CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Mar 1901, p. 2

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REAT TO KIDNAP._ OEC4JLIAR CASE COMES UP IN KANSAS CITY. Ia.<, Aise s temaas 53,000 Wott of -. inla4seju .eWill te e.l a Ciait .-a lacerel Lter (Ibis F--' - yla Isar*"d io DenbO. A tbeft or 35000 ororti r ofdîamitotda hm Btarda & Sioan, eioieoainijeovel- eMand aa a dutrent to tidaaP tire Youngt Mis or George H . EIoui-tnluenn 31,00 caSpaît lsnmeisteh, for titi- ietrn of tmIt. ems is puzzing lire Kansaus Catj police. Thecgemas di,apptoniied fron tire Uteperoomns 4, eek ago ]lire oliowitg momrng Entridg recette1 a latter offer' ing ta reIunntie liirmonds foi- $1,000. Thn ltter tipulaird rirat tir maneY ie loftIt mldnight on a certaiu urgit et Yqffrletli andl MeGee str'eets. Tire lette- Lsakad dat the pnckage be metuiy im- fan Dearluif, one of the firrms eerta,, inad closant cir lire tiret ta Ldnp. Deatrtuif, witb a pactaage of puper, rent te the corner. He aaya ire ra met by tee men, nue of whoni lemande a park- mgo. TIre next day Deai-duffround tire oiaalng tray of diamonils in due baisement et thé.aloi-e building. LaIe- ire ieported that chie oorting lu the iralement aoirs Me tiObe hmm au ticban, Tieooual wua tnIfting. _ _ WrAKUL13 DURNED TO DEATH. 'n ather Mober aud Ft.e Chuiea PerlîSu la 0010 TOe cbarred iodle, of Jef Hill, hil laite aud frve chiliru ene found tire ster i5ght autire smolîeiing emiern, ot eI'u 6sae. iLW iiauid l'lta 0, lo a g ablu two mlles tiortiiesst et Waliiton, Oiio. Tirir ueat'et neigir be, Edward MeGianis. dicovVed the heu.. c rappeil in faine, It aceme tnu analy oua door opeurd ont ut the ri-rn u càh hem seven meirbera ofthtie famîly cana sleeping. The reie caugit in front et tiatI oor, blocking the ouly rsY Of eape. Te obole famiy perisired, and la lile yellow tog. tire pet of a Younger daRd. vas the oly living thirg iat aur vIvai. Itlai geueraly auppcaedl that thn tu Cangt fi-ct a oood tore, althoumit 0» theory la advanced tirat the family may have beau murdere audue bouse townid tu ite tiie crime. Ubo UTAMPUDE INI ALASKA. iNe& Stine adeal Near Moutta .nf thi Kuahuqulsu Dl-e. IL 0. UptîkeandutFranka Josquin, Pas- aera roua Alasaa.are trom tire Kus- ka*uhmIand are due fi-ettla rne Oui " awliter fromth ie Katinai ti-aii Tbfl Mati report a ttrike near tir cash othlIe Kustauqurm, .oriici bas a] gady .ted a tampede iu tiraI dis àkt .Tha report saaidtinht tic gratin, cW uer" sut mati- from Nome iro lha( em ver 10 tia Kuatauquit uraing til wliner bastenedt thebbcgiouud. Viol. 4"250 iu 011 Rafre. Pater Grenaigh, wdo livea in henaa Su a. ha. ecurel a amail fortune fo & Sort ins go .Jacob Blystonc OU: ~ si peut. tiet an L. 8, -Sierre ~j9lt4adnnstrator. Amonth1 *as- ~ a aail oit aea fet bat as aceke da.te -Greeahalgh for $7. Tiretaille Uui e angesllation of thie ta cifl = lastien t rapairiug , mut os to find lu il $4.250 in god a Weeck on lhe Dock illand. Vlfte« pasaons suferct severe mnjurme i-. a number of otlet' astaiuel mitir = ajl arectaon tle Chicago, Roc ~ds Pacifie Railray near Giat 4«oeiounIowra. TIc train jumped tn 4epik. tIra bwn pasiseuger. tire tro ma 'éSWm d tii. tendei- roliag over andl fuI 1.4 en tiei- aide in a foot of water1 »$allavren flint the spreadmng ofthtie rail ouadthîe accident. Choked by *.(lhoe. Th. gbot of Johna Kirnie Iran viitî bis ife's tootu at Cai-onlle toi-e oiti t a. cýeek,ani air e trns t may bc uh onu f lier deabirh uri rhime tire piai «am visitor ciokedlite, andl ii- r eet uaid te bave black anI irte ar aksucause h long. tiin fungeru Iitnutut ied an 3e Probt li eieiii TOe Stata Departmrnt hua*trade a ij tom proteatthlrîuîrtir iaister jouta %a Venezuela agiui.t îrîtirer tirfercipî WUh Consolai- Agi-t Bhum t lhaut lu Ime situatiounsla uit ni ta titi ta ' i ifu iaAmerennlter"ain many Perso.s Bom.ea. - The 1000 or Bt'nmarcdk ...o ounà IMcmlcompieteiy deutti'..d lhy i-e. Tw thkdeof tire bîmineo btttî wcirbot ei aud iieaiiy iait of un n'oîierrS ic agahntreal puruuar irniieso. 'T' 11.1111auoW. ShonrWm-tei A 1.00Us-ton a-iruuinrr wattuk ti milea outbeasî of Atlnantic City.TOe la ne, creciruge afloat -inig to identi: lit. sud noue ira.hec'n i,ouoliel vhure. Dejectrnt hy Buathii. Joseph Charlnain, tmrr coluniat ai retary, ias iafurrnnielI.' utc iof<Col mous frln ra.en Po lthus1111% îtl police terni, offereol bitai. Ethll dla Tmiai. Srect. Preileut htu-Kalie liaatppoita Fraeeta kE. l'one lit. t,totir i-rf (' euto to atun-l t i- t t ;0ou i whoae termni a xind. A riaient luinti n th it utichtow N.Y.. insane horu'ilitin lis liu rI a Oeere ilowo i t1tueiuttul iThe b!c cas a a f'iî utîu-ou IT ljuret mat id nuti-otirt'a-i ittîo1on until et nurrinit bluit N, L' n bli di Ma ,deluiona vocie gouint. Tan Hairt in, Ketn1-kar Puhf. Onie outhîe fbruni-t fiuirttt, , li-t, of Morgan 'tuant> i lvi -hu -i t t prlsnary election ai ('uit % Jir ruer, dhich deveioîi l'tiw i ato thit * tes Men ocre or nitidedi The n aaoi 1an d tongresaloual appor- tioument billiontallent or pasign in atlhe ï, Houte ona Wednesday. ire congresuion I N aIl cown alstrro rote, and tire enu j stnal menseure larkcd eleouti votes. Six itepoirlicuns refuard te rote for the cou- greniaonai npportlontirbt iliaid irfl iri votec "no"or i-cf ue to v ote bhn tire Sentonial bil Wau op tir Pasnsage I»iný asE. Sullivan introdured anbilltrercîrr Spi eri by Andrero J. tyan, . i'icugo'n eîly attorney, reqoiring t tirty duysn notice lu Il V b01g01cq to citiro toralir and village's bi- fur ore urtelnig a saritinlasesuruof Per WAS PRISONER 0F 5ILIPINO. àMAK.ET QL'OTATIONS. BANK CABBIFR KILLEM . nuai ini-ry. 'Te Srrtati' îauav'd lrre -- itibils adîtadviance.rî drviatr Jiltitin bill TIR itXn~renc utJob. L Fn. ~bo ias Chiago-Cuttie. rotmmon to pylmine Tovo Outaw@ Securec$2,000, but Are for tire joint giînritiloliii? r îthildrenu lîy lietu.end ta Amadrir. $300 t $550.;iroga, aiippipg grade%. Capturednly Citiznlir.ieari nouil tlrnta third ceaditrg lifter John L. Foi, a pri-lete of Compîay A, $100 ta $582;aheep,.Itur10cioie. $300 <'aine- C. W, . Pinu tf tire Firat Na- u ni auteutdeIbatui. Thirtietb voiuntecr inftntry, trbo return' tu $475; weat, No. '2i-ci, 75c e 077e; tonni Banka ofliaifat 'a. bu, v. imur' one ifîtlite firvt rîravro tirtIh. i ghit e1 wir big regimeut un the transpiort coi-n, No. 2, 39c te 40c; natal No. 2, 24e dereutabout il Ocîîîî t. Fi Itlii norotttt bY gainot Ioritîierr xut ieiutrotionlitr i Hancock. froua Maulin, apeat iraifthetire 025c; rye. No. 2. 49c e to50c; botter, tWO yotong renwhî hall itrerl tiereil. a billIn rithe 'ii-îteiîcuSentruir Ctardnr El tinie in the Phlilppiansan a priaoner in ehoice reunery, 2M e ta21c; rgv, fi-cui, terob il. Henry and Wetti scton K-it' B o 'rirtiro u ruiill tire ofticen of Stute 1_ tire banda of the Iiiliptnaa Froni Jan. lee 12cl; potatixa. 39ie to 41r per-per, wiro commiltti- tire decil, oe-e ar- arci-iti'rt, niIle iiivti irthr lione c'loir 18, 1890, ..ltitir e It or Seplember of bnrbei. rruted ahborîy ualler.tecimtie and arc coincittîeon jiinlai înîtî tnun it theRasme year yoong tFoi ora bru by tire ludianupoiu Cttie, aippint, $300 to in tire rountyj jil îatloi ilbc triri for ptacnice iu oritirtirtua tîitIititîhiroqrn't emi a-bat aouannatives in moutntfaut-$550, boita, choice ight, $400 to $5.75;rire moi-dca t tireptill teriiofcourt. un tire Perdiitrr iii lit tuui1thtie ofl' neanea, ovtirno tnonirge 0frunisnlirre- aheep, ranimonta 10prime, $300 t $400; 'Ihere were in the l'tttk ut thre ime tire or Stute urc-irtect. lTn'ettmanageaietrttotf v abouls norrit tire intentions of hie a ep- roieat, No. 2, 14e te 75c; crin. No. 2 tivo druperalocu ttraiitheir uiufeni-nce tire Chrater p1iitvtiartt . ttf 't icit J. TI toia onrerniog iis oaa dispoition. He whiite, 40c te 41c; nats, No. 2 white, tbeensimer, Abrairotît IXtiteanuititire-n Mark 'Tannrîi, a rtirer if n nlTua- riO eacaped ae-nri tinca, outy luiLticrap- 27e 10'28c.ient; Isaac Lyter. triier, uni M r. nrr, la ndrira, i. t10bhi it îoiuid> lai t iel agril annd îhreutrncrt oitir roui- St. I.oui-Cattle, $325 to $565; bots, Swartu ret Duueanolitt liry 'otîut-. a Itoone comuitter. Ritrirr'nrtive tai rMary punisirarrt lt ire aganatotempted $5 <lii te $572:;aireri $300 tu $475; Polir men flirotiritI-itt i-vouo thu Oe of items of ItandolîIr ctttîty offiieiltrei- tu gel 5wa3'. He bai ressor toebeure itent, No. 2, 73c 10 74é; coi-nNo. 2, tirn em rd ln checkrlu O Iitttnnuir. Nt'r. olution tiovdiug ior n cioutittr'o orhal tht tira tirent migirt ireen ari-id out, for al& toe39e; ot, No. 2. 25c e o'(C; r3e. Lter and Mi-, Sxvitrutzilht Ia '.tth-ireroTt'ublieao'.andîi 10 i>iuriitrutu 10 lai a felloor prînoner nameil John ieney, No. 2, -ale to .12c. et-n sd tire otirer overe(i tir e cher invetgate tire charige'stf irregIiiiéo i tfrum Illinoist, aiso s prirate of tire Thii- incinnati-Cattie, $300 to $485; irog%, anti one of the prî,o n ilrlolictirs of lino- tirat are made. 'lie rn'ouitiîiiOtina tieth, as deibre ]y %bart îy tire Fii- 3.00itl,0$590; aireep $300 t $440; Phirn Corînty orit tmo i tolvei. M r. atopteil iy a uuauuiot iir te. AtBitrv " PIO fratepin ueseapte. t'iiete ivrrt. No. 2, 79c te 8Oc; coi-n. No. 2 itsaticolectel tretlilàbtirtire traviers Rutirli ut Jacksonville wc ro iitlt la t Fo nlmtrom Woodiawnl., ndîi ervet i rxedil 4kt1042ce ts, No. 2 mxel, 26c t tire amoont 0of ttuoii$2,(SitJandtipiada onenîber-of tire bout(itifrliarlitonsiii tln Coirisrrto-e going ta tire Philipinesi)C. to 27v: ryr, No. 2, i a sancirei beciiiig t t Iiove aduI otit-rrlMairit"eir Sott olitotr î 1Jan. 18, 1899,. fy men, conpriulng a Detroit-Cttir, $250 t0$460; hogio, Kiepe-. Tire toi-o i-ic taci r totel HlmiIrnîîigftteenirritioi-ro Pouy train, reere atddeniy aitirnnu,Cti $300 10 $575: airrep,$250 10$400;a ran a irirtg io rlleti tiie v bruandlliernsiig of court verfa'itiiti-u t T by n large Btilber of ai-nid Fiipinos ,r-ieat. No. 2, 78e ta 79c; crin.No. 2 Mr. Rinnirade atutil tio-titelttta ed 1tlinn tre intheitro15stair ceY' aet tnemoulir of a raviin near Santiago eiiow, 4lc 10 42c; oual,,No. 2 owite, 28e kurock one of t oi' nuî o t-t tt(if tttwe'q 10. Tirriîtri- moi u' titttli t tif i bilIlau .onîrin too.u oto ier 9;ise 3 o5l riml A neiîiite tilion'il and lyann frll ho reronuider andtl t~Nas taiîtultititlu men tougirt their oray out, but Fox. Fi-eti Ttledo-iVieat, No. 2 lied, 77c e te te i-oor abart iti-ittitirlie groinuand lTuesauy. anu )4aamof . Compaay C, Coi-poral Boniram 79; corn, No. 2 mixel, 38e te 39c; outs, tire leftt aiouider ri-nrbuntsi br tf ii ire lone u -'utnMtr. (i-titi, b- and PrivateMilte-r ofthtie Tiirty-urvrntir No. 2 nixed. 27e to 28c; rye, No. 2, 51e Bowe, toi- theire jrlinry îotîtuir Ieiiilite l ti- tei regiment, Pri-ite Cirarles Wortingtonte t 52c;, dorer neel, lrime, $6.501t0 $665. CRIIINAL Sflntmrv, A DEPLTY. mmnce of Ciruri llnMio.ruiptrtitirhe I a ot Company C uni Private Enirrrtd *MilvvnuleeWliriat, No. 2 nortirn, eoumtile bil uri-tI îjf.rî fit'htpotu eWells 0f Coîmpany B ofthtie Tirtîrti-41v'ilui73e; crn, 'No. 3, 39c e to39c; oatn. Jos-Ph Grildateî., totîis tifflcret uintirmentuOt o inhttit Il ut.-i trisiit 1tt If wre cuptrel iry tire euemy. TireY No. 2 wohte, 27c to 28c; i-se, No. 1, 5ic luiith. time. itrit'tlu' ilittttiti-,, I y a reeaAed bl is el eilaie .an tqli- t 152c: iiii-lC, No 2,filletu 57c; porta. .îri tlutt ittrttucrtot îreiairllttthtl it i lotu irj-il i doe otéeiaset ILCruz ailleu,,$12.50 t$14.M. lnli ilittiu'i I ii-.îlt,itiff Frnuk I_ empouye.nairait i- -ii l tîctt î IIIr1 ia mren t al 0r sevçu mootir atter thirircapture. 1-ttffalo-Cttle, cîuice sai ppi ug teeru. 'nMlgie u ieitt .i t . t iti iii il lites-titre ta tire dort'>tif ttre i ii o tru i, iro-ni _____NFA _:_ IK)iOta $550, bogs, fiui- ta prime, $3.(K) cap. gtiit ti utifîtrte iIruuy i ietîtel itl ca Ifrtliti- t(EI FVMDNDJTI lit6, 10 ;nihrpi fuir tao ile, $3.90tu corotnroouu touiîthe i nn 'ooitoYei crgeti -hecko, due btls ii- ui-r vot 'if -4 t(tIfti tut -nSSn 00: inuibu, commurn ta etra, $450 tOtrotuotire eoîîrt iamariîtlucu oue a detitelion-naiaileiKi -i tî i-ii.ftu naît Maree an thet Ital ;-. K7,~1(. luar, ibut Maineîe l irt o,,ti-y tireloe (ttiali ho-utitiiiliIii ci Ilfeac u O We. NrewYork-C<atle, $5.75 td $5 ý43; bogs,, ierr tu-ggling IIIt îîut icilrti-u r n - oages routili%']('Ilhi î îu lii i 1,11 iti tIr Bionatug:er'*Dirbu tie rîsen altua $300 to $6.20; sirerp. $300 t 1 0 05; volveanti fi-ndi li,.ittti lît h itit a oder int, lid.I rt'iMinoýt ilit ciiiititsnil. tinlrn Danioietueuaenoirenet No. 2 ie, 7W et 80c; corn, No. 2, btton off lire i--o irut otuitr IfiP'itY. lu thre uo,rtrn'ntfr iti- arii s'tt die ad RI lation in eeuri-tirs continue large iluvooi 47e to 48; ot,. No. 2 white, 32C e 1 .3&' Thenlire iel aguru. teun'ait,-iirig offert journutent of ti anhî3thdecrt t "si r m, ii reannngl iemiefrrbutter, cienmei-y. 2le to 22c; eggli, ceaI lun Magies iand, A3 ite îluii3tri1 iul cktire Luginattire oolll lot atilarair-fvr e edindustries or drooçing inuîthae sufer- ci-n 13e te 14e.lire prIaooer uhrtd i tttii- 'ilt, ohiih tran Aplni26. 'rie ('tit, (i-îittllîr N lng frainidepresulon. As types of tlîeseorc Mgen;tr-niiirît n r uiî in-ajnrm't Atî 9viut moremeuta tire iron ind cation gonds ilu FACTORY GIRIALSuIX IN FIRE. rtuggered anud ft11. iltit hîtu rocik aolin tireet-Inattivei rt'utiat oraétD y dustrien are pi- riment, andl tiertwoo- sern ikeOOhOMtepolaIn Mot otiri-',erai Live. Thought t b amavea t.. rî st eruaptiroîîy 'nu-i i'r:nldtril ni ireaI trwoîî he awî'rîîlr',iutia itu . industries tire reportsaraie quile favor'a- Lost I1. Si. Joseph, Mal. Ie vIryrr i- tti iuiunagv ritrwoncatthcbu.otla i be. The goverument report of orieat ln Tire Noyes Norman siroe fnctory and anu Dcprity Sir-if Itaroiiliedltiti-ie Tire ilotur iili lic-fluntor iyoi'outi t r farinera' bne p 1tngt 0,0 , tire Richatrdson. Rbrtiniresoer os eci.h ne If mc iit blitoou'effnct. Snturuiay. but Ii outhiîîrrif Inbuiînn.u a boshela Iran bell iran a year ugo, onu il andl ahi-t faetory wcir deaîroyed iry lVe odti' a ilIYleTeSekraiiiirlts,.ilcu o regardent as a buiia entiire, fanil,-1t i-e t St. Josepir,'MaI., ecuoing ther lealirtouued il in thair an-dtii uirruntirreti nitîre ta iinitlvt ii" 'irotei-liertii r. a-pied witb light Noi-îirorr,îin receipir promuubty of arverni persatn. Ail tire W'hr ie ont stainen lit-k tu jaitia ut-oni rtreiri.%.Il cntuarts itluiiîhirI a-causent a ri-me rireir ora, iowcvcr, tataru orîtinio ai-e girls, and woere e oein gar iered anul tmnrctu ire n inrs ir rents of Haiti nonsi i. tt on I f fîritmk mind vin rl advsungc of 10eieaizr, an tire net t hie ni-t faeiory. Ms rnipîEslnedaci f t Iyueirîg. Titii,1 tîlî'.ltoid bilaCh 'rtoitirt tf Ctutt i t-oif ltîîîîulpîirnui i.chauge for lire oeet a isligtriiru.uel2bcv uvn10ie Ehodt brik nto jmii, juiu titttîtu iiiîtd trou- Brio rie îttLtaoI,' >i-ofi, in vi-.t Whaae 2,i nw o draI. Florenc lpeent i, hi ln fi inlr la le Inciodlng fleur, aiipienta foir e oalnui er-y und Minea Matie Perny leapel i îrrluîitti iîiu îtutbt t, i-aggregale 4,6t93,939 bîîuirclv, aguint 4,-fmtrlltir le thi-il tory of the Note, Nor- FOREIGN CASH i'ltt< NEW INO:. h't tltt a.229W28 buabela lest oeeta ni 2,727,450 mon u hilding anti orre euighl by brernen'le I li.Iol-Nnla r Idbosirela in tire correspouling v.eeta Of n a nt. Tirryare badiy buril. Joirhn romojer ut Suabiaerno altel! V.ll ernuion wroti lrial.'oir. Iltu u-of Wiiil Id 1900 Corn exporta aggr'egate 3,246,57d5 Fid, lran n everrhy lnjored. Place ec.rtre. n oLamine. inîrodkired aillniicpollig then ont te' he uardis, agaluat 3,9561.137 iroaheis lest Tirh frein aîpnlt rv tre o A ,Suhci enetof lire Kan- tsrnfii tbIrîrnuir tuttire .irpnelrte itîntî oreet, and 3,72%,291 bîmaela a yfri-ago." tire engiaerfroon, oniere a bremran iraIsas City, Mexico antiorieunt ttaivoay. in lu Chicago. MrIeJoueoto tio('il îrr,îîuc Briatle reatDefcir een vuiung gavoline te cieun mneîmnrry. going tu Europe for bthe rrpuise of plae- el a mbilii ootnhli'ir .a tnt'hutardt It Brialn Orat efiît. Fiâmer-uiroe oîtt 4 o'rioek. antfu ite ng noverai million dollar' vortl oft he %tesam muIr- inîn lnto. 'llie hotïrdilr n- Witb lthe naval estimâtes pieentet n lu use beâlae-rireil structure hart tatîru uertieb of tire Otietnt rilway W'all. ataniut orith rimenîuhî.o len hi,' ait. t ®r theuBrtishi House of Cornotons thein l. Thc ggiegte legs r, $100.000. trcet hId mt talee lnily te Mri. Stili- poiuteui by tire (<io-ruor. tunir Iteri ouai e, budget for thie comlng jeai- shows an ex- _____weviia Inab.a su lfaittaiway and offier tauire lunu vr'ai.o 'l'io- orif th ed pentîiture of upcard of £181M00,000, POUND ImEAD IN RIsl TOWEIR. Le oas format In go airrîod once bireore the luapentur'. iv trn'it-ilS )olin-r anwn. le againt £150000.000 toi- lest yens. Un- - to borroor $30.000.000. He gaI mont ut A seeretaryi- iiietuteint' tntil lit il nsui th d legsathe revenue la inereasel the stnte- Myatery ln Demisof a I.ehlgh Vleylit ia Holiand. t lu aaid tOt Warll stlOet n- ut3or 510pi-etr nrrt. 'u'it-niîf rl ment or Sir Michael Hicks-Beacir. chan- Menat Park-lec, N. J. ia cocu more wary 0f tire Orient liae andthlie irturni i rut il..'i nutili n lChio tgiu. It thCle of dha eXchequer, cili showr a de- Thnt lirere oilaIrai-. ho a mystery tire oppoition of tire bigrisiatY aYdi- ttiriadetire nlut > yif rio.n'tlnt,, ictn tti tas fict of nearîy £3.000.000, tiralargeat about the manner n oblir W'iiam cale are'.ntrl Mr. Stihineil freo rlter- 'ilîncI uiutnttlii altiutiti- 'l-.1 fi,,-nîli.' Bo ever estuatel. Bluetaorl me; bina Iati tire otiri-marr- oritios bis acurities lu tbis counti-y. grnrtoittir uit tetît - uno' r fît inru ing in n Leiigi Valley Itaili-oadowr e torxéu(r taindilIià e Fi" BDalotage. a Factoe,. î'artaview, nrieurNewvai-kN. J.,seemu na.oeasTroltey Car.îratra tteiuitt'n-.îtttiîîk Fîre detroye! the slx-tory brickapoai.I ieramre-ei rîy W. Il. Itecu, tetetiione fiiemau. trned ujteinlt-l tII I'Ivanti.ii-'n t il. ît tut L, ta buldngetUnion Park place and Carrollirabl. le a a orihir ri ow reoîi-. 10 telanvu a oIre at Finiay, iloiiev tr iilt Stti to I t.iltînnka t- buildInge trampOeandnsoti tesa llittrt i-ttiurttIo tit-i Nii,-lu- eN i- iavenue, Chicago, orcupiei y lthe ChicagoIfilil ornanot norrder, liers, in uo wrof i i a ooth rleypl fae ekSpring ButCompany. Tire fl" iae tr boueyiee-mnn eie t orna pauuîriteet car. lnit of thietre ire- ro i ino i tc ituttt-httvu th et u de blir rotuandrpt p lre geelutl orii Blacttor cutire lu'git otaIarutii If i-t r oa nvtainîrn motcni- Ii- tirL >-îJI i i-) N'.iiil tC edlnauth or ninti ta tire rouf T alneu unwotlabu islr nii b u li blIomîdiniamui tate rufITelaeston ighrt ignal man in tire towei- Ille body yankcîiofftit s mn tdantd lrog: d cgi-u.tiiii itk-tuutitis1i ut re osa t~~~~oud lying ou tire loor, parîîy y th rugt tret ire o tretrt it holeI, lTtiiiin tttta Itlî'. Sîîtar l -1rT..i ________ ~aginat if. Tire ignal mann voan eal ibodyiifinuial, e or Ietu- pti i lSit-'t.titt-îu i-i i- i, il Disr..chi.ea Nagro Votera.. andlbirisrevolver iuy on tire fluor 'about and ttre iar rapopei td vnbrdytI'nttuuott f- co hi, 1),iY nl Tire Marylandl $tate Seate pasael tire tir-cc fret trolly tram bis iand. bart. negro lisfrncbiaiug net tii-a5vote <f 14 Iteteoders Pe,udaaite Mvoa. N.tiri. ltftcsti-i't i- ii -u toa1Il a strrit pary voir. Sereral of COUPLE WilS11Y MEGAPUO-NE. 1h-,. Natitîn callil a utiiitt'liittirehei-T tt inu-î.t u î l-tire~ î tirc erneocrtte Senator, cho ocre Iltue Itcfvnulr inu loteklua. h .ta uitt t-lti it 0 ut ut 'il aîiongly oppoel to tire loor because tire3'Kansa Solnlluox PanleasAre Mar- vaitîc it a rcirdidate for Mayotr oguinat lirei'tifai-tii lomu ttiia i Titiet1tt01 b-riui-ed it orouit piove aboomerang lun Sviir CeairrteKa., blork itnt. h n s murd ttel'Iýlcn r-II. dh ie them oon dint ricts voer hippel loto SihCneKn, sqo e-maries. i Tey refiui tiebcil ictutti-il t u u tt,- tu ... itilu i tt nri lune, ri-ge by megapione. Dr. .Joaepir Luta lu the cnioter and iriinity tilt br anoA 'ti i,% itt n, uti , l 1, tt ,.i tt Ituemai aI he bvatae. and Mioa Bette HItreiiooarreni, qonaln Sire maut tal îoik10tintin vc ht-b aire triItitcl.-, i tii-htt i BreetteSal. tiue oitirtire sinohpoz, cere united t in îultiio i ua nd"ThFie hie-t 'niîci'i ht.utî.u-ii tI. cl John Ilenîieraon. tir, tegro riro moi--marriigc by Itcv. ir.ditir, riWh f-ohitati-o rottuluîtrui u. Nation. ii iuitt ttliit ;tt i, -ar dri-niMi-,. Vonger, wvo-u bornet thtirstool arroelire sireet andil .t. .rtIf tu - tt take by a moti ut 5,0(10persons in Cor-ceemony ta tie couple,. vo ojolrd iLandis t ot. saer- 1.eleitd. 1:- Cttiîi -N t î,i sienn, 'rexasn He irtil coteasel isln itire r nîlao oirle ninitcr pro 'Chicr thitt ii uiîtltt'dl u. Wili thltl, U-itii ti - u1 î z.guit. Sutunquentiy tire coroner blcid an noonel tirentonue, T'ie cooule are wogli1lia, i C. iur rihîr At itutuni Sucre- rn-iii-folt~.t i1 . rnqitext over lig rermain% und thre jury Inown n lq'ociety eirhrl titut sectiton tar if \it in oplurcuotf NIl, l'kciio iar ithflu 1'., Il il -.1, tlinu ili rtu1'a rverdict commendiug the mob sud orere enggr'tiea iiimoriel tco ol tt. Stuir ri ttrlui-Vian ti- ctu u-au iîat i fo u ct fboioroecls ago. bat tire crerîîoy o, ur puî't- Iluuuun t(iirî h nîî,uîun tuttuif îîuîîti t . -i lu u t t Sa, 81.1 i ld iy ire. pore r] -itottot' irt tire hi-ice unI tbrtî bu-a,i i i ut -îtu.,male. lvrit uto0cr iltt1tri-ii i .ttiti S tut ;-t l.i FrunSay'. Priuhrr prt ocuie f thtie guroom on-is sieei rit 6mitltoI iL tQouXti)-iathr of office. i-uiitti, Ilii. it iiti FakCPrsirpatonroafr-a o ery lroui ralfo-n. _______K. poitille cnmp in BaldintCoanty, Aie., Ftoi-ap tGltas.Cn rt. 'tîi ii Ltt--iiu l-l ou tt ilit oile tireoier dey, altirul lu Thmee Kitteil, Three Bert. A tii,, t ireliin10 PilîttrI glth ien'o-tr fAnî, .1It ti tr .t u hi- inurrieru ohrn-uonty. lie mid titi-ene- Timer pei'oîn neirird andt tirri- l tut uglu oroinofctiri-c--nof rite 1' U lIoi .,i.ituiII'liO .< o grtue. tu 'n uhiar ld fr00i r i, tervir-e, ald jîirol in a tire I tha tii-ove fifty tenantin St att' tiii f ruocît at Iru t mthluaci- a iuil iitttn' . ui t tt h I- lut urd theIi'i up, rîty accuni, wvinte anI puntie frionu thie f i-tory tellementl hou n -înt p OituO th iIti ttti,ityfor .lti-t-iI t i~it O, eoiored, Ibuvinng peiriesliIbthefains. 270Atlantic avenîue, Brooklyn, N.Y.--'-a Icei-t- clut$10,t*h0lJ(î Flurie coirilline iiedr ltnrru ire an____ -sd iantly leitroyel the building. ,A ciii ti-i itjýi > ti l il oit u .Icotii-yail the iî, ii lO tu . l ' l -e Kit@ Hîmbseun lila Bithd.y. sronton anI o 12-Year-oid boy.<ruzei tus tuti gît 'n îroîîiuîî erllitv t: a itel Star"n. ict-.îun ~ i> i iit~- tn W' H. Mobiey, non lu nov of Jobn H. frai-.,2 tnipel frorir foui-tirunIdIi-t iory o 11$, Ragan, rctrtnitted suicie t iHouston, orindoovi. rostrctlv'ety. anti ocrekiîlil. letBlow fer lileheis. Alniittt tit 1- nut lc"t'ittt yf le Texa, iry akinit morpine. île sent a lire Miutirrotf tire boy c-anburrel ta Tie r-ut i tttradinglpioii tit' n ire, ils, ~ tlsi-i lîIi ttiluli -ie tlerirant to birgsife, iu olileirlire 8anl deatit in lici-aprtmrnts. cayeautli ihaite brout ritectooihy bi-ot' tllpti ulut t Iliile i 1- i .lut t oftu t>Y "Tirt-ivî-me tbday; a falure." îeou ciuni). Lltit. tînuitiIL Pastur. rtinniind Iiti' dlaim agrnt for tire Missouri, Kauna r. Fuir Wii Open Ma, Il. ing tire lutcil Statesn gunoioat Pumpun- lIIitiiuI- lit lu-utttIttut- hutîni unI Texas lttilroud. rThe offiiain lhave Ictertriuel ta open gibuss ru ecul ald etroyel 300 vrsea aveunIe. %va, -tji-i ..iIi 'rî t1'. tier aa American fair May 1. Preaidrut of it uttt tit n outiy nDative t raft, rau- Pu k I il, LE.lB", k t-i o , Hc- Troent (Iet.s a Li% Trm. Meciney orlil pi-cas tire batlon. A. on tt ucltel tu u-tnl-t the insuogcaîo.$-2(t,(N ) )tri Tire jury in tire Tront nanidr tintai e- May 1 le oit be aboarî a special train At',iuit~e IiI uc ire turnel a verdict of monter lu the frle lyngt de-uifrun -htri'n-u i I t fCrnae. izrIiî"l ucil uî î.titimn gi-eu'. oti r eomtiiaiitali for Merey. be cnncte1 by Caifnduction .% train bre bo Twon c' iitti-ntion froni Andreor Car- cbie ficttoilti u JIti.îîîî~tt wiieh oili mite A. G. Trout a lite sertnth fi- grouds.negr, 1uc-l Iftifhe steel king. reiemieut jiilrg îuila ut-lt n- edtenta toi- kihlig H. ia. Cook iu Gi-cen trff rot i-tli us hiness lite and af hi% dunir-ijHer nISprings, Ohio, Aug. Il last. Fire teame lan5White Honte. ion of $50ý00000 for tire entowuiet of ilItti ihistmi i..-' î 'hu. ecMaata alabu Cm.y An alunia otfa-ie turnel lu troin tire a failli for viprtnuuatod uIanhil ant1i t.i.îli it ,Ilin thtîiir it JI, ii Cap N- innebsota St. PaulCe- White House iu Washinigton toi- Cumes rnnploysotf tire CarnegiceCompanuy. andtutiiintmttI Itt0lding i-uttiht.rth, Capitaliste et oils. Iyulngorereu iun tire inaugural reviewingralothanml «Il ud aud Chicago have foie t1h TwinCity tandletthde norîboreat corner- 0f tire 'ils-laDia ln Boton FiePi-or Onîlîr ui uethi- Id ni rta Telepirone Camp&" sied takéti over the g-t.on'da surouudiug dhe mansbon. causer] Tirnelivraeoere hent. a îlozn etn ldciil fi-unitil liitciuurt Iitiliiitrg itt rtoSO) vr, F1000.000 Plant Of th*. Mlimippl Val- conidernirle exritexnenb. The dlames ocre ocre itjrel unI funanciai damage iIentwrai-liueilliie. 4oticeable Among the Weak and AiIing. >ring the Timo Death Reaps Its Largest Harvest. 'ere 19 Ia Way of Eludlng the Orlm Destroyer,. Ererj Spiltut Il là M0IICCMOIC 00W mati, eple are ratio MCM! that b ave bleu a soelurin lu ienityliret ltMti h- Ieliî tat et noilfier enten ut l year d'-o u roniy d'aeMiauc L-ni . lay trge 1t4, rie Mortallty &mont tutl aid atviy prutiti rThe reMufor t hl, t.apparea.t. The boit y at lw")L la a I gi,, gor ilhiua. has rInchr 0tuaeulli 1 ihILdurtag thec Wiuter tuurbi. ~nsuIhitot ceîe . f riliteut t, lbas ia he. 'ra ucl TarohyMufatty fonilh cye bela"cte.. Tie aYa-eu-huabel- ai * cd te larroute lia in rtlPriug .ue. ,vtth lin hrtgbt. uuiijdM. ult1dr - pie wttt Ireglu ru reatîze roui their rital hua ,.bicom e y ctJtu. 'The Ma..e litg 8tro cof people ,h. are DuarrulY abli rTa t,i the seasua ufth1e yi-tI eive CA -gouii rt f eet t h-o tTiait iird. esti,, . feellng J$ experlerr.eil t, ton mauyý Theo îtced trott i, .a. -u;d-eat1lI. lai M.,iiut.iaty (saiplate. A ?11111e rI.41 1t vai-i off maay iprlug finraat. Ifune ta i-Mit or atîlua lliey Mhuulil taire lIme Ol the orlocir and L ake lirtrce evr ln .il uere reredi-. Thts gteal ruedîclue bu. eu il ri!iy and a Illleutloue to 0e, e rue.u. hy chiilàthe bOILt-h&.uet ut la tt hban lie.e. drIvenItam the thI.shold. t.Mîlethe grlm deatrayeI- t.a a-lentit as.~ ~ ~ th 1ii-ttr1-1 ir it surd gîes, Le t ni Leîttat 1le rrora Il ton-a il auirot-e, 'o q healuhy cinililu ait out e grealtIt lifi iitg urgi. utfthe holl lit 'i Gr-r eitr bttîd ail al", nI .d v.11 1 Inairle thoar bu . *ae,1L10 ru- off tilti- Ili. ttiMt provedanleroa ly y ,it . i L aatît . i cdy t ai.i ulerhie F'.om .u-yupplte. vvhnIt ,Inrepila uct IL.tenta thîgrentealuMt olite 1ý Iengii 1aat ILîgIrci. ot 1217 Sc N- pirt 1.8, v hgo-n. ii)i . as, ilKiratr(-at LinU to aid m, te. nohy e tii mu..ycr, t or Irll. eeue a ,te dy, chico i1iLave no. aat ltîttr Il trtne. fi-o..aprbeîr ..'da eusIL or ratai-rh anithall itrrt4cd hei; MI Wellinugtoa "£y-a, EIIuabeîlii....N. w fel Iy uni' tell 00e aiorh gond r l 1iec Nervura bIas due aie.I1 I ainuatII rout.t1 Id antriellpeStal gbt .Id evcythiag ton-td ed . 1 iaxilan.pp, te aand i-outld nout . r ieniIl arbeilatt hlhime andl the,- va.. Maa.i g.'aelfeeling cm, iotmai. auil Ivisa I.a. s Ioeth.u itrhe dan ideu o eftiia i begsantru [telt Dr. eMesNervuora1ll0n4t*ailtaerIl rîaed y -aadin la t.. aauIrce eckIi 1tell lic . ne w mou- Ita o.vdo aslauti L a.îJ. Ic chuId ofiui .7d l 9.01lie citeupr it D Il Thc iatic pari'tif ilt i-c.adIîce .Ight b. priiftni li.rsriIL, iuver, If yun ah-1it4tfret sî,îîcoi utitethe adiîreou .iihrnyiu ittieuhv 'l i ahidlr ad lav@ Il fi-cc if 0iuciii rIte or col. ua he esri hnta blutai and .."Ire-plrt1at. tetiicr.,r7 W. 1 ita, 8t ,. cYrIh lty, llalcay Skaed. W'ieo tra ' limg n11 s railway yoO man telirow tral e tetraita la goling iy tire nollowirig tnethod 'rire lelegrafili irata along a riIlm ay Ilire are placed àMO 10 lie Mlle. 8 If Yrru aultlply the osain.- ber of purats paanied In a minute iry two. the revruit give yîtu rtre ttiuiner of tille@ ier boni-lat wirlI-iitire trrai litgo- Ing. If Coiffee Foi"... To. ria i our digeetlon, sualie. You nerynus and "IIIuW conspîcuuil. ir eeps Yeu îwake itanmd aci . aguluanit jour syu- cm, geaeraliy. try Grai. 0. tire aee tnd trink. [t ia maie of putre aa'ieted grain and la heaitirfal, nouriairîngand appe- timing. Il Oaa aorte ofthe badileffeta Of Cff e , je t ti l a n u t a . p ira sa t t ru t b tatle. aud when pi-operiy prepareil ranI bte toId front 0thent - roCIffre. nta - .bout tala n e . IL ta . hrai hf t table dImO foar tire ebidrC.anad ainiru. Aans -ou- grucer for Grain 0. 15 and 2,5c. Hiad haLl <n-eil. -Tirei'gien a Itaoi n 11h oan ry inter- *uîîrîg iitrry.- rahIdthe lCirkIli tire ipir- l ioi.'(It o y u ilot ' 'I juot oit i t to hlm ' l'iladlpçia coe ut CuiatliltaIrnutirae ure.1 by Il"l' Catati-ti ra. P . T. CHNEY & Co, Toledo. O. Mis (lieuuurtgiil kn.~ hu- F.J. iheu.y fînorutethe atbitcu irnrariu% ud' u rIaity utile lu carry nul suf obligatinsta". b, Vireil filmr. WssT & Ti-u. Who1Iei, igugtl.ToiaituO. W*rtirrto.KiLtutti & MAtR-ax. Wl,.nl Dm Toledo. 0. Haat'aIL nt.'inta ista-a tlrnatty artln iiety uponairl ori ,lo inuts ree. mri Stîn b) .11ilat u u u taa re . (ri n 7 c IutîiIiNigt ati l.u.1ilpis liir i'lit l i tt i -tifDo iii> 'i-' g l'l oîoldilt angyîoaci-.lfîîIai tita od tltîrl rtilru irof yoîn taIriyman. vour lnusiitessitilai-pers Bazr. What ILo the Chalîmea Drinka? Dront give Ibm ra e&or eoifee. Have mou hrenItire uew foot drink entiel GRtAIN O? Ih in lellelous and nouritti hug and tukea thre place of coifec l'ire more Gruin40 som gmve dueeihilliren tire mone ireaitir >ou lintribule durougmi thir stet. tiruin-O or mate of pure grainu. and wsieti propr-y prepare t tates 110e thre ehoire gradie% of eoffef, but coata about 14 as mach. Ail grocera sill It. 15C asud 25C. "I)ot't yorî thinkth ie tieouiationà ln tuis rooro ai-e very prelty't" "*Very. Who nelecent liein to-yon'l" hqkIale umpiCIOtînly. fI to give \ à ~PeMU whtwol ne, mn'. 1~d boy - l)M il 4.M lur emiaty wotrlrloverwf~ wente you note of tirunks.îî-PliuA* pibm Prest4, odl Iuld or spORitS. Bianehagri Brod. Ohaffee Co., &.C wriLeeto the Uiln A. Baiser Saed CoL Crosne, %%W%ltieoare the. lntrodueecq this rearknloe eat , ha 8 ttz, mavifgtliwe htr u et reWr 19 trahbels ofýIu»wà ppui: troni 10 udnof ed yonsen u and Ai1fulfa att. i,u* momey mkr urge tê' eri furorerto try a fr'w acree<4 Sir-itu. Write to linewr to-day. .- . 'Wl'iydo voir "-m to Ililke àMra 'ial pvit Nlr'.. ll<,jkionst -Othi, 1te triwho never cOmaeS tu yoiir ui-'willout puiiing Up th* tiroken w. buoir .-itlr, altlng in the, Ititaleul I hrtrr gtfîing thre crncked Pi',<'tir.. atltît.. on igiily %polt e11 0f a- a î,tîilh cu . VO('Brien. 322 lîr i.trN Mîunespolîa, Sleep "Igiît Lo i tid cfthe 24. pat îlrree î ,iî n i y, nind %'aalkouOithe Whessn _ Huytat gel Caârir. Milr indy,-1gel h. lieU ""y rime api 5~. 'r Carrea tt Ceo. I'hna mti tf e 'n tor aoîethitgfor nothing il wllI pOt 3' 't o trali aaroirnd Ilt hy the i'tiliient p- Yo iotite. iMi,>5UOM.M... 8, ,-,ý <0fl 1 HELP FOR WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRI:», -I1do not ted ery, eil, I am ttred al the timne. i d notkno is the matter wîtli ut You hear these wor.eei dT asyou meet yoour trie ning$ut oitn are thean words repeatsd More thtan lik.iy you .peskthe samne ignis- cett ords vournsaît.and no doubt yeu do feai fer <roui ccli montthe t iime. Mma.Ells Rice, of ChaIs... Wl.., whoae prtrait ce piablial, writes tual the. sutertZfor Ito earm di tarer I ng-docn pi4.1 eaali.=:Z sna and liaitkndof mismbla feellna ail ot which cas cau.ed by faIiing 6"d inflammation of the wooeb, a"a altr doctorung cith physiejana and numes- ou&. madicinea ah. C.a entirqely cure4by Lydia IL Pînkhams Vagatable oa. Pounad. It you are troubled citi pain. fainting speila. depression of', spirit&, reisactance ta go aaayclire. headacli., backache, and a]cays tIrent. pleane re- ienabar that ther" in an absolut. remnedy chicli ciii relieve you o~ *aufferiug asit did MmRai te. ie monumental that LydieaE. Pinka- bamn. Vegetable Comipound ia the rootestr eicine for autfering comen. 0 ohermeicie as, ate icures that il lia&. and no other coinhan heipet so many cowneby direct sdriaa aLS as Mrs. Pinkhsrn. lber expertaes« in greater tItan that of _li ing per-t fi(u. If you are aicta, write and ge« her aueice; lier .ddress ia Lyn, . M .fli sard Pr-uth ia e mlrmo&autoItasiha (2oagbng I-ros sto Goumumpticus. eoDut Tan aiBaeUilargle oe a.. a Kettp's Paisam ill stop lieeolit ai oitFwsbi Oitii1 Trai Slan, 1Incelata rip Ma.J once. Go to joui- drue iat tlu andsotget T-X 6w ul ewy a %ampte hobte free. SoIt lu 2M and 50- T.s.sotieaas&es cent bottice Go ai once; dem>'. arc dan- ilaSo.ufer i haeSrebttrli.JOIN TEE AINTO an ssif 'Ileourys I sinit moi-e beaîîlifrily thum .3ýe geah»ýTbsM. . Wet Mt.±Z atiy girl lire lnows . Wirat do yon tliritit t2ViSLIN1TlED.naaua oftlinnlt" A sI Wa t d A.H Ithnliklite sirottld entend his ne- TtutaifuhnhtrnN.,iltUoi 13, Fun.i-aii teh ueanT__aI Lýanea Farmily Medilcine ETIPitTti iiiucgn Mavea lire bowei, eueb day. lu mrn. su .1 ra.- 10 be renitiry tr;%ia., reuesai-y. omets3 geat>' on tth ilen-anul Oîan. Coi-e& seEVt iEeRl.faaB.rnsuft aicta heuducire. rice 25 amuidSc. EEYOYriee- nre-lomdiAlrs Cit" (On C.. .tMluarO.Lo-1,li ilion bîîtiîî'i-ndmoi sten s are verv ilrui euthtreuatiue' t. o s thei r ho os. AgentsWalnted itltia. m làtiot5 masr rui cciDe shuar asi..O., S. N. U. N 200 f- 4, . l in its outiDe. Shaps aseaai.* _________ cea. ttr. If urinait nsuitL tg raiteaa -- as About tire ouly force somne people have la tire force cf bahut. PUTNAM FADELEUS DXESare tAit to auUdhit. catbles a" trubllpg. butlet 7 oft the b piepai& etniien t glea mat te sec-W attnneteu rearirri witi tire ut. iut, pro'tiiuam forebu-ad erm dmou ltuiretam Oui-,vho the ia ha tine t Ife> 'ii-t enrthtiea r..yd Haiel etilentri labed tir rote hi cil nel. hat be, littie h and va t ti mos 'lue n and atn etuiteea Oh, col founrili tien. an( ' hoile th couirt Or -ut a weldtot tion, su tbeeefor Renidi ou the the Jet lit t ae ooc r t tle' 'I my Blet ite aira tiat il rape.. ail pur toodly moreil <baltuai cWasa dine r aomeh file Oea isitent the 'ait Iltf tn &ud rer As Il et the camp t be. th. jetent imene e ailsini Po.ed i bien un At i ba4t à hronmgir edas. cd t had b haro t point i lie ai daybnr hadi t tire ati *loge ginaun lu an thieve he got Jet's rigit blaut i goin' ave Hfs Flai j t"Ir F l F; blat

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