CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Apr 1901, p. 8

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Manure Forks Manure Hooks+ Gardon Rakes Gardon Trowels Tiling Spades Land Rakes Spading Forks Shovels + Post Mauls Spades+ P o stS pa d es + Crow Bars4 + iwWe have a good line of these tools at a l price. We are selling tie Saso Wind Mill. This is the best miii made. + Corne in and see it. We are prepared + to do ail kiuids -of Tin aîid Slheet Ion W Work. Gutter Spoiting, Puînp) Work, etc., et(-. *GIVE US A CALLI + *SCIIANCK BROTHIERS, + Libertyville - - - Illinois.+ Do iYou Realize.. The advantaRe a telephone would be 2 You can taik with the followng subseribera, and new 'phone4 are being -put in dmily. t costs but a few cents a day. Bemides we can give al our subscriherm direct cQnnection with the Chicatgo Telephone Company. TOUi Stations. LisEBTYVILLE GRAYSLAKE DIAMOND LARE PRLAIRIE VIEW GILMER GURNE LONG GROVE ROCKEFELLER HALF DAY DRUCE LAKE Uibertyville Exchange. 33 MaGiBii ., i Attorney 071ce 26, Miler, eJ. H j». LieuJ. T. Reudence 16C:Proctor jHOuit J. l.deiice jn, Amerean Macaroni Co Factory Ilo, Ray, Geo. (DIamold iLake) Ho>ý 6, B1ottrfl5ld, E W.Re1dence *23, Stafford, R. W lte.idece ci, OkJ. F. 15,,TaUtler- Chai, (Dumofld Hitl M. B0k. i , 25. TriÎge~ Taylor r,eel & Met Maret 33, elIu, M n acu cv (îîou &Uo -î2. Trige,(Ue. lie, Uement4, Austin Bidgewater Farnu 3 Taylor, Dr. J Re,denee je, Dyumdt, Fi P. Reidence 19 TrlgggJ E 11 Ugar, H. B. liadware & Tin Shp 21: W&lroid, Wm ýVMeàt market 4, QBioway, Dr. C.R R sidere 25. Wells lirr \Vurdlawfl Far 8,Ggoway, Dr. C.6. o UBre 12!Westerfilld, . .1LH ledence îO <ki Sc k Uian&ReaIEtate oraysiako Exchange. 1% ech Eest Fu Reidnce6,Armur?& LCo. <Round L.ake l1- liru.,' 14 Km%, ieflrYReaiderce 2 :Sherman E. B.esdeu Is, Kd oeUnty B1 k. C F Wrgt, Cahier 3' h,- E iE Jesrelry t. lmkOmOUfltIdCPOfdenî, 1j M .liit -',siffe, r. D. MlItJde-u q'l*kCo. Pour FM' C A -APPley ' Siipt 4, Wdîur Lumùr èo Lomber & (-'.a = C otel, HR A Pot- Prop ,~ "ednc. Rockefeller Exchanlge- là B,.r l.Store Roie W21 Manair .acing. l NComUilO John ReIderce 31 R1<00e, Ro't Meat Markel n.MO*W.~ F (Gage, Laine> 82 Hardern, G.Hotel -or Inforrhatlon, rates, etc., write-.--à CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Lovel'a Drug Store, L.ibortyviIIO. Ilinois. the rlght price, 2,c a Roll up. We are agents for Richardsoxî's Carpets and aiways have a large assortment of samples on liand. We ean seli you aniy grade of carpet and Rave you nmoney, as we do not have to carry a stock of carpets and therefore have no ioss. We carry a compiete Ihue of Gjarden atnd Field Seculs and know we caii Save iiynl Iloley inuthat ine. Oct oui priceti before you ibny. * e ea erbuiet et WRIGHIT BROTHIERSWagons, Buggies Lamber, uiliders' and Vehicles of Ifaterials and &H1 kinds...........wre Dume, We soncît gour vat. 414 ami ttee fair treatueut. WRIGHIT RTE INDEPENDENT and Inter Ocean 1ya for $175. Mr. Blit*eifl'smsou isitod hlmlaut <a3'à% t l*e v.iek Lonale !tUm m unt ister uore lu Wili Inigo la doiug a rnahing huai- C1hicago MindiW. unas Ibis week. Mils. Dois Dixon retnrned ta 1the Arhur Beigboin lu euluyiug s Ivo Gd MoUday eVOnUIg. veesWvacation. lira. S. J. Young, ut Roseros, Fred stuckboas brother frein Racin viaiteti bore luat Mouday. visited hlm Sunday. Sehout meeting Saturday 1-evenin<. Wii Hodge loftifor bis hume luN 1ewv(0e dimector wsut ho eleoied. YlorkStSatelu mt Tneaday. frr. Dr. Touug sud 1frs..0. J. The veather lately bas been ufthle Oruiaby veoeln Chicago lait veek. Slnd final malien 7011wlis for a change Milas May Me Clore roluined i hom for the Ltter. Chicago Muuday eveniilg uhere she flerman Rublank waiu a Long (hune speut the pait ivo weokâ. caler lait veek. -I wonder ubsîbo C . M. Brown vas lu Russell on doue filet for?" business Siturday. Be wv a Cu hi- Jacob Peck bas gonie ho Byron, Wi., cago Monday wulîL eyerai carloada or ho take charge o! a section. Fred stock. Stuckel la akîug is place ut Rocke- The f utnral of tire. Dhzon vas hoid feller. Sunday moruiug. Sie vas 86 years Jue King la bock hum Wisconsin. uid, LaVing lUredl i is couuty mauy Sinca le bus beco gond le Las vortoti years3. as night uperalor st Medina sud as Frank Bouse, of Ocuntu, Wlis.. osileti station agent at Cuiegste. on relatives bore th1e fBat oh the usek. Wall pupers are fr001 30 10 40 pet Ho expecte go romain lu WaukegBii for cent béarbsîi labtyoar. The ieauty somtefimie. sud styleuantid ul rîces uof'qilll H. W. Maliory, of Dinde Lake, sas Kuligges8 assoriiientt ili interent sud bore ou business tLe trsI of file veek. pleas o 70. ILlelureportoti Qat hLe boassolti bis re- fico. Lndeomann ant ia frieuti bave soit uallie lakes ta Chicago parties. beco Lhunllng in Ibis vicliiy, villi very goti met. Tbey Ugged twu SAUGATUCK. ton ptlOulgeese, besldes iieous nuisîler hurds. Mc@. Hutliluacu is cuuvaiosciug. Tlîuîs, ieither absent nor îardy diii- w îîî Foudry hbas loft nehool to vork ing tie violererrm it ofachutulare. lui J. F. Sherman-, Frsnk Vlckiry, Eniuia Meyer, hester Dru Mars11 visitet ilbs brothor.Evor- Bli]usti, Cura Thohmas, Auna l3ader, etflI l iaio!f1the wrek. Edwsin Coik, Juîstin Bilnsti, John N. Jacobaou, of rayatake. vîsileti Holcumb, Fred l3uemecblg. vîhi bs daughtelo uer diuuday. A Cbristiin Entieuvor suria viiliebc The Suhool Bouad meeting w111 ho givon eaIhe lesautthume- uitMi. nhid bolSatnrday oyouing, Aprili20. Min. J. H. ('roikli t îigbt. Admis- lilas Eleacor %Vitbam sud John aloun Atitl, 11J cetmi; chiluiiie, 9 o lge ae iitdte cents. Ah iuteuested arr uiguti 1 aI- Ftrisllcosi brLe , iudsy. he at tend. Per order commute. terscui or udy If 700 vant a plus, go 10eI boa. Me- Ligtbe hoe ili Mn. sanwo tm. Hn Bride. Be laounbaud eaily anti laIe 'is eho mela th digM.onov-@ Hnr anti la alwsys roiidy 10 qiute priesT ayoi OSnigscoln sud i-I ibit gooia. Ho cafrlea a fu J. F. Sherman aud vIfs ilviii s liue out lon gouda, tinware, psings sud North Chicago bunday lu 1the Intresi gluass anti general vsriety of hardware. oh11the Waukegantilub-dtriet Epvoîib Iun111e gioor linoeIRobet Rouse Leugue, of vbicb lira. Sherman la kuova the fraIe ofthle people ohf reKndent. Itocketeller ant i vliniîy ant i bs gootis liave been selecteil vîti the greatest tDIAMDN 1D LAKE. care. Anyouuopuicbiasiuig tbuui eau E. C. Sabin vau lu tovu faut veek. rest assuredt IaL lboy are tUe bonItire marktl ftoîds. frraM. Audrewsa isoun1the sick tint. C]arpentera are uI vok cunveting lira. C. Whitney enieitaluod ivo ais- lhe vilage common ilb a eauliful joie iiunday. park. Il bas heen bliedt Ial Ihose 0. M. Ray il buiding su adtilon f0 doiug the voit baye sîssys clalmeti H. mous bouse. that -,griade folova theo ile' sud bave Gardeulig sud Louse cloanlng are tlioen ouintinîvce, as the lag polo bas îeodro 1edy cbeen repslred.te drofheay 1 Ve voult i lIe t now ubo Iise Mis. Eluaman otertailue er Loitî -iCleuicncy,- uho lbas bren dingracina fromIn owa lait veek. Ibis coînîin ui bis -open icileis," lira. Aiusciey la cunvaloeclug, effet tmsy bei iVe are couvincedti Iat auy a moult, oh severe lilursa. u ne Who yull, tirougi tLe mediumu of thbe proes, luri nuh ist îgiacetul epj- Mis. J. Ayuley anti daughtei ver, flthosuaI 'woolti be poaceshie nelgh- Chicago vstors Tuoatlay. bots" la lie one vbo mont tieserves lue il. ost returueti hume Stuîday trou bc -*eloctrocuted. a Itusinessi tp10Miineata. Onti euterprisitg tounniansR, J. B. ýCroukhile, lalesi luipruornment lu s 0. 0,Fouito n sd vite are 1the happy neu local anti long distance lelephour parents oh a baby girl, Loin March 30. instrument, ubh vaswuPut lu bis test. A number oh hunIers frumu Chîcagi 6dence ]ont veek and lie la nov able to tayeet thîe Bartett Bouse lait voek, couimuniate uiîLe ontaido vorîti lu ativantage. If yoiurî notianythlng Nis. L. B. Kano Las returneil born, lu flie lour or ferd lite, givo hlm a afIe spoudilng tineluter lu Liberty. ral, as lie has a consiant anpply ublleil 11e. hlalewiling tlu cratige for tl illllylMr.Vinceut hsvlng api-ineti hi, lucre. 'sale vas unahie lu preach linnday, IVAN H)E.iM. Hall occuplsd 1the pulpîl. Mie Var Dckrope.tln udy' A number foui bois attededi MiaMrMoce pu mtSniyparty at Wm. Leikois lu LlLtei at Ssîurday ulgul. Ail report a verý 011e Sminth suent les uL ltay %risit. eîjoyaîle imie. iug ai home. 040001), MO., 0(tT. 28, 1899. lilas MitIe vas a Chicagot isutrlur jmiN S yitup Co., Monticeiio. lni. aset Moutisy. GENTraman,-t have useti Syrui Jobu Orgaarti made a flying trilu lu Pepain ft ornue flimeanti int Iil gur Obicugu at Frilday. Most excellent resuits aud Il la ones lira. Hawkins la agilut Ihume, af- flie greatoat aelllug prepsutiloua terian absence ofboerei h nuiiiu. bave ever caîrloti lu stock. Fred Giablue rieutnly bulîl new I du not tbeitalo 10 ecornmeut il. baru. 'ery renpeclhuliy. b InLilas great improvurmeut. Dr. T. Jutes. Mira Agnev Uyne viriltd lu vau- Solti Uv F. B. LovEIL, Lîbertyvilli hoc ew Ia ys Lie lrmt outhîe wet. flst. C. hOneuRTS, Wauconu; WIt hast Suntiay the plîlpit wae ilird by Ksîrîuv, ROCkrfeiler;OIIAT5LAKB P 11. Ren. Siaeri, s tuîhcîît of fil(uMcCtur- MAi Y. clic eriluaiy. Mesr. John Orgaanii alni Fraut GILMER. Wagner voie --xeri7iiug tUer ieiw Fuir gooti bore-ahoelng cali on Wî carniages tst SuLiduuy. lirs. H. D. Wrlhn Uas eebrou sueriîîg Guieule. sîLli au sitacS ut tuurîîîltîr. t- le 16 Vn. Tonne, ut Lake Zurich, va. coiivaieeiiut aiprereni. ovu Moday. Miselitena Derker couIoencueil her A.G eirmntabvgablc sebloul dutîrs againlart Muuiay afîiA ourmn abvlgab a Ivu octaks vacatiou. smiti sbop built ou bis lot. Latt Tiurîday oveîîlîîg a farwhl Il.T. ScUverman matie as Bying r psrty vas given 10tefircfrMisses Iuiu- Lu River %îew one day tant veek. ger. A very gooutirie vas erj.uyud by ai proent. Mi@. NV. Bueachlng vialted iWl Juin fMckîrsd faiori sud nouler, utfLber tiuigbier, Mrn. L. J. Knigge, St Canada, andi Mii. Gidemeiolcr, ut CLi- day cago, aic bore a t1lraient unLiaec itu tf H. Schwernman sud Wm. Bterm.s Mr. Melies saerluua ilons James Van luira' Jr,, upeni a feu( arr i'aviug ibeir residoucos lieatet tisys ieccutly ntii ig lits pu enute. Ho 5a 005 of peinttLewis J. Kulggo veuttoLuChicaguoInuet Mîodny viiee bo îîîitiet. nie has secured h s ition. Le w.,J.ý K -irg cn mpat oui place un oui vihînge. Mia. Ehuixuger anti tauiiy ara aLoutI 10 muue 10 Liber-a tynilile. uborothoy couîomplaLu erett- t lug a liensa. The Mi. V. W. enleîtaunmenl wasr vail attieti. TUe farce, enîlhîrd -' Iv ofura Kinti," vue veîy ml rTe- îeinetî Altugaibor iL vas onr 01tufLe gresteasl euLa uofthLia sason. 5tOOOL NOTES. lils lima Docker vas a nîsîtlu un Frlday moruiug. Amoug lie prospective o uihng ovents la the affluai sobool pieute. -Enoch Arden"t' shLe ni voiS 10 Le aken up by the A îosdiug clas. A ,-Field-Riloy" prugramu la beîng ai- raugoti for Friay, April 261h. Ai are invitodte hoatteund. Tiiero vaeas sahorIbut lterestlug prograin reudereti by the Ilterary su- clety ast Fîlday afterooo. The sunual soblool elocîlin occutr, Salnrday iigh t bI hs vert Fiant Smithblm tir diiectur wboso torm ex- pires. On socounîlof falilng lu hbr lu lime fromu 1the (Jlcsgo peuple uliu arc ho reuder the programu for 111e nexî sebuol entertaînuiont, il vii probabiy ho uecessaiy toeor tend tuhe date of enter- talumout te April 30tL. The Schooh Rahelîr for Mrci bas mait been rocelveti by tpe sebool. Il lu bîlgbl, uevsv and sttractive. A numu- ber of otbeî journata are tout on the readlng table. Anyoue lnteio.ted uho bas a journal or magazine thâl la nover ua ster bing roati. coulti maSo gooti useof ut il y glnug il te tLe seLool foi thie ealhug tabls. -Ilhave bren trouhîc tahh indigos- lion for tut years, baye Irieti many ihingsansd speut mucli moue o 1nfo purposoutil I trioti Kodoil)yspepa Cure. I havo taken luo bottiez anti gotten more relief trom thora than Il c other modîcînea Isten. I tool maie USke a boy than f have toit lu tueuty yoara." Antierson Rigge, oh Sunuy ILaue, Tex. Thoiamuda have teMified a itltMr. Rigga. F. B. LoTuLfL, Llbertyvilie. J. B. BnàoHua. Qumss; WML KNIoua, aokfeI.. to Miuevuta, ubero ho bunsReculE a piosiion asbuntter makar lu Von cannol enjoy penheol healt rosy cueeksansudarkuuug eyes vou lver ih siuggiah, sud your Dose ci.gged. DoWitt's LitholesBrly Rise che5iini> tUe viole systoni. Tiq ville; J. RL. 1BLuCHER, Omboe; Wn Ktuiî.i,.Rockefeller. LEITHTON. iVin. Cooper vas a Cblo niaIt Weduon8d*y Fanmera around bora are lirui aoviug oatsý Gertîrudie Grifiuthi bu5been qî sick vltb a culti. Mri. sudlira. C. m. Wlilcox vIsited Chicago Tuesdsy. W. Di. Griffith tranaclet buinues Clilcago Weduesay. frilsu frabel Butterfiolti bas bc uorking for Oi0. Foulton. Dr. 0. E. llntterlishd, of h C#4d usasen onunr sîretsSuu2dgY. A plosoant surprise party 1uAS giv Mr',snd Mirs. Lempker Satniday oni iug.: Hutiy âasýnnîn adth le mlOfOttn eenly lu cuit bisflinger quite bui witb a Sn<fe. Mis. John Kruckmal, ubVIo bas tx aIcS for the li iso o eks. la ahit bu ouI again. Mn. sud Mr.. E. Wv. Butteril Ltbrtyvlie, risîtet i vtb W. D. 0 ibh sud fauiily Sunda!. Wm. Darisun sud vile, who h lieen verkhuîg a farm aI Coinptou,1 are agamu living oun1115fr farin bore. 1 Spring eougbs are speoiaIly dang 3oua ant ies@oacured 51 0unes, »i rresnlîn often folios. Ons Min rCongh Curo sets fifre magie. 1ilà 1a common muiture but la a high gr romsdy. F. B. Lovol. Libert" J. B. bzÂcat, Guzae; WILL XXIG Rockefler. W. Inager vu a GgayoukOvildtor moud". Mr. Cary W"aOb Waucouds viaitert luit vook. a. C. schenwrt usa a City visiter lat week. M. B. Ford sud E Oako came from the City Monday. 1 Rra. Torronce apent file llrst ofthîe week la th1e City. F. Garland and farnlly will movo (o Wankegan aliesweek. Otto Waeltl in get$ng bis bots read.y for the aesocia. Mra. H. Mairnau nd so aolrrio woeoMe Hfenry viatora Mouday. P. BRnmmond and Mort Bamleey orient a lew days of IaM$ week In Llbertyvllle. Mr. snd Mr&. H. blaireau aud J. Base and dsughter wqre clty vîsitora Ttieis- desr. Sauboru and Litcbfield, o! LibertyvIlie, were on onigatrce te receutl'y. Died, Monday, ai ber horne lu il village B. Burîtît. Funeralwins held Thuraday. Obitusry uext weok. Master Liale Broughion captureds a A LESSON IN VALUES. 11~ Jpound piokernlio nedy let week. M. W. Hughes took a pîcture uftheboOLLAR for dollar, Pound for pound, thiere la boy and Bah. v e Libeityville. M. Gainer liuasret soap. It la easy to find a cheap soap; but ais flater aud ait l m film msonce ln i.noir field. là to find purity and low Prce ini a single saSp The Infant chîld t uM1r. A. . Lomîs lu not eaisy. Tbey combine in Ivo y Scap.You iedMna.The fanerai wag field r Tuesaryaftornoou lu thoefrI E church, caxi afford to use it in the laundry; you can not ev utu fficlalng. Te.dme socialgîven îy theR. N affor not to use it elaewhere. It is vegetable-oil A. lu Waouuda hall W&a la grand s-,inth cup tforminw cht a bePo au&nces». The ballives, ililed, sud ailt Op ntt . . I hhi a cpo Ladls& good ime. Au excellent pro- curd. You pay nothlng for a fancY box, wrapper grain a reutteîed sud ligti refrestb- monta weie serveit. or perfuint. It lsa an in the soap 1 It fioats. LONG GROVE.__ A. Meyer aoid neyerai Cowae recently. Gilbert Febimau fla able t0 be ont HALF'DAY PRAIRIE ViL. Bagaiu. Mont of the alck are reorted Im- MbAT THRY iiErT17 il , E Edus Sellai vlslted ut home tant proving. 1wltiuth. e sat four, Ch ialie fiunday. Krs. J. W. Trlpp lu reportent Ii at: sud Freddle, the tw0 uldent molle of Mfr. Boisb as bogun fis work as present. anoLsd Hattie Holat, lia, been assensor. Fred Knecker i"alaai cbulld ahat ctiled almi i 1rluo the Ille bryoud. Au sitempt la belug xmade 10 la reportent quibe ick. Freddie, second sou san bulîojua- organIse a muenuer chor bore. n F.R Tlîpvetlu 31 1lieU He Land eîjoyeîl Perîgt nud sy s oh o o l I n th e E v a ug e ica l G ra y ala k e let S a tu r oiy . mo n t a . lui l a s tl k P h s ci n s U . Lutheru churchla il aocubegîn. frr. M. M. le.sun, ubo suffored anu rnedlaliy aummonied, snd hoie eintr& George Heoketswellerwusa ont from atlaek of eryaîpelans l e e lubeuUp %0 bho gtllg along nicely for aile iret th1e olly visitlng for everal d ys. agalu 1loi da ya, but from te o rait day g s. S a Rev. Koton bing aItr.onferouce over M . sud ir. . C . ebuler, uf vurse. sud passed 5557 îuii te af11.7er - N las&a nudsy, H Miller, local presebier, Graybiako, speut iundsy sihbbis noon of theo axu day, March le. r cted as his aubalttt., parents hiere. Aflter a sbhort gerimoni at îe bouse, C. meyIer was vlsltlug et11Ls Mi.Chs Johnson sud son Leon theIll,aRuiifllilte', liower»adrnàcamket brother. Frodas, Suuday. He subli Il:I.vtlted bel-.r .danbtera ln Chicago Ma Usa hu, ioi )the Hall Day ehurchà, *anrry sud bats purebuaed another une oudsya test week. where futivrsi services were belli Tues- Jake Hokeaweiler bas gono 10 MriraJeféie Seisuer, utfiRiver Vi,l day, Nli l CU * D o sueri G iorv e o I'î b in hutog isphy. la rlinîlug ber sîrter, fira . .rl. Nthet, h 11 e nt mou -Kred i e d tekL Ho lubends tii romain about tabr.,SchillerîLnis Week. w i hesanie dîsease. Everiî ibing a meuthe. Lnbrl belug hauleor thrle large dur,, for hul that lino16 fis-d1.cîîuld Bey. ScLmidt sud Mmu Seumîitr br u eoetdon lie Raable tfaimdo. Dirs Bsl and Gall..s", attendait tunud front, Wiscoiunlîtesat veek, ocoupied by Wrn. PrIers. hlm, sud sa tialitid nurse ravinCilcago y whero îhey hiad beoiî visitiug wthi ls Leter Mowoîs, oui mail mensonger, sas couutantly wîth hlm but alter )'mothor. ins agu able au Crry the tuail alter piî,uurnula uter grouillea net lu, sud 3o G. Zîmmer speul Snnday at home,.1Lia receut inver illineas. alter three weeka oh terri ble ruffeîlng, Ë.havlng coin rne humthe eliy beca,îae of airs. ole(Gerbert sud son Johnle lie psalbed awsy April M, He W&@ th1e lue"a0f bis @itetr. At present v oleibr al..r, aira. Marilia Kînlen iUOui-Y YOsri nid. writiug Mary Zimmer le conéliderablo iu Waukegau let ISatnrdsy. Flirerai services ve ell i liurnday, botter tbsu elie bas been for Rome Mr@r. Elleu Cavsuaugh, of Evauslon, sud aller t11e sermon a& tLe hua. the lime, came lant veek lu camau 11exteided cuket wassborne lu îaeile alfDay la GihiLEY lilMOOL. 5187 hore wil,. ho,,r brotgern. courentwbore impresnîvtis.-r lues sere ferM..roudacleut hy ler. Sîromire, ut IRocke- A claise lu botany bas hbenformedt. Pl InMes a round agalu aller ler, asesaed by a îurtetof singera. Goorgis Wehrenberg bas heguri lu bcbg conuiled go i bed a loer daya Choeo 0brîthers Lad sputnsu Sattend achool. vllh asaevere cotd sud rhenmallam tIbe ilef on tboir faliers ftorum They nu Chailie Vos, bas been detalurd froin Frank Mitcellsuad daugiler Tulle hall, thîough Ihoîr siiltg usymsuanti ty school because of llim.,are su fer recovered mas 1 be silo ulu ltng kînîliioa. 'wonitIheheurts uf s The purpoaeetla t0 raine some mortlu ride 011.1, alter tIlîr rsevere Ilities. largo, îinill- fofrl1iî i I iy er, pleut ont treeu lu the schuol yard lu rie parts 1tatWeinesday oveniung kluol ..d I î,iuîîl iiani i I iviu flouer of Arbor Day. tin i: W. E Maus s as largoly sîteudeîl lrogiberai l es The achool la mailung preparall nitsu&ailreport bavlug lait s goo<ilm 1ehg neu lioîîii, rti for sn entertinent10 ho giveu ln urM. B. F. Foute veut 1u0 Wsukegaiî lte wrleuîs s tul losu ithe bemaut fil ea uerature at the achool bouse. ISunday lu se bis brother. , (iuni! fal fluuveus whblcîcereîlthi eca*kelu Creaaiîroc Foote, abu la reporteti 11011etaibolullu tnnîîralî snd lylit hi ymptiy NORTH NORTHFIELD. Itthe 1 exteuded telutUicbereft famlly. Mia. iiev. Koteu fla vialling lier 'Ererett Manou la relluitud oun hu De-iLbîînli îiirtid tLem for s fî.' parents at Manhattan, 11. Ch(irk lihri Ulîbert'i Lîîc e îLe aalîlat w,,ýks. îîuvîng lietit ogethor lu lifii le; . o lie ral mail rutîinluCarîyiîîig the Lere, liey art- iiw tî,gether lu lict suMr ad Mrs. Joe Bacb vere ail nut Ipreseol. ererlssllng. Licago visiters the p.lot suek. ~"WiIIle Jobunun, vlî o Wiiltt Clii- i Besdeswuanrelatives sud friende Misa L. ehI euiteîtaiued lber? occe, cas(, mone 150 mo ilbr agi> 10be' lbry leave t l outretiLeir lors Iheir Milas Alean aMay (liens, î,fLa Porte, Irealeut for cuniquilOli ou lm in-, pareills, one sîster sud one lirotter, ail Iudiana, tesat eek. provlng & avs huPeti tut sijmuhavieliee vrupstliy if the Q4ulte s number 0f popie aLle-led The louerai ot <harles, eldent mouio fI itislerO!0fIlîle ISliRl'ENDEF.IT. M-flie teitailimout Oun r lursdsY neri- Jacotlita van elil lauýt't TursdaY lu T-i rIi iirnt n liai.--. iug giron i tWbellug by the I ripp thefliait Day rhîîrcWiteLîv. Sirouueler, Tii.- '-w- i- tr,:12.i in hool. las vweil tended anti ail or Rockefeller protuclied l Mt o -'x iutli-ruar'ti-atl , itr b luparticipauts dîi riedil 10 thlemelves. celleul sermon. Wloi e.rtu l, fli . The ladies ufth11e Union Evaugolical H., H. Peglow returneti tou tnt liR]vnlti iercle. k-Miaiouary socioty gatliored et &Lie Wisconsin laest Wrduesiay accorn- The orn Hlu o- had utreii home of Mrr. Davidi Fîsuceu, of pauîeciiy bisls 1111e Ctiéilu. Hoela Avî,t Lb ili the tuu-eliimter lir- Sip blermervilllr, ou lant Weduesday tu inishiîg file interlur ,f is bouse liiris are nral, 1n Hai-rn transet businens, sud s social lime whîihoe ili reti. i ARIu OF TIIANKS. vawut. Mr Lutroîl, tof (hicago, a liii e 'sisi lu extend our hearîfelt ,ab Mia. J. C. We8llug la enterlalnlîig purchaîu§ed the Ainliolt faimo vas haro tltik8 t Oui maîty relatives. frienda Iu. br sinter, aira. May Eulorf sud Mi.a ltant week sn u nudo lu muve bis sud neîghîvoî wio rnt kiudl, a.lded us u Crne WosLer, of Napeiville, 111. Tue lmi or ioce. À foreman teansd exlendied theIr a:Vmpsl duin frieuda of sacb su estimiable youog slready on tLe place. the lîlnossan sd deatha of oui 150 un lady as la Mise Wogter, voue gladtu heloved sos ot ulberi., We 10 eelle gl.The contisel fortheie 0w ion bridge ep 1 alysnk lýthereltives sud laDr, H. Bons, 0! Wbeeliug, la about lu ho erected scrons the river ou the neighuburs ftrth îe tbantîf ni florsl l oerect aàborne. Already tbe fouinda- DeertIld rondwuse lot st the Vernon artbries. lionlorithue barn tamtiluboti, sud the Bouse lasI Tuoaday lu the saine Ilrm IdR, sud Mii-, J. lli' sand FAMîLY. ig Hou. Mr. Henry 511cr la doing tLe lunfMilwvaukee sho bout the bridge 'lot iulîl W5s10 unloir ifyuî, ry iii g excsvatlng for1the hbouse, uhielà sîi L bre filet year. . 'ure litîgestlîItn or uvapepmis liv idbe one ut Wbeelugs finoast residences. A meeting usa calledtiIat Frliay iÙwvlug youiaell. Thai ouly malien Il a Theearohîtect, brother ot Mt@. Beuz, eveninig lu appoint ûoLuilbtees lu cuti sorge ubon von do est lieatll. 'bu of Evanston, viii coutruol 1the bouse duct thve repaira of the churchi. J. A. alwsys neeti îleny rtf gul fond lbh, The mauby fieuda of Dr. sud lire.,Maison, Chalîman; C. C. Grbrt. properly dîgeateti. Kodul Dyspepaqla a aBons exteudti Ieir congratulations Secretary; J. C. Schroedei, Troasurer. Cure la1the revoit 0f yesra of aclontillic vls sud hope lhey wili spond many appy commitlee on outaîde woîk, S. L. ioeaorch for somelbbg abat 'muid sera yoaîs lu Ibeir bantiful home. Trlpp, A. Stancliff sud L. H. Krugor. digest flot only Romeo eleinenta utf food committer ounbaside voit, W. J.Wells, lit ovr-ry SIl. -AuiIL lm liii une ry PALATINE. Wmn. Juohnson sud E. Heortel. remedy that 1I ilF, Il. 1nevi îiLL Witt Danielgen vinîlti aietbhome uvor The people or hiIs vicily voie fibert"illle. J. il. Bs.îc1îRR n Grnie; Sunday. shooketi sud satdoeet ulearu ufthle WILL l<NiitIE, hRockefeller. Boru, te Mrr. anti Min C. Blumin, a suddu dosait f Hale Ernest. age A (jooti Stallon. son, roeontly. aboult Diao years, sou ut Chas Eugle Herno, No, 40;S, R. A P'. IL . malice, J. I. Bhîeîlugsud L. A. Lllobroc t hi hh uuofi lait FrIday aIreor Ioi H.H cirigadIýH yt iver VIew uherethie famtly momrtecor214, ulîl @taudota' Lîbertyvîlle. wero Batiugtou visituin batur.lay. shoot s yoar ago. Tho Lîlgt 11111 e .is1s B fne, big ihorse. <aIl anoti,, g Mr. sud lKra. J. SuIeS, meec Atdirfelov uasaloveti hy ailtultuknev hilm, fhlm.1T-ni u fumuire lIv, cuit, sîo. MeCabe, are Loins from Ibeir weddlng sud heailfoît sympatbY l8 exieudoti to Owe y C A. Arir1uiy 28-4-. itte trip. file heieaved tamlY. lWe Don'î Vunt Monrle' Itun." Mrried, eI lie home 0f 1the bride, -'La»t vinlor 1 use continouilu mY We vaut il gooti and vie .vîlI gîve li aPlui iov, April 17, 101 Mmebed with a veiy bad ldon the Iings. y vldreovd su19a et-ny bouleo Deer Grure, Roy. Holz offlclntiug. vite bougbî sa Lotîle ut One Minute muller lie l foc,50 (rO i $on. us vo le In fr1r. sud Mra. Heluiertiluger, ut Bai. Cough Cure that efecîti sa peedy giarauli-e IL tir Cîvl1itttidigos. ringtoul Mi. sud frra, flou. Ilomr cr.I a t apoak toubighiv of lion. -Sir* 1le!o-inolotua-titilunor' Deen dlugei, oh Cary, suan sd M xcl entimedy.'-Mr. T. K. Trouîble. F. . h ov LlliertviIle: Fred Blirdnrof Chicagzo. un onr ma.MasuoPs. F. H. (1190. C. IlUInILvTR-Waî -s W~. Vol op- I1 L r i hain ariol Gui .s,. -

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