CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Mar 1901, p. 1

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LiA-KE Vol. IX. No. 25. C'OUNTY INDEPENDENT, Libert.vviîîe. Lake County, Illinois, Friday. March 29, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. sê~tn~ Jipparel NOW'î< the' tiîne, tîr tiîîk abonît it. o)ffer yoil some iiiducemeiîts. C'ornîe iii me tpli yoil lbolit tlîem. 1 (-ail anrd l"tý I have aui excellenttie of railples -from whicli t) select anîd nry prices are Iower thaivonî cali hmy tlîe sanie good(Is for elsewhere. Woft@g$blpIs smethlng you should consîder. MINE IS THE BEST. Fred Croker, U CSES PRONOUNCED SMALL POX A NEW CUSTOMER TIS SEASON... ('ave lis a.1 'ery I leii w ly lie t4hoîuld alw1lVCl lii hir I tliiig of lis. lie i4aîd : -11 <fil 1iahity, istyle anîd substillitiî il n il \ ith , ieJi low prives tliat « r, r ,i ii lfad ice of al otlietrs Mii I trt îiily coiiîit 'nie' anlolig yollîi iîil<and hlave îrîv iî1 flueîic ie Il i II otheiie l <let'. SANBORNU & CO.9 TAI LO RS Libertyville - Illinois. Libertyvllle - - - - - Illinois. R sud flj:aravmisd for lam tIiîîu ohllf ilsreal Worthi. h(i- î-oiu aud currency of the bank ~ ~ia0 1ocked inuIlite large. afe sud te Dr. Charles Galloway. i uakery anduRestaurant. CCIII ahi tpapers werntiu lit it CJrieoerLooi'srgSOr1-I is.,, îth îînteie i ýf the safety ofie vr oolJsDu Soe Ta o Ioors Northt of 1>051 Office,. j iý i nes< te vanit 'Cre ail UOU" ROU 155 3 AND (TOC P. M. Libertyville. -sei lî îlaiu n îol Lbertyville. - Illirnois M-biiaiw eClU alr111r<î i, iIk ciii lmmeîlately houm l iikiiidh ' «I riC'inSre&b Dr. J.- L. TAYLOR. hrC Ui, t. c.a (i-, unU I Cband.hBaril tirns-. ffle verTrgg & ayor. tlcsi ruimh<I iiil i CmC Ciîi Smiday Iigiti the largc baru on the C JICO. Lii îiggsIrlT-yoC'..Audrt-w SimpsCon fan uCrtîCeant of -Clounli.-- iICCiCit a5 Cetroyed hiy ire. 7 ii) Ia . mI. .- i. A and 6.t 10 5v-m. jo tisu O c pe h a m 1,î6ideuce n Broalway opposite Park d audia lîiat iîlcas lî lkns o octe iona t fa. Libertyville. Illinois. ,SA TSrACTION (IUARANTEED. , w8 Suuday e-.eniug, lie starled to jiiehtigale, discovanîng a tire luntte W. L. ATTRIDGE - Prop. Lay lort.I.lie urued al of bisi cova andl lion,-ceontl, but dId not have tIme Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG.triaeIoale uiaCCpef Physîclan and Surgeon. 1 aaLoPé I Ih Chicb wene burucîi. r. ~ I I~I~.J V. ',.-eral vebicies auii nomle ma- i- sI[xwECc OPOhars i.555 AN enTan.BLDO. F B I S MANUFACTURER OF (hinerv. ogethier witC maniy loois Gurnee - ---------Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. O)ffice bvor Latke County Bank i 1rC <C2I A . 1aî ,,l< . . I )Ail Libertyville. II PAUL MaÇGUFFIN, AttornIey 811 (CCCCC fr LLAW NOTARY PUBLIC (Opylcr (OvEnI, LHR%<o'\TY BANIC, 1 Illinois.1 -tbertyville, BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. 8< HAXI CC BLOCK. wk 5(85 1ELEPI4ONE NO 26 UIESNC$CQ MAX LE BEAU, ;&upàctUÇcU5<5or Fine Cigars. ... Cigars Wholesale and Pet ail. 'LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS iiake .Bank, WRIGHT DYMONO & CO., Libertyville, Illinois. Issues Intereat l3earing Certifi- catag Payable on Demaný.. Marbie and Granite M onuments,. andl al lte lhay vere desitroyed. It les 8sted Ibe baru vas inure l lu tIi- Millt)uru Comîpany bul that there las 1<0 in.urilCce 1Ciii ,cICIansd toole. a4iCi ,'-<rttonI, whil.C gî-ueralîy i t arei , C li iiifi ,t,, CuifI - î.ae For Piip ipinîes. 1Ihi S- Cndi UaCi IICi1CCCC of Ithe<. ifthi Cl-i:iTiLRN Iiii-îu1I<.. tii.ii'V ifit CCCrt-bni- IOK la'?1 .. I aCC"IlCf 'îr lii i i pii IC-'. 'The Ii i1t;,1, n (-, ,C1C, I iL,-,fiii (i IiCa1)IiiCeCsE , F, ou i i i i, iid i 1) CCICiI iî'ii Cv LIent. EVERy ii. I<iman. il 1.îmadie II of <CI" 1CIivers ,andl <nulenlint-CI mou. Description. J c'illîcit,.Co battali oni. o! Ihe regi- menî't re nliiC nu-ninluthe lilaud o!, Cor.-a.pendence l.CCIZOII. Soicited. COf the<- ilire detachmnenril <iN'if- set.ns.. eiCImnarc frolu Chicago. .U Ke0lAN. 1 Aguinaldo Capîliret!. _____________________________ 'l'Ilie fhi< ug Tr ibunle o! Tbursday -7 iniimPg uouaiiied au exhaustive ac- B. Shoeier'scivi of Ithe darîng apture of lte W.B.Sh fe' Nursery i suîtiîio Inaurgeiut Cief, Aguinaldo, 1Iv <( îCiial- Cînton. Tihe cable dis-1 Long Grove, MI. îat,-ii fîilî,wB: M '.Iî.A, iarch 28, 1 1 a. ou.-Agulu-1 a ido la a lînîsuner. lie vas brougit to1 Fruit nd Shae Tree. Ili-is mrunug by Ganerin . Fruiand naae iree. Cou.iî y whom lho vas capture not!Is- llihaProvince, about six CIsys marcir GRAPEVNES iulandl from trie cUa coasalof Luzon, GRAPEVIES 1C onîli (f lIaler. And SmiaiI Fruit. AguinaIdo waa capînret! on Marcit 2:1, lu thte coliutry noar Cuauran,' - D--,-nîn iles foîn Biler. AU membera cfbis staff were talon pisonersata lte Evergreens and Fiowering Shrubs safme tilne sud vere brougitî viit hlm n sî ýltiiMauilia oCn the gUiuboal Vicksburg, ______________________________arnlvirig tImmorniug. lelip Fîînislîcîi Free. W i cii IvouDni- iIL fan ni lanîl or lahez er oi auy kinl, reremîîlîr we eau gel tem for yolî, and it eut coît yon uothlîîg ADAMS & TILLOTSON, Tel. Main ".438 117 8o (Isai S t, TO-APL l. Chicago. A fHorribîle Ottbreuk -Of largo oron ou my 11111e dlaugitters heaildeveloped mb a ase o! sesit! head cwrîtes C. D. Iblil, of Mongatton, Tenu., but Buokeusa Arnica Salve completely enret! ber. It's a gîaranteet! cure for csenm, Telten, at Ilitelîn. Pimples, Bores, Ulcersand Pil'les. Only 25 cents ai F. B. LovmtL, Liber tyvtlle. Qa.xsx..& Carl MWemitzer, Son ,,d Inali-t t1)4Il Witil, lOscse. 'l ber. rCCCCinicitCC onlîubt tlat te mutlallit ,(xic, UC C Ur ILake Zurich are ge*tnitnî. CU Iid Il Cary serilîje nature, desiîitc Cri 1 ) ly a (c iIity pialer Ilu hit IWeek s InCuev. Chan. WCB iizer, vitio wttmreported l'y lbtIit, am.C iC s8551k with the Ciiemme, is nu fat recovered am 10 bc abl, t,, worlc abouit bis fathere ftarmn. Thisfact aSCcouiatnlfor the rurnîr lie lacd îîCthiiîg Iitire tbli a CNSCveFC It- tiIIC, .,f CCikîî x< 1.C, iona ever, ('ani Wsilcczr,c fatiîivr <of Chiarle. CII C ofCC !f,.l- iiig lit ui aCC C i'i aB 1lî iv iaICi 8 8 mui. ci inone. il i nvsa1.-sI1.-CIlit s s Ka nDCsIL liCriit îîCR(anco if II il paiî CuICttl ie 1 «r glu n g t< py.-miî<- in v.ry i îw. "ie hL d.îîglîtei', ACiCa, CaCdCIson, William, are i alno Kick with the Cîseape, îbougb 001 nearly n0 low a thiefatber.t A strict qîîarantinie lm malintairieil upon the Welwitzer home. No oneoin ailowed t0 euler or depart from ltea promimes and every precaution positi. l ble 18 belng taken by the boatb au-t titorities 10 IreveutthIe îllnease &prend-a lug.a Tlhe Wewiii.ern ocipy ti the %ool farîîî îîear Lake Zurich.E Weîlnenday morulug of la#t week1 the Chintu block and liank of Autiocit,1 a1 Anliocel,'Cane desîroyed by lire,0 wili. hier contents and nufortunntelyt but l1111e insurauce wass caried by( occupants of tire buildings. Tbe bs wiii aggregate about $10,000 vîlh a1 littie over 12<100 of insurance.1 Tite Chlnn block was a two story1 brick structure, aud occîxpied by R1. ».1 4turtevant sas a bakcry and lunch-q rom Pý P. Amen roceuitly conducted a hardware Ktore lu one of the roonis1 an<i losI nome $2541 vortir of sirfanfsd1 hulders hardware stored titere.1 Mauhiuery he bac! sld 10 A. N.1 Tiffany wv§al io tored there and Mn.1 Tilleiny loses about $250. Tlira portion1 Af tLe building occupied by above nuicî parties ln a total Ionsa, bero ls-lug no insurance. Furtber te cipife r floorst of lte bank building aijoiuing aud aperatedi only by a brick tire vatt, wast occupied by eîeqtaolb Lodge, A. P. & A. M. %ho lAge properîr vas inanurat for perbape two-tbirds lil vaine. The bacck buiid- Tuesday morutidg hfiecasarrsigued itefora Justice \au Deliieu. lHe Bp- peared nervons aI the booing sud seemed 10 hegui tII ri-alize bis posi- tion. AItlte reqClnt of nihia counael, C. T. Heydecker, the hearîug vas posit- poned outil Wednesdi<v, AprIl 3d, ai tan O'ciock Sharp. i îmmings was helîl witout bail. J UY VIrw-1impCT Coroner Taylor sCinurouieC a jury, consling of Harry (sien, A. P. Staples. Walter Actin, ('asb iuy aud Harry Glea8on, mil of IAbertyile, and Chas. 1 atler, of Iliamjoud LUake, aud vîit teui aent lu Chicaqi Wednesday 'nii0 0view tbFhe tîil. An Inquesi wîll ba held at HighlandCilPark viitin a loy (laya. "ieOmtrlered ma5C n i about 30 years (Ir age and Iis fine paitiîg aud Intel- ilgeitt. Fîr several ý cUre le bas cou- Z cted i gniCcen store t (iiencoe sud oe Whjo kuow him niate tat bc Afe 3ta. ok urtet gtt.1eio lisnv ed to Joliet the tbree men seulenoed for eouvenient for our cratomers. btnrglary et the spriug terra 0f court. Tbey are: ECiard Harrlgan, Wm. Dudley and Win. Collier. T H E au a. 2 N GTj' E. P. DeWolf, major of Waufligau B froin 189J5 10 1997, la a candidate for LB te Itepixtlcan nomination Ibis I spig eat rstrfteItolwed SATURDftI, MARCH JU, 1901. a cadidae, ut bti h» êiucede-When vo viii dispiay lte ilnest aud largest stock of Spring cided 10 enter the race. ous ever soea in Ibis cit% sud ai ponces thal viii menit Thelare Ie hnse CII 11 Jmesyour approval. Tlîis Cimplay wilil Iclude the nevest The arg Iceboues o li. Jaes pring style@ In street just soutb of (lien Rock avenue are being tbrn down and thoir oivners Cotton Wash Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Mesurs. Webb & lion viii erect iu their Ribbons, Kid Gloves, Veilings, Millinery, abead two dvelling bouses. The large Shoes, Carpets, Lace Curtains, barn tlir a 81stuabed ou the property vil! lie uoved 1tote street line and..................Draperies ... remodeled Imb a @tore building. aud uxany other tbinge of interest. Contractor Sutherlaud twill do the ___ work. Àd" - w wja q -BK 'gr__ DRUNKEN 14ÀN IIJIDERS NEORO Street Ciin Eploode iii W lich Coîjîlpctoir ieinhard Hsi.ut i Flgtarem. lu. (IuxIlugs, of Ilflhlandi Park, ageul abolit 23 yeare, vii lîavCe l au- ower to killing one Charles I hapmau, s colored inan, of Glenoci. lite deed vas de»a Snîay ulghti about Il Oock ou a south louud 0. & M. electrie Car si a Point abouiCt nid- wsy between Fort 1boeidan andl Hlgb- lanid Park. Cumminge awns srenteid Mrîuday Doon. l'he two meni. beaide a ii1iCler of oCier mnansd altosomOnC, gt 0ou thie car aI iiighvood. Cuniminga la asId 10 have beau drinking ana picket! a qîlarrel witit Cbspman. Titeir voit!. vaxîl1 wannier, bun uothîug serions va. Ixp11'IcCI dby tbe crowd vito ver, seat--Cin.îthIe smoking coinpartment. Cumminga oponedth ie doîîr sud en- tered lte main part of lte car As&iho closed th8e door hoastuck bis band ltrongit a amli! aperture sud before auythiig conid bo done ho shot Chap. Mn vitt a 82 revolyer, the l<uiiet eu- lering lte coloret! ibm .breagt. Wih a shniek lbe vielle lhrev np hiM !lauds ad fl 10 1h.efgour. Pandomouina m Imedisteiy vas ini evîdenice lteeua, lte vomen shrlek- ing sud lte men al seeming to lose tou acàeam. Çonduetor Leinhiard Itutzen, itoveverl upon setlng vitl b.d itappened, pouaicet ou lhe as- sailant, 100k lte piatol froinirlmand 12ev hlm to lte fIoor. The jlucky conductlor vau net asaisted by auiy of the frighlenad pasmenera in bis strng. gie aund deapito liii efforts the mnt iln&Uy, vitile thte =arvau oi g aI funl speed arount! vitlla kiiownuna Schvartz* corner, jumped anId uade off titrougi thIe vooda. The injuret! man wuvaslkon l Cam- minga' drug siore at Highliand Park and Dr. liergeiftvas@ ummoned. A hasty examtn#Aion aboved that lte builleniDered!almostli lte cenler 0f ciapmaat'Csta. lie vasvery vaak from. las of blond ad! the pain at- tendant upon a vottfd of Ibis nature. Hie vu a er laken b bhis boine lu lencoe, sud thon reinoved tu A ugna- lUne Hospital., Oiag% vhere he diet! a Il ho'CoCLo xoetdzy iigbt. Eariy MOnday moeuig a thortsugh arok for onnumifga van begua. iSpecial policemen guarded the alec- -trioa lia" mail means of eape vers 1eot Off. Outaga vus veutMaaly le« calt! at tb. Fort Siteridan blackamltli sbnp by Constable Giordon, 0f Fort SIheridan, vito arresil hM. lHe mnade no resiatance and HCa lodged lu lte Highvood jaîl. The belliefisIhat (iiîîuminiginl- teuded biding utîl dark, thon don a soldiers uniforni snd gCt l initlte crowd of soliers who fiinday for te Philippine IMlande. Mondsy aflernoonu (im ingas re- moved 10 the coiîuly )îil t Waukegan to awail a bearing. SF11) CCITHCICL 1 Cl. WOUId cI ithe Iset p&rsoii lu the voril 10 seek a quarrerl îru h The Cotîlraba ndist. L Cuîmiuugo bas no on htt0f A 1<8w serial eîony la begun lu tis ER reptitatiou for souil lime. He in, or Issue Oflire INDEI-ENDENT, under tille bad been, a leister anudlIo umarrlacl. of -Tite Contrsitandisî on une Lifes - There ls nu relation betweeu hlm aud Secret,"Itlaisa serial o! unusual oig-- lte HigilanCI Park drnîgglsl of the inaiity aund pover, sud ouaeviricit sainie naine. breatlits vîitlte chivalry, rustic afin- pllcity aud devotion of bravo andt rut- Wreck ut Ri>i<i<tit. fui natures. Tfhe etory covers a period of exparlauce l inte Soultof Franco, The St. Paul fast mail train No. 57, depIcliug mou, manners and! motives norlt boud, due Cu ltioudoltaI 10:39 vitit rare sud uatural dalicacy sud collided w vii a derailed E. j. & E. trutfuness. fraigirl angine Sunuiay uxght, reaulting Sînîkîug sîdelilgitî araeltrown upon lu a bad vneck. Iiotl inevawre tetrl gCTerO h OT he 2Oth Century Cash Store badly demolishod, andl thaI uo une BANDIAT, a prominant figure o!flte Has received its stock of Ladies,' Misses and Children's wuluT ciamirea.J c-.E nle.wlbak tumes covered by Iris romance. This ShoeS anti Oxfords, anîd also a, ful Ele of the Gootk TheE. . & E.engue as ackugserininis iant!someiy illustratet! vitit offth St Pul rak ototheiscenes o!flte alry, te vork of a year Ghîo-e Rtîhbers al<alted for spriîîg anrd sitmmer wear. connecting lte two roa nd u a promîneut pîctonîi arîlet. deraliet! because cf au open svilcit. Begiunviit tbe openlug chaplars, fi Before amanuconld ha sent 1.0 flag lte wyl lubere@l you. Reixieniber wl' are headlquarters foi- Ladies Wrappffl mail train it vas wvtiltîna foWir undred an ___________10___selct___m feel mut! crasited loto lte disabia!aiiShr ass. 10t elc r englue vixle runnug at a itigit rate of Chicagfo Record ChungesHaudsq. _________ speet!. Engineer sudtrean uboth Tite Chticago Recueil itas beau pur. Siininmeî-siiit.- for mein, $5.0 tA $12.040. jumpet! sud inckiiy vere uninjuret!. citaed b)y Hermain H. Kolatîa, editor ____________ Ilayondt! pnlg bot engluas ont of of lte Chicago Timen Hea- ansd viii service no damage vas doue. hereafter ba publitbet lu coujanction De.rby, Fedora aind tlîe irewv Barramiore HatM, no»uê- Nov lte question la, vWho left ltavîitlte latter papierunuder ltae title of hetter thiai the I.oîîgley. svitcir open aud as yet tatbas not Chicango Record-lieraIt!. Tire Record been determined. probabîr itadth ie largeet circulation YO<itsFORi CASHI, __________- of an! niorning paperilitéeeandE .P RKHUR T coniined vîit lte Hersit vîll coveranE W.P R H ST III jIEIII4fJ hlý W ' extensive territory. SCtIANCK SLOCK, R V I D John Alexander Dovia accompanied viaftad ZIon City Monday. Dovies li e *Is- y trequent visita 1tirte cily coupled »vt aLO P R 1 viit lte ramovi of mucit of bis par- NOUSE EBTABLISM ED NOV. 25. 1le43; boisi affece te the Cola farraleaCI10W UK GNtIL I I. TELEPI4ONENO. 10 the bellof Ihat h ite vii»pend a gondW UK G N ILNOS ahare of lhe sunimen as the ile of $fie future city aud personally supervise lte complelion of lte lace Mills sud ....As S o p i il a s, olter Important building. Itla lendenalood ltat out of town 1 have made a purchiase of thirty-<ix dozen milk parties are negotlnti-ng for -thea-pu_. canr4 for spot cash wheîî the manufactulrer was pinched and cliase of the H. A. Hiuckiey property in need of money, and was williîîg to exchange the eais as Geueaee sud Cîsylon streats viit fr Is hi tcs omk lefrraymny lteviev o! erectiug a modern operaso esta tcs omaetefrraymny bouse titereon. White lite plans are Theme are the very best Elgin cans on the market. Seezn. as yet in a anibryolic stagee lbay bave lems neck, heavy breast hoop, rond liandies and welgli assumet! sncb delfiîe fornu as 1O warrant lte annuncemeul. Thte flîly cigliteen pounds. If y<u will look up yotur Chigago parties intereatet itae deal ara men cataloguîe you will find they are getting $2. 10 for the a practiually5,unkuaown u intis clty, but (!ai. While they last they go for ............ vito hava decidet!. upon Wankegan asu aeas aeaslni ucaei am ia a settable location for snobt a building. aeas aeaslni ucaei ai a f bey have ample fluancial backing chinery. Farmn machinery i mostly sold on front font and It Iss mmply a question of vit months to a years tinte. By placing a large order and. gernima iab made sud vitat thte payiug spot eauh for it patsi me ini a position to seil gOOda venture viii probably psy. for the same price that most dealers have to pay for thein. Satnrilay eveniug ltae publie library Selling for cash enahies me to buy for cash and cash cus- committea hld aitilras meeting raja- tomers get the henefit. My mottor s to give the su»n tivte seaicting a site for lte building, goo<s for lests m yo better goods for the samneMorley lu Preaident Elan. Clarkes& office. AlilOm e o Members of te commiilee but Dr. than yon rail get elsewhere. Price aud Charles Whitney vera pres- ont. Ela= Clarke vas eleeffl chair- mm of tae ommlîbeeansd J. K. Orvis.B E E # committeea star ltenmaterliat berna disenssed ai langt, vas ltaIt if pou- sible lte site sbould bc secured as Dear the court bouge as possible. Ail favored the court bonne yard, if il could be secured. Au adjournmeul vas laken ilutil Friday nigitt, te aliov Uie te furîber consider possible loca- tioue of lte building.Cniu odetl ag d Lasl veek, L. 1'. Iuruitan vas ne. sitare of oîir atteiîti>îi, but we' leaseui from te county jail. vitere ho served a short lime lu defanit of psy- (-ai take t are of a few more meut cf a fine for couducîîng a orders for sprîîîg delivery. gambiing house. Sturdsy bavas made avaret li onsna80 acres o! land! ln Missouri vorth aIi te ]eutIcalculs- lions $100,0W0. Mr. Buruhani toft for It's the .<iWtatablity of oîîr Flonida Monday snd yl lu a fev days hre'e< tîtla ral le go lu issouri te look &fier is hressta a aet property. Six nionlts go hoe bongitl popuilar. I'lie ujîîalîtv is goo.l tbe landI vhicb Ilu nStienuon Couuty, iid prives righit. near Eniminence, for $2000 oxpectlng t tuse il for farming purposes. Iltai 25 miles froua a railroat!. Titere lsaa largo Copper Mining Comipany nt urnIoel u lt akI ~ froinibis place and! recensly vitile clel ada'tlkI vr rprospecling on Ilurubanis land! a large leuige of copper exteundi ug clear serons was dlscovered. 'Te compauy et once wrote te Mr. Iltrubani sud ofenad bu ha . K a s r t e,0enr for Ù18 land, desiriug to close 2the desi immediateiy. The ovuer tboîîghl It woth investigaliug sud lha Libertyville - - Illinois. mwaa adviseCi by experte vito examined *lte leage iot 1<. seil il for $10,0011C Bumuhani raui a naloon at North ChIi- e agil for a short lime. DoUay, 0f Utyfair; ELL If Dma Li of Maper. lirm J. c, ire United! bis veek darcit 2;tit h omne of I loft titan il daugit&or lMn ahIl q narteriy i year be- sncb 21.1.. L. <mi. Carrne rrnoundiaig @mash iug umen fron ms getting ourret! ail la undt vili f and otany oefore. à? snroly s 1. had Indi- t1d endure MIS1 of Dr. sud bai,- it ince. tbertyvlie. id&; WILL (irajilako a + S 1 ti fi Il bIl 0c dt

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