The youager geuerattin wf.l itroduceil te Ibis. nid fabiomed amn»eeîit, 117 hum parents sud grand-parents aned wore atonlâe i t tic dexterîts' dlrplayed by those portly sud vecinabli inreens. lit it sbould b. remennbired that oue yollnu foks ame qulc te learn and verr anon tinu-r apti- iode lu11e play vus second onl]y te that of the Uibertyville contingent. wbo sneneii te have autleupated the gamea hi prevlous traningu. The uproaroluilaghtlî'r(if ail. youg and nid. ahow-l how licarilr clu- rune enîoîed himlue. A 1the super table the ladies of Dlamonid Lake igai, an-ther proof of their wo.lI knoin e ull!lJxy 51111 and the rounr ladi,-, and gentl.-mei lilo waiied on us manlfentrd an nuume nt re Whou-nitiI. em.ebenedthuaI M %vsi.ralse for the bonstfit of 1the cburch. i viii litseen tha nothînit wa. vantIng 10 makste t i n mminnetir .ucc.isful affur. ireat redit 1" due Kr. aud Mn". lRay. seo n, t ou elt thésir boues. for the oecaslon. but vers 1the oraîn- atore of th. donation; aieo b 11th,- lerionsý vIn sea ai sted then. If sncb Ocea slons yoe a 1111e more frequon! se belleve Il vould hi sel 1,111 for 1the ciircl sud 11e ,iommuntY. Sueli t t. beter 10 laugli tha tocri, sud 1111, Ind o! an entortain- ment la a aroet antidote for theilil. leshle hoir 1e. fil idenuathe1etcroie n or rfrend- s11îp sud t hbib.along 1the mus ofi the cbunni. Permona uno cmui fot tle ordlnary pilleafiud il a pleseure 10 taire De- Wtl'e Littho'e aîl iBars. 'f11ey are the beut Little tirer pis ever made F. B. LovELL, Libertyvilie: J. I. Beacx, (lurnie. à». âmes's risetobnfrs ti beeatisn. The. Lake County Telephone Company .... CONNECTS WITH.... rie Chicago Telephone Company. lave you a 'Phone in your residence or place of business? fyou want to be up wth the tIn'es you should have. The expense is nominal, oniy a few cents a day. 'o Inlormation, rates, etc., write.--.-mo. CONTRACT DEPARTMVENT, Lake County Telephone Company, L.ibertyvllle. Illinois. OF SAUERS' Y, buy Gc oos Righte (Good Rio Coffee, 13e a lb, 2 Ibo for. . ..$ .25 Good Santos Coffee, 18Se a lb, 6 lbs for. . 1.00 Fancy Santos Coffee, 20c a lb, 5j Ibs for. i.oo Fancy Peaberry Coffee, 22c alb, 5Ibmi for. i.oo Faney Maracaibo Coffee, 25e alb 4lbs.. i.oo Fancy Java and Mocha ('offee, '25e ai lb. 41 lbs for ...................... i.00 Grànlated Sugar, 18 Ibs for.......... i.oo YeàMt FoaIn, POr package............ .03 Good Prunems, bc a lb, 6 Ibs for........ .25 Beet large size Prunes, 9c a lb, 3 lb:s for.. .2.5 A complete line of good grocerieg always on hand. GIVE US A CALL. V. SAUER & SON, SUCCESSORS TO V. SAUER & BRO. Long 3i-ove Il-linois. If you burn coàl just cail around and order your supply of us. We handie the famous IVRIGHT BROS., - 'i..Illinois Xe. mand M". nti Veey pi Umse atlie Grldley, et Evmrston, vas 1the guest of!lier parents esmt &un- Charlotte Heimnu, of Disiuoud Lake, uho "basben îfflictud vltb croupile improtIug. Quite à few of1the yong frlends ~~ve Philip mes e genuine surprise sel toztday ulgtît. Thomse vb ave beau eoiflued ewitb sickneee are: Caril iader, Raymnond oasIl sud itoward Vu Lolieu. W. b. lMeredîitelx collector of Libertvîlle township, recelved laxes of nmre of our eltizeus asnt Tu"idy. Mfr. Cronthite bas bongbt a vast amounut of ats dnring tbe part few weets, averagiuig nearly 1.0010 111. lier day. Thts wealber keeps the propheta guea8ing, but ail agree.finat ther. leiDo doubl about 11e beur aeing 'his shaduv. Mr. K. C. Fsrwell sud asiter-ln-law, of Laite Forest sud Chicagon, re*- pectively were the guet of J. E. Bolcomb lait (Siuday. Owlug t 1the 11evy bfle0u of53w 1of luIe it bas bren aiiost Impossible to eutlrely cuver the rural free mail deiivery routes trou, bore. A number fromn our schiot înteuded 10 ttetud tu. eltertairuient ai Ieaubliie lait Tuosduy nigbt but MifLie were uuable 10 do suonou »conîît of t1e sevority of the weather. There are about a bundrel men en- gaRed lu tb. lue barve.t t Dlamond Lake,.aet 1111. riting. (Ou ecoun f.a scarcity orfmen sud 1the eîurmy weatb.-r lb. wrk bas progresed very slovly. Those sein bave read arvenal of lbe P. IL.C boos are: Frank Vckery, Charles Proctor, Frank Wirlz, ltslph. Rouse, John lIue., Fred Buesehing, Justin illluki. Emma lMeyer sud Htafrîr Blînîki. The imemnes o!f1the Rockefeller Dramatie Club tnav 111.1 t1e braItblhng about 1the rebearRals of -'Uncle Jate" are lhe good tinga 10 rat wicb bave been furnlabed tbem etth11ehornes of inembera of 1the club. Let all interegted lun1the sehool sud chool work attend the aohool entertalniuent, given by the achool, Frlday rvening Marcb L1t. Tie prilecipal-feeLture a play, "Curie Jack" hIicb vwiii b.gilven by borne talent contalus meny bumornus parts besides a good moral. Admission, adulta, 20c, achool cblldren 10c. A dozen of the veethbleat capitaliste lu thr country-mei uwbo weiid abso- lute control river immense business en- lerprlses-toill hie readers of lt-e Saturday Eveninsp Popl (Feu 16> wby tbey remain lt1he race wbtcb tbey bave aiready swon. lIad onue Write. fraukly wiether 1e makes moue! for ils own sake, for the sheer Joy of voit. lug, or 10 gaiu. the power vithbuich vent capital investaItalf. Reportasishe agraatly lucreased ueatb rate trou, thr9e sud luug troubles, drl u.ituhle revaieuue ut croup, pneumnonie sud grippe. We adyls1the une of One M note CoUgh Cure lu ail of! hbese dîffeiuieo. ItlaI the ouly hermiese remedy Ibat gises immediate reanits. Cblldren lite il. F. B. LoVELL, Libertyville; J. R. Bxacun, 4Gnrnee. IVANHOE. Bey. Cole @pont a few deys witb bis famiiy luntwvert. Mis. Melîle spent e tes deys in oui village lual veet.1 lins. James Davis sis a (1 aucouula viitor leat Monday.1 Joîhinan PIOlevbas beîîî -.lating in Chicago tie pal feu, beYs. H. W. Beach vas ableîre Y'iu01t- lisi sohool dulies lait Miouday. lira ('balie Dordier sud e,u Carl vlalted l i hn.,uua feis day s lest1 verk. Mn.aund lira. James Davis left 1the finsI cf lb.eSuitk for their future borne1 iu Chicago. Mur. Aution Wh leler, <oi Liberlyvîlle,1 vas a îuaiu-îît ciller iii von village lait M.iday. Erniit i.utou f iiMiibVru camie homne last Fru lay tu attend thie party W ý1ih4fl0r sgurue Stt îLe hall. Ve are mnliormed tibsI neit Sundsy there Wli bc the tusuai*cburcb saerYioces, bothh al ud îvening. Let eveirtuie rîmnember Ibis anud Iry sud aWe -aieI ufuuî mcd t buit i, r, are t> louee nutlier ut ,îur rsteenii sld neipectedl >tamilles, Mn. Jameâ Van t'iew liaving rentedbbis place 10 Mn. Ongeard. As f0 wbeu sud vbcr1fr. Van Pievaâ toits unre guung use are ont prepînid tu tit'. Lest Suuîoluîv, sielie 6ws et ont ut Dlamnid Lake,, Harry Docker >thougbt 1lie vould try an expeimeul so ie veîtured 10ul on 1the sater, sud amuin la sthle caseoreceiveb a > -good ducliug.' Tir wasy outhle trausgue.suir lmnLbird. SCIOOOL NOTES. Tii dslly weuthîr forcaits are uioW recrlved by the ichoni. Plans are ondin way toi anoier enterlalnmînlt tb i held ilu11e hall. Howard kirsch sud Misa fatie Payne wrne vIsitons u et i chool lent The girl mnendera of lie upper grade% pianued a slelgblnig party for iat ;Tlureday ulgbt, but Ilil sle, materntuliz e. A i' tmber of lie poplis sud oltiera sePlanning îo attend tue entirlein- ment 10 bie givin by t1e Rockefeller aclehoof. Machiglt. Mr. Bryant tiudly hock lhe louer grades (unt letghlng îidiug Lent Fr1. dey afteruionu. Tbey peaeb thbîugh Rockefeller and Diamoud Lake. The achoui in prepsriug a progruin for Wssiungtoi's biiliday. Parents and others are cordîslly iuvlled 10 these ixercies sud are expected to attend. Tiere l las danger lu usiilg counterfrtut fDeWilt'a Hai Isî3ve. The original la a sefe sud certain cure for piles. 1Itula saoothtng snd hballng selv, for eorees ad aU l adsemees. Y. B. Lovu.& Libuenyvflu, J. B. The Roao~v. Ttgbor entertelumntu given lsa lntay eventug vas a sec- bOO Farrel sud Tho@.. McClure, of Chicago. spent Sunday boe, iii their parants. 1fr. sud Mrs. 7m. (Jgue, nf Irving Part. vialted tri uda bore tie latter part 0f lb. veet. Dr. Lovin, ofI'Russel, vus caiied boeSuudOY te attend saloI bornesb.- longiug tu John Austin. The Seniors sud Juniors of Vante- gan Hîgh Sobool enjoyed a siigti ride sud dance bers haturdey eveung. J. W. Slmith le very busy neceeîvlg taxes for Warren. He bas rinted lie fiel Of bis store building 10 iW. D. Washburn. G. A. Roberts, of LIntner, Ili, sufered foutyr jen vib a wadln bils atomaci sund could 001 est. He l 65 Pouinde. Twn bomîes of Dr. Cald- villa 5Syrup Pepbin restored hie appetite, cured bie itomaob trouble sud todaY hoie.inveli snd h.sxty sud asyâ bho oes bis bealîli t0 Dr. Osld villao Syrup pepsifi. F. B. Lovima, Liertyvile; GEn. C. ROBERTS, Wauconde; Wmi. KaNIIno, IRockefeller; OEAygrLAZE RÀEAV RUSSELL. F b. Melvlle, of Rocfurd, &peut Monday lu Ibis loelity. lins. F. L. Melville, of itockford, M ns. klouper, of Dxon, and 1fre. OallOvey, of Sbeboygsu, Wlm. are viting thein parents, Mn. sud is,. F. F. W. Eddy. A povenful englue Cannet b. îuu vibh a vernI bolier, and ve cault keep up lb. strain o! mu active lite ulli a seul siomach notifier eau vo stop 1the bîumau machine to mate repaira. If the 140mso Canet digest enougi toond 1te ep th. body alrong, sucb a pneparalion nu Kodol DyspepsIe Cure ahonld lb. used. Il digest@ viat jon est sud il almpiy can'l belli but do sou good. F. B. Loveli, Libertyvilie; J.R.BACREE, Ournee. Notice. For Preaidenti InaugunatinCire- montes Co be ipid et Washington htarcb 41b, Excursion Tickets vHiiho sold Fei. 281h, Marci lat sud lad, god ho nelununtîl Mach 1.8tb 21.34 for Round Trp. For tuniber Informe- tinn Inquire of Ticket Agent. Y. A. MILLER, G. P. & T. A. GaILMER. Mise Magdelins Scbuermann in r.- porled on the alet liat. H. Krueger, o! Long Gove, vas seen on our atreeîs Monday. Mn@. BItter, ot Banrington. vlailed Mia. Brsudlng Saturday. Witt Hall la employed by tie Con. aumers' loeo. at bake Zurich. The patrons of lie(imer cnesmery beld s apecial meeting Saturday. The youug people of (imier are tek. tng afivuntage of the0 lineleiging. Il. Sebvertusun viii move 10 bis place et Glimer by lie tireItut Marci. Wiiil iiurmaun couteniplales goiug loi 111e pigeon Dueinees Deit aping. Mns. Gel>. Olansd motier vlsîled Mfr. sud Mn.. L. J. Kuigge Tnuridey. Mr. snd Mr@. Fred Lemker viaited Mn. anld Mn,. Liv J. Knlgge one day Ibis se. Mfr. sud Mra. B. Steil, of Lake Zurich, vliied Mr. andbEns. Wil Blermaun Fnlday. Au entertalumeut in CO b. gîven by lbe Rtockeell er Hlgb Scbnoi Msîch lot. Don't orgel Sc attend. Millions o! people aie tamiliar uith DeWitt's Little Eenly Bbers sud Chome ulîo une them Sud thein C0 b. lamnous 11111e user pille. Neyer guipe, F il. LovrLL, Libertyvilie; J. R. BIIACHmE, Gurnee. How Ici Cure the Orip. Ri-malu qi etly ai home sud late Chamberfalti'i Congh Bemedy as direci ed sud s quiet neco'veny la sure te tollov. That remedy couitet any tendiucy of 1h, grlp 10 resultlu pîîenmonie, vbiob la neaily Ithe oniy sortons danger. Amopg lie tins of lnousand s ho have used Il for tie grlp Dot nue case bus ever heeun r- porled Ciat dld ot irecovin. For sale by F, B LovULL, LIbertyvîlle, (11BATSLAKE PHRAMMACZ, JOSiE MICRLx,, lyse ho. Fremout Tac Notice. Henry Loebb., t«x cîslector for Fuemont Tovnship ufli h. ai the lvauboe poit.o0fce Tueaday aud Bat- nnbay o! eacb veet ubere you cen pay your taxes. S.p PALATIN E. Lydia Bictuase le on the id lut. lins. J. Popp calîrd ou friendm lu Palatine Moiidsy. Mis Aime Tonglen la ilih bn @tit graudmoier ul Alington Helgble. Bled, tn Hghlaud rove, Feb. 18, 1901. lMn. Koeie, an oid sud respected citizen. Louis Geike, of Minnesota, le vîsil. lng relatives sud friends bore aI prisent. MilsLbie Hutehineon attendeil the blrtbdey psnty cf a triend te Chi- cago Frlday. Presiding Eider F. A. Radin de- livered a sermon lu the M. E. ObUrci last Suuday. F. W. Ruiloens la neftitug hie store toi a restaurant sud b.keny. Theolah restaurantl vîlib. coiivoited into a Bled, lu Paltte., loeb. 14, 1001, KI the bome of ber dangilen, lMns. Panner, Mra. Caoline hunainger. Intermnt lu 1the cemetery néan tapies0Cor- neus. Obtîdnîn neyer oryyv7souhdi for It, butbcy do lite Sm. OAdv.ll'a Syrùp; Ps.pelu. Ast F.B. bInVUL, LibeMeyvIl Gao. C. BEnniFls, Woueoada; VHn Km.... E ocaecr; fB7mB1 Umise3l4eTelle spent a feu laya belb. pesi sVek. Fraul Mocluseyspt udyl Chicago vîh i Mne lins. Abîmer vas à Chicago viqîlor Tbuoraday ut leat veet. 0. R. Sherman. of, Llbertyville, vii- Ied hie brother ilets, vbo va 11, là,& Tburaday. A aumber of our younf people iL- tended te Woodmen*a dance et (lien- vlev lest baturday eventing. S.PFShberinan vu very irl 1the pasI weet itbhaert trouble, but la agieon lhe rond tu recovery. A large patentIlmproved Corlilsaeru giue vas recolved bore lat Wîduîsclby sud cuegned te0OSt. Joseph Home. Lut Sundey, aIt1the bonmeof lie bride, occurred tie marriage of ie j9rstna »Thiez 10 Wm. Freebe, Ris. Streckiow ufilciaslug. If thînga coutinune an brefofore tiere msy b. annîher bangug lin effigy or posibly a 0051 of tux sud feaîierm epplied. blot1111. b. a vsrniug. Mir. Pîllat, of Indianapolis, md., Who gavesa very luteîîsllng Bibîle reaeoiag et Hope Union churci lu8t veek, fav- ored us vllb suother visit f ueidoy eveuing. He relabed nome veiy Inter- eallng Incidentsthugthobushemmet uli as à obristian vorker. W. ver. very aoîry1teher of lbe death ef Amande, Harder, danghter of Rev. J. Y. Harder, tormerly pester oi the Grman Rvugelical chrcb br., novlilviug tu El Paso, Tezu, havlng acepted a aol ehr.a ater sceia yesrs of aucceseul vorkbers.. Lest Satudray evenlng occurîedau accident ufici might bave reeuled beioualy. Ut4s.s Mollie sud Cornelia Btrehîcu drose e th11e depot vîigha borne sud cutter 10 gel an ,zps.eme package, snd uhau raady to--returi homirtbe horne. hock ftîetl aomre- lhlng sud turned uddenly, lflrovlsng th1e ladiem out ofthlb cutter. Tb.y felu on lie sucu sud vere uniujuxed. The boras did Dot top runuuug, hou. ever, sud the yovug ladies expectea go llnd the cutter a ureck, but vorde cannot expres hem asurpriae uhen lbey reached khome t10Sud tleb, ors. quletly vaiting for nmre one 10 open thi gate, aud no ctarnage doue viat- ever. SnobIlittie pilla s DeWitt'a Ltle Banly RIera are very eeeiy taken, end 1he7 are vendent uily effective lu lesusingtlb, ilver sud boveis. F. B. Lovol. Liberiyville; J.B.Bo , Gauis.. LONG GROVE. J. P.. Rteenthaleir veut 1tethe Cty Mouday on busiuess. Fred Pepper ha. bired ont 10 wm. Krueger for the coiuing yean. G. Mieyer sud Frank Stabi are be- oomiug lamous îsbbil bunters. Our accompiieed hautse maker, F. Weiaud, ia having as mach work un 1he eau attend go. Services VIII b. heid in the Evan- gelicsi Lutherine cinrcb everySOue- day eveuiug durlng Lent. Mn. Whigam vea ut 1t1e Corners lita Salurday, cousumatîug s deai for t11e purchase of eversi acre& of tituber. Mr. O'(innnor, of Evereît, bas aimfo bnugbl a plîce of limber along 1the river. Mr.k'mpp vus the owner ut ono f lie tracts snd the usine of 1the otberbus slipprd lhe Cnrrespondent'% mmnd.1 Wonklug Overtime. Rîgit houx lava aie lgnoîîd by hbome lirelesa, 11111e vortena--Du Kinga Nov Lite Pilla. Millions area ais saysai ucrk, niglit sud day, cuîingm Iudigestion, hiliunsus,Ouahtipatlon, Sick Headacie sud ail htomiacb, Lîsen sud Bowoi troubles. Easy, plessaul, sale, sure. Omliy 25c et P. B LoVELL, LtlhertY ville; Gnatymlale, PHAawACv. Verlnon Tex Coliector'a Notice. G. J. lioncher, tax olleclon for the Tovn of Vernon wullibe aet1the tulov- ing places eacb veeut oudays mentloued, viiene Vernon lai paperm eu liquldate Ibeir indîbtednesa: Tburaday moruiug, Apalaiei; Thura- b9 aflernon. Buffalo (irove; Frlday mnrnlug, Prairie Vlev; Frlday ef tir- noon, Haif Day; Saturdsy, Loug Grove. 18.4p. NORTH NORTHFIELD. J. C. Weaslng wueae Barrington vis- Iton recenîly. Bey. Roton vas a Chicago viilor the put seel. lins. Henry Bubert la entertsining1 bier nelce. Misa A. Elfrlng, of Aurons,i Clsyton Fehr vu seriouslty ladie posed lest veet sud vas obiiged le ro- main aI home from coilege. Ris mauy Irleuda are gied hie la ou lie uey tu recovery. Mrns. Fred Fiee. is îecovîring tram a long sicînes, vilcli bas cenufled ber to Ibe bouse ail ululer. aie la nov able te attend te sumeo!fber bomue duties.1 Mr. sud Mia. Fred Btiter enter- Iained a buat of young people. Net cuir vere lie guelei royaily enter- taiued, but s profusion cf delicaclea verýe aeryeci. The vicie couat>' in flooded vitb Dovtile lilerature. Bevare! The pnioe cf 1tue Lai.. of Heetiu la highen thSn that Of tb. INDICPENDS NT sudîle litenature la les hoe nme and edit>iug. For tie veakuese sud prostration follovlug grippe tiers 1in nahinig 6o promp esudetieed s sOne minute ogiCure. This preparnaticu la ilhy eudoraed au au uniiig nemsdy ton Il ibront sud luug troubles sdudnis ely --0» prevonte ooumup- tiota. Il vasusd0 1 tecure -quickly. 1.B Uu. IL Lr4 Ubuni3viiiJ. E. THEBUBET THEY KNOW. . ~ Uremcmbetthe aid lady who rodefor the fbda 11 fitime oel arailaytrain. Ibm was a filghtu LW.9 oliaOn, but when the recum reached bu 1!J h. as qute calm. She sald ah. seomed tbsY alWaYa MtOPpdtatway. The t,y lW& ilus- lauins Jd for tht. lUlee hr WAU KEGAN. OOild hbeàam imli f. e. 11, tewhieh manner the cost or tth r&lto could Sbrec arreata that vili prove importent tu helitiitzeus Oft Fred B. Whitney, of Waukeggan5. ilurmday, nlght thi e ê lios b ee u a p p o i te d Ilîlu O i s m el b e r tL g l i stâtla n u d W rig h t' * fo9 1 & of the Committe on Floor ad Prom .- ve entered ad vluable ari enade for thte Inaugural ball on tbheinacbinery lton en d Friday tuit, eveingol1 Match 4h. reaideuce of Edw. gMoUe., 11iSIpria~ F. K. linmagead, the. dtrectory man treet. vau entlesu d looffd vile ta boe.vithlirile men in0 sselhim inthelb.fauliy vas evay. Tais robbery cousptLing the Wauffnkean sd Lake proved lbhe ndoiug of the cuipritn Connty directory for 1901. Work on os 1the police bâtd boee qulegly working the.big sukit ii bhorusbed me rapidly for nmre ttme and lied been vatchlng ma possible nd hI inhoped Site book the meu srrested i(aturdoy. Mr, eau be put on the market sbortly afler MoUee swore out a ataYCb warrant May lot. gaturdey morulug and vîti OMos., It la learned 111.1 Omar Carmen bas Powell. Tyrrell and lMammon vent to beau notified by Dovie 1ha1 ho in Su the resldeiioe of Pot Gluty, on Band tek@ outrigbt tbe James Carmen lum treet, where lb., fouud a part of o 146 acres juside of thlrty d&aji. Ers. leMo.'s ciotbing concealed la Ailh 11erecent desa ad nou lb. hebouse anud the rosi of tlb. iseing mente osent to point concluslvely 10 goode btddeu ln tbe ban,. The, Sud the ft t1h11 filla the purpoze of theê rmeld In the arrelil of Jîmes snd promoters bc esure alil0f section 21 Fdward lHarrigan and Rob&. Dudley and 21J by earVi spring. Who ver. ln the bouse ut 1the lime, the. Fiay representatives of tweLee HarrIgaus beIng brotlura of Mns. laceiakers' familles vere lu îon Oluly sud board.iug there. ' iooking for places go Seut. Th.y came were given a heartug in tbe jeuil ble from Chicago sud desirè go mo. bore alternoon before J ustice tobaivl. lusmedlateîy. Rteal etat. agente were Eacb plead innocence boit w- ,bold lé &il cailed upon and fI@labelieved $S00 bouds 1w the Moeii grand jury. »*oeral familles yl move lber" oeil wbile tb, police doi not autiunuce week. The lacemuakera lu taiktng uf %bas lbey have auj evideuce 1Sulprovo Zion City, etc., »soert liey are nI t Ilt la sald lhey suspect their prie. Doviel&eth&% liaI uhîjilmoke und(1 oncrsanseboing iild up lu the drik r teyll no th tnso wy;robbery of th1e Alden sud Book drio orhbe'llkuo 11e rasoloi reidecs s Io lu lhe hold-up lu Dot. AIl Wbo camne nere b, uurk luIi e, Zion mille are nov recelvîug solary 1bc ouPievs11 ilm thougb Itletabard t10tell1 vbeu they H81erif GriMiu and Justice Vau vjlI begin actual labor. 19 in hoped 1 DeuseIIa ere ronted l nIofboa et 1:30 Marhlo i lai l ee Slte trat lace inu tn., O'ocvetbuuiday moruiing 10 "pRUil'a mtrket front i ton City. gambllug bou*e. The J astice wuem Patrck Tcter of toserauavus rai oue, calleel ont. t7poil arlaing ho PatickTucerof Louerati azfound E C. Jeukin a V. L. Gares nearly &aij xicatod lny gaéu&th1e King I , ,-' - h.n-t atel ou IV.sulilgt a:treet early mcrning. lanpselng tirougbi tie ball Mr. King board a violent giosnlug oomlug front Tucker'a route sud upon iisteuing closely coucinded ometbing vu vrong, a amelil o!gus imn,îdistely indicaliug Iv bimwvisl the trouble vus . a foreid tb. door open sud fouud 111e roorn iiied viii gus. CoIng 10 Ithe bed 1hofound lie occupant liup and pentecl! ielpi.s Mu King îmmedit"lydragged iuh trtinh 1e oom sud atter eabort lime hoe vas reescitaîrd. Ancîher ilve minutes sud 'Incter uould bave suocombrd tu lie deadly poison. Wm. Lînti. a a wlI luovu citizen o! Wutegen, bled very anddeniy Frilaiy moning o! heurt diseuse. Mr. Linîz vas at bia vork t aIthe WIne iVorte Thursday sud lu the eveuiug1 attended a meeting of 1t1e Tribu tof heu Hur digeeesai, appeariug 10 b. in is 11usual helthb. lie urnseseariy Fridsy iuoruiug sud sent tu lie barn 10 baruese bis hors prepsalnbry tu goîug 10 bis vonk t at11e Nyire milI. Whoeu hoefelîrd ho retutu tobu1ebouse bis sou, Artbur, ventl to lbhe br sud touud bis fîthen ed. Tie neya of Mir. Linîz' subdeu deatb vus a greel abockto1bis mauy frieuda vin isd loft hlm appanently lu perfect bealti up Lb a fev short bous before. Mr. benîz vas prominent ln Lodge cies being s mem ber of lh isMons, Woodmeu and Tribu of lBeu Hur. lu tie ltCer order b. lield 111e office o! Worthy Chief. A planti. eu foot 10 builul s local steam raslsy, la otier vords a boll lune, lieo purpose la 10 have a rail- road extendtng out srotud lie bordera ofth11e clly sud toubilug upon aiten avallable for factories. Il ha. loug bien a liotliceblo sud negregable tact th&& uben factoyy man are brougit hers, lhey usanot be siovu auy ve!y deaîrable iles, vi raîimoad accomodaliona. ui>' on tlb. Sale. The proposed îsihroad sill ho purriy as local oterprise sud Rot a railroad sciepie or a projecl tu meke mouey. itla ifor lie city sud for the ity'e profit ouly. The pieu la ho have the enterpnise cainied tbiougb by the Wauggn Improsemslil Association Tbe road wulnd 1be prantIcally s boll lin. on vblcb 11e E. J. k E. sand lb. Notivealenu oould rua necasbc fatorse uhici bail located it of heI go l ile office go0 makete 0 a1îWarrant for tieamriet of L. iBuruamt, Joe Llneb.ngr aud (George Brigga on lb, charge 01 cnnductinig e gamblins bonse on Goussfe. itienut. The Justice donned bis ciollie. sud vent dowu t0wn th11e tvo amseu lgiug 1the com- Plainte. Illerif! UrJIlin uvas lien causadmou andl usked tu ers, #lie variants. The joiut vas isided sud tue men Alleged 10- bave beaue conducling tie place vent along vltb- ou& resaaace. Lîneberger sud bute- bam furuiaieb bondé, tont appetrance Mnnduy monning, bat Ifrlggs vint tu jail. Th1e min wseoglisen in hearing bîtore Justice N'e u, Dn nMouday morniuig sud Lineberger sud Burattant. pied gulIl, Tbey ver. lued 1100 sud coneta,lu ail $112.40) îach. Thisile lhe loveet possible fine ous&buechauge. Bnlggs vras dismiismed becausoIel de- voloped hoiva.»flot iliueetcd lu 111e place. Lineborgr andsualistnemveut lv Jeil rather siben puy theu flue. Il meusislveuty das. V. L. Gtienel, tu an iuterview, seil: -I bave bien cn&led upon lii contribute tu lie support rof Iso nlgibora *lhoge busbeundti Lave fonlthetir mouley lu Wutegan gemibllng bouses. f thon [awore outlwarraute agelut iiheouses sud 1the ovueras oe ied butors Justice VanDeusen. i1isbave iourep. resentiug tlb., Stutes Attorney and Il vus at hi.s uggeslinlîuîî thIis Wu doue." Mrn TalcuuIl, whu u nleriled, corroboneited lMn. Uarietý's alemeant sas given abuse slnd alto ,ald regsrding lie runulug o! gurbnUg Ibouses lu' Waukegan: -19l i Mylustre f0 cloe ail gamblinhuouse.4 i iwntkegan. I canuol do tibis uithiout aslelue. The couvicion, todsy wae mae possible by tiltasisaunce ofth11e coin- plainiug vllnoi" ]Pneumonia Cen lie Prevented. Tis îdl.eau.e usuayâ restait@ frout a coid or an attuck ut the grip aud ius> ire preveuted liy 1the tunily un. or elbamtoriain' iruygb Rîînedy. Thlat remedy waes exteuslvely uasd dning 111e epiben]lu'u.(ui La Orippe ofth11e putl feu yers. ind .[lot asingle- case bas ever beehu roporlecf that bld nus recovîr r n ht iuited lu pneumoni wbieb shows Il 10 be a certain pr. veiive of Ihat dangerous diseese. Chiaierlit.lus CoihRemody ban giu.ed ,n w<îrlu vide nopa"ttlcufor ils, cures n colitsansd p p.iFor amie by F. B.LovaL L.benipw. Oia. LAKU PE*aXAT . aMuUtS l 114x»& Libe Dr. Orric Î-7

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