CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Mar 1901, p. 4

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*M bebaeay2lioenia. saes 4~~ 1%W100Ibn. atter came iTbé m mou tucuba Lataltfogether feor $home uho wich 10 cee aur 610 lurn the Ilanads aver go the q>EB speduly ccxied ouI. Itlah 'jlsIthat pawerbui influenfet are wwk rigta preveol the vith- Ubi ai o Amcriean authority by Bbc Cubananont 10 uccept 'Idbo dillasc Cougre« bas olireai Ihen. If they refuse, Amriaun euBhoetiBy oulti nocessarlly bo in- dotiu.1Y oanstauod. Great Brilalus .1I*budar hua ollowed 1the ezample 0< Ikeo sd cigned ageemenla wlth 30eOnW Day, extendlug for one year lb. priol wilhin wbih he recipaci îy Ie*ouwith 1the British Woot Indla Itiaila May be ratiild. Wasington officiais believe that Ulfion bts oen 1the Engish anti 'Jbmu l n china la greatly ex. 'OtgBM" ln the.proe adispatchea, anti 4M $It la nothlng more thounaome 'Poo dispute between mililary eowm af minor rank. and mot ai au lila oheaume of cuffielent Alm. pqdane ou lehotairen notice 0f by the tW.<Ovoriimsui.Ia t muet n0014lnlu femd hy Ihia, bovéver, that 1111e gerurnuct hba no apprehenclon of ,ialonadfflal trouble ln China. Il hua appeWashsotas, and very grave onu., *UUe Ohine matdie will, before itmis eia, lui!i go a e3rap between .ouscl ii.pavera. Thoae apprehen- 900s ae beloeved 1&0 have instig&teti Me. - 1 Io Gion. Chie tu proceed ,-*iB-Alithe tUnitedi Staiea troupe ln IMI4 9«9t 50 montu be loft mas a lëpU« lianila. If there ia _lebtfflbleamong 1the po*ers 1W@1 *WoMMS eldoucf'1 Viltb homxot ? bt1i5. Bore regard thispolai se a wà@boiiebvi.g 111.1 It vauld have * M wii to keep (hon. 011811e and Ss190 mmou lac had ter hlm lu *okb4 nt niti lwvascertain 11181 1 ýào itareM s oulti hopraperty 1 bbtw oS in1the finlai stlement. ** kau do sot protendtu 0have as *ai noviudge on1the sub3el as lIte #.aoaîbas. laJoneotMeL*cine for La W. Whigt, of South Gardiner, a : 1 bave hadth 1e worat e>alil unI w= Màdgrip aud bave '0 iea ino acoaaiulbut the vedar. Obmberla aew 1m 4 tihlie only Ihing lits$ aMr goad viaever. I have W,0111. of It andi tbç ehWw. gpi» bave au lolft me, 1 con- thbe manufacturere of sa cin." or aleby F. Liburlyvile, Ua.&YsLAxz < ~ Act, J xsli., Ivaohoe. fitrlkes A Mlch Fînti. es$ vua troubled barevers] yaiars 0,buhro ndigestion sud nervou =.~,« wrie F. J. ren. of lAnea- ilN. -'No remedu holped me un. * ZbegUL uiag Electrie Bittera, #Uni1 e more good than Il the LM I ever uned- They bave aluo M~j I emla excellent lneuià for sie MWs lotrie Bitters are e pieudl for tomai. îrouoe; that ,18W Mlquru»pad taul and lovîgonator 1w en:i0 ,ît pa n uomen. N 0 ther 1 Mae 0ou3 111e ts place lu Our twagi.- Try lhem.Ou 50e. sais- Saukosguasfl by F. B. LoaLL, LtbeusivVlle, GRAÂxre.ANs PKABM&Ci. Don't Pay High Prices FOR Watcbe, Diamonds, -Jewery,- Bllverware, Clocks. O m 7M - ----- inill aMcnqualty,and"aat lpwSt Ptie aushown in 1901 Ucataiog WC keep it on oor cowu- tu pwlain ùht, but if y«. Da'î sm it aak ou. ,Vewil 6e ghad toabsow tteyou, sud yau vii be UhdtoWC it if youlutaîd V. Sauer & Son, Ifl Grove - ilfinois. i Mihk aId'aConvention mI Union eburcb March 28111 and 309h1. lu the Circuit Court mt Wsukogan lenI week Judge Donnelly granleti lirs. Rallie Ellnwaod a divorce. liembors ofth11e loal Court of Honor are iuvited la viil Oraalake Court Saturtiay night, April 41h, sudn doubt a good]y oumber wiii avail themsolvea of111e opportnnlty. One of Obas. K. Hatria polîtîtar songe, "MmFinlipino Babe, free 'atit nexi Sunday'a Chronîcle. Samnpte lu poat-ffce. lira. Ienry Caler lias purcbssed of tirs. J. B. Ayors her ueiîleutesud property oauMluwaukee sideratiau $2,(«., lis. Ayeus uit giv- ing poseesion for anoîber yeur. Dr. Sam Galloway tiesîres us t0 tate that ho vilI deliver mn llusîuated lec- tare at the Union Cnurch Baturday nigbt. A collection for beuevolenb purposes. Subject: 'Hydrophoba.' Souali flux But Mild. The cases of amal pox ln Ela Town- atll'reported in 1lst veeklsIissue, have crealeti no ltte -stir" in that locltity. Another physlcian vas cailed lu sud pronounced both cases chiiken poi. Soperivîson Bunnington, bovever, la etili et the blief they vere sniatt pox ceues but lu muId boum. Il la expected 1te quaranttue vîti be lîfteti Satuntlay. SCHOOL NOTES. Miss Emily Piittipe vlstteît seitol Mondsy. The Aigebra clautu s beglnunng Ryninîlon. There viii iîe tio: ping vacatioîî titis yesu. The Histouy class htts beeîtntuswing mapis of Greece an thlie Ronman Empire and 1the clam lu Pitysical Geoguaphy la doiug eome modeling. This Fiday vin IsPatrons* Day. AI 2 p. m., ln the routauseti as a iaboatory, there w'alhIobau entertain- meut. ln vhicb eacb o!fthe gpatio@ vill b. represeuted. Thene vIii ho recita- tians, cailtheuic drilla, vocal music, à tiobate and other botures. In eaeh raamthare vIlli bedilplayed specîmene of the pupila vouk IlnaIl, or nearly aIl th1e studios of 1the sehool. The nbjecî of tbls exhibition la 10 gîve ail 'abo are lnterested lu 1the scitool un oppartunity 1tecee vinât the scbooi la dalug ant inA order Ihat 11e touchers may laua mouaurc become botter acquainltd itvilh11e parents. Ait arc mail eardially Invitedti 1hobepromeut. No admission feu yl ho ebarged. Nlgbt W.. Hen Terron. -.1 voulai oough néaly aul ubght long' vrites Mra. Cbaa Applegato, of Aloi- audria, lad., --anti could bardly gel auj aleep. 1 ba ccanamption o Oac thhmlil muake dblocki1 voaiticaugh trigblully sai Upu biood, but, vheu Jadfi, bave been on the .10k liai. Mr. sud ir. Comptan are &gain abl. to be oui, having soffereti vitb eevere colde. There lma report that Tyler .ilbent's elilidren have scalet feven and diptherla. We trutiit btI in a uili tortu. There are quiteoa s nber 01 Il cent Butfalcs iu bovo. Il aail rigit vheOn Il costa but Il cents, tt hen il cornes to 4 orI5 dollarsfil barilly pays b lie- corne a Buffalo. Onue n01lte olo merchauts le 10 move here about 1the iIr@ý Of tay. volo is ton slow fnr bim sud lie vante 10 gel neaner te depot anîd 'alere tbere le mnre Illte. we understand that 1. F. Ceveland intendats tnbreak np bouseeetplng. tir. Cleveland vîi enter the tinodY lustltnte 10 prepaue binrtetf for the minlsbry. l1s vife anti children yl go tri ber lstiters lu Kansas. Mu. sud ilrs. oven are m ur ante- covened at ii bc ont. Tbey have had a very serions limie, flot lbaving hati sufilcieul beii). lioveven, through the indiress of Mn,. Butteriield sud oltera they bave stiieded litgetting along "lite pressent Conditiotn ofte roada ithottîti lnterval tin lugooca noadm. We hope tn sec te rnad Innut Unnystake graveted 10 ineet tIte gravvfIrîrd otd at on niear hr. 1'addock's whiinbyl utake a confitruiusgravît moadti Wsucnnda andi Mleury. This vili ailord peolte et nf bere au op- portunity 1W gel lii Grayslatie andth1e Wiscîtneiu CentraI raitnnad. liv bulld- a deputî at Haiîtesville ve viii gel the luttutNees iiw golug p11851 oto. GAGES CORNERS. Mu. undt M, ýIl .1 t'agietare vigitinig in te City, tsià, whoitî tas tîcetie111 , lut abtle 10 lie auund agaun. Titere vas a large urîmben f rom lbeue ut te irayslake caîtus t ast Saluuday. Rev. C. E. Clispicu, nf Evatston, vas lte gueut of Mr. sud Mus. Geo. Page Sttuday. Mus. tMarroaud sou sue vli8tiuig lu Chicago. Mus. blsoniîtexpectrs 10 speud orne lime titere. WADSWORTH. Signu norîopring ire appeauîîtg. Abere 18as greut delsotf gril) arounti lieru t preserit. The Broyan scitool u'tos;ed Friay for the uprlng vacation. Clîfforti Webb, ot Sand Lake, visîted rîcude bib tis vicinity recentty. Friands of Chas. Wetzel are gladti 1 heur of 1hie lutpnoved condîition. Tihere vas a large ernyd ti lte eau- eu@stmurdsy. Geo. bleveue, of Miil. hum tis the nomiueeifor apervîsor and James isrftett tir rouit cour- màiseinuen. ail oêb.r -Me.lcualled ltrée. 1.00 WAUGON DA. bails of Dr. UineNov Diaeoveny Mrs. Andrews movedto, btiti ilicks vbally carmai me sud I ganet 589 ponnd.*7 IV& abalutely guaranteed 10 bouse bMoutay- cure Coughe, Colds. La Grippe, Bron- Soute embere (Tif fIluonri famllîy chillis, sud ail Throat and Long bave te meuble-s. Troubles. 1rice 50c and $t 01). Trial ().bL iaubte, of Grayutialkî, sam a batllea free at P. B. Lavaua,'s, Lberty- Wsuconuavisiter Suuday. villo, OAvI&anaaPIE Xo.A daigliter cusie t te ttite iofMu, _____________________________asd ira. Scitendîirf Inut veil. B IBr, tlouday, to Mn. tand ti N Mr. andi Bru t3.B. Iurutîtil were By EmAtI tdcalers vWho claîie Cryls Lake vîsîtora Satlirir:l thcy eau, undeusoît ne o,, M. .Hughes sud Hildîiinug weue W ALL PAPER. weeagîvsiouttturts 600 lateal style smples t se Norman (iranger retttrtieii Ž.lt.idsLy lect from, direct frontu t'e I1ronate Philippintes, auieue lie lise manufacturer. tisseenserving lu te Ititei States I h a v e n o r e n î o r e x p e n u te t .x u y eau rndersil anone-grouroi furimproveeutonu bs bouse. n.tît audereîlanyoeLt. Brown la draving titutr foruas uew L. SLUSSER, adddition 10 is boue. Libertyville, Mrt, 22 IL. H. Hughes antd faiiily, witi>have iteeu seudiug the lat t,&ive eku lu ________________________________ ibis place sud vtcittîy, leit t)atirday for ryistal L-ou it, a 11î,anc to titetu PEOPLES' COLUMN. borne ii l ttuîu Dieti, Satutitr) ,ut tliit: ume of lita F llls,' ,F - Iii. ie"' animu ntil!v 1J ,,l1te -ts augitter, Ir J. .11i, lr. t:,ttt It 5), rtii f- .' al- imagean Cura titi ii m audIl 01<6 ..iiî.. Ii:, tuts, iuîuttîs. Iib fatneral it-iild Mou-î Littet <vile, l 31 f i day tîin ti- tafLùil t i oa cli, j.v OitSIL Ou PIiv:,:: 1 1: t rî.,.Faîber O'N n.1(Il tttaing. Llberîaitt,- îa.:i t,." AIttee .auus iattuday te ii.itow- lAIANTELt-Gond vait'.. ei:enforiii A ing candidates verai notloated. Town N.. i f arm haii-roýi a) nill .Airili t Ctrk. E. A. Giolding; Asseaaor, A. R. BEcs FAUXIALbenyvIllîn. 111. 24 t! ý1. Cook; Justices oîflte Pouce, E. %Y. F OR 8ALF-Lreu &linale irgat:î. gou s tBrookq aud W. Huson; Hlghvay Unni. novW. Aiuo o rik tannemsand,î:t eoît ar: uisaloner, (Ueo. Huson, Cu.lector,(G. Wý ma".. CaIt r anires,,a. NtuiurssiCaIusc Puatt; Constablei, Cues(ris nid. F01 ALE-t hou:s wl Itliblety. D.fl. ardn deliverefl a lecture tu Fotle.As)a onbte u a:,ýlts-teM.E hr etTbttréaar ,eu- reslietîe tîrairutefron )t ian éih l.iug ou "Army Lufe."lThoelecture vas J SALlE -lit L, 2îyvlt t aîe 1 flusl-cîsau sud Ibouougetî ejoyeti by FO~R Smboue. w iti iv, naa nwfe 0 th1e large ernyti ln atîonduance. A gmeâsAuni tt. litDOn~Ai.& large num vas uetted, whleh vilI bie -f-l useti te psy the amout i letged by lte Ladies' Ail Society te the panenu. Wanted âge. to Itmalgie or a pair <f rond t)led, ut Lber boute in itosevilte, Mrs. hitacaiinreapreenndî eigt oHmer Flaber, of pueumonia. Site hores (are prfered)weiht etvas a member of Waueonda Lotige of léltaâit 1075 atr ovon 1200. Nettes Myete Wsrkers snd vas buriedti abl than 5 yeanDetri ver 7 years aId, froni the hirsîle rites, the lodge atleuding fa It If;bauds Iiîgh(un grsys,) Muet lu a bodiy. Irs. Fishier vas 38 years nf ho gnd odid, trog Iouý, wllageSite laves 10 mounber bas a bu oot ittieti alouglîiautivel iumbanti 'udt refeau. lTho unerai musctaid, it short, goot sttusantislt. vas baH Monday ilu lite M. E. ehurch, Iruggetî att arounti animals, 4uoi andi Mev. DufIon ofticiating. tlrment véli brokain. Am tntt locklg for vas made Aun1the Wauiconda Cemelery. trotters nr converaiîou :51 bourse. The stoniseit conînots the situation. caitioursîltreas tIr. F. .1 BiiH , Thite 'aho are hearly anîd stroug are hiitqe vito 0eu sud tilgees litntof Liliertyvittt', Ii. t RloîiDys6pepsis <Cure.digests touit Viu î'tetu ud aiîîuwN on taest ait A Good lCatit SiýNetîicit.- f r trl'hegitt food tYeu % anst. I Y.1 otaiffer frein iudigi.stiou. heurtb:itu, ielciug Chîttiren. or uîty otiter stimscb troiuble, this 4-1 bave Liu besifaucy itut- lji ":îut)1triparattont ali't belti but do Yetu Iug Chamubet lains Ciiglit thii. ' 1 .goi ' Ilueniost s,ttuitne stoniache .aysF. ' Mira, svet .n . eun alut ýIt. F. Il tovÉi,, Liberty- popuitir bakler, uit Petersbiurg, ~Vill. ockefeller. Gtnie; au 'We bave glneu ît 1tettr chiîttiî hit.Iikfce. 'ahentînîubleît ithtîsiati cîîîgbsu, fals" vboollitîg cuglit,and ti htut âIavai, A Ilriltde )utiîreak rgiveu perfect uatiate'iut t w u4 , Of flarge sores oun ity littho recommendaid fa me by a drnggeaît asîîaîtglter'hi baii developedti 100acase the beutlcniigh madîine for cbitdreit tf scaîd bead" wrlles C. D. Isbill, o! as If coutaîned no opium or otiter Mouganttuat, Tenn., but Buokiensa barrabut drng.- Noîlit yF. tI LONVE. Anies Saive cîîmplelely cttred ber. Liberlyvîlle GUASitAkE P' ~utAâ <i. ;Ia a guaraulteed cure for Eczema, J. ~ ~ ~ ~ " tittPiafo fleSi letlimpies, Bores, -- IJce m ntililes. OnIy 25 cente st PuidbD . B. Lovuî., Llbrtyvtlle, ODÂTIAE ara" %1&PRA8MÂI2. Mr.Sema Ratozdt «y mm s uUAN.lptoua dvi~ernnsadadr o lob, wovk. Cati on ber for rates. W. C. TOUER TABLE. clair; V. o., F. Beekeyr Boc., F. D. TO CHICAGO. IpROM OBICAG.I .friîch; Trou., A. lilllen; Trustees, @:Ü4 a. nM. 10:25SOb.1. W. A. Gardinler, J. Jeffo«@, A. Tweed, 11:33 A. M. 8:01 p. m, J., WIlmlngtcn and 1. Taylor; Bep. t0 4le .w p. aiM.. M. G. L., D. Sinclair. At th1e meeting MUNDAYS. previüs 0 1111., a luge delegallon wua dowu tram the . lodge and 00 .0.4!10 P. 0M. itiated severalale whieb au elaborate asppe vas dis- - - posed a01et the Graysiaké MOtel. The The Chrtian £Endeavore gave an mesahers bave taken nov Internat and RI)PpO Social a% the home of lira. Orson saveral more candldateo are in walt- Waahburn Thuraday evening. lug. Mesdames Battershall and Thomson LutI Tbtrsday evening the memberà entertalned their friendsetaicarda in of 8oroo_*ChapSer 0. E. 8. vent 10 the th1e WoadmoenRail Thursday eveniug. hoêfli. irub FQrver'and gave 1P. A. Rtobinson ilejiaving tbe boanda.. Ihal la# a gonula. old-iaahionedl tion put In for 1bis ew bouse on 1the surpris., feeling qoite indlspoeed, corner ci liaple avenue and Whtney bc1 vua jus$ on lte point 01 retiring Street and 1the carpeutera will begin for tb.e015111 when they ponuced in work as Bouc au possible. upon ber. Under the Influence of the Mir. OConnor, of Fou duycW ha180 Ippy people about ber abce vistedaI he ome0fdoLac, i 1-soon Sregaiued 1ber unuai good spirite, clair Sdathe iro.eoConloSiho and a morry evoning waa the Ontcame. hlair been lherc ser'Conno, w In bchali of Sorosfis Chapter, 1ev. buas crbo hrn ee Stray. es wL -Stevens presented ber wth a sterling turato er hme aturay.stîver epoon s a gentle reminder of Laut Monday évening êtrs. Thomson 1the, tb which she bricfly entertaned a number of1the 7Young reapondcd. lira. Forvor ia on.eaof1the frienda uoflier non Esrl et an Author aidait msmbers of tbe Chapler andint party. Befrcehmeints were served and mach belovcd by ail, of whicb Ibis the 11111e people bai a ronsing good auprise la evidence. oime. The Lake Couuly PouItry snd Pet TIhe W. C. T. UJ. bold s liver medal Stock Association ofgantzadet Graya- cotentinluth1e Congregationai churcb laitc Saturday, Marci UM. The of- 1111e Friday evenlua. A good progratu ibers eiected for tfu ervr yull be giron. No admission yu tefaloîn:p i. onle, be chargeti but e collection yl lbe Uraysiake; Vic B. Price. taken. Wankegan; 2md Vce P Uelra. lBar- Mir. and lire. E. J. Higiey, Mr. and slow, Lake villa; Bocy. J. F. Picker- lira. B. B. Sherman sud Louis Sher- ing, aysiake; Tra., M»s. Waler man attended th1e lanerai of Mr. Bilan Shute. Grayalako; lboard of Directaors, Sherman at Deerfleld 1Mat Friday. B. B. Price, Waukegan; H. C. Dame, The doeased wva brother of lira. Guane; ,I.Oleveiand, Fox Lake; C. Higlo7 and E. B. Sherman. "ard, 1; 0. L. Combe. Fort Mesdamnes Harvey andi Weelock have Hill. U~eOt la bcbng ment- rented aroom on the second tioor of iesled In Itg sy, and the rosIer th1e Robinson Block and have "tl up a of omoiers g a good one, there 'la dressmaking establishment there. DO reMUconwby Ibis organisation Tlieyw'il b. pleaed tfn sec aIl Ibeir ehouid ual become a vyenprominent aid cuâtoniers sudd msny new one. orne. Al l hose Interened lun1the rais- Mir. and lira. H. Wheelock bave ing of botter poltry and more of 11 moved loto1the upper rooma 0f Frank sbonld Join and beromne active 'arers Fritscb's residence. tir. W. oxpectée la is end. 10 wourk athic Ivade as carpenlor 1111e sntmmer. At prebeut 11e la empioyod T A I by F. b. Batterahall taklng au n l- M F RS L TheGraalae CmetryAssocia- Ablack tonam, weighing between lIonwill mccl w1111 lra. John Wicks 120 and 1300) lbn each. Will rade or Thursday, liaroh 28111. This in the yearly meeting, when officrs wyl bc 8l]. Want a llght team for road eleceod end Important business Irana- purpoaei. Eunire at (,rayslake Ho- actedmad ah mombere are requcuted l tobe prsenut. Viitons yuil hmadetel.22-tf-d wetcome. The 201h Cetury Club meeting laiPWE lionday evening wus a very gooti one. RWE Besides 1the prograni as publiih.d lire. fAMiw ad uf Sinclair andi ber bieoe, lire.OConnor ardndBf icaditeti andthe11 latter sang aecompany- 11.1 ing hermeif au a gultar. The nuitqu men Hall end a amail admission foue wlllb heargoti. Seo program ln Doit ing. liarch 28911. The 181k and pic- Mammnoth Pekin Ducks torserelate o the11. attlement ai lande In Central Northen Wiaooneln, end Won et Chicago, Burlnbnu th1e epecildl inumenta aof1the locallty anti Antioch 1111e winten. A anti opportunîlles uow ali eeby 1t1e, limited number of eggs at Wls. Cool EBatlway. A pleacant even.1 Ing la promifl. Ladies weicome. $1.00 peir 13. Lecture begins At 7:10 p. m. sharp. ýSpeak quick! Don'tdelayl iRockefeller Latige, Na. 816, 1. 0. 0. F., met lu Woadmen Hall, Thnrsciay evenug, March 141h, and seoected the F. S. POWLES following offceors: N. 0., Donald Sin. (rayalake -Illînod. Battershall's - - - - - Y ou wiII be interested Bargain- - - - - 1 in reading following Prices -I -- ist ............. Cracked Java Cotice, per 1i).... 1)01) It ire Caitie Clotheut Llue .... .... .... .... s O0 .... ... . 1. 25 .... ... .... .. ... .. 20 Paper Curtaios .. . . .. . . . ... . .. . ... o Titumi Laiches, per selt 07 Heel Hickory Hammer Haudie8 ......... .... .... .............os A goott Curry Comb .... .... ...... .... 03 Large Imbrellas ... ..........................................43 2 11)ibox t'oultry Powdeu...... .. ......-... 1I iewing Machine Needlea, 4 for............... .... os 20etIi) rite rshLiounNote laper .... .......I 120 hi.tetN Nota Paper .. ý... ý ...... .... os ,1 tmSingle Harntean, $14) 0t)1, I$2lvno tan.......... .... ..... .13 O0 (t:od H:ýre Cotars, oacti ...................... 40 O ii h\ giiobbti. listiem, oaclI.......................10 St\% :dig Whbite aud OrsI,,per riteet ....................1 Wn ,-f tliacking, perubtint........ .............. 1.. O Try or toucetalu WaKh-board, eau 1neveu veau out, ciuî...... 50 Set \WIitf1Iereesansd Neck Ynke ...... .....................i50 Qeo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE. - - ILLINOIS. Prom Factory to You. ARTST19 WALPAPERAT rIANUACTURER'S PRICESj 1 aiii reprementing the, American Wailpaper Co. thîis \t;ti-and eau lguarantet' to you the' cheapest iaîwl ])est liîe~ of goods i'ver offered to the' publir. My borders soul for the same price, per roll as sidewalis-an immense reduction from 1 can provée b you tit tit istheitpeu to e pîlper 11114 year tlîan tu cdean yoti will flot lîi . ' much lin opportunity agaiti. Tlie styles are strictly tip-to-date atnd incluile Brocades, Damnasks, Sliks Embossed Glits, Flats, Z. Flower Papers, etc., etc., inl the greatest variety, over 14tl colorilg.... I ithalil be glad to call otn you at atn early date and exhibit ny line..i F. G. Farber, Libertyvilie - -. Illinois. STOP MIHwfi Yov. can't beat thèse' Light Prinlc 101o081,........ $ 04 Ibe Tteitalig............. .09 7ocBlue rlsato g &t........... 04 $1.25 ilk ......................98 7e LancasterGlughama ........ ..os 750 a. .... ... 59 $1-00 Ail Wooj OCheviot sultings bMena Pu»e eU oa....2 ln bieR.................. .89 Ladieus R8 be...........8 $1.00 AU WO Buitinga thhgpay.. 79 Boys' 8l .................. 45a Storm Sbrgeu.......... ......35 $1.76 Lad , Seillic.........i5 45a Heurltt«. ... 3$.0Rd.................8S20 ii1I6 700 Al Wool Benaiettias.........."0 H àde c'è &heM.I .à89 160 Woased ....................10Io Le e sig lu 8 and Si. 26 anti 30o Embrolderi....... 19 S.a li ai 78$510. ab.. .98 10 and 20o ' ' 'O08Comet B wakin ..... os 20 aud 26c lusoerîion8 ..... ... l olSoda ors.... ........07 10Oand lo .....08XXX sodaa . ...ou $1.00 Coreets; of W C C and GtD.. 79 1 gsi Blue Berri.........39 10o Lace a ........ 04 t* lie Uyxep\. 8 $760 Jackets .......... .....s 2.bars Sa........ 28 $5.001 Visses Jacketa.... 3 7 làb toctiPlutgTaljwou .... .....80 .8.3.50ý Cbilda Jackets ...... 2 0ehavaMon, 11u4 a goal &H 60 DreaTrimmîinga ..... ev stock et w 1l per et, $1 .0 LMadies' Nid Gloves,auiy color wp ' P@r rall fiotu14 to1........... 25 On March 2sth We wilI oéden oùi Millilnery Dep't. Miss V. M- Estey wiII again be ln charge and pieased to meet you ail. F. fi.---4----- GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORJE, GRAYSLAKE - - - ILLINOIS. 1 vaît s"Iyoit aît. uuid kiltd, but have Wome tîpecial iîîdîîceîîîeî1,ftm in WIIEELER & WILSON AND '"NEW HOME"9 MAKES. Can make iower prices than others j quote you. Have just one bicycle ieft and wiii seli it cheap. G raysiake E. B. SII ERMAN, JEWEILER. - - - Ilinois. ALL PAPER..... Nott is i. t-t titiv t wi tîtit it. 1 ildave t hiig iiie of* t iiijles ti oelaet W, ftron i. clth i 1 ig. Nlutiierti uîtte'rîs aaî tt h wt-st H' , ifli j hes. 1ttf ut- pur My Stock of BOOTS, SIIOES and RUBBERS uIs comlete'. ( ;îil aIer ii i'itit thîts wu'ek itMii saltil B .*('lotliitg, I>aiit.'t ;and ( vtrahlis. W. W. EDWARDS, Graysiake Ilinois. An Unbraolaalà ieCorset "If& vl ýa ým e4nfosntwni-stJe flïa e 5 aul.10fo mi agiP as uaIN.C 51E S ,&Enekb ~h CORK PROTU DCLABP RECOMMENDED and GUARANTEED BY M. B. Colby & Co. THE-UM -FILING N[W CORE 0F ASTRICTLY RELIABLE. PERFECTLY SAFE, FULLY GUARANTEED, .~H0[[RR.. REWFEDY. Endorsed and tested by many promInent farmers. REFERENCES: FOR OR THIOMAS (GREEN, L.ake Bluff. Agrculturist. WILUAM ANOREW, flagi. Maerulck Parias. Lake Bluaff. IDERS ANI PARTtCUtARS ADORa Su ALB. Hl. REIJPKE, Lake Bluff, 111.

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