CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Mar 1901, p. 2

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."t*ttd 80o s WYear Prom OPezisgof Sprint W.. AM'Things tu Nature Start Afgos.-Som OtherThlngs ln Which the Anclents Have Qiven Us Points. Thbe Indleais began their year wth ia thse advejst ot sprltsg. Ilota, nuh more 8pt'oprtate thus (ôo begin the N.w Xear withth ie new lfret nature in tise awakening epring. At tliu ueaon al processes througissnî the natural world ~afaresh. Tise uncientu uluo abowed their sa- gaelty aud ajîpreciation of tbe great changes and active plscon-es aor oprlng- Orne, lsy realizing thut ibis lu aiso tbe lime for raeau c% d lire and energy lin the liuman systeusa They- asiI knew Ibat the blood shoutd lie cleane-d from tm- imrtles and the neru ss re-ins lgorated &t thia ucassis. lence lthe estahllsh- ment of the cnstoîîî of taking a good tqprina medhIne. Thisanmosl t ssle and healthy ee- tont is followed fi>-almst everyfsody at the present day, few people of Intel- Jîgence rentuiclg to go ilirougisIbIs Irying tirie of s Singe fromt vvnter to enuamer tithouttiaking a slrng medi- ciue. The tsnaulrnlty on thls snbjeet la a setUled fadt; the only question hereto- MI &ou]3O J F"E6 fore as enl eadt ht h fcsoe btas a luregrdtotehant is tis nte, Dr. Greenes Nervura blood and Mere.remedy le pre-emlnentIy thse <seul- Year attet- year Dr. Greene's Nervura 'blond anud net-ne remedy bas proved I15.11thes ureet, mout poitive and rehi- &Wie remedy. MadIe frutmipnre u'tgeta- laie uedlclaes, If Invurlsbly leunato. purilfis and entiches the blootI. mailing thse bletti t-tub aud ced, and et tht same 'alm% by lis tnvigoratltsg effecea.ghvlug 4~ hlgt, Power. vltnity and enengy tn tie lierre., In tact, Dr. Greenes Nervura. blood antd net-Te remedy bao pnoved lls4tl the Meat perfect of mediiules andl just wbat everybody needs for a sprîng i'emedy. Try Il Ibis apnlng. Mr. Stougiston tL. Fanuhuns of Man, ceseter, N. H., saya: "BSOM tiuse ago I uas troubietI wth hlaatude sud a feelihng of fatigue. 1 ,dIifDot bave tLe ambition to do any- -tlalug that demanded utusual physical exertiona, "I was recommendesl by a trieud to U7y Dr. Greene's Nervura, bîaod andI net-Te reunedy. 1 oL two or titres isottlee andI am prepated 10 say that If ( M mlue goond. I eau reeommend il as a 00ile.»I1know l helped me." baueuber Dr. Greeue's Nervura M00 giand lerve remedy la reeotunend e iVy physiciens, hln adt, Ile a pisyal- Alan. prescription, tise dl.covery osf the if lI-kaown apeclalîst lu nernoua sud q brone dîatases, Dr. Gireene, of 35 W. .MthB St, New York Ciî>, wLo cun ho ïýbnuled fret of charge, personahi>- or b- y ltter. - . Ddnt Fairffet. Sue-I do believe you forgot fint thia vWas ont- weddîng day's thîrd aussiven. eary. Re-s--Indeed, 1 dids't. I Jtset met tLe lacoud of tiseflotta 1 negotiateui îo lin> "ie furnltsre when us- usere sarred.- Indianiapolis Pt-tua. --If CuRfie .toso. Ton. RImx» our dgestion, akies yau net-vans 8" mm sllw conplexilieîd, ks-epa yau *wake nigLI.sud sets ugainst ysaiays-n 4bel Ceiraly. try (ris(,tht non' tfood If i Madeof tpure seleaatsd grains itWUog. It bas none af thtehuasi tfaeato coffee. yet il la just on pheasan o theili tote, sud wbtu propceiy ireisarsd cant b. told froin tht fins'ltuttif-n cto *boutl14asrucntiUt i la athesiuluhtable . Ziai for tht chîlurtnansd odists. Adi Your groter fat (main-O. 15 andI 25e. A Point tiretlnokeit t What aue aant 1 do,"" ou luthebs-kind- isearted iviliîzed persaut, -" u tIront Zou gent>- sud sale yoîu happy, "Yes,"' uasseceulthe atsrb-siani; " pou Inslst en forgetiisg that useetan-, lie really happy unteýssi-s- are khhlng offj wite people.'--tWashintonasStar. Wballt Do tht Chld te,, Drt.k? Doal gCive Ibesu tea or coffet. Have C n t-led tht-tiew fond daitil cahitad EA IN-Ol 1 t isudeiciaun aud noutiuh- to angfasi tetht place utr otS-t. 'Th, tanre Grain-O yuss gice thteialîrntht nore ealtîL Ouotistiute tbrough Ibeir Bygtemo, (lrasu-0 j, Madet aitpure grais sud when propeehy prepned lanlea luke th chatte gradeaoft mffetbut coms abut V(~ao s ucL. Ail grocecastil il. U l5and 25c. Th ise Hbreav ioiuîatla), oret Lndon bash»more titsas douibet]dunnng thse lust ~,a 20 years. L14la 0<5w estimated ut fie- tween 100,00and 120,000. a. M -wlLOCAL APPLICATIONSasulis.y Cannot 1 éU95 th Ie dist.eae.C La io dW@&s@uioa d andu otI1rder te cars Ilt4 ~tksitu altremeddim. H&a' (taerb âtaotoeelly. andI ate dstrmtyOautisa m Umtossrfaees. Hai'sCaiarh Cr ~ a~s qaet o.trnsjby m9 e. lb «L iiIi>ilLaii. lntht.. tit=î>fo - ~ blond ?iiriel,,aetaug'rtIlty on ths1 les uj. ch.agw fortas --- AwoUMaI's aee-ots inua'tbanad ajs1p- Pebed to isellene tiaha bira scs vas tie beat main that e-s r iii esi eoi.L'eada to Cousaumption. Kemp% Basna wlIlstop thse cougbnt «U& 00 o te our druggifft ta-day anal guI sample botie rt. lod in 25 snd No- ceut bOttWbS.Gou at once; el tasare dan. -Viate attbesuI ias', taits,ut a tilow enao get prett>- sruîsk ta cuber OXUýSi~mt just tsea"me. Plis-icure la th,'lieat media se we MM& si SecAU aReetSîai out bthtroat llmg.uWm. 0. Enasey, Vanbusrse.1 s 5WUMU i a orced tb stand ng hW srights la a ceswded street car. aR~Kf.: JMS?. dtor. LIBSRTYVILLýl - 'LLINOMS KILLED BY BOY 0F 16. MUROER ON STEPS 0F A CHI- CAGO CHURCH. Fend Bet.eecn T..o P.Iish Leod. t0 Fatal Affry, i. MWhich one 1. s.hi. Blg Kaakkts tarh I'iStOry la ftaraed. Thomas, 1a-ti. -i, 1 .airuslit -asi sot aundhit-aiinas aliiais sa'fthtus-Si. $tanisiul4 S isai I.l lii ail-> assi Nolel 6tteets, ('hiessgaa l ai-isnk Wissts-skl 10ii >eîrs i a. 'lh e slaaa la ig fîlaîi cdtht sn truuion ofii 'iia-lisiai islet'ing st the Boys' yslatlis-tof Pi'uid lSciety. Laczkosai wma a tnîcsîslr of whiat au knoaua laitlias'icesas-as ahe-i' Shanisstra'et gang" lc'ji- complainto have been mode ftu le plice atk tht Sban alcool boya hune toppedai nd coîagily landled memtbics if lias-Buoy' scret> - 'Co avs'iku ago Frank Wisiseki, w hile goiog su bis home, lincsai]lu haive bla tssîps-d 1,> Larokoski. The bosaafouiht. and tise Sionn cîreet oisa, ssaisi l avuse made ia Ibreot t hat more troisule woatîlfaîlîssa. l-iftt>bysfiai it aad thresd ia te St. $ton- isîssus chol aubin tic aikias s auis-oIllte crasd oastosafor a Missuati- andai -aîssa about to ieu., a-heu Wýisii-ki Jaîsîsted frons iasent anal ord-r-d tusa i ast. Vi- sinaki, Il la aid. drew his revolver, loaaaîes t., and thea toliosced Lscakowsk ui. As tht other lboys rusised ouItisi->- bard u shot, and Laezkowakl tei deasi. Wicaoskt tood onerth ie body of tise ho>- e hadl kiited, put bie revolv-er inlitspocklétansi tasuei t0 the gufe. Be saalkod lu ilie strtet and then laioke imb a rua.sisuîpaîseesg lit fore bis esisitesi compaulunu realized wuhat Lad huppeista. STABBED AT SWELIÙ5EAHT'S t'USE. Jealona RIrai Strites Warren Huye. uitlia St. Louis. W'arren lHayes v is tiibeitassnu r- ousi>-ssaoniid las- O tus rit al h a-le- Le w us talbiog lu Miss Bîndit Russaell in tht doora>ofu ber home in St. Lous. MisaslRussellcifusts tu gia e tisDe t onsfu Hayes' usilunt anal 10 ahiquestions ambk ed as at10bis idearity aelleaîis 'Iost bisa sealed ber lips." Tht buste Msade pessu'- tnuted thse flesis>-part ot is oms.,hat lti arleres eaaet ent-ced. Tise tauslant es- capisd. IHayes i-i tient isstsfîrena'î'to thee aubes ut Mine Russaell, oiîhosîgh hi' could Dame the mai abo siablied hani. CHILDEEN LEIeT ALONE TO DIE. Guy William.' Three Hohe. Cremated &a te Indiona Home linr,. Gouy Williamsu' îicec î-hildnt'n, ags-d t. 3 anmd 5 yeurs. acre isuînseuitu siesth seven ues nonîh ur W'ashington, litd., whitle tht futhen .as us tîliiog tintber on i farta. l'ue suothern 'îta oCocetita- ville 10 do aorte tnradaig. eavsug tht chli drenlu tise bouse ai tplayx. Ilî lasuppo'.- ed tht coihing of ithe 3 >esr old cbîld caught fine andI eomslunicats-d tht iiosnits 10 tht boisae. W's'iIilliiiassa rîutdi tise ehunned lbodieu s-ca t outsd lying close togetber. BIG STAIeCH FACTORY BURNS, Archer Comnpany'. Piant et Kankakee 1. Destroye-i. Tht Acceu'r Starch Compunys tîctor>-, insI lioctisor Kankakee. Ill.,tussnnad, in- VOlning a Ions of $325.000, Aiîhough 200 people ore on tise pa>- colt,-,tsnly tus tst- fine uere at wonk aithtis te ire started. Alilor thens e'ueuped e-.ustt L.ouis Duel, wbo avas adi>- burntd. 'Tue fiee wl.' eaiued by su txplosion oaithtu large grsnders, traita cosmbustion l(ctueI wuet stitrh aîsd mou naîl. Say. Ht Fssnnd Fronk Browan. A Cincina.ti tii-aiaspsr priaI-, a tas- Patch fremins spetîa'lscornesponîdenst lit Ceiha. Honduras, tilliig of the aisre- sisuuisaltali st-sotfalh san-h fus Frank Brouwn, ttst ulefasaitii -ru al ofi sthlas (xcciusn Nationaul BîtaitofNewpornt, K>. Tht stuc>- rusas tIsait roata la lu lion- doras is, lotrtsershasausithS-. A. Psir, sut Montana. hlauaisigaîgu-al lu aes'king lu ro- pair thiir toi tîîte'-. An irnnsssu- use gui-gi-is tLe Cuisaioaga raiver.uss-a r BotontaOaio.,llu . uobe, Usulssuig tise hais-nd aitcur> ,iii aa >-thse lid age' 275 feet haontg. Nii scisisll UiIting-s ssîre aisep s'î a y ua-'Iî l, eot sia> fsctoiaanc ceSilou andsial al 1%jata iaq au-sns ele. le ue.rsa sReLghe. (Iraiqt Iti iS fluoti>Y refui lo us--t t' I laisi'i u tuas reart>- es aî-ds'd la, t te S-s'uata-. .4.ssaaadiir 'tîuift haisosc-utche suaosrfuthi. Itou tris oas-t and at csil,iceI-unsuientest iltas S.usaicof State ias>y litaur t. . . id. "irsssut[l)ias a il! na-van cutt Nsico agiin.' ssai a pcosiaa-suiaruny oUieet anal a ('10.e frlcad oft ihe îaes'saenf, "foc eisl inannanud »ie dostocs Lai-c ne isaîe ut li rteuvry," M-,.Atte- I- Acqited. Tht trialor utMc. Asotrîca Altisu for tLe mssnder of hi-r jisbîanai, John il. Alien, the ausalthy Otitua meneisaut, laul Apcit. ecarne tu anamirucapt endsat Buînlîg- ton.,Nais., au ils a verdict of nul guilty. St. CooU.Ïrîeitepo Tek. A notuclous gang ait couaterfeileru tusl usoonusinera lias ietu rooled is Cliitou. Ano . unit si DstoLave isetia eptuned andsIisnpisoacd. Mtsfesor Pat Bouse. '[Le builditg waita@ ua tatsets iret-- ed haY;lo ie iaalths anîhocities ut Orîage, NiJ, tait maalipux paients aas dentro>- Cl le> a moi, ut 400 ptnaonî. To Cli No.Oa« to pectlai-ea ll(I-urgttivlrs ot ailtise naturul glus eonpunieu stf(lio ut a Meeting held lui Colunulaus, agreed uSi 0 opi>- Do suare gas 10 Suutai-tsut'ers utfter tht expiration ot thse cuntratîlu nota'ln force. TChia action It due tas tht rapisily dereaasug pr-essure of tht felds througisnat tht StLte. Troe t .,in nchi.. Ciampanles A sud B, ntrti- Nîsîti U'nitestStuilesIn lanitr avaite ss' uais idtatisthtinoarun'tua tl1aiu hiuaa lut isbelitav-althat 'Nlai.or Gbsis uil co.-asuuaualtha-su. G-t1- a out. St. Jaisepi $25,000, .4îAunaug taus, AnJ es-avCa'nîtgis' 1atîra, iîrt se-sii! git- SouthtisSt. . BetiSNI%,. $2),lÇultulbe us-J i't ri-s-- issoa pauhli litrais .(One ut tise sain dition n hwhu slu.a tegirt ih, made Is tiaI aoc liasbftg- îi:asta lu.- alanutas Au hailsiuug cale fauuha- llraca. Ki.&'a. bon tus O iiit'sns Tise offical lragi-osa ut the ijuhe or Cornwalltiand Ycscolonial niit, givs bis airailtRaliax Ss'it. 1, le wH aIl teane Halifax Sepl. 17, urriving et Que- bec Sept. 20, antI leaving lisent Oct, 17. Re WavIi nnt"t St, John'% Ogt. 22 and leike .there Oct.2. 1! TIN CAN TRUST 1-3 FORSIRD. New Cosabnatio- il on Baud with $78,00,000 ii5ti on. An application aiil!l e made 8noo) ut Trenton, N. J., ton a chater ton tIse Auserucan Casa Compauny, the cuseitsi liona uftheîtitn tan uosutactucisig cota- iatedi States. Il us ilh lisssvanautshorsîrd essuital ut $75.Otii.- 01151, tijooli>-diied i 5551prefu-tredandia cuaImusu stock. Ont ut eah an amousut Talu tai$aI),(M00(0 siill!be retiuined in tise trear> !s'sîaiag $l4.000.000 ot eurh to he ilusei. 'The cancern wilh aino hart un th(' tressassny a cashis sockîssg capital of $700000. PRIERIENDaS lIas OWN LIStE. Rer. Franck. BatIayaoktCommait*onRt- cddtan a FUi t fDepondeocy. Deapoudent uaer bis ecent discharge tromth ie Duluths diocee Rer. Fraucis Bitazyoisski. a Rtoman Cathalie prient, abot himsIf in lise heurt iu a tluneopo- lia boletuand died betore aid coisi acheui hlm. IlItabadl tnlesl aph>-iaion, but tise odor of gaisvraia noted and is attempt frslsitcted. lie fired la-oiShola at bim- seai> sle tvo blilIboys tood oulaide tise door witiag ton ita. lit Ladlon bia pennon a tetier tromi Binhop Mý%eGolrck dispeusIag sithlisliiservices. Plan a Bage Marbie Aresh. Sastaîortea la>-tise Prosmise ut nevu-rul of tisa suaaiiheîstm-a of tise UnitetaSrtes that sufaticieut usose>- for ita completion choitle torthcaang. lie cousuîsttue ut tLe Aluîîesi Aunuesation or tise Unitedi .States Naîral Acesdtniy lias Lad complet- ed plans ton a scolosalahamisandl uater gale tsi se rsacledaiaIthse boîter>-, New Y'or!.. For Kii "" Hec Ba.hainui Mtrs. M> nb IVi-ister lu at tue rouitny al in Toipekua,îLot., changeai aith kil-. lsîg lier liuslaînal. Norman WetVesr. A cr uwis-ssthteuseatauls nsa'sl and NMr. Weboster's thru a , -scut trou, esir t0 oar. Mtrs. V'0lautua .'tlongbt su.steaî sali'. Il lu sîsca- that S1()(),0()0,(00 usi! ha tuXpendei in St. Lusinatise oeil tsio Yisrs in cOnnection ailh tisa greut avorîdus tairt 10 fe held ln 19W 3in commnemuna. tiou ot theo centennisi lortht loujuioa purehose. Sialcen millios sili lie ex- 1pended on tis e titoiltios dit-tel, Negi- HeId f-r GirI'a Strder. William W'iutiy, coiored, ato laced lu juil aIKnuohister, Mo.. chacged vilis mnrderiug NeliitAllen. s 57-year olai white girl. Tise glrtta Lody>- uai found in tise middle or tht atree t an Mca, Ailena5 home. 'Chu tact gLoussaimarka ot vio- lene. Look% Libre Case aif Matder. Tise lead bdy of Dliavid Forstse, a Nçew York street car conducior, aa fond on Fitty-nlnîh istreet. near rirst avenue. Deatis waa ausesi b> a pistai asot around in lule frt aide ot the isead. It la thougisI tht mais aas stirdereai. Ma-ngîed b>- Dynamite. Tav otisn uere kblutaioutnught and tistet lajuredasi abd>- tisaItise>-tail! dit b>- a lita->- xplosion of dynaumite nt a qssarry nesur El Paso, 'Cexs. A!! antre Meicas laiorens, except Charles Shel-, tise forensu. Cr-entIin Uer Bo-n.. M". Linole ilsoni, stgtd 60I-tns. r. aidsusg eigîstuamîle-s ns-sfu lranil, Inul, aus cetîatta ilusbec huse. Tise build- Ing casugist Utc saoul latti-uhe old waoman, coolaiesaupe ahe ws'.aibuins tut1deatb. W.Yreh.use Lirense Lai- Upheid. Ia tise United Stat-a Sopreme Court na opinionm'ue andeal uoîvu upisolding tise cutstiltstonslit- 0f tise liinuesota hawof IMM 5reqtssiug a tonage tic-calant sumai aanhutaton ailrossd lînes, butl nol ut tettminal satiouns, 10 lake out liceusea. The 1'residesst bus celeanleat Williama Catry Sungaýr aitNoirNain. fuir asistant Seetac>-utf't'an, susiit's-iusta tGeorge I). 'Melketjuuiu sof Nubraushu. At Ohpre. Kun., isru iighaaynseu, anta euth isWinehî-sýtccs, rohficai iso stores andI ielai up seneral cîtizensa, uter arhicb the- eseupeai unîeated. Sgtorm a rka Ilanc. Ont person avas kilet andI $250,000 damiage avas doue by a aleet sud tain stocos hat swept ener Chsicago. Tu.. MLAEKET tUOTATION. - Cbiesigo-Catio. s anussaa e10Prise. $t3.00 teto 52a lag-i.uhipping grasies. t$,100 t tai$.i('-is p. fair toe'iaii,$:;.(X) tiu $4.70; aha iNo. 2 ced, 7k- e' 07k corn, Nu. 2, :s-tas 39,: ousa No. 2, 24c 10 25c-; r>i-a No.i-, 41)c Io 50c; bsutter, s-bole ci-ssa, s h- li1,a; gg9,freih, 12c ta 13e: 1aaatssta :;!)Ie tu 41C Per bisahel. Inslialapouss -Casait. nhappirg, $3.00 ta $5-50; busoa ci-i itt, $4100 to $5.55; Sheep, CnstmaîîlaiPrimes. $3.(X tu $4.00; avwheat, No. 2, 74e las 75,;-curai, No. 2 wvhite. 30e tiii40c; osala.,No. 2 awhile. 27e te 28c. Nt. Loula $3.25 10 $5.M; hogs, $3.00 10 $5.5:îs. lscp, $300 to $4.50; usheat, No. 2. 1ctc îs2v;i: i-rn. No. 2' 36e te 37c oui. N o. 2"25c e 1 6c; '>e. No. 2, 5Site5.s Cininnti assit.$3.00 tai $4.75; hogu. $3.00 tei $5.Nss ias-içip, $3.() tu, $4 25: icheat. Ne. 2., cl to 79; cocn. No mlxed, 40e tas 41v; onttiNo. 2 mixesi ) i ta 28c; rye, No . _5 4c 10 55c.' Detroit-('atia - $*2.:50 t0$4.60; boga. $3.00 te $50, 5Olis-tî, $2.50 t $40.w. au-et, No. 2, 7iv .tsi 7; otra. No. 2 Yeitow, 40e tas -tc. cati. No. 2 whbite,28 te 2Dc; tyt. 'sIc to 54c. Toledo-Wheut, No. 2 mixed, 77e tsi 78e; tors, No. 2 sinesi, 39e tu 40c; oaîa. No. 2 naixed, 27v lu 28c; cyt. No. 2, ric i ta 52e;: dorer .s--A, prime, $6.50 to $6.7. 'titwtslee'tVi-î.No. 2 nairîhecu. 7ke ta 72c: curs,.Noa. 3. 37c te tSe: uts. No. 2 white, 27c tas2S,; ryt. No. I. Sic tu 52c; hanta. Na,.2, SIlo te 57c; poc.. sns-,u. $13.50 tas $141:15. BsiffalssCitts-. - uarOaiipping steeoa. IF3100 tai$5.110, Itoga.taair 10 ptime. $LOO tsi 5.80; aheep. tair tus chisoso,$3A9 (,1sa $500: lataha, csasatsi extra, $4.50 t., $5.71-. New Yorb Cuails-. $3715 ta $5.40. bogs. $3.00 10$39: hoopi.$3.00 1 t ie s whtat, No. 2 rei, 77etac 78c; cocu, No. 2., 46e tu 47c; outu. No. 2 a-bite, 32e to 33, ; butter. creismer3> - lIe lu2eeggu, west- ern, 14e to 15. RACla, WITIt AVALANCHE. Barry Brown and Four Cosopanloue Slide HUne Naillesin,14 Mtinuates. Vi-t lainiera hald a tiisill isg rare avth utn nalancbe in arhioh ths'y e-red aie isîsîta lis la-out:aisfotttu iuts ono Fissoar abusa. 'l'Iîc0î aliiue' ,Rubis Kean- doit, llarry laîuaî u, <eorge Montgomnery andi JaBsharrasiîsare tht fiais minetsi. Bron i waa ci-Cii it tIise sîsion depot in IDen ver, Osais is va-usta, iuis hotesinliCh1- rugo. Onuna s-ci-i ssI suisgiahe ond hill fouIr eomraili'î ataîrteilfrîsin ths Alionit "'!nfe tua sit Sait l,ak-e Cti«.Ssld Itrown;s "Metitrelisinkitîg good tisst' down ishli alita a cosi 'li la-li iji s attraîctoed usr ut- tealtiOn uansiistaoastht mio(ista ide ave sasa- a great anosa- iss toîtering aai bosltti t itial. We o iiiply let aur- ut 1-si, a it'-t it sastle inointuin sie ier stle isa 5d cris ai. Aais'osis laier use Lests] anotiier tisaritlt,]îglacsssg acli s. Vs' iIsw diluiuottiiwooii Caanyon gOisg s filsut la t ve lI.t nu c brea th. .Tnisss aiullikiiitise ri-',a ii, iiftts' fossrts'ou sîîusssoîa a w sifui sîrsîsitht av-- a lisssee issailic ais&si-k a roi-k ansI part- tiI. We autre isasîhe tii sp uilwt reach'd Isort tiote iiitise lasitos ut the cauoua." GIRL RAVES HAltE FR051 FLASILS. Teather Rushes lot. Hazna aie .«tI Isth nat W~it h thet letaiuaisiets'r ai cero snd ituai 0is> la a aigtist dres, ao.I e t' r% tten-hf>r Of tht sicisou t Itasaka Lake. Minnsa cîsuhes inttilabiii-iiig issas'andsliut tht i i. ur a h l'tl îbîrssîghsîtrutht,' lou- the iîîtaîî taîsîgiihîe ast or anal 'Ira.I. Wthi tise>-. liO-sii usiss'înilstht tttet arlîbthe sisilsla-'oin iilis-r avra. hîýr long huir, uti ii ihasi l-1,-1iI v lisr- -a! 1s- thteuii-. i asasuasiii ias-rs as'. bad. lsu ni t yisaasîlas tise hit- iii> uonît IVisîi lis' lare talookij' h'i as. iii cisaîjiany' 5i ih Mlr. oî-iJ Iis. Vs hi tOe-. li abi ishe nt IOsý asras-a ti l ii tht ,iiid. Siisisi'11sl>a'suv is- la sai ruttht diiseahe tiasOf liiie lttkisuse itre LITTLE CHIANGE IN TIIAtE. Dan. Cnueejut 1Auteser aya Blisi- nesa C.nttnîîe. tiod. R. (G. IDonts& fa ses-klyrei tas-of frade say-tittrchfancrewusuds'vloîîîd iii thetcs-i iots aftgens-roIha anoa Ciroîsîsatrs-s-ut!>- gi iiittuse-îsed t o heheld M ithoîî tii-sii i si aog.od dstribau- diirectîion.saio us ilshscour, atîsessat of aspecîstla e nart s uts Condtios in iroutal snd stetelisezia to usýiisie au aptearsui oimiac to ilsat of 18(15). l'rieahart issas- ed siivwarairaspîdl insuse tIse tosrr, as moade Pndtiat aîiait cîsc trasafisc dis- tant daels servarssi'otcsri-rasei. Maus fssrtîsrer4a are iaflioîs-a in reportîng al gresît demaad for dasîensi o savnsmtionsa, Whlle tIPsict s'aasîacîu for liiaished turnm are ctliitsshea siin oisîiitiaonas sus le- celinissg foreign issurbeis Vhi'atit sun shisaint usitîsl>, sail l aoîîsîissua aioit isshoVuslîst s-as . rssvîg tas reissrto thîst iI(ti-sa il>- pros tim- o i, as untisitatta trouhli'saisîit. asIsils-ai-illi- onadi tioss are aioo threuts-uiug. Atlanstiscexportia ut a heut. flour incsls i.averle47tt husbi-la frcthe w seh. agaisiat 1,781,85t1 bîsuhi-is a tac ugo. aviaIs'orn tîpacto autre 3,357,5:38iasls-l,.ag:aints-sI 183218 hîsals ain 1900. -'aîllsrsfor thtea-tek autre 208 lu tht Uited-atattes. ogainsl 205 lait yeac, tnd -26 su Canada, aguant 33 tasot yeur.' tIIVES DEN 4ARK A WANNING. Uolteii St.tea Say. M.n.- Ijissttin Milot Be Peeserved. A note oft nînst tht nature et un usiti- niasîs as n een asds ed b>- tht gon- troment or tise Unsted States 10 tht Dan- ish govtrsitaiiaî caarnnîg tise naîe uf tht l>anish SVeaîIssises tas any other tissar thon tIse Unisted Stlatea. Thie lui- ser gorernîsment lu îsnîioiîssto laîy tht iiiuuds and negots iîoounautht l ttend hure, heen lanlarogres, but ure held l in - aune Pensling the determinnîlon or tht Plan Of Copenhagen mechantu to col- uaize tht ilaands. Since tht offt'i'of tht lTnsted States wa made other oountertg bave mude tentative ortssteRan id these, NVIth tht de!,>-, have evisieul>-mssde tise Uniîted States apprehenaive tittkIe Mourut doctrine ia about tu le itaatted. hi- as ahi-i s s îortie sut kt i5, in usa a lienrsi>a1t.1le vui'saishultaslah a h haitilait laaha i lîa asakauu-as'd t ai i îaî tua-s. la i na Isait en.s-ra- sssau in-5 1llst a ut tsto"a uaLLu sasasasu i au ai-alaipatier a lasa men. BiLOWS A PaaSTOFFICI. Tai ATOMSil, isi ten Il.ay.nit Get 570-tý biii ,alililiii iaal ,,uaii is abo i rUs(( nîsub t u on Ijasratsgtlise uxlaluatlîui ý a-s-e aosaittal iiimess us t s arai ~5re'- svssii-rsasho srss -ithis brick uauitr pi-najo iatheul. (olstheic us1 us Isat tis-r soualaifin'i' the nuiflas suiahia tain pisora t ýhslaasal)talai latua tu o -si ata- rig aui ahiont au sua. America n Taira 1n tu»-. Tiese teamîhip (loodain brin.-.usw, Oithua e-niy-fint saalora mutinltai un tiss crouser Albuany- et L-lugNisi. 'l'le c-aue asotht customur> une ouug sail or' iaak ait moine>- and libty>. 'lha- c tratr>- cihor' asepquiebi>- sulidut v iii sas a nd rJ ei-olvera anJ phaeed ia Mohts Vitima Ct, lliam.e.. AI Belletontaine, Ohio, sain'ur wunded Nelie Jucksons $700 damages aguinaltIsa' commissionera ! ofeguin Count>- for la- juieisisuslained aItlise bands or a moIs that tob ber fcom juil ut Wel'st Liberty- in caispan>- avtis Edavard Jackson and David Iticiman und tarred tIse trio in Nonember, 1809. bire.Nation I.tue, Parier. Tht tiratissaut of 'MIo. Nationa Smasatu en'sMilaiuppeared uit Topeka. 'ira. Nu- tion is >'el in tise cont>-juil and esluîed tise Smasher from thiare. The pubhsisec of tise palien t, Nick Chilto, a negrso, avio is lsoav unuer sentence b>- tiseappellaîn court for iquer-selling, judgmeat btlag suapeuded.i chilui-sayer la Centenced. Trans Brown, aged 14, Ot Clision Cosint>-. Ky., child murderer, avas lîshen t0 the peniteutiar>- f0 er-se a lite u-n tenet. Brouin.,avissn 13 I-tait-s h]. 'bot froin amsh antI kilied Celia Joaea, aged 12. ____ Mo.ther 1laBHarneal tai ieoh. Mnr. T'liniaauMeGuorutC.hicsgo viasa buraeta u seth, ber loîta s gnilug in tise cxo siotn utan sai lui,1aP. W heu thes occu(let Ioea-tu ms-ailier tuuiiaclilc 55ta re plisyiiîg ln tishe otirardl"]talbusr hUsuhail was. un huais a>- boise rom a ocb. Fraiernity Boty. Win. lier. Arthuir Gringle, leader la the nois fnats-rsity a-ar ttgalaal fraternit>- taen, whlcis has tuccisgolng ou et Wittnberg Coliege, -Springfield, Ohio, several aeebi, ha@ lietu expeiled b>- the facuit>-, Msny I'eelab 1in lackCe. .Aeeordîug tai a dîspateis trous Odessas, a plgrim steamer was cotigit lu a atorsu ln thse BI&ses ansuaeventlr-two pilgrnm were wasised overisoard antId àwaed. at tti-ii ai la- a-.- st 'h- aa-' Iss s3 li.-4 0, is, tIsA ta -ru t t .i ai a ea a n h> tt a 2suli har-, Nau ai ao.-, s. salSI iia.a a-.:17 Pe-aau-saiaui. i Il.sraa alul-,uas a ' aiaha-t a11 s l a jo, t lii. rat ru1 l i na in lai- -;ule . 1 «i :.iiai 1,la jsa-, iiii a a ptiurultriaisn ssal.ia s- un air i bai Cosua-i aatli aulpera.aa, iIl a lis-ratIl l saîi j ,.t as Slaaa I l au, Ilainag Train Cr.-hea Thity teî 1)ureaag tIse i1,-a li n t-u utuh fit> ii'1,-as Is-111naili ioula- Ia ionI uit a naihuaavuit(aainzl ra-ait lIailuas.[s- ia. on th, Itaiertu i.ulauu i las-y sti jasaI eus isg the utt,ltaIl sslien thet tîrsn s.ailie sIostis at tusl lia-a aisi i iilua abouat hurt> mns is susaul-siiia-s A cycio1e ne- rekain giTe,. 1- md'iats-st lils Poi.tIsax.. lsarl.iaa t-s -ry-lliug an lt-s u u-. 'ýuai- -ai ors.' situanudi libotu sit a ilaJarua, suan>-ot thes,-e tashlly. o diwcs aelI- iag isataa 5susemw- 'tsirl *v11iiil said a numsen ofor tlieru ucare 1>susca ea ,%VeoItisy M.. t.nt tau rsn ('huiu's F. (liais i-r, a su ruilha a-s aient uofltsîsgî,L.. I . as auasusialih y lus thIa-Susîrsuse ('oui-I ut Suffoulk- <ý'ititat o tshle stha- ast trgîssg u aItI pîtupauting ta' fsssIhlaIst liii ttiir. (h suc ec waasiessteiscuelufuir Icairs assaItour 'Chers la muchis ushtriisg aI Liuiui-sîen, Ohio, o. a cesasîl orf allsug ut the nt- tirai gosassh>-l. laasturaî-ofanal scisoolo Lice been torred au chase aindlhuisLauncas- ter Trauction Cusaîsan - il sahle to run ita cana oui ing lu tise laek ait fusel. Canitu tMuedei-. David Wiuget. a i-uts'raistaidtortmer soumt of thle Sa has-s!t..,Ohils oiiea louit,linsa tueus eusislenîîfisctistuscond tinîs' ut niouler in tht ltr'.i digne ftsaheu kiiiing sut l'edeiiek ,Blaustie, 8Seemben. W4hile F.îspsror WVi-iiam a ais aii ss froua tIse tatIsuk-ller tu theasarois-su; tas lion lu Bresuuii a ivork uaa aii - ai fluetý rieL Vailanai htis-sisaa p issu' astiranis atis hi'. susjet'd- ii oriiage. The ICiaja r lui taid te hart huans- ligi lu> nutreai. Pasil<ilsons, alark hiatus, et Gmnt Falls, wsa'. t d )l v the lNostana L.agio- alune as a flosurat tas(!ili tht vuessîtu->- in teUntle! Statea Setuate sss-ib>- thse reiguation 0for .A.Clark huaI ap cing. Niurde- s Eil. Hi-lmnt. William Mott, aged 2h), awaiutiug trial ut Laincasten, l'a., tonrnîunîlen, comumit- tesi suicide lu bisa etlla,3hanging hitusoîf. Men t eria lu a Tunnel. 'Chreti men astre impnisoned b>- lire lu tise Mulepole tunnel, neur Apex» Colo, andI gerilhed. Odd. snd uid- 'l'us.- . sa i a il Iwi îlss 5il iagi ha,- Partiou u .aiîi. ha- ia Cis sas î piaa a litaîsisas At tIse resai ua I-iiiaa.,4;40 lieras asa i aîs-athb'ehuairhéî- 'ilur a 'îîîsss t s aussits ailsuîaiStiate foraisaai t lu, -i -sus iPtos.epei est iin thsoS-atilî A-tri, su vstu tusé) ts Itiusss.s 5-a,-, h ,aaa .;Ht5,tiui.i I su..of stimia eas sa.lIia.itthIle ssiililia Au1 i r 1 aé usi a ast s lu- t BRaîy, o'aUn a.Lsa.a1sil- -il> iaio eeueaiNias latglas sua itr lis l".Iii asl le $ilS..1, sli 1 dla l hié i..ia usas laih1-sua - l s. iAis j aata . ii. I s.uis 1u.a...g.ié atusa-s bua I u-aaua Nd' a i su-uFi ilé d - i é ha - i~ ia- i . alla. i .i'ai i I-se - Ina-ssi-al sa las-uaInuul 1-, aîi v'. salai,dsis losa-s il vlai ' ais -sus ,-i . 1 , 1 <' I lia .a .- lI i . i l;t i ll r 1 andthsuar .i , na ai,.-sba.a, rta. us-uaa ii ala nthavuszia -ait iias t liiisia 1. 5 it af té'sai lia i. 1 T éaam tt ine usai, hîl!,* as. d oajusîsas1osalssThé ltiaiiaglfisaT i-'rI s'e. rlaiIs s. au.7tas t la- lia - l' M'st l ait. . tili nl, thésas-at. éas f T 'ila hlas , su suas la . ntlrîs 2, t.uéhi, 1sula-o ai ndt e'tai aqar.-asal te- 1'ssiteul Stiusu-survah r;-, aviso ais aru.îio turinlaSuîîh Itu ie utla no,%,tosi hs si-su>bisk tas p lin. Mc.Aianis- lias>-of tOakland.i (',ai., ho hti-Ylablui suttit-ordivorct, usîspuuurea] usa user usas aattores- .a.nod Prepîî'tlltens- txaary taisaor rueîfilbout tht ausint atuas' utf a ha et, The ptt-fistii-iit- aUlier Inthiecs ustI ossaare sornuli iEngluis cout.î sia. illisntcaufs-a! n'a-stlt durlug a trial in i,oii- Issn, tittur- ust taut>- wtnees.hiall gIi-on thuic s's aenie. Itl arasa tIsuhon cs' ens-autIsaitail hli' sass011is suis aussIksed a Thle C(litaith ls ,a a of L-and- tait Ta sar tise toals! ittuiben otfnew bsooks puslhut lulîai lathlus'UsittulStaites ruieal î.:luior 6W isn,,oethon ui auy pneviusas >tast lýrîîîuk Ilsîat, prémuinentîcanîora Birusinghans, Alu , calle, hh10 bis îil>- siLte af a tIIi10'L ie ire,"tisti fireda ofatal isiliei'l us lu Leond. Elffortsiaéselui- .F. %%l'aulanal Broats Tanal lr. 4.iugut NM. t'agtr, Ci0<0, tai buse susaîsisu-utIse illii-ttiaa stm tau ing. uainat thollîsit caaitsaoîa,îsuitis tht lu. SIruunce pastis-ls on Matlirie Dor'erabi, us Lu dan] cseral uusoa1thasaisi, has' e f ed. Th'ie niaiieiligi--rs ofi atSi ' asstt isa' th stuss'1JTsIiiof Bunilaur>-us,.king. iiîs q u iiiiiu-s. Thcîu rité. su Ils l ia, s Isrh uîîtnoutsshloggsuansi ls iîîhitîy tas oser- autugaimls-ia' sisthaith>- ai Lt-t. Tiset-sIl lea sugrau ateaila>- ytise ut,, hi-tht pi-s o osoas aetsalth teos'eflo ite. 'horisa ecusîuu ps-)rmnaulîaîlli: I linîîg tht laittyea r tus',expoariate ions tLe I 'nit_ etI States t0etise Argentine Its-Is1is hhv iaîceaaed 39 pîer centl, us tosputed aiti tise figutrea ut tht precediug Year, Ti 21 gîte. Amerîcu secoud place amaing tise roointrîtas wiiaisdo tuPsîrI Luslxseao lut. Argentine, wilie tise(Germen Empfre bas paasd doavu le tise teurtis placem 1 « CURE SICK 4EAOAOI4E.-- STHL GENUNNL MAAUMYELLM WILL KUPYOU DRY Nom UP'vWI LOOKS FRRMM TTRAX MWLTAIt PNOY.W~TfI 3MlWINsl FULL LiNCO' <Att'WT5 AND M, AJ TOWFE CO.. O3TON. MA355 Il coa r orr Conssmptio In mts," "i à srtrelef inadvaaeadslaMs.U4ai tàkCt Us t dose SOtU ai dangers .a.i's «hem. 0 be Sales 26 Centsa"sO m eso. TY PEPRESSES Printers' Materlals Of .11 Modefal t .i S "ffl 5,55 M ..., e- tl o. ,M a s ae otelSl os. 01.50OatS e. etcia., DL Elys Oream uaim tfgwtW".e,. .N -u.s Nont P>0rDu! P&IENUT Oad drssrasîi àLýTti 3. A. T ' --2 t rt,. , I(i. WEAKE 1 -w! A t. th ont. iasiins IL Mae tissî une 2S «M e i.ud's i Rossslo a.iiîtü~ 0F OPCONGRESS BIr SIJMMED UP. '4ttnber et ty uota. 9 Nuruher of bllsI. itruduced. .14.3.StJ 4 Nouber of reports .........3.000 1'ohI lc Actg .................345 1'rlvate actea............. 11250 'utal acta................ 1,595 Naniher oaint rem-i'oîîtioos. 31r, "If tii-rt lu any RPIIRsîU»or dssorder tIse sergeanstta rma avwilI clesir the ual- "elt4-s iIl nlut'oisi-eosen t us le isok lii» titis-s'tu oras i'si- r the XeItss un ii 'edl isiaa andI raiîiîed idarpi>- ,,,ith his gai i- Il vwsî sas ales ioît by t he bu rat ut apmliiae a h ch il i hsil euat...anor ito thet1saîsinber. Apfîaîiisuastr tciiîi or,id- del'y itse nUis utoftise Sessiste, and thse rilt. s Vi5e lress'set(]()*-a luit lrolsometo ullow the rutea taslit vioattd even by liersono arbo aisitueahosa'tissir aspre. clatiou et lilîsalf. Mir. Morgan (Aia., avîsîson 'Eseitisi> isffvesia ns'îsstlion de- rtisning theabri siogait li ion of si- 'lu ton- itiitwtr treaty ,itett-en tise UnitedlStates and G(reut itritulis.n iliresIl, i l iits, tir Oearny t woa houri atîsaits ip jrsoposi- tioni. Ilim a(Iioii olst 055tui 1rosît ittitii wt're partis-sslîsriy sarp. Ss'natsir laryi' ot Maine iau onThura- slaytinaniiitiatiy i'sts'd usmlnsaîlsut 1 ro eitoare of tllit'Si tu tolrsi d.'iriiig the abutai-e outVis e tru'aislsntlisasv't Noth iliîg wau a sisn thtesi ati utiltd friostiti'e-siîiiritiaioloif a hati h of noiî alistiolmAndi-It hi'ele(tissi t'Ifseil- ir-'sittt [Ir. telilpure'. M r . Morgan osrili l rîssuarbu ast i% hla ct'iisostsîsfor she sîlro- gâîlin of tht (1t u> tisalsîer tri-ai>, Ad- mitiDeey >'ha s eets rewardeal fsr bis paurticipîation inithetu' Iittile ofrSuahy -a s-h'(-k fosr $l7 ,w hi,-h rtîireasntu, the jtilgznis-at rîn-teredIlnlahi* , arohîe court uf onarismt 'lieSeuoils.' aia ail rs'usty st -Pat i titra Siii ,sli.liait lis lit 5 1,, c a slay IIi , f'rsiiîIlr. Mitti eu utftOregon ta arrive ansi tubs' th, sîuth if offlît. A smIIlailiniiinît ofrorusst i iisa a a the eslraiordlîsary ti-aisiu oî,%.tus' Sinati' wa.a dela.rc'at usoIjiistîiimisse di.'- î 1 :'5 p ini. Sistuisi-l. Pi isg these.moînlilrae- tuvaI!> ssil). atissfalIsjit tisat ut au exs'esile i Larus -lr v.aa rsî- s-is.The be asl itass ioi l-1i's l - sin5eil -t t ordî'r tIsl iilsiats isizlit lat'au uPlsurtîîîsît s ai-,isirji uîpointmrents ssInad u t t' . 'iiIfig lsti..' ata di- liîi raîlsîs. TVIna!t itt Mî ii'sf- lsliaiisdtlir. a i ohuis,' rrslier tut t he senaite- laidils At Ilo.aaaseoargS, t a V'ili of 3isin. i ii' ilttis frîon t r maaass ias-u-i ti isucol- heaigisi. Sisi-tiaaIII,% îstiol.the oaih ut LUtils. litnt.Mii ti l r'iiii-d lr t iaeth QmudCate Takea Up Projt-tlaiTnnel tsstrui:sig. I-1aise tiuit iîther vas>-t th ise t.eaDinide. htis,.susur iiie a ong au auusial in î" nuit ci,- Tht pcojos-t staurteultusivtltu oa cra usetaher, bust nhe h ept unisnii site or tht fgo b>-1B ris' 'aumrecoy tur lssnntlsag tact thatliter nsghî ii-nrsa ism turnîsi off, tht great divudeis aiun n faut wa>-tuelie andthe lasuscahs-hht i-lat. 1lssaI. cannied onut. 'l iteathur do> ail tlue rîghîsi sut tht Atlantic und a -i rae tunnel in NHEW ROAD I 41 0 UIl (At.FIELDtS. Ciesî' CreraL Couitl>- ('alo., ivi-e 'sul taij I a syndiente henaa is-l Jantso . tc tuLComtpany lasru-ueISiIta. li tonîl ut Syroacuisea,N.Y. Aus-a sossîpaî> tcet ,-i1'Pen,.no aul hI utorini.em'slinauJLissai us,îL e lie,,,- Ct'lînuai Otaail..-s:-isîîiita , huea-titît vcr-Suit LakelIaialut as>Tun'l'ut ousaipslantv. tic tht i'o-nsss> lu atislIai aiiai. isavei-eu 'it( ptsnpos'sr tia 5 u-orpor.uatin la o crî, rtu.htIe taleiatual sais htiaîîry. diice thîL e ftrasîi tht' t utnnel firets. tait il a t-apisuutal 11 tosfand i 5ai ess ontuile tntsath(rsîastntaun, thcuaîgh luiîd a tuait sislas'uilsas aJug, tront tht grelt dus île the t ullh distnc oft lui- Aden in Macîlia Visa, aliaslaii tap Mutal Tht tusuliciall siiorten aul the extensiveucoltuainîil s-artise liai tct. tast anul a-t nsnmusîtaian oada 254) Lot-ai rroussi nusa% iuntatIhe ne- ciau iaillus aànd aili lehasetu l 1oada thîst in a mnore outhle par i ut iiithe aenss ra- us h tei bîilai tu il or balinconnectionas na te mu atasi n itl.,suitîl on ns tisertu Ohiosu ai lb tsatiaig ies, eooi fields flot airus-si- i-iieslb>-tht W'heeiing and talke latrie rosai. NEARLY BLINDEIS HT HAZERS. Piritian fer Ial t u. West Point Cadet CoMpelled t. Fuir- Jton o u Irsa îli- u'tC . I tenader Hia Appointissent. forsas-sus ri-s a cas u-r. A.usîue Ucealeraa-ek Ni-sin ut57 Niac-ah ara-aî-î aauî. .satics .î-sîe, eu signai iai 'a!ihi, iat 't't.,t Iut'aî. l'ail-laav of the i. I't Nutaiuala nk ast of 'l'lîeuN[). lai.d a-. ss1sts issg -ighîi a-iugaeuh il 1 a i t aa renulotisu 4-lu u aîîhu Is au IcnscI usau apîuaaanteallu>- Caug reii lalias'ctt» us-r., axil nai ils MNiilh Jass-'in, liaIt>)!. sa stsi -ri- iag tise oaît> ade - sus-uWet tastuali- siusat ai tSioxl lls1 ai It ýs-a taIdthut uhil.' standlsa i a-s hAlaska. (utI.i'.e lîeaaal, au ustaI usas' y alist- s ahua l'lis- total pflaaiiaaosutAli-sauil liltI' a hý la u i--saisiat>lx a la- i, aihusisluJatîhueailassa athte-tia u asaaau Sliai-t!>-astri-rthat Ifnal ii t-i aus i, a ,71 ari, asa tin 2 > ftai aa-. ti-s, ossau, Itn taskaug tla-a laa-a laas lýi isa u . it- c aras-lr Wo are talkmng about Y cough. One cold no "Q~ passes off before another Oà But it's the urne aid cough the tirhe. And it's the samn old story, too. There is first, the cold, then the cough, then pnieumronia or consurnPtioA with thc long sickncss and li<*e trembling in the balahe.Ayer s Cherry Pectoral ioôsens the grasp of your cough. The congestion of the throai, and lungs is removed; ail in- flammation is subdued; the parts are put perfectiy at rest, and the cough drops away. sThree si,,es:a2Sc.. soc., i.a. Ail drug. Cit.J . Ayai Cu,. Loweil. bfaso. ABSOLTuE SECQRITY, COnulne Carter-qsd à»s Foc-sIdIsW aoe isv. V7 aans M minium CAgIRS::- MFOMOASS (Cop y rn An.i hi 'li' ruil tilir -a Vi-t'a.. h-îîai,~ <liii-,.l isuh, SllI st sola luit bagnela]- .1 l uis tiailtre1 à4tsate. great 5555 1son loi but ortil *aIsltef I 'arnss0 bto. a and th-t troua It tera ii &Hd t h rof AI theil t0.tfi, pttla ail th' et At. sic fa someti but s are as tond.i pet il et htr th f ring- fard .tno, o iu

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