A I~D a ~ TRUE- IIIUUWRWJU1UWI S.RY decdvlug m»« wth the Ide t j"t were eheatiai me wltb a sh*do*; ýt won' oniy witen yo apoke that 1 vat code- selved. 1 forgot tbat thte gddea.-" "Louis, no complimenta!" îttered h% cousln. lmperativeiy. *"Here aons ny tath'!r." PIXPOSITION A T BUFFALO. CIIAPTER il1. Lifo S S q r9j S oU'H ~It waxsonustise tîit! of lise nvnlf flue u.auu ()Fuf i ustt be si htis!tmo usen mIsîlhava UUUI LII FANGE lsseitsett caergitsg frcttitise tsrsstansd FRA R drecingther tlislittIse ruand tets' votasge' ut ittiglis Lsrstsinte. wtiics t s ,~ ~ ~~~hlt-sesf tîsî,fsllet n iiilti-spret isi'.y On@ out il]" t~ he' s'unir , tI otati, sttîrdy itstais. il 'îi it fi,- cours' gîrb0of ri Br as, perbagtAtatheuit,.lssance ofhsitsbide.toîssa d e ruestionatvtte s u kd nnpi ictiîi-usissst -p ir',lst tis>%vore :WmlaguL roua tisecottage- of itiî trtL tîlie br-ast, if us iiciseuhe gtse il,,î oîîtsu srd a looi- rtI t tttt't. uiir namiut of t* thtie Chatean Nistalit-as tga., t th ite tîsuotn a fuiat une. sterntse-s.s s e ivoilisî'itrîtiellisudusInl '1400d.Il was itaated oa a suds itîri A hie, fîtesuses-nu-sito catcht ber eye. siîett'eiiitit- ohi.s oipin. l.sîs *bMpt eninence, ovi'rlaiksag tii il t ii i uiintattug ro iiliy tirîtiti tte lot h lan aussx-ik itigissitisoi- loit iit tee snditsan bg*@W. vitere a Amaitillage titikes i lit --tise siitey, eosîîng nearer astd neairrf.gcy tissîs'. iti et i]-Lit> monsîtîte excitîng &lite miniature groîsp of isl N'hîii"" ite titi'cias, passinir stil aeres',-Ille sîîîsjîs' .Whib chcistdren pay vsiris titan t hi- tel i ulst, seils-il t r ansI a itrîinîtts-alrtt. 'Thisima, vslieu' srsoutvas iscstise Vieil habiîtat ions' foreî-Iilîsses-n. vs busli ralisin nsars'r. tîli tiesorit sier radi i st,,i' astiat ur ths' trot, hIa s s cpre- tbe strtusattilet wounîsd ittc Alogalti O nce of tîse sigits uone fullti souu lotit posse'sstis tîpaîetisaiteenuter. *ý'. fonat:of tisehbis.wmus ntiint îmtree hr ose anti rider, ansi tieatissre msas s-tt> îils a tîtof lita ctustion. bis rousnte- Ci.. a mers' tiseraitoftsils-e.a Raligitt tart-s sîsick, tvi'sisass-clssp mnsae ivs uslrrsitîsîndide': sbtishe ex- 1On lise nigt outhtie attacis ona '-itt of tise fair btandi that reýt-,td sutise cold presuii ttsith eatîs viluseauinister andi ILOUis tiere w Ire ta-o pers-tu s aated ln - tone siti a faitl et center slde iiiut'- fî,clsiis.the f-altrs'a thltesees. Cth ibrary ut tis ciateau, the oas- a ing about lie lu'utifui tîps, and flias- spart trous tissir expressiona nytltîug lady, with beanlîfsuitndsouewbar trils ring lu thos' splsendid sit,'ruau. ofttr sItrbsaeeai'. a'stasthve eu - hg ,fç-tore%,t atlandi gractut Ibiture. murîng, "ttlsulitse*'aise rose trous ta aau't a tîuîsîîîîîîiseatisavie vs-as aad a ls-ring at onue- augt and capti tl cshionsuon ss iris s-e basiknell se lonaitt nsiîsg'auto orte-tlst a st le sud iriLtitg, %MademoIselle Montauban was and cloues tise casernent- 0tst or rI.stnasml n apasson oft trong teslings. ut des-p en 5A5 5 iouu'at penant. au lis a w-ss eteraily un- lery, t qiekyetficn rsoles.an de Nl der ciedLous, xrnlyderatosi tlie: bust fsr aittat. yoo c.gy of aiekret irsurestues ssoi it-'- 'N>' sesîrsîîî'Is't' riollaLiisharvety uttud hae st insleitla sts'e titsausnoo kded action. Site was pea3ilatet ait; ombras ina tise Inumarquis, as ths-y met th ishss-sy at uisniglit, or lutahie >et Viti the ver>' grâce ansi ioble ieansin th sala nira tise tioring t I V n9deptisafuthtie frcetfront su-bl e had "eh. captis'ated usas. tiare-was au air- tse ;iterisu , - ainbapeshll h ut entrgesi. mexpresson of tveilesi ianaittin es",0f pIýssure it gives- me ta mes-IYeu..."tell't sai," te was %lavinsg, venge- atypride. ot insiuuating eommand * Ailtise matrqnis sîtîrfes i abis neisesusl yn- i av utte ar us ordamie aeumoisl, btfwwr er. I siti make lmrepsyriear for tiis. loressiber. l " NI>' usar toiy, i also aus seiglîtei lantuo etoe u t fa ellusua iluablei, ad su> lier fatImonsieur te marquis, on iseou-eyou. Let usesucouse tou tu nu>'olo0,n brainti ieai- rlkuelontssb>'tat *ther baud.,suas an exîresns'ty afftsb. -eYrie s thiuiî-anis tintes. BuI ait dous RIu ut bis. Who wuouîd thiuk l itadeu] g '»"le and agres-able gentlemsan. Ite sas i t dotsn, Louiu; i muaI tak-e a ls'surely maris sîrs-lis :,Uatves-aiy kindad dgond t1e lie psasat ilouk i u t. Nhy,troits lasve-grosun a "C t.Gprd"saitsaohrs Vy asouasi the country, and tisere Wasultlitincis sinces sueret ast, sud sf1lte " doCsiuhut Gsad! i theotsoe tr Mc Il rpeople Who did nul have case50t'e0ianoilsonss-r, tu),for roor wauderiuau!" lctaesta' lIer-dopeak a lilîeshows-ori fbauk bisa for mauy an aet of gestemoalîr "Oh, once, I atipreciate youi fatter>'cas ete pa itl oei Me I bas-n uarriesi Isice; t0aeal tieuve me," tangitecibis asphesu, -I c un dont sat laput ratsr neck it dan- '. Pýrschwomn atler tihe destin of La te-su 1iasi rathier bas-e il frontrosi titan tgere a be un ltel l asheson m ere."s IËaUItse Gludetle. ansi tisawite siedei sr oiler, atmssst. Bat. no*. itoe havae " eau bay ntheUts-n uhostes tlts-he- »" tise. He mnsrned ber loua long as n g in n isba- eseu ilosn here attie s Bw longcarisnottem nit, ulisas thtesît es«slyt for tis'asy ise lots-siber es-nennrs? ansi how is las!fair cu5stssinslng se llt n i the I n ta f-st hi. iat bttlar than hae lis-s-i Gindelle. wsuilleîa "For te frst" ausseeres tise marquis, foittîfie titeta contl e" lbsfâ "osy violent sud passionate. Tisere wuas "I eau is-e a very aî,fscîory repîr, My o itewiet o cm did-à lovaI>, unuy-hised stitlsi, affaire are lua àtate of prouperl>'and "Doe>u) u-u at to putsIyourselt in thés vith feaire ise liter fair mobers, aud ercept, posaiisty, Ihal Helen ansi 1 are a Was e lti t gelouiss lsk it n-t .7"«llke treui viols-ais y Iis second - ittte 10I R'y t tînes for sant ot con- tinte. l'It cure bisusoutlts impudenc!" n ,funrrlage. But lbs-bac oniy Helen 10 com 1 pan>, sus-duo sry sWeit.I, I u'daar-t "Bs-uer holsi roue longue. contrarie. n \ftft is approscbiug olsi agxenosu: and - as>'titI amn sure sus'aslait be ail tise Wydd't yn curehbinass--igli?--t-hrs's I -tisas la a large portsait lutise salon- iappier for josîr présence. For your ot 1 u ns, sud bsaIs-nst tisaI! A tins-tory el, th potrat ot a amiin infant, pairletisr questiun, IIle herseit muet be ap to telthtie men!" eth teuity sixtes-n jean ago. viicbha loks Iplis-uteluwhien roo cee ier titis minring. "Who kneelite blad ie pitola? He s et a"ims. Ste sas in exceleut bIls jestes-day, mtave isu-round ouI bsfore he started The flatter-ansi dsugbtest in lttie lh etiail sventa, andi sua satritesitustiser tisatsomebosly itd drasun his tes-li. Ait, -bes-y; be by a large table lu tise cents-r a long tinete lst nigit b, the libi'sry wuins- b iit sitis ts-m. 1 eau tell yon! If sus qt the apartuauit, rsadiaag, astwaa is dow, for jour sppearonce. And nus blaitadoit tlike bini inlutise bans.i, I ' elates atihse-elage; alhe hasi drasun taIt me, my dear Louis, sorething more onsbeoriso-hltcpan Au l II seat forvaidse s-r one outhIe deeap concarulsas lsd adseittre of roura lu tisa w tnl'ilha ert oe its-doscapnt do s u th ,wbWowVi cverlooktng tesals-y, sud tise forent; for jour sketch iste sat nigittbre owts ebau guI off. If Yeu a rwéàc by wblch Louis wau expece esit aib-nlt-o ongs.mt-du id s.Bath weme amalting ic arrisai, abe hrtoil nsatofmd- i ~u tva viîh far diffesent degreea of ing cometing elce. VO ightt bave sang 13, *:1: 7 g.The mar-quia. Indes-s, louis-sifor- a difs-cent tune, bal nos &Il tise uay teot 0 au splair u iemein utt >mend mallers I5 te give bhlm a utIle mu- à* aopari, vliom, lies-Ibcdntl ec-s-i5 ' "lo i t actad" mtî- ieeIe, &t t» tIaufor aonteiys-ars; but jet hic Býha! utre h le.wt MàIIsipth.Bras modemals-si y clmnias, -a trown.A âne bs se longs-r porneses the burya "Whist do you .cay. ts-n. caplain?" là tuI0atime et FOUt&s.Wlth Helen Mois'a« asked bis compantiosa. ni t*Mbm lt wa tnt thug. EDe ee fasl "Notiting. (tasparde. But here sue are. t1im es Vas-sIa" by tsa and an sd lise ligis la sbuningin lutisa sindowu."lu bissi estaier use filataber boaetas ts-y reaches tise collage.,hb Vrater," and hermraillet c anud -'s"And Mademoiselle Ros-esittuafertom WÀI Bnalc, deapile tliets-isalg utof li-î er tatier, n o doubt" asdedth ie oîts-r, 0 '&gg hcl, tisa t roins more vîoîsnîy es-- (To 5e roatisss-d, aI ' el ma.et-"Iataer. litla ars-ast>'qulîs el MI' *. y causdal Monssieurs Louis, muet SAYS HE WAS NOT EXCITED. 9 bileily aseishmer tiat ite may polblex-- s'ý @WUggaU te se adanger b>' travers-- Wb, Ns. Bienkteson raid the Cmula ln St% Iasey rasi tustiis usigitiomisoosi -alsla is-eWoa.01 1a~ jaic'1" us-vsr coUlsunderalanti." saIi Mr.,e Is a.rguIl locesi bis booukhoue trous coUNT IMONAUUÂE AN» H ELBY BIs-ukiatan, 'tub>'peoples ioulsi gelst P - ~h ~i proe aitise wiIidow. AVITIOOVU. excîts-liou-sr a lawanit." ct 1yeuas rigil you are rigis.vs ot-bîbs. Tns--- sssr " ont>-u" askeu M ru. Bleaktnsou. b bo rturnesi; "but I bardly tiink ton murt glus-n ltaîirling o u omacf, 1 "Ns-u-rmsadi Bienkinten. 'Itltesa] -ý % Ïe w idiach at10undertake le hate an egtial as ieartity a ru» estai;mors- titan ts- tireatsofa ta taver or ebateau to-nlgt vI ittaI ter- -sl sgatlnering.As lu te danger but 1 desire t lu ersonetiing relative tise trou-snaof a judga lu upeat tue.IlSo -~g mana, oys-ver, I do nul tesr; to roui joui'iey ansi jour gens-m l -- long as a monai as justice on bis ide fi ~ir doubt haie îi have ie valet Iarerno let me bsar it beture unr coffee iîise ns--u have nu mors- fs-ar atthe bandea Wi4andi be viii have cien bis sus-p- ray"o h or hno i w l t yo utconuides-. Helen, tisaI Tevotsng man gave iiss unsle csketch Yut lts*orteolssaittoIIuun hemi a relative bal boits trenglt utominfteitises- candpluttîde a court moomthe aîiluam.tatmgas-ilgoosimarqua. lis'ned usr>'attends-et>'. nt -e tp nid outrum.e c skpiin ra . s-tlga defl elanca sd viicioccupiesi couse fs-wi>nitsuTisaIsuas- tise sua>witis Wilkins thslc o1~ f bs-stagers." Anitseaa ensf, jmt as he wss fiishing ity as- afîs-unon. Hes-guI as> nsrvun ha tiouhtng bis applscation et tise cottage for couîidn't bau-s tokl bis own noms- tf its k-6 a orve taISeus." pen sheller. Hetasi Montauban enloresi. isasi las-ansigeutfor IL" ~te ravetita Lohe,"A prusi Site sas beauiful and slf-possoaed Il" ,Wilkînc'" -so-sI Ms-sB lmh inuber splendid eyesas caceoi li. mg5 ga teaiabssati aciInberas-t e er, A cuire allaite- aItliber lpusou wsh ucutttaatnci" bel pitoy es vlikba fanbevisit asd luiItigtemerflue eyes, as cha p-so.-alelacutti fenm toI wcit muef ber ncWie aheipruachail, andsalning iber ftIes, gass-e "esaisi BleuhIufouu. "Ha guIt utu plailbtmme aIgubut bieandhs- teluLouis.,vito advane-d 0 tel ister. Ibermenu-trouble ovesr i t ildewual ha basr fait tomsps-siud Un oeilu iand. bsen ta>tng up asis1-d steet sud vas Ui ýCeMe, balé4elitloas-m. whiebbsi ..My charmaing cousin!" exclainethtie bail it-u for torialai" %mi rrtivaenlng. -erelong itroke over jug w~>,îasn i esd "Wb>.' saisi Mrn. Bleamknaou " lWi dtean. ansi raged ithi aterrible tur bansi ansi kiscig istg 'ldefseittilafl s--tlsongbi ou vs-eesneres-ts-sin tutis "I i nu liinSva sah s-ataîury. lion, lies-faim chas-k utfte lady-a"nty siav livi d-i "Il il, s-n." sisi e hetalltrasieoenit Helen this sl mujdeligisîful îI amrn s-ny ewalcm-.den t'mdbti'vaî& uIg%4 Rlei sad be il as he ldappy te beisulsi ou agateso.itw do -oS u m,:1U e ub _- elos-hlltsh ll ounded un eleven, 'surI r do"' d To vas ai tise triaf!,0o ft twlaIs, my cilPariapa yoa hall 'Well, NMonsieur Louis, 1I htiuiiyen. '*Oh,'* iaîill Is I ustemrIlr fiettez- relis-s-" Adyu» r'l4aqi! AMi Helen Montauban vouisi not be Asios"'-uitt --seabtt'-ss,--'-< fttv bea al ansi rs'tesnaess, aven Asmimrailr, su>'dear fris-ni." Ansi ha ileninson - "isU.e Waut i-tàitisasnch y e r f b e r " a c o b eyau xb tet > ' s es t e dt b i rs n e lf h ur l e r us i le th Is a ! tb i a l u l e b l , -o a a s o u r i lyo fî. $su sidte oeeiberc agg'Y- aonbave, Ibea. trrivtil at tise chats-an lae.'tissu an"pqr aliter tise sà--mos- uIBAB osbtl, Siter ad id a eub-s ciers tI-uta ois ts ianeme si"m lleII Thiiee aaskao" ise o.1,1,' boves-, tul aflr iavsn dimisssi e uesaille uitl.ssitesaii,regarding s-a- t -sm mi tonr lite nigit, sie aseappeîsàsiitcin l saav carelessly about ber tatetlyfigture, wtisJ'otile intsrest. ide goed ana l -oIIus>ans 'ua 'Tes. tlus o fougtInte, I thînt. ine" ikiits ate'5Itks-a irazy ataxs ata- sud eaat bs-sself 'ilpsu a [luis- Ofcusht'Onue, sust, aud i cnsid n-if d"ny surelftise tise seeduitma. 1vt -sd -ssiudu't tenah la susdos subis-b cousuanuiel pa sie i-f a vst tu-ttise chatesît" do a tbh;rngil w h: s t-tsn OUI ii- ir urle-- vis-v of te alleY bensatisa, tlilit! Yn omr stswsatsos tissle- su ia isas.au U vithln beiug uitadesi, dreu tise eustain ble eus-"re,1tut rsAri I ,I.jde lM front tise cesms-t, a ansi ersts'iors-orsibe -" e ieiik. ai st-u ler dan.-Iast s"ttn4 Vkt55-5à II upon te sils.iti it em anasssî tiuns e n"At ues-t ' iis I, tîts, bs-at b-tirrt ais4'l «s hai05-- ->IA IL» pis-scithtieilsus ouote gisup,e r ue oct-ittt itasMI - - ssu-tlliie, * 'aXYI 1' our tise yjetexpsil gîesî vler s-ioias uga Ilsli is moîtitsu es'p uutt va tr- - Nir seur isoiy,' aisi te as-ci. Hior','saisi . sud 1Intr.el s-smtuakS us, boas-ofsilitutticht ounddu nl3 intit ,-- ubat, tues, si-s suaiclt ses-sus? Anuiway ut)iste te bI'n ut balkibnvila nov ils-t sîr.ler heurt bhast vrîat: ttsc.k trusseto-n 5 s't inte- sesM-) s us-sttika' h.- î-anyi me SIythe- Ci Ieutien.'is'asi sesîusîi -nit,.1,-Asuattaîsk" suerrpl NMademoiselle Ieu ait*sudali ,itlsî se ask ita AIs-muriuaresi, "'su, itrie. thi-r il if-tu s- ninssa ahidaa, IstenastbarsMusaIs- Isaler, a* jarLonts uru rertt bs-aise tmosrd.til laouire-te uni utstfy as tise tacs-e of î nimso Iss1eati-l Ma aeor mrdrd-so Li isus, an tstîaeLs'bu-w, Monsieur Louia>saisaîits'u of but. fie bal sa'-yoyla - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h rnybaebssnY.r,,rt sr 'u - le-anu tuai rangi-s5' ts-esotr! ll entilg gas ithef bill br fRr In be trem-nig l : sse bousted itefacers- yntresl for aiil, Ný.folausieur hIe ns"tise eauet clung tu rus'fle g-Fuhi-an d s-alttvaà Loiiahai b-sn eeptasuts tu ss-kuis-tuto s 0 .!-"I sas inms rvI>ses-tIlîrfise rosseu's-s l1s Io-uildlrs-ak togatiser Iu ehiidtood, vies le hitaîb-ru 4in , pea-naîtedte i usit bisil miyu Lyoits, 1 I hei'spne lityhrs-, a Itls' affanr. asuayrnt hlm sud Ogo lsva asI alie h &mi"ushIfl eves leuesn h Iapyas dur-tîr cl, Pe1satî, o iln ubir b nu mset jusi.th iat tisr dllr ie sa- -âsllng tang tisn perixso Tise>' wsre tisees-rosustsut n am us S"gigl of ltier seping ansi saking At that tomr'tt, hllovss-,tise cnte-for- dgmî. $Ste ivos usver su happy suiesi suae irouilintanît tise subis-ct va. 'Rets resu vut li ay luihu -'inerif te lit,- old.t1nehysisats-uan siairlsus-nt 'utteie tiiing's reliant 'rousts'l Ila Belsl A Itbouuglt v i~~te wvunltrftîl smortes ,0; ivss- onelodds, louis de-su-i. fais- roue- uti Isumifit mt cth ie ce!"' t s-n nl atns. ans i s îespang bs-s-» nsît ut-tisatise fa'ed lu-esa-a efome tise "su e uiis,' saisi leukhramn- ,,»mxt vsi.He sua-s a fhue, honi-ssss-su-ndssof tish uiil.s e -rs- tue>'coulsi "Ansi tisat thse utsa's alie bedll npay 0iaefl ans itidepsudent boy. ands tutu cOverialt. s lte tise san> ounaiine ts -tar' sîae jau-llt s 'u-n suby iijisait the"e muIdUld le ie tuheiis-si ad.ape far sd ancear. nts srs li atsssa iu al -v - veauIl erbis-cousin Louis. Liifir,. ssimuannsu In t i a ie I: taI a ddsîinnlduallar St, vcilit gM prugallant learing and muit 'fitui gtu ts-ils> ut ,> rarishe lits- htadiinldolr N un r bais anoble intellect ansI bis fins', - u t ites-bteau. if us55 ct.ui aîjabeau Wilinsant--losit ussmr sat tell* and giffegnaee, sult tise issu- sntl!)r(fui nomannanaîtLouis r'.u'uusruîu-ried sitesbou3it o al Lssa 1I lifale lio atfa.rnoetiis ojiis rYearuba , itîa.-:t .est ttOraug-ily.it sas a ,ý us ance--aes-s- its' unt'-lIsat Vas- -t Ils-s' OLDEST CHR~ISTIAN PAID TO KEEP A SECRET. CHN .LoulaiIa Artisan Recels-es02,O00 a INSCRIPTION I IN NA. as . a Yea-rContract Aio>'sitic Maosaman. a Louisville cr11- zen, tormes-Ir a rssds-nI otCincisnnati, ha a part>' to uns-ofuthtie muet nos-el con- tracts ouns-es-us-st- - Witisuut a as-roSe utfvus-k bar-cal-s- $2,000 aunuallyj j - U trom six outhei a' langeaIs-suinue hing - firmecllithlis-coun- try. Tise unI>'con- -. sIion ut bis agre- ment, wuiseis bas bas-n ln s-ts-tahce - "' 181)8 and mua ilse ~ - ~~~years. la tisat bc ..o-sa ssa Ses-p secret tisa formula ufthtie batisilb -1>I~..a.. 'enamel bis tatss-s, Lewic Masaman, dis- s-ove-s-s! Iist-t> luve reoraagu, Mass- suaisos-kesifor' une outhtisaLouiasville - ~fis-ms wihteh lenow pa>'ing iînu ldo - uotiig, but a quer-el, feuulllng frusu au attemp lu gs-eaI tise Jealousl>' guard- s-secetsaullad ln bis s-eiguing bie place, and. (o ps-s-s-nt: competition, tise ~ ~ arrangement sua mcde witihlm, PRENCESS MA VD AND PRINCE CARL. 01aie Of liehe 0t itteatlng monu- ments -,ftans-lent Christiant>' lu Cina Ithe lis isît-a abIl or S>'s-Chinoise touni-nlsubis-ltstands oua mile ont- aida tise guis- of Singanfu un Sisen-st, 'l'b- abs->'il telle la (bat utfltetus-lunes ~ t ot lts- Ns-,ten!an mission InluChina lie- ' ' 1 lys-s-n lts- jeame 06 aitd 781. il s-ta forth thes- ulgmas of Chitianlitr - thrc ie lhhtosy et Chtristiant effort in Ch'aane. asstciie asort Ot metshiO- ibou;isaglulig lu Gos! anti u lteEmper- us-c subo fsuoaud tisaChistiant causa. AU tra-e ut tse nmissconflitas vanlashea ex'1i nly tisa monument. It wasusss'srthesd la 112-5.Tise S>'rlss chi&aastees s-ompoaiug tIesi sgnatumeaut Citas-les ut Denmark, at bis wlte c 110- Oloplsni ansI lis assos-intea adi> oluit saire ha l t bcnaturalas-tilit Engînutansi lint-s-et. Ini1859 a Cinamstu rebusît enter tise Britlih navY.uShe tana daugis' îbs- t.aleit tise bs-tek vaîl lus-s-c lttes- ut King Ettwam VII. Tisa FrIts-ai haiton( %tnd otsie te ciy. hemoyal motter dis> nul approus-outlbts un- maut-riatla sas-nas- mss-bis-,A cunituhuion, Sse suas ausitltotis and,. sant-s s-ratite rclites as adesu!round tlsa imltu ws-utîLe >'uung Ques-itoft Hul- te(-r('atlnga s-sliebut lte 'aselght ut el- land ,but thns-l'rtince tous-silie >'onng den-s-nessu hInc'linttOusas-ilstUe conclu- Engîlsis prhueess ans Iois tprems-Iy alun tIsa!lt la geunu. isappy ln bis s-hoIsc. speid' rCa s-s'ei pigeons. Tieand Tisa. Tise ast ragged.ti qa seirrler.pîgeon Barbera andi campants- arase bath in s-ait wveiitiu- t "l'tu -ars-sca MID- uta. Wiîin a ut, .. 1'-lth ise l-cc aavers. 111metftisars- i' - 1 - eoae have paîns-edenlttra a r-17tise ait et orr .te. 'i1951-~drs-int it,mtid. MuNlIPAYtUCIONS 111VA. AbOUS PLACES. carter a. Harrison re-Eîocted in chi- 90gofolr a 7TilrsiTerc-]Rolls Weil@ hase si. LoUas. Woirti, Fai, M,11or -ies-saitu iimasyst<es. cast1,rIl. ilsfricsi ssst-'s'M'tajor ot chitertrifor tte tlist tîtîs 'ils--ly 0f i stSit ut-Ve l8til"I. eliîîsîttl,,-r of vote-r. ix iii tilleti ts itu i f t e th. l' svas 103i,570, orivtie r i "f'tnss rithei, torate if th iti' -sty Al or t ts-rs'laitning candildatc-s uI tise Desîsoîrtît ec styticke-t ws-re sls'cted'ilacnt su itî N,, t ttaerssn lu tact, Chut-les F. Usuthlsr, tis, - anui- date for Ci t, .,ssr'- rau ethtats tise ?iayiir. Ii-s ii iralita beilsat 33.37q.*or 5,119 mosre tisais istît given these lusîtor tite ticket. of tIh,- t-,'sî thei ctnisdata- and Anste-u > ts , -i ty- Atturnîey-, sti ed seusrs'ly, andi, aitstigi tisY have ýartu pli fl Ai w m du w SU hi fe be ov il TI Pl ëfi iý ai TE 0( a, w 'E tir D SI in et in R ic R cw 01 Il 0' h v t( b nuralities, tiéti' res-snut forge sinus. (ts-sm Hebei, tise ltetublivan canitîlats tfritiy Attoney. hasa buts ticket. Tise S-tond Was-d, Jusige Ilanecy's tîsnse, uvitsre a msoitr of 3,5(00su-as etaitesilfuris- in. did nul gis-e a tiis-irut ta. 5rhesThairsi Wa'rd ite bas-el>'cas-vieil, aii1nditi'- Shhs end Sevantit fel i nchsuitlhsw lts'figurss ri,% snpporter.ms bild pîits ]Roitals hltis eusnioratic caudisiate fon Wus-id's l'airNMas us-of St, ýis. bas cru eleetesI il>'aboust 10,55>0 Plus-thitY sus-r GieorgetV. larliir, Repîblile ansd Lee Mes-missei&tlier, usitii'lpah osuner&ip. The latter sItai'eg hi' silli euts-u-t oit isa of transs %'îth %Ir. Wehls vis 'Is-cîs-iltis eInttee I ss't.aralls ticets. St Ls i l s nritsht> a ilspuishican (sty b>' &bout i:i,OMsptsiralisti 51'hihâ lu-iUs-nrs- 'esassiansi a ls'îs atis' ilstsalitl r tf10, 000 rothesi up. i>uring tise day auitpse- @asot ver- teafe e asauor s-,andtîl ss s--e sus-ot. OnIe uosrsahIit iay a bîuIhet s'as E. A. ilsuser, lth- Uait-siStates Dia- tris-t Attorey.> ansi titi'otiter Wilam Duvrer, tursti-rs- a,<'ubais vislsits-er Musnicipas l itiuts uses- elians-a rly aIl tise titis-s of 'l"si-ssnUu, lot-ai isns nets-ad ot pas-t>'snyattisdeiisg tht. cunIsai. temie-rasii gasistusu-s-me, show n in caunuber otfils t i tii-a slet-t!Ina Rs'pubhscsa Mayoisr. aru'Jaesils' R- gerusu, W'atkeia. ls-loit and Eas1 Clairs'. De;nscraîs'ic Maisrt isee'les-sti -n Sh,-bo'gan, Ostîni, IsFnd du 1Lac, Racine, Ashîl, d.Marins-ti',Kes'ao, La Crusése ensi Madîiasn. r i es-cDoduge ras s-les-ted Sîîps-e IssCus-rttiuge 's th- out OPp)omsll-îiî Nligsulsîsatl es-t ussu su--r,' i-lin alaI lthe targîs- eÏiîeu sut Rutas. lit nuuss'- as cilles lts'eair v'sasmsohibul ion. la Kanss City, hu., tisa- lsrg-at est> u lte Is-, îlîîe-s-mutr e stsisitt îsartY tleckv'ts. its-adesi ttrB I. 'bShort,.i!eîsubian. uni W.'s I. t'erilck. I saisir,,aU 'is ft tr van b; 9555 ,irislstu ls "11) -AI-a beet IParks-ler u î, u- I,îîr '1ilt-s-c isy tise l'Isuussn-' .j-~' ý, J.'~-h tinocrat. susu t--t-i tuis tf'tîli atn by :5Meinttiirueitt 'ut1,rssIsutt tis.es-uisre isri n ti in ist %vsts,îi--ii Il> a msrsf>r étcs t u slî, s n-s pîrauri' li t t va.ner' b-istlti us feistesi s>fus'he.-Roubhi. sa. Muanic-ipau -urf 55.e-l -fl ýMintshlas sras-his lits--s'f tih- 1luisît tirs, ti'lusgîs sis-a, aitndl intit rus-e --, ie'Orif>' une ticketI iin tiihîflc 'bs tis-rt-t'us aise wau is 5 rt'ur tit"tise toriner ivassunrsi-st Inls -t--inf sfoiu - r. uts .ti r I ,, i'- itg i a fr oruil oaiitîiuisslit stttii ont s "ut.it tr 11,ri l-tat i' t-Its> orrls. ls ri t ,is- î nIsit % ili> 't'ltrtic 1 "ts-,l-r titi ii, t . usîi, cIrs ' ticket lié-itrenf 1n, I. ît1z'. 1 t '1' el-s ii froui 4,5NIss1-r -' .îi .sntt t' -sn fise 'l> u a innfî lb v'lieY i-trti itt-tssrîltovun asii e-sretsr-u -ifruit tiff>' sittuges uusîssaustutiInn tît). un ut irlet,,hase grete itr'fo ir In afs-t sut 5555. rger ti'suns ritiiu- ii it- Itt f1tw'catit anidss th-tris-i n-ft ' ie'r'pisris-i. Oittia nd Sonutit h lsîia.t tufs ruile sîsdes- sps-clah s-lsrir. rashdutiii tiuflinfl iayr oîtt Ai-a- tntt r ui, iii sus urf> s-v the Irtîsri sli' s iisu-s', %tsi-e loeîs's. (Dlis-ii i -, nes- ci-s-I hs,' t iegs' ua>oe ity oser Il..W l'irsî ui tc s-sîtî nlsut Nolos îusîîîîitît luii glisage, Sasage isiaiais',stouiioutsll!& caunlery i inlregoaitttIssu fecusNs-v 7ealsudsi. Tise tuutuifatir utsrtil.toi tas, nat la- cîuing ursusga litsns, t isit s'stiiaaed a t W8, .00. Cosutratet hu c,' las-sn ignentlu>' the Dîsîcis grisrament for lit'e Onstrsstlou urtw, susi'toreueio lurasýutsfitht' Dots-l Danger rî tfine frsusi pisu, cita rutses suid uthuse susun, ui athIfs'Mayotl'resst Ns-suOrls'asi- us)u-sis' tliatlîsd, r rhîlsrf lng Ils, o55-tsr o..ttoi ii i.raisn î tishes-st-frtshîrt sifl' at aigus. Tise fi-s-tsuthli,- rîsous-ul issus'fuî' ts' presveut s rîtfissu rvies nInsu>' ypsus irIes linon ut tr thli nKs. fire ise rstuîi!ruîs ds-istbu îtiof sstifivu t0tise pour 1>' son- nicipsi ssuttsusit les. The 'sssly Atîses-aluionl In lathei't- eàs-lltaIs- a ual>il a tpusa Ss'aiso su Onelda, 21) -years olsi av isos on thet cres-s--Atlanta. HaRe-rqd tirougis tSi. vAn uthS-I pai n ntiesoBn lttanclsmmd te Nes York. f LUS8m PoU APL 7. Tise Rindrrrectlon of Jo. Luke 24- 1-12. sletory verses. 4-7. Golden Iît-N w le Christ riseil front thce i. Cor. 15:r 20. About il story of [lie resssrrettif ciugter fil) e .brightsbotisoes ot mant- slnd. PujI, tIlthe.logy lhas 10 a couarid' Pruble sr , rr i.moedi the aignifivantce of the resu tr'.ri, ninthe Ns-w 'restamnent, la rtiî-lil> lie elittlesutif1Paul.li t tis leeiischi.- i imeclas silli5flur topes u ptif r.1iinmortaiity. w bid-h lit- deesi it dopm , IIIis tdireetly. lBut l'aud frequently of rthtIe reurre-tiiiiîama the culmiina tti.f tth-ecs'ds-tsîtive 55orli if Christ and - -f1ýIs ares-sIatson uoft II n hit. -' if t t -( îout rimed. then in our faitis saisi st isersiy aUr faîth n humanitisusti t t)andîttire resarretc- tion of the bosi> 't il fsssth for tinte aind eteruity. It [issa Nt -s-ng sIItI asent, andI amonte . ibI he.-atts'ta rsm e' er>rthissg nîssîsi! r 't sud s-s-t. But Pau]l did ao. t ti I idit the ev îrefs, 'or thaetrsrnt lu .tralic andi s.nclu- usve. W. neeîl si ,rlietise existence of mino stili ifr î'sosstigtise sisut, u i s,thl . I - -1mlu of tise res, ir. is-rfrn iisros lia~ it theeare ansi su-tiff s Is ,, s, rs-lit vp trtson. ot thi- '"tî' k - tI îr ii ,r t f tts lln iverasîl bets'fr, , .r s îr Iltu assure un rîserstit ~r,,. sîsWI ,' iaus- ten, auy Christisai ri ,iser'Ii nuit baveIsereu for a it ilis- g'i', f nr rî for the 1,-ail astt'- sut rhir., e',, iii - e-r have been ait>'Mos . ..'... tsiisut b'rsc sorld- essiistserliigtti'rs-rt i, i- on tise j'hi losophica 1 t isut ýir le we cre'sttlthe SSuistr y.ts-s>taths reanrrsetlou ofLIs Hasîti>', atter lts.' -r ofut ,ss sosu Frislay aftern, hi.ss .Isri, tvaers r-n505 eut frons the' cross uniltrt,, r1, i> rcsa est] o tria Il'by tise 1s- -1., y -ce dlarlîsles." Josepsht tf Ar.tra, it ic ie ssilstsssi. If %Iasisst] ira.s sl. i nis1 a irarsisu ns-ar tise lais- 'r r 1rrîton,. Muchit nterI a sttahs's trtus t o, i'avry in rs-s's'It jea. rt a rus-k t,,ssi, asi ri,,'11111d of tise r,,s-s>ks11 i whseisl s fiso maai'ts, Ie Goilgotha; sndsl sthousssit iimsssibste t,, ts',tiisI"tiitsly III avtiia st tthle itsst sa.jisl-er inamirisissail IIvs-stsuI-i iliat t he ssr4 pslasce in itrts t ss s bdl ths- fti4« Church ,,f lin.- li>tl-plssler aîissailis"h' w ails sif Jsruisl-ns, svhb,-r,- 4 ri-.Lattis aurai slaieui suet t,, qssrr--l 55cr dsauta- rieu andsis-aI stiffs'rs'sss. t 's renars alie, amidi troustvîssIpinst (if vis- amnt a- Isie, tithattise ..s-s ndtcht i-s.trstchrisd tiassi a sresi s-,lttfsablitîîtomssbean-i gravi-a thatial-ry f... sstssssiste. ssf éd'îssttssrs' ssi!,II.-ftourni il Iiesisi'Even lth- tombe of sthe I I ss i mr-oss> sthsugl ofth it-prîspissis, sr r-tsîttiit 'f ciourse iiestias- iiisiti s-s satî,saIIasstig!t aî,i)o efor tîsss ts-isfsstise sîY ls sava ini Palestini e wher- usru ans-ieut Ilebrew tsl ssit ai I-N- t.,- 1 i ilis r, '- ase.l] i s, ' he lia rus or dsIssrs isi ,.î- lsr-isls't fiel, ron, su ier- sîîss-rniit, oi s îsiabiî-tisa so-ss' .-l Thiî issls, g'r :r t- - strast it,thsa vitatiola tf ER it. m hssi'Ii.- ,,imposîrtant-' atta-hesi tu ths- itsis- is- i. i,s-iIthe prentesi s-are i, tIdi iîs.1 t îîsststhse priestrs ands sttieisi-' ii 1 - kintu prsuasthou uis "I r-rWIl.'.-1ltstmoi ut Je-51. as s-ns , ir. i-t ns-1-sri, ini] lt, tsor tie tîiir,îrs u, ac lias tati'n sstsi îtsrist tsi-i ,îiîrs5 Tise bosdy îf Jetantis e in fIl- toi s., swathed ta grsue-rîsstl.,s siI i ir,,II I"rtda> at sputal sstsssi U-r-r,- dIi -5i an lsusty usssruinit tirt-s-is, ,iti*,r asscirslig to.Jets ss »Iilt Is'tssor-f i su riThe *tosur- houitloss ensiu nrsîs'.ti-- entrais(t- -sant issss-t,- lssîlsr mtsliîtI prîsiatl> rs'ssttirs'si i s- sstt-si s-ifs, t. -f sit-clil aud ikl tsss îau gsssrsl s, t at tire- rssI ort sfti,- .Y.-,rt'r dstfrs-Os.II tsf the 1..1 ls) ts1t, 'sOn. - A.ll ir,- -i r ali, lî> dtss iî ans t h t asit i tit sisati, lst!nîvrelsm ta .55, -or stats' ur s-st-i is>- W ,- -- i t i s'a t o tenint- s-rît,' the - t sliii h sitisi,, si5i a t tt' gîssri.sîîr sansdstsi>tlrs- ritti ,i aeaf9, The'55555! tittîitl iiilltisTC ttih partsal untrisrtia -tIsiîtird -yfr tttitl. knsîtînu i dist tths- tii 51r vsi, halit s--s hasýt il sn.-. Matsasrsvifs-v Idasudriiiark- est on tti-'- tiI-tss r i, î oetf tiri-e s u ,s, i i, sft 'rtd lit ,-isrli't sitiss, ssiI tit-reitltit soint--r the lits, its iems'ss t hels,'xpisl ril stti-illsit that î't- t etsigsî îîs ,- aereds at' iii, t ii> ssjii iiJsStvs's lia-te îîacs', witigiu inlcaRtrîna u f i teîîlo,r ofths, s'i k ' ito.i iiiing ,îî-ng jtis, i al i rrous lI,,ti 55 tIi i lti î,ipt île-tu Iit'5'tssfs1 tliiitit at iio- tr 55-' uI ssiitti' gac.i- t tistiiilsh rsoîs-lti ilos n aiti t iisrii- f ioi- s-vptis t sontt rallîs tt ier îts lIen fit,, lis-h .itiiit-ss, urî lugt! .-0 ti.1 îtthe , f'trs tsss'm a tI ts f r-trurf iiil i i ît.i- ý t a non.t ifî t ert,, si irrs.rFotrsi Ir. 1, sulsas-Sîr iti',il " ii-nlrst oh tsf isiati titis 5fi if tus'ire,-,rri-t ttuou .' t-l to t(,l tito i i fîîrirdalI I îs tisat ha", conlIts' titiitts'i ti-ti. ils- si-ll as t" tit trtsttiqt it"".,iit fîitîs insthe' re -ýIi tsî s,'t r-ltis mtn-de." Wtsitls whbfa ti-'ltif su'Ir suilet atsîlanssaze- mts-tf andss li iir t i tî ej"> m(. (isistssiy iiag- ste '.\nut rtfhi t-,iioald tIse> s-e-s egin tu s-îînrrrltîsldsîlitf.vsu-smenaiîît bt, isas etriisr wortsurtt'iII tstsuhishab®d ipaua t-clsuiseeti tfrit fis, s siuiîi. '-'rh-e stîtit 1', se-,s tiI tisei as 1,11, talet." '*""lissitstise poweer sîf the Il p itct f t t ire l-ti i otts ,f Jem Lt tua-s nt th ie sîîtgrssstii ut 'ttcttttioua, lent ms u ordiestil iomitisut t'iro unmi i a bardri)t iiî .'.t>his1s Is-r and tous et îa rirts(tC. uttois, as vs' -sm ifrts iii "i'c'i, sugosel.tndJîhu flet rs'îshî' tire spo t,it-i it l'eteý. eus itn. HIr- I s'5t5r tti' titisti, I t t s itOrnds'tci. Nit : luritus CXL il if tm sais il tutIthts lu tona grtl andîus gîithlitsêl i, ltit lîssit sul-s 4foraî- tlutilis 110110lus- Autosgrallha WilI Be lRares- .'uutssgiuithi Itii'r5i f fîttttiust nus-su vuhî bs-ts- arurs-rame lhtl OW i flttre thsîion o Greatt-ii f ItMIDy con'itlenst thu('tuil s-s vu-lIiigibili thOIbsiisisieus - oftlsitwit ruisar gtlmpilu l>'ps-usrtts-îtduen- ","u, s-amit i l i osrd lu gel Mus-i intCUMMtfrIMM tytewrttcit slaËtI- e-111H Pan-Antsrican Exposition la gt'eat buildings are dcs-rals-d lu bs»-- lte tinat great pubielc es-nofutisa moutons tints, anditlises-fs-ct te vas-I Tws-ntîetb Ci-ntir>. lits demi- beantiful. mut pus-poaa la 10 tItustrals- progrens "Th euete-plece ofthtie Expociit1 l Éluîig lte centur>' jusI clous-ut andi la>' au Etecîrle Tower 409fs-et bîgis Upoit astrong andi eudurhng found-athon ton aud about wviîch isuhllitoan s-ls-stlitcI Intemnational, commsuercihal andsiacial dspla>' urpasaîng an>' e-r yjet5- nIl>' ln tins-Ns-v Wurtl, lit ses-s-cl se- teinplsd. More tisan 40,000 lampa andi liecsthes Expusdltu outrls-als ail for- a sa-cllgt ist l a 30-Inuit plOi-ctOr. tes anierpngsaofrIs itasarts-r, Tise capable of casting raja tfo a dlctanca utf mont ImporItant frise-are tise arîtasts flty milsc, iiD baoas-s! lunlthellItittit talor destovutiona outhlie bittldings.lise ion oft tis tower, eles-trlc&l affecta, tise original sculptiure, Tisas- are mono lisai thirt> lts-see te bYdraullc and funtalu affecta, lise acres ut beantitul cousaTises-aare lu borticullu-al andi floral s-tsansdlise ail lise conrs-t large poos of u suter Imb ust cattinga. viics iunilseds ot tonntaine viii lbmuv Tihe eles-tricldîdspîs>' vîl b h ie muaI tl s pasrklng aimeas. Neyas betome çomple ses- e made, tise ns-arnsa lubaits vs- ok bs-emundas-tqen t ton te EmPOSUAloi grenadeofthtis greal co grand a orale, lants wvici lavs-s-barusdd Niagara Tise unîte> efforts ofthlitabulIdeu t an put lis tramendous power to corn- the Exposlititn bava proltas-asi ihrns sers-lai ae. Making tII ssocle. A nions, astale andi isillîstlensemble, S-eel RIs-stris- Tuver, an BEIastris- Fouit' ansilte Expostion prsst a muaI tala aud lte Court ut Fonlinc tumuihit its-anîînî pecta"Ie. OPportntis mfus- exrtaordinsr>' out- la clthae ebibltdivisions tisa Pan- don diaplays et el-"ct-ls-l oniera, Ams-rlcinaExposition yul l b ercr -t Absout issîf a million Incandescent ples-, Itla htie aime ut tins Expositioni lmpe andiune bundrs-d ceat's-iigbl care te csosutise pmogss ut tis 1e eeit soes!l is e tlunnalon. Cenîliri in ltae Western Wos-ld. Tisa Tishes-eoralive lhing outhtie btild- exibîls vîi ha galbees-d rom al lte ngi lais-s asivantuage outhlie tan>'princ-ipal States and countrlea ut tise handasume dealgu a lit oaffans is-lgWestern ttemlspbene andi the newilaI- bs-m ont vitb tranalucentes-tsaos-andippsssssionsuc futhtisaUnîte>Stats outiues! witb pointa ut ligist. Asisaut- gouerument. Specli affortIs ara bettug age lu ciao taken ofthlie numes-ous tow- madls-tan bs-ng lugelter erlaîblitsotfIe- es. tus-rata andIdomsstluprostucea aceptioilnous-lu>'ansiofuthtia iigito gls-usy s-fs-cl. esus-atlonsi valua. Sculpture la uses!lultae ados-nmaut Ths Expocition grende as-e lunltse if tise Court ut Fontains, lihe Tri- nos-lies-n part ot Buffalo. adJas-ent lu impisal Bridge, tise Esplanade. thse tisa lange and bautlf u Dels-aa Park. 'laza, lte EIs-strtc Tuuer, lte Bridge Tisay are about uns- mils- in leugt fs-ont if thse Titrer Ameasa, antraus-es te nos-litstou>ti, sud bait a mile vide, buildinga, asid litmany othe- wa>', Tiserarase 3W0 acres, ins-ludiig 1.33mes thave beiitg tipsarsi ut 125 original ut Improue! pas-k lausds and lais. A groupa of alatnany, by KarI Bitte- andi pîsact firat Impression la sure te 5e elthers- cuiptorcutfvus-lut repte. Os-ar oblaus-u by tise isilor, nu malte- b, 15W pIs-s- are usas!,Tise plastie os-na-subis-b way bu entera tise Exposiition nation ofthtisabulildings la s-ss->'lu- grunds. Tis ituation,&ftise grende tris-ste ansi itsuiful. Ailtise buildings and lte manne- luasuicis liey bave are coivseut usitit staff, vic Is lamouisi- bseu laid ouaI.rends-n possibs-le eat- ed ltslou*ansuofutbeautitul anti fan- talument outhUssendl. c1ltsabue Tisa dlpla>s ut original Tise gales open on Ma>' laI, ansi lie isulptus-e u is e meocl magnifics-nt s-v'u Exposlita suiîl coniues-air mout. uas-s for si-ouratlve pus-puas-cst au>'ex- Il la estltailtaI lise toItaI coat ut psosition. Neyes- batise at au>' expmls- lts- Exposit;on, exclusive ut axitits, tion lias an effort as'esIs-il la produtca uitlnetudtng lts- Midwvay', ili las lts-s-moni-ius coinss-ente, Ali ut tise about S10,000.000.