'AKE COUNTr ,y INDE PENDENT, Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday, March 22, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. N 1W s tl ili thliîk uffer you ' itb' Ilueté-Il i Imlt thf - . abouit if. I1e:îîi ( 'q )m u i l ali 1 et Ilil c.f.a Ilexi el1l-ut hue (Jf ci 1il plIv, froîîî whiluihtx seect anid îîî lrices arce lower tlîaîî plu11au miv ythe tsamé- goodifor YlluhesesaahasI s somethhng you sh, wv5s5ww'VMINE IS THE BEST. ~~CA ~ Fred Crokei Llbertyville - - - Dr. Charles Gai Ioway. î,rkl office over Love li'sDrug Store 1 -, i. oold consider. "DR." DOWIE PLANS A PALACE.ISTRICKEN WILE AT CAUCUS.1 idesoliti<an lrnfteci That Wil Hench i ZiociBank. A ne move is bélag piauîîed for thé purpome, of enabling the legisiaturé tu reacb John Alexader Dfiscéand bis ion saâvîcîgelbatik. Con fronjted with a legal opinion 10 the élet that IL eau net proeérly la- vetigata sncb alàconeeru, thé bouse siiécial comcitteo orderod to laquiré loto thé attair of thé Dowlié bank bas for Ivo vééka§ doné aotlîiag more than to censuit iavyéts. Sloon, Ihover, a resfoinîlua la to e héintrodneeéd tathé bou'se- éulairging the iowera ef thé couiaitteé sud gliig It ncb aéco~pe alii acthority am 'euh give il, ilu thé opinion of lawers, aliltbe légal pover uecesary Lo brinig lieie sud bis bankers tefoeé h bousme snd force tenticoîîy, T hé aew resoluttlon ta béiag Irava vilt greaI cure, sud IL la beievéd that if IL pases il sali bolvalet, sud Dovie muy, aller ahl, hé brougbt hé- foré the coniaittéé and thé bouas. and If hé persista la rélsnîg 10 testify about bis baik affaira, lhé eau hé Béat 10 jali for coatémpiunatil thé Suprême Court releases filai ou a stit of barbéas corpus. hEý,AL LTii l Oli OOMi ly J ,LîîAlexander tiosie viii @pend $.,,5,in furniabirîg thé résidence to hé erectéd for bhlm la Lion City, in Bienton Tosuahîp. Luzury sud mag. iiitheee ilii aurrelîno thé hosd of thé Christiau Catiîolc church. Hé bas Meeled il] onée o thé big sholésalé furnîtare bouses ut Chîcago thé rieh- est and i,,t xpénsîvé articles. Maay of his Ideas bavé ben uborroséd frout torélgu sonres durlug thé overget's récent trip abroad. Hé bas ordéred a $1,40o' table slîieh le thé counlterpart of une owaed by Kng Edward Vil. Dowie, inaderstaudîng thé flacIs, >ays hée wiii lilvé iuluxations sur- roundinge because thé Pope of Rome doeésbe. -I amn thé besd of a chnrcb,' eébasye, 'so sby ahoud 1nol have i palaceéaud cagéilceatfitriture Dire iI e rcaileiétie WIiiNulDot eai. iiéteîl for a yc.yansd Itlml saii that thé plaunsare nus écalé ccalatéal l atonisb thé public shén lhey aré car- ried ont. Tabernacle in Mazed. Thée1*5e Bluff Tabernacle lias beau iod tu C. Di. PuInt snd la being toeS - - llinoiS. dosa and thé luaibér viii hé coavrted luto s barui. Thé Methodiat people hase abaudoaied Lakte Bluff as a place blii Cugrei ofulitiuca- lor holding their msumer meetings na thé isudil ouwhicfl thé meetings A-- , C hase'e ic eid vili Ix. et 111 mb alunas tacs 1 TO 3 AND E TO 58.P. i L',e dtt',r ,orthe I ,,iî, 'T1-,bas alid Libertyville. - Illinois O'~it- t'0 ist thi. élllcy cf'l chambeltaits PsFitT B"alai twi"eevthth tUe ust remaratte rééut in u ,aêb vasée. Fir8t. sit rhéalaitls lu the Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. sheuldet frein sat b lieé aifered ex- O)ffice over Trlgus & Taylor's. cruclatlug pain fer tea days, abich sas réll1v, d wilb 1w,,applications of 7 te te . c. to 6altacte. te i I). tM. hl a, nlt thé parts sllictédk hlcahidetceeonn Broadway opposite Park sud réaitztg instant héneil sudJ Libertyville, Illinois. entité relief la a véry short timé. Second, ta theum iistcetu ticklin (it, aicecet pttratiag ia i sth sévèrel Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. ýpain, whicb ava.4 rlievéd tT tuoi; ý Iich isons. ri iI) g s îlh the 1IlDt l,, i Physiclan and Surgeon. mirié freinga u Fh,randsel, b h. l. a iFrKi.-tyF o alaiiNé OPOST!t 555 OTEI L 0 45rî,Llbert3 ville, (jtîÂSLAKE llA1.PsiARATie.evJOHNsMuîtsîE,.Ivanhoe. the for f.for rlle, h sud urred stion. lnu a made a date fi la it as icI, we réntiy. rée, vas Mon- i. %%sas ddock, asked éd the ove ta )Tning. laie. Eddie ago ou Engie- îeaday. mail de. Stioads ré. 1 mudi- endure s of Dr. 1 havé mlace. tyvllée; WILL Ryiake salé ai M centse Day, PAUL MacCUFFIN, Attorney aud CiTellot at Las. NOTARV PUBLIC (piFFiCEovEitLA KF(OUNTT BANKE, -ibertyvilIle. Illinois.1 BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. 8affAN,, IK 10, K. TELEPSONE cNO 26 -aIL YeINaTé StjSl(55s C.ICAGO 1- - MAX LE BEAU, ..ANI.Cul Aor .. ine Cigars.... STobaccos and Srnolers' Materiais. S Cigars Wbolesale and etail. LISERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS rLake -Co. Bak, F. BAlRSTOW-. M AN UFACTU RERO Marbie and Granite monuments. CEnIETeRY WORI( OF: IVERY Description. Ca. réipsa dé cc t IJ E GA N . iii W. B. Sch&ffer's Nursery Long Grove, MI. Fruit and Shade~ Trees. GRAPEVINES And Smail Fruit. Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs WRIGHT DYMOND & CO., Tiir proaipfîiess aniti leir plessuînt efféts akeDeWtta Littie Early Llbertyviile, IlliflOiS. himser. ciTost polIT it 1e pilla shpe 0 Icon-éver they are ka,,wa. Théy are simply e perfert for irer îîctulhoweél trocubles Issues Iiterest 3eatriiiR Cétifi- F. B. LoVELL, Llbertyvlléo: J. i. BRACeaIR, hUMée; iVILti. K'îoi, cat.eî Payable oit Detiund. Roctefeller. le ilcu,', iota ai ild. LaIte Bluff vi 1 btîll ,-,,nue te l'ethé snmmer homaiéof maniy Iletbhdimt lpee nd Itu pro. ide thein a bouse of workahip, thé présent M. E. church la te hé té. lTouilt Au addition neariy equal thé présent structuré yull bé huilt on thé vasi end of thé churceî sud thé galléry exleaded and lncllaéd 80 as le f urulau good seaue for about a hundred. Thé név eburèj sîli séent Ové bundred peuple whslîch It te theughl ailhé .aimple toom froeéyéars. liv WNay of Libertyville. lb,- St. l'ani management las sid te ie arrangiug un important bLaugé ici thé routlug of ILS fast trains out of Chicago. ILS plans eau for unoat, If net ail, thengh trains hé 'perstéd l'y say of thé Liberttille Foi Lake-M'alvortbline shich la uov inderguing thé fllalhiaig touchés et the eýoastructi,,uistm, lnstead e! by vay of thé Westétît t alecJuncîlea as aI fireséat. Uader èxlstîng conditiona thé Bt. laid fast traîna covét thé dlistant helvéénLChicage and Délavau, %Vis., lot) ailés, lu about Ibrué heurs. i:y rutniug thé traina by way of Foi Lake htâûtimeeau Le té,inced tilmoat ait htit,thé distancé béiag about tliîrty tuiles lèsm. Working 24 lueuirs nal)ay. Ibère's no test for tboéé tirélésa litlé 'orkeris-Dr. Kinga Nev Lile P'ille. Millions &te aivsys hnsy, eut- lagi Ïorpid Livér, Jandice, Bilionsý lés Févr atd Agué. Tbey baieh liextHeadacbe ' drîvo ont Malaria. Névét grille, et seakén . fmall, tante Dice, vert voudérs. iTy theai. 25c ut F. B. Lot vii, Libertyvîiié. Gray- Ai.iE s*, Li., Oct. 17, IHCEl. i i i i SyR i i Ci., Moutiell, li. GENTS-I fbaVe îiséd Dr. Caldwell'n ilyrnp Pepsin wit marted Succttes. i nuiiemitattngly técomneud l touthose siulériug wltb Stomach Troublé or Constipation. Ils cértainiy a blésa- log to huceanily. Yoa are aIlitberty to tasaRoy testimeonial. Vcry réspecttully, F'. M. NVtuCORON. i. Bl. LovxUT.. Lîhertyrilié; Oso. C. 1h0i3EB'iTi , aucotida; WIur. KNIat,tp, Itoctéefellér, (.1, YSLAKE PP'ÂA, AY. Cerrelîîcsndeatàc Wanted. %vcité 1< us if yoîî vauit te lesa whitDriii('aidwella Syrrip Pépsiti viii do, 'r ,aii utai ir store and gét a trial befilé. Téi lomes uic ut F. Bl. Lot sEL, 1ii>étvIhle; iEO. . R lOBERS,' Waiconieda. bMrmi, Kiiet, i., hRockefeller; Ocuavlate l'fqAiifc(' Elgini Butter Market. Itit,,' eîon tjiiElgin Buard ofT'hradé Mondtiy aysts teady at 21J cets,8 Salés ot tu)e ert Qi2,200 11li8. Batterlsaine weeck st yéar 24C. Michael Wirtz Die After But a short Ilînes,. Mdichael Wirts, gr., (ne of thé mont prominent fermer* iluFtretuont Town- ahip, SUffréd a pWasiT troIte Satut day, vhlch easnsd hi cath thé fol- loving Tuésday. Mrt. Wirtz voit.la atteuldancé, upan thé tovn ca ad Lad partlcipated i malig nominatiu. Studdénly snd vithoal vsrniât be, feu forvard, app..reutly la grst Pain. prienda lifted hlm to a lt snd huirrldly lu- quired asu1 ts la éé."hé affliited inusunabis 5te assaer sud lvas lmmedlsleiy uezd frenisieattitude thal bis éntimr risi ie vas afected. Hoé vaz removed to1 hP'home, a mile sud a hall nor3h-vt of Ivaahoé, sud miedîcal aid jmmonél. An examina- flou reveaied tbé cuse ef bis anddeu cliapse and 15 vas 'euh saddenéd liéarte bis frtemb5larned of bis con- dition. Hé graGusIy grés vaetr sud Tnesday moralug t55 dJ ,e ock pontcn- f lly pasaed ses?, vitheut belag able to addreéaa B57of thé meiboesofibis famlly. Bis «U» rérigbt aide sud thé rlght aide of bis facé had bécamé paralyzed. readerlng hlmm péechlésa as véil as helpiesa. Décéaséd vaspromineut ilu Frémoat tovnship pautièSl cirelex, haviug &l- vsys taken an aivé lutereât in tavu suad cnunty aiklirs. Ho vaa vldely knovn snd tuive»Isly respect.ed sud admred. Upightsnd heonest la &Il bis transactions, hoib"liedécomne a domi- bnant fisoraitlathe affairsetfbie corn- muulty, poUtiéel. social sud religions. Mr. WiM wu a stacifich repnbilcial. lié had hem htonored wth twic eicg settsas a detégate 10 thé (ougreessioal District Convention lu Chicago, sud vhea Lake couhty wvasin thé rhlrd Cougtesshanai District le sas a meai- ber of thé Central Ciwnittéêl. Hé gerved tva yenrs on thé Central Com- mittooaf Lake oounty. The office o! Tovuship fpetvieolsrieé aiso llled vllh crédit 10 liinseif and satisac- lion telits conaitituénits For alue yeasahé sérvéal as achool liretor and bas filléalothet public offices, vblch ludicatea thé confideace îrnpoaéd ln bnia by bis constituent@. He vas bora ln Luxemeburg, Get- msuny, July 7, 1833, vhéré héospeut lxis boyliaod days. Wii ivteaty yesra of agé hé émbsrked froin HaveFrance, apon a mailng Xïac40, ehi& iat thlrty-eighl daya dropped auohor lm New York harbar. Hé came vent andh eagaged as a tarai bandaliS $15 pei moath la Cook couaty, and tramtlilal position hé steadiiy advanced unlil bE Che lIew MIfllinery. 06àaga et 1u. CamaIy seet 0a te-at t.esar R.."srg. ls ail bere-with ail thé aewness and dfferencés thalli maké iA attractive lni yonr eyes. Each of .iugéDonelygrntd hén ue îe 154) jat@ to be exhlbited on our grand ... lion lu thé spécIal gravell ai eeand nm ~ sma, the parties la the suit, &sote18 fax OPENIR w un , MAIIUN 309 19018 payer@ laciulilng Mayor Pearce, are victorious as the lajunct Ion preveats Each hat seema te bave character, toue and style the spreading ofthie spécial road tai peculiar b ltseIl. Ju8t asbongh ont rit deuîguéd -, of 70 cent@ ou 1100 anthie propertY Of il especially for you. thoe Who are parties tOthe suit. The T bats vwhat you a-ecnvees Buying hors tax vas voted on at thé last electlon savos yon monoy. Our loy prices on high l cs and the gronnd takea hy thé de- millinery bas made onT Tbi,îsness grow to hé the largest murrers vas ibat a majority of the la lova. votera dîd n vote on the question. MISS FLORA .SCIIERTZ Peler Thompson, a swllchaiu ai thée(Of Chicago, a" expert la thé art of MiiIaery, viii have empioy of the Wire Works vas caagbl charge of tbe aev Dépariaient. Witb the services beivéen two cars vhlle maag 5a<of no good an artiat as iss Schértz sud anunber oi coupling Moay aternoo anad ré- ahis'snts ve are confident vé eau please you. coived Injuries frein vhich hé diéd Tuesday. Liéwuva mIlg a coupllng htuéen tva fright cars vheu bis Y O fllov employes vête auddealy hor- rified to heu a terrible cry (J! agony 0 . 1 . JO and rushing te the place vhere héoa wuD R$V2W P I luat séén, they fomid hlm pinned hé- g P tvesu the bampérs. Ho vas caught at the loins and thé înunry vas natursllîy fOUSE EsTABLISI4 RD NOV. 25. 18e43 bo sévere ihat recovery a.eméd hsrdly W U EG N ILNOSiEL.EPHoNE NrO. 49 posible. Thompion iAsllakén 10 bis A K G N IL NOS home 622 South Utica treét whéré ___________________ hie death occurréd. Beaides a vite 555 thé deceaaed leavea Ibrée childrén, thée5 Oleg f hihla only six yésra aid. *@A Scoop in MVilk uans.... Dr. Taylor héld an laquest Taésday 1 hav made a pirchase of tlîirty-iix dozen mIft Mis LuraSeérz, hacam hrecan.s for spot caslh when the manufacturer was pinched aun, from Chicago a"là a vék $go and la in need of money, and was willing to exchange the camI empioyed tu Lyon'& aillllaéry départ- for less thait it cost to make them, for ready MosieIý méat, préfets Chicago 10 Waukegaa lu These are the very best Elgin cans on the market. maay respecte. Thé estoaer part of!e4À ber lit s uspont la the big clty sud lei*t neck, -lîeavy breast hoop, round handies and w inéver vas ahé subjecled to thé ex- fiilly eighteeîî poinds. If youi wilI look uip your C 1periencé vhlcb aho eaeounteréd lus t kgeh- iîfnd" ae*~1 o Mauday uigbl. Shé vas valking np ctlouucîwilfidtey aegettlng $.0frthoi. Coréy avenue about 9.15 oclock and can. While they last they go for.............$ vhén et a point about hait vay h- 1 have also made a splendid pîîrch.aSe in farm f téen Steel Court aud North avenue, chinery. Farin machinery is mostly sold on from on thé noth aide of thé atréét, &ho wuneddenly siezéd by thé valet and months to a years time. By placing a large ore throva hosviiy 10 thé aidévalk. Her paying spot cash for it puts me in a poition to sel &&"&ilnt liad bis arma aoul ber and for the saine price that most dealers have to pay for1 endéavoréd 10 prevéat ber fromn criag Sefling for cash enables me to buy for caeh and eush but thé yaung lady gavé a ahrlék tomers get the benefit. My motto is to, give the p vbicb &lie bellévés nov vas loud éuogh a aketh déd ud hégoods for less money or better goods for the same oe afellov tmmediately relossed lis bain than you can get elsewhere. ansd took 10 bis howela, ruZUnIUg dovu waytoJon uIl' whreab i Mp-H. B. EGERI pa da s *»-wmmb lm meLtbetyviIte W ~ ~ , ýoffén dot, but vthi no résults. _______________________________ r e hecamé one of 1th e lthy cîtizeas o! Lake county. Wbéu tséaty-fouir yéars of agé Mr.1 Wirtz aiarriéd Misa Pateline Bapke, ai native of Hauovér, Gercaauy. sud thelr union was biéssed w'euh ine chld.réu: Augmat, John, Michael, Carnée, sho diéd la infaacy; Lîzîe, Fred, George,1 vho die t the age of 19; Prank and Carné Mh. Funéral service-é ire field Frlday troni thé home.c - W Sukégan Accepta Gft. At a meeting of thé Waukegsu City Counceli Monday oight décisIve @tep@ vête takenýfor mectirlag Wankégsusa uév llhrary sud it lm nov sanuréa Instiiiitiou, théeejtuncli havlng psssed ordînanices shich testes ita acceptâmcs possible. Thé folles ing résolution vas adopted by unasaimeus voté Whéreas, Atdrés Carnegie lias géuerouaiy elléééd thé sura of twênty- ire thotisand dollars tu, thé City o! Waukégan for a liirsry building apon coudition ihat a suitabié site for sald building hé previdéd sud thé City of Wankegsn appropriate thé suin of twénty-ise budred, dollars an- naaly fer lth- e aîitaiusncéetofsncb library and wéleréas, thé City Conucîl bas paaséd au ordiuaaoe aceeptlug nasiCRiftianti agréeiag to apprapriate théeaut etftsrcuty-tive handréd dollars antuuall.y fortfle support of said library, Nov lbcîcf'îé, , e iltésélvéd that thé tbauika oi theCily of Wankegalu lié tendéred Mr. Anirés Carnegie for bie genereuîs effet. AnC bé il ftrthér c-éolvéd Ihat thé Cty lot beunded by Bheridsu rond, Washington Street sud Spring street sud heing part cf lot six la block ixteén u ii t- cOriginal Town ef Wankégan î,é ltderéd as a Site lot ssid library. Advantage iof Taxation. Thonés he are iucllnéd tu lok upon thé payaient ef taxes as a sévère bard- ship abaîîld Stop sud think vbat tbéy geln larete nfor ioey noseexpéndéd. A mnu ith $,OTwotth a! property la Utéely ta psy ti" te $15 a yen itxs. Fart iis if hé lires intalav, hé ge thé service of thé Policé lot securiug quietad observancéeof 15v; lhé gela éducation for hie ebtîdrén; oMelala te look aftor thé treét8 aud sldévslks. thé bénélt Ef orcourt t a nominal figuré lot thé litigaut. If hé lires ia thé coîutry Lé gets bridgés, rosdm anC nansy of the aboyé enumérateal advsutageo aise. Sométîrnea the ta,- payer luds Il bard bu spare thé taxes but hée vouid fand il a gréat deal bardertlegel aloiig vîthout what bis moiney pays for. Thé Republican caucaus of Satutday sternoon viii go dova loto political aunaIs as thé moot remarkabté trom aérerai potstaof viév ofay lava cancua héldidnla VWankégani. Thé bardealtilgbt vas for Asistant Sapervisur sud Collecter. Wynn vwon oui for thé foraier office hy s geod majority and Duuna cecnréd thé Coiiectorshlp cou thé second formaI ballot by a majority of one voté. On thé Justice of thé Vesse offilce, four vent Icu hy acclamm.athon and thé tlgbt vas on présent incumbeat G. P. Shatevéll, Ibreother ce.dldatea hé- Ing put np vllbhlm sud a ballot vote calléd for. ShatfwvéU von ont boy- ever hy a iesd of 29 votés ovér thé uéarési candidate, 14. VW. Mallory Who récélved 73 agaluat Hhtavéll's 102. Thé flusi set et thé historical tova caucus of Sslurday ateraoon vas thé unaulmoas adoption a! s resolciiiou vhicb providés for thé future nina- tion for tova offices ai a primary lection te be field at a ceairai poiut and te hé conducted on thé Austrails baliotiag syatem. 5iEPUBlLI< .8 TOW5N TICKET. For Superviser, J. K. BOWE1I. For Asst. SupervIéersIL . D ynn, L. M. Ekstraad. For Ast essor, %V. 5M. lEIL. l'or Coi iccler, l.IA. 1Dun u. For Town ClérIt, (;E(i. W. HU'lOHINS(IN. Coaiaisaiouér 0f Hlghvays. f. F. PILLIFANI'. For IJustices o e l'ésé W. F. Weiss, James Vanu Dueui, James MrrIe, IL. S. Hotsford, Oeo. P. Shatsvéli. For Consale@, A. C. Betty, W. A. itueil, C. A. Betty, E. A. Flood, Ge. Brown. Fot Trusteeof Sèhoola. IL. M. Ingalla. T1hé Deniocralle Teown tioct is For Supérrisor:- SAM H. BRADBURY' For Asét. Supervison- Ir J. KEEFE JOHUN HAESE For Aseso- FRtANK BESLEY For Coletor- J. J. JEMISON Fer Commiasloner Gt Hlgbsayeï Meni.é PAT GAVIGAN By' For Justices of thé Pesée BOY TIMOHTY 5PEI.LMAN F or Censtabe- We T r JOHUN EMBE12 .,Iit lng fo CLARENCE HICKS 5lioes to i OSCAR CARLSO1N C. IH. SUCE1 EMIh SANDUEYEIL No candidate vas namc-d for aivhoù, E.1 trustée or tava clrk. Schanck Bi pain i fflaiow WsI ti r. Mii..' PasMI&~ Work Iýarusss 0 *. Continue to .demaîid a good mliare of ouîr attenîtionî, but we oali take care of a few more orders for sprinig delivery. Iesthe Suicbstanitiability tof oui. liarîîesse.s tliat lias mîadle tlinî Isîp11tîla. 'lle quai ity is gui(odl andî lîrices riglit. £o.e lu and lers talk ih ovtr. Chas. Kaiser, Libertyville - - Illinois. v v vy V V y v v Y v v v 2v yv yv 17 y IHF 20Mh CENIMPChH 8, llespectfullv iinvites the ladies of tliji. viciîiity to cal and examine ont stook of Ladies' Wrappers anîid Shirt Waista (the Banner Branîd.)Tfhiey nuake a "'came. agîlin"' customer iitlî exery salé. They satisfy. Tht-y fit. That's why. \Vrapper, are 75c, $115, $125, $1,50, SUS aiid $2,00. Shirt Waisis are 50c, 75c. 85c and $1.OO. LbMén's ni Boys Se am leWork o ILStan lard Serew. 200and $2.25 .$165and US 7 e ITlttiiiiz lup oil lieu' i liidies' iLtd C h ildri's- Ilîrnîvé abîout Apr lnisI. Yours for Cash, W. Parkhurst, Block. Libertyville. ' bnu Yom Chink *l Of 1, chamiing m ti 'flc i t hîtilîg we i e o satl usIattU tatidis 1 tIQ or Ijeeps. i ______________ purnee - -- ------- lnis Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT IST. Officeo over Lake County Bank Heurs: & t1012 a . w. sel i to ô . m. DAILY Libertyville, 111. r@pna~j '~ .~tl usi. z ~,o. I 'l S C 1 i 1