CHÂPTER IV. -COntinaed.t - ase mas rer-y prordor !lierf- u'v S ad ahcleu-d iem. t rb ins i r rong "ae ird br-nmgbit tie i-, o!frihe rai~ 'White ruses wo km-l bond eîmr-mme-i n ýwrm rîns hine minlber favoori,, m'mclS marss ontimmallrgber way. as heu .r airioa eeli arrosmîe suirit patlio. noId srartlm'd - 'Uer. Rrarrrg ler- btami.ob- iilîr ler- -Csei;amiparmie. 'Good mrmig, flootrrr l to,, Use sid. Csee ial nu irieity ai.'vmrr [-isr aelnlaionr.aîd m'as h iiru- ri 1,el cape fromt limn iaelcomore 1rNar ben. si he laid lis baondmn lierrai. "Stop a Mmnur,lmrirr ttmrse t saut 1(6 aak you s qomueton. Icarnle nier-toi ire cottage a moment ago, and oluandi aeItirer ynur tather nor- munracît aIornie. il wantud 10 sec irai on business. t .casgirt aigirî et mou cnmoing aiaug tire road sere. andga uirrrieri ona tuover-ake on te ask yen sebere ire ." ,,eu is aI tbe bousseut neighboor An- toine, tIbeieve," answerealRose. coimIIY; "'at toast, he aaid bu sesa ging tien'. Bort ge-I me go. if yeu please. Gaspardi,' " aud ,ire .ilppcd ber- ar-m away fr-a brubaud, whrose lglshîca tlunch wasadi',agreealh ta be-lu1jt me go; 1 ana in s gre; barry. IL am going ta the chaleau." '*O, are oua?" bu said, cuidim; "thon 1I ,l aceosnpany yns as fur a neigriror- Âmtine'it, seiere I may mec; mour- fuir-1 er. One saaya ikes canmarnu On80l <ouely a rondi as this," Ho waiketi un hy ber- id, w-iriting saure gay air from lime lu tiare; but ire d iseDt spent aigain for a long wairi. Roase vas in dread lest bbcesoriject of disu -uausion vbiehh art arisen Iatmcr-mntheu tire slght butor-e airould bu runeeti. Brrr tea kept on. vbisîîing snd mediîatiagIly tura, withent recurring to il; andbou 4n& gas lhuy seunt On, tiratlire oi al inu a etrouble ber- vith iî ugaru. sire't Us1egs ta fuel aoievirt rlired. At lenglir, bowever, bu stoppud owblat- Clgadglanceti dean aî bra compas- 4oWss face, '1'bel say lire Ceunt d'Ar-toisiras ar-- clsed et the ciatean," buit'unarked. Rasne was sleul, hiongi abe naseoanme teJoinder vaexpecteal, "IL suppose Ilium. ahIi e gay doinga tisese nov," be vent on, seeing thal sire dld Met mes' leasPeak; "for the caunt de a gar mas, andi nt a ver-y goo onu, 'eliUM" he sideti, maliciously, lhanghJ Ibo 184w moiblng vratuvur or- th, ceun's "caete.~ People tell lt bu h in a «reat stseudthrbtt Tst Rose Wl, silunt, tbongb ber checks CraW botter. It vas noîiisg tlier wata éaaneetire gentleman nalghther;i iter las osire sotalmoit an uttux- str-ngur1 te bis? But sbc bati sues hlm, snd ceau e~1v a gond opinion oftbhlm, sud airei lamaubametiand indignant 51 Cas- Oag-Ws alscbleyona, i-natnred remar-ka.1 1'"eport says, bu," contiaseal Cas-l eUs-I., "tiraI ha la about te max-my bisi 'r rs<ilts cosin, Mademuoiselle Helen.i !be coiracî vas made 7eara ego. Wbat 49 a lestatbmnirof al tiraI. Cousin Rose?" steb. vas deter-nuned, by a direct que#- -- js.teumaie birs- peak teaui, «J tilsi Fou are s'en wicked ands-ex-y 4k' mWeablt." aie anavereti plinlY, "1n Umdbq tirer peope@s characters te SsI.sda gosap aho metidîcu alir 'le'éposaffaira, Fie un you, Gas- 1 aje am asaiameal ot yoa i andi aire o îu 'awa- ords--bsrd vords, hMademoi- ée- G. egraii canseti by ber sharp relpruot; r "oteamig frona sncb ps-eIbp lips, tnue-' e, Mqd taire thaas for eamnea l Inbe c vîM Do Fou know, Cousis Rune. I i.- sie boardl l aii tirtaI e ouisu Cver testawoeatirhe man aireenuaIlhkua; au r-- i Cakre Four-bard irsndling for go manY -eLma"ta,- and fuel qulre laftbred by Çýs grev s Litlelpaler; btntair naeilb- meI set lno,' snsaered bina. And stili &ý##geried on, gladira airsbe an au nar- t6e0t et ber waIr, fur alire bat almsun ««MM thlieasacunt lu the ebstesu. «Weil. cousin," said Gasparde, -f hope ffl bave ,,Ihugirt huIler outhne affer vIgA I1made te yen las; nigit.", -Ne, nireer m'shahl," sire suasearemi. rua- otelW. tirough irsll a aligirI tremuurr amesoettoue, Tbaat ila a reat pity; foi-sr 1a]reau, sd te have yen, at ail eco'uta, mm dent, en Ion need not lbu sbr. Andl uua, tire" la another question nîil. tose. 1 "D~someIen hsvun'l suen thir- raialI «nug cantut abwhua sae baie brou apeaking 7" Tre-r-e vas asaneer in ui-m on' lier evU glancu i , iei.,,g direciona mou- ned tire yorang giri-crot-ae "O, youu 00051teloii e?" bl,' sai"I suppose if 1 sbonridak or cioîor-question, 9 migirt Kgel m o aui. W.a i'ent rir, cettage lest nigirt, or nhrs nrrrning?" "tL wiii set tell yas." imue itr-o-m. t re-m tsing lu a-euxy habll toerndnindrg- .ahlion. And aire atta-siptemi m-pr-mg np tire paIr, bat ha- soizd noer bond and .prevcntud lber- ",Net gsufat, my drir- irai-t keep yen a Little longer. ilt.> r arm Ilwow bu wssa here, aitimgir -mii ihave tieenver-y carefni nt to telliilec -for- the tracks et a hrau's fetr'ilurIa gonîle. -r mauîs boolts are in thirn ot-imme, lire flatter ieonging to theirconnt, i am Ire- tf, sure. 1tavbaisltairu-5,iroBut ie wae't come ihrea agars. immd that' Noie, ow prutty cousit', iYnemt ir,' mu-r'nea - Gngarde, let mu go" airae -mt.l tus-r andi dingus.alieha-hldlier hast. "O, Ien voal givu mueoue, sel rou? - - Vi, tires, Imorst taIra- t.- 61 "Muet yen? Thure are tao wurda tu Cai bargain, my mss!"' ltvasal aigirî fox-m tiraIsurans out ut the. thicket iy tiewaysida-, a renohute eSic.tiret tttee-u tha-ne wau-I; sgrace- tel esm vitls iron force tiaI laid tie ras- caiat one troku, pr-usralu us tht uertir. 44ditGasparde, lysue antirhe fuet of his .Auggikutvas aîmot insane sith rage. IM had ses th*ê fox-m, huard tirut voici', ft fe vulgirl ef tist ar-rnlIihi&e eust And Cousl Louis aiea. tirer-r-qnmetty. sGaspard@ ruse agala lu iis fa-rt, abak- -r. i s cleaireaibaud aiîb nrîlîcreol o esacea, and aremingiy insrimed tri re- ta thre stîaek. "Corne, yen vant atome more. MyOu > faUles. i îhink," siI the gentlema. 'L e l ai .lethre case, I eaur finish amias ocli b monismeu, 1 -irak yoa ver-y1 h-lu ire sint. grmteulty as liead- 'ru r1itoO'ur-niaber. 'Asnli unr]sery glari thatIh iappeneti ta ie near-,' ie retour-ucr i orira tranlr sile. -'-r eatiar tht- inasolutta-eliss. Whylie o-an uver-bhol, Rose: Whirula "A m oor-hics orutmise, mnt- sieur." reimiiedRl tos,. "oho' ias ander-- luiken ta rmuury meit uca-miona'li or tlaie. t op m inou m- eil-dcer-r-od pmnioirmesl seul test-b hiru better unanuers for lire fu- ture." "I bîpe'sa; hut t aill iebu hua unu- score of! m no-. Youm u ost heep, as mur-basa possile, on1 t bis oay." "'hrti1aive aiuays dose, mosieuir. Bortlie lias npe r- netn au daring hutore." 'I hhiuk Im-arn hum mentiun me,.iRose. Wbu didliebuasy!" ankea tire yonug Rît-nefanonnte bhîrabeti sigbtiy, as aire r-en. ted . "ltlesii tiraIyen should at-ver come te tira'crottage'again." "Ai, yes. i1hreard it; I remembher nose, And ire inca ut my visl; by tlirôfot- prints? tic must bave huen walcing uie chusehy. Yul, airere cuid lire hava secsnime? I nnly competal lie jraorney fr-unrtI.yona ast night." Tht- gond marquis vas standing un tirs ber-race ata-pa as tbey amIt up. "Oluuod mor-ning, my ciid." hi' aid kindiy luelRsse. 'Out gseuary iy rh mour roses?7" she amiild "Yes, mon-sieur, and îirey are exy fine unes. St-t"' "Vues, lsoieed. And you hase brought a rare smmpînrofut îiem. Brt, after all. mes amin carr-m hacImore than mou br-nng. Yoin a slkbas dune you goul, t1at-e;" asiilhe smilrngiy struked bt-r daansa cirue.te lwshicir tire ext-rcne, andàa inItie excula-ment logeIber,bii ndeei bronght the seelea ut r-oses. Colriagî stili more duepiy, ur ha-ruine, witb ianghing uyes, r-as up the stepa, sud disappeare ithhiri lie entrance outhtir châau. The moorng corrut relaludte luisa uncle lire incident ahichhlied occarr-tidur-lng hua morninga trmble. The guod mar-quis liatened seîîb Inta-realelattentinanad slronghy uviacei synmpairy. "The rascat" lire sad, andignanîîy, as ire heard af Gasparde's ruda-neas. "I am glatd yeu gave hlm s suitehie cor-recthon. TiraIt eilow marry Rose!" rit Inlu buliesupposual liaI lirm'athe- viii rusent i insolence." "O, undoubtudhy-undonirîedy, Louis. He la s stem mman, Ibat Hugi Lamonte, asd ai teacir Gasparde bis businesset- tex- tus. He is s strange, atern man, al- len; anti reaur-veti, and slmost a her-mit au ose mîgir; gay. Ha seldum lt-ses hume; aurbn in bis uitIle garden, sud thua tire thrifty Patchof etal adjoining Il fr-ein murningtill nigirt, orceain thefox-ual lire Woodl ahir la lu serve fnr iis Win- ters& fuel, sud ettua a Ioad lu carry te tire bawnun max-but days, sertirth lire - duce from bis land, as maY nul bu requir- cd for iis usen use. e ban, 1, ne eenaluas; yulet eena inclined te court tire triuudahip ot sny, thougirtire fuew nuigirbors about bina, amung liere arta bougea, are kindiy disporautitoseard bina, anti a-exy ose outhliunalova-s litlhe tisse, H- is spart troru tbem-a distant cirase ter.," "And a pecuiniar one, frein yoar descrip- lion." "Preciseiy. He' lira-a a penant'« ie, sud acars a pasassin garir, Sud met ire Prtn assume-ai', ant ihe ducs, aI limee, the busring ut e very Ling. Th ire nranity et iris positiun ia behica hi'tire spiriut sud demuasur o! the man.e la uscummuni- catîve, distant, aimusî iranghly, toseard ail otirr; tu bis chilI, lbu is thet-eanIer- a-st. MuaI affectioniatu o! para-ta." "Yeu intera-al me, oncle. Bion, long have yen kausen Ihas masoe" "He rame miatirte neighhîuorlind susse twlade or thirteun yeara ago, and sellisti in the Place aber e budwcla a;pr-est-at, r-tmole fr-ena er-y otirer habitation. Hie aite, it la supposer], or irai bnen galber- ePd fr-omsaoatmeremanka mnad by i irsaor Rose, wasa dt. Rusa-ht-ra-fsel as tirea a uitie cresture ut, purbaps. ihra-uor tour yeêrs. A pessant i'euMay ire hi'birUa., but i cariant treal him tube one. I con- tus, ire perphexes me." "I do nut marrel et il. Wrat a mys- 1er-y the man saurs; bt I boseothtie greal- est r-uriosity 10 bn'hoid hum." "lirat monou ri orbtlt-sq do. aoner or Inter, tinugb it ail ire oitb dttiiruity, I tiai, tiraI ou ni il iltain Ç'irrnuica- tirso-mb b inu.Bitutohre comm-s oîr htose nof tire as ldernss. As.d. a-shie rho.,tire Youngtgiri ap- pr-arer1 nt tire. mm. "l'achiýe." sealitiS. i, Imrm'dgo irack sartblir, t't-ec ber aafuiy In.tire end ut liur osm. she umaim mt taira olent feliose agamn.", 'Yu are rigir;. mv derurbioy--mon ar-c right," raturseltire muar-quis. Louis couit net ibelli ob-n'r-vung hase uauch munra- ieaoaîn!mnhit Possible. inuketi Rosue triaîrorruirg.Ihu oht-n i'eirati firat sorti lierr, altutimgb. a-r-U thucu,' t sas a- if lie lui-ml uddt-nhy connu ilit onnm he-mpictrmr-t trmuhel sautlrtht- marment cotorlng andriuaI înfcrt .;grâce or the paintera ar-I. 'Hua nretty ashe mat îugbî the rountl ',andi abc is oui' arrees." And ut wsneo t-lirface abona- IbsI osa tIionscirrming. as ire hortly toundi, loir th,-irate grâce on! bt-r-mauner; ton i11101P Lumoare îrunsa-sud qrmick sud duil- eneerceptions, a rebar'ed lneofuthlb beautîfrnl, sud a minI crltivated le a de- egrect- -remely unseahlunune et ht-rfis. tiun, vyul acely ssrprislg in bier, For 1otWht-err-allber astiMademmoiselle Mon- etaubsn hmd tuirun paras ho hiprova- a net- uralIy fine initellert, tiraI exinandud tiaiim ait tire Pare besinaeu pos it; andi Louis was more deeple gratfirel Iranire cuit express, os recngnuzing lui men-tal sesrth, combiaied. as i a;s, sur surir pirysicai perfection. A brie! ailk it saas front the châtas ta tire collage. Su. ut leaqtit seemel ta lire cotait. He suulur] as rhry r-racireî th, dour. 'ItuarSonoaie arc ho-r- elcsai. "I tiuthlie disatance muaI bave becsa-tl matud uncoxrectly. i thina se-bave becs inardiy hait an bour- lu e.mîsg. la mear tuather ut borietone2" lie Oas ott tniro'. tois did amigo on. bat t noi mnin 'ntant hy tire door aid buta-I abouat brun. 'WINhaî a hleasont itîiu place tI is s sain]ire. '*Roa-. I sirorr like butakc a Sketch ut il, anfnomia.. i tb iiSitting jual ire'a- iu the asamuie usnlt- nioonra, Hu paus-m a moment kugt-r; t'nat 10 1inhnae tirefragrance uf th ir-mrgnm.oeîte in ils buix on the- sindus e dg-, ant lra- Iunaut Ibis pr-dl' companhon agaur, TUE THE oine Lif's secret Il SUT Commaenteons Everyday3Mater. 1)y an Ori-gnal tienl. l'lirelonger a viunînuluit-n iunmmr-- r-ellire airralier thic knt ofitruniO lire aci, of lier- betl. 'eoungu peoîple loug tnumnovîr tire fu- tiare, but lu a fe yeara tinoy luné' tuil desure I nh ryirug to nS t ur ptih iat. tr'iu iavse trticoal hurt tthue moquilo tirat Ingshuaaorano is ahosys nmre tiemrce a nd ilurrngrytha n t harelira t smag li-nur-or lui-ru. Mauy eantuaitr lca r geî i o lIn kinal- nî'aa lu lis ii o he raune sire has iurkel heisihf loin a hmggard aae getlng Up a ciauro-ch nlenlainaernl. Tirer-e Isn't mîmrh saîdlit mnasmuririage service, but alinoat crer-ythIng tire man Waaflstsl do for- lie bahamue ofts Irile- liris conscience r,'mlnda lomu iot ire îîronaised mot 10 mIn an ine o 'i g 'e iravemehcsro t lbsaila hal'it ath an nid man ebould klina oubi' nid somen. Vomi miglal as oeil sai tint. an olti man ahoult see-t oniy -ibhiererl. oser-ripe cautaloîmpes. or littie olti rilpes tirai ara- dr-edu. Tire woman u o-t n -s a slik pnllbooat la lire objet ut soule enci', but lire cor'liraI sîsys il' une nul day, ant i st& on unes phIose aI ulgut, ha feit nl' for tireseomansiro umauages lu keep ber spare rooma reuteal. Tire obier womeu spr'uk ot a girl of auventecu alrelng a mureo' ilîrbut wbr'n a mar-ricti man -onslden-s ber- as mothing but s pratmlhug ba~be, ant i blses ber- as sucb. owirrt ail l iI 'ralueti be- virose lue Ikîsserl a grnoii ourut isomani NN'ien s girl golusmarrnlnd ai lier- ao- min-okm buay bio-uiselu i-s setir ber- saoddnîu ult. asur reIltI tsire ha mie re onuer nmniof îtskir,hatIr., selti theu lroper- i mounmr;oft lnîuîiug onl o-r--sartir-le. Itu Ics anyone go sillilire gromui on Inn'biagivcadiu g rltines? loueshi.smbuuouier- on sister lir-k vut S numllboolhaama, anudIoé's any une ever toaIf tirs wsioIng soets ar-e pairs? lsnt 1h a fart tirat tirs brldegr-oom gels a great del o! nog- telt? ber ha" l.aa u-aouea espD. **ÂdSe, ,Malleur.Ton u . ebou eliu~ gondi to coame go fair wlrh Ae1 "Tt wa a pleasure." TUe amle.,turin. ed away. and was gone. Andi Rose, afler a moment', tbonght- fui glance nt bis rccedirrg figure, went is. and Prepared ber tatherr'a iinner againal iis rrturn. "; will*have no insolence, Ga@parde. mii tirat Yon o ill keep away from Rose in tire future. Shé detc4ts yon, andi rour lanuîage andi conduet or this mnorn- ing fuiiy justify lier in go doing. 1 warn YOo. Yrrul anowas' y ciraracter; heware of airusiag re by a reîr-titlon of thia." Iogh L.amrrnte, ut 8sonner. bad he standng at his door, and Ga-iparde, ru- tUruing t10 iri borne beyond tire forent trois the village. obIere ho had passed the day. oas obiiged lu paise on the Patb Iea-iig ag t tire cottage, ta rececva tire arern repriuraad of the foi-nier. Ila tr'ared lfugb; heoeorld uot escaprehy a drisY ot bis nustailhravado, the bitter sevcrity o0f ligira rarrds, and u intirese cîriurmtanceabig a lst resort oas a aul- liii silence, o ieih indicared thre spirit ini mhiîîche recela cd therar. -Do D fot corne ither agairi. Kpep waire Yorr beiong, among your felews. 1 shail ire tii-re t., iglît, nrtirhe rerdzvos, And t wiilihe near the last tifre, ta give ouu rmrrers. I i usnaclear my banda orthIis inrai1resq sous I an) gettiag ick ofet t -'Geîîlng ick- ofuti ahb?" muttered the teiiow ta himseif. "Good! t shall have a rare sweep or! t. whea t get of- foira under my rusagent. you s111 airdicate. monsieur, ln my tacor. Excel- let" "Go" said Hlugb Lauronte, coldly, et ieugth. as ire looked u once more-"go; it la suffiient-tire leason whieb 1 hear the conril bas tsrrgbt >ou this morniag; otheroise, you would reci. fomm na omtbiag more eror haln tire re pr-oot i bave given yuufî'r"And iro luracd sud wenl loto tire cottage, abat- tiug the doar behind hi. "Oh, t seul psy you flneiy-ont t. monsieur?" muattered Gasparde, ietween bis clencired tceth. and msiug a mrse. iug motion towarda rire direction. "And the cant, toa. 1 have s reckouing witb botb Of moul, s long mne. Never fear but t will psy il ascii, and then for my pret- ty Rtose, o!favbom »'u are sa i jelous!' ('ru bc coarinaed.) LONG-DISTANCE SIGN TALK. Suoke Pillam'.and Fer, Arr.-. Were Indian MothoOs of Comrnsicatlou. Taiking by smoke m'as one ofthtie means of communication upon tire Amnericanr plaina lu tire early day. of Iras-cl. This kInd of Iaik scion bocame Intelligible to the truveler, no lirat ire uuderstood tire ignificaîrce ofthtie spires of amoke wiîci ho sometimea sanserlsiug trom a distant ridge or bili, aud ansocrcd lu klud from a different direction. It oaa tire signai taik of tire Indianasearons miles of ltervcning country, snd was used lut raiiylng the searriors for an attack. or lu warnlng tirem of a retreat o-heu tijat seemed ueccssary. Thre Indieu b.d a way of serrdlng Up thre smoke lu rings sud puffs, knowlng that snob a columu woold at once b. uoticed sud understood lu bu a signai, and not thre samoke frrrm anme ordinar7 camp ire. Tire rings acre made loy covering the tire selti a lîlauket for s momrent. tiren auddcnly removingtire bmnket aud ai- lowing tire amoke lu ascend, wlren tire ire seas Instantiy covured Up again. Thre columu ot ascendiaag amoke rings &nîid bu uvery Indien ssitbmu a circle of perbaps bwenby or tiirty miles: "Look out, tireo a u unemy near"* A writer lu the Chicago Tribune ex- plains tIrat lirceso mk-cs but close tu- gether meaut danger. One smoke slm- piy saad, "Attention." Twe mont, "-'amp aIt tus place." To onuem'ir lins traveled upion tire plains tire usofulinesa ofthlis long dis- tance telephone becourc ataIonce ap- parent. Sometîmes aI niglît lire trav- cicr saw fiery lines crossiug tire sky, sirootlug up sud faiiing, pyriraps tnking a direction diagonsl to ture Ihue of cI- Si. tf hbu sn uold-timnerlire migirt lu- berpret tire signala;, and kriow liraI one fire-arro-noau arrose propared iry Ircat- Iug tire iead of tire shrft sith gun- poseder sud fine bar-ueaut tire saine as tire columîri of smoke puffa, nameiy, "An euemny la near." Two ire-arrows meantt"[Danger." Three arroses sald. "This danger la greuat." Sucerai ar- rowasRaid, 'IThe erremy rire tno nrany for us." Tua arrows s aot rip Imb tire air t oun-e merntit. "WVe gshah fttlýk" Ti'ree aI once said, "NIVe ttaek troas-* 'rima the uîtutorêd sas age eiluitpe- phrone as oeil t iiglt as by day. ATCHISON GLOBE LIGHTS. to empiramise tia dp - a m offensIve attitude of the SouthbArnarlea republie Ibis grrcernraemrî im sr-ealled Ita minister, Frank lB. Loomiil. 'erirormare- texts ar-e asigned ifrîr- iiactiomn.but lima Irue reason nndoubîeiliy la ibat Presl- dent McKinley sud i adylaea duaireni lu administex- an mileu r-bakc lutire en- evielans. 'The affair-. a W"abhingnon c-or. r-m'-potdnt Jmlcarer. o-ilaaurt tri nti irrg more tlira ' ioîr-i i t r 10-1 bort t lu ignollo mont rît trot it 'iioa tire ingratrutode ut the laia-(ri'l'l.Orly a tew eas ogo Ibis o'mutry no-arle lu. vveitseît rrisa-ar avir ir Il mlit rItaiu Ive . ittees-nroom, uirectIuri'uo-orl r-î"i-i-rruirrlr l Calto-aa 'll mkea vr- etuule- eon' lau bedrooms, ladies' parlur andi tht- irs t t oIîm.rrrýii:r.rsthon iýajil, lia ii i exhibit Ibrongir lie State Board ut balhraom, Tire fluor-s are burdaood, tace. disapute r o il. mn nrnnr -nmn asphaht hrnr.-rOî.u inn th,- tr.~o pail d fsttor- imnmm 'arît u or bqsind t,- fun o -- ouaii.u tîr.I l, m--lui 1r,[- tire rivimnmi t0..-i-jI..,. :Il,. il.- Wa pany ar i!initut r n lunir meutt e$IOaiu il 0 " I bri-- tlnl. io' for- Illichr h i uîn 1r rai , il alîirnnun mchioaio, t rLon ir hlmý- oin-m nuug ,erlo t It t1 i r'.e il- C SOME 0F THE STATE BUILDIN GS. Trade andthie Los Angeleas Chamber ut Tire porchaes, Ioilm-hi arc noble and coni- i-cm Hi uto Commerce. mandiug ln appeau-sur-c, have led ltraaa onansýi. .i u. Alabama proposes toe ppropriate $25,- ,columini. l'lire ront lashingieti and the Vesî-Innrtautlur o- nii r .mono 000 for- an exhîbîl. staîneçi green. tUniLe mont o! httiroller asaseura-utralfu ut NIvuaagrriug n 11 om mti imin Georgia iras appropriated aa auna sut- structures onu lie groutoîs, tire INUchga Dote Am,-r - a- I.-on f l ficlent le psy tire uxpenses a f neflaeu- Building iras plaino-hile wea, r-e- by retîmiaxrîIt..a-î iii~ ir rtr tit bin. mintifîr of the Wrhilte- City na hiicago. fr-eu ! ornhitn, là, lt tiiion m m ,,i Il, Ioan bas appointeti a commission sud Tirerdimesons uft uns buing arreour- rv-sm-rn-u- uu I. mrnnr an cxibit la being arrangcd. Tire Ag- 100xS2 fel, o!f sam-ar-rnrlt.,r ..rt, u r-cultur-al aud Horticullur-al Boar-dasell Tire llinois Building ila afine oxana- coantr). 'rire OI. Ib..'oil ni l,. rîtoue pripaeIn te ir pape of archirlecturai ar-I and a atlonait iiimnif, î l iruul uIII. par-tîripsie iaplay. pie uproprî- recaîl nf 'lmisr narr I'. 'rTi?, udaho iras appruprlateal $15000 for aleli' represenurîIve ofthmie grt'am ttsu lrai eît Ilîr îinsinlutt i , !.. arn elil, .of thu Mididle Wiest. Ienvers un ar-us Iha; iher--os o- a Il,-m n n n'm or u renusylvanha'a appropriation for r-up- 72xI20 teet ilnmri1latwseoahrie-n igir. diplonnjanm-r-,ltî.oîs .'11w lOiiI ,iinr-n rentation las $35000, There ha a lde ver-suds cnroopasslng gocernura-nu i iamr. ormttmmm i.gou i rrm- Minnesota bas appropriatei $20.000 tire house on nil alde's. Tire lbsefluer ovex- iru uoitlrr. I uItlar»ita' ilo ae io fox-au uxiibit. lm divtdcd mb Insu pariutma revutîtien- masatiff atîuakbrza s uranrgr.l o or- Iito Newe Jerseysappropriation for reçu- moinsanld a grandl bsllsesy, roinnaumtbrsl irl'u I 1tiroir, -1 i rural,- reacutathun la =.5000. seicir ascenoîs a sîsîrnase hulo mine sec-Venreutlana mnlt-uýtlminli ti rt lu-. nsurt North Dakta Ielîl expund Ils appre nuti@tor-y, whîmun counsatour sanasîler- aiisardt m 'ired i uuel priation ot $10.000 for an exhibit. rucepîlon tonna. Thue usala oftheayr h-t'mehihta Kenthucky iras appoinutid a commis- building are crua--dsertir suaIt. Tire PRS. J. A. LOGAN alion sud an exiibit la beiug arrangea]. 11te r-otf surn utîisun elerlor- hoglY XPLAINS INACCL'RACIES. Maryhandi ias appolulti a coRmaha decorateti. -our aunaituneml figures ___ @ton to prupare au exhuhit andthebb Bai- ucar tirecuir-Suce siymb)ohîz tIre Pri-u Mr%.John A. Logan. ra 'krtgrttIre timore Manufacturera Aseoclation Ilava cipal industries outhlie SIale agricul- aliegeil mntichmcruouil0 lac ii.-r mli hm oper-slhng. lure, Inuntarturne-, o omnuenca- rand tmi.he be ,a,,rut tira- 19Igrlio-muu- Delaw-are iras matie su apprnprilation Ing. euthm nrrîr ut-i mn ruatmtia.on for au eniru)titTire tisionalu Stanu hbluJls aof - uteNîruo o1s tharil iiaitnt Washuinogton, Montana, M I assi$ppi, lire hpanir r oir- siteofo!ar-nii le- kl>nnnr il, tino su-nullut-r. t lu surir.r-miro Louisiaira. Texasaanti olirer-Stahea oui iturc, 48x401 etedlun dimnsouio-, sud tao istuoAlo ndir' o-flit %u Nn,'Ian-n-a .lr- lnri iii mnt ururt o n '.0huutlu bu aullabli' represcuical. storues 1,gb ls sitio In l oue tif lien-I.rîLog nulisSnaî.rr. iatnrma- lire mosl desîraimie luire Court of Sîste3Mrtounomis minoia- itrht Soumt. hr siane Stete BuIldIngs, sud Foreign Builings, na-arrire tram ut On)se outIheirantisoma-al buildingslulun e lîrrur-uake out min,'sî suIe outhtir theAtourt o! Siate andi Foreign Builti Triomphal BridlgeantaI lit a nettlng of Ings at lthe ran-Amer-ican Exposition usaireanrIlfuhtri-i-asîl icrn Il la sur- r Ihat ererleti by lire SIale ut Ohin. Il rotndud iry ' bn a ri alnm,ovur stands on ltre broati plateau ucar- thre o m- lu si-argo ahîriîrrt'oiahony. "A LITTLE CILD NOVEMENT O4fAINST AIhSINu. r SMALL LEAD TiffM." A nluo-iangmre bsirai-t ber-n trriînr'd lh ittle 'Margerez; Edwards, the noircir Parie, irovinîtfoli ina moluIun'Tou ~ ter Of Rolanmd D. Edo-ar-da, tire -ngli.h sorlejygrrilnath u i a evangisI, la lime yuungiuat r-crIsaiPiiatr1cl eri tire couuntry. Ire assista iber- par-entsa in ri k11n ay orle.'" Moie. i'etit oea soclnz'lv. Obe O lwoa mira itnrngof t'aria. lirose isho do-ar-o urmn at isn,: mrin t- tîr-imi- raluoru ;,- to tire e. idem!t of Logaîn ar1ait-mn1riimu1n ts n-n a-m d 1 rion conungs. sud mn O! catir-, - ilil iia m tins. [int i is.ii ternir! affection.I rugucuim i orloi inca,' r au nueo lion-n seUl bu uimiged lu . a uselmti l ira- nuriml îromin selves wiilishaklng anda afler- 1he acre in tir.' tîati inrind the ahatea-n Englisir fasimion. and hn sncb an av en t ear- taht mni ' v(uisind nirvir nn ru é tor. "It isinrînihava- Oiaruaudt.ohame ut mai' bu ssked as hetîmer Itfosoult net reprnrîuuc'.î î ioralîYty iregroin1,e;tirae buo-cul ta prise a iaw or-riainhug btiri I-dîrearr.î ,c a h-n iL ogn nlo onu shnmuhh itiluige n Iris torm out botmure a-stirt o ira- Tio -u-iu-tuun o! - gr-eetlng ubosu lmnnés have nul bu-en thause airu avenu nu lue rîîrneoon on tirai: thuroîrgihlîmpur-itin- ly maans o! a thosu pana-la s a'ft i)nomemmandmmlunr-oeil solution o!phenir ar-id or ot bicbioride lu select Mues wom a-errurt sauntuaime ot mercur-y. eoir Ca-n. andnISu- n-îeeh An hudusîrlomia cair-nialor liras houa FILIPINOS LOSE 50,000. searchIrng omît soutre unîer-csnîng facts Etiozste uf War fepsa-ixmenl Inctuttes Tit la SÂY aAtNGULIT. conccr-uing tire uew o- nhr.le pointe Death. in Rettie sarI is' finee. ber- irîllai d-'ouIthat flenutasentlit eri emnry si-hi con- The Philipnpine oar husrt-rr-anlî-i la tir geir- mos-linge alla pleatitahu 36,525 tisys, ubrivir anta but oneliruary bluasa ut mes, unaisandisnuppliit- Lngs 10 ('onze ta Goti, Evaugreliat Ed- day a! bcung exarhli' 5,218 aceka. 'rie te the Fhlipioo. I1; a eaîmîiiomr,-i l'm tir. sear-ts saî-rificedl a lucrative- legi pr-at- mitdile dey o! the ca-turi' seilire Jeu. War tbeparînrmnrlaut fln t enu; nit Oio! lice IluDevonrshire te take Ut> e laccl -1, 1951. I-ifteen omt of lire iundreti tire nativet-a mnmrhave liraecou hgn Iug o! an evangelsig. H-e bau be-nau iagansnt Anuenhesu aithoiiiui linonriu-- tire Unitedi State for ne-arly ay u. yearaseihi ira-glu un XNtenewa ansd lira tilladinlubaille or- h i daae. sanie number ou Faiday. i-'orteen seil ho bis anual r-ciior-ntforc IS!rO iil - ircuFi nlaLndn e-gin on escir oft he aImer <aya of th5 en,. Oins. 1ires ini r-onnnrÛunafrthtrenuc Tlue grent increase lu tire numbuer or aeek, prinnro, soii thtirn-.golmnuî t no,run-mno Amuen*ýinun bouses lu Loudon, elber Thii.and Tirai, e.]armurya via n, ialy s'iiiiîîîr'n rt frutnu) hirnmg their osen Offices or taing rap- Sînncra are aîseas cagur for- tracta 20.1104) tri'10030 nit l. 0 lti mirf nhre WNar- lDepar-rmmr-rrîruin aditunt ii bu,- r-eamrerî.e la beouming nutlceable. Oua --o! landl.inis esîîuaoe moi' rea- inoutouai-ruttire r-nu imrrli' pas tirongir auy ieadlug A le out o!fsebole cluhirls preti' puorer fy proîner. r:or r'î m inul ou..noneui billtniirrg i tire City avtirut meetinggods mtthlie saine. linu îr-englhIf rth unir Iimîruur r fuir ihflictut rImel ot Amer-ican conaputi- Tire grealmanu ha ire woedues n0t lhnrotngirrmki a a-ms inrit tons, 'llime rou nti steel traies le-ad the ose iis chîlida s el. tuon s erniilig rg nrru gute.l'r rl os',; momr-iluri' iakers b hlre score London brislire pooreat 051er- serIe lran îuîîmnirnu.Innn tnifniii. are lulire tounti; bardwvare sud fancy O! so thlie large cilles o! tireo-or-Id. For-thlir eu nmy-sit-ru minthîi dinima gons muntirre muc inluerîdeuce; tiont Tirecar-o nani' nccasions on seiicir Nom. 30 Ila-rthtireintalninriî- Fitjih. andol îa-ciopa abounti, -bIle patentiIl la miser lu hola econter-once lhiiiite10punis capturil or aiirren(lere(l mOaa i3.41tlO medicirre manufuactur-era ar-c eziremnelylet l go. ofbuergansdrIn ansd tiha' uturrîor o!ine$ nîmmeroun. lu tact, Il seoulti bu dIffital For-anu ar-ai'o! 30,000 mon anal 10,- tur-aulio 4,9)33. ,%icc Nov. 3o> ast ilittOt( tu plît ouI sny lesding American Ili- tOÇO boxsos for tirrue mouthe, il la catl. oflicuri andi men Insee heen capturual oz dubtri' seici is net seuIl rupr-c.unied matedt iat 11,000 toua of fouI antd ror-- anrrender-rI sud 2,-d34 rIfles have hua-a lu Loudon. age ar-c ueceasar-y. deliver-ul 10 ur cupturuti hi'Amrericau troope. Th* Of lutereaft ta the, peu- at" "id f ala il lngelotmet. Muaerilorwvsltlun Whlcb ha$.de" ?b#,le o re ulIn .84x= 2feet. OOM11l~tfedîffereut State and liet. A têfltot lerrace walk extenda around torit« Is up to tire iigireat expectations. thre outade, belng seldeuredat the north- It aBures adetinate ropresentation of west corner te a cireular ferra, tht>! thre Integral parla of lire Union, sud ln provIdilig aut ample apioroach from tire conJunctlon sili goserument action a dock landing. Tire louer loor t la i- cOmPlete anld comiirchenslve display of tended for the use of tle generai pubr- the dlversfied resources of Umucie lic aud tire uppea- fluor for tire cowirrula Sam:s broad dorinalu. OfficiaI recogni- aloners. Stâte Officiais sud the ste tlon or the Exprosition bas been gîven guesta. Nalural gag lagîsed for ireatitig la ailtirhe Staîca. sud acetYleu gas for iiiuinaling pur- NewYorr pprpritio tg$,MOW.Poses. Tire artIatie uranner ut lighitng Aew York's aiprmarentbuilding0ha" constîtutea Part of tire interior decora- bee maguificendcra en bld ing wiastiens. As tire approacir traintire dock bee11u11Yereed i a exibthe Emieh will lauéiug la tire Most pictur-esque, tire 18 eln igrly red.e ie mieSaebuilding la emicllaieal at tire norrir' la bringprepîed.wcat corugr with a staîuary group. Tire Illinois bas appropriatcd $75,000) for bacekground seorked lu relief union tire a building aud ejibIt. Pliaster shows tire great seat ot tire Mîchîgan'g appropriation for a iruild. Stitie, sith lis bils, trees, unurise and Iug and exhibit la $40000. aireaves Of seieat sud arross la the Obio's approporiation ila$30000. Tire foreground ltgire ceoter figure standing Stale bois erecetd a irSudsome building ou tirs prow ot a boat to typity tire and Io »reparing an exhibit. State. The Ohio River la r-cpreagflied MisasOUr bas appropristeal $50.000 for by a Itermaid aud Lake Erile iy a a building and exiibit. Triton. Wisconsin appropriaied $25.000 for a&T'he Michigan Building occupleg & building and exiibil. vcry desîrable site lu the Court ut Siale Tire Ne-w England Slatcq have jolned aud Foreign Building@ et tire.Exposi. tagether for tie re cucon of a building Itou. The style of architecture la col- andl dsply ort tirir resources sud lu- oniai, witb large porchesa. Tirere la a dustries. Massachusetts appropriateil large hall wltb mantel, ladies sud gen- $15.000, Rhode Ilansd $30000, aud Cou- tleuren'. parlors, secretarys office, necUt. %Muine, Vermout and« New cheuck room, postoflice, lavalorles, etc, Hampshire are expendiug sumos out- on tire ground floor, sud a hall wiih ficent for anitabie exhibits. mane. emitpýr. 0e Wrt a llispptenEtimouevn. P~ anrafen i tre ime u!ni nliru s r no unî lm, ate srs-rniru rftlela lirst arx are la andl nPrJeraalim (lires Ot tiro'î on the ro-airrer-lion day, tire siità "dftter oi-bt days">; tire Mai'5 four proi- tbly illi in Galilée; snd tire eicr'unth le- Judes.agrîn,ser Berirrry. "'ingse Who bold that Jessro-m'%obitabis PrvhlY, 1u-' nias, mat-e iil ody rrîrIjut ru ailthie o, dinar-y cunrltiona rot ilindîsudancasC hetorè eu'il, gave l ini'e-aur' o!r iiralek frequently I rle-vethat lire bmd hiriW durlng mont if the forly days. aiîier'lfig omiy eernoir mly tu hiemisillies,;i4 e eeil-ing Ii.isrit-uai, iri nr leriai bridy 04 tire linté orfIle asuersirn. Tirise ona th otirer band sein bulle% e iertlisa iOdY 5f-. ter tirhearrî-i ,thorigir îaisformed V uele ire rcrîrbudy'tlit wias r-it,nab@J, men lonr anir jet tae hmaIa seor , h n i l e ', y b> i t m e aI c o n d i i o n , i re i g i @SAûrt a ."liitrial body," renderrad vsiîble or invisible uet1r r' oii oruthie Lord. dle g t a tte n ip t r t, e tit fiaer iis sa cc nslo n iluri sg th ireuoar oret t on y rayn, bhuilev iuS tit h-l ar, - inr-riiy l ina,'espirit- lra] iSlirrr'ndmiitiI,, iis o-rài-aouuil naial- tenlt attin. r- tl'hou tri ii nies airulieb 'The urrer i-r r-lit- ru-n- nues un the road tlu liai, a r i, 'ie, I ot cviii. tire tmliesi, rr-itirb ra ri-h Otrf ail, un- jtir-aprimilv ' r Iii l ohnnarrirlea as iris Clialu,mr I,. r h rti,r i en lta ir. a 10 ihirrsmau -Tog ir-r"io. ranoler tnecs ut cliri O Il-- on.r. or sirrulr w il nat-sa. l wrrsid 11, il-r irl,,Lordrivali ri allil- Y l e si ir' t h 1 run t liri.irry s a r ,- 1 Do rrir. c-i eailtig ii- ro,- r tivii-r ig mt arriritra- onles tu i,, l err ,)tri uli'O'a lai- Iin bit Irnrrs-It liri r-'In-.rrlarta1 iirtriiriit,- nu ti ltr- I l iei. aier tr'itr-rri'tirrdo le - .r.r rI etra-ai- tion" ,!f Irl.. rîrî trr' a- l e t ti our tri rn.If n,- rr i, I riûmI ira se-r- uir. Itr- Lo,-rdrr i-ril ;I, arib 'lis te ris!, anri blu-asthe- Iric ar ll r-e mt douryreîuerlai Tirvr-a th-i.,y liant in ele drais rrîrrîr he ii- vai ceiirIne on tli.tiglt boî r-lra li 1--ir laf. no ro- itenrsrtiroiliratels I iS4 i'ash-;jjlo. ieirair latr irno%),. roithre daiir iirais. 'lh-ath ar-e reji-ci ibis rir-.ry. tire airai, spurit ut lire gosrpela tirant J...arran ra rr' rut mn a reai rna-ira tliai- lie ut .a1 lunes, ari t hmrgh usunris-,r ginearisa- i-gs ua r-rîrrrnsrri 4 inrrrerhl- trmiy rfi tnrrdfarait i ul ed n Vi Sil.a . tely. Ona-orelle. - i.isrpies uaIrt.,al.. eleIe r'Irra aa trelO, Ido irrt k, ,iut r la utili-at frrortte he ousr-niiir-ni irurrati that lire rems ntiront-of thi- lai-la-r- An t'ieopas, rir irnaiy hls ie-aex- îrr-nîrleulon iehi' a tî-rîrîmu il) rinutiry binr o tir Alihi-iri. tllut- frerof Jalsrr'elle aplîrai-. rîaanrdnih imitas. Ilii' bu, brand lii, sO iîîgt l Jrntaur-.,-wfliheri ut one,'Irt tii' Ml*In v0pirliro rod loy the irols. l rti-t m-ru a ir a rîiy an i'ln logricin,', ail hi-r 'irriîrr nn arrisir- naution if thi' G- iiterr,' -imponr s Grer-lafrîter thlb- tarrir-ll.lîbal, saitblia s tlb,- aIt-rnIritrrr -r1t-rifýra AI rrnrmîg ibhe oonutaer a ' rI iry vti. r,'-a Iseo lMsryg-NMar 'îe aond %,ry - the enther orut1marn"..siIlis, e- j lir inutnîuna mairieM. aa ihi'arru,:ut Jea. Mary MairiaurPne Surid S r Clountas,' wbmeb ia! rias o t f l-pa ur danrîbler rotftilos. Coiirtrrrng Ibes, passages maryia rt.-r-ur. tl r-a .ir'iry Mary the mîrîherr,!f Jari-una a u rissait M'sary tir,- s rtem i.ji5or- AiihâeIi, sn uomin-r-a ,iri , rieeIltmnlerirriop lira Jekm 24 iS '.Il ir- ira'riami (. i Cieôpis.Aipliîra.- lîmatîrrrir! MuIry-> r taira-r or a iirmti,.- irleie iraI Jm5t-q Tiens n riouitrt-,lbivi-- lm"at rr-m-r rt ira. t-rrasmmi imoi -no- m-,m.,l rni mii ir," rilmîa If lima ri- tii i Irrti .' ilias inl Iabits ir T'ie i-arîtru t IrIria imn- rar jatnm Theiri iuamitir,i lm. i elrt- rît ..itmrmir.i e-m ait.r gm-dri-r- mm far- ztrrmii-vii.I,-ii re' urs.Twonmthi r ati-s omimîIl ham,-.'- mig-m-liarr- a i lbige muliemilil,-ie abomut cr110tmrirmigs 40-inIf"] a liat niiesme n'rtir mt ,'- - andr sria r-unr m-ai-n lienaimil 111-iintlm n-mn' lieu: dlistancemaimtior Irtlir' m 0V S'eat L,,srmmm bra-ýiraAmiOstri tire .X1mmaimm - Ir i l 4 iti 29. Early l'x-ntlng in thinse. ir-rg iTaomm i 1). I 51 1"bost l.trrmurm toi lie 1 lilim-i U4O mrita îmrlltlienîîlSt oamimm-ml iii viandl Ot ni me u-ri listhirom -i. -h m-1r»-torsrit f-ur dIlorVI-t Iiitim--m 11, [lis Il 'Inn- of illmru ineme Imitýtiiu- iimilmivlird ':i ielle, .imi-mt'.litr lim1- ml, ro ao i ro 8eii-md Iim im'rr- i e mt n ,--,r irt -if lii-,, i- on -o lrr o rf ili, iaOIm ] ii;mtt3 n d [moall l-im Inm -i ii i umand ,-rm- lirte le an s;mmiiet loi Ilor i, i In l otcr Tarurr itiioi S i I i ri:t nmi-o. iiim(. r md imu gorandri tolîiltirtimo- loi-t tl ar- w111 tom-clttlyiirolirnom iosl,,.- lu- s éntoor ot tire art rt ofi,, k lmrrrrntrg. It seema iprobabel îiim'<1ienirit SImiIr o- r-noe forum, Of titl iis I-ýittlon Irallmro ib iîe kuosa-ill IIie' 1lirg dn> rn-t i. l'iit lirîli tire dateé-Ifthelir e %'-r ii ls m(m-r lairriy mnI aPllOil10In r,' îmrimi-tnrofu books. SIX r-arsa nier lh im ailtire "*lire leýd" imonclofutSeinrg %i ira fitrair us taloli siad lmpoiloi-e thirolier-.anîri I ere for-oar-iltlie pbn tinig utrlbooksafrmrm blocks ltinaré sfrîliimvr lmnidinraft as-itir tire O hili-si' plml.rmi How Japanesu tigirrhorsa.rAre fBulbe Tiréeri ageroisra rnniand rd sinis or tie.ta Ir'o I'IOlt reuIrlrlily ligîri iréimîcea ni i-m'slt -outir-gro--rrreur The AFT Mor al l;a. th. tta .-J r.- -'y Us, ina du[y as rime at t eai y tu ure ar- d a-bet airs s