CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1901, p. 4

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nia.Butter Market. a~4 t o on B ln Board o! Traite V«Wfl ueadj ai 21 je. lales of elalu epeot tisai Uic captura ofj Ao- anal tie surrender of aller oUsem and men, viii nake Ih «70sukcep s large an army SbPoilip1iet a va.planuned fer tofflempamed tise army bll.i1 If. reports tram Gen. MacArthnur ~¶4l.Phi lippine Commisalouer bear , lieueth expectatione, orderu are1 'sW+MiW o li0 e lued. iitung tihe num-1 berof mRtu ba recruited under tise( 'ýW, iici prevîdea for tise regularq .U i et160,000. Wiaitise limît vii -lie, VOiifecourse, depend upon future PIred Panswaon t.nov a Brigadier O»ml le tihe rcgalar arlny, tisanka 10 'limeton o! tise Preident. 1t t. Dot seuIlbable 10 army oiticers 10 le tryingt lbelhsnob aote. as.- Gen. Fanstonsa tpUbM cf Aguinaldo, bocause of iheir ~,O le9 a volunteer officer beingt à~W Brlgmilie Gencrai tn tise regu. WMy~, vwiesiva. tise only mlilar M4Se Prcident coutd give Fusn-1 *s ses . te vewamy lav spccificaly OWdUg lt" Do voîannier offuer sisouid lap &Ive a commission In the rffllar IMe boteez that o! Lieutenant sud1 Xtiplier Clenerai. «ieé men who are nov tryimsg bo pUuIe lise fàrierug boy $0 uiay on Un. tur- =&y 'Dot ancompliais mueS, -O O Wi> ili acriani>' do no barm," Umipres a Chiicago paper. Tue boy 'Wo"bs4&lyIo tsuccaca lu tise City »%E go lu spite o! 1cmx.wviita pr- bibie>' viii bc able 10 ke.p sema o! :tà pw~elle falure. oui o! tiese arain 'Me dev4o!01Ciy, competition. Iu v0ei1 edvice anal admonition te tise umWMY, ambitions country' boys vill eIuob o go te te Ciy se long as ÎS B MSIena broader fieldI o! action ï-ï.peau hope. o! large revarda. ,01 Si.peasremmonus>' ycountry ~we ta e i t>' In Eeubberu lathie tact tisai liere jolie 1godo on the la isan uov do..mmchi ofthse vont Sia OU "je arequireal the baud At » ma a01yo! me. Il voul 94t Mlioe, tise larger part o! 0f9bise country' ta uhel b7b>'iad vhici a Compara. seV machinesnov ae roinutise ,è. Theéu«Me <Conditionu 'p jactioaily ever>' braucis or whvile un tise cii'tiste 1or vorE are coustauti>' Laisor goevisera tise %aite5 for 11W eiste sud no 09atlloition viii ever stop iUs tu Qtisidirection. Itlalu iso MM firm ilfe Jacks tise excite- aa4 interest vieaistise cil>' Thse lamer'a boy, vus lise *lOotonons round o! dhores, li. luspirstimn aud tsril of 11e 4u JPea City andI ha Cannot e d lie opioel 10il. X~ EDMTRIL MusiNGs x The -ie overnmetit vili speud a WlÉM&m dollar, unr impravlng tisa ,SUoraIt Mada. Scuator carier 8Itgsa chance ai tis, ou knov. EIae Amenricass oui o! ton vilii ake 1« grantel tisai ailEngland vaut. ~a Pot lu Aâamk. Give ber limai qI ber clier objection@ te tise canai ýv6% ei mliava>'. à £ Ntiaiappi usotulynctiealsoute = tie otiser day andtheisn ~Mt tu yncis a correspondent o*b. prioleda ytising aboutit. 'falk MlOU j'our cenuorublp! lndb SMn las vithdravu is troopu ý9t China SD4 nov tise thier-pov.,s b e$lunzg 9binMt tisaiif ise voul $0 en1r« tise reauli o! their de- âmtanu, ole vii ot le oount.d ta t0 ieM. AteraIl, Metisisac Mêber fair. wManY People knov auyitg lite m eleclion lav lu Mary- 1 b" eheUiy aredeLoonciug-? ilu Do educabional qmall- aI 4111,il, ilmerel>' lorbials ti leasvoter iu prepartng bié Thua ifiteraiee yl probably »Mbartisir vîsisas or spoil 'âal1c80. Tisait.tiste visele of »Afime agaunt tise suffrage." l'or.Sale. brild Pobamal OhmsbarseandI "àItal raliug. Tiscy are MI eslf igtl. AMon have of ta iBm.rd Plymouh Sfor "I. Have an fnne ïuig Aste uhe coami>' lee W*ne exhbition birds. Egge 0. 0. SMALL. POUt offic-RoakefeUler, 111, 25-4-p. Ili .eu.aboa wltsi glo utiu. ne ptreiiml Mo e v.qetar lemmeéid I.horcet la te eVon-eàooey iorvaed Hôtel ai iliohigan avenue and Tiirteenti tract00, vutiste priviiege of a olveYeu renevai, at private lflues. Re paid 89,000 for tima forni- Surcemand fitures iu tise building viii> the. exception of the bar roumai ittings viiasère Subcb.removed. Tise plan carriez vi tishe ramoval te thse Norvood o! thse patienta ln ihe heallng isome a i Mchigan avenue andj Twcifthistsreet. Tise latter building la ta be retIlted Imb offces lu conneciion vii>tiste Dovie businesTentures. Thee Dluety-nine-year leasehoidtu i- Seront In tise property, which iss baau In eoeov peudinmg tisesettiemnani0o questions about thc titi,', bas beau adjusted tavorably. Tise caëb con- sideration for tise Tvalftis treat property vau $50,0010, o! whiih thc last $15,00vu paid Monday by MIr. Dovia. ToGsPITT 3,000 Acama ON WABZET. Iu regard 10 tise Zion site lu Benton lb hsm bean decided to put 3,00 of tise 7,500 acre.on tue naket onJuiY l5thi of hUis Yca. Tisa iion autuorities expeot 6,000 persona te begin bumiding on land at th isa lIra e during tise sommer. MassY Of timea people have aold tisair holdings and arenlving in rentcd quartera peuding thse Simue 1 buy lots andI build. It ln tatcd on tise autisority of a member of Zion tisait tcre la no n- tention ai present of acquirlug île8 Peoplea Instituts, ou tisa West ida,à Chicago, or invuding Evaniton, but tisai tmionary vork vilil e loseiy folioved up la China andI Japan, vhere repreenatives o!f'lion are' 00wr locased. RAINBOW CITY. WiOh]itae. Parlaps nethiug bas been more iuili- cd aibout titan thie clor sciaeeof tise Pan-Ansarîcan. it *ae a dsning tilg t0 sttampt te arrsy hn colons the ex- tensive buildings o!ftibis Exposition, for Bcareel>' an>' pm-eedeml existeit for sucI an uudantamiug. andti mcattenpt lt ni lail would hle dinattous indecai. I vas oui of itha queation te dîtpliira lthe Wisite City' ai Chicago. Semetig ali- soloiel>' mev muet le devised for thea Pan-Amenican ati Buffalo. Iimipliily the Spanish renaisan-e architiectureo fr- nisled tlia bit for the soliution cf ibis probient. anal noiw tuiait Iîtiu bien uoivad and tise color Rcheme i. seen te le no Weil adaptai to10the purposes of exposition architecture It ix reaiizad that a uew dimcooery lias beemn ode. Wth the buildings firrsy ed lu colora which wili hatrmouize oi tli e geueral scheme or thme Exposition and picase rathler than offend artIstic buste, the Rainbow City cannot rail tu become popular in a degremi scareely loped for by those who pianmed lis construction. The L>rector of Color, Mr. <'fiaries Y. Turner . A., of Ne'w York C'iy. stuti- led the requiremenma' nf the situation and ln bis studio ila New York by meana of modela carefully worked out the designs and drawings for thme mural decorafion. The experts experimm'nted wlth pint and olteaned au article mhait May lie used wlthout femr that It will loue tlU staying qualities before the Yx- poaltiou la ovan. The test alraady mmde show.l that the paint alter lieing once Applitd te the staff ia going ta hoid Il& color well. "Last wiutey i vas coutniadto My bcd witii a varV bcd coid on time tango Nothixmg gava me relief. Finaliy my vile bougimi a botlîsof Oua Minute Ceugh Cure tisai afftei a opaady cure. 1 caunot speak ton highly of that excellent remed3."-btr. T. K. Hou»mum, Manaiavney, Pa. F. B. Leveli, Libertyvifla; J. B. BRÂCHEEa, GUOu;,WILL itaIGGE, Rockefeller. PEOPLES' COLUMN. FO dLE-lMmlrn 9 rectahousandmihait mitere kotwith almlîrov-ements. CentrailY loated ln LlhertyvIllh'. Addr"svcwn"r iîox 269. Lihertyvliia. lit . alx ti_ 1. FOtSAL-CSeat,.sadyw hî'ei. îîeriy FDay;: also masiiolin grood as lnm Ad. dram, Box ou. Liertyviile. 26--p. F OR SAL-Bous., and cf ,ioogag Rto H. W. Ritzenthaiar ln Rockellr. Bargin for cahAddress Osai Ma.Oufini. Lîtery. ville. 2-tf. P OULTRY-Buf Plymouth Rovks. EeIM la fr bu C"nts. A fawï.u Itets and rootars eaah im.e 1F.. Ma, vin. Aprii 5 te Jun'. lad, Nimmjmriak. 111. FuR A3Ltf.-A ,îianiitv ,cizooli hav. ilu arc. (C. A. Am'LCY. Llieii.yviiie. aG-i F R ALE-Havesa Quanity of whIî, oatii Ffor soetallamrooifor seod. Witt iso sali abouts a8aseo -goodfata l and. if aur Ub.rtsre~ns ame. Hoi&czBuLxLET. yvile, 11.21-tf-ml. W AJ. ED-000d wg. RIgln f-rloi A No armhband-groodnrilkî'rApi'ly ai L. Ratcx FÂuIC. Libertyfviii. 1. iii.ti md. F RSAE4house.5ban,_1ot. o luLiety J. Paoirres, 22-t CI FO AEl IetýIea îîvwmidem, anApîni mt. 8aa cysama. M25, Dt,& W. Asn orkbarie-and good asm aa.Cali or addrtnim. X, tacapgsuîssT. L i>ryiiie, . mg i-OR]liENT-Living nrovaison N-elar Avenusemi. aeim,odate saismaiim. lanju1m of Mss. FuaNss. Lib,,rtyvlia i. 1i F ro' SALE-iaeimîg renlti assuit. of ny Umeol am m t cO tim dispos.' of tmI,' foliovwinga rtlilî's of tirnitiir,',2 bdroom mlaraea «pbord. i large oak refiirîgars nerî Dwv&and 1 parler stands. Imunira of C., W. Llbertyvile. 111. Thse &Prn.. ' erm o! ihel.ianola 8OaSc Board o! Pardons convenu Tueday, April 9ib, at Springfield. Among tise applications for par- doubefore thse board lm tisat of josephs Binus, colored, tato ws'm seutenceit to the penllantlary for luse for tise usurderons aasault uoso Mr. anti tifs. Swift, of Grand avenue, ibis city, several yaars ago. Smit'sa viotimu diaitfroin ttiain ljuries, tise murderer actmaiiy ouiiug tisente1 deatis vitis s club. iFoîr saveral 3-emrs pausi mtisarelatives bave triai te10get a pardon andt c. P. Heydackar vas lumportummui numaerous tîmas 10 give isu consent foîr tis ardin et grant ItL lie airayi vas ilrmnud siated tisai en long as tae haI offe litacosent coula 001 tue obtainemi. b. 1). Taicott, prescrit Statas Attoîrney declares lise posîtivaly vli nDot gtve bis cousant te Sitti belug given s pardon. George Savug ouaneIortho vae' oldesi lmrsi.)iinuWsaegsn or luinlte eoiîniy, mau Svali asine i-iet '3 15 o ciock tiismornmug uai bis home 't10 ulhrai mPlace. Eiiteîîtu wmms by "0 meaus s surprisie, for wilu lie liait beau a isî'lebaim iliS inon euthe civil 'var, tfortise paat four mountasLeliait beeu Tory povirly mmnii for about îwo Monti ad ait ui bemiableio iuvea bs bail. Ur. Savage osas boru m New York 40 3-crs migo. Ii May 1844 lie vas inarrSidt ta Uarîctie Klusiey wo Survives biu taimdimamow 74 3-aura cf age. tir. isacaga enilsîit mn toc llii Naw York regimuent andiSnmu s 'arge tie viah kockiedt u tisa grouad sud brumplit miopen y tise ragitoant. As s raisuit lte aumtammei l u ies tu iis spine vtmlcb mamie niai anmituvallitlfor file. Becaume of tbmc iplcss condition, tise guverument grantadIl ti a pension ot $72 s motit, tbaeimrgedt pension aven paid a Laike <Jvitty reoiiaut. Mr. snd tirs, havage came 10 Limie Cotty ILI 1864, metliiig near Auttoci. lise> hait since mamie tiseratome lu tùisscuita>, umovmmg t. Wsokrgani a number of yearB ugo. t>rli nalîce No. 1341. Bit aniii' ' tle1,e0detsd Hou, d of '1'ltOtv'O ,îl Iiisl l iupio f Lm c-ru îî SK . ' a 4miagti, 1-lit ssl ii i neut,"wv. 'Onitriu,'tOdici ofIlIidiuiv' ivt . it i î er', !ù -'i12luchesby aîî'î6 . thIe bsoad."ieOli to lic iit 1, tha,, ilce.', flot lucrthan i0l ri,'lîe.iwid,. sujtW veemwe ii,. liio,.rd to tWiUiru wieOu si(] briul.'ev iîid flit*'miad tii.'r-'to by Dot t us tiiii ii, 0t-mmi'Dmy %S iai',,mmi. m 1- lalî id --19 "Ilt e 'idý ak i'iî Ct.' Viliagnof Liwrtyvlil,'* illin.iomo.cum..mlI.,ng at Hiiniliutt CU,înd m e ltmooAicm) miuw' t, tuiud rOsoBrOUUidasy on ssld street. 'roI WIJoIe f ci o. it of! smdaide- waIk sshah l b Pai, by siiecill"xatioII,,î the lots or paroent. 01 landtouoiiug sontte liln" Of saitsiiiv"w&ik. ais Iii Iis ordioac ,i- vidati. EsOti of "aid lots or tiaroîls oft l&nj to ce smioiaiim'tledsi11in mrotîcî, to iLs frontage lrspcnsUicIi aiew.ik. i '. I ic l t e ofii' i ' lo. ti ' I " ,4-r 1,iii i .' ,lii,tlhint iî,. llil', F îi..&M ti hall, rt' 4 it t'i. l 't, " i n ,it'î vi th Of tîihîeiîî'i c , ile,, mIiIII,,.'. th'i , . 't'fum 'I l .nt~i ..a l r., IIIl is. ii,'i 't ' a, imm. LI,"i . l', "rîr t i, iî i r- ii,' r ito finicI, 50dhmsiutriso uni ,"anstria('t -fl id.'wsck or itttîic. r'ir- ,mmr",' tmnth' f1r.-ai'daaIlii tii'aný t lr',.,,i i' tui -l. ,tr hall'l 1-1' . i l-. ' f a , fI "', i"fi 1*1'ut i ,IP --ii i un.' 'uIu.ii.. ifr l I l)-î Or1110'. Ic i , T '.f il. f il.. t ,01u' tii' o c'rf .5,,,,lv. ,i îm,'fîf tii, ,. it,'l, itzu'iiit iii' lîmci, ,so , , i fi ~' ' ' fli'îîfs i l.. ci linzl'iif I J -,,'i .Il ih"î'"î,. 0 C.'lt a si I . lu ' ll-imdi,. î'li ii JIl sn",t i,, I 't'Wmo'c l ' J'.o idsa liiit In' tii.' ~ .ui îmî,n u iî' uîi , ioji ii <s i ti se. *in"'iito I . v',, in 1 j, mi. î ,,i,,îl t .a Of luin. f 1 r oltii' ,.,t th-i.' f,iî îik ii t mmI ti,ît tIi. , .. ii i r' 1 m t', i au du for, iiiîi ii;, ,, f..îîv Ii tud 0c in AMr0 f raveiAmli t. ;1a9J0f jj.S"' Pai, Iahadai t. im.4ý ,"' i t slaW W.ail, C h Sszu'rm fm Cifi0. hi Bý.v amul mf riers wOiI aim tim1 cat tmuerail.u s oult 01latari t le1- ampIeit" se-1- -lesi froII , ditct front t nI bavaIrno reni oirivaIxpae t add 10 ILI, Ice ft[lýo my lpiper, ant a au, unrsei---l t. yee.-I ul o ai Ij.nqlux ir l ms il, ia . a . S L USS ERgýan the arltiie m- as« u&m.m.S~ I I iO UDâ.UlisU@ems. adodegf Job wos*. 0.11 on ber for rate. Roy Levin, of lRussell, upent annday vus bhie auni, lire. Farn. Misa ilatti. Payne, of Ivanboe, is visltiug friands In Grayalake. Misa Nelie Marvin le bosrding vîtis Mrs. Wle.lock vimile iearning miI- iinary. Little Vidae, itnee lu nov makiug bier home vil ber omit, Mrs. Wisaelock. tira. J. Wasisbnrn entartaincid a brother from Oak Park sevaral das- tbis week. special serviceo vîli bctueiald inhtie Congregaiional churchEl amer. Al ara inviteal. Mr. Gerlfts fatiser sud sîster, of Oak Park, yUl mova mia aone o! Mr. BrgeS cottages. %Buttertield viii muTe hiesfamiiy loto lise Marble buildng as so0D as Mr. Marble vacaies. Mr. Parker's uew bouselauvell mnder way sud viii te pmshed te, complelion as sooun mqposible. Mr. Larson, o! Chicago, bas renied Mr. Parker, paceIo Bslnvile simd Ws ii moTe tsere at îui'a. Mrs. Potier, of Missouri, andl tIrs. Farrin, o! Iova, are tise guese of ibeir motter,tMr&. ibis, sud o! tiseir ulster@. Chas. Longabaugis la spending tisis week at home. Ra retorDu 10 Wiston nazi Mouday to start anotiser terni o! iooi. Mir. J. MorriU isas roturned front s toso monils visit vît ieli uiugisber in aBelit, WisI. He wilircmin bore, tht.s umInsr. tirs. Far, vl meve bsck t10 kummel neiwack, aud tir. aud tirs. Higley1 viii occnpy thse casi fiai of Y#r. Straugua building, visicis aise viiivacate. sf Scliool opcned again 1mai Mandayi sItar a wacks vacation. MinuaDay opent tisa yack vits r elatives In Chicmgo, saii tir. Fischer vit.itd home ln WVueaton. Tise material la ou tise gronud for an addition 10 le lt tetise Robinson building. lbfi ii be occopical b> Bueknant &1 Co., vimo wiimconduet a hardvare store. Mir. Parroit, of Chicago, vho died ver>' suddaln 'lasi 1 rida>', vas brougisi lare for hurlâtl ln the Avon Center Camater>' last unda>'. tr. Parrott vas abrotiser-in-lav o!ftirs.' Ricis and tira. Battershail, of Hsi*envilie. Those faniosis uitile plla, DeWits Little Emri>'Rimers viii removeai impurities from 3our sysica, cleaume Sonr bovelu, maka them regular. F. B. LovELL, Liberty.ilie; J. R. Baacui, Guruce; WrMx. KafoGE, Rockefeller. l'ho open session o! tise lts octur>' Clubl shswvs ield In tise Woajdmen Hall la" Mbonds>' nighi vu a good nue, Tise poeoram vas crried ont 3mai as publisiteallast yack, andtheUi audience wva sver>' appfaclabive one. Tho annuel meeting o! tise Graysigakc Camnetar>' Auolaiion vas bl i vu Mns. John Wicks utaswyak Tisnraday, aud the folovlng offlcers vere eleclel: tira. terul Forvor, Prea.; MIrs. J. B. Murrie. Vice Prcs.: btfs. 1. A. Foulon, Sec.; tirs. J. WIcks, Trous.; tirs. W. Kapple, tirs. Engene Bande. aud tirs. J. Longabaugis, Trusteas. Tise Snnday Bahool t&acher@ansd pupils utmberlng @bout savent>' sur. prised the unperlntendeni o! tise SsHali Sehot, Oruon Waslburn t»' golug lIna body to bis home iast'Fnl. dIaY nigisi. lca <"eani sud cake vare providffli sud' tIc evening va" ver>' enjovatîlo A fine Chair vas presentetI 1, tir. W'sslilmnnA» a tOken of tle regard Il, vhiclheota heid lcy al mamiiera cf tbe Scisool. At tle town election Ttîenay bise straight repualiîcan ticket vas eiecied. Henry C'. Edvsrds, Independent eau' dualate for As*eassr. recciveal 72 vote@, viIle E. P Ilodffe. the regisiar cavns notn e. eceed 1013 voles. Tisa of- liners are To .nI1,CARFIELI) iADAMO. I'i, DODmE. C.. livor- i.CHI'ilSTIAN., i.Ei. KAPPLE. SCon 'ifabi.-. 1' Hi. MIIORE. f EX TWEED. F. .FRITSCH. ut' J. MIiRIE. A. D. lIiCH. JoIb Couldn't lave Stood It If lied Sud IUcing Pile.. Tisey're terribI>' snnoying; but Buokiens Arnica Salve onil cure tise vorsi case nf Piles on a rîî. h1isau nred thsons. suda. For Ijurias, Pains or Bodiiy Eruptiotisus lte beat ulîve in tise ventd. POce 25. a box. (Jure guarsu- iaad. Soiti by F. B. LOTRLL, Liberty- Ville. OBÂYSLAKE PIKARACTtc. RARE COMBINATION. Vbse MUe" sdtUleetuieai Dioplar ai 1 h. POM-AuwS..u Uzmoiet.. Tier, a a sayng tiai ',rloeru ara thse poetry or carts, asu taru ametise 1poetry ofriscaven." il tht. be truc, tise iseauty of thiseoral effectil to he seen ai tise Pan-Amerlesu Exposition Wil he Pronounccd as a rare combination o! bath, for neyer 3-et at an exposition bave sucis maguulicaut effecta beau u een as WiS le visible mnusMme of thse tounituin basins at tle Pan-Amerlesu. Tiscre iseautiful planm nîssd foyer., tkiuued ta a etata of dewy dasslement by thse falllng spray nd t he giow of eoneafled Incandescent lampa, vîli de. light tise visiter. At the expositinlu Omaha soume lttie succete yas obts.ined In thug llgistng Up tise oyer. and tise fellage Of Plante in tise water basins, and tiIs bsas led Henry E. Rustîn, chlef of tise mechanical andI electrîcal bureau, 10 ai- tamPitet enis.rge upofs what he accom- PlIshed In Omahsa. Wb haugus ighted, tise floyers and planta take upon tiscm- selveu new colors.ach ona secinly more beautiffni tissuthe celor dlisIlayed uder full sunlight Thon tise 51113e myutary nf vhere tisa illumination corne. trout lu delightfoi, and,. knowing i. tisa skllad elactrîcian la mont rere- fui tD CODceai hi. lampsa hrelealt llkeiy to attraci tise aye. Perhape au artIficlal leuf. au artîflclal floyer, t. ued 10 ibide île lamp, but Its 1011 brI- llmncy Iu aiiowad tebain upon tise plant and ficycrs, makiug a pîcibre tisai la iatlng. Itlelu vien sudci efects Mr Obtalned that tise full appraelatlon cf enjoyment l9eaxpremaad lu île single vord "beautiful." il vas se ai Omasa, adtIl inii le niera e f51aîle Psu- Amanîcan. Automobiles as Expcslic.. Tisa automobile ha@s lmen deveieped sînce tisa (olumbian Expmosition ai Chticago. Wliat mars-el. may lie ex- blhlted and lu practii'ai daJIy use Bt tuae Pan-American Expostionmeau ouiy lie dimly conjacturei. Thelierlay, vas- sel sud veisicie exhibits at Buffalo ibis 3-car wiii entrival lu luteresi auyting tisai las beau possible lu thie past. In 1881 tle langeaI arc lglit machine madIe supplieul eatrent fuir 16 lightu, and vlen Mr. rmasb madIe a 50 light miachine Il vas a glaut. l Imathealec- h'lcai axhilmîs of tha Pan-Am ,erienEx- Position tise langeai typa of Brous are Ulght machina wilil e slown. andtI tis Win BiTord Interesting comparlsu w ils tise machina. et 20 yars age. Ime Ohio, flidig. Tise Ohio State building las a promi- Dent place ai tle Pan-American Expo- sition t e e ld lu Buffalo nazituum- mer. Tise design i. Plain Grectan OHIO0 @TA!TEiUILtuING, i)erie, the benauiy of imli hlies mamul>' lu Ils cissaste proportions anti coM- tcanding poslit. Iltut.4 0esigned ex- elusivel>' fer social pttrposes natîmI vi be tle rendezv'u of Oiîio vtsitorm 10 thea Exposîlien. A Piracticin&riPhyscien in Monticeilo. Ill.. formulateal Dr. Caldwel'@ Syrup Pepsin. AMk Y. B. LOVILL. Libertyvuiie;Gato. C. Rosan, Wsoconda, WSx.n K atou, Rockefeller; tiraysiake PRIAMACT. Mammoth Pekin Ducks Won ai Chicago, Blintgn ansd Aniiocis ihis vinter. A iimiied number o! aggis St $1.00 par 13. Speak quickl Dou't delay! F. S. POWLES Orayaiakc lios 1-~.&taa5A.s.................. Geo. E Read t1ti Pairs odal p 50 i", v CauvagsaCona, 500 yards Buti 1 BlacktFugo, Unu. Go 9traniteE UfiîePans, Bcd I,.hert, BOYs sud tien' Buoggy Poies, cr Poultry Nalting HAINESV Watershall's Store... lu headquarters for everything carried ln a Department Store. the following quotations. l'ants, per pair, 500 W ......... s i 00 Ocs, escis,50e0b----------------'.'.'1I00 î'vere $2.60, uo .:......... ......... i 25 s instead o! raistins, par lb .... .... os steamers ........ ............ ............ 25 large aise...... .................. .........15s %il.............................. ....... 5 Nmed s.....rts . . .. 0 's Sunsmer cape. ......... - - 1 iem sud Pears, per lb .... ....... 0 )r Boliers, par pair .............. 69 Track, per foot .... ......... os omplete, $4.605 and .. ... ... .... 3 O0 ig et old price. VILLEi ILLINOS ZZZIk ~1t'II here and illebiîdes ali tte pijîî- lar styles of thetS<3,as(),,togt'tlitî' with many aI'n. styles îîî F. Ml. KUEBKER, RAYSLAK EDEPTSToRjý I Cari Bel1 yOlU ally (odu iwihbut have nome specialindmîiî.t ~ W1IEELER &WILSON AND- "NEW HOME" MAllES. Can make lower prnces than others will quote you. Have just one bicycle left and wiIl seil it cheap. E. B. SHIERMAN, JEWELER. Graysiake- - hllînois. I WALL PAPERcege -T Now liave primes. cliasi îm is. tihe titîte Ymmu waimt it. 1 'l big Iine of manmpleêat.o se'le't Se*' ny l.itîiilles bl-ii ra' loir- My Stock of BOOTS, SIIOES and RUBBERS lm t-oiipite. ('ait mffe.r iîinduieiîts thîts wes"k ii Mli 's anîd Bî" ltli fig. l>aîts anîd >vralils. W. W. EDWARDS, Graysiake Illinois. From Factory to You. ARTISTIC WALLPAPERS AT 1 ani repremeîtiîîg thé American Walipaper Co. titis year anîdt'ant gtîararîtee to youti te-î'eapetst an md best line of goods ever offered to the Publiv. My borders seil for the same price, per roll as sidewalls-an Imrmense reduction from .-current prices- 1 can pr<îve to yoîmt tîmît it is cicaper to m' paper tiins year tbîmn to e<lean-yiîtlAili flft lmv sueli an opportunity agaimi. Thie styles aie etrictly up-to-îlate andi ncîhi'e Brocades. Damasks, Silks Embossed GIts. Flats, Flower Papers, etc., etc., in tlie greatest variety, livir 1 io colorings. I shahlit' glid ti clil on you at o a'îrly ilat mi(i exhibit my line. F. G. Farber, Libertyville Ilinois. Samples ai .. - ~ ~~~ .II'a t . Post office The INDEPENDENT and Inter Ocean one year for $1.75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -Z Ne cet". ij er Illinois.

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