CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Apr 1901, p. 5

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APle« asalit Frame of MInd. i oring tiroug5 tise peusng la ur2 yoîs are lu a PLEASANT FRAME. Whin ut matre jan are FRArIL!D 1 sittiPLE,%SANT hiinge tsi cat. Xour Pfrcisae ot goosi thiigg ru I ,otis l. a PLEA.SANT FRAME. lise preparlng and servluig !t1ir g00(1 -tisînga s rcisas1d ilu("r Ore ;"'qrtg &aI mnembr' iof tlc firilyIn.15 ' I> iASANT rRA ME. Who ouldus t ibe lu a PLLiASANT FRAIE ,o rssll! auj ctr,îlrslSr,tued, IlTRJGIGS & TA YLOR. l I .FÔWW]qD ol atÀ hes dofi.s ,4 t vff ot tlie 1 lia' e a ý stO <f À"~l 1 IvI 'vil at , ati' sIld rl- (Gvt a wsatvili tllat x pi ass ii îsetioll. M - C. R. SHERMAN, LOCAL WATCH INSPECTOR FOR The Chicaga, Mliwaukee & St. Paul Hailway. Libcryviie - . - Illinoi. e k WVall Paper, ^NCarpets. N ti u i sali WHlY?? ? 1 rîi"tiiî'x lîti q. 1,îîiruiîased a >t'.îK idJ ix r .501li 1atteriiiS 1(,;()] ,ljsi j iiîî't,-tfrîîî i t'efastiiry. ajjil lît ta- hs i iîst.iîîar'N . r<uîîitlî t ;îtla. tlien itiakt- 'Il <, SIiîn1 ii i,îk a;t grs'at vs.îîvlI'.v.thlî)iî ;iliiiîg Iliiut 41) 1per cent teO rigiflli 'i It us tliat 44 per <'eit Mxv tb tStUiiii tsrealiol i lic s1îiai iia r <h iiv ~a tevx çs;ttî'i'i- frî,îî th,. ii<<i-i afl tt ii'li xxi1 pe j<rmîit <f iis .oNvitIiwitIt tii.h îibIe xls hys iii large i 7< i p'urtr irolsli. W' ;invite s'<<lijari (j ) I ll.' i ett pIlier \witiî tiîe 7. ll 1 ) o'iii ýI Pr <thii'. xiii Show' NV-. (ItuI iprIlîst jixiosttr$, XW(-xiii lia-,tie .W. Iflbquttes, R'liardsoi ('ompaliy's eitire Uel~etslilii, of' arpet 'alîpes. we Bdy4~ Brg$sselSxxiii q ent 01wiiiiriie i il'RC 'Capestrv vti t'reîtaliî. oi firusselS mta ' v<al and1 seevt aiv patterii anId fol'i.dliixery at, îuîîî' oîtii>li 1n~rInS.liefore Mit i $th., L e Wv an scl yiiii arletis tllin in ici(li.a.go. .Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN 6jeteral fecad$ - Illinois. L ibe rty ville .1 I 4 PICKED UP I4ERE AND THERE. eprace leenT e A glance a thse specimen alo pirlnted beiow fil cOntlflce Liberty C. M. & -ST. P. TIME TABLE. vilevotera an interenthsg contemt wlili ln Effcct Sunday. lec. 23, 1900, at 1201 Ba.d-with a traight co lcenbe ticket lu thielbd, and caxupofied as if la, of men TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO- of andoubted lntegrity and abtiity, 55 FVIS1AY5 wu££ fAYS. the tempetance people are certain ta Depart F,-on New DePot. Arrivoe t New Devot. put up a gaad ight, and tisair chances NO. <11a.10) No Il ............. 32 ar. of01auceela are onhmfled bocauge of tise 141"..I2- . . ......... . 4< ""dimaenasion iatltng il uakn 01 the CSl,15 UNOI U oeuaa faction. The Citizafla' ticket 1'. 11, w.N- 1 .. ...... J. w.n-wili draw auMientiy tram the traight 14,4, qX P . N ' 11........ %P i.licenae, or Peope'@ ticket tisat ise TC) CHICAGO FROM CHIGAO. latter %Uand& a chance of defeai by thse ,,5EK D 1. WEEK 0AIX. no-licenae ticket. DealFr010 OId Depot. Arrive et Oid DePat 0f courae the old argument that Nis' o 25a' . N, Il.......... ........... ....s ai e@awît be higier if th alocuasare 47:30&Ua. » 139 .......... 616 e- .-loaed la belug uned by tise icenae 12 2o Ip . . 141 ...1.....people, patculrl as tisiue, Witi5 OUNIAIs. 1400 per year ta ha pald for elactrie Ugista, but even ao, it ln doubiful If \,,,Y REI'jHT. wâv rR£10HT rnany temperance tax payera wlll be Depart Fr0101Oid .)epot. Devart From OldI DePat. influenced by thfà argument, as tihe N . ,,a'tl ... ......i. J . 2. . No.lW'st Bousai ...........principle invoived ia certain sta appeai 10 tiseun with g"eter force. %.s.iy and igi will carry pasaengera betwbfl Roudout and Solon Ifuie. Appended ta tise petition Biled with ___Cierk Smiths, placing itihe No-License EtrnTrîemday. Service st Metiodili church at 10:311 Ticket 1. tisefileld are twelv a niea C. L.Shema bs sldfou Cwa. m. and 7.344 p. m. AU icvited. haadad by 1ev. M. E. Dix oald thongis IL. slssrrais as olil<,1T Cue-thse potition wan led tva daysa atter L- c,t Lii.1 model lîscyclem tiisaeasacto Max Kohner leavea for St. Louis thse racent caunna@$ao Jeaîonaly han Jobi,,cater s<i< abofin work isarse o Snday ta attend thse weddiicg of bis knoWladge a1 the tact beau guardad Wn.,s Iirmk t. fiimodLkhiua ster. that no one hostile ta ia$ .ucôefl hd week. lise roaada are a<aii in gocîl candi- evan Inquired af tise Village Clark If Jolie lriggs. ot Chicago, visited tion, haviiig beau pretty generally auch a petition exited until lit an toc with LibertyVIlle relatives tise tirbt <Of tise village tisey are laie ta Induce any candidate wisoea tihe week lni. nahue appeared tisereon toi wtidraw Mir. and tirs. Cramer are rnakIi>g Attorney Ben Miler lett Wednea8day ame and hance tise tamperalhce preparatioisst'o n've t" Iwin IItise nlgist for Iowa Cty, la., lu theinlu people have a ticket compoaed 0of rap- cea? fture. tereeta of Mrs. Peter Pye wh<>e reentative mon viso vould have daubt- Roer Pay n ilo ihoohmaddldtee ce, y. eleus refuned a canons nominatiofl, andi viýt(d ,itwtvilereltiesl" ir- xpct toreur.aturday. becaua fexiat liig conditiona and tie *., and,-si Librtyll eeiO ts xetat auplendid personnel af tise ticket, iae las ud Strirls.Tise Ladies ofthtis Preabytenlahi elac&iola nat emoug tisa imprab- lIco v>c 'r. L.viii give an ice churchi wili gîve an Ice cream Social lnu bliia crenisoia i pr ,fs(Atise Mthio- the chutrci parlor, Frlday April 19tas. aiii crean sciallu arlos le cream and cake 15 cents. At 8:80 dist rl1rci uIresday eveuiflg, Aprîl o'clock tisera vil b. au atograpb is 6001>T PÀNE I1t1. quIlt saisi ai autic o tiste hgist 1 -inai eyrup te&' advertised bl bddar. Everyane la invited ta comae. 0i15,l0 74-fd. Street toulBe Openesi Prom Cook the Ladies Aid society ai thse M. EAv oLkSte. c h , h b n b e n p s p u d oii a r . a n n a is E h u l g a , o f v a u is e ,A v t a L k S t e t evunArl2ith. la having a realdafloa bulît an a lot everiug Airilrecenti! puxcisaad isy ler juat sauts Tise Cavert praperty fronting ou A <Grand ShoiiIger piano, tise very af Barry (ileanon bhorne. Thon. Miwaukee Ave. and Lake strest, la ta bs'at 1roduced Iby tise iSalinge? )eo- Vcariait ladong tise work. Mirs, ha dividasi lute realdenca and buainesa ie, 'm to, bc ou eliihltiai st tC1h. Ehuluger andi daughtes willl remova altea asd Bra.lnerd Cautiexietdesi Ihierrusti . Imition lml a nvited. ta LînantyvIlle insmedlateiv upon com- Mrougis same from Cook Ave, ta la&ke Wi. Caler, visase lsetiausi iinega plettonS oflise honne.. treet. Thia vili give a croea aUget vas cioted in lest veek's issue,'i, we ievral car loasiCof lcachisnery for duracti!fram Cisiti4areeita oL.ake are glt orprrovrn àb-the manufactura of ctackers bave bean treet,. . S. ridlay, of Prairie Viev, Ilevesi oui of immahltate danger. receivesi by the Americean Macaroni the purchatser andi attrne! Mauuuf, W. E. Davis, Cornéllus Puice acd W.ah r aoe.aatîg aal io negotiated tisadma] and la agent Juisu Ballard are tu be jlsdges cf meut lu thse propoeed uew building. for tiapretlbniif raA.B eeetioih Tues.iay andr A. l. Lewis, W. Anyoce notsiavlug visited thse rom- Caok aloi frontifigan Cook Ave. and (,. Trlggs sand 4iN. vs Wo<sirltRe, pafli"5 plant cannot coîscelve ai tise excliangesi praperi! vîtis Mr@. (ibeon cierks. vans amaunit of mouey tii, are ex- visos land fronts an laite treet, tisuz A ltie? r ri Allsert Litclfielld telsa pecliicg. maklug lit posible ta extend Braînerd .' ringto . iand court as tisey desiresi. 1 - - . , ---T C h . t v -...1..*.55 f,fro t .fonth e At, ~éa flllpaer Has ai r ixv eil. - Plie atteriiis are the ,1hiest alîîd priiets the, lo~eist il, tg wîî. We are always lit-,<lîjniarter's for WVall P'aper. I)uîî t bioy tîtîtil y on sec ou1rs. New î,attei iîr ii Ladie-s' Wrappers at 7i1f-tîî $11 .400 Askk tto' see îîîliN. 306 I..adies' Slîop. 41<..25 andtiipni. dae. ouOuilrvîi's S o f or honse sl ee Ye a fî iis b tt onesthe ar îth made. the s-het f are flotioade xvvîî is guiaranteed. cols try. 'Iro fticLr. do ,,e v u st ist e M il a uskee A ve.< SAssas, fo'l~r tepon)lis Plans for tIse buildlig tau >e41ecOd propery Ogcanotbcadetierminasi, Pend, %iIiso listh r sudl trs. W, .C, by Proctan Brathers are ilum« bandat ingarrailgemIenta wlti lasse isoidara. 0sirr5 aler attessdirsg ÉaU Rt Msibool ofIsle bulidars for estînsatea. Tiey but If Dot immediai'elY Put on tise ir.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o 1 ua" euudtbrbr sclfor a brick builing. tiro tonlea inarket hil ha bclate? and viii affard la~iur r , ibis Uesk. andi containitig ive store rooenabelOw, 'ver! deairable business sites. 'slrsast Litertyvilie ('btlrrisea tva 4164 tact deep acd tliree 40 ce. Tis@ .-I.,ruted tir rrsrectioii '<t C his i uppet fon lat a o bli i i ed. Off for a Beglnulng lMay loi I iii com m ence W n e f l V l e in. an aprri,2<?itii uaner?. escli laving ibote]. 'lise lsnîrrrremeiit vill asiitise early delîvery af Chicago morning 4 de( I la es prej<ar.'rl 'pt,1RI -,'vices wbh wsera gre&ti! ta tise appearasce af the bual- paler@ Iu Libetyviile visici yUl ha severai ibourg eslier tisain nov.Ai irio i atitishe jaytulcess tisatinas section 0f aur sillage. viso viago ta have their paper del.veed I Easatsr iricig'. I0tiheChistiant civil- is urne for breakfast cMn eave tiseir izstloi Witis a no-IsecDce ticket in tiselileld Order lu poal office or as my reaidence..... SPRINO RIBBONS .... tai.,',\srrdîlaand sjr" .viis D-wofutmenu0 aa OuwyE. J. HBERns Hssntitsîr. fi wo tipDcaeeyqualîfiesi to 1f1ltise respective offceà tise J1iv,sy,iTsribn,?.ha@ disposed inere promisses -.'0liesavarm Ilhree cor- SGHOOL NOTES. o g12 thae atut , 11and pe iii Rilin se'i l tilk - of tise papi-r. Tley are again lu Waul- nene I ligisifor supnutusay 'ruedaY. UmaBater, of thse Yale Schoual, ai gosda, lhitie adea ansi preti t lpriglar ina, kegau WMtot tMr. NVOOdinana Inten- Tise temperance ticket under orsinary <Jisiago, viailse school luti FrisaY. mel vstiadnca runavsPlanwbite tin o leftr r "(0otconditions vonîsi be deftet&but ans rTse Lterarl Social! vii imeai green, resi andi lavender siripes saomelupanvst ties frr is fîtur ae w do he baPeoples Pariy s dîvîded 0agaual i'niday. Tise pragram ta ha rendoeesi vusraised figures andi corde. Wili make very kîi, taeif tins year, iftise temperance by section C. pretty oaae, hat trimminge and neck ribisons. - Ilk errv ëamtrlhe8thl 1e An lntereatiig foulure ofthtie Open- UnlallI jon pay 30 or 35(5 for sucis elegant ribbisn, li îs ia s a e ta s e s t i e k faction ra lles w tl its usual Yi@ o , tise Iug ex rcise s an T ue sda l vas tisebu e re & w j ou t e l k u f r a g n a d Ilrit lis fuuud sut iteu iun eference ta predîction by a teinperaneb man thai aupplyng f neya Items by tise pupîla usaaeavy uts oku o srataas th lsis'ert propety. tiseNsale of Lihartyville seul have naoa0110Orofaitise Brêt year higis achaol. yull surprise you by namlcg a ridsilslOulYl loyPrtie - wlii,.i liescaîssesi no littie specslatias. puai roamas durîng tise cei glscalyatUccorunShi@Lttlot: Jý S Grirliey, of Prairie Vsese, la tise vîli prove no ilje brast. ;lam Lte. prîrciaseland th isersdi-ration taisPut goLowitsg B Rita e'ee -Dl Cs l d,,wrsat $.rrIiliThse tgnew paintiug tisai v re- UtertyvlU'-. îMî. PoatoMiOe, APrul î îI- PSOI-D ,5E YAR l iiano her col m u a pea s t e h gb - turne si t a its ow er afttr hing stolen W isn ,aiLtc for ths'e i.tters -,a s a sv r- 1<.an~tlir olusU pperstis bb-foan 25 YeArshas been reprodusces in ued.- savc ouit'<aloerg' report andi everY Photo Etclilug andi vill ha giTan irée Brers, Brm Bruse. lin. C. J. tuS ipayerlis Lîlsertyvill tovnahip villa uht Sucday'8 Recor~d LHercd. Eier Mr. Frank Jongle.liai aryT E A R aisuls ciicase utsudkep i rerat demanil. order eaniy. Pelipt. Levla Pbiiiips. A. il. sbuldvlp une ntan kepilfolSith, s.Mars' Smith,. E. B. reterenccie.wliu yoss d".sre to knav Chicago papers of tiouday and Tues-Walr M. B"", .Putuister. ietvle11los liîw yuur ssouey 'h speut or for coin' day coniainesi a descriptioni ni an pansuon viti futurs' reports It vlil unknavu yassng mac tozmd ineAr A W. C. T. U. Notes. cors>? baud!. ralîroasi rck. Vise odiy vasbrolsesi, 'lis e at meeting ylhailr. coouty 'Ireasiier Foute ws ba s.aiudlcating his as fallen ft m paing Barry li mo tise 23d ni ibis monts. lqc cohles tubisu,îselu Vau ta I aldelontllin Markes ouisiViaiara v"""M"'e.A"l ladiea are nrgad coutl55 octbisoreouWo- tIs,,a eJoîn lu the gondicause. ýkýajfor t otasi seti tonsacis bcta nsi Ise lotlilng and thse fact Tise box eUt ta a Chicago isopital trouble doei ot ueem ta recoVer as htisipooketa in tise tronsa ere -vas dui relvesidandi a latter of .--isasi pile@sao i bas I couiC4gai Do Tu , E»y ta Feel Good. - wuan at lîrat preiicted ho yo 1 istineiaide.o led ta thse robi>eny acknoviedffle'nt andi aPpreclation for-tosnshaefli tact a graduai declîne lu is conditionas udr ieT.Roy Helck vho vardesi. Ailviso douates articles sent reat non Itusi a cure outil 1 trlad De Count.eatcmd aefad le issiscable sud relatives andsfialnds a iet eek tartesi west tu Beok empI- "ee vrmly Skafled. Wit'WicBaeave teUIt g besigM ts od n r in' bogi to erTise W. C. T.. U. met v ira IT. ii htine, 1 forgot 1 aven hasi atsthllg Lite pilla, visicisposaitively Ottré begu 0 farli selico reai 55 mntans se isecosiir!no 'Tuesiay, andi a gOadi! numtbar vere lîke Pia.-.C. Babae, soiner aatiolaic feadacie, DiUU bea ieari ramaui isesiacrptouprescrit. Two new membera vere en 'point, N. Y. Look ont for lm ltoaJudc, malaria, Faver ad 4981 Asîsithsi-ofut i.sîBe T'losotArt belng identicailti lstiae vaS ralles &"sitise Saur consumesi vith ' Il Lîven and, Stommbi 1iettireti free setil neit itundsay's Inter ose ppretkeisslac ly bisaLbert rouecatine business andi "alk' onu earaouskinDWt'. .BPuly eaabe ve pi relatives andi Wedieadal lix. Dan eing.LoTELL, iertyvlle; J. R. BRAOCK ,4veamion. Only 260.i 1.2 ;àL No greater expressions ai regardiBertiolk vent toc isicago ta inveatîgate. lim. Cffuns1EiX. Proea upt. Guxnee. WiLL Etuoo, Rockefeller. Liatville; (raylakbe~ A! coîîrili teder'Itjian van ahov by Be vau telleeih icvtts sd the profusLocalfmanans audandaxaentera1 tOFFe th"Lf BALLOT-TO be otedilt.the Village Electioli, of the Village of Libertyvl)10' ilulute beapesi upois Edytse Coîbje FI1ALB LO -o evtda rgaDi.aions.5 To ave livedso ata prearngeatllntesn tie nev brick to be beld Tiesday, Aîril 16, 1901. CHARIES Il. "IITH, Village Clerk. ment sucs geceral acknledgmeui ai addition ta tise Macaronsi famiory viia approvai, love andI ealeem la lildeesi au wn h bgun next monts. Tise plana attilument seilis muai camiont isose cIl for a brick building l2OîtS ood nurasd dear lu their sad bereave- ifirea atoies higis. Thiasla@lauer0p pîsla l 0q a a la t 0C111 nientsud 1la alastlng monument î tissa tisa preseut tastar3'andwUss v Oive thie p c l arl eet Young lite jmt stoïtLi (rcy) LICe the la. ( l ) I1 ![N 3' I((Dy ecuilanlbuilding fl stise couhity oilise o Fraisde ecded. ~Wakegan. Tise nevaduliloiiil! ha Fer kreident, for Preaident,FoPeidti ili p Alexa nide r J.. I&oGavick, 00- usesi fo t thse s u us!<*il e e h ajitor ta Arslhbliop Positan la Four brick ovena 17x22 oie called, for C M KWIH.A.W. ALO Chilcago, re.tomieS tWChicaga lest veek lu tisaholens an ath tise BritGan. gron a.eryvor TnustseondILais.For Truste«a, For iTrustea, year lie bai been living e quiet, e. Iî12@ an atry andi coveresi u tiedlie n à neaortorea o is a a a ieited ounaa"aida cf EDWARD L. DU BOIS. [] LESTER B. MORSE. [] THOMAS CORLEIT. hoaitli. Dnnlcg this trne hiseisealth %hae Presaint building. Woek on ihe lD~ bas% lowly buit steadly improvesi. impiToeovmenta yl ho puo"hul vth SLETRS --LR RDEIKGA '1 Bishap icGavick laft tise ciy aga i vity andwi vîiî a fav monthe an[ WILLIA DAVISON. JSLETE .WIEER Z RDEIKG A 8 immediately afla? cousecraiiig the iiidflsty 0aia InliUdq neyer ails ands inging masu in iehlmOU nilats an cuiai vihola j IlEFED. Fl MASON B. COLBY. Fl CHARLES Il. shrh Heeaiathsoroloperation luaOur village. Fr lak Vr lrk -1 _ean vien lie blaaed tise hoiy elleand Fet Clark, FrCak 'rCak chin ataivi'iha eaed b! Ut* TE EY WIMRT A» W Iu 1"3El0182..C I A jCAbO1Ic clegI et Obleego. vvos IL*'- CI CHAnzS ii. SMITH. u WARD D. tIUMMARD.[j W- Ç' - AIWO 'S m"MM mnu %"W-l yol, ai) fili(l no hetter 'rhey give, and 4 Office rý

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