CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Apr 1901, p. 1

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COUJNTYINDEPNINETi Vol. IX. No. 27 LîbertY~ville. Lake County, Illinois. Frd y, April 12, 1901. $.0 aY a nA v n e ASSAULTS MARSiIAL FRESIIMAN EXTENSION NEAI COIPLETION WAUKEGAN. New Spring Shoes. A E TO MEASIJR[ Frank ilover Charred i W .th Ini A.ctrtet iIt Wiil be U'ccii for S50RMsewh e N qp \ lel MADE~~~~~ let til iif Loai Train Service <i'Ov oig ttecut ou 1itr ........'i occvla l'gl ut a (ance given by rie e remain severai Mileu 01 truck nitt r cP- srng stye i r jst infrni the w i . ofLbTyviote ho ba lauïteti lifore the rîrv Foi Dr. F. C Kulght toit fer Buffalo f'i t rv "Tit I test - ýutt i 0V tv- tei, M W ~(l~ ilarobtai Irt.imnti waOi assaaoted by Lako-Jaiiei;ili e othte st Pal Wednesday alternoon lu responifi to a Iievery, rauitrir itp n I wlich ettir.t ecre feareil wouid provo Mibt th il ilbe ready for budiea ilinem of à niere. He wili retturu Bun- A Style tor Everyone. fatai a loi im witlon et thid trne in about the Midde of May. The formai dayu ra teofS tsfcin scrioum. Openiug of the branOk. book place The price of talit by mol rotail dealers A G aa teo aifcin ------iloyer and 1reelîrnan hut au &lieor- Monday of tbis week uhlé Goberai bai been lowereil tramx 6 centa to 5 A Price so Easy to Pay that cation relative tu, ti4e former belng ad- Superintendent Underwood Ot the Dents à quart. Cream ba" gons dowy mltted tthie dloliiigrmorn t thiedont Mt. Paul rondi, wnth hie inspection firom25 cents t'O cents. The boighei Everybody May be VWelI and Stylishly Shod. Of uoliti-i the 011cter vas taking ticket@. train, vent over the lino tirm Chicago prices have prevalied ince Novenuber. -QueeD QuaUty' ahoos for women-per pair $ 3 00 t usoýnt the ordliiar' Fre.hirau Atarteil ta Moaunt the @teps ta Janemgviie. The delers stt thti~ the vhoiinie -'Our Specil miioeu for woameu per pair 2 0 of tal a llTil IewiIiig ti-,vîotiliuie tronm dinluA hail, it bas beau repotied trina tînue tu prias ia yetbeh marne au i ha beau aIl -Walk Over" eboem for muilotiar latemt adiitionî tii t1w iloc tu hvar d iil [ loyer h-ait thlm a biow lu the turne on eeomlngiy gond anghority that vinter dempite tbe loverlug af rotait line-$3.50 black leather- $4.00 tiiltptit-,ter lieü and, rot luavîlig a lirai footing. hos the througb trainse tu Mineapolis and pi<,ê. -Ont Famonz" mboe for mon at t pi ... .....$Z 00 a l hiî eu aekarishlmbrit triiig he S. ail voe 0 h trflleroiltO James Woodman anti Dewey Hamil- l-oue Cal)- mboo for boy@ and yoitý cern,~ , enit floor. the no short-Ulne. Tho INDPENDIENT ton 0f titis city, vho a fev menthe ý-Forro miloes for caissonsud chilrn l'iudernonlur. reigricil, ladies in Infoîmeti andi front m Ooiii source zg acudteHammond,,toid., plu " 'cooiP, srcume sud en bocame xcite, thi ta nt tu o aribune, Ilhaven moiune bave irld bumir eluuin»nan uo lcas the lincolnmiOno Maui bled f reely the Intention of the officiais. nezi week viii return to ghoir bomes ilths lnofrîrin nase aud enae A physïian vias Locai train service oiii 'ciii ho bore. The briaineu in aiready ln t < thaiOburriodiy mumrned ad stimulauti mintalued on he nov lino l,twoon ,1 ________________ admlulmloredl I bi failing ta restora Chicago andi JaneavIlle. inn 1h. oiter ofnrbt t a il-k yne him to eoslrrushovos reioved The buldinlg of Ihia rand bah conithot -ru MOUrST-ISE OV 51 I fîullowlug day ho lay lu a hoavy Is one of theontlexpoiVO and bout Asertes of robberlem bave been lu -. tupar. Tro, physiciansm dreued bis construttOtd plece of S I northeru progîmu lu Wankegsn iatly anti sol V AUKEGAN. ILLINOIS.' TELEPHONE NO. 109 CAo, n< I NIwCound, an ugly gauli ou hock of Isl Illinois andi southerfl Wlsonslui ftr the police have beau baffed lu aned SA B R C> boand, and whletber or out the skuii securing trace of the perpoîrators. GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. aiiteod.bail beon fractured coulil net thoni bo M. W. A. National Convention. Batnrtiay night Bidinigersa ciothing____ TAI LORS. iieteriunred Anather gash an Lis Over 100,000 Waodmen are oxpecteti store on Washinlgton Streert via on- î1,îîed si siltbes ion*lConvetionai St Psu ozi enem oud Ibmda sou th vree trt- A LIbertYViIIe - - - ~Illinois. lp, robere Hîî3or' laow laudeil, e- totten tihe Modern Wodiuon Na-oiadSniynih be oi ..A ~~i~ ~C n .. Fearlug fatal remuite, a warrant vas Jue. rsîuuid fur Bayer, chargîng hlm vitb One of the ieitiing fealurea of the Beivitiere utreot. P. L. Austin of 1 have- mîade a 1>urclîasei of tiuirtx ..iu (iozeii milk ......... ,ý assaiit 'citbo lurent ta kili. Costable convention viii bo te National En- Souh U tica'Sret ant At z Ronuers- Cais for spot cash when the maîiutfa tuîuuu \\a : 1îiu led and ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~linuiierry erced came sd Hoyer campent of WootimeOl Foreters. ta.Altiite os 5phauin need of noîey, and was wiiiing tiiu\iiug tho- caris lin(~ ii:i<Gnn foa ahearig. Magitra e ennrois of~ th oitad c ba ee antiorey ~n ea for lems thani it coiq to tîxake tiîeiîî. foi- rýaiv lioiLy. thiîk aiotî it I c îî in ap v>ead dazeti sd culil not be o de ni oommand of Gen. . N. - oO4e, ci ie&rir anoi o ta c Thest are the very hest Elgiti tri- (i tu- îîîîrk t. Seam - Now's the tinlie otii bu t (-i rnuîgiît tu nderlitand the euuîrrnty a monuber of the mOCIOSYs buard of by prying open rindois. o ff e r y o il so lie i î i îc m î t (îul c in a l i le t f lo i a te F u rt ier lie di i îlo t d recoto rs . h ey are ra p d ly be lrrg o r- C h arle s F i ag , ld e t so n ut M r. an d i le ssl n e c k , le a v y b r e a s t h o o p . r uîi uîîil lia it(il u' a l d w e ig hi r-a/e iarira Yrshmrî coditon aniet mi balmiouS reim U riM. B. L. lIagg f ibis city dieti ot fily eighteeîi pouîîult. If 5(111 viilok iii) nuit Chicago Ille' t'l voit alui tîi as cii nonf. lio expaineti lie"dldn't andi brigades,.itia the samobUi nillitiaà. Pnumonlie Monday flight ai bis bornecalou yo ilfn thy r-getii .1frh ae -,c, unn tu kîi bim.' as h liczpreuuod it. Tlaoy viii go luta osami officer miitary lu Ohio. Mr. Flagg bail beaun icit for caaou Whiîe tiîe-' fia they aeg tin foi.............. . 1 1 5, 00 1 have ait excellen~it lîrît f ýlii)e Attorrney tienae, of Waukegan, lu discipline. Ginerai =loc, -il. bas somedaysanti Suntiay hie condition ja. W iete a4 hygofi....... 18 -e f liebaîf of the people, maveil the lieur- been appointi 0 Majoir General lu Decame snob luit hiu fater lu tbis 1 haVe aiso made a splendid piur,-hase iii farm ma- from whici b s~'e~.t aîl îi~ Pî <'-i re ng b.- contiuuied untîl udit Saturday commuant, bi ceilcti a fn staLff Of 0iyvinUfO nilt o i sonsa lower tlîaî yoiî cain h'i the &aluli-, gondis f or 001r1au et 2 a'ciock ta await deveoop- oMoonrs ta autlat hlna. The oncamp- bedoidO altne*O. Theuditk man seemmi chinery. Farm, machinery is mostiy soid oin front four elsewliere. montal Frestolan's nase. Not holv- ment viiIho knowvuaiam NPR otot tO rili montiy aftercann bot lu te monthm to a years time. By, piacitig a large order and elsewhiere lug a oyror auyone toadviio hlm, Tho Forester o!utu Iake Camp, eveutu ie uni mp y ite endifri ut i napoiiîit 'i od 'r atta 1 Ho~~~~~~~~~~~~~iuyer readiy agreoil to tibi, s ho Waukegai, in the offly one il, Laits comun lu the eauiY moring. Fo aigso ahfri it i napsto osl od lia orUla$I isornthiflg yau should consider wouid tiiosb hoired upportunity ta Conut vo bave huard of, wobicb @Oue lime plrivions tu bis deul i. for the saine price that most dealers liavei- to iay for them. MN STHE B EST. caof ut bis frierud18and seccre Counote. propaui tu ho proent. Fiagg bmihu b ea secretary ofthla ellugfrcs nbe et u o -slai ahe He U wua boit ruiler $200401 bonds, anti jhe inatructians for ai-Lendlng Unitedi Commercial Travoeor. He eln o " nbe eta iyfrcsiai ahes y. f AI >talien ta the Couuîy l.l ut Waukegau. teama provitieu thai eao foul teoni vas popiar vith tis susaciatea andi tomers get the benefit. My iuotto is to give the' same ' Iluîyer in Ont more than ia boy' ln ap- yUll ho ailowet ivo boula, one for the vltb bios vide range af aoqua.itan« goods for less money or better goolds flot the same money, lez pearance andti iere lu nothdingl about ompiain andti our foIt tse bonal, anti anti geti disapoition ho vas one of Fre C ok rhlm tai iumlte a vicions touluermens. SUl poreelu MI" bcla< îhIuer ovn Mie boat knOv oomlaorelal traviers thau yoti cari get eisewhere. lie lve vitb bis tatber a&ti biothMi boting anti toli articles.lUSe OUi.M.Wighasa - - - Illinolis. oni a mmal farmu ou Buikiey Btond eut The Mt. Paul commrittee '%rpocte ta vlilov, vho vas Misn umvay, 01 u~~. L ibertyv lle iii Lrloertyvile anud bau nover botre i nes n t loeu Ihan su5ilif for te tbis City, istor u i m a . B G R ,~,ii g ru-i lu a Ju tce Court proc edlng- ente tal uOnt of th national Cao n-rt Sbomvay baie is luir, moiher L bertyv lle llinois 'aeyand Restaurant. At Ilion Of gaiug ta pionsi Freshmau'à tin. anti menuhors of the Waukogan famly. Dr. Chartes Galloway.1B kr * iniitiuin i-i mnhlrnpraved aond bis Ofic ve ovlI' Du Soe oetcuouec (of recavery gondi. Tho ooly Vitan the 0od Love Dit Yocog. A Ganod Showing. OfficeoveLoveiieDrgStOro T O oors Nsorth Of Post Office. fear 19 tliat tbe concuionrii rnay bave E dotanghtei of Mir. andl iae. M. Durlng 1900 the Cbicago anti Milwau-. niS oua rOX i TC- i AND t Te F. M. Liberty ville. ottecte lics rea.uan ah lit- is conscioa B. Coltry, tio ti ber booi ru Liberty- kee eloctîle rilroati abovet a net Lîufberoenviiui ii ane particniar ille Tuoaday momnoing. ot consuimp- eaining above operln epueao IIu1 air d louiches serrcîi ut ail Il-tiliu Tineu gafoIue rsuil,termlu in Ie nIineaoreerlmnh u,î9ivb ainreme ng ot. r 1' M lL b rt v l e - Illin lo is u h e r uit Olie hoiors Ail kiuida Of 1iaotry, tresh tllcriratlaon. gDecoaneil wacs boit nineteen trst tbras menthe uftheb preneni ybrG T I W A '&eDr. .L. breaul. ctilO , --* aiwaya u baud- liot Siiot for (211v Officiais. yot T A O T W A A mi,,d 1ih J.ic L.rTrgs& TAYLOR' Clkes tiirulbie ii milurt uotue iipi)n liero i. the way the Sherridan Hoa( It vas bot littie Mroue than a year o Cbout 2 nd petake "ntt. ny yalk -Hu"-c ip. c q', er \NrJeu- iu publichil lit Higbland puat vhen the tiret mymptoms of Con- Railvay runing frolu Waukegan mlirsitlua iàtu4andi s. te a p. rM. 1ia Piark "ýwet afier" twi, dry uiticiaus lu aumption vore evîdeut, sud trom ihai qoutbj, Connecte i5 soburban tovasz CniligsI ot-n 1t a emblanotaii an irt-dlais. bait weeki lssure %lrne unl the endi the family, aideil vltb a population of uvor 701,000 vltb I have a large sitoc k and vi li ir-'i-î- sous ) og qucl ii iATISeCTI on irodva oposte ar We have kuovo fer mu.uths that Our by tbe boat motical assistance batîleil Chicago. aîîd fit yolr horse. iuei. it Libertyville. Illinois. 1IAANED loauing City officiais roilol pretendiig for ibat Ilte lbey bel lo suieur. An toy wen* W LATIG rpPOutii g the Sazelsbnin g " u at axtuniotri p go Newo Mez-ic anti REAL ESTATE TRANSFERti Brownî anid white- drill pail-...i. îoîeig , . IK"l oation, voie sl tbe aime Lime among Oliltomula vwu planneil andi oxeorilti, Furlisaeti b; Ali )eer ilair çuads ..... LOr.L H. O. B .is si'.i. ira patrons. We receutîy quoestionetia but mre the latter stato was reachotia Lake County Titi. & Trust Ca. LOvELL. ~~~*sr.éra~~~aIAI nu vliu bail occissian ta vlsii tbe sutitien callapue warriet the parenta Abirwaci cf Tube. TuoGaalei-Se~I I&MACY, Physcan anci Surgeon. Ti~~I V hlhvn oa uasi opoet aol epoBti n Qaauee vey ; us BA IRS T O W s bis teatimony reatiy tu be produced ti a gwudb fn valt rcdMsu lup Lai J. G àukE nE Iec . ,a.IJZUCS OFPOBITZ r.zXÀN BOTEL BIflO. m AN uFAc-ruRER OF u-iînrt If roanteil. frrher aund with tbie patient lhoyLOIJ.GU m C- iEA ONitree- - - - Illinois. --Yeu sir, 1 vont Lu the -blinS pig' returueti ta Libertyviill, vboio for a H C amail i-o Mary A ciiiY ro u Have soine goo I sprilig wsork liar11110 oince îaut soimmler 54ée 44-ltnnw .... suon luusinos andtlime sellil atans wd. rierve 0<i un stock, or (ait iake t4 (ir- ( i shrt ccl uurnae. - - Marbie ad i eut tu theeLieur was opemn ioroe Agi Niciroia uasîina te D T Smley loti7 le i OSlio the drinking rocan mud 1b sgrov veaker and t wu&a roalizeti. RosIngis cut et patr frel svw  seicitu Dr. E. H. Smith, and iîukiid lu ta s00 mobOsto ir witb what idueSu of heurt noue mnay noticase.-rpetlrrletjînu Did y Ou mc auly une tiberO vuo knov, thag tbe Lieur youg Ille muât wot ........_......._. 31 D[NTIST. Grait yu kuen endi oven vhilo tie mpring was juil Jasm t2alurt & wr te J 8 Oridier part lu s1oreadL l Y0 office over Lake Caunty Bank -rat Y es sir, i ssW two ne rmSitting by a am wu __ _ _ _ _ _ _table with batties af beer end giamsen hoginulitg. lot aPu~ Liyovil d..........oon lloiurs: 8 to Lia. m. &adr1ituiô Pom. DAILY Monuments. on Lb. table andl tbey vers drinking." Tueutiay moruîug et i-enl C'clouât elle Ju P Behueidur & w! i-o BHeryÎlo xm o LietyilDl.iii yoU knoro theso men., apparentiy faitasîeep, ut meemet ua Nlver. lots 6 cý m 9 bk le Deectifl e tir ti. ir t. Park Land & trurrovomnrt Assu ur ,CEtIETERY Nveil thon if you kto, tbem rho lî nâetèseuîl5i-s rîo........... tait0 Pure Neats Font tiarness 011. 'cero tbeye Edytto lumoune1 i-y eacb of ber SiM sefford & wrio .1 B BurnetI a a. PAUL MacGUFFIN, WORK Weil air. they rocre Mlayor (obb yoong frIenils as wouli ho a sinter, lot ln Bluaffordaà aold te nic 1 dsiaAt're adcolnllra 0w F sud Atorney Kinox." To aU sile biait beome endeareti be- wd, .t........... ........... . lm 10., ha . I a s r ad s ALtofle ani bavesola atut Larro.imnyo tiAR PUBLIC the ae plut! mur w tectrnn o cause ot c baractistliir so pure anti Anthony Pîitnen tu Wm J Purnaîn etivé oz, iI'mERY Ali ve have 10 say lm. i-bat ift he wlnsarne. uico aude, nI ot Weu0t l ôof C h s K aisef eN 1rizOTx AY CoBi- i-lien came Rart if roate Ovroli LE oNTV BANK, - DlmrdLeel-cll ,i-as- pmrtionIga.iF<1 Description. people of Highlanti luark roant anothor A&thbefunenîl belli Wednomday idier- Ir vdl................ uL ery ie- --Ilnos . It i. -beryvlle Ilinos.tWo years of Ibis kiil ot administra- noon were gaîberel benitiel Mrendes Jas B Farutwet & rot & ai tMinois tyuroa tionOsdaC Lbeoe o e iL e Con yaure election. oAu u. Cbertvlllond.inoiS tion. menl ' omne, tbey ca eleci and relatives, the Yuuuig coupanions thour Fui-namioein lu n ,e %l__________________________________ Nausa B N JA IN 1 . M LLE , aedii. Jitigug ram tho lioe ci! oltc 0f er achoal timy 8 a nd hose vho se-i Pf26-44 t q 3I.... ............... m upand 5 sssnn muet be decitieuti wairm in Highlandte il gatberings bait cerne te knov Caille C2 Dikisoer te beo P Diuîkiri Ieston. ATONYAT LAW, WAUKBO'N, l'ark. ber. ant thoîr uîîeeni wu evlideuced sonle ikn s at sor mio hiie uof~ îî C cnuLIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOis. _______ the___ 21111hs besport upo be oge, wo, oo is ( , o t o W i l o t S e v e T h o i r i uc e r e o r r o - a l m o s t a n g n l s b . w e- 2 l é i v i . . 8CHAXCE BLocK. WILi. A"IEN5 lQ Lake Forest voterc re-oleuttet Mayai bears testiuony ofthi-e love and Franki R Orolit & rot te Jocepu Wlit ta eaul yotir attention ~ - ', $ui't TEiP 5ON C NO 24. as i 5se o 5t as - - Ceci-a T ue auay, but tley aise e- est eem they bore ber. S v ie p r i ,b e ý e 2 6 u 1 0 ii e k t l t i g e b v __________________au__ SER SV sa electod tro aldermen, wroso detemi ho To parentsanmu faiuily the bemitu of 'c i......... ...... ............... uite for $5.0), $7.50, $10.00 and bakl I iritdtpon. if he vas ta Con- an eatire community go out ln MatO un Chanoery te Liie E u113 e-eiÎ 1Mletnnste itVent se biWWi Kw w hiýis hi 3i2(5l X mv AX0 LEB A , Timlothy. Clover, Mletneantecys aorWhou lie iyrnpatby. Tbiatlto puite viih&rcoh sasacase ~ H ngarin. Rd Top recivetii-bereturs li. Garo re iiianti f muit ruwd rlloveliiÂi lie aeui8&aur ti............e uta i

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