CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Apr 1901, p. 8

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f~or c We hiandie thet' John J)eere anid Bradley walkiîîg ridixîg plows anîd five styles of corni plaîîters ;ît froîn $'20.00 uip. Six styles of cultivaturs froin $12 111. Steel Lever Ilarrows. SEED CORN-,. ScbauEk lrie Libertyville DoYou-Reaie.. ~ The advantage lç telepholîe would lie? un cauîîtalk wiîlî the following sultacribers, and new 'phones are being put in daily. It costs but a few cents a day. Besidea- we eau Rive ail our subscribers direct connection with the Chicago Telephone Comipany. Tai Stations. LIBERTYVILLE GItAYSLAKE DIAMOND LAKE PRAIRIE V'IEW GILMER GURNEE LONG OROVE UAbertyville Exchange. 134. Arees, J. T. iisdee 26, Aierlesa Ie o 1.' i'i'y 1n Iliîutlarnlad. E A%%eitei' 8 Clark J. F. ai. 0wuicM.sil,. 20, CaRis'. Id.-B A&t C- D ,u.ats & Gr111-- 113, Clamue,.A-sili tjr>ulewatser Farîi ut, isysind. F i1. i7, 4sf' . HB. Ilaarr & Tin Sbop 4, Dr t' R R e iudese 24. OêlWvay. Dr. C office M, Giallon Stock Fers, F EK.Marsi lUGniOes, J. S l.asc&AReami Esase SHattiem.t larRasidesc 14 mer, lhenry Residexce 16, 1"e CousIs Buk. C F Wright. Casuulr 1, LsMs cassyIs deiiandenti S'.H, Jusi 11, ata Ca. 1P-ruor cm. C A Apuec. up t m, t*eilyvtue Hotel. i, A. Pont ). Prmp. au,' Lucea O 1Resideilc 5. Lvali 5' , Stone .1 U . MriI. Jubn Rdec e , MaLaoiliiW. l LOeîesI. ' RIOCKEFELLER HIALF DAY DRUfCE LAKE 3.1 Matialta, lPaul Ati iîirIilmCer 26 Mine,BeSc] Il ut' RreoRb t j ic.dî lii Ray, ueo. lOau..uad I,ý,-> lotei .3 StaffatdR W Ie'iIec Il, Tattier . h' 'itu 'tiud Lal ) 1liel 25, Triais& Ta'i', & rr %1-rt-.5MeMirbai, 2-, Tngg. Uieu 3ý Taylour, OrJ . 1liLeuicî 1 , Trig .J. E, 2l. Waliond, W- %-MeMare i1I. 'Welhs Bras Wiala-iFais. 121i, Wete rtld.J H t, '.dece Grayatake Exchange. tý ArulOar A&us.utauiiui .akl ce-li'.e 2 S SraaE hIJiaeuc 3 Sharms Ril. Jeweiry 7> Silafer, r 1:Il, i-eidesc i Wibur Lalabar Ca & C,,a] Rockefeller Exchange. Kaiuat WUL aaerE Luaniia si, Roussa.Rab*t Met Market 32: liarden, U... Hale> For Information, rates, etc., wrte--. CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, LoveI's Drug Store, Libertyville. Illinois. Low Prices are not Bargains Unless Quality is there. We combine them. Usas Bitse, aul stylsi- Mens8 Socks 1 c to Z5c. SOc 70,5lO0 5325,5150,52.0.MetinaFine ShirtbS O5C 10 $1.00. Hohwear- Bows, Tecks sud Four-m.- Meus Wurk Shirts ...35c to 85c. HIfndi ...5....... c 10 30c. Overalla..........S to $ 1.00 iiens Bhom i $35 10$3.00. Mens aud Boyas t uderwear Boys' Shoff ...- ..98C 10 $1.73. Meu's Linen Collarm 13c 2 for 25c. Ilh's and Boyés CIohing. Mens CellulolU Collais S5 ad 1Oc. IeMa' Hose . ... 10, 13. 20, ZS,.33c. Ladies' Belta 15, 25, 30, SOc. Chldrens RHose ...30, 35, 5c. Belt Btichles sud Itibbon Sjîîkop A fillia f ades sd 'biden Fancy Percales .... 8, 10, 1U a îî Uuderwva. CsIcoeN .... ........., 6, 7c a yd. à g3iod asortmnent of Ladies aod Ladies' snd Cildreue nShuoem. 1ie Objidren's Salor Hata. riglit styles nt the right prie". W&U Paper, Window Shades, Lace Paints sud tille. (Garden and tîeld Curtains, Ruge. Seeds, Barb %vire, Pouftry Nettiug, W.eaUskiCaîpete hy fsample aud save Woven Stock Fenciuig. 'Iheal yon mouay. Waah Machines, 8evxug Machines, Barrovs, Pumpis, Bicycles and Osipet Sweepers, Brooma. Bilcycle Sunidrîe V. SAUER &SON, DEALERS IN Loeg Grave - --- Illnois. WRIGHIT BROTl1ERN' Wagons, Buggies and Vehicles of ail klnds .. .. . Lemeut5Sait, and 'lui. I.uber, Balilde' malerils amd bariare.. Aj. I We »» di our pat. moage and *.aram. itee fair trtatmm. 'Robé. Bous.le hnaUhg Ihinga on hie aide of ovn. John Rogers, of Oufge, Iowa, lathe guait of Nr. McBiide thie veak. Mr. aud Mis. Frank Thomas are an- teîtainlng Mrs. Bli, of Chicago. F. L. Westeîmou Je heîa, Iiusily an- gaged i lu pckilig bis goods for 5llp- men t. Be allie to attend ithe, seli î,ul lter- tainuleutntatI vîîîîlîî,' bxt liluesday ilighit. It accula bardl t ireal i/e flinît Il i mîly about aI veatl 'toB lion Day. Fîcîl eays -bt ne tîinif t i labest te keep uon the pool 'j(le îof Ihm, aM, wîll fDot tell you. 1At the sclîool mieetinlg Satîîrdaiy îîiglit Wuî.SIftiner vas elecled for au- other terni as dîrectur. lIeut orget that SVWitt Kigge iiIîî d- "ayseuplyitv V III vi ,,,arytl,,iig m the ]tue of geîî raI îiercbaudisee lue hilîg vas ealied lu Shîeridanîî, Wle .tat eoe 10 itkocare of Ia [cIe- grapli tllîe flu the gravel uit ther,'. Nire. J.Lick, saîîglter iof (CfI f.îundemann, soit a frlî'nd, m lîîî liavs, Ieen vlsitlug nt Roîckefeller,0have te- tîrneil 10 the cîty. l'raîik Tlouîas anîd farnily, together w i tii t, îîulecîîsrelat ivee fri îîî elvi- lire. atteflded tîe fJurerai î,f Mie. 'tuer at Waut'ouday. Thfe îoad scraper ias 1,,I'IIg,,ttilîg in its god vorli those iau. IBerem hopiug that tbe roade înay lie put i t he besi îpossiblIe cund itlin at a sail ciiet. Lait Snnday oîr quiet lcl ti1e hamiet vas suîevhal arousel fîuîîn iMsapathy by the arrivai of a lvii rîîîgu'ircîîa. cou- slsting Of thîe ItîlialiS îîUîttno beus A fier givlîîg a lat i nil'.tiey agîîîîî -puîrsuiedthie evî'îl î'îîor îOf Iflîi ay.' 'ie attantion of the village peoule le caltc<i 10 certain portions îof the sîdenaika iflal are su badly lu need 0f repair tbat they are a mensuelu the safcty of Ihome saho tave! upon lflar. A litle repaîrlng muay sase a law suit. Aîî *'jryable tlite vas lad liy the goîudly crowdl shiefi attenuird thes socIal ut thle bomr uf Mr, sud Mi .. il, 'rouklîlte la4t l'ridîîy nîght. W e rîîuuull sec wlîV tIi,' c'0îîg,'i people do Ilut turri uut tii Ithe sucials, asmIflir presance woîîld cubancetehfic njoy- nient of the pîeople lu generai IThis vas nul a Buffalo social, as the prilcil wouid suggeat, sud everyoue reccived bils correct change. Tonigt is lahe eilhty-seconid aul- veraary of thue 1 . 0 O. F. Waucouda Lodge, No. M91, vili celelîrate by giv. ing one of t flir fanions social daucea, for the banefit of the orîler. in Oak- land Hall, Waucouda. A goîîd orches- Ira vlIlie olu sttendaîîce, frrnishiîîg mîîslc for "uld tîie"lauces- the lalice, yon danccd xý'heu a boy. Tickets, i75'; supper extra. lugesud iîîggîes î'ared tocfIes of charge. l'er eider crmmttee' It le saidt h51 lRockefeller Ib large enugfl la incoperate sud.,sia preaume va msy add, the ouly lowu In lie saae of its a ze nltho<ut tieet liglits sud acet muit sîovakm. W',' uîtvsafuel slîrry for s îîch bî'îîîglited îpla'es, tha îî are 8oI faurlî,ek lu the dark agis that the streets arc a. îIark as tlie bîttoni o! a 5001 foot coal hat except aihen the great dynamno of heaven, pale Luna, shedi effulgeut raye sud leep8 mortale froin lumping 111) agatust tracs and posa.s Perbapa 11ue wpel null gel îîaed to if. ail thuat thy eau sec inî the uark. i lacre seema toii iCitlt'a di I poiu îlot, snîong mine if the residenits of our s'illage luidii a lîttîr more cicauing and geucral pîî'king ni) arouud Iheir pulaces this sîîring. Lel the goil voit gui on, s it ads 10 thelu, esîth sud beanty of Ibe place nlu ailighteliced coinuiriuity lite ura il îînght uiot lu lie iereu.ary Iri sîlte tflat tlieulatf iif t1h's îlgu îtpiu'ui a sgreat uicas ni e ontI -Ii I Ithe ar uit suri - ru <ivitige and Il,.'striot n-tîî oici'nt if aIl]sîînîtsnî lase Nluiuv a femily lias Iraid ilWa',' alilI >5ed oiine 5hose uuitimclvly est1,tht-y iî,'lese vas carîaed fuy uueîîtu îiiîliismich in iglit andîi iîg lit lu 1'- lone ii' a a Lad st alriidiiv nîglu trUicSinger bu,0)outrie ibatik o if aîîîrurîL ake, vas lotaîli demtrou'el1)*lu i lre ITfe lire atarled about six l'ur nitrie ai- yuinling lîum buildingit tlie lui F1h ide sud luîmued rapidlv iroto trie lirt o! triebiîg bolidse until -é tIi. v flu lb,' 'n. tire buîilding ams. eruoiiderlrug noisecof ruine A cîv'liuilckly gtered,ut ovîug to thec dry ,'uînîhîluuîuif trie tim- bers aluui thue ligi, v li v iuili lre- vailcd 11.-s mccc i,îaiîete-io asnany- thlng. 1h. lue îuue vai;hiiiilt abut Iveutti lie yî'ars ago et a rosI oi blule.ieîg richiy ttiuINhc'i iuh ij the ezlerior an-t uiterihir It issalit tt thbe oli<'-iusriîd lus lir u, the ambotint ofii ..,i' Yliî ialtiîut pu<s erfuect iraitîi, iosy hclieis Uidf aitig tacs ia youiriver us aliiggieh sud vsur r ioivls cîoggeul. DeW'itt's ILittle Esîls Iliserb cleansa the vbole systeiu. They neyai gripe. F. B. LovELL, Liberty- Ville.:.J. IW BiiACnHi, GUruee. WIi.j LEITNTON. itMace liiotton lm boasilg ut AS n I uLempktr m day Ailauson nwas IrnChicago on iubi' ne'sa Tliuîsulay . Mr.suit Mre. C. 1M. W ilcox s îsîted C hicaguo Moud.y. tilrs Italpti Sfluimskier. o! Ingielon. Ill.,.idavsaing W ni Meycrs. Wm, iavsîuîu.of Liitertysiiie, vigitcd l uiDaviotn sand famihy Suuday. Geo.luavîson snd farnihy. o! Liberty- ille, visited relatives haie Sunday. Ilobt. Nitoicv împrovedl the appear- iîuu" tifbia yard vitli a bnsi vire hulre rcelly. At tic meh'flî.uIelî'rîiuîîSatuuulay i'sellng t%%ni. Suavt.y nas ia-ctaletd i-ehool iii ru'to). Several of the feirmer@ sruîd fiera bave hougbt a uev potalo planter. 'I bey yull Mia lhiugs, hum. Miss Ida Erunkean, wvbanlie een mick for lhe hast Ibree veee. iLout mII- îîîoving a fer ficius vould lite te ses ber. -I have been lronbiîld vthinîdiges- lion for Ian yesrs, bave trieul mauy Ihinge sud speul much mouey tu ne purposeuntil h lrlad Rodai Dyspepsta Cure. 1 havaettaaen tvnbotlea sud gotlen inor.a relief f rom Iheux than ail tither modicines tisteaI1 feal more lie a boy Ifisu I have fait luit veuîy Yeam." Auderson Riggs, ut Snuny baue, liexTh"o sanidahave tcaliiieil sdi h1icllIigga. F. B. LovELL, Llbemlyville; .[%s, Gîsînce; W ILL. Kfahuuu, BRockefeller, SPriug cougtih are s9pacisuty danger- une sud nlee ureul ai once, serions resuhta Otflen fîllowv uae miuute ConIgh Culre -ssilte nagflc. 111e uot Ia cemmon mixture but tn a blgh grads remedy. F. B. Loveli. Lblbeiyvie; J. B. Baacm, Guru..; WILL KNIooa.' *Rockefeller. Voeuom VaaPlew a uigo Suu Mg. IL . 0à vu vwaiUnget b"Me. ,à1iq Mr. Athur Payne tranaoted bnd-* I . A. 055 via a Chicago VU ne" i ic blago luit Priday. Thuisdy. Mr. and i. L. B. Bryant wara arnelu Ont bau a aligi Lake Forent vtisitor luit Tbausday. 0f bronohitus. Miss Alica Smith, of NVaîîegan, Mis. Plows hau been quita spelutat Sunday vlslttug at horne. liait veek buît la gaiîîlng ai Otto Smith vas aItbhome the tire0ofvriting. Lillî week snfferlng wllb '1Jobs Afflue. Mr. Vncent wuab tle te ibu lion." dey, aitbough it tîlI et'rlug Mr. snd Mis. Janiuas Davis weie What vas tha malter salli Ivauhoe visîtorm tout Satnîday and dey" Eviiieully barbers ar Suunday. Tbey retilrued te Chîcago poprilar than farmers. Sunday evening. Tiiere viii hae a te& ai M Mr. Bart Lubk now sucpedi Asa Roiîs,î's on W*ueoncdaY sfleiîî luice as clark in Mr. Meikîes store, lai. Proîpaîle for th, e eeilt lle former c'îmuîenced work lantit ohuilà. àlouday moruing. NexI lima Mrc -gels a Mr. Arhur Spafford, of Miîbuin, had bttIer carry Il vithtitrla. n'as an Ivaànhuîe visiter lait Snnday. If lie doesn 't wvîsO f0 loueIL. lu, the evening Lie favoîed us with a - evar gel fooied? flow1 suoie, wficb w,,', enjoyed very mach. Tihere vii li6 a mreting "S I1 D." coitrlbuled a poamin his Diamond Lake Ce'eteery AsE wei'k, dacicaleil t0 the lage Peter et lis. EH.]lluuwm 'Ihur day af Isyn. Oiugto le lIe rriaI a lY 21 aI 2 'ciock. Ev are ('ompelled te defer puplication of erilylvld1 ted same ioutil unit week. Greatlexcitemenl vai caUsei 11111e village about 6: 3(1 on s lie achool elecîlon paasaed off very by s lire lu tbe Singer bouse. îîuîletly ltestaý;turduy uight, there gathered tethie place bnt te E lelng ouly one tioket lu the fild. Mi. for il vas ton fer gone. Tiiey Frauk Smith mas elscted te aticceed il bun u vth sorrov lu their hîmiecif for auî,tler terni. thinking of many pleasant tin Mi. and Mis. I.îward Swan, of Wau. thara. ltvasnuocîîpiedamde kesha, are villuSo g ill their brothai vas set attie, but lîy sbomu aud siterof Lîbertyvilia. They diove kuovi. iflvwu the ineat bulît Oiv e ,,Ivanhue asit Snuday lu viil a Ibis vellity. fin of Iliair frîcude snd relatives. Wbat's the nmotter vllb the -Oid HALF D)AY Maida Hll"' -Il doestut saam te The viuteî veathar sean,, mtereatîZa very rapidiy, or If Il does Ibis part of the coilulry. tiîey are keeplîîg very quit about it. rum otevstdle ýhlch la soietting very unusual for ia sd fam'entelaited ers girls lu do.) e u al>tn ek We are very morry t0ebronite the Chas. Miller vas lectad se precarlous conîdition of Mr. John rector ettheba chol meeting lai Snvdar. Athoulgl liaelanot gaining ai day evauiug. raply as we visflgote ea hlm, Mis. W. Sbuler and childret vltb skililad medicai attention and ralatives at Rivai Vlav a few gond eeva hope soon to report hleu vaek sud did shopping lu on the vay Wa recovery. Batnîday. The M. W. W. enlatitalmant wblch isr. Chai. Johuson aud oc vas menlbncd trilait vaek's ltna,,aud Mia. Fred Scbroeder sudi vas atteuded luy about oua huudrad Itad Mr. aud Mia. 0Otto Jobi sud Lfhilty peuple. W e Lave beard il Giayilake lait Friday. remaiked that as a sahola, il vai the Mis. J. W. Trlpp vlioled heat entertiaîîîînenîlital; bois hean Bletradfml h given heroiice hie îst enter'taiu- Sylv et le suafîilyIgberpai ment given by tiîlslodge. Aler thaeTgl ved tamis l Ietill e. progîam sud supper vas ovar a nociallisufmlyuLbrtvte dance wasigiveui We uudeîsland thai The lait three places vIsitai sorti certain people vera shocked at prie partis are H, Schg thle very Idea of sach a lhlng taking Il. L. Trlpp's aud W. E, Man place. Wa are certaily veiy sorry If excellent lime vas auj oyed any one biai woiid tham»iavai 10 the place. extent of losiug thair teat, although otBuryevngtet itlaI a great pleainre go know glital;ia eaun te moine people are s0 gieaaîy Interestaul aimaeting at the lown hall for lu ouîr velfare. poe! electing a dîrectur Su-IOOL NOTES. Oui litle marot, l1ohhle FoXet, ex ultm in a brigfll 1ev seaer. MI. W. marviri, Couîîty auperin. tendent, vas s calter Friday moîning. Those vbo havaonot beau ahsent or lardy duriug the vînter tarem ad have iecaiîad certililcales of avard [rom the couuty superlutendeut aie: Etta Gimbbe, bala au Flow Pan sd ltaymoud Payue Those Who vera uethei absent or Iardy dnring the past lnonth vera RItta Orabhe. Damy VanuI'iev, Raymnd Payne, Bertha Kuebkei, Mertli Foaket, Barie Cham- haîlain sud Dr Dis foner.Suas Payne vas not absent but hardy. l ieRday asenlug. Apîitl3ith Prof.t Hiei irv skon, nf the Chicago Con- sers atory 0f muscrasd Diaauatic Ait. accompauied hy lProf. Waîd of ther Raesminstitution viii gîve au aulerialu meutt,îndar the auspices nfibe sebool.r I'iof Diction lsanau impeisouatori highly rommauded by tha pioe of1 Ciliansd other vestern culais.1 Priîf. Waid vîlt furnief the musical1 featuirem of tha progran,. rTheenter- tainneîît mili i eld lu the M. W. A.1 lii. Admission, adulîs 2,-, efilîdren 15c-. "r vlI vaste finie if you lry to cIre înclîgashlon or uygpeps§ia by starcilug vourself. Thal îîuIy maii1tl vorae sîfen von do est haartity. You ulvays need ptauty o! gond food pîoperly dîgestad. Kodot Dyspapeis Cure ià Ihe ie8autlo! yeare o! scientlilc ieai'ari'li for sometli.g Ibat vouldt digesittrot outy corna lamants o!feod but ever vtind. And iltai the oua remcdy that vili do Il. F. B. LoS'ELL, Lîbertyville; J. a. BRacexit, Guruee;1 AVi Ki. h s Lui, Rockefeller. WAU CON DA. t. l.î>y lm novlug 10 (erayâake. M W , Hughes WusassCity vîsîtor Iuýd Nlai Il Goliiîng vas a Deuplaînas vilar Tuehcday, iei l ilihuri vas elected scflooi tlirecti,r Saturday. 1'. A. lasrrîson, of Chicagoi, vas a W au, i 'asilur Suniday. bfralu lianmnoudcrient a fesi'days of [ast v ccl. snd Ibis veet in Chicago. îîrY Oranger came home fuoni Fort Lbcciaii 1 attend a receplion ln ounor if is brother Normn. () tuI uieaday Oeinug ia raception vms gis Nru at tire hume o! J. B. Turuhuit in huuro îîfM Norman oranger, vbo revi t 1y returued fromlthe Pli lippluai. Crames sud othier pais-iies voire in- duîgeco lu sud the cveuing vas s ery Ile&a.atty &pont. ' fie Bapîit chu.rch shrede vara sel on lire lii e-dsy nigbl. The tire cotnpany vas cailcdl ont but liltvas a long limae hefif . vater vas ou tbe lire on accoul of bartîuig hase. The company basu't1 h'ad a lire drill for a long lime sud sery slow 'progresi vas made. Let the Eire Compsuy drill once in s virile sud ha lu beter shape for auothi'r ire sbould onea happan. OBiTI Ahi. Mca .L',ilia Jane Turner was born in <xrl ircsîunty, Main,,Dloe. 4, 1820) auit vas Ite second lui a faily o! <les elli cllîren. Sha fad recalvaul au cxc. hint edudcatian in the graded schrloulf oie!, Maine. On UDO na20, PS43 sfic gave ber band lu marTiage 10 Luther fumrer sud soon came te Illinois, estahlibing a home ou s dlaim în Lake Conniy. Tbay uncom- pliuîuîgly bore the msuy bard.ships of plonear ie, and uccea. sud îîrosperlly orovued thair labar. O! tiaeulue childian faur are itili livinug. tbey are Thuiston B., Helen Y. Ford, Saabh J. Thomas sud Seth D., tutu brotheir o! Nia. Thomas. Mi». Turner was a mamber et the Neathodiai efinrfi 51 Pairfieid, a falîhinl and devoteit <'briallmn. sud s lady o! mauy exc,-iI-urîeg ef charmoten. The funer&[ vas ùlidsatnrday lu the Wancondm M 1: riurch and bteraient vas made at Failrtilid, 1ev. DutSOn 11afting. "Iait vînter I1via oonfined in MY badi ith a veiy bid oold on the lnngs. Noihleg gava me relief. FluaIly My ivuie honght s botle af Oua Minute Congb Cure that affected a apeedy l cura. i cannoes peak ton highiy 0f it&at exellent remedyr."-Mr. T. K. Honuamn. Naaatavn.y, Ps. F. B. Io-OUi, Ltb@syvMl; .. . BBAoUUE, Guus. Vu ;,b eaum tocekgu. l)id Mr. about Il? of the sociattinà fternooli, erybody d t (j ur aturday, A GREAT I5ANMý DA. Crowds .ai'a une avail, ~ jt - heaite, 1 . WA~'3 s pent a superior power of seeing. Have "ou certatuly geist eebwiptata bula elenunt lin the su=»~ of your hmms-keeplng àa the use of Ivory Soap? Judged by the workr to f t &>es Ivory is the cheapest so li Ameria sol stl- to-day. It is ha.rmless Embroderie, laces choo il- and delicate stuffs should bc washed only a Satur- with Ivory Sor* !n viiild daya luit ae vîli ha rIhe pur. fu tihie Cametaîry Asiociaslon aud trauàaeIluý! othar huaineas that may rorne., or tbe meetinîg. A l lunte resled tiyand ha presaut. Agmin the [espar 0f ileahLfibast beau ln )ur nonhmuuity sud taken fer fisa Ovu2 Mis. James MýLaugùliu. Sha had beau coufinaul oliehr hed but s fav daya vhan &ho vas clil home. She înffarad wvt Inflammaion of the kldueys and s complication <if olfiar dîsease. Tvu doclors sud a traluad nurse from Chicago stteudedllber and &Il that lovliug bauds could do, vas doua for ber, but vîllut avalitsud the passad avay Mouday aflernoon. She leavai tu mouru ber ]osa, a bus- baud sud flic boys, Ithe aldeat about thirteen yeas iod sud the youugeit Ivo mouthe, an sgad motier, tvo sI& ter@ sud Ivo brothars Sh,' bai left tbis vorîd tof suiltering sud giiue lui fer rovard. -I huit pilassnohmiai 1could gel ne reat nor flud a cure unil I lted. De Witt'e Wtlch Hfiai Salve. Afler ustng ig once. I forgol I ever huid snylbing lta VîesE.C. Hoice, Bernera Point, N. Y. Look olîlfor Irnitatoxîs, Be suie you ait for DeWitt'a F. B. LoyaL!,, Libeityvilal; J. B. BACHEg, Ourujea. WILL ÏKsîuuoa. Roeki'felîer 1 LONG GROVE. Fareers, look out for psy dzîy ut the cieameiy Mr. Wolf, uuflatine, %i siti il i J. Elstiers Bnunday, 'he fi ait lime Laursasut iEma veut le viail Edua, tIlîci ddul go. C. Han& fbai beau euluuyîng lue tender caresses of Mr. Grippe. J. P. Rtzteuttialer abipped tvu î'ar- loada o! b&lled bsy test veek. lu the (iiidley district B. W Huulîje vas ehected tîu succaed fluacf as director. AI the diilriî'I meellng uif the l.uiîg Grove achool Mr. A. StaLl ws55e- aiected diraclor. The Evangaical I,iîlhieriî Suuday achool bagan lent Suuday vîti lutte a good attendance. Mi. Horcher bas couslruîteîi a neat littie hbouse for bia innulialor andîlthe chicks, heu lhay are lialclîeil Mr. llanyard whîuse Lome ilaai Dimmout Lbake,but salo voriiiîCi- cago, madea a ustines4calilier,' lail Saturday. 11ev. Koten bas beau relurucî to serve as paslor for anothar year by the Illinois coufereuce. The meniheis ce- jelce te hear Ibis neye Thara vas a surprise party lait Sslnrday evaning ou Messrs. Cý sud Gý Klepparý Quite a cîovd asâembled sud a mont 10o1.v lime vas "uet IuY ail. Wboe etoii villiIllib e at 10 b,, surprised? Nia. P. and Misa Mary Iiftentflt have movad 10 Napperville, I Il., havlng gone by train Weduesday. Messrs. J. P. sud D.,llitzenthaler moye tbe house.hold gooda. Mri. Ritc.eulhater biai beau a realident o! flis viniuily for naariy forî! yars sud tyill b missedl lu the commuuily parlicuiarly by lier relatives. We boee&haomyn eîo mauy blessiugs lunbaioen home. Har sou, George Iiitzenthiaier, lises At Napervilla. tiRlOLtY SCHOOL. Notbiiug lutaîferlng. the Gridiey Scbool undei the auspices o! the Opan Wlndov Club vili giva s an eailmtin- ment ai Ibe ichooi bouse Frlday aveu- ing,Mday Sid at M o'clodt. Tha purpose o! the autertainment la te reine one mouey t'O plant out tises lu the sehool yard. A good piogram consisliug of pelcea, dialoguesainad tableaux lu- teisparied vith VOcIalnsd aInstu mental munic twil ha rendarad. The famona Long Grave maie quartai twiii ing. AUl corne and have s Joliy good simue. Admission adulte, 15c; ehildran nuder aine, fiee. beven nine sud fifteen, 100. OauoDt Mo., OCT. 28, 1899> PavaInSYMUP Ce;., Menlicelte. tii. GzwrEusaa.- bava used Syrup Pepain for som@a limeanmd findit tgives rmont exellent reaulta sud il la oua of the greatest seiiing preparations I b avra aveu carla ln stock. I do net beaitate te reomrnend, il. Vary reipactfuilyv. Dr. T. Joues. Sold hy F. H. LOvIKLL, Libeutyvilta; Gao. 0. Roaars, Waneoaus; WrI.L KOiI, BOCOkiU*r;GaATaLÀKS PBAlg-1 QUENTINS CORNERS. The Beut Hemeti, for If ensi. Chai. turm vashaie laitit'ue&day 11001m. looklng aller stock. Charlei ta quiteIAlil vho use U. V,îsi~ ain s buatier. I Baltu foi ibaumatîsu, @ 8detighited Kart Gasie InveitWlluns&near_ vilh the qulck relieffre,i,,train vblch Il sfords. Wbau Spoiakîur, A Ihia Mr. rnge lateiy. D>. N. illuki, of Troy, ,ie Ms Edvd. Knigge, of Arlinglon Halta-. "some Ltrme ago I hart a 55,~attack callad ou nid friands ait he Corners o1 rbieuiautn M y tarni sud 'Ild lant monday. 1 trieul numeronus rtedIcîl bot Rteports s»Y we are 1<> hâve another gai no relief outil 1 watt recomn5,,gded vedding lu the u,-aî future, lu ibis by M""ers se.F. Pasouni o., uelghborhood.druggiats ef this place, U) try ihaw, Mra. B. Landwhar basIfbeau ilngberlilus Palu bain, 'rhay ecorn. for a long Limre sud lbar healthis i not mendsd IL No bLghty tirat I bongbî s very gond at prisent. bottin.I asOimriedo!ilai Fred Kropp, Jr.; bai reluneil fine have mince eommneuda<î HIsj the hoapital veiy muc bobttar, alter aIlinient VI miny of my rrlendu, at-, long neigebfisid agis"t wi;flme thît IL th Ie bi ,,,,,Iemdy,(,rmutscular iheumnatisu, I Ueo. Baker tn golng tobidq lt lba Mar et"' For sle hi F. B. LesEie.i.. au additton 10 the bouse on tbe oId Li bortyvîil.GnAym.rApPEIAEsa,.i homasltead thia isulimer.J.MîrlÀ,iu The Chicago Talephone Ce. put up foui morte long diitsnoe vîtea lrut RFAL ESTATF TRANSFERt5, vaek, vigh a promise ai six more dur- iug the inrnuer. nFurnisbed l'y Lake Connity Tille & 'l'rat Co NO)RTH NORTHFIELO. Absticta of Tille. Ti Lles o uarmu ti-I Mr. sud lMu.Hlie y Kkeunatl nud Maunle Temple Bldg Waukeaîuiil baby vere Chicago ulaiiioneroeily.Louio J. Oraxzeur,-ey 11ev. soten vas sappointed hy the IAsuir-aS',, A wf it,I,.)' confereuceas ai nton o! LIe Evmngelirl Nr.Iýtlr1ujI(il, 2i212n I, 1 i '..,r churce furi moîber year. .,'-y & iiouaî. -1 . w liev. 89erila. of Streator, 11Uformer IHîiîhyuod yul I pistai ofthie Evanglilcal church , B C HBI & vflI(irau.,IC.1 k'oiA calted! nu bis many inienîbitha put parIse oiIl Waisuu..s veekliAh are plaansen Disesblim. iliti['atufea l-e . The dealfi of Bishep J. J . Entieara iClJii,.. t'w.1r.%i r o s shock 10 lic îuy friends. He dii i l..... a 1 eauity.Alril I., nt ltsborne iîî ('hI -t. u liî r . .- ia cillu. îliadt reschadhe age u 01 7 ... ~~ years. Athough advancedi laâge', fie .cio,.,s wua s neful man, dolug a grand and c t19 -a , ..MI. 1, &I good eoik. He ripent many 'ears aut 1 1 ,1. Iw"r i-. '4 , Si bis o1il home a& Northi NoiltteIil. uliere ha bâtd many varm ileuut',îu inourn ies damth, vhuch la 10 hlm u n .,Mu.l.u->Aluiti'ss etterusi gain. Ha la Ona Ut tbret 11'"i . ~li. '.i- called outI iiithe bomne de lu inutle " - , ;tl"i l& 1. lîlli mnths. lii. i .ri-l Mr. snd Mis licrîry ftul,îrt recentiv n,,,irlii,.îi.-..ctt FIaI iecelved thenaid anuonucemaul , 't it.i!l.-i .c i JI' 'J i t , l uieath of Mr. Oliver.,it il'orte, InU "'> . ,vhî, as IflaprosPi.clive bunalsîi î,fIl Ir . i, îî'. . . ,ui Mi-. Bliert a etce.Miss Auna Eifriug. i..t r usa.a.-*'a L iiaugliei0of lier. Eifrlng. i,[ Antr,aeu a i;- i]I I l aigtilig 1f70111 sa train Mr i . 11--t. t ri'& 1.f a AGl oliver lsteppealu fruont of afa"Isilg CIi~ lii;i-li r .-eri traiu. ha vas in ovei snd iuatantlyutr,- Aiai11>iiui, kilîed. 1ev. Oliver fiai illendea lue ~, Mý E.confarauce aud vas <un fil a vy 'J,ýJI7 10 claim bisbride. Tha mauy frIands V-31)w oif Misé EtfîIng exleud thaîr evmpathy il W Maiiuunî & %an,, l:Ii,, T FMa- and condolance lu her great aftllctlon. tio & C J Wuo, l i',i'ô I 1.1k & A WOR'rHY SUCCESSOR. :a1 " art 1'w 4 'wi, Ï..-î 11 'Somelhinu New Under The Sun."' AI] .I(ý,,'a. base tril Jtii ltin,- i ý ATt îau ii rh 5,use Iîîovîiacs.euId sassam. In haler. and Iraga ln pa,u'faim, Tliir luluter.ieis Ih'î thu mii -îîioua Inieulrsaaiusîng t1hem, to eru,k.î andî sd heed. Th.a purfiul -ada uv-Id l0e i uhaicr8fia,, Oni rete ceai.. th, . caeme mbranesthuait thel, malins has ln 0 '-îies. Wh 1 le l>-te ssnI iinht- mît-aiutr. elh the di-eame Al, 1, I'd .-xerirc.-. juisti 'louear Who bas for mait V'.-s marIO .sI'.-e tu dY andtI .i.'..lrt t hu fratUicut 0friATA xit. h tai laë.t î.urfeted s t,-atm,-tît nhcln'h ves faitltbuilhy -d. sot 'unIc relîseqet orse. but lpeiunicsantle ure i TRraca. ic r- moatua'autm..tioptils th.- dihrarges. andsii uriga alInflammatioun. It le tht unir imaedi ksovn to tnitiis't .actnillu etaies tht' affilrtad l'arts. T'l. ut.,cdertui rameur is knowty su'"Uii'inS th tlu,' TRI oi'sSîai 'csAT bi ("eu"anîl i.,sOlu ut tli,., etrî'merhi iroîcue uO onedollar. t'eu-b pisekwit' ,'ontaislng lctarî,Iai ud aîîus mei,iol ue iirent for a fui[l mîuf ha ItertafI ment snd aseruthina irsiassar tuoits jritect "acNuî.as" le the- euh tuurteCtt tiATARce ucu. asoer mal' sud la uv rt'ngetired aw fthe onIr caleansd tositis ur esfor that annorîng -aoi dlsgnating tîlseae. Il ci0at's ait iîufamatiof l isltirand prîmassuitly sud em a]"-o nderfulir mmul 10 treliîs,, Rat t55 &ni or i 01.0 In th- sAII, talà,ansa sbsîl eglerte'lt rilI 'aI tu CO'ScUUPTION 'sfUVi'i.5a viii Myta os If yon use Il 51 once Lt tam o oainaru remeuju. but a uomlete treaîtet vieîrbla miostiVety UâMDaaituete tilts, iTracs, lu sur foini or stagei sdarmln o11 dietions vhib se ans aeah package. D)ont uierbut tend for il ai once. sud wvît fuil Iurtlioulas as tuu cour condition. sud cou wil reasise speitial ailvicm icoi the dîscoserer of thisvouideftil remedu -ari log rouir case witiîoit co.t ta sou îicuiiud lte reuiar prise ci 't '.' ý-the ttac- ANTES i'ATARIS CRE sent piepalilaeanc addre- In hae.UnIt.ei States or Canada ounmael it etof oe dollar. Add"sas Dop ..... . En usiÇ.UfLEa &Celi essa.*3andsud 333MarktlStre'et. Philadlel' J'hia Il',is-11ilotî i aBu -t -. ,i "'f 'et 1;,L. 19 Y '1LiL rt .î <III.- iI tu Ia lti i.i- ilsi.i. a Haic t 1 H lieu, .EI'sri, . th,, i. i, %.', l (-nut a' Lu & l t. i-ahO,.> i uiats.."l_. ib l ,-" . k.iu:1hs a'.Ii,. u -1 .il..'2.1,11, WmiuH D,-u if& lia1sLi W s, ti hal 861, cti i ul ssit I10 - lu] . .. EuE Caisa.iî & Iiiu'u i.,ii hîMWýtl eI-i s'I, i.1. I.; jr 4 I, Wi-iari s a 2 t.Sit ) Ijý-..,. A (eood Stalliîn. tt,,rrne, Nso. 46,RI. A, 1,l.. îcîî. ra 'Oui i 14, viLlii tanî liat lî lia 18 uîlune,Ilig liuîrhv,e Cul i Ilde, bini. 'ferma lurelus @If 1,. et,uî, SlIu Ovucd bv il; A. ArCLEY. 28-4-. An Qorset lý:. 'n 'ono== 121i= 9 W-Udfr %LP.N.CORSETS'HAvE sv7icm P. .VUEUwCL«" us RECOMMENDED and GUIeRANTEED BY M. a. Colby & CO.- - - - - Illinois.1 1: PAU BNCA frr LBENJI) s, IiSNCE i MA o baccos Cigari -LIBERTY F ruit z Evergree ýýWRIGIIT BROTlER/ Vol. l'O Son Kib wr l t)fqv LSIOI L ,ty *Libei Dr Ck. Dr.J

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