et.r'a ut . ~ut ,ttu 'race- a' -n-a 5f NEmWi The musas Statesman, Cured of Stoniaoh by Pe-ruala, iearts biais h lis by the len uppOgg -t'ttirietitou lfthse bag sae f(ire Tho wo- id biW5W« ru; on4 - ttttt on tbq in body aIe cansttauied -nt lauvi «S* t, bcbng iSa u Lord. d4o lyn. helev- ftae s1irit- antl Utani' s uvien hu )e" on the taf ah . tin- irtmitea in , tnicia tu ta pticlil 7d tottiWng Slul atter- :au-tîla ttC- tit i tnuilly rtit>ý tae th n c le it t na Iltua t it t tnt 'tl)t itho r-.,yk tuît nstt .u ttnt' ais. iniii' lit ait titicifin n., fatiy tifs biut utt nv, trin u'z Jaua-i tii. n. 1lit' bu, untiatt ir'y tt. -teO.. J it v ,il'ait n ý,y t.- tIf t' nf ('itsa narnng thear 't1itti Mure rta'iiry atîi1 li-ts i % iti -t'ccuf t,,l t -~ nertut ta '.t h l [ibnt tIn tt then a' t lt -t Id n tta t lntn t1 tttt in. t flîtti i. . lt n t rr it t %ase ( Ptt ,uttttn or gi thittî u 'ttAnn nu.i ýlwan' s ori tui i f *~ lb- MN. J. D. BOTKIN, CONORESSMANAT.LARGE FROM KANSAS. . fauIe.IIa. oin, i.. A t-. a.tIe tntK. D_ Oit. My Der Doctor: t~J gives me peaiîre to certif y to the excel lent curative quailue, eofjour ueeicnes-Peraa and nilaailu. ihave bSec.affllCted mure Or Iraq Mr a quarrer of a cent ut> vit h catarrk or the stouach aud constipation. A residemce ia Washngtou has licreased these troubles. A frat boulies of jour medca have gleca utaluost couple le relief. and Iau sure that à coninuat ion Or râet wlII t'fct a permanet cure. Prian is surei>' à aonderfni reuedy for ca*armt*ai affeedis. --J. D. motkin. Con gressuanat-Lorge. C USREIt<tAN OITKEN e.tiseut ti. l11". Nsntnu Tanner. Alienst,>(), itet, Inuit l 'IIaitttt n cui t te tta s ru t t connut fa nedu t i esîteet t l kînh 1. t t th.ottIr 5i.itueer lit-f.y- , kca i tutu dlr es. mal Y Sp~*. It, a unit.,t -I 'c.t tt' atrtent Uy 1 t-verrttSte tinutt th. peuple s .. J, ttît. . -lnnte rcnthad ti 's Ilrtftthe lur.ltt.eutli utA.- t -t. u -I Inît Ittno mIri t.taig Pt- lîet tut t î.tI e ei nta.'l ti Itt-o jci'te.o.u 34,. tr i i Iu.t-r. .f %I t utî Sin ur tit tle ltf lait Itter i,, [I,. t- tt t rttu nntn I e e . v 'A.rttti tt 1ut-i tttt-.n -e .* t le ellua ts rr'tinctttug t' ntoeh 'T ii a titty It tOpo tettl u iettIloir.nt1t1at--- --4O]i tea at8otr'1'e.eutr 1ttntc 1 thave whnitafferm fIr 14il lt- - Il3nt gret ttrttre n cui n.. nt. -g e ' 1c 1ntt. I ottet -l..nAune oftto ge 'a..,ht y ofet, , Ilnu 1.t in tu ît .nnni l I int n IIn tutI - tlY. cf die uwt th-t tt -e 1 1 i1utt t-nt tIIIt,, iirit.oe I'.t l.în it î Ing t 1bues tare tu tite s s tit. tttttt t tt.rfnIIIb. n-eu1. nn- f-înt-Il. nd t 1e ..aa Ciitu n t. itn rtn itttu Tl zi nn ý f I nl t i.-I - trîtînt att -Ie ut "ee. If, oi t citt e, n f .tr a ndttu. I ,e le' boriol ttgettnt. i-t un'tt Ilnt ia .l ,nnttit crint acuttio rt. .n'n.V ty cî e a nr-o tr ttrtltn ttit's t fn fleshen '1. Al i utIltt -ts n te ,tentntnoIr 'nt te t1.1in t (t ft h Worn ln a Ring. Atî Atnivlctn rceiuly retuctoed troui nbrouddiepe-citetîan iovel Iuvention li thelaeuty uofa ntttec kiy. WNhilc s-lit- bitg tut ti'tîîî tc' ti- lîîe lie w-n u ouprloed lu ute ite iîuel il lot'k the guless'o ss'tilî jnifoit l ku't. iwtilvhit s ohtddeîî lui bis srt-nulclint'.titn rtLec tits sur- prsed wh lt-i t lia lut itutlocki'd icec- retat c- ssiltti' it tît-ki'>. Titi'Armeri cul it s tittuti tnîtntii ktnsu. omethlitt abtout tt-b.cttheky i ss s ftitiIl unîneketi e'ctry dttir Iiilin,'heîîîîn-t'.ittîl îilng tbe weteellîntî',ti'eunases an thecliaiets. But Ills ktî't m'su st' ly oui' Ibat suttii to tubR. 'lulilî"ckey uti lou'ked ibis doltiîtthie ituuekiepec's key beco.hult tîcy cold flot uuiock ent-l t tîer8. The. itnster beywau thbe oui>' oue for nil. Au lie usre it lu a ring, be wuuld niusays bave It witht lila. Asita la lhe largeat continent, 16,000,000 sqaemile.. Dyeing I au simple i waibiug wben y" ave PUTNÂM TÀDELM V DYfL AFTER.a t00,1fIVEYEARS' SUFFERIUB More Evldenoe- "of lnterest to the Millions of Catarrft 5eferers in the United States. MRS. FRED FUNSTON. Wtfe of th.bte . HM Wh. C.1i- turet Agineldo. Mm .Freýd Funuton wni 'usa- Mary Bitnnkat, a uSun Fraui.luein chuuiteuî'h- -r. Wh'ien tli t runtirîl Kaua atufi, etl en route tut tht P'ilippinea the Kana seMi ,:i nirali(îîtt ît. itilàn 1([n-e. lcid tîcper' tnt ý,a"mndtIis-ntlit-inn t oruight. 'i y ln ai~Ofter unr Oct[ntclut' iied or mt,îîinî. Sbi ui-t tdtutie t tIrgtib- unît et tttca li-at tYaItaiflît ('trtnegii, h.magrt'eiltt fnlne Potlattnd, 'iN'tnon thaSve fîtlt ti tnt miht.s i Colo- can.1 InItiN. toilng ati t ahtl. . 't,- îpopîua tin IOttmnhtc it e-- tt i0 th ît -tn-itOft st'~ it-e 18.1l. Ntoah W-it' y. 121),c't'ieot'liîlîttthdcy ot N ew Blrunsswtck, N . T.,poor Carlin. A. etitbintetateof tllthte navtal stores t trui n tbje Southti n eiug îtinued. A I Ittettrmt sic Clos stii oh ) lic the uti-mi ter Ni-rratore. ,ays a Gtasgowv dis- 1.ttuil. tSeveci u ittanîinsieti. t.nt gt' fc.i'tt-tîtfte l.ckc Etie At- 1îiîit Bte 'iiOCinpi h)'.Tnttlrdo, Ohi, w-a dt'itrt.t in 't ie. ].o-i$0.000. Euaier NV. A. Wrghlt andîi }'ietu Jotseph J.tttuttîttirekilit n l a eerecin, Clutmtptci Gau. la iias Stltt.a stt'tk uniter. New Starkl. Ottîn. ucns kattcked dotsn and rola- leit of $7010. Aîuericnîurtt'rt tý oc giinn to liete îd inc tue phl ippîittnesn have Iîs-eu îîict'îl wesil a .îtntnîtnulilulu) 111.0( thin iv ae 3 cars, lu le ins'dl Chilttret imlutner 1'2 yerasfniege ftnud in N,-tc N t rins t4ilttlerl(it itrit elatter p. o. tu etlit lin t rce-teît. Neir S'tnt k l.î utltutre puceetla s lii tuxitig nt,.tt'tn1t'tltsiper cent un cap- itlaieteink. tOrPltUs aul oudivided profits. Sine 15.101 îttcîlrers bhuee een exe- ctted ls Ne,, ytirk uuty t lbhelure Stnlo prittitutiSiet Sitîg. Aubourntndiuune- nuorc. Aneitciatcni Fratecilties of Amnerlea le tht naine ttCfetu orguniztlon effectedlane Chicnoît h irt-six fraternul beneftj societtlt-. lu tht- Gerition-Amerieanucentral menu- tains as Intititas 136 taverna are ion for abodenlu und pupila. They b.d lait jeur 10.371 guesta. jeu. i Tolman Young bt lndyq Knowitoil, Liberty, ?bt. $10 asaU wrml2à ot s coma tut 1 eS.Ma& wu 9La Tome 4 10,4 amsc uMoeurrSLEP. Avoid INeroua Prontratiol. If e are dangeronusly uick what la the JIU duty of yaur phn *ctnHe uesthse nervoula ysinahodeadehi e i.andi yosu leep uZeil. Frieudsa e.k, 1Whal n., the cause?7 and the anawer ctmnt'inu ptylof tones, nervous protaon. It cea upoti you an quieUin the heginning, that you were Dot alru l nd wben airop deaerted 7011 nnit after nightn umtii your oye fU11! ly rt in luthse darkne.a. theon o týcd ana nerrous agony praying fur aetp lm sA. asrn n Ton ought to bave innown that when yon ceama dto hi r-k'nnar inl your courses, and yoai orw rttable with- out cauae, that mbrcu cnserions trouble aomewheit. 'ion ought tu know thintdigetion, exhauatiofl, wOmb i] îttceent., faintiug, dizziness, h-:,,Iche. aud hackache @end ltbe nert to eiid wth &J!right. andfud enCmnuIt I iteP. Mra Hartiey, of' 221 W i tîig'rca St., Chicago, Ili., whome )Enirtrat wr pub- lieh, suffered ai thte-a ngonies, and wasaentirely cured by ttn E. Pink- batus Vegetabie (lamr-tn un ber case sbauld U a wiiltt< tnntthrrs. aud ber cure Cary emuiitio o fnte uinds oif every aufeong weutiof tthe un- failingeficireceyof Lyl-a E t>nlkuaai' Vegetable COeuPOUid- Test'!>i'iîr Children itnL.'- Çifle If IitUre la' te t' t ttvcle ne-sic tt'ar tiutounr ci ttiniN c utîtie tuptiii tuosooti . - int-ire lu ti.1tao triaiii tuiig mtIlCîlIt I tt tit e mndîtbtrttuglit lu rifît n-thn ber ta pilj-d liitegmiuîtiy wi 11 I i.t le trut-. )et nu freeiy nustInt s drîtis titint. ltngii nud fli mnt.gis ittg ,,*titaeut-ltrespiration u, tng or anit lite, ee-n auadues Dain, :rk.nîulttrt lier istructioni lu télin n tnt <J tcîî é3be tony reluire a p-e i ý.Lttlis nfa fo lbhe that tir,ý- tn an. nd unsho our childtreta liais'lier i1--nin islies opentibtfore thei, at îint i,, e rad. illed fronCotaser lu ,t n t- th tn - îry living. grosvling tliiiag n n nndtiti totbiiug luatolitulgiltot tt lnnt idplace amotta te pliges. 14 t n Itt1t1ie Weil tt a lluniti'd w i ..1 t i t su il tov'elber, anaitw'lilinsa%,- un ttdt-ttes Iita NW'eus, r-ently eett't iaMo tofu [41. tus tcît.te grrutuol intoîl tyt oft>tntiei 1-1 ntrdNttîtat., wtiao lruuint t. i'tnnon 1ixa il eutlit-La s rffîdeul then'r'ail Innuli te. Nt r.W 'eNctas buIelttresuieut tît the St. l.nua.1,kt'y ('tub antd St. tjtttin'n "ii tusunctutlttî le in n rttnvoe f ntfilai rnie ant liitt-o."a Iti îet n-p c iîuti ta u t.tîr ttCtrtttteem le n .trtiti idl' atnit ttîr anugsd Iriglit Ttaik, tlitil i. wsîiti lie (ilaiis Ili. «In..t patiir- inc nail Lliretcha bëeitI litsttt. eho l'e a tnui- ettle lParkner, . t htto-nnho ois erurietl ln1818. HEAVV IMMIGRATION TRAFFOC. Falr Exceeda Tilst of ForerTnt- <1e. toAUtt lâ Accorningtii rt-ports utftrris ils fnto recetiiit>r i t hi rnian i nI îonitnTtei W~ete'rn l'aetn(rr Autuclot tft. nnntrt' iint miîgranîtus INiiimille ttt the 1United isttn' IbIs yti t'a itîiîîn ' [revitoe 'o cr. Sitice Jan, 1 îuîre rîtît wlce as uîaîny imigrats hîîe lato nt t IAtlantic potsi thon th int iaîlier in thLe firet thre ninoîths of tit >er. ilTe total nîtuber unît itig t the -pottittCNew York inn -tt rsu o 4(il.491, oui u-rir liait îiîît nunttltcr crnme iîrinthOe pItitithrt'etîntilns NîntOt tnt the inniti;;;ts tti enairemit titi Stiîtliterîn Enrc.ttt..It ni t)sutd Froncte tout î Iy lttts oit'tf ltintitiVtnttnttte inu tuIli,- ltattut <'iiu o o I Sti. nttii ctifnt tntttt Lei4itttn nnttI OthtIen tu itotl i t i itor tîngtetitt onu-t litr. ttr I 7.747. ttn it i1nn 1tlte Emlpire St le. fnr .î t t îuntut t-set l'tlut 7tt litigrintu Inýt yns tir :o-tî.I in Pt-ue-i ntite I . -ttn inat. g elt 752 ani Cîîntct tinut gotî 1.,297. Itttn nt s )t-Or gtt 22177,îtimmigrantst. monre thon nyotiStt, i th. cT ut vs un in-l urease o 51.59 or-r Ien imber uetttîag n the Stot,'in l i fo (.tTrulc hld 7'.5.15 innt risc. ottit:.t7 n inio. ,%Iitei,%'ta n izo 5.379,.tiiK i.ttet2.12.-1; tts& tl"t.ngtutet'tt. N,tl5 ttnlnnticL "f ... ttntcttt is. andt S.nttlnitt 2! titîr-e-of 1.777 nnit'1, 1 e) n-.MtîultîLbd 4747, in- t r nstîg Tttî 2 t5. l'texil, bîîd il, agniüuot 771 ii t ktaonteo lat lAti ittr iiti tirî'c ttiint'5 a. O tiitu s t, nt ti "te t tioîtnhtr ttt inuigranîO mtîtttiug%-ttetor(iiItint it-t rnrwns 44.712, etbite intiitîe Ircu ou ar the w..iltrt't ltt The Wife nid onbr-eL f Xiii-. Uburten Rer.. Clnrîssu. Ititn .AIilt1.iStu -No famlly ilIi ti .,-In'nity bil'nm ' known or i tu itîi înn t. ýaly resjwet-t.l. tbîu Mr. Chairteb Km-. thle local si litsttn teajier. sud In u tbetite. cuti ioinoec lu aissuFo t long imte lin- Keys bas tbeen It ..tlb l eieeoîti*, huirever. ube lnnto t. n i a cure'toci- - ulltueutt lunItini - t, 1ti'ev l'ti"i "I entonot n-, lt, k u1- t nlahl>'uttof t Kîtîne> li i r t' t inbltlhey'v ot e doue ft' nite,." i ni n1 - heys. '*.I->v lite %sa, n. t n1ie. Il a>'I.ak tnt tas 'n3 ed a",l,,'t.t-n ilI tacs ttttn loieil setit Nunnnt ,in' unl thetalendaiol tati' and ouftun i uit thttttk'10lu titîn', y let.3 Iilti. nl tînt itd11ý ni c d p a i . t t1t:1% )ished ]ILelit'- tiin g d(,ý it nnu iz. tiv seeistît illin t tit'lae 'utt-atin-.n.t,-it tustd e ioul Kueu tcn u t. . r,ý i gtlune! lu tii(nng the Elixir ofi N tutti "'.Vble n-îîî-nkine t u t, oi ouesatti the usuttîertutl i nti.i liave c--utn t tiiglint lcint mn tli;: lyunthttî-r.N- in is litanOUolti Iit t' % !.7iyeuco ant i t, lie-es %% 11h tn.In s i it n rtubleil mi,'t ot sla wtin mi i i'ins, an- sluiti ural uithlu oît ,f t n alvancî-t cge W'hen ss as 1 ,m Iud'r Kîittn-, P9115 balldoutîe tfiin tIe îomiueut'-i loue is belno tenu -Il .n .1 oai scys n ino tùey bave dti'unttcuýiloe guttài iinnî an>' otherninesînt' n. lias üce,', ircnt "Thie îretîittto i: lt-niîtt-e il fliat otn tî'n-w ho tu oluiti a ms itt' uere rttiy sen-et.cuti n d . ui l, ieit lted by t-i W'at ItIrs. tet o ' nlulier lctIer eau tt e letiel t)t.u i l ce tLtu i! t l hiec mun>' tieuit niiin o nelgiibuntntttol. .l.odd's Kldîte ' t i iave lreadyil n wonderfttl relîniti niimnlToddCoîull . Notlîlng litasttu ui;ttIBrigite Dis ouste, Dilutetes on lti. v ,ybut hiodti' Kidney Ihuis. St. Peler W'lnt'- un,.' nitnter llu te cordlug Aîtget'ttttnulttst Spiril litpsbitlttn They et-e trt log lu findoualteit' ni..litanie. Toitlet Mr. Gcetcttiu u . n didn't yoiî "Yes. Tht-rue u, n n a tig ugîilist hlm.'t "WelI. fine I n In Angel hbas got bold oCrunani ttt . .tprinlei1)* vt tlit' oppostilounttc rIs tti tuti fournti ont it sortsof Chorribleit' un tCaotobita."-NSein York W'eekit . If Cofs .PI....naToun. ruaie ourdiîgtestioe n, lakea Fou nervoas and salInl coîînnuoekeepa yoa awake nîglilesiti a, 7oaginst t-our aji' tem generatlt-. Iry ;tilntinn0, the neov foot drintk. Il luotade- nptre selecîrd gruin sud la healîhtui. uonrtnti suiid appe- tiutlug. lit bas noine oT the bud relea of coIfe, , et il om just us pleasaet to the tateand uhen lit ntintctjprepared cunt be told trous the huet coffea. Comteî about % as muet. tnt a healtul tahle d rInk for theiuiinreo and adulte. Aulu Four grocer far Geais . i15 and 25c. An Observion itiband. Wife (utter lîffi st'tcetat dog antI esl there; hoee pit'on't tunlîtlhry gel on te- licher. HuahautI-Tic ttthut together sud aee how tbeytll uct.- Cli et go Chronlele. Teit Ceas Gt Atte'. Footlipe FIlsut -Write to-dtiaAlteuAis S. OM$ttd, Le Rtoy. IL 'y., for a FREF semple of Alleu,@ Foot- Igue. a puesier nu chute lare Feur &cae.. flt curee it ra auneatu. diNh alicem. et. àAertila eu"refor Cuit..a iii Uns. $11 Euealta ai 'che to i it . ne. Vie, ua« t V*ucuela tglaila ~thaa aIl suqa, lecivci out auolot. A Reuambie nqufu7. 1' Upsgcleaing 1990W. "~Have you beard ftom 'Old Boomer- Much ofthIe Iterrer ot apring eieaning anr's' omet, ahlle et home?" aataed Mar. may lie avoided by good management. Turker. putting hin fret on the table. Settled wealhr- sould b. aeierted for 'i Wht you 10 Ifop caiiing manti the work, anti eerythîng nereaary pro Oid Booýmerang' " Raid MIrt. 'ocker. vided beforeband. Isory sap wili ho îWhct uîukes yoo cuai her ttint, toUnd breftoc woehing painte. loors anti w iloo t L, hrnrst ad very effec- 'Wn.I wau juot ,onderkng wineta tiv m it ni tiue cdean and treshl. abc wsau cortnibg boul, tinat'o t.-au- Et.iZAIl.1PtRKERi. swt-rttNlr. Tiut br. Nnt trnutget1 ,ii <) uirvntt Hi. M. tsr n..otn "irpl, Who aie... t. ak,' matnt h- a.r' nkil tt intease fu weeoler One Hutred t tietitu wriiet forthe jaw-" i tnt tntkîtntsthat? Mnvcao f Catarr t itat caLmai ub. teI, by NMr. Joune Ni,; nit 1kiîmntthe fttor nàlutilaCtrrti Ctre. k i F. J. CIIF,*NEY &CO. rop.. 1.o 0. hains h io t"Untt ' t ntt fortto t at tti enuansd bttete h e btntttrulLy Jtdgc. honorale luattIbualuxSatruceuntionusu"d titaxi rllty ahleWgo aiT> uut amut obligatiouni.le by tinelr tirt. Cnutatre i lie meut ni cnne tir WF.@,T&TROAx. Whortoie Dntggste't'otdo <t ee o.tsI toi or 1 fit itîne-ftthe.' liroot WAi menti. KINNAN &la Sfas xi.Wlnotmolo antiih'luns Wnî. 0. Lndniey, 'eouren. Hg Cat"erla Cure t5ýtaken itntm&UyatiwSttr If d'Feb'1,IK) dtreetty opon the bloond tiflttou rofu .1o lntyeu.Pre75c. per battia. Soit Lx) tii 1 lta' .%oIle Fi . t)tngllu asiuonat rea. W.0 -Tîttu luii a ttu tunt. ttcote A <ienutne ('herity. linitttdtiti dntiV,'inr. îny cmii. yao mI-tt bcineantrit trtzi. ittler Suit îrintg (lie t- 1'o'iu 1i lot a nnt j.tIt ti t erit dentttht-c ntuc. but tie S'cttytctr itCract1tter Kide goI lui- t, . Whau Du the Children tikt? Don*t give theni tea or coffre. Have you tried thei ne,,Cod drn k caited GîtAiN O? Ilt e tiioouad nounouh ing and tutelthe ttlace ut coffre. Thbe inore (drain-0 ou tgnte lte chîttiren the mcore health pu dnstrtibtt inougn îhenr 0 ymtriti. rein O temriode u tre'grutns. and uhen proiteriy treitacti tasteslinhe tine Chutice gruadestoft ole, bot Costa about 14! as mach. Att grocers uoeil lt. 15lc and 25c. Ilc t reoliy lmetintre t untin tivttrt Mary uuand t t (iig idiot, hi-ctdear, tht-re is--y..Te Kîing. Cosaghiaug Leada to ('onaiiption. Kenipu IBlseamnili stop tîhe rotgh at once. 1Go 10 anar lroggist to day and get u gampte hoîttifret. Ibid tu 25 aud ;tit cent hotitra. Go ut once; deaup are dan- 'arabie e('r R h-Sowrr. t-on ±er -And -uetell ti nong the tintrito' titndsbltinnt havt inu? >iit.trt lBt,3 ltînthitre uîtraitg o p ati nltled linitt t tt. %love, the hinteie ech dny. lu order to [t e iîaithy tite n teci--sry. Arts genîiy o tn.. r îthe i v dkîinets. Cure. tukbheudache.t'rive 2:,and t. An anttntnini atnt ttt raneu initin Itîtttinîtao te f nnt tnnnc tnmi'esgotng tiit rusti tntttýTh'in-onnuumnnhi1e'.- te n s, tner. tt igi it wts t-t tn tudt-rntl l u i- ttc-ed iny trattir If Vao 1- se. ypepttt Busd .. Ohuiî R. ttatt.a-. 1o4u9 , - .eb-ttt- fe ttc thuont. l -irut aie- d ît -di itrt .t- M'butit u-lo. uni. luth tit uatit- rr n (tct*îy ît tenir iîîtrî'i> mut i ta otti ans tntinl ýt lj t he int revtiintt u tttr. Yntîco u tan ti tnot ni nt-ttinn Il-gitin tor $*-5. ini-cî ue toc $51, ni ttit stOacu Me- WlnI-ve'st nirer te tlOe issttue Ottau tb1 nae. totico ltutiau hotur 1ha I i o t a tt il cp t tii gint Ilan-Inauni ) do tinothnutu i dndný Schoik.a LSpe~ umbagu.do5enro.ui ~uefl u t P tl ..dtrit ote .0t. p ib.u ~ the t mnt pare Es ti Baia Opina sud Cotanuaa thett'id. lhe Nerih Paitifiti Cuisit-tutu. k2g t there i.uttît aptii. lroua uefor e. thteuiis.tey e..ula ,e Tht beul cectuans of Elose satulc Wo hertîg r anon. aa i uP. (eIauN1 and Ssako rie, basins. bok esclptce O tra..cne t etreni, lu $tafut Wpy ut. A. L. CRAla 1t puy.aa.V R. R. &)teV. Co,,ataO%4 a f, Ç dti.u L.unestati fnvilla. ]-sr p ,ltîn it.etc.. trmen U. J. Bleno. dt -ks uanBliu., Chicago. ÂgE Gboshl 'S E .- Kouuon aWaaemS C I.Za mfanl L4 ceci ta ~ fsttcring 'ou 5 Vateahit lOtari hi nuerSa fltIl MAfiA? SPECIÀL TO FRES0~~~1 Li tn, psia at iiiinueesf.Ouitetoftnr THE D CISI RAZGILESS SHAVING SAL#E ho.seOARIE ..t bhum, Mt i.tx -outne1tpptutu lb' utat'. iCa. rl tle ÂiMKL4Ol.231 etltn.rsTra ODTP3 Il0 O OR à 5CASE 0FIEUMATISI eaa i 20-__ mt URE.,SMEso JOIN THE A se 0 A...u uLea rn badaý Bol B. MSa.Mks.sktaoG tM - , --futettit'.. e Any Dootor là villmu te Or*at Yeu hr rheumatism,. If jur reditila geod or Yeu par bis te#. But oemiy paa doutar viii aura jour rhaumatisn,. and hoabohrges nethlagfer advied. This phfysioean Ji Dr. Crosne, the diseeverer of Dr. rogea 'ta Nrvuraf jYeu viiiwittlaâe oraJOsVae 1 4#b St reet. Nev Yrk City, ha viii tel rau e.aetiy bey te ggt ud aIrbeunais, vfer goedand ail.Id wona9Ptoeit jeu amyt Diag tu gei bli adva. Why deuilt rua write tebDr raeme ft-day 1 W. L. DOUCLAS $3 & $3.60 tH:u.5 uADaEt j,.fl th f -Y * 03an.0 »da a-a U,.e.1t dilgacJilW. y.. Uegi.- Tauk~aa.butlttiivtt on harts1 W. -o h-ab wlth Iume sut Prie tAimiit n ott uiloedeaier huud tirdoa lo 5.r tbm uti i..Dt getth-esfo- ou)- i, 1,., C, ]c.ybo _d 5~ W. L DOUGLA, Bme Mu& ae Mei. HonlOt Nf- NaBornL ,ttier. , itnulne ii . OU .alfor cupl ,. SESabup.. 1 86 SKELET fm~ oD JAýV*rU o ~M. ,-em ai OsId TPum P Puit. hAlbe "LL C r. f F IV E=n lew Fruilt .D, I., Me-t. Tb$e1 T HE L T E T ï ' M t f-r.e VZ. Y]i5.i 5 lnoti. l OUR MUA IIý M'iâ EraPe. B. uupi HOse i LU l Every day you dlean the houseat live in, to get rld of the dust andiXrt Your body, the bouse your sou!lilves I, also becomes fileti up with a f m'ofc fflth, which should have been remoe f romn day to day. Your body needs dally dleaning iflsideu If your bowel, ou iver, your kldneys are fui! ai putrldlth and you don't clean themn out, you'ul bci bad odor with yourself andi everybody elme DON'T USE AffOSE tokan youi' body inside, but sweet, fragrant,mild but poitvean frcfu ASVAREM ta 'WORK WHILE YOU SLEER pfflm -ail the filth collected hi ou body for removal, andi drive ft off softly, ently, but none the less surely, leaving your blooti =eadnouriuhlng, your stoauch anti aeIs clean andi lively, and your liver and i kdneys bealthy and active. Get a 50-cet box today, a whole monant treatnient, and if not satified get your money back--lbut you'l sea how the. clanhigý of your body la MADE EASY BY LIVSR TONIO NEVER SOLD IN BU gtteti, itur relegateil nt, 11-ttit s ot titi' iriin un auconut n si-n utoftbli would It n, t 't n-r tolet ounr ciotdren give np Ilt u!-t ,el tacr engitî years of tbeir 1lis1tlitt Iltge oif naturce aoei e Ha , Iomte Couir MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. No 10 11001- OSE