CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Apr 1901, p. 4

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PumAr. Avrm Se.1901. Uutered at the i.oet.Offie t LIhortYvlî Imitola, as second.nlse mater. eniatemetf5lUOI&?55 aIKUOVU On PPi O&IOI. BluaButter lMarket. Ilutte!market on the £Wgu Board o! Trud ait odsy Wva ime aa200. Tvelve buudred pounda soid Ono cli Sles of th. veek, M2,700 poumds. Agninados proclamaton, maifesto,1 adire8s, or wvbatetYOn citooBe $01 mil te peper ho bas slgned and lu-1 sued ackuovledgiuig lÂmericaul enter- eignly and caiing upon al Filîpinos1 tu do te sanie, basDol creted ninci taMX among sIateasmOn. A notable fle&- ture o01te comment made upon il by prominent officiaisla lta , l nstead of asayiug vlat titey tbink ils effut WinU b., tbey alMot lnvariably aay* 'ien MiacAIltOurth inks," etc. The fact ot te mater la, te blggor filhes prefer t0 watand @se.what te effect vIll be te allefliîlua 1pcopheay. 8o manY prediclionfi have been utade about tiainge over Ihere Ibalt ail 10 squnare viit reanls. Conditions lu Cuba, as pictureti by hir. T F. tioerln, of Havana, uho la Dov in Ibis couutry, are tur froin being rose coiorod. Hie says: "Everything la getlug doil in Havana. The torîsl 8sasn sa about over aud very fev Amnricans oulaide te governmnent service are left. The large batela look aille banuquet halls deserteti. 'lben te ,yolitlcal conditionsa are sen ,îcerlaln that Il business tn duli. l'ie bslgar grinding yl bu tlniahditulty May 1, vwiîcit lUadud qita nthel)r 10 the aunemployed. iienesasbreoda discon- tant. andlIfear bere Will b. trouble bsck lu te lularior. Banditsamar oporallng in several places and are giving te rural police somutbîng ta do. Onu baud vas ougt lulat veel, Md t vion tormashe vere rumoveti tvo oftem provedt 1hob rural police- mms. The ConsliltlOD&l Convention bas refusedt 1 adoplit e Plat ameud- mnI, andt lti augusi body o! Cubans are nov only draingtou ir 10a day." Lake couuly itacituiotaare inter- amwa lin a bil novw hefor lte lIOlauro,wiici protides for a lax cn becielor&. If te bilU boconies a lav, & a mn vio bas nover been niarred muid *ho le over forty yesa of «0e vhon applylng for a ,iconfie, muet pa.ý 1100 la Unle Sanie mouey hefore & loseuse vili b.e givun hlm. Tite bill &lam mye tsta au Wh Vit ante 10 tesdi a single ligIe afler becomlug f ortY yoers cotage muet psy $401 a Yeur for üe. pdriiege. Thon Ihere le a featuru o! ohaeriy lute propoaod liv anti tha"laete monoy Ibis ralaut i viiihb usei la maiutalnlng a tome for aplueWer. Th. r:citanti poor 0t1te b.claelcrbirolberitood ilI ho realeti site, ta lie mlLionaîre viii bave no Ume ot. pay %itan te uvery day lahoror. Th@e poor itachlora lot le not a ro8Y one. Ho hi en1look aller the tiomealle afairs 0f hi% ovu home, vitic i ay ho outi rooni or more. Hie mot aloo V bations on his Ironsers anti put a Pateiot o m if necessary, anti for ttlieasiagle biessednedssbu bas 10 PaY M4 a year. Titere are prohahly i cuple o! hundreti of baciteloré lu LaIe onaly vito come under te jgVMo M sofla0!ti ialandsa nite yeare Se nsd go tlist I iiigrov targer. AtIgaglng, lioarlng Floodi Waahed dovu a telegrapit lno vici Chai. C. Elleé, o! Liabon, la., had l'o re- pair. .'Slt&un«valet deep lu icy valet ," ho vriles, «'gave me a lerrîbîs col and congit. Il gre voises dalIy. Plnaily th. huaIdoclors lu Oakland,, Sioux Cty snd -Omimd 1 bail Ooneumpllon aud coula nonullIte. Thon I began Uelng Dr. Kings@ Ney Dia- cotery antivas vitoliycuretihy ae' bolîles.", Postlvely guaranled for Coagits, Colas d liTitroat anti Lung troubles by P. B. LoVuLu.m, Liberly- vill, Ga.èreeAaa'. PBHAC. Prît'. 1410 and $1.1%). We have s larger antibeot'rnasorl- ment of Milllîuery, Dry Gouda, Shoos, .I*die' sud Chidrensa Furtîlabîngai thma ever hfore at lovent prices. We mati a 'pcilly of ....FINE DRESSMAKING ...... COME AND SEE US. MRS. PROTINE,, Celebrated ERb OOtI Auniver- ary la Wauke.gaa Bauday. Sanday Algn S. Sherman, ot Wau- kogan, Chloago's oldest ex-Mayor rounded out te blth yoaî of bis ex- istence.. Prlday eeuiug proedîna bis anni- versszy Ihere galhered a; bIs home a bot of relatives and frenda 10 o oi thîs venerable man o! a former gteea- ljin liembers of the officiai board 0f the MethodLsi citurct of Waukogaii prusenlodtir. Shterman witla a com- plimetulary address. The Bload alo presentéd hlm vîtb afitandsome o! roses, ont' rose for Pscit yea hliolmheauena iember of te Mieltodist churcit. or 46; yoaas. Thte following telegrsm wa reccI ved fromn acting Maor W miter, o! Chilcago: lîlIsa sdistinct rleasî.re tome t, bave ilt' honor of seodîng you 11,1. ineanare or asurance ram Jayer Harriaon anîl Chi- caot lti ur nservict'- for th, cty are bld through ail ihese ymarv hIngratef,i r.,ceI'c- lieu, snd tteai,re bot)e lm,,trrtal-il thait mou May .'îîyîy renne IIrtitl'lîo, .11 more te , oiu. Prom i.>. Ioubriglit, acting presiuient otNorîitveaterI University tir. liber- man recelved te followlng latter: laiiebiîlf of Nortbiwt'tern Cunivtrtiy 1 bave the rieatrt t seul ron a message of resît"ctfuit Kreýting and cordial ontgratula- doen. With thera ahe reud.'rredfruilful se.-î1t'e la thttalabflabment ofthe 'nolveràity Vour namae Ginal:oears lu lis earilest records. lu thîsyear of IU 1181lira jbiler tht' unulersi t'alla te uIud wtb griteiul recogntion lhoie benrel nanesa. tht' nanra of man who bm their Wisea counauta and generous gfts laid tht' fouinuatlen oeILS growtb and preeît'rity. . Wr arm glati to karn ef the geel ieasure oflconfoit &an t arnth tli whilreur health bias benu reserveti. Wo lirai tnt lPreovi- dence mer tili watdi e.r leur me u and gran, thai thir elr , l n. lmnit'a., the' blesaelit prtonefue? iiupright mou. liaeatlug tht' a.euran.,e(iloir ts"ýiteril euigitO it b?,.. I ii Mm e OWAbgboe la vlalng bert daugitts, lira. a. . Lake. Mrt.mad lre. Floyd4 liro vere la Chicago Saturday on business. John Austin returned front a huai- ne@ rip norti luit week Frilday. tirs. Ed Rtay visted relatives lu Wmkegan asat FrIday sud Saturday. t G. H. Stafford, of Waukegau, a here Saturday evening. He bas heo on the sick lIaI souet ime. Tht' Forrester teaut, M. W. A., gave a dance Frlday nîghti. Te Wlbur orchestra furnlitod te music'. Dîxon & Company tarted tou rmeal wagon last Salurday. Tbey vili mairet two trips weekly tbrough thIe nommer.1 Th.,s. McClure. of Chicago. @Pent $uuday at borne. eeraI othoere froi the Ciy apent Sîîndsv vîtti Innda here. W. C I T, ladiea are talklug of bav- lng a banquet ln May. Thelr annual banquet fias umlilly bt'en beld lu January. IL1i8 reported taitMr. and tirs. F. N. Gaggln viii Leach our achool tbe nout yoar tir. Gaggin la well liked by pupîla and Paret.16 8kmn troubles, enta, humag, scalds and chating qoickiy heal l.y the' use 0f DeWtt'a WlJtc I lazel Salve. IL la lilf,-ated ite sure you gel DeWlts. F. B.. LovtlýL Llbertyville. J. R. BR.ACHEt. (mmcc: e WhI.EL l<xi' 1 Rtockefeller. WADSWOR-TH. Misas hale Shelley apent Sunday at homne. Farinera are verv lunv îputtlug iu thoir sping cropt'. 1irs. L. Bensinger la anon golng 1.. Ivanliot'wherî, ahe wauJ tari a store. Tht' vare-house of Mir. James Pollock le undergolng bste edful repaira. Mia Addle Devine is vl.itinig ber anut. tira. Uroley t Ploasant Prairie. Miss Niarlta Sein, of Milwaukee "p)eut Stinday wîlillher sont, Mmr. H. Lui. A son came to giatdilci th bhomne of Nit', snU trs..chas, Scll)oh.-r o uday ta.t aet. ou Weduesday Ajril 24th i lIi occuir îî la nov uifty-seven yeuarasînce o 188saAnnie tieNaLmarra, ut Chicago. tir. Sherman preldoti over te lu' Saturday evenlng April oti thlie district bho tls anuaiscitool locl ion.E tant destnag of Cic«g. leHo bd Marin Lui being chonen lu place of hie friends Frlday nîgiat taI teoaili te rellrlng olicer. retaluot fislsilvelY intereet an the Friday evenlng tiargnerite CainP affira o! ies yonng charge, aveu It N. A. velît give a receplion tu île ltrougihholtaiti long ago coaaid 10 ho member Inlu hnîîr 0f tier second s citizen of filsearly love. Mir, biter- nu anvsr. min related many tonies o! youtlul RUSSELL. Chicago. ietold o! fila Oxpiences Ben Siimtraki, o! Liî.erty..illt'. was as iteat o!fte volunteer tire depart- munt and isflaacqus.untaiice vîitou oiîr treetg Tburadav. chiat Swenle. Mu. Sberman Iisiite tira bacgs Melville anîl (inorge hîfi thal il vas bu ablo fral dîscoverodTi uitfday nighl for tiisoîîrl. in Saoe is tact for commtandi.tir. Win. Murray bais.ecUred eut. Mr. Shierman psssod titrongit an ployment lu tht' Rnssell Croamery.c Officiai appreuticaitip as a member tira. E. J. Melville la vlstlng atIllue o! te board of aldermen for twO bomnes of T. Conuneli and E.'t. tielville. ternis, lu 1844 ho vas eloted mayor, 111r. Wm A- (ortie ba@ been confineti but II hg ofc UUno r- ebi ioLjxia envere cold. Dr. vent is attendauce aI every lire as Tayloru. îof lillbueri is lu atîccdancu a member o! Excelsior, No. 5. lm. ýo IL modiateiy uponte expiration o! bis FR 1L terniuau nayoi tir. Siterman vas itoatia are gellu g gooti. again electeti foreman of lte baud Seii gmsl iibd englue Companu whiciLe ava iodwue@oti lîhu attacheti sud retained ucommandî for a Fred (orivermeqebîppel utcarl,,ad o! long lime. iittIb istuwct'k. 19lvusi hile acîlng as a tireutan Lewis L.utak aix wrkiLng for lite 0*s ltaI tMr. Sherînan became inîpreset borne-Machline Co. &ain tIis ycam. wth Chicagos noed et nu adequate Arhur Stanford ta tceduing 150 hea(] aster synlein anti lie wami a menior îf uattlt' uut309iti buge nt piosent. He o! a ommlîtoe lu discover vajmandtt aslt'nin ureteoaîvelv means of tapplug the lake. Ht' ervt'd for two veurH. as a member of teuCommisilonifor ton ' 111i1o ) alqur'uaîlsbave tîenu jours, tiurlng vitlch lIme thet' BItre-) limins.ry loundtiona for the' lreeli -ipel -eii's sîudl brie are t'ulerl valer aupply vere laid. j,%cv aler. lb-n iàtaît' iot I Ien Mir. Shfermian ucotdt'tly eeti's, rpeul Ir yt'.Lr, t.,u au! tiDg to! l'o paute ceninry mark, lie 1. mor tian foi l hogit, sralitibridlg.eiii -ur,- u-culof uut i ai an rrow, sud la o!flrnpouing piesence. Helo ak@ yîuuger titan bat' FOX LAKE. Lyears ant iehofricîuuntly boasla that tr.Iue laiaaoi.,quitiîiil] et ha coulti mate ilrly gooti Lune at a lire 1-day If ho fut su Inclineti snd lueseut wriiug. hie servieS VOiS needei. tirs. Mry (;uban, o. v l.itlgbe X EDITORL MUSINGS X1 Wheu Eve demandeti a nea lot o!' leaves for iter Eet'r tirums, neli bt ltaI Adam ralseti a roa about ber i extravagence. The Brilith cause le uit rupering. Wby, tey bavent evetu got an àguinaldo tu put ln s cage anti carry aroundtu10 how, A vomnu recenitly let-t 110,0t01t for te came o! lier 1pe1tiog. It lu saldthuaI te aill, willi bu ct.nte@Weiî y a favorite es tîit v astilauherîteti. Christian Science ta itavlng s ggea1 ruavîitite Brillith ariltocracy, aho ahIlmaînlalu them interest lin uIll tht' next fati cinue aloug t4 tate Ils place. Mlr. mudi ra. Oliver soltt art at the' lake for the'auwîuuurý loto aDavît, au old ,ternii (A lbe âr c(ali ed 'm tri. udt'recelitly. Mi. alvi M r. Thi î,el,rî' Witikli"vandi Mrs .C. satel calleul on tir. E. C. Su> er sud faîuîly Suniday. The FYoxi ekm Cemetery Association wii iD olU lOtm Nriy me.etiug [biirsday, May 2, l9U al, t1w lhoue ifIli. Edwin Wllîu En-ry nsiooner la requeslted to t'oi t t, elettoiru for the' year. %Inlators oar. wlîîîu. 'me and cj,y a good tinie. Lotu For Sale. VIII fîet mi lirat ostreot aud l iuributi Court. hast terma& 27-f-d H iIILàLzï, Llbertyville. Wit 254,00lt' ne1.000l.>tiIof aboni arc PEOFLES'ICOLUMN. mounle thIe Brillithîugbit 1W 1)0able MALiK1-Hieuse ait I luibel.' uglaxtoleB. la eut up the Boors alîbont feeling Il FWK tlir -eýtkir In lu t'k'f't"r argain I tir OmaliI.AuItlre"a uli Maotuffin. LIburtm- Buebotley Uunt ucceeul lu dolng ipt. i.Lf. nui, huwuvem. ~oit MAiLE ti1. ENT-e cuenu hua.. lIrru F I I, ,-(,,IfgIutIIl iIr . irtn i'. i- A i-riaJI t talI-eU. ut'iftat,,lil fltI li' pou .;t1 i ' .l' t . IET ,1-. je l kijinu asiubut 11w bat lie r.'nule ii Dît u 1. hi- Bu? ,Ilijt!Ii utuEggt' the' iitt'ap . ¶ T ut't rt' a guul ii_ . l f'5 1If" ut... A ?,a iuilud îot mn ny iii ers i n tht' sanie lis .u,'egit ah" Aij,81 l'-, tejeu L Iuu. StIl.,- ful. Ii yetcat dtlrepute oir tir.- uItrve uf al Fol ,î,lt 1uLiirti tIlt.. ta n Outmodem their iujformatlu. ii.,-îAcll..K'. ver.Mli5ii l ht! livoruteciaiîî, ut ii'sulitiutuC' lI; : i ljaircis'sSutr Court ai l e fur n.icliîug, u.Ix-rairig i A u , u' ,,.ti?' tjtlttl~ 10 break the Itu"lt-rsai lIfidfile, 3t-ii v divovmimlts'tnuuîiili'wa.r. 'l AIiiuttt uoft tstpLbe-1w State. HereaLfler tilvuf ire utalîse i tîl M10 aii, .r'ut eaUbt lots for obtaineti aI boute orutut aIail. jl1l'aou-'roi. ;, ti Tht elbhiglitîlb.t' ýi.lcgIu cariai C'li IAI.EFuuIi ,iuei oland China asa lat'It't Iige '-A. E tL r. it' i l. wîli ho reduced hly oieIbird ounte 29-t-t- grounuuu-,u.'-theieur uwut.Mtita Il lnu res nai'gationl. Il," l't a t.Mr. e .u-rt i' 'Jw,, -h. ln terebt 10 thtei'ountry te %, lu. I lier té A15 uui Oîut ltlu.iult retueled lowet-lit iurity liiI' vu-mage. Fa' i.In'tttli.II 3i soeuts biard 10 iîuul,,l t le trutii about te reanîlts tf ianut(,ttuutuî j~liiAIuSI (.Iuttu Olut tilde gany.Ifl lunem r Ii'i , vcuuuiu ut'41 l '~utitu, I..-'iulu ... sIlatbIutl GIla, uu1t' IlitaI it, itu'i u i t"' ti cim'lîtl ,vt ttu t l 'i'v vgeretx, th t te - dg-m l- gt iuic h.uu' 'u 'l-e-'t oiv-l Inu tli Ilu)lu iig iiu tlîîir utli 'i uuuir. u- ui. '.tu auu Luttltitt lîeer. tk Cure for Heuvea. A nire t'tre fuir "beavet' I. orses. I îiin.,t.uusI 1i 1>1 linr, I eWtt'n 'Ii Fua}ret'ncb reuedY sudilaN at iLMÉleEurty i:'o.' e alîl e'gail vitl5 yIare" fi. telt(tUtu any te"ilUuiltlOO4frIoutt a-uu snten, cbesaf o! beeve if directions are foliout.u oo în,4 a.u"tin, Irtrulir.Y. ]B. For sle by C. A. APPLEX, Libatytlleý . Lîbertyville; J. BRAOBB14 - 2".-P. Gflreu; Wrî.L Stritatia, Itokelelle. tir. Semm l toS. advereet ndodi job work. eaul on ber for rates. 1-..4...4444444444*44~4 The Cheich Ad Socety viU me96tet a the bornes of lra. N. Smilb. Wednes- day, Miay lat. Thte W. C. T. t'. utf(iraylate iU meetvill a lra. N. Smit Friday aflernoon, Aprîl leIb. Miess (raoe Parker, of Chicago. vas lte goesal o! re. Hunz sud oLier relatives ber. over Sunday. Misa Ada tManchester, of (Chilcago, Snndayed aIhome. Slite vl spend a week'a vacation hero nOXt veek. tira. T. lioGuire, îuotiter of ars. A. W. Thomion, vas caiied 10 ieeatîlle, Wls., lest Frday on account of te serions lutse of a brotiter. The 201h Century Club vîli muet viit Mise Alice Edatarda a tshehome of ber pareuli, tMr. and lira.Yardy, next Mondy.evening, April fflh. 'lht' oburcitbas beun renovaled te past week. Il rucivoti a nov coat of pint onute Inaldo and wua ucpa. pered. Ils appearanco la lmprnved greatly. lilas Ina Parc, o! Russol, vlaited Mliss 5.111, Uodfrey BSnniay and lMon- day. Site vas ont' of the contestante at te W. C. tr. 1 . Modal conlest Monday evoning. cemmenced. Lunt Sunday, aittongit lte veather vas very dîsagreeshle, visitor a lte uumher of forty or fifty spont 915 day latitis violnity. At tl*.a "boni meeting 1luI Saturday evenlng Ar. Proctor vas re-lecltd as direclor for tite nexl lbree, juars. A vole astakl o enlargo thoe citool bouse Ibis sanuer, vilb but one dîssentlng vole. The W. C. T. I'. cuntesl, wvicit va huldtu lte village itaIlIa" Monday nîglit, vas tory woîl allendeti. Thte program vas gooti. lias (erîmude itrever, of Drnce Lake, vas lte aluner of lte prise mejal. tir. and tirs. Blinkle, 0f Chicago vert' ont la Ihuir cottage ag Dmuce Lake ove! Sunday. Titeir danghler. tirs. E. BU»s noves lta(Ohio titis veet, ber itnsband itavlng precodeti ber, beiug omployet lie. tire. DOBois and two grandebiltiren, ,if Lîbertyville, vîsiteti viithlira. W. B. Hugbey Saturtiayand Sunday. Oua or lte objecta of tir vîl vw a e Mir. Dullols wvit a employeti lu ITonson Brou. barneas shop. Spellman Broan, of Libertyville, are buill ltulte course of Ivo moutita. .B. J. Lofluahadlte mîsorlune 10 lose.a oovlat Sunday nîgit. Whitllln lte Wlaoonsîn enlrel stock yards reaoty In be sitlpped, On@ Oow tookOd another, and lbrev Il u inte manger, trom wvic it Ilcouxid fot extricale itaif, and dieti In a vury fuv mInutes. Converse & Lottues sippeti two car- loade of catIe and one of hogs. Thte Ladies' AId llOcietY ahIlgîte a tiay Festival lu Woodniau Hall, Thurs- day evenug, MsY Sod. A good enter. lainnient .111 h. given, conslatîng c0! lte laugitablo farce, ent'.lled --The choir miatera Troubles," a Dol) Drill by elgitl 11111e gis, a Wsud Drill by olgitl large girls, mDuloI, etc. Admis- sion, 1()0. le croamanad cake vilI b. aerved 10 ail uho vîsit for i1i cents. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An ingenlous T,'.atmsflt hawhich Drunkarde are SeIng cured Daiy 1n Sit. 0f Themmelves. No NoxlOus Dosas. No Weakenlng o! the Nerves. A Ploasant and positive Cura for the Lquor Habit. that drunkaiuiems la a dîsuase andi 001 vent-1 nesa. A bodyi lledti llapolnon. sud ocreRa aomiletel abatteretibypecrIocltual orcou- aIant use Of lnsoxitiSilii liquois rviUre; auantlidol uapable uf nauiÏlrariansd oradloatlng tibs poison andi duslrotlng te erang for lragnis' iufferers rma niw aure titamasîvea at humne vthout liy or los& oftlime f rom busIness i bs vontierful HBoua GOLO CUEs viîcaha. buen perteclti a&fler maur muera Of cos studa' andi troaiwentolo brtea«. Tiu faithfui use aucor.iing te directions of tiI vonderfuidlsoloverY lepOdosletguaranlid to unrethu ma i.Dlam nas.a ~i hon bard adriiir.(JOur =rd*e tt merveinias ransfor23atioiiof Ihousmida of drunards lOosubir. Indutrieubsudo uprigt Mon.35 vtlos eas 1005 5Usi uP5 1! tlu no eeua ànostruna but ina a s e for th la diseaseironlasd la su stilîîtHy iviaeti aud pretiaredtâtâitla Mos- l tssanth ae lasme gsu )talIl eauhei à cîup 01tesor coeevthou t tevW- odtohlaspersen lakina Il. Tbouna of e rnkartisbats cureti theumelvea vlîh tis Eroieesrejueda'. sas MAana' more have Eeu eured asude OMPis=at - bY i!enLstm rcu2 vîthoul their k nov. Indue ln toffe or tee. andi belleve lodam thal ter <soninusti drinkîns o! thîr o"nu fru vl. tic or vair. Do net bu detuded ha' apparent sud mlaleadiLna "ImpnrovemeL.' Drive out te disese a once andi fer ail lîne. The "RoMe GOLD Cuza-i l sut iLb. exb'eUaely ton proneone dollar, taus placnug witnîaireaoit of eveybodrs a etmore afeeamalibtan ettoe oosllDut $»3to Ut'. Fuît dlreelona acompau7tah packag8 e. Ip l advlse ha' skllld Pha9llan vien nu dlt par o!1h.vorti n rcaîî ofunu dollar. AddrasDep ..... . EIFNie B. ias & COuàmPAi. l2m and mi 1Marke te irenl. Phîla- Ailtoorregpoutieuei trcIýt' cui uliai, j. tlown and emploped by P.-A. itobin- 1 "We Don't Want Money Itad."9 mon plastring te addition t bi We vaut It good and vo vill gte b)usiness bi0ck Un). oni of te jon vau inreeved, au jn every bouile large nnmbr 01 bnldings going Up o1 Dr.Cmdlls yrp eplo outade olp uetbe pocued. malter b. il lo,-50c or $1.00, ss ve onlede elp uslho pocued. guaranlse. ilfor Conatlpalion. Indigns- ThequnUa o a ep vntof oie lin, Sick Heaacie and Stomnacit TiDow qetlidf £ et vhe to! ereofTrouble. P. iB. LoVZLL. Liberyville, iv ov slttd tct meIrasfr 0 oo. C. ROEEEISWBticonda; WILL ileeds from A. W. White in lte C. M. à iooz. Rockefeller; iraysiake St. P'. IL . Co. for depot grounds vvs 1 PRAIMUI. t; I I i !ING ls here and with it cornes some more of Battershall's t luitl Hamnnse Sapa, POT' doz...................... ..$ le bmas oap for. - .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . Boys Top Nolcb bboeai, 13 10: i.............. Bruoken tiled Cantiy, pur ti........... 2400 Matches ý............ -....... . $1.75iHale, al Pur ... . ... ........ $1.50 .. .... .." 1h bpkLge Golti Duel.... ........................ AIl Yeist Cakes ... .. ... ... ..... OnlunSets. per qt ...... H.aanesvihle 23~ 8" 13 I 23 1 00 0.3 oi 3eorge Battershall, Ilii From Factory to YO'U. LnANUTURER'S PRICES.j 1 aun repreffluting the American Wallpaper Go. this year and cari guaraîîtee to youi the cheapest aîd Ibest hne .of gols ever offered to the public. My borders sell for the same price, per roll as sidewalls-afl immense reduction from ..current prlces-.---«- 1 jjj,î prove to yotVthat it is cheaper to re- ppetpc ilis year tliati to clean-Y0u 'Will ot have suci îîn jopportunity.' agail. Tie stylet' arc otriîthy up-to-date anti include Brocades. Damasks. SiIks Embossed Olits, Flats, Flower Papers, etc., etc., tm theî geatest variety. over 140 colorngut. IihalI te'ghad to ('alli un you at an eatrhyudate and P. G.Fabr Libertyville - - Illnois. Our îtew sprilîg stoctk lm hiere ahc iiivuîhdçs ail thet popu.- lar styles (of tî thesasnOltoget lier with niatty a<1vaîîwe styles iîow shiowîî for the' first time: ain asmortmelut w) i eoînreletiive as to gratify itearly t'very taste at very irî(xieratel1îri,w.. H.I. KUEBKER, GRAYSLAKE DEPT STORIý Icau Pell You aîîHY )Iilkittil, but hiave moule special idur.115 i WlIEELER & WILSON AND "NEW HOME" MAKES. Can make lower Prices than others wil quote you. Have just one bicycle Ieft and wiII seli it cheap. EB. SHIERMAN, JEWELER. Graysiake- - Illinois. WALL. PAPER..., N 0 %N i s the tiîuîe' Nîtî l it il. I limve a i 'g liîae of Sitîllîte , t4)i'-t M t privtes. t-h îsiî g. se' niv' snîiles be'ftrî' utîr- My Stock o1 BOOTS, SIIOES and RUBBEIRS Jý oi'îîî1h't. . Call ofer iitliîîeiitîts tiîs week ini Men's andî Boys' ('ohi iig. lait.4anîd <verails. W. W. EDWARDS, Graysiake - - Illinois. ROYAL ROBIN, 34320. Iireul luR Iobin. son o! Aiteil; 2-mar-ulti mnuori',2:28. Axtel. record iii.2 atelletofBilrer.. eu, 5'ruîiuii. iu.: 'lvi ,, 2:2Mi 2:16%i; Ata Tell. 2zie'a: S'! ulera Ilut 2:31. Iseldam, Ntee a' yPrlncepa.6Ula:sire oftrî'ivi' 5j ultiuit.V a'uts s: (hîteipi.2 z16i4; Star Prînep4. li:14 OR-u.. 2:171,: s il 1, 2:wi..)utIsnultj ' iM .rluolf 2:12; Prince Heracheml. 2:13; Falkland. i:l3ý.ii. t tt id damn. Hutning Bird. slc?,,r te Juuiitiit. i2W, ut'<I' ,- t'îî, 511. ru 'urd i2-J, Ire o! Itarra' Wilkes, 21:9; ir l Ow2îtiert'; iltina iM o ufg'up . 2i iOOu1-k. utib. ' lujio. .ROYAL a Il.fniu ls'.Ina alom, lutuiti111-i vuuLu two,i t,ufu ueuu Ho I, vianda tfl-'J]luids blgb uul ahi atigit itearlyi tiili,lirul ut' Il. Il vu.lit. mat'lias K,' BIt' biooîl incaes eof lr 'teuIw tgWlINl lOi ccviis ui ktui lit? uI p5diul-i u That bu iili bgat:otel-, 1,1biui.ti elau liIgrutud irultd I I uttît'. ti noru 1,,cUuelt. as Ilis net onir ilite tsbu elP8A'uetihet'- uubiiti l vtiti. i i uuru. AIl riarem ian? uîreul lru'uu C kiîl Jo t'1. Acciensaor t et'u u - toiuiur lii - lartiý,A l ait. lot, te attendl regilar«. MON l u ot?oiltheieauctir'. ur ulvpoiuitg ouf maretr lu.iI4Urarct' lierai Reluis auibineIutbi,,>n At Loke Cuu tuuty A.'ri 'uutuîr.l F,,], . TERMS: Sao.oo 10 insure. J. iM. BRALEY, le at. . .. ou" Rondout -P.- - Ilino~is. ....i); e On O. M. ,& et. P. Iy. 9 usfroin lcagot Fýan tWight as station. I)id did Now Wi Soin Sevt -F101 to a saeIý 1 - r., XI' CI SPR,

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