CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 May 1901, p. 1

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Vol. IX. No. 31. TIS AD. itijteiiite<l to Calithe atteiid n t 'I eîîterpriï4ill -Meni îolks" to otir firm i t ti'tu say to tbem that we, have just Iliatt articuîlar Id of clo)th tliat Wil1 please'. blediii ooks and pri(c. TAILOR MADE (,,otliing wear. i n ýu ar, wide awake for a suit that t- n rî glît ail aroîîîd -cati fjîmg just exactly .Ilthey are loo)kilig for ait SANBORN & CO'S0, LEADING TAILORS, Libertyville - - - Illinois. i Dr. Charles Galloway.FB IS O V Office over Lovll'8 Drug8tore MARUPACTURER 0F BOU"I r&ON 1 TO ý« CND 56TO)8P. K. m r l Libertyville. - IllinoisMi'b Granit CEIlETI WORI OF EVER' WAUXE<l Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. (ifice ovor Triggs & Taylore- t -Rouai.- 7tto ta a. c. 1aWtir &raid4. lu @ P. M utLêia1dunru u Broadway oppositeu Park Lbertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Phyaiclan and Surgeon. 9UCZKiEOPPOOfTE LCUMCN tROrru st.0 Gurne- ---------Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. office cver Lake Coufty Bank Iirirs wS12 & .aid i tuoô . m. hAlLY Libertyville, 111. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney andi Connsuiior aI Lav. NOTARY PUBLIC Crvien Ovxa LAKu COUNTY BANK, Illinois. -ibertyvi lie, BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. sceAI#ca BLOCK. WtLL5¶"CE5l O TILLEP4NCL NO 5 te I(S 5INCAS.o MAX LE BEAU, . M .;N1J,5GUNE* o .ne Cigars.... Tobaccsmcd Smoker.' materlais. Cigare Whoesale anud Retait. LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. cake dgu.a l an* WRIGHT DYMONO &Co0., Libortyvîlle, Illinois. Issue& Intereet Beaaing Cartifi- uta Payable on Demana. -SEEOS - - Timothy. Clover, Mil Hungarlan, Red Toi Blue Grass, Field &Lawn Grass Se ro aiee Rcmssnb CIIARIES'STEMPL Long Grove - Mlin TO JUiif Cet t Walks Are thae bea4t and le tnee oni the cheapet. Feit gravel roofs g% anteed for five yea Repatring dont in irst ciasa A nevîy pnepanadIop dressing Ihel matea olti vaika neaniy as os uev. 1 am pntpared to Iîuiid Pi crment sitiewaiks, curba or gui Prices always Reasoni .e t.. Zorn. Mr 21se IR5 Bt var- pr. g ned tbeis. E 14 P A ~ Nlire WM. BELL, mittrator i;f th. Estati. of ohn ILn&irr. gr.Eli, it rlesci Ii.cr11att.',l t. C.ertI crt , f mc a11111>9aBOCKa liI C,itit. on tA,'. fret onday 0o JUIVAlnxI, b «bl u«iya&MM ii.wh-n a r a-nmi prsang s bvn~ h oa r uaiyat ci tar* asmt pâlit Eta. amenuttti n qualIti ticacribea Duwltlo ie Waaate, Avril mtl. nk . " 3lav,, . Lot'wâ LberIqVWI4. Ti Sup the nece bot a poo coui bail Big[ tilt Uri, Fne ac >rd Apî>roves Grleicy'sBond rnleday aiflemnoon tht Board of panvîsor. met in lspecial sesai.aufor epurposa of pailng tapon the untiy eppoîntel Cotnny Treasurer's od. Ir. l;illey pneaentad bis bond ovidiug ton a total secnrity of $2M6, 0! orIbis emouns $270,000 ta the anty bond, tse renmnig 325,1)15 ng tièee sId bond. Seventeen enatures vert appendet 10the bond, jean of wbicl ver. Ihoat aoflMr. ridlty's old aioighbars An Vernon and amont towntships, The bond vos cepted. ('oufty Cierk tiendesa, viose dnîy It ta 10 cail a Pipecial lection to elect a treasaren for the onexpire t trm,Baye bu vliiiprolialily Dot cuit tht tiection until July, thuls aloving Mr. G(idley auMfcieut lime t10 -wiud up" Ibis veara bilstifaes, mortefarleularly that at- Sendant um tah e ta, sale. Mr. Grldley viii avait bis commis- Mlou as Coonty Treaurer aud alao the abstract of the taxes belote beginnag collecting tàxes. "bis viii probably be early neit veet. Fatally Bsrned. As the restit of the explosion of a ga.oline lamp, Lifla, thetfourteeu year nid daughtar of C. E. Hernian, pro- prietor 0f111he Herman RotelaI a bluff Lake, uear Antioch, tials county, met a painful deatb Sunday. blie vos Intie mt of lighttng a gaso- liite Ismp, one ef tht kînin v htclaair ls pompon tr apressure purpomes, vhen It explodaed, Igniting ber dreos, andi aithougi aSItance vers aimoat IimmedIgtaty reudered and a qulît thrtava abut ber 10 amothier the dlames, &ho vas terrlbly burned, snf. ferirrg avtul agon.. A doctor stopping et the hotal vurked bard over the girl .11 01<111, but lier young lite expinet i; t2:30 fi Sb t.i de ielck Suanday morning, Tht girl's flash vu literaily 'ecoail aplaces and death vas 10 lber a grate- I relief from hler ngmlng. ne vu os orteon yeare aid and b11e.a 'lu alater. lier funerai vas halA 7esday at 2 o'clock froua the boue. The lire, vhlch resuited in0lier eath, vos extiniguisheti before it had imagati tht betel te BOy extent. Lives. WIth Broken Neck. Fred àuloIS, cf Barrtaggon township, et wliha avanve eaccident ouen.terni oi bis sonuihenry, Wadnasday, Karca 200htn foui hich ie hwvosexpected tu auneive but s 1ev hours, but aolhiraY 10 the opinions of expert metiies autirities ha stili tivea He feU froua a laof t ood breaking li neet, andi hoon alter hise isluabaer. oouptelly paraiyzu,,d, laeau, howtever, move lhie lraa, siouidan, %au sîîeak anad avallow food,,. 1ie-case t.ntune ut thoat seld0m iicard of and bas excited no émail amoit of utintenfti ire puiel genermily regard 1the lac tuiaIlin. lioloffIS ah liliving au 11111e short ut a miracle, sud no doubi vuniti bu Atereâtat ian an axpianallon 01 hov a man with a broken ueck eaulive, &ac hov lit eau move bis hemel asti ishotadens but a4p part ut ht. bodiy beneath 1t1e ehotaders. Dr. IL. . Duba, of Chicago, vho bia change of tht case, hBasvnitaen an article ut iengthoveriig tht casa trouwhlch va extract tut toiloviug. aIo .i t o flsa - t, h"e k is larqkteuat th,* littir tartuaiboueecrfthe n eck. and tAle utre- truan the brain lu aJi frai ts of tha ord it-rw tiIs platir ae uterrunced In their aurc'. As a recuit the t eaInustrteh the wr rer tntr, .shieh tht arn., face. torrêia. tiruat lu apeaklug sund syslAuina. Iandau siauldens. btrait iar ntarr-apied a hi. ce. the , tiio f tire, body. arm amnd Ionm ici. irsraiyurrrl. Now. th", spinal urd hanhora tire martiurr fr i tirer vital tueataora re hi. n 'sonueth11e rouees of life vIrotier. rrtlrr chut of urustue the body. A Imputre of tht eckatrve thre tourth sial beoau 18 altanat alvays ftali. boeause che prrenî' DBrve llaiuure,rd.the r-nauît belng -1uaL'tconm. tintrutir. ibis sxtrteme shock. in ther"-w'on virabreaking of tirs eoa 18 fatal. tfrr ift tias breathmna unerv,,.là Auaured. îrra.tîr.retlr câties piae.,brasphyxI. tIra. Hiad lir. Reilfit racrtured lhAsneet ont tu.b hblier inerr rthe h eadh ibIs m&BIm- portant plmuerenr e nait!od aavediet vhent Irefeit. A8s etis nerveapaietiutaaniet and has lit.,nis prolougsti. '11u Mr. . Ilutaet y,.aiso have Peei reflex m.velumts. Wbien thtehlm are toulred a uaovemnt frerausutin la brought fourth Sert tht spinal cr n ters tlinouah tonrg ucaac ingt one nu mrsss tnom tht t'raia nlyDb'avet secriflSd aur Indepedont actieu. AnD mm vthout Ais commander le Inurio. Lllmrwlcs a spinal aro ut off trurlits 'trunuduer.tersAe, lae enS Cheep Rate to St PaUl. For annuai meeting of miliitry sur- geons o! the Unitad tatas, May 29-31, et St. P'au 1 MiUn., excursion tickets viii bc sold Miay 27 to June 3 for $13.37 for round trip, good unti JJneo 16. Extension Of tickets until July 151 may be obtained by dapoitlng tickets vitAl joint agent al St. PauA net Inter thalian ne 15 and paying a le. of 60 cets. For further Information lu- quire Of ticket agent. 312 P.A. MILLE.. P. &T.A. Shndders At Hia Paat. -.1 racail nov vitb horror, s»74 mail carrier Blinet Mann, cf Levanna, 0., "my Ilrea yaars of sufaerins from "d. nay trouble. 1 vas hardly «evar«e from duli aches or meute Palas ia MY bock. To sloop or1l11,mail MOUa made me grosn..11il IItira*d t -I &bout ready to give Up, Isl j 10 uns e ieioBittera, = completely cuvremAX»Md ilk.mO -lu vsmm." TOqg llo regniats at9umacb,l Md bovai.. Prrt 9= 00 . .. B L)UT'JLINDE PENDENT $1.60 a Year in Advance. Floor Coverings W AU K EGA N.j antithe ma5y seat .M taresi l.e ,, iedmns. The old City Hotei, remodeied anti reuaeaed "ýThe Arllngto,' viii b. opemed for business nezt veek by Mnr. anad ira. iclemanhorn. ILuLb.h apeclal Republican primane heid Thursday of lust veela 10 select a candidate for lderman lan the third yard to fli ivacaney caused by Fisers reaignitien, E. B. Amet vas decl.aned the choies by a maority of nine votes. Three good i mn ere altar 111e oMeie andi acondidgly th1e vote vas ce. The total numbar of votes vas JOHN A. NW1f T SELI LOTS Blg Exeruanaton May 30- Thou@- and@ Expecteil to lituvSites. The greM d" for Zion'N fiune yl ba the 301h of tUa.moulin and thon lDn. Dowie viU kncv for sute vhelheri lts ambitions plano are golng 1li snccead or fait. Heexpectgat ai l Uime 10 bave front 10,00' ,to1000'OOf fisatora te ziora, moui of Oientvilla naeney lu thoarel clcleat uivu.t in love iots. Robas videftly impraet the Nortlawetern ril W&J offiiais villa bis claimsn, a.%bey hava Made hlm à apoctai rate of 15 Cents for th e round trip fronat(hic.<o. By meaus ofI"iswsecl tratae1the dov10or apents tra, crowd 10 111 greateal rosi rafle Mie that ever hspponed. The dactor la aiso going 10 let downth1ebars a littl. lu order 10 people is embryoCcity. ",Wa vish il 10 b. uudýrrtood" he daciare. "that vo s"Iah hertily val- 00010.1ail Uim. atarigood citizen vho desinea 1 avail hinaseil and hi@ famlly aI1111. s piandici opportueLity, andi Who Wiitosform 10o lr arrange- -mia for god ordkr Mad th e protec- tion cfIL,, Gret preparattona fa? Ibis mal@ ara beiaug made. Pul110 mon and dozens of teuarae atverk 0on1the ', 50acre tract. Pour suzveyiuag paries are at vert runntng alz1ot unsa nd mark- ilig boudariea., n Mc 1tht purchaeena may saili iomte. teir propertias. Gangsa ofmoo, villathe.momt approvei equipmens, m etaivork building rmmd, and th1e soanAof the. harurnr and mv in hoard troam the men Who are op additions 10 the extatLng beildinge. A spirit cf choenfulnets and confi. dence lu the futur. af Zion pervadea tàaee men, vho ame &Il devoied adherets of Davlibm. tiint hina th£j MO cViitor vWiiinOtiCe Rab'ut th@M t la at 111.7are naoaly al toreigners- Englil.a, oot4h, UvedS anad (Germuns Wsi hmie elxoep1th1e bulding. se faitarected on the Dovie tract are 09 the mout primitive kind. f boy ans impty great pactlng boxes, vithou the saigtent a"tome a4 architecture or Adoramoal. Zoo o f them anadiul onaeaMMryin height, ami arapainted a doi1 r.ddishoclor. Tiienalas. vol- Mr. Tlaompean, vlao in amployeti la th1e Mugar Reiuery offices. Thougla th1e vert "vers of local talentl, imas- muela as tmemof 1the vealthiosi hom e. of thie ciiy varo vaslted, the beltineas of the tbieve. laintoste. 1the profie- sion"a. United fltatee Senator Win. E. lia- ma5 Wusharo Satuirday axnanging 10 bainE 111* tamily hora Ion the smmer. lira. iao afmily vini.arrihe o la ahout a veet athbo mmily vili ne. aide vita li. Moson'asou Levis fer the nommer. Mnr.lManou t.nia De. liaines, la., anthMe chailtren are alili1 lu Waahlugtoe. Il the Scuator's plan. carry turing 1the next 1evmofatha ha yUll pensouaily ovee 1the enection cfJ a re.ideuaia on hIapnoperty, cerner1 Grand avenue ant illIII treet.Hlisla rcocu 10 tfar dovu tiae aid nemidence rnov standing there andi vhich fer .many Jears hati beau his home. Hlm 3neaideuce viiiba bult back froua 1the ratre.t anud viii cat about 36,000. Relative to t11e politl li alation lu referenca 10 lhis ne-elactiaaa Sanaton Muson said: 1-1 am siarling My nama- 1paigu earni because aI many erreneus reportseith&& have beau circulant. 1 @hal l nandowuansuaWho ln seekiug 1the office aaud I ahali go to gthe people, turing my oampaign. 1 jhave li my opinions on subjecis and hava tiifereti .9tlime. villa the ad- mlnlatralion, haut I have fouglat My 11<11 t wihin tht party Ihat 1 cou- a tieontby balieve vili re.eect me anti I belleve that th1e people vent a Maunt'O 9have bia ovu opinion. anti net be afraidti leaxpress &hein." Mr. Maou viii attendthle Lake Oouauty Pair os veti as the remainden o!f1the couauty tf ains ia thtesMâte. 0 Stole Sam'@ Troumera. n For thle tirat lime in Ivo jeans nburgiaasvisited Lake Fores& Tbtars- day niglat of lut veek. Tliey ented the remidance o! Mn. 'e amuel Blackier by mean. eftoeeof 1the titchen Windows wvieia had beau le!ft unfuftned. Eveny cup- *- boardi anti duavar but eue lu the. lover rooms wvee pened anti a visit wuvm then madetue 1the chambers. They took lin. Blaler'a tronsera and vest, vita their content.. Mn. Blacklena geiti valch anti ohain, Wortha about $125, and 310 Inlu ah vos laken vita lb. veut, and the kaja to the store aud house Aun111e poctets ef tht trouse. The home et Profeasen Nedim va. slac entereti, but a silven vatch an hairloem lu the tamIIy vos ailtcof valua taken. There a .o.clue o th1e 111ev. Oîenng Dance. Pnef. E.B. Entari vili aons h pavillon 8i an ilDay Saturdy evOIn- ing, Mlis. plsd. Umtveoobhe@ftra of oblong% Viiifnrmb Soude. Ivar uecmmdam wrommipua&s.DeiR miliattend as aàsI ma lim me le, $MW"re. To 2i rry« c abb 'e-' .Mr 6 %ReCor4t£ LEADERS 0F LOW PRICES. Wauke«îan - Illinois. PaiitAND PAIN'PERS' SUPPIE 1 wish to eaul your attention to nîy stock of paint ani painters' Hupplies. 1 guarantee rny Yery Best mixed paints to be equal to any paint mnade. Superior to white lead anîd oil as it is minqe of pure lead and zinc ground in pure IinBeed oil and produces a lbard glossy finish im- possible to obtain from lea<l and oit atone. Floor Paitîts that dry iii oite nîght. Carrnage Paint, Stains, Hard Oils and Varîîish. My stock of l)niwihes is very corn- pdete and at pricera as low ia ýooc1 goods eau be sold. Libertyville H. B. EGER, - - - - Illinois The 2Oth Century Cash Store Wooulticmii yonr attention liais waektt 0Iir lina of Lies' antiGant.' Fine Forîvear. W, bave Ladies' shoda for.................3Z.00 $Z.2332.50 $3.00 Imase.dntiCiaidrenns Shoes lu Blatte and fans for .............. ........... $1.25 $1.35 sud $1.60 Miena@10.0 es ngreat vaiety. $ue 313 1.6532.00 $2.2532.50 $2.73 10 $4.00 Boe' s ihoos ........................ 3I.às la $.00 Oua Kim t. te carry lu stock 1the beat eaf acc 11money viii bey, 4i va yl lny 10 give 7011 sat.!ation os regarda qualily andi prie. Youiw FoRtCAME, E. W. PARKHURSTUR and Draperies.. We're ruishing thing, inthie Carpet Department. 18 Busy î- Do Word for it-maing prices that are iq the talk of the Comutý-fnrmaking friends at the é, saeatixot.i Nottinghaim Lace Cutans-In the newtesns gs. 28 Inchon vida by 2j yards long, per palir .....3 ft.0 38 inclieà vide by 3 3prdis long, per pair......... ........ .69ca 46 Inche. vide by 3 yard@ long, par pair .. 98C 47 inchea vide by 3 j yards long, par pair ........ M5 Inchaon vide lay 3j yavds long, per pair .... ...31.75 50 luche. vide by 3 j yards long, par pair ...... ...82.00 51 Inchon vide by 3 j yards long, par pair .... .... 2.5 0 Rutfled Swlas Curtains-the latest fad. Ail one vidgh anad lengll-the regulation mue. Grades andi price. -n folows: $2.00, $1.96. $1.25. 98c par pair. Rufl.d Bobi;tetCwtalnm-the saveU drapery. Ail one vidt anaud langUi--tho ragniation ase. tirades and . pri...u follava, par pairx..............S3.73. 32.95 and $1.98.1 Tb* Duplx Cetin.--the latent Ne« York Idea. O unt aet " on y , utl .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . $3.0 0 and $4 .0 0 e .aci Oniy one criain cud for a vindow.1 Ail VI Ingrats Crpe-ia1 grade. yd, vide ah.. a Oshers rangiaag la prie. down W0 19c par yd. I1 AUl '#ooa Igrt Rugs--al sii2 J by 3 to 4 by 5 yard. Ail bordered and tringed. The latasi colorad. Olktodm-in 36, 45, 54. and 72 juches ide, lta mai7gradus vilh price.. 10 suit ail 72 inch hlaavy con Ia3d Linoleum et pur yd.....9 Mattingm- A gond Ulin l flat snd attractive pattern.0 liatling vith native varp ati..... ... ...Z5c to lZV2c par yd.9 Mattig villa Ootion varpuai. ........ ...40c 10 20c par Fil. RUGS--Small foot ru"s and the larger kinds. Smyrua ad Moquette dealgua--pricas $5.98 to $1.19. Extension BRÂSS RODS for window sash 15e to 8o Extension BRASS RODS for lace eurtains 35 to 12jc WINDOW SHÂDES-good cloth, any oolor 1l raonted on roller with fIXtureS-each ...... equipped smv anti planiug -M. &utan ibis la lu ective opeaaion. Tii. conter of ittoat lu tht colcny Kt preeeh a the110face miail. This leaa higla oue-elry building, about 100 teat long by 40 vide, aud lu II a gang if Englishmen are nov ai work ereet- Aeg massive machinery for th1eav ietusy. Gran oaleigo packig: oe antiaa U&MW cf parts of ttu eeiey roter 1the entIre lonot oftira atrucîture, witie the trame -tii of aeveu machines in ln place. Miay 301h vili be long nemembereti by people of licatru township if Dovies predictiona mattrialiae. Tlley vivilicesnc c f the greateet reai- e&tate salas In tht bretory of the country villa enringh o! theapectacular thrcvu lu la properiy impras ou- lookena villa the magnitude of thle demi sud importance of Lion. Many fnousa a var thre ccuuty yull vIsi Zion tlaI day ouI of curiosity. M. W. A. 1'icrac in Augruat. The Ilaird anptaal business of thia a#eCounty bi oodxmeu aud Royal Naiglibors Pieute Asscciation vos hfiedThuroday ati10 urnea hall. AIl campe betongiig Ut the associa- lAcu exooptina Ivantoe sud lWaucouda vare rapneseutad. It vas decided to hoid a liarveat pieuta tht year, sometiwte lu AugusI, probably abutIthtemidtile of 1the monîla. »Oe the 131h of Jniy the Board ot Dlractmr iii maet InluWaukefauite naeieve propositions for ttme anti pice for holding 1the picute aut &ailcamps In the Connt y ane te be aatrd 1te sent inh prepoalllena. Tii. Guru.. Royal Y.tglaborgrs n- niabath 1e tielegatas vîtir an elabonale apremd foiloving the butaneu @ongan, viiich begua a2 ie'clock. The nev officeratieectet vera u osiot Prosient, George Lynrch, Liberty. ville. rVice Prosident, Margaret Dietmoyer, Wad.vcrth. Vice Preaident, F. ilartie, North Chi. cago. iieorataxy, L. 0. Brockrsay. Tremauran, HR F. Flood, Warranter. Groe. Thou. Stramg, Watisvorlh. W. A. antirson, North Chilcago. U. J. Webb. Liberlyvilit. E.0. Payne, Rockefeller. N Nen, Wadsvonthl. lira, O. A. Goldiug, WanOentia. Pavasm»ano, Ill., Oct. 13. 1lm9 Parom aBTVP o., MonticeulO, D GMUiemen-Our baby USIM.rlb 1neuyer tmSo a djrop ofcf niléé1OU UmasDe. <1liveUe aSYruP ulu MM M ia.a oa. Il entlf'mm C eemalpalion. sie Ja. §Ou y effl aiqeI gave * a mmUiSia sea bu be »v- ~e nos1 bd vi~" e M4 ii ve y~Who Libertyville. Lake County. 'Illinofes Frday, May 10, 1901. under Ani thle ira. C. ilmani, 180 eri kiatf., it Mr. otaer e rit 10 eiy rfectly Itrg At. Atrg At Iiiiln g W i t. natigni re May G. W. 555 C Icuma. -au spd itti 10 ad sam Sme., yvlle, IK EL, idering t11.1 l vas a special primany and aety for ue office. The Demo- crata fallod b put a candidate in the fild, concediaag lM. Amet a election, os th1e third yard la neptablican by a goodly majoiy. it soemed esmag te sas. tha vhoie intertor cf every aaloonan lu dey, .an certainsandi blinda being drave or dcvn. Mlayar linonsa ediot tha$ saloona muat close Suntisys se- cording te ordinance vas toliovad ont bc the letter andtIlat.msae to amy that not a drink vas mci.1 lu thtelty Bea. day. Fanr*the iiSabbath i four yeaneWauk.gaau slocnkeepert i vila out exceptiofi kept their placeseloseil anti os a cousequence mnany a thrasa vos dry ail "y andi cnnaing 1the oqdJ- nanoa vhlii maetiemnaunable 10 quenela their thinat. Poncla climbera vlsited th1e rai- dences cf lson A. Steela, Obas. Vas- MarIdlit. Fannie C. Perrin and W. R. ait. egiy 811110» Inrnlug. Ath11e âSteee anud Bina ra.idouces they vera frlghtabied avmy belon. gainiug an- Irance. TAey enstaes the Parrne bon"s, but Made a hm.ty exil, laiag friglat asthoe orauti0cfvoica.lau onea of th1e upatainsmoona. AIs1the Vaaa neaidoece 1*tevonsw ared their only booty, 81810laautandi a check for lýý jý .1 v 1 ý-& & r, A (%ALI & R IR A&& Ad A A lý Il -.1

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