CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Mar 1901, p. 8

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~IA Thing or Two About Machinery. Vhs. yon boy a ptee aif mchney get mome4hing made by nmre q»SUflIalO muatuonr. Goode that have beeu tried and eioad the UNf4IM ad ol e am er home sa poaible. Ira ba. Isoles made by John Deere, Keatone. Bradley. Prairie Cli' M& ft«c., Deeolug, etc., mand keep repaira for them. Maohifiery MM w e have ml fer yean amnd kaow ehat tbey are tLhe s that Mm o u lay. 8(alt rlght. work right, stay right, sold right, !e Ms e achines for a dollar or two leu, but yon vili bave ten <ilmovedh f trouble witli them, adilfyen happea ta break a eml e" udtaiNew York ater l and vait a veek for lh b corne. DeMI gesmrn nev make &0 exprimet villa. Let the other felow do t" 0"Yom viii mie mcney. 11 Y« wva&M1Me buet mtlk cana aoid la the eouuiy corne bere afto? thMO The price la rtght. c SCIIANCK BROTHIERS, tJbsrtYvlIe - - - - - - lIlnois. DÔ YouRPealze. . . The a telephone would be ? You eaitaîlk witli the foliowing subscri4rs and new 'phones are being put in d!iIy. It COfts but a fow cents a day. Besidos we can give alu our subacribers direct counection with the Chilcago Telephone Company. ToiliStations. umDiATVILLB GRAYSLA KE DL&MONIi LARE PRAIRIE VIEW GILMER GURNEE LONG OBOVE Ldmotyville Exchanege. M . T. Residece bis Mcaronl Co- Factor W. S lLiCo DryaGoedAa(Jccee moat Autin Bridewaer m amea m~ ueideace HâE B trdvare a Tiifilop lv.le.C. ia. Readence la.D.C.R. OInce f15 tarm , P. M. Marsi a1. JLea & Reali Rste wsi )àïeat am Reidece i., ies, ealdence *e COmohY Omk. C. P. Wrlghi, (Jasier -Cnsit ladapendent. 10. . Jast le OQ7uc ara C. A. Ape,,pt iMIijmRosai.R. A. Pont =To PSI . B, Store OsmeJohn Reideni.. eLe i.W. P. (Gagea Laie) IIOCKEFELLER HALl DAY DRUCE LAKE 3, Macoîffiv, Paul At tiev (Icve 2ê, Milie, ei. H 16. pentor. Rhut iJ i-eidenci' î1e.0iRay, (ico. (Diem..d ie) Htel 23: Stafford, R W. ltîden"e iii., Tattier . Chas <(Dimovd Ike> Hotel 25,.Trgsa Teylori iere.& MaiaMarkt 27. Triggs. (ieu 3, Taior. Dr. J .-Residen.e e Trrg., J. E. 2, Walrond, Wm, Meat Market i2, Waisrs E .Wiidi aume i2i. Weteefieid, J. H. llcidence Gayalake Exchange. i, Amnour& Co. (Rund Laie> "e lioi.e 2Sheria,.. E. i. Re.deice 3. shermn. E. B..tevelry 7, Shaffer. Dr. E.H. Recdence 4, WUiur Lamer Ca., Limier & CQaI Rockefeler Exchange. i1 Reine. Robit Ment Market 32: Harde., ici Hotei Information, rates, etc., wrte-.m CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Loveli's Drug Store, Llbertyvllle. Illinois. RURERBOOTS Stout's Patent Snagg Proof Rnbber Boots . .. 3 50 Boston First QualitY ............. ... .... 3 25 Bsu,,Band First Quality.......... ..... -3 25 Boys' SuagR Proof.................. 3 00 Boys' Boston....................... 2 50 Children's, sires il to 2 ........ ... .......I1 40 Children's, izes 8 to 10J .................i1 15 Ve carry a coniplete Une af rubber footwear t laveat prikeu quaity con- idered. Vs think ve ciamiue yots maney an m&H yaur fooweir, GIVE US A TRIAL. V. SAUER & SON, DEALERS IN Illinos. 19bicles, o!1ail [Mtd. WRIGHT- BROTHIERS Want.ypur busln&,*4-remember that-aîid they havie t*he linducementi§ youi warit epipecially in 1901 farm ac hey and tools - - ---------------- LIBERTYVILLI3, ILLINOIS. oe Slee U ylgel the origineli De ,,et for iL TUe genuine lsaa .atain cure for plos, ecrebansd skiai dls...e F B. Loveli, Li%értyrllle- J. Ra. BL Faoa Gurnge, WILL KNuî,rêt DIAMOND LAKE. Mesil. (Jt le ou the ick lier. tIre. Etasma l on the ick l11. Misa Lueila XMtchvîlt Ineufteriug vitti s severe o lu. E. C. fiable velted Liii brother lu Chicago ou Suuday. Mir. J. Van illew use the guet ef r a. Docker lait voek. lira. B. P. tiartît sud Jlira. C. Taller ver, Chicago visitora Tboradsy. lilas laxham bas returnol home aften viaitlug relatives in Lake Forent anti Waakegen. lin. Leinker and fainily uiovc.d to Leititon on Mouday ibere tlicyvilii make their hiome. % Lîke Oliver Twiteiblîdren ask for mare ibon given Oue Minule Congli Curé. Moibens enlorse IL DIghiy for croup. ILt iînckly cure@ ail coughm anti cuide sud every ibroatald long trouble. Ibisa a epeeile for grippe andi attima aud halong bocuenv eR knoov rernedy fur ihoaplag coagi. *F. B. LOVELL Libertyrille, J. B. IBEÂcRiE, Guru ee; Wixr KiIO014 I Bukefefler. LEITHTON. Mir. Rtobert LII as a Chicago riettor Tedmy. fiel Frye la workig for George Magon. Mr. William Moyen vms lu Chicago on bùoustas atnrday. Mr. Henry Helfer moved bo Prsirie Vîi is àweek. Mr. iHenry Mille shIpedtirev, car biade o! iay to Chicago thale eesk. Mr. WiII Lemkem movod cula Henry Heller's farro tloutiay. Mr. Tam Davison bus heen druîlug beay ta te Knickerbocker Ilesbouse. The hemvy htorm Sîalday night c nueet couiderahie damege tibrough. vere biovu daun belveen Lettibon and LIi'ui croaîng. 01ttoati 11111e Duster, o! Crete, III, bave been vieiug ultla li. John Knunmudtifarnlly. We are aIl gied 10 bese thah lMr. E. J. Sabla ubo la lu s Chiacgo boapiai la au the oud 10 rerovery. Linemea ou 'i's'-acluCentrailRail- rosI mage buaj lianday ald Tuieday fxlig up tie pole ad vires i$bas blev down Saturlay uLlght. The Swell. Naaserar, 'Ie eid.a M.-. Wlio tiiakal4iM nuites avl. îles juet ouI ouI s Mr. -, AnddJore Il fatir Wil. Hieaocr( augla ai tilI haobrird, As id hlm peopile taIt; Focriho, tint iigt-but ot a voit'- Tic' tie ba a si. ht wai' ijou Party Thît gathereti for the nue; fly uitaherne il a&me tht aiu Wîri seuted hy bis aide. Haeode biidltierhan ltheualelgb. Alonu to Llbertyvilla; Unttl ttcy stappati et RestarautGray. Wierc ail anon lad Iheir Ail. The oreters ean. off Ibai ttolleil. Aong the aldevatka thora; Thtonue te fait te brave sud boid; The ottr-diti ho oare?' He btnri t lîke a genttimnS. Eau though tbey johel anti rearcil; For bhtm It muet ho. la ifeerilan. Fac botter Itagsam etoest. Thai cvii doscoma ta grief won proven on that ait; Bioratroes mati blaukala byea thief Were ateen,as.outtlgbî. Tie. osera vons the ver? mon. Ag queerreaililmer seen- iliadilte tatraie th rondiaefala) Thc formar@ of theaharne. As toc tha mas vbMoiete roets. tic eboulti be putIlujolil; As hlm, eaeh bar bis nonsetensa probes. Tima'rcabot apou bis irail. As tor ttheavait, truie te the 1mw. As humaelias partirrosie. tic neyer loft ber dit1 ho sae He as aeraihanstde. Nov Mr. 'B" voita ou Mines Anti cilla.heae*e'o mieci; Ha bas anenusefor Mr. 'D." Hic îiîuughte ste suaio -fB. 1. D. Prof. Ivtaon, of Lonacouiag, Md., suferaI Ierribly fror nuralgia ofthel alomnacti ant inldignetion for thurteen yean.antid afier 1the donture tallaI t cure hlm tbey fladbina on rnanpiule. A frienti adisel the une o! Rodol Dyspepela Cure sud aflen taking a tew bottllaiof il he smye, "It hlia ufem entlrelj. 1 eau,& amyton pmach foi Kalol Dyepepia Cuire." 19 digueit iliat jon est, Y. . ILoeH, Liberqj ville; J. 3. Buâau. GMune; Waa Rulea, Eoekmfolla, Nez. 5; R.IL oloemb l la- lock ai tii I. vins. J. Ë. Raicoinli lail buaunees I Au- titoh Tueeday. FrankKnlgge vas i Chilcago Mou- dayad Tinetday. Mns. John Wellsi larîportedl qulte mlck ai tht. wrtitng. Wm. lticks viii iioon ciivO tiere Mvill tis farnly frorn Dtamond Lake. Deauteon Huntingion, aupetrvîsor o! Ela tovnsip, was in tîwn lest Sattîr- îtay. Rockefeller ceorNe t.,lie. a pîpllar ahppiag pot for the live mdock deleri. B. A. Sith, or Prairie Viev. ine pnrchaedi the bte Thos. Coopers reidence. Potmaeter Will Kuifige sud mou,. Mater (lei, enve la the ctty on huai- ue8m Tuesday. Our eupervtaor. MIr. Meyer, attetided the Oouity Bord meeting at Wanke. gaa tht. week. Mna. Fante E. Smitth, of Reneaha, Wl., te the guest of Mr. and tire. E. D. Cook ai prebeit. Now thai vo bave lest eome of our enow the ronde are about as laud ai they vere vbe it vaseomtug. Will Enigge receeved thie week a large ascortmeat of iiibiers vhlcb le ta selitug 20c below former pricea. Abert Wlcoz sud vîfe, of Seattle, Waeh., bave returnied bomne 10tekre charge of the Gridley farim neer Prairie Vlev. Mfr. Paynie lise purcaeil Mr. Ronce', store buildtng. W, heur f rom a Woriby source tUaI Rob4eri Rouai viii couluet a groeery lu cou- necttou wlit J meat market. Are you in ueed o!mauytbîîg lin he fedel It o, cali ou Mr. Ceendhite, Who alway8 limna agocîl euppiy ou baud. He alaacls Itour. Everythiug of the bail quaitt! and prices reasonable. The queston of good roads ta one lu vhtch everyoue is lineresated. Wlial the peuple of ibis sase uoed ta not. btter vatervaya but belter roadvays Illinuois asa state stands tiret tu mrny tbings. 5h, ongbit sud cle a rstinl good roadle Thoce vbo recetved diploma8 Iise aeek froci J. H. Freernan. Fremideut cf Illinois lupls' lReading Circie, Springfield, are. Leroy Proctor. Otto King, Cors Thornas, BE B oise, John Hoicomb, Emmet Biliuskt, Pilllp Arn, WIII Heukehaveller. Il may be lu order to speak of Rockefeller village need as e vel as lia acquisitions. The irai sud grosateai need ta deceni aidevaiks. Thts ta a merlous dravback to a gresater popula- tion. Other crytug Basie are sireci lampe, a tain hall sud botiter train ser vice. Aî,E'(7Y, Laý., Oct. 17, 1899. PEýPSîN fiaRupî'Co., Moticello, 111. OsaNis.I bave nsed Dr. Cldwell'@ Syrup Pepsin villa marked 8uccese. 1 uubesitatiugly eecommead Ih tothose suffertag yul ii tomacla Trouble or Ooumtipallon. It'. eertainly a bissa- iug to bnmmnty. 'ion are ai liberty to Ume My testimonial. Very respetfnîiy, F. M WILCOSON. F. B. LOVRta. Libertyville; Glac C. RRTS. iVa. IîCOr(iiîî WTLL KNîOO(E, Roc'kefeller; (,RAYiiLAKE PPARMACY. GILMER. fiprlng vilI soîîube bers. lira. Wmn. Biermanun iou tho ick hit. H. Lemker wa4 observed on our atreets liouday. Mie. Cara Kulgge viahîed vilU ber brother for a fei day. lant veek. Mise Nelie Bneâchiiîg te visltiug vith bler Mtater, Mra. L. J. Kigge. Lewis {ulgge maie ealbusiness ccli ut Lake Zurifih oe day tUls veek. Mr. sud tire. filF. Scticsrmanen vlsited wiii friendm il liairingtîîî ovei Suuday. AI. Srhwernann im training imccrlts Wih he r(!teui3 Y beaght t f T Lemker. Orvlle tàitbwue a Wmikegfl Vi. Itor lut » aq- Erneet DuUiee, of Millbaum, apent a feî daya -t Ihome lait eek.j Ruth Wellm u beeauiok'for a tev timys, but ta beter Mi preseat InlUg. me"lMar" aJolco la ou the Blok lia.i. She bai Our deepeai sympathlin lbleri mlefortuuie. lira. Frank Doîpti bas bea on the ctck liai for the liai few days. fibe taa improriug a 1111e at prenat. à Miae Raie Deoker la suffertng iil1 au aihmck of the scarlai fever aitlihe home of ber&anil lu Bouth Ermntau. T here vere no services lan1the claurcli lait Suida, nconnlug on accouai of the1 incleinent veaiher. The usuel ser-1 vices vere held la thce vaiug. tire. Dortierad suTon OY eeailait fietirday and *uuday vistlng ta Chi- cefo. mise Anna returued home vihlf tbemn, afler an abseue01 aevetriE weeka.t Thaoefrorn bere vlio attendeithea -.Reading Circle" tast StituidaY ire: misses Roue impeon, Pearl Smilla, Mosie Paynie, and Mdeasrs. Lec, F. Jean-j meesud T. H. Deoker. Mies Lotte Col, veut to ChOMÔsg lest Wednaday, viiere asctieyl apeai a fev days lerug the apriagfu ahioas lu milli7. Bbc will thon proceed tei Bellevilleê, Wts . wereeblllia sne- onreo a poaillion. Laentfialurday John Meikle arrived homeo froin Chicago. Alihougia ve are very sorry go saytali e basan& uallau recovered tram hiislîness, ve are &Il very giad ta sne, hli back and vish nlm a speedy recovery. While working Mt the Armaur tee bouse s veek or two go, Richard Dnddles received là îuund on the top of hlm foot wiht laid hlm np for a lev days. Dr. Bhieffer dressed the lajurel member mand nov Iiile dolag se veilai coullie expeciel. Tbe eommunity vs. gremtly uhocked1 t0 hear af the caiamity vhich befeli Prof. Oaggin, of (luruee, Suuday, Marcb 3rd. lMr. (lgglu vu veil kuov lere, having iaughit our achool aireraI jean *go. ne haicaur deepeet sympathy la lis sorruw sud bereave- mont. The Myste Workee' etertatameai, ibicti vas 10 have heen givea thee2181; lisc, bas been paaipuued untili Mare11 litli. The celebrsied '-Amaun Or-1 chestra" itU be prenant ad favor nu wlth a aumber of soiecioas. There vii ialie goal vocal music and nau- merous other feturee vhich cousit- ts a tiret-cies 8aeuhertinment. Ai very latereatung and iaughabie farce1 la belug preparel and no efforts viii sparel ta makling ibis a poil enter- hanent. The ladies o! the lolge ane gotng ta aerve aupper lunlthe lover1 rom asaler the program. A Brani a d- mission fee yl behachargel ln orler thet the lolge may defray expenses. Corne one, came al and eajoy a irai-1 daes eutermeut. ScsOOLNOTESa. Hrry Deeker la the latent addition to the eigbih grade. Tony Dorfier liai begna vork for Mir. Hlardin, of Rockefeller. iho regular seri-annual examina- lion vili b e led March 201h sud 21s.. Ruth Wells bas been out of clool the puti fev laya on accouai or slck- nua. There vere tire vho aeulel 1the Readiug Cirole et Rockefeler lait fiai- urday. The third grade lias fintubaI Appie- tou'a TUird Reader adliegua Wrk ou Cyr. lTird. te Wbon jeu neel a farm ndorI ansba or a! auj kiud, remember vse au gat themn for jouandmI h iili cost yj>u nathhng. ADAms & TiLloTuoN, Tel. XunMii 8 117 go OmalSt vo-um.1-Dl. oblebga. asse, ,, - Debwgaet te mlw oometd litei Monday the tivn thoumadm mark lu the auniler of marniage liteeues teanelby Conaty Clark Hendee dur- las hie terme o! office vas reacheti Laet veek Palarine Joyce, for yen.e a veli kaovu eharacter about towa ad vho @pent a greai demi of li@t ime ta )ail, vas taken ta the conuny feai ai Libertyilîle. Tueaday the following Beutoijitee vho have oid farmna 10 J. A. Doiu,, loft for Utah t0 reside ihere per- maneutly. Neson Cole sud fariiy, lirs. Sarnuel Coe, Bsn Baird and faunuty, David Simpson,. Alexander Soreason. They took wii t hera three cars o! goodm, aud overal borsea and cava. Itl yl le a malter of especiai pleasare ta Cany Treisarer J. Ml. Footem a numerabie frieuda la Wanko- gan mati Lake couaiy tha li s a neriy recoverel tram the airere ill. unoi vhicli bas kepi hlm coulluel bo Ie home fôr over tbree veeki. Be viil oaolieemabie ta remerne hia accus- tometi place ta hlm office ai the Court Houai. There are tva avoved republiea candidatea la the field f;or Mayor, Wrn. Hmovcli sud Fred Fluer, gir. E. P. DeWolf ltri ao metionel ae a probable candidate, but lie las not nu declared bimuait. Geo, K. Adams le afler the rapublican nominatioa for City Clark. liarry Tlaaeker, thé prenaent tucumbent, te alto a candi- date. -N. A. GrilIa la a candidate for nomination ou the repubuîcan ticket for ciiy tremaurer. Report liai Il o! laie ihai iRobert Dady l given up the Iidea of puttiug up a big building on the corner of Geneoise ati Water treela. Wheu lu- tervievel 1Mr. Daly @&i: 1'f mngo- lag ta put up a bulhtug Ihere ati plana are novr bains drawa; %bey are not flulahel. 1 neyer coamderel 1the ide of puttias ta au opera bouse very trongiy ad banov cashIl saille en- tiiely. There viii be no' opera boume lu the builing. 1 Illiiha for store andulfe parposes. are pend- ing ald Ihat l&I 1cire b amy about uha jn ei d alovi ou10 aiai thie goal food jon vaut. If you sufer from ilaigesilon heartbun, bolchlug or auj ollier étomach trouble, tata preparatton cni help but do yoo goal. The mosi enaltive siormacha ea take il. F. B. LovmZa,, Liberty- Ville; J. IR. BRaCHiEm, OurUe: ;WILL KN .;F. ockefeller. FOX LAKE. The achool lae dosaI for thel.iter. Guyy ibook bah, muved iii bis faîboers place. Mime Catherine Nelson, of Autiocti. le lb, guest o! lire. Win. Nelson. 1fr. aldlira. t. Prieur aud clilîdron vote Fox Lake vieltoris Thuraday. M. Weber, of Digbitou, sud Frank Galiger wero Antlach rîsîtors Moay. Wrn. filmes anti !emily ver, calel bore lait veek liy the alekueamati death of lirefSilmes' talLer, Mm. Win.t Nelson.1 Tho peoplo of aur littho place vore quit, stariieti Mouday evening of lait w,,k ta hear cf the dbath a! Mn. Wîn. Nelson. Mm. Nelson vas oae cf 1the ollest stîlera la this placead vasa ýi- vays a quiet ad uamanmlng citizen. Rs vas a biaeamitb, but ho bal not vonkai ai tie traIe fer aome Yeans, hie son Edgar taking lis place la tle &hop If ho bal liraI until th1e 251h o! Mardi ho voullhave beau 77 years o! ae. The f nueral vas belt i atthe boue Tharadzy moraiig, Rer. lMr. Glard, o! Lake Villa, oficliatlug. Ha leavea auà ageti campaulon and tiresouno sud hvo tiaughlera, eeveral grand chiflrma anuimeraus other relative. ta mu bis lots. The romins voie piaen l tb, Fox Lake cemehery. Wbea jon are hilloos.use thbae fmmou iis 1111 pilla knovu as DeWtt'e Little Eariy Riairm ta citsaio the iver mal boiels. Tbey usrer gripe. F. B. Lovuru, Libertyvilie; J. B. BRÂCHUE, Gurnee; WILL K11c002, Rockefeller. RU SSELL. Willlla fcoli speut Thtirsday lu Chii- cago. E. T. Meville bast a valuable nov Ibis veek. Mr. aud Mrs. Ale Mevîie ald Marlou areseoulg the veek wvti P. L. Meville aud wyuL friands et Rock- ford. Thas. Connl Ubal the mls!ortune to hava hieuanagltintla bi idmuli wite gnialiug fond. The baud vas bliy mangled, bat y, bope Lie in. gars ml net bave tu be ampattti. I. O. Coiby lias reatel a star, ut Win- hhrop Harber, vhlcb ho vili Inureb vitti s irat-cima lin, a! moita anti groconlî'a. ERissou Warren,wvola i for the prenant vtth Tnlggs & Taylor, of Llborhyviile, vili couduct the busi- nems at Winibrap Harbor. Apropos of the comlag lova election the tact ahould not bo bast siglat o! that Wauldegan Tovnsbip Io uov en- ltiel ta an aldione.astaat super- vlaor, as the recent connus inanîfens bejond m loulit that 1thétow bai the requlaite namber of populaion. The stalutee provide for the eleclion of tvo assistant mnpervisora vlere a towu bas 6,500) populationa,aid one adîl- tionai assitant for every '2,600 o! populaion aboie Ibat amount. That la, vth a population 01 9,000 a tova- ship la anlitled ta iliree assiatant mupervimors. Waukegaa bus cantider- ably over tbia amoni of population, bence lu the electîcu thia spring the tova may proîlle for th1e full repre- tentation lu the Conaty Board ta vhich ht la entitiel. The approacblug lown elaclion li broughi forth a gaodly baicti of republîcan candidate,. J. R, Bover la the caly naine menioueti for snlier- vison, lFor asslauat supervîsar ther, viii be, ibree candidatea R. 1). Wynu, LoeisEcksirand sud Cli. Vedler, Nobady viii opposeGearge Hutaon for tovu clerk. For colioctor thore are tire candildates: E. P. BIdiager, fi. E. Woiley, Charles Kitîridge, John Jutige anti B. A. Duan. Richard Cole ia the ouly one mon- tioned for Com. ef Higlivaya. For Justice« ofthe Puace, the prenatla. eumbents viiil be up for rendomiaatiou, Mseura. VînDeumen, Weis, fihalvel, rSmitla, Murale mod Pototord. There ara as jet no emuÈdiîlatea for achool truates. The premeat fire incumbonts of 111e office of constable are ailto oine up for ronominalion. The liagenlng eough folluving grippe cille for Ou, Miaule Cougi Cnre. For ahi hromi md luag ironhleu ibis la the oaly liarmiese remedy thb& givasi mmediate remula. Prevenu conaumptlan. F. B. LovELL, Liberty- ville; J. R. BiAcua, Guriiee; Wia, K(iirîn, Rockefeller. LAKE VILLA. John Hart, o! Rtouai Lake, csiied on Mir. sud lira. 0. B. Cable lioaday. Walter fiticein . oviug t10 lb Elvarîs place veat o! bore ihicti h recently pulrchaaed. Born, tu Kr. and Mis. TUas. Uratz, co Welaemlday, March 61h. s boy. AI] concerned are dbing veil. Who are ta ie 1the village oficena' That la a question soan Io be decide ai the comiug village eleciion. Kir. and lira. Fred Harnam are al vork for Jtm Wiltaa and vini keef boume for hlm the camus jyean. Wili Farrder vho bas been vorklu, lu Chicago al vinter viahiel bere vlibhlhmemother Saturiay ald unlsy Every former araunu vbo bal lia ta oeilimes beeu hauliug iltatuthe led bouse bene for the Knickerbiocker lot Co., ta "dit lu eoveriag tbe lin vilt vas put np ibis jear. A great mard toua are rneceeaary for Ihia vork. The lAke Villa achool ls to gîve al enttumentInuthe cburch ai lis place, on Frlday eîeaing, Mardi 22. Enherialameut cansila.of a pisý cillail --The New Women"' timg drîilhb pupils, &amaBouge, tableaux and dialogues. Admismian 20e. Ail coru Countefettm o! DeWlht'a Witcl Ussel Salve are lhable ta cause blocd poiaaning. Lemie hem a&luse. Th original blise lnoame DeWittia upoi th1e boandmai apper. Iiile a harmieni and hemlng salve for akin diaseu laUneqiialeti for ples*. P. B. LOvura, Inlibertyville; J. R. DBAÂcita, Garast koWttn Kiaîooau.Rockefeller. 01 Help Igurniebed Free. PA LATIN E. Mn bles Iîloi 11on the eick tînt, se are sonry1tus"Y. MiaeS farahi Thie.emofl1uIrm lrove, catieou friende lu Palabtine recentij. tir. Waldeur, o! Bufalo' Grave, vas un Paatline euriitt' foi Chicago Mou. day 'The 111i4-- IJiioi! Arlingtou lieigble, sI led i nllfriî.-ilc nlu Palatiluic Monday. ie Hihlix. if tiîiuc-, Ill., %s the guest if lier ainter, lirs. i'addock, orer Sitnday. --la jour vifte a goot coot " anked aomebadY ai teYoung uîuan vlo badt reeaily rnarrled. --Wel," replled the ,voung hualiald thongbtfnily, -5h, eau bail vater vithoul borning Il.' Thome vho veut te Long (lrore ta raheama th-- Waodmea's drain al aa raiber slormyUrnie. Il kept ibeul un- iii bromi day liglit next morning. Hovever, ail report a pleadîidtUrne., PRAIRIE VIEWV. Il. Heifer bins tocateil la aur tovîî. ira Anguait Balai mua sion Edldie are on th e ik lat Rd Brockrnu as ila Chieago ou business Wetiuesday. John Ayera tran.-acteti buiness lu the big ity Wedaemday. lira. Muirray ati hiles MiunieBugle. berry vere Chicago vieltors Tiesday. r EresttManoiî leq arranglug te as- isaume hi. datles (In thc. fies mail de- 1 ivary roule soon. J. A. Mawsanebpped Ibrea carloala of vwahiint loge to the C'hicago X'eneer Company recentty. Bbc. I have nover Iiuved herure. bRe.-And vliy aujpreolonsa? Sur-ly Mthora are others sa îonîliy an I. r She.-Ttt asaI it. I bad mdi- geatien 60had I nover could endure t=eirprattle. bat 1 look e bottle o! Dr. Caliveil'a fyrup Popiansd bave neyer seon aue aigu o! 1h mince. Gel it of F. B,; LoVELL, Llhertyrtiie; OMO. C. ROBBRTB, Waueoada; WILLu Riioc, Rockefeller; Irsyehallo PRARMA CY. Bargalu ln Cortivooci, 1001 corda Of wite Oak for salie at $2.00 par cord. Fence po)ste, M centa emeti A. tiTANiLIFi', lielf Day. 21-3d ~.uI eV~fle Ibm U S. ami larmigs. I £co.I VI LIbi Dr. Libi t)f fi. IUb~[ *1 FaimmàMchinory. D)ONT bay înaclîiîery or faim tools before gettlng Our estimates. Let u@ know what you want and we can iuterest you. We handie tlie very best and at lowest possible priees. e- LIB %N A CALCULKrIoN. HM Nyou a"r rady to buy, stop and cooe. WE p>de the wuOof dRe sop uned by jour househ l n a day, a week or a rmth, and for the mUgit d&ferma i n price you wM inever forego the plasue of uslng the pureat soap macle, that . a, Ivory Soap, ht la thie mm mathepenve of pure soape. You rieed no kaowledge ci chemâltry to reaize this purfty, use àl and you wiii know.Rt float5. GURNEE. LONG OROVE_. Mr$. B. E. Jones loft Xoaday for 1The cauClilon FriI'ii as unf th, Wonsanu, Wim. 1ltiteresting order. J. H. liraaher vas in the etty the Austin Wolf has .i>aried U, sork for tiret of the veek. C. Meyer at the carpeate? iratil, Fred Pepper liai begua go weq fo itaph Dedy bau fally renovered from hie nev employer, Wm. Krueger. hie recens illnesa. ILuella ficha? bam grne ie There la talk of moviggthie Warren Park for a &hors lime aud idna l a gain et borne ai pretens. M. E churcli ta rayalake. Our eaterprluing nursery maii, Wal T. E. Gray and Bd Frencha, of Chi. Schaeffer. ls again prepared taetirq cage, were ou& fiunday vlitlug f rieuds people vith aIl kinda ofnunrsry gquia. aad relativea. fBoe hl& ad ai tirat page. Mine Olive Rietbaler vyttes troui lira. F. N. Uaggio. vho ua sert- the inaical coaeervtory, Naperviiie, oualy iajured tva veeks go, ln re- &bat ah@e eaoys hervork veryhaiuch and ooveriag uîceîy. $hai there ln a ponaibi! of bier contin home on a vils duriag vacation which Bir Jones aold hie lumbter yard te vililbe li a veek or sise. a. a. Blackburn, of Milwaukee. W. D. . BIOLY 8'WHOOL. Waahbura la tu charge of h as prea- (On Thuruday aad FrIday occurred eut. the r..«ular sem-anauai examiaatlou. Liui Suday'a &ternidtd a grei Oh. but vasi's loagla' amonat o! damnage la tht. vtiity, Charles Wehreaberg ta doing cherea especiily t0 ieegrapb aad telephoae for C.' Vom ile lMr. Vüââ lnata Unes. Wankegaa an jury duty. At the O. W. C. ou Fridzy ao The Deuman oblîdrea have r,- buat usm a doue me there vwu uot a covered from the @curlet taver,.lira, quorum preseai. Sine tie vas Deuuuaa bai alo een atck, bait leaov urotinlaPlAY11tn gm. botter. Active preparationa are betug made The tomach couirola the aituation for amother eaiertatameui. The date Thome vho are hearty ad troug are hbesfno& jet beeu decided upan. ilta those vho eau est and dtgest pieuty of thie atm of the achool ta thave ita» food. Kadoi Dvanuia Cure digeste gond, or better, tia the prevînus oc.. Arrangement& are beiug matie for au entechainuient 10 Le gIron by tIas school ou Apnil 5tli. The elgbîh grade vili begia reatiiag Hawibornaes "«Great Stlone Face," dur. iug the preseai voek. Tbe Literary Society electeti offieeru leet Friday, as bIbisw: Pros., EIta (lrebbe; Vice Prea., Suite Payne, Sec., Ada Kuehkor. The nexi progrec i vll ho given March 22ud. Prof. Hieury Dicksoa, of the Chicago Auditorium of Mulie anti Dramalle Art, sud Frof. Wsrul, of tue marne la- 8titution, vilI gir, au enterialimeni ndor th@ eneplcem o! the achoal Tues- day eveuing,liareb2ith. tir. Diekacu in îldely kuovu me an Impersoualor. O! Ui the Louluville Covcaer-Joursea saya. "Prof. Henry Dickuon le Chi- cega's mont ominent alocutioniai aal le the posseesor o! a minvelous volce. Hie la tuly a great elocallOuist." Prof. Wart ill tfunuusiuthe musical pari a! the progreci. Worklnir 24 Hourus aDay. Therea uno reat ton those ttrelee 11111e vorkere-Dr. Rings New LMe PIS. Millions are alvaya busy, dur- tugli îorpld Liver, Jaujudice, 1Billoula uese lever aol Agile. They banimh SIckrHaadmeche, drive oit Malaria. Neyer gpipe, or veaken. fimmil, Imete nice uork vandere. rr' Iburni: Me li k* B. LavuLu, Libartyville; 'Gray. lake PFEtAuMcy.

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