CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Mar 1901, p. 1

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AICE (JOJNT Y_ _ _NE E _____ Vol., IX. No. 22, Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois.. Friday, March 8, 1901. $1.50 a Vear in Advance. STRAN6E FATALITY AT <iURNEE MÂÀRCI TEIM 0F CIRCUIT COUIRT FÂMILY HAS NAflOW ESCAPE Hotie ontt as ch .i D Ch lue> F'ait., Killing Boy and trand jury Completes ite Work Bous e t l'otan eolln rn toinrtsle nicuene kidn a m ers Cr ba s I c eriiiwnd ith e upwlv NOU XACTY FO SAL B wîtbauci eudenesaSuncay fte TbeMarh tem o Cicuitcout iunday morniug tire destroyed the____ 'l'le trrJiý! indwhii, cme onvTen Mch y ten 1citer oute home or B. F. Gardinter, manager of NUEATYFRSL U 11o011 about 4,30 o'ciock, tnOngb Of bu grand jury was illifflelledl immne- teBnotCere! fD os lIT ATR N11 EIOLN s w c oca fw omt.drtoentejjdatl nintuidte retire sud stood just opposite of the creamery 0F OUJR NEW STORE QUARTERS... in entering a taiIorîing etstab- the dealli of Artintr, the 8 year oad son PrOce Witte i wort Witt' ait Posile and wu owied by Wo Whunellb.os ! i a ni amro h wîse thtt tlt- kilowledge or P'rof. Oaggin, supperintendefli of dlipatah. L. C. Prics, of N'auconda, About 2 o'elock Bunday morning Te okneifth sawad vime ont thae hhetthe Gurnee achools. sud tirs. Gaggin wus marie forera". Mrs. Gardinier got np to saatt the lire ofte Oa le beain way e it th rc al that yole eau get .xactly what CuîîeIsrosijre iîl o ases for grand jury cudeainand returned to bed. Af tahe bocf r or in rteng acway.tebikwl you are lookuîîg for lie lit, tîme it wasfeamed vould prove fnaa. vere: loger Mr. (jardinier heurd a crash aud fo Oue k'nmer tis« aifoone iahaoy ceworkmanashîï îand quaIi4y. To Th Gi aggins live on the Bîrkss Edward MlLeUin, lar(cO1y. 10,11911 "W th atv pipe~ ll ~ The Oim je et Oomor on. aies.aatr ad beony lialf atisfiedlm flot ron. property. Tbey occnpied au Win. coler, ircy. liearor thmedbi ocup, e raU toa tOU tieieonild'so heLd tobeol haatisfied ail.t anner, te th1e mesidence proper, which Andis Kîmat, iarceny. s. Rfed Mump ornt h hl, n toe ier ate stre pies LMb sttfwia counsiste0 n tr rf srcue e.Sus uzby e u ra ot ne bot te eating yto lVCWli \l ot t syi A etimluey of &malt dimensions pro Rtobt. Diadley, burglary. A moment Jeter the brd and carpets orHtWtrhtn ytm at Ii tconetruded 16 feet abolit a fiat roof o1 irait Ed. lairge, burgiary (t. voe ilame and Mr. (tardinier imme- d ut for nîir ioney. That is nocessariiy 111gb tu afourd draft for a Walter B&all, fceger. al. wliv* wé'vegrown iit th large inmuaýe ln Immement of the John Grlep, tortitry. Wt aoyUi oecpe 'w wlii i faoi of(oeraoggiin borne, pipe@ lesding Dr- Lawrence Kinsula, forgery vithont donning theilr cloîbesr, th1e beesuse ve orier staple goode ai sncb go ttlgcofs lovt-rg a ener about 25 feet Michael Oamon, molletons miachiet. Members 01 te househoid manageil W low prîces that il pays yon to bny here. lIC , îitdistgt.clothesw sieated by this Wmn. Nixon, rssiifl officer. ses out viiiaout aur one being &erit__________ mens. A large numbe of petit jurera vere 011813 burined. s~,iwm lsst jy ~'gudProf. (iggîn hait etepped outsîde, excused sud m some re pent In boer- Air. (3,rdlnter thon succeededin l leaving hi. vite andl son metting near ing snd entering pr*Uiinnary motions, Bâving a sowling machine and sorne C O RY " ak JM B MC .a vnuov lu their bredroom. Hes nted etc. uhortlY alle 3 dloot court vus Clothing. He repeatedly edeavored ED SU tthe ferocity of the wlnd and vas te- aiijourned, Judge Donnslly retnruing ta go upstars llr $180 thaï vas s. puisidtnnng l'lving paasei through tvo tO Chicago. crte teore, but bis attemptg vers in O pumed Tcul ndIaedah ,ot roome. Hia baud vas ripon thle Tuesday Rtteracoa te grand jury Taiu sud the money burned together HU(ETSEMONV 5 o îo în g -ie t y I l I l l i n o i s . d o o r l e d n g t r i t h e b o i d r o o m v e n a r e p o r t e i l l t @ w O r k C O M P le t e d , a n d i h l ie f r n i r e a s w e il a s t h e W AKG N S £ E L L I N I S. T E L E P I 4O5 , 1.@4 3 and aiuuuied for a moment but witb a pressedi surprise thas so sbort a limne Tiieme vas $500 insuirance on the__________________________________ _______________________or______ superbunman effort torced hls vay lnto vws contnmed. Tbs Des Statue At. farniete carrier! In the terni branch Il%5 ol ire ronona where Die founid bis dear tOrney v- 0calugaiued ori ail .14. Of ire Phoenil, o! Birooklyn. Mn. Dee tarrie @etb ions o1 brick, seu vhf ths comptets prepartion Whltuel liadt Oie bons. lnsnred ln bis .... A Scoop in MiIk Cans.. i l w ..JThe cbiimuey had blovn dowu, terms mailing possible no uliori a sea- SCuOOL BOC5E BUBID. 1 lhave made a plirchase of thirty-six dozen mflk ~flI'I1iI ,*~*~*crasblng tbrougb the fruit rof, carry. Bien. Tire amani achool hanse at Five o hn h a =Y tb lg IVLsil h e snipparing tmiers. Indimaeta nesr reurîîc'd by tlle Pointa vas toaly dontroyed by Oir s fo xt as wh n hem u ac r rw spi h d a d ains o' h t ime tliîk abiout it. 1oil The rantic fairer vas assiste-i by gadjury al li be mon men- &bot 4 o'uinek Munday morniug. in ne fmny n a iln oeeag h a I* Voir Now's ue tî îalî i adt bicou attroted by graned ieh b liaie for tiroir ,on. The Oir. vas tiret dlecovereilb edo oîy n a wligt xhnetecn o!rme ofier yoit soin induictmeîits. ('0111 inkl ]e tt negbr b rssd le indl bsov cag-1y tns for less than it cost to make them, for ready mofley. Il- vOf noise created uy u rssda e ideration, u-xcepi Eduard vbA«Frn atigwo lives neur the bdt tpa me tell yîn îîh4bt thenu. conalderable effort succeed elu te- l1in, building, sud huid gained ISUCb heurt- These are the' very best Elgin canis on the market. Seam- md 10 lu ii D moving sumfcleuit debris t0 ailow o! M. Ginon viii bc trled fir ailegsad vay that ail efforts en lave th" stu-c lems îîeek, heavy hreast hoop), rouind handies and welgh, « ve Xc-ieO tle I samDe extricating is uncouscuu vufe and gattempls en wreck trains ùu iD. tes. turc vers o! no aval]. Th e omîgin offuleghei rit! 1vs Ihave aniexcle »uis Ffstllf5 aut road ai Libertyvilie, for the snp. the lire la a mystery. The builing flyegte poids.t If youi wiII look Up your Chieaigo bfront whieh hi select and my prit-es art- Arthur hail, a deep vonnd oiver Dig POsed parp(Ue 01 forcinlg settieiiienl 01 hall DOt bu nuit, for sevemai Yeats catalogue you wilI tind theY are getting $'2. 10 for the sMae outrage tbe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~mnue lw ttnvi alblth Kai o,1fototeoadlvdbtffe gs agnar cLi berty ville porc ad heu Sanday igt vsied by cani. White they lait theygfo....... ~' ~Iowr thiî uul 111 huî th- sant-gîi<s fir &fier beiug rernoved Mr@. (iaggln Pie convemmut vlth Mocts lu1. as tion» lu charge vas seurely iocked $ ofr..... . o: the sprpila ,4tlswlert. sitar severai bouts regained consoons. are 01 tbe opinion ho vîli rna bce con. sud Oie vindovs nalleil dovu. ,J havie also Muade a splendid purchase in farm m-. b"l of the- n@"s but ber condition vas critical, a vIcterf. The general opinion la thug tremppa chinery. Farm machinery is mostly sold on from four Obea09cthe MIN î S THE BEST. seeming for a lime likeir ta prove ivo chargea, ans o! robbiug a hou". the Plue. The loas esabont $6)0 months to a years tie. By placing a large order and ada faI. EEtal. Suubsequeniiy abc grev liette on èPrlug slts, the cllier o! robblug Il vau in 18617 that -"District No. i1" yil sPot cash for it puts nie in. a position to seil goode elicel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i vc -esul belleved nov vile survive, 'tIigbt's fouadry lu Waukegau. erscied &ibe building, sud Horace E. forth saeprcthtnotdaeshaeapyfothm la mmr tri tIhmrong ber condition le agit]ii o Collier sud Kirsl vere iudicted for Partridge vas the tirst teacbsr. XI bash an rc htMs eaeshv opyfrte. - ~ L>cartons. prrrobbing the clty h" e t Wsukegan o! not besul tred since the brick structeure Selling for cash enables nie to buy for cash and cash eus- e-ed TintI a ciimney of sncb helgbt sud jOeely, etc. vwu orected ut Nortb Chicago severai tamers get the' Ihnefit. My motta is ta give the me as ant* narraw dimensions &nouri net have ~asoii.vsrbii v5e5yenra ego. go(>ds for less money or better goods for the saine money tpin e u Frd reer been properir brocol e lle. Uad th1e 88,1o0M et North Ohicago, .letlà vril rd Crk r roof tI1gagh, vDic1 &&l Ut tva >l.aias r Harbor Bill Defeated. than yolu cati get elsewhere. RomnsLibertyville -»WordUnos eews1e'lsl"o!ioetehou fBvi nB' auagt ve weeter _______ lickSaie.subiautial construction no daubat no Moese lu Wankegan. soentr Carter, of Manions, vhomirB erlans su accident vonld neyer have OEAND iURa'S suRFPOa. terexpired Monday preveulsuî al H. B.EGE R, occnrreid. fi vas a fruit test roof We, ire grand jury o! t. Latte action on tDe lOyers sud Harboridl., Libertyville - - - - - Ilnl E.Dr. Charles GaIIoway ;W B. Sdioeffer's NursMr coveredvwitbipaper, Dot beilg abiled, County Circuit Court o! the Msreh Re Mignyraliytred the bhm ta doute. b ailteoff Ica over LovelE'eDrug Store Long Grove, Ill. nonce offierlng biiut ilte resristance. tortu, 1901, vauid respectluEly submit Knowing thal Congrea» vouid adjounu lot21.191,Coroner Taylor Deuld a unquiest carîy Dnring out deiiberations se bave ceonea by the oppounua of the Y, csrrises, Libertyville. - Illinois 1Fruit and Shade TrePes. Tnesday muorniug. The jury, com- examiiisd DitO tourteeii cases and note- measure en prevent action upon il. lu 1' AKES Co mauufature ijrn u e. 14 weIl ss a poceil o! J. R. Bracher, foreman. L. M -vitb return twelve indhctmrents as truce teris bo vuas uccesaful and the clnein< Ill, d a su Hughes, G. Y. Cooper. F. C. French, buis- sel o! his totrm tu the senate is the5 TI ME AND We have both, anîd Dow is the proper '"e dIM ya ' r(J3. A LO .APEVINES HJ'ionudWD.Wwbr, We furtiier report tiait vs bave deteat o! the billea passage ai Ibis 1time anîd ours the proper place to alepro~ rg O T y o ' .W aker, w o o veil and but te amined lia condition sd have lu- The gove ument le tbiereby ouversdv oir o d r H r r h pi hi ~-O E- ouse sudeclm(ney iln question. Mr. qnlmed Into ture treagmeut of prisouei $60,9,000 TDe mouture vas anse o!fesis >Ur s siig I tIdne on5 Broadwtay4 sud 5.te Park m Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs Walkem recengytire o heb property sud and Ond thai the jatil is kept le ean d thes mont extravagant aud reckleusEhv utrcîe ag upyo ete n en gob vuary D-ie i e c n l m a va p o ie P r OW lie s lu Chicago. I developed at tirait the sb rtif, Elvin J. (iffi, gives eported t 0 afl3 Congre«. The W nove ju s th e i e luig up l f le t e n teUk Libertyville, Illinois. _______________ _ue lulüest tiret Walkem hall Deen the but 0! attention te tire Care o! Oie Senatar taok tire Dil, item by item, no itell before -the storm. Lu a few Doit Mairk wamneil st tîme o! puttuug iipi tire bim- prisouers lu bis charge snd %âne b. suid literallr tare il ta placee, sud weeks we'll be crowded with ordiers. Il you leave s onlot Di- ey tiret il sas not sa!le, but meplied ta o nsesi.ecsmyfdbdngepod meiesy tbe rechlessnu your order now for March or AprIl delivery you will have 80,111, Wle Dr. H. 0... B. YOUNGI41. the mnauon Ili cuarge, -'fbat'm uMy bui-e cothlng and medimul aid frOesdp4sdvseo oeuot yu an~ hn~pigwr pn psdi ilb V. Pysilanand urgon. Dof't P ynoms, l'in payiug for il."f Dhe verdict prlaauers confneil tiierefu. We furtber mrancy, nmre of vbicb vu ta Die ex- miade to suit yonr ovrn notions. ecovon lonig Phsca adire .P yvi es foliows tend tbut noue o! the stattOs regard- pended tri connectiug pools severai lOitin de- es nf'rosrZ LuxSA nan xn.Un rc s 'e bijrOi htAî a-Iug jailli are being violated so tamras mile& spart. lai the hope Of mnklug a 3AÀIN we cit make any kind of barnemi you malt. >Iti Dh*ucD.-. i55[ns -*L--I -Ilinis gin came te lits recel, by baving bis we eau scertain. navigable stmealm. JE Wo can make thern cheap and good, ahuo botter anti 0 hla fa-uc sFOR nufld asi ya!lig W bpcflrrmedta a Although there la nch disapiolit- excellent, thon best and superiar. We Cave~ bu.ild thom hism ii 011 Muile-------- iliS ebintaej crialng tbrough the roof of padM oeil allait De providsd lu the meut on the part o! Lake Couuty haetany wl Ua 01frhms bWu o. rma, ee mi 'Watches, Dlamonds, a bouse balit by John walker lu ihe Jail for Inane persous conitaiusd there-. people because la ille bile vw u in-ha aneesaega. W uaateoihr 1 0ociock P. Dr. E. H. Smith. Village o! Gumnee lu ellei sumuier of Ini. corporated an appropriation o! about Ounesuuhares b so ard goorkranuhi ud ate e ouat as usdsy, ~~DETIT Mrn-....-Jewelry,--- 1904. We coudemii the unatemiai s- ilo bc leeed.Lfhi s b rceus o30fo aukgcios prvirnsyet represented. Wre are using nothing but No. 1 oak lesther >It of eigiiî in o)Iîstruiction O ifreb cbumnney snd do lad. ~ eas !mn iin rvsostm on %iil first chtss harnessies. We nover fnrnish cheap wcrk- houlusmmt ffceovo LkcOUftYialk Sllverware, Clocks. not bei&eve the cblimuey sali alat !gvmmn monu aped i nanihip. That ie of tho superior kind on ail grades of Noode m HOurs: ilto antil1to ôp. m. D AILY l tick enongb 10 he sale, sud ve. tromn Wedneadar court rcîumedtiemo toenere Dli ils deteat vas ta bc exci-n nundtl loe u yuwi etil or.ÇI th.ele u.vldence deductcd, place tbe Une work of!e ibisio an sd elle ected, aud Senster Carter hm. donse haess ome ts in adt a itu ver and mou iy. rail au.Po. -LibertyviIO. liI. Ove 7,00 artkkn un th lâane jîpon muid John Waiker." varions cases are Ii(iW being beard. resi service, even tbrougb Lake eoestsidta w lnSv oeMny mien a ornait fine, -ore la.~ stl, d Prof' ("'Mgin \ald famlly camue te Couuty's Darbor Improvernent in Remember, NOW IS THE TIME. &QeY4 r- Ouneoe tro'u 'alpamlso, Tact, lbut A, B, C'a For 1i ,ung Men. temporarlr defeateil. lu botter coin- flilas-~~~orabl in Auguety andu' iju'i aic dcareo peur Oie local appropriation voulil 153' Msrtbh PAUL MacOUFFIN, WC8ugshufst Oie n aco ls. amm hreo Attend weli teoyonr business._ _ __C a . r ae , ;;cz &e s m, Attorney and Colagntllor ai Lav.tecloa.B aculinyu amns 2 b se ut ies ome wasi origîalîr et Autiocli. Consider wel beore yen promise. Mail* le. Ket yea is erTV LL,- I L N O eh CÈT 1)y NOTrARY PUBLIC QTrio tuerai o! the boy vwu belli Date io do rlgbt. Mi a etyd IE T VL LIOS a.I *sii O 01110 Ova LàKE COutIST BANK, t CO Of 190 Tnesday at 9 o'ciock from <lurnee Envy no an Wednesdar ulgbt th1e mail policier____ tel 8 MouI Catalog oburcli. hutermeut at Anilouili. thuiypronyorduy et nid, 'f Ilios atliypromylrdt. for Lîberirvilie vwu caelossir tbrovu____________ lUtOMao!- bertyville 11bO o uiD abe ie off the train ai Routant, bore it la W.l ov Wc keep it on our colinl- Reuu'.rk'aiue Cures of libeuma- ave respect tom yîur charseler. irasterred ta lb. Liberyvletan Z r erin plin sig tbu i tson K owth scb a a s ta fait nden sd b- 'L igâ3 oulva, luo. butefodn A.C i not, for sur cousîderation. conte literally ten go places by IDe M. brse, sd 13ENJAMIN H. MILLER, Ici pln' sagit, Foui, usm. aov thyself 2 egnoar AtomsNC AT LAW. We wili bc glad to show Tbe, editor of the Vindicuior bas Dail Make fev acquaiutauirea, TeMtrbsn a !scran ni1 rp IETVLE-ILIOS tt os u ouvi . ocso 0ts th. elilosor o! Neyer protoes wbat you do net prar- The bio mn comuato sfr t Cbamberlalti's~~~I- h-l B-- ivc lh ie sopsa ir hua teos rte

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