tËB INI)EPEU DENT1 FRANK I. JLST, Edtor. ILIBERTVVILIE -- LLINOIL TOUN(JERS (40 FREE. PAROLEO BV MINNESOTA BOARD OF PRiSN MANAGERS& Outlaws Wha Has-e Bc-- ta Prision Biumca1876 lia, taon BB. e'e*ed- Action ta Test Ne- Lsw-Poxiie- Train Expiodes la Caiery, Calje ari .1nu rl'u,,Ytn agi erinig i if sentene-ntsi.ie ,11,a1utu- . hiia - nun, bavelare-n tint cuti-ni ilIe Huai-ut u!Pris- on inners. Thu'etu ttint lle bard ors oliorru 'Pirl'Yintri- tahera bas-e blutin litiita sire uue176 foi- the SNorthfbetntBatik ninlaer>'andl the maurner-n e-umuuuriieri ruruog the trogresa of the, raid. Trhei'u en of the Pa-roe, boardt cas takti-n uttuîir nutoity o!fte le-rpasset nt Illt lisioIlof tht. Is- Watai-e. Hi finent,, parle becunnseit-f tertive il munI lii unpr nu cl uin witing b>' aIl o! tht' munur.rsnrflita- hrdtioflPan- dons, When lii'tintinger parole-itaiis Bondt la;the, Pardonutborduthe, questui o! the validut;t f tht'14w.Iris i -us-ilnutuIhe point fithe tireliigis is siiniuItive lacera t a &embur 0frithi- jutcru trilr>, ltiti' pi- sonaflif th(hief rt-ien, nil te htrt 10 jatige Sîni et tir ds'cuul.Nonas'eo!the utemIteri or'the habav Il e-ahri-s-tait opinion to ttIllue' alatdu it f the Iea' or thet.a-iq o hbtr-tati-oinu île't usoger case- FORTT I.NJURED t.N A WRECK. barlingtoui PassegirCar. Hilret D)o-n an E-ubnhantnt. Orer fort; îesonswn c nt. ureti. anti ont, a leuinnriSono s kittain ta scoliîs- ian heerisasBuiton passeuger trin ania freight irias as bartutufint s slding nt Thayie-. Iowa. A nuiter r! ihose tjureai seý re tethes o! ilre nia e!duhe fretîht train. Who pluctri; nîtula te their posautbal a fen s-enarie- fore thetraiscroute tugether, le> mg des ptrstet; la gel tht' cars oalut fIbe svn et due passengor triat ehich cas swis-p- tag docit upaa thstm on a sîeep grade at bhgh speeti. Sevei-st caca couîaioing man; travelera e-ere hurlteui tuen a 2-footratil lanment. ant fitalhere as-as nu gi-sat km o l!.s la retai-hkabie, Whea the, rash i-m the frelght engine e-st bmoW amSTeoathde traek. antiduthe aen' Ve esgine e-as bai-ted toc due embau- ami, foloceti by tht. baggagt. antien- prissa cars andt uet.chair iara. PROGRESS 0F TUE RACE. tau4miu of Leaga. Clubs lui Content foe-th. Peulat Poi-nia thIe standing o! tht. i-uba la th. National façgue: -WL W. L Omtnnatl -8 4 New York... 5 1 Estolyn i-e 7 f5lSt. Louis ... ta6 l PItlabr .., 7 5 Phttadelptuuo - 4 C Bouton- -...5 tCi-ago..5 L. Standings in tht. Ameicnfiesgte ara W. L W .L Detroit .... 10 3iBolton ,.5 r Cbk»ago .... 8 4 Phttadelpîhie..,4C l&Wmoro e il 4 Clevelmoil ... -4 b Wsshigtvtn». 511e-auhtes- ..3 iX »IVE NINERS SERIOUSLY HUJRT. Powde- Te-ina luia Colliery Rune Amras ani Exîlodes. FIami ere fatot;ljî--u;a expcloin o! powtitr ehidb orcurret ai tie Heu"- collier>' o! the Iehigli 'Valliey £)rWom Company, acar Wiikeslit.rre, Pa. INe1 poctier e-as on a "trip" o! car-a. As tluib e-, cantereti tht. lape Ibe; brake h ais anti tamheti toca thtmine. *N'hen tbsg ctacheti tht. butinao! the alape the comunsio cauet the. powdtr ta ex- plodla. Ths force o! tise explosion e-sa tsrilliad jie atli b o seere ri-idlg im bm "trip etre badi; i-eutfront ~' tht. mlockas weetIa b; lie explosion. Mile Father sand Rerset!. Tweti>.;t.r oit Ida Biai-e abant an-i kileti ber tatller, Gantas-Battre, at Ibeit boune la St, Louis, andtIbt sent a ballet theogi ber 0e-n hea-t, fahlit desdti -I ta a fee- !gci f ber parent. Il isi'all ibal due daughîee accnsesi tht.ralier af bavng inli t4.4 PSt Louis Exposton S ters- Watter 1B. Stevens. thet, ce-t ha' Wasbington rorreapontist.lis resigneti hlm position mn lb the t. Sm uissGlobe DemocatmIanti anouit lir acareptatice o! due position os! carrt> intht- o rlti' lait. rpoatron. Osa onp.uite, S'slit t aile. Tht. lierce figlt butet-n tht- gremîtucihu tai rampanies of Cliatni ari -re tht, alici- day htI lieeratification b; tlits stottkholi-a rt the l'une nnati Caa Lighi antiCke C('ruae-Oif nth,-titan proposes fora armi oununf all tht, evumpanueitz Pro!nt, SIurs jMre-ed ganr Aîiýen yrti nfoeurinr.îrlia -naet the. ararruag- A NIstttere mi t, Profetsc e-ugeleIl i.-nein stie-tur ormeti ortte i--Larit un th ie> Wool itWarehsu'.i. tae-i t A sun tar y rnkvueut.a tr Cliesnut nIecat. Pbdlelhiua u.iiu e-ou, ea-t ieieu, tir ae, t--ns$7"- Tht, Sureeu('-it-onf 'ltsthr- sonsituturriuritt, rut le 1tirs atirui arbesa exe'î iresluuin ;l'aitapila Oesel. Vilage Atat X% 'ot-i.t.s Tht, lithtle tutu .1 la rrl. N.Y. vas allatist f-tirti i'r, tilt wi bnsinsess litant- . e, -fr a ntiinI r ilfit' stonu. util di r linai g iS ho tiît anti a barnt. t gizm r aii i unir rt Tht.as e- tlIii gaîtai trr - d su mL'CI 0F CANADA L\N1o W2l EJllj ELOPER. WN* A JMIEuXRAME Itam ?rstu ich n R.oei-ce, tb$ Ltk-1I1-~ 1A \tiu rmlbd by Alaffey Pape, bui Espe Vetaricia itmsy ia Qieis t p. _ _ ____ hrough Assistancesof T'rain. Th.drco 0 !ctiogleaý iit ceoTher, wss a mer'; iart. on Ibm ai Canatta la o h e tait guîsîrî uatth Clr Of atle OMMOn ta Prime, from lilsaesth. , J.tus Newak lie- aann ta teinteunttirat 1tat-ttitI> nolh $3.030 tu $j40; hait,. shipping grades,. aenCpti th s l h.laiaI ho busii s lnoacaort.fltutti b o f the d $30ts$,9;abe. ar uchlt. 30 stai-t, anti an agry papa, achu was5R ion SeLiat-olott n SttesContîts.- ~$450; nhemat No. 2 ied. 73c ta74c; lose second fore threseisrtera tof tht. die- !er aIStrîfrt o u rîtnt ilu tu Sîe0ar.114No. 2, 54e toaSiiet oata. No. 2. 'Ii tance. Papa nos abats l luîget -uhrst Departmnltî taunntîîmr îta~ 2c;rye, No2, ri, lu 54c; butit o f apeetfor witali. ,andttihe Odile, i 1250,(M00qaticreruile-t orf ensuttuaterri, chouieci-eamery, 17c e toige; elle, frîsh, bei-e bat be n t. aiuit havt. homoin tory la yet reeait-tTit-tinitie.tht. lieta1 2;pttis c1 2 i-tsfi-ueln rttinî h-eolicu lahuspitabl ttitou eci aerît' îportiras. bitîbuahlet tlt, whOrn thnut t i iii uat ava gaieng, atietfrituttitra' tutll., -estâtinure llîtte apoil CatIe. shIPPiug, $&010 t ta lslY woneatt îtroutgh the opîportuenh- lItlle.als. fuio i ;îîr î jutît itiqo-tus 'a-$5.60; bugs, choisa' Iiht. $400 ta $580.;rterventionnof a trta. Iiite moralng train trri>' unkasiui '1 The - t'sWi[ Ua n, lee rommon ta prime, $3.00 $tu tti; rontNewa-York hruugbî te pair tao iiî- fit,tit he gîsîtrt eleutt o!ruitelart. al eat. No. 2, 7'2c to 73c; e-ornSut.- îiîtth anti tht'> tt oui-s- tuank r ab ant terrilory. h I comprisesalnmuirstte enteirenwhite. 45e to 4k;uis, No. 2 white, tocteti for Ne%%a re. Oultjter train the. ntriir tof ite UsLutbradr euinsutli. 1a- 2e tu ace. s rY father a îuîîîr -u, satnt sst'uring an' îilcntionsitrt, ao>o conulntSu-Ifirttharul 8. Louis-Ctthétt. $32à ta $585; bntgs alleeCh, ititht' river lie etîttl glve duung the nuitllite îai. it leusi 5.tttlt1 $3-i00 ta $5 0. stiett, $3.00 tu $4uOý; ien $100 ifIl,,'caugittthe edopera, anti tiles un!f tiu-tvrnînLrr in sa rit ber -u tîieea a'uat, No. 2. 73c o1 4c; i-tii-a.Nu. 2,$25 if li, farlu-n. A bot chuas fuowSet thcotigkaiot tt'îîuthdoiiroî tn.iotuIf waa-hb44eta 45c; otz. No. 2. 2e 21k 1k,;Oa t>tetndfria-a iaete n'fa ther gaitieas-tattilY. sali rtaîbsrgt Ie iteatliriiasitir- St. 2, T54e jeO ae btntlett allerItle iah cotnainig tbm neel ail tut t lithei-oexlor %vl t'tcianati-Catte, $300 1t$5,5;hule, îîueilecrisst'isaretîlroanlt Iitackatrain are trmrilyt,se-tli.itri teiticaini tilt$3 IKto b$50; shut-It. $300tu $,4 43 et.veinelog uni nueisn te va>'lonîg tf thdvtt v itrer T htutu lai nnuer.ta elth ,atbent, NNo. I, 7ti luii7e, uorn, NO -ernîugh toa ta iirutta t ufiirot beau- otf ibia regro i, ta art u nnie i tiii-t' hili' liiti, 47c to 48, un is t. No. 2 nixeti. 211 aa 0encta Tue"l'raluliter of the gir. tht. itense fin-,trs onrf ituert amti aciata '«"'; ryt.No, 2).54kte tn57c' atho gave. blt irtîe as Il tGardneratc tf trought ta te manretsaor fthe' asnrcît-1are lîtrout CatIle. 2 I)lu$10,legus, Oleati, N ., -salîuitneta tn iîltitihis expectuiulta becoîtîs uý serree ot large $3 (K) ta $3ti h-,82.50) ta $4-50;: taughtei- if t ilook ail tht. plice lu Newe pi-oit. wbenît, NO. 2 7tk- ta 77; s-orn.,NO. 2 -Jensr. BRADSREET' UMAI ~ IE . >',tv, 45c toa4i otaS-No, 2 White. W, jE ATteNinit Po-il Ctjtllt.STY. BRADTRETISGRAN R%*IW- ýSetu1031c; rye. 5:t ta 5;c. -trnlssîu W'iti, Sa. 2 aixeti 73e ta eu»lýr. crop stuation tu Encoarg-Re- __ ian.S.2luSn,4 et î; u et ars s-o av ifuaiasod Sh* mti- pisultinaiof Cttou Ne-vLeY. No 2 aixi-t. 27e tu 2k:rye. Nu.o. , le i M rteeetSenltt Pe-1505e crdýlc tse-toganria fl o12v1>' r lprme $.t.iY n t'-tti- dtat' lure' talie los:-iia-et's n grato la 55 ui it -t; lsetiaa-lri.$t5, hu-lant tinire Sýtes tîur iî. n tc- luit "W ti-a, li Irîiua liruiraltltunna usakee-Ve "Iit,1eNos- 2 nitîternirmbials hm teîtNnas tout lira, anti for thi eekggru uulu 5ltk.,763 linstbin s 3c ta 7-4t, sault. Sur3. 43c tu 44c;. titi-t agiat n hecun-iý)uiliglýN . 1 viii -91 t 3ký jcNi. , tireu, . hl-firînnnr r'4 or ln snl taect-t f 111(5>. l-rouiJuin' v1 tentii ut 4e; tuti-e>',Nu.2, re5s'ttir 56e; Itl -slor,evie-'iI hatit ii tu lrirtiet seinteus t u-tat eprte are I;.eO.Sl e-a, $11.17. Iiueebrinirriu atg!hnait. businelit. agaraî,t l l.t:ieo aaî arasn. uBttatra-Catile choie si&!sîînig teers. tobe- e a-gIvo u* Cors caportit tor thec Or'kale igciguir $50tu $3.25; i, t railf-îtta primte. $3. rii(K) ic a tituriatte 3tig it 2,371,8V12 bohsta, gni 3.411.015 1 îî$6;11 a.fu l btn, z.iîi suuskul led un na saionuanic-teb> Il> S this week s yesr agît. i--reneJînt>'1 Iii ;t. 50;lanuhe, cummnu tulaextra., sM.50 te iieatuau uSaa îe >. Ihr date this sasoa enuti cxpitrt'nair 17, S. ieu' oarris'd anti rut u'.ueied ul thounorablet 0tlj'436 tusheus, ngainncî173.203I,L75 hat N ew Tort Catie. $3,75 ta $5.60; bula. "relutatîrta Whlttt attfeitg fronat 1>phuit eason. The. t-ioitsitation t pret'Se'l $300 ta $615; .1-s'ti3.00îtai-4.80- fts-jenst Ttellantîtnla sdelirulihe taihed qaite encoragiag. arnt sunas îeaîh- ebeat, No. 2 rtt. Sittaî Sic;cr, raNo. about the, kitlita lira ville, ta ebom hle r la heiping ciai alliait, asdit taes54r ta 55t; omIs. Ne. 2 white, 33ec ta bat not i muat-iltht e cret, hait ber maihtatas a ganersîl>- gondUcondtiontr, at' botter, eceren.1se ta ISi-; eggita-1t.cust- itarousi-tiani after i- rst'vei-ed witbstantilng reportms!fdamtage b>- n- enm,13e te 1s role tu tht. Ctolaus p.ithetatr. ast- sentsinth de Sothees.cl. Co u'ruajqadi- ~lit autttht' miatier. The pIasîmaster a-tees are fi-t; gond, anti an tOreuatint STRANGE CURE OF PAlt£Ly.'ItC jlaceti the, iformaatioan in lice hanta o! sreage ieStij11 foresahadaneý e-ttsietthe. poie -and ti h>55 as ari-erteil Irlea math replantiog baving tusen ne-ceai-; SBarations Bemove Fr-agaments of AI-*aud enleuceti situ ieyears' umpiauoi- ta Aabama, (Georgie ant in aTenanesse, fred Lehr'm ltsckboae e -aMt, Itm.RyIlna neyer reuas-idhiber!- we-ere the searcit; o! secil for duit pur- Alfred ILahi-, a ;oauag aan tahose hasai! farts f or hi, retease, ant inaflash; einc- pose remarke..int in JopIIi, Mo., bas undeegtîae a rare rît te Usice-nrît at Iberer san grave sargicai opec-sionn t a baspitail in SI. dtitb hat her t&dband huedthe fatal 1>1GS UP A JÎETTLE OF GOLII, Lou in. On Mars-b 20 heu el frac» t shot. - step-tattier. andtinba shurt imaait. sie i Labo-er Maies SecoandiSncb Find ton of the lacer part of tht' bod ti>'ellaFor ROB AGEntM 'AXANOF 813,00. joeh Obrs mloyearna axheea ie a-s nOst-t ms-.lOstit tnb <l aidnd Pueper O.ertootied te JosepliMyes. mplaesion he it li-e beiow tht. arma, anti local physaiins. Thirss .mnSpriensie, Nfteb iar Osaborne forirnnear Airait. Ohio. doit unale ta beip ham.sent humattu St,.Lism, Twao mazked mat-sienleresi tht. bon" t! oaspfat tse- ht. ba-n. hin o" cf -n -a>' puture ahoneat that due spin-il lis. Ruth, Ayers at Springvilte, >.tch.. wscond o! ge arn.Thate anthe colmn wsns sttee. Aa ineunion six cr-e she lilaeu a one. bouail andt agieil seoddissoner; fgdmdeo hches long cas nade, exîioing the bac hcat aaaka-ht t'.Iais bU plate. makins a total o! more thaïe $5 lainoe.The, fragments anti apIlterns, $8lierand ungianti curhenae;, Me-si Âyeabu 000.Osbone'&relaivesbavealwa s bh c ere pressing &gaunat the spinal $0 ngodadeurny Ms yr conteotedt dat there waa $1P0.000 hideatord, Ihus causing parulynts, erre remuc- i uecnreae ata o bu invaiosalacuses.Ear Juohesoh0aDOpeau-andi immedialely pulsatlin css Ob-t-$40,000.san t leiakaown that elhe aIe-ais forvtht.amîire e teine Ooî pta ' eva l h ot.Lehr i- n iiirobabt; - epl a large asluant of mone>' about tht. tetiar; o h udro l anO-sre ntecr.bause-. tefflcsarouandi$W30ilabitts anti mon.ltl hdth iln tObr eO,,e, Sln n golaI ant ilsuer in a shot. lox that wssthe, rsait of his refusa) lae1.-l obhers JUVENILE COUPLE ItARRIED. hnd Itetu ipened. Hlai!o! the, moari hat tht. goîti eas bîttien, bet-ca nseeOnt. A $7A Obill anti a $200 Aice. Fa ,13 yiears. O14 la Wtdddbilt arrrpichet ap on tht.en. Fie-e Sweetes th. B.s nes.msteet. te Artbu. Milikgan, Ame-d 14. A desructive firt. occenre-t ai Kslti-. l. Pittlurg Allée Snuas-. eho hile TEMPLS TO IIuSGEFSOLL PLANte-ED Ohio. As a n-ati almacl tie tatire b8il- reseheti the. mature agie o! 13, e-as mate nes, aietioa a! ont, aide ut Mata aires-i tht. aife a! Arhur Milligna. Who el- Pr-aoýe- ta Ee-e-t an Elsaoarate lIen- la à heuap o! ruina. The ire startet inlaceeda lier in age by ont, yetrThe !ath' v0e-laisllidiag i. Chicugra Richards' bilardti r, asich cas ro-aesr nf tht. bride performet tht.es-reatan. Thî irrigle Chicago o! a $100000ff sumeti. logether as-th F. C. fýs-s- rug Tht. couple are said ta hart. lues-a loerstIeît.i-r. rhe me-moi-; o!Robert G. lo- store. Joseph Neluer's htiarrieare store. fraine"eariy chiltihootf' (or infancY.ai 11gir-1n-i aehici the teachinça o!fIthe the Signal prning office. IHicks' sirt.'are oid ashuauinatts.Tht.;bai deslai-rst rrnusuranI othe-usî shaît be perpettisteti, room ant i Kmnecie'a residienci-. The thal Ihey wnultie-ope if tt1irParents us thi tneînse o! tht, tageranull Memorint loue la $20000. outdti rtconsent ta tbei- mai--aite. Aait-e azioneincorporstie- t iSprinsgfield. iRallier titan haire this happu tht. uai-- The peajetors are Ede-arti C. Reihe-ait, Deste-ntive. Fi-est D«1ai dians o! tht. pair coosenteai. Whse ask- sese-tary of due Amerucan Seenîne Union Itn Dallas, Texas. ighîiog sIrotAi thet, le d e hn tenrlie on n Fe huhtFdriio;Feel nen six-sttixy blaock ast atut la;tht' Soîuih- t dtna hui aendaie >oac siamiu h u elhRbetiritsnofrEeit 10 marry. Mi-, Snow saui. -I beleve wee lb- uuat amtjRtsrca nî. en Roe-k tlant lme-Comnpany. The couag people e-mOi ta mare-y tht, btu cu building -as rate-ilàa heproof n se-chase ithingin lata ltl hetdo as Ihey euh, SO0 ttash for- Indian Laride. structure, butlinlèse th.n an houor il sa1litre offereit no objections."1h r1iranis Offime-a Qi-e pauningint m n total tras, Il cas filtra ith nagitoncitncienOklahoma sied camping ta baggies anti agi-icaltiur.et ahinery Tfhe POSTMASTEENDaS HIS LIFE. n1 si.1 iIh uta, Caach- su jotie cf the stock s esiatesiEt front n t -th ia omnh n $300,000 ta00,OiOOOeasd the, buiding it aIObenir, IL, OGdal Reude,-ed De- Itar ht-o:nt 'Wichita Iniian rt-seri-inîrl nitieuimatt>' l0itMeEl. îeoemt0.e- Lait o!tiapcetor "Ia i-i>.- Utingr acedettet fine saint uie Hlenry; 3M. Smith, posîimaster aIt0>itaAt:r' r'oilepîsutefi-it Bsh luiWYoniigOit Fuieida rng, . Ii abt limffl-ifFridaa. The,(Ji- govris i, ni ta have the ianti renetifoc ,L&aeer claims ln tht. ate w ,ramtag 01 rect eae o! the Suicide saas the viit o!fa.nett mach soutier Ihaq Aug. 6. o asare betog fled t tht. rate- uo1f 0 IWaa pustoffice inspecere-ho tisptsyed bis even ile uni.'îsI.eu ta, The filelti cocers nesel; ait ef the. authorty la uchas manner oser due 1 i a- ean er i iail et goulhern art of U 'tah ('ounai>feun the rt.guiaritls of tht bssof the, atfire Ihat antidc -eninjresi. Ibrite pnibubisfatal itorîhl ¶rziiu'h oftht. Marri>'river îu the Smith, e-ho e-s;fa ssie>- sen-itive tis- vlu ialre ta a rusty tî'îe-nîienhlon-e îuuina an -ge or moanîsains- The- Sîaît- position, roolt.t a long timt. acer thtes rttitiuo ht*aeierrtin ;I: t (iiipeuaplte havs airesty i>leti aule imatater.i oi hg.Telr eatiin ,aysa r'I ' T roiithe lire ha train-i innibe t n - ~bÙti Seur. ConitriiL fake Suneanti Mirbugun SoSuhe lRait- 05e-tomrs ey Cur Pris', Amffs Sterling, coloreti, e-sa rovieteil e-a;. noe acuai nuei-t utfthe . Nithaen - - -i . h - 1 -h ie - Ot,, , teopera i nTofRai;Wilson White, tht. Young CUti- in Ineowa Ct;. The -mnIe- at -s curait>' o!Penna>lsaoia peofecitor, se n-rn 1ti*;yCarvaitL. Story oftif thigune..,tru and atiltana tieatb aith an astr c-uedt he las-ii leus tf $140X1jrua ir on a starset laln st l'hlantrh.t Iterat G.N ar,<he gi -lomtuntphoa. Te-o olbe-r eege-aes, Henry lit-;y place atmi a trno.' ut $541Thitre pis, ue nus anti Charîsi" lîerr;, btvs-e mobsen non- éesursd b; Otîto Bracket: 't o o. 'ited anrd are audor snteate ta lie BIen Giri W.td. C ... h-a. hangemd. 'dulsa oarJoan-as, sho is tîrainnot HisoreicwaaResagn tai vitn a h oJttiudlsa tghîer of 1L MmIra Mrgtret T. Coleman, ceho e-sa Ilui overa.,tht.Manager utftecket.ia mumat latht. Tsmil; o! SecTetary af f'. lIer iBtaurs ouîttht- giet ahes, liai 1 State Be-ai-, e-hem de ue terpt e-as4 'atiltae-tiinluBlagiarton, N. y.- :madete t. aasstate hlm tt.e*saue even' by marying George Tbaer, Mi. Baeer< ing Ihat J. WiILe, Booth abat Pi-esdent1 soan lm.. -1Lincoln, andt -bo ae-s r-titeti subi sati-1 Bisk eaeuiont Th-e Mýimea ng tht eciear liTe, bas resignth de A ernua of ibermn picks-ti p a émtail place w-h mIe bas belti in the. Tressnry rie-tant ssntainag Ihre oya tuer nuls;a lepartineat n Washingtonaor twecnt;-1 unit ah re nPPosrt, (Suin acta Tht , luurmsevco ;ears. f1oti -t -utterîtlte puserun.natorah inIl istt Pan umeer^"reHuet. sath-unr to> Ln te-eutfuro, tînt-île 3 lie Te-s NettliernnOhiot rancti a riae-I- wue-na ii ru-i arrn,îIt Iinn> afrt-t ' tstai the f, fusa f teep butlanAki-on, lesto 'tr tiLt,,pti..tsud abo heut a taxes persan* vert. e-bun.-1i.ni'.B-ni, Bec er . iiie-trett. Thetoite-a iars weet. idte-ul itl Titi 1-.;utfth. %ru tl athnj ot ' -naeoeTi.antd ere tra-eliing tisse tu- i-r vas laken fr nrIr-rti-rF-rt ýu ther. Fine mimer rtssiethe Irakes ona l itua - NI i tuer 'inso.. r 1'rnI ",[1 -rt .'ire sas a r efaIwt u a ork. lIi te'Il H -rI týo-iut -ui-t,ýoM- niar1 l InJes te Coita. -os irruinaru ILntîmat-Ithut 7A0000 Cres o! -foc xii lan,' ta lu e i-ete'in Te-- eWtIL t-7ue apmic. -ta--Tuhe itt t ptnîîîîou plantaion:s l)rgtferr t un- tie tn igîîcî- o edeta anprr'tereI b; uthe-cet 'ruai a-m "hlI'u, r itr'rg.l tt. con afessor Ithie taei-flwanti r; it t-'ugn, i :'ue -". 'rftr tuber a;fanmains tah.egmunt s-ast na- ;-n it1 Ut at tii t 'ra",'nIt -:II "r eas preorIinted i- Y aenaant cidtll r ",o rtre ohu r-rt rit u:' ' , i 1 nt- utnstari- Uiteamain Meatuiky. Y. Fr ...t1. Ch--iant o!finatken m-n aet-mn li tisIofr1an.1' 1husnern, ho I atiti' rofth Ir-Ir-' i nurtidtra nntait>h-z l tne-fii a<,tà"n ite- 'lamer- Williams tacil rieitirO ~ 1 iy n tijete-lotis stable anti fr .ut t>or»sur.t., iSC'ese, r t'hu~e~t.. Baa e tmI. i - In ttu-'mpt tn;antag -atm n a o Forse i hllceuneri re un- tta trs-b !',Iu tetsiff utan ttMissssippi riert dus ftrai lîrîar i»If I-in Wenleauo ,nfi'. rcme-, tuentata sLa cîtisat, mite er urh cfîuat-aun urh. ,1,- 'la-f 'I uî.ieSs eimge-,e-eprecipitateti t hP t, le "v"iletru-e-r'visiitggi lias tt ilir atrrPeter Kauss get 23 Idplace M'btn tht-> imelte- ieath, e-e.,fWabéaaa, )fin=, vas dno'wneti y The higb se-holnbu hitling. s foar-tor; A mur àee-&C,.'. lie boum, orne «! tia Id brie-h structunre, cas nietroyes b;,fine at larzevat utWiso e t t-n bm liego stock tt Oshkosh.lfoss 070,000, inserance 8111.- Yrle, e-as Pardi dasjto b; le, en- 000 Tht. rigin utftht.e-eula nne-tva tltag s sIl AM $ltI#00M. Tht' Irai Amerieaun tu.amshup îu come direct Ti-vuitht. HaxaitatiIslands - la 1hilradelpruia cihl a carego rf suarse as the t. an-hip Clfrin, e-hieh arrireti the aflier night fron Honolulu ni 1110 R-edu 7,920 tans o! rani angar, gi-astul tute nec Americati possesalas. Buiriet Uidet . Fiten Wells. Six me-n ceroeled unden the falng e-ails o tihree-tori brickIelduug t1 13D-141-143 LÀncoin Pari- boulevard, Clii-1 eago. ont, of themin na; due southt, uts-3 era are striuely lajureti. The men bai lies-n ernpoyeti to bear dosan tie sîrte--1 ture. _____ Laie Aboie Temin Dee-sied. A hi-as;rraitk sbaft liaI lbaihteit tisat off a fiai car ant i c lantiet un the opp1oite tiack emuei tht. dernitasent o! natLate Shoi-e tra in et Berce,,0. The pgmspe-gr englat. was badi; dtuiintsg, but1 bse far as Anocisnoonet, waa ijllrsti, v.l.ht-HnurLamw a I. initet Ai Tan-ai, Wtamh.. Jage W, .LSneul bans anueul the deinurrer o! the cil; tri tire tssplalnt o! the fox-acer rit; euu- tiitv ha bas-t. bea saintifoc ovei-lime.. '-inn ne-rîion inoeks ont tht.e-tht-houer taa' nSs ib>- tic Legtslattîte of 18W.1 vis-c Auýaa sAhoitlsed. li-t-rt.îi->'IBot bas Issueilan amIe-r aehitrtttht. ollaeiDitmrasi : -ii' îUei, trgîtata, uit..; Foi-t Mounior', I--t iiunrrInd, intapolis, lîtt., antiCo- tujoitîs, Cotlumfba. Ten. Pro, CovaiS te10senaior. tiov. lîîeîiib o! Nebuasa lias resagues anti lin.been ss-Cc'ed.tiu.ti dait olute b>' Fern1P. lHavage.- Gos, Sutagea tirst itatial nut e-satht. signhîli o!the sonate- iaI tonaîiasit for Senator Diet-ich. Thisîte aBarenet CORI sui. Theu tauxht Ja;uop 'ioner'= ul ltubs xiii ajg.o! tht.eud.r».a, Ky., brde hOs& lu cos antd baniges atu btiebiao45g r»an m u s le Baud. 1 CODSTt.5st Bc int. IL . Oflip. epi- reentaive fig b heTenth Ooe-slm District, did et buis ho a luWsstlu# ckytI, Mucb5troubunt trbla. MgWAt>4ER DUREAU',$ W£EKLY AU. RICULTURAL REPORT. Week Mais EBeuthe Mt Faveorable of the pensant S.mmou -coditio»s Usa' t.SlI7 Mlliai lan FaumîaOpera- tions-Fine Pirogems afia, Tht. pont eeek lias be-en b; fan tht. rose: favorable o! tut. season, .5>-s James lier- ry, chIe! of tht. trop tivision o! the weather buireatu, altiîougli the fi-st part e-as mach tatn cosA la the Ohio cuitie>. Atlanitic toast anti vont gîtîf uitriat, anti on tht. nordu Itaelfic s-oumai, luthe States o! the. apper Nllssippi anti Missoeuri Valleys andi over dus eastsrn Bock; Montt, taia slope ideal weatht.r Condtions pre- vallati. the.teurpratare hein# exception' al; sait!i anti hight; favorable for ternt- iug opersîhoas. germinoation anti groasth. Rspid pirugreas liaslien modte prepar- lng gi-uant foi-Care plaattang latht. Statas of the cenIral Misatiuippi antd iower Mia- Lauri'ttttts, but titis co- bas beaui aneit delsyeti in due Ohio natte; ant id.ît dle Attatici ltaisaSaine cars bas been piante Iin lIllioisa anti Netbrssea; plant' Ifig la gt.ne*.t han>Missouri anti Kanas ant i li begla ibis os-ekiIowaa if favor- abte condtiotns ctontinut.. Through>aat the. central aud e-ast gaîf ath suutia Atlantict Stales tht, generat conition of i-ornisn pooi-e nirln to unt.asoashy cool and es eathet.atd mucli replanting lu these dis- tricts in neceseary. W'Anîer sht.at cantinue@ generali; ta prumiatas conditiona. Okhaoîts sut Texas, bneever, continutie 0reLsarItistnt- Lit. b; insecte ant i tiltar rep-ortsarS-s now recreel fi-am southwustera Mis- sonri. Il sîuîîuîeaIat tht. e-ffe-rIg o!tlIu Hesatan fi; sre math tesasmerins th a- saere feti-eti altugtî thia peutlis causasI damage îo sotte calent, espes'iatty ia the. Oho aale;, out the Nu-lPacifie nbe-at bas made sltow growtîlInl conseqat-ac-o! laci tplaperatiirt-g. In cenltral s o isi- en Cahifo'uiu n tîceattuasta-en geenîl>' beaefttti lu; erin. slîhongh lte gri-sn un soute uei.liona as illta-calutfor bo>'. Excetiuat laghsa ranin the. i>otas during the tait,-r part of lthe veek-kahueh titcorteen nplacesuaie- sothen estti-'ly covereti litesac tnlutri e-be-at thtcota- ditions hastve n biilt;fiarabîle fur seedini sud genuinatuun. tht, fartairlie- LIS n-s-l daut cedti are henorduera pur- tianof the, sprin; achen t-region 5un1Drpi-s- tîcalt; finiaheti an the Noreth Pacifie cons. Ont seeduistcotninlu"slots tn partions, mf the. mitdle AtlantisStatea. butbas matie favrale peugrestn other distrit& e-bere att fiaimbeti, Insece-laConîtnueinjueiraus Is Oklahoma anti Texas. '1'le unfas-ratats effecta o! 15e trsîsti of the prenloas weeh appesi- 10 bave bs-s-amore serintlacalma lan du. central districts af tht. Coattun belt than e-asIndicatetila inhe preeedlng bulle- tin, Mach o! tht. ci-ofi dut -as Up prior inth Ibm 18in lu olusnm. MAssissippi anti Alabama was killedti necsssitateag e- plsoting. The huit: o! the, Texas crop ta nue- plantes! anti plantiatinte-pnigresalng rap- <dl; os-eu tht.inr-Ihern partioan of the. coi- tan reglon. Widespi-easa-icil; a! s"et la i-eps-ted frram thtes-atrat anti]tastera districts.line tattaceatusbeien Irans- plantetiltut South Curahîna, bat nane fer- ther northward. A phenultsupity o! healtb; plants sla dîtat-ti.atbangli due art genieral; sucîl, While fi-ait lias susîsined utigbt imuiy la sout. districts, la the noîthiera portioan or tht. Southera tStates the generni atit look continues pruae-uug east ru!flte Rocky Mourataitia, Froita cansetilmate- rial damage un tht. North l'aeihticaot atd in portiuna of Californaa but raina bav'e prolaiatt;liesse-ou-i heur injuions effecia in tht' SIate nanuesi.- Stalle Reparus. utssotrt icae.hr eXr'tîoastt; f.morStris for farni ..rt anti ..l enr .tausgrad condition, tant asaim ste-o - t -taux etdet for grain snd geas e-si-sanduu otein plant- ID p roge-ahing tapit;;,nasi, - as unti- vatttla t.aeoth; e-be,tuila .anti trosesdoaie "l eneePt souiteaongta f -battîby grsu ai ost-Lui tewsousthsentera Coastîes fi-ait vrro' ciuu-te» IIinols-Warm a ' asvor st aletefor farmlng apersitrasuasd en ti; -Ie-t nd 1-in e htt et.lle-Ih ie-ttouIng donug-'efi-s astie-diai utencfttria-uilan.t rul ILp aie-ety; consgrrsir"t î-g Ploi att "ome s-ara it a&teet; scaiss udtaîn- gene-toi fatet; siell. nunidabrurtlt, gîrderiai asti pointu ptnntlog dolle, fruIt peasuIoet e- Indisaai unI lraina fa h-lowtir ama, no y nethe.:e-h.ut, i-et clve-, ita-ti;., .%nox, antidasurs ash ireauiati pr.oIsîng wa-l1;. toi suri ane>' reaIy .s nasa. saune loin raUliîg ap1eeIs -trîtraren plants areraim orp, tuttgautirtra iare anti ptiosoupîssiet. fruiltis uitla- eehic-Wrtnnlh stsa..hîne hait of e--e SuIs nitil s-geistiua rapçtîtti, ,rass r>., bhrl-; stidtvbeat wmach ntcuil sp asbore tiantagei y iuy ioeun tioa-11.ler: ploirtassioatntgetutg, potataanti gsi-ut-n p taniiug. sandti teparatuans tntrcors plaint .le mach demi cd',%unie oart; sýesdrt.t not germuIýttlg ee uttrit bats prmnîrIýaîiy uniajetret; tobacca seeni atartianeassii. Buchigan Woet sn'erîIht. fasaisuuie fr fitld ork, We-sat, eje-, m.ulasudni ea Msatuionof ott, seatarage st,w:ont mels e-eil atcaaeltutlamer -ouetiauia astil bg.n In appet. se;oase s antitgacdetn ting î ioe-t;pl.e- itsfuie cira h oeccs;ail ml 'pi-set otitn iVieonIa ,'ee ee;favorable for taria e-cek; eteditig"auttcumictteetIna oatheen anti cenal-ucrutleandaluait, earip it- nais nP *sot tsottag -e1; nIlrain durîo e-e.sol,ît es-omnitdry; pnssnr-s 1si mesdoss saning stoas t>; einter cheuatmi r;e ta ne-ct.It.icotnditioa, apple treea boulet e-t tint. toas Wuet esimer than ect i ett idesicondtion. for fartaie-set astigermna- lios of eed; pî-na Le nograndsltarge cruge reat; Tsi-coro p:aaîtaug, ht.h e-iu bearty un May If onuther eantinues favor-able* Pastarage contint about saust tire; fruit treca hegAnuing ta hissai. xutb eot ILDakstm Warm, stlmulalisg neet shoeei7latter part;«setsg p rce-aefa- voralyt, bultsutbheri; g mît, rida; Osn-. ce-eutsoue. 5t-4la cecafiuties:ap-ine"e-leest cswe n esntng s-oaptetcsn; usaI burit;ant r>-. voulaitfie- ateitiv. asd ot] icerittIta 0! cica groe-tb ant beaithy: good aua- dîcateti; paatursge Iaprasett, palistuplant- lac geenrat. Nebmra Watudrîle tt.fmvcrala' ert adranement cf farsute-h kast i gene-ii gpe-ini we-tud .0"sa -mionu5etope--il;tin- tee wha ai gi-e-sa grue-mg r i-ulp-rpld progress matit.n pni'psrtsîg rouetidfor rco, antinaome platutet; aprîcol. plaani peaeS teessLenbloome. Comuparatie Vaine of Pe-oduccis, Corn As king, ant he Qieenolsetlsb1ch a mixtare orf e-îw sotdbt-n.lThe-vatineuof dair; and ienha trodu ntial aihe Ut.tal Staitea s in ut' eaXe'le-itlaytht, vslue o! laabulleti n .d thienatb- reau thn, cefliar or popetiation tir the. Uni>- 'bd etatas là reviewed et iength. As pre- vionsiy Ilnnauneti the. C'enter on Jutie 1. 1900, W55s sixarI1es sontheussior Cotant' bus, lad, la thet.pitten yeara h isae mnoveti westward amtI t ourteen uiles anti Lnce17i10, lie liaicesa%,1 mlem The CCflter of population la doter- allnet! aU tfthe surface of the. countrly, wlth lb, o uaindistibutei open it, were a Card, antila the. point nt whlcb tht. card Wontd balance irThe "inedJlta" Pot Ila loCatedet iSipartanauaurg, lad. T1hia la the. point orsitlaersection or the. line titli u5the popaulaton eqeesti; ortu anti mutu nith the. ine divliiu it equel- ly enst andi irest. ('otparinon of the. mocementa of thteitei' or populaton anti tt. *'iellga'*point j Idithatthey dot flot murs- la parslli lines as fi-ont 1880 tua 18Mlotht. irnediAutiPitmc weest 27 milea anti north 1. miles, n-hile the rentier nof population atateal ,ta4d- milesunanti trh 9 mîtes. fiare ISW the tcantir tif populatiotn hon moyed wesmîaa 5 ti. ovti-fourteen ile#suantisoahn'srd a itil e-mthrrn i4iree utltesa. lThia la tht, smalleteaîma ment of the. tenter of popualations t-r notleed mincet the. bcgianig tif the grot- errimeat. Il sesînis tu iidîtate quits dlearly that the, tireoro!abilormat au- erennsseinlapopulatinthroughuut the. Western States ha, panaed la;. The "nouas ,figures ahow g large tu' Ceu~se lu the. popuation of the iiurth At.- lantic Statesati Ibis ha, kepi the cten- ter of population aliuenh farther eat tlian bol] bren expecitd. la tht, tecade endingr wi-lh 1MU, there was s westwsarsl inite- ment of forty-sight tmit's. Thuneta I ilI bie sesia iht in thei tanIta-en years thie star. of taipireu has tuiken Its way weslsearti. sa ferarmnspoputionnta coucernesi, oui; one-thirri as rapidti;unaforîner>u. l'h. lght saitherty nîuseîanîtufr tht, ceater of popultîion In lite to the gVent itnîce- ment of tietitle lat)luion Terriiory, Ok- latîtana aiil' exa. It ila t irijte vtrtha' of ronslteratica. nol na t; by sîtttjiain a. tîut hy et b llî gista a Oel.lintheliiittner o-f ppa-iiî tion bas lung in renaaite %vaslii the thirty'ainth paralleluofnrth istide. Assumng the westwsrd mnvemenî to have been nnifrnamy aiong the. parailel of 89 degre t.,o latitude. tht, wutwaril itîscement o! thte"e-rai decatieshas been as oielowsr 1790-1800, fort; oas ,att.s1800.llst0 tîit)t-.il itita-; IshbIt> 12. ilfty oite; 1,820-183 Whrty-aine Ide,; 30-1840.filfty lhve mile; l840'1&O, fifi; fiee iles;18,e- 1860. rghty-one MIls 1860-1870, fort;- two toilets; 1870-188. firty-eighî unies* 1880-18910, fart> tight miles; 10-90 fonrteea milees. This la a total welward movement uf 5101 mileshIrce 1790. Exematiiag Alaska, Hawnil sniother recelaiaccessions, the, tenter o! ores a! the. Unitedi Statesae imitua li enoru cm- Kansasinlaapproxienate latitude LIU detreem 55 minaIes , antilongitude USt de- grees 50 mInutes.T'renea-r cf prîpti lion is therefore about ibret fîttuotf a degret. sanîh nad more thonsa ibteen degrees e-st of the cenIerof are&. Tht. mtdiatitaIla tie point of linter- section of the blar i-i îttlrihie population equalt; nortlil ou îtll niîh the lirotdi- vitiuitit eit>tait> vatasnuit aceat. ln short, litlia the. rîntral puai nf tht, popultion. It differs fritti tht. î-taer of popationîîinl the fact that dutanne ramn tht. renter la Ot cîtasiee. islIamoarments rot ren- oua to rehtaus biar ui-Orelation Ira the movemeults af the. population. situr, l, movelnta it> ahich boitsraof Mpurutiun art. traosfsereîtarr*its saritiiel îîr ils menidianiraiun>' infunce upon itaposi- tion. To ittastrate this. a million lier- aunim a mtivmoe fi-ouaMinesota toamaii tuaton litat. without affectiag ls punit- tbon, achile the. mîîeleîeet o! a hundri-ul person.ifrosla Mitchigantis 10 iareiiin might affect it apttretiably. TRADING IN WALL STREET. Volmet.of Illsin.. ln tock, mui! FC- touiiles Paralsien Btrotter». Tht. trcms-nrirrîa biness which IWall mtret iirriersa tebren catled onîtui- tasat' t ueiuitghie preeet resord-tii-ak- îng days bas mitre thau taxeti thtiv treogth antirrsres, Ilbas failt;ptr- al-set theta, aya a New York tinptIt-h- Ont. tevelsîttiraltif Ibis nnper&aileu-l ni' tivit>' luthe t, ok market slemen lante eIrain put upain Weii streset boOkketpitg. The.qutestionohas been dlscussed tia autribsr o! lets as tu whether, if ltremett ciorlititri tttinue, it wil item-orne uat-- Iory unhtl> tru haver two foi-cem o! dierks, o do> firesu-t a ningbtforce.,The. île itanît for aîtrrîîotsjett niw fTai-e' r-t-risthie a IIpi,, ir aiîileirukeîir nilfu expeint rre insearruntirle- th si-tare t'a ily bitaip ,Ihera san;lt s i; ira i t lta tuti oiet mhttire- cotatteat i itttîti tht. roiiutiicisetlattauctiag a! a brukter- itge otii e. 'l«it e r-ettdIîts al tutit'n vavlio tn aitassi elitout prit-cent, nn tar ite eings litua atver ia'tn nvitriesmedt la ucrh tremiýnetoual>'henr-y volutmte. lt la roîîghl v etcîînatetiat S3MI)of!the. teaîtinrg cosmiaslizn Urutses are fotIn an aaggcegte eopenne bitlul $ or Rttl n- eitilini> o aiilr to tîruvire lite m.cleiniati aidfacilit nta cari'y'un a im-telasa cîin- muisstion business in stocka. To carry tiu n ato-k brakernire business tii mnuae an expease o! nayacheren froîn $5000to t $l>'eo,illltlatycie. BUFFALO FAIR OPENS. pan - Aunerlcsîa Ixpi.tion Thraw %Vide Tt* Gatas Io public. Presîdeat McKinleY stoppelnt t VIrlua- baig.preaaed anee"trAc boitillaanti ultra- eti tht. Pît-Amerit-an Ezspositio. 'rite gaten o'! the. exposition were thronauuoPen ta tht. public at 8:3t0 ticlOk NWednt.stiaY mornlag. The initial îiay ut the, il montha' lerm or tht bigabSa' ya uahcr' lit ln amidti tAe baagitig of hntmu'rii. the. shrieking rtf siaws, the ratîling otf n-tik crita anti tht.shoittao!r w-rkttiea, Thera acas itrih In te 'iiaflillat -ttl)oliuu. hurvveasr. n toiteri-si the 41hritgnnof ps-u- tile. Na reremunies martuil tire upi'îing of tht, gales, it huvînglipen lezrIden t> the nasgenrnt tri rîîîîbine tlit i1 îîî'îiîîtg îIuîY rereatanies raitb tho-t ed'ilctlion a ti> Nlin;20. The. chan.e laulthe-dute-, lîîra E &MA OR MY se The Ouet Co.nseai.sleuuur. Mthese 28:16-20 Menori verse$, 13. t 'iepn Text 'LO, 1 amn wlth YOU ai- avr io ctO nuiitu Las, endi of the.wori.- !irLt. 28: 20. lu ioiLne ennes ibis in the samoot imopur- tant iedesofo the. quarte?, even of the. ytI 'f;rr it sum ujai the. dut>' of evsrry Clir,.n the main busiuess of the Chris- tian t'irdrîi, in a rma which bas beecoînts uuver-îII% fanitiar as the 'grerrt cour- ,riaiin Chriesditra. We shouldtr ot forget tiraithie command anti the, proiai- ht.re gin rare round elaewhere Ilis'a ans pasr- 'f the i..epela lu dlffetro forine: ill,conulasud taprocfifl tirie truth, and tht' promiise of abidlag pr.--.- elars. A -laita radical achosl of cilUr a mingle.s ou! ita i greain aiait tf. r- etirdedi I> Mrttiiasmsa[tasage %ohi, i llrey tet.- , ,hiave' bi'n dadltut eeil.- gosapel am eti-r.t'55lg the mtolitctinr, tht' early ctil, . rithir ttan au mi) ai-tir rate rtport f .1; idts't"WU w55 1115 Eddi If Wat, hlIî i r-irrrrt the' calidity sf tht .r -n -n,0li s d i.-Ir tic are very fur fi',r., dtirgt. here ta.-Il; rii natfl no (cautse fi-t ILIir.îv on Ilh-" -t-îr t hei- ri .iofla y f-r , .fi, ' r.nr- a>ttiir jtasagcs a t-tt tiiiai, ir-. rit;y rtf prda- htog tihi gîtai > h.b- , alo ui ltiireili y ery- w- Itlti. ta, lir niscthe pamsage lit for'. 1 , ' e -ti t nrt utthe Idie-i-it -m- mol r >_ r rrrItirri tir.>tiverge rtf lira 1- partrîr, fr r ti'. s le r ri.te-lire .iti i rri. ltg i tila irai i 'tite t Witik ort irtrrsrrrttuu ' Pustiage 'iitri- \ "etIrn iri'r. t 1 ii 'f the msris 'r re Irts 'il.) erhbcaors îihiii ,n~i~t ti In t he Newe Td-rnu lSarerir oos tilhr tSr th- lir; irît iii failli ta agreatir ii1r a Idiss , - ptittt-i it.-ni r' Jitit ari 'i tîr inlii"' oniiet i tht-r.-, te e tari iir îîng dtf coaurmt. named, though n itiuot td-.i1 whmt motnatain It waax .. wrrrî'm "gatice '*IoJ reî.hrvun t tI nocai by latll lint s o .iont Ified wiîiî lii- t5h- chrisgtil t he .,mitnliý,,slri th lr greal rrminusaiin tans maltihintrilt r rie d-dittaily sionsa;îîag Idd, -re-n-il rtri cie-s t'aloit the- stiieu. amas trs ît i- frutîi t lu i iîc, and ti Ier fottlts i-i-s 1t ;w man tireitl I.If the. altpt'41snr e tr i i- large' î,smar wua lut the *saute as n s li seutît sr rîtn te that ont; ea ut. 1-t t, .-cmngt-It . criiti tuention,îîfi. . u-1t eimio , it ra iti-s-ttng on te mîîrr xii.> lait -ti et trith.eeialtsertf cri the. otîîîatl trmano tdl-icred iî. mini litr tr t S t-stt yea i-s r t.; e aad tht. cri-t teliiîîîern a tii. aIrît soîtiiti trnt andr iat 4 ltn fti.' itaietiti ('1 tht'. mîîîîît . ltr tt' cttîi ttltei the, Iawn,nti[tr1 ir o'atf tkh i wwit'h la tiy ils -rr> irtir,' e'tt'ritr le tuu rai.ntnd t'I'efttrîi rg;r itr pltes a tittiî'-ra.nl tiri ligi i; i titi;.il! «hah l trett itkirlrtiitr i&ieU motri. Irfni'had ii nitn îi mand fir f,,.teg i;.eirtiii oblig-i, fruitîiî0-atîr r i i o-toitîriti aai-f, toi t tir sîîîh a jiri> I1î îttti i n'ho8e jrinli pltit rdiS oitreitl ri'il ad anivirsal>ar1,tt v 1 i 'rttt4 national or racial Ites. mtiie .-."j' fîîrng aîlik,î. stir lrneoiiiia l e-,d tît' aiaI m, it niteaiii îst la r aie' i li baratta, agenits. ed:ii' is 'rset ir la'rubd.il tiriltiti- dlis or ftur trp.srdon-e' is îiirî' r r wbld ul tiit'.' tiir--rttii-.1r n lire.,lté> îîreirrnalrturre rtf titi r titare, andilitrii ri-t-n ttiri îtrîiît. itnt il Innit hlti- ut ti ** ilpo-uitr i 1 ii; ront,. tr i lt . an- i n .îrti * i- ' tir'i ritr1t-t- dte' ta glatra "rtIt;irrt -' lu ril r 'ernriin. Ittorint ',itî pl, ita rni and ledegIttet jttir tIi aand îîrî a trî'îîîî'lr' lii ( lrirîr inît i. t i .i sors otf Marll A iiittti- t'IIitily ato trii tiie-rt- anti e.îth. N -.rîlîtî unrr ' firîtt Ilret -rl'irttn r ii-,t ii.it ;t . i . tir' t . t 'i ru' l i Io; I . io! itirr iivi'.c ttItl. ii ort. I l,,t 1n.tri, at-d i lt -. tir.r if t, r c i ;î Notti ' ejtýI "urtot il t a rti- tit i l ii 'f nut -il arrr rrî, Je-att ' iai-S.ttI- u itittt1it r,'lis î'î lest t5- ' '1t«1,t, lîi. ' fI iir ~ r tutu-cionti tIr' jt i-it iirittr 'f .1, ('h i-t Il i i -s1ta ti tii' rtio;, air . île'rate'ditalri r-rt- t t ttiln -Irikit r There- lait i it-i tivhI rdddiis-o lIi. irî -rît it (lutte rît'lit. l is tir lii-r. ii- ,I'i.tl rt i. lice. anî tltine -iii' thîtat, ta-lit t ltit tht' iliti ti-ris ta a thco'ttitii it rî t irr Ir. tri tii,'friturt i n 'stori iti'l ui tî'n tisai if ne irrlîl inn- iiicie'rtttof'; tain texta '.1s ,ac su, Wiitt tis-ad Ittt sîîoaria's ti),t If r- hild In tia riaihtave nit motive atitil. N tuefi lta dtit ils'itt frontîl irlt dtirriiti rof luis it-sts a u As cias Ihe q îtutrii iterecict-tti Iiotr eseconîd jirrlis -a "'srtinit." otheè livh-rrî-s tuntihiave titt'îîadcaîîî-r-î lîy titos I ltird 1>1.ilt'a trite.ttg îîîîîîir matde ia thrît tiers' s et tîsît tilia tus qtic tlien(tifdogeo r i ttirji rt-trira lnas a -ira diitioî ta tetirenit virtotttst, gavet naly thiisji 'ri trrîl n'liisîîr-ctruth; te aaccrt'tgeet' tif CIlitst tf ti'r.i;it('hita. 11leisn Iis Ive mutaptrenit. iievin, tils. sa('-iistilr ýrinL %n tud ri ititi e Ie ntttiitt - tit-tig tii-t, tatiannai polindiv rlit te-r ir 'furta fît' temdiv- (Copyrlt 'i thiIs di t ht.roil ot inuit te-sas S 1nrelxxi. ttsid lied S at ma ' ,is, t'es nrthbe butn fîr utlait tetraîthiumu tirttrieell d1. D>at id thal audit-nIy tii Mord tithat 'ip smit sutni d.uuntîstttf dsrst,5i)itt hi. '-Intde il tir t tIis lhit bý !iditia taitmcd tiat la nons like @W-ord e-bit and tiain vms tleun je not the, umed hla;g wbleh t. t, easus Cli, 1 vînt, Ft t.,tn Phirsîrne a tisai. gît. in taux that r Clay;andil asdt-t tbli ph itasopli butoîs!ils e-.Wttîpnu the Pcirtbii -'be-vent; bl andti tt menai me Guol! mea ,e;tieu Jar tiheantde day Chist we-pcn e-i penea t 1 titese athet againat tb- la natte tui ernie-s n, i Newton an ~,th,,i bat t tise îlot!d Bitble-bs-g. KRaaan thiestilru tory o!fili Ch rustitate e-hile tht, etr-uck ae sternosi ddt la that tht. if gestitta sa.e p.it Tht-a a Mut-t ti te tlaidi. r la s'irait in tatht. (I 'ohit. st.r ardin 10 tht- tint the- . Tht-aLh e-ont i ail tht dorsil. i W tr i-yai' 'Wait mates uaospht. tigbt s Ciay ta sion in West t ph; et e-Aitrp tm rth . bhoeue- quicit tile