CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 May 1901, p. 4

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S Frlay. fla! as. 190.. taterd utt hi POodLM fliat Ubertyvll- Illinois." MOuecoh-iia Mattr. àDVTiyMrrriMO res sans greva on AppI'- ,uWfl Butter market. Mjogy Wu aatie4y àaI lO. sales or th. eOkO14 2,2W0Im CircuUtan1« of A. J. M.Ifutch. lnao' Deatb. la su accoat o! --Morris la' Hhh- MuadoBtia publiaiaed ilt eek, vO vWe abie tirongtitlaek 0ai n.iorrna - l o gava liai 9batedant clrcume- stsucae. M. Hutciluson Wvalito Wdl iuovni lrongliout tias counly we dem us ai ohowiflg exract clippedJ tou liae Stormm Lake Piloi-.lribwv.e o genoral Interesl. Tbe ob.uiestA,unitleU death o Kr..lHutohiflkuiiarei .eul.imiY $Li.el for tue Mrmuai .1ci tal.anueO amlîn tu OUM ina.luthenprovii..o ut Atert.. viaiu e bbd ,urubsud k-ililui montb» Priet, u IL I. dwath ut "a. liste espetitML of tuthi» Uie duauthe lIrai month imhpruv" h lie land. erulng largo aile .wtlatuIbinteLntiou etarlinga a maienui. ,1ek rau. lie r. turmeit about tire. Weelt silo u10fase or- W.geatISfe t u muse ila"Fi niyther. Ai du, Tueida ie ho vasextreieluai' aad y1orked lasbis uuaLald gU-118 sud oaditueriuniia the car. At uîlt1 b.c huit ueoeeid l tiat ou unear. Tue 1 day flat ie or.,ure'ifeeling vr' Ured alk about a uleilS V.ededaf lorluî 0ut. ..lcto. lMn. in WIL..Wtu",kleu», Ut ho hi usbreaLinfsera-yh- ily -o p-î pca4rodso'ruLles. bue vent t, hi, e- bie but touait hamIL .u.euu uuu. esi1 omeotelepli.>iied r. ianier. "a busl na i M. 111f sud tMr. itanicnîJ.Ulmu. lb". aihuO. bruer. Cu wlig tu.,ch-o We&k.1troua veoeUms I uagit clan- lu si utte Park tOtel. &doerai1 dýaim peviouâA . &au i"..J.,uuie 1 nom »uu trai L"ta rIs»Lu (id r. "ali re. Hlohiu»aad st amilà,itudr-iy.belure t"- Mg Umhir depâraru fe ur cai.e.i. A» suon Me Dr. Garvor arivai tic uait M. hutchiu1 à"adou aatrnti ivl ii>lolexy ami tuer vms au nio-.ut rEluveta. Inr i'srer vue alWialunSU -wLtu n e, vuof uef ma noPiuauu. lic uctor rogue. un- adousueus. bt SLWiIlai gnoNCeaa. . tupar gev tiosper au mrie Protvaud svery bour outiltj ueii*'rburâiy murulugi Who& li s ptral lok l Ia aulrte tue tusa ubosasvsIL.6 UaupudeU L'Y nu»lauY"Il u Olerlave CUUtieis 07 li fer Iu pouk, &d &id a"te hla l& tour eue hlehsd ed tailer. lu t.leurY-. i Wmme- iel. a8»00»d t,-IreliOOlTi.W arehleet. wu ttks Siamelle lu xprwanoui, sikooe egraui- THE FINEST aboa celb mmekt ifoe.... 3.0 a" t' 50 ÀA Oaa liae o W&M Sil"km a. Frnch Guaghamg for waista. CALil O Sa vhen ile meutî Dregamtakiag. MqRS. PROTINE. et Lîbertyvflut SIbe eaeug iaihort V ba Webail- . 700 Payable quarter là lira-3: I»trld, -ci Eabo, s'imite advaodie fien& a bitalmat vs.k Mcvii by Corlatl ui Sherman that Mr& . Y. . Ormaby hmbaua on the reaoluttoi la. Uptid. Carrid. ack liaStSkipeut veik. Moyid by Jout sud Prootor liai Ordinatine N.182 provlding foî ap- aE. A. Fuer valliihecty on bual. poiltmeut c1 su attorney bu eauad. neu the lIraI 01 theek. Aye-Grabba, Juil, Pioctor. Nay- .81.89iafford, ai Waukigsn. vasin Carltl, Kaiser, Sherman. Presldnt lovu an business laut Baurday. voet syî. Ordianîs p558ed. Chas. Dixon, of oaecrmum. vas lu Pîsaidit appointait B. H. Millier ou village lionday on buaitesa atony Joiut s yu K The Vis econd of lMr. Frcsl'alectures upo us~o!mtoandy bc cnihud. ill b. gtven neul Baturday Itght. àAyis-Oorlett, Ormbb@, Juat, Kiserc, Haipit Dsly and Emnilît PaffeI] Proobor. Nay"e-hrman. Omîcd. vers borne irorn (iloago over Suuday. Minutes of Apil 3d vcrc read and lira. Notingham and dauglaler. o! ou uitton of dontan ud Corlet ver. Chicago, vited Mu. Dlzlel thei latter smolt. part af latS yod.1 Applications for liccuse and bonda 1 havi old Chambrlinl'& Colle,t o! P"larPelgi§ansuitB. A. Pon0w vers Cloerm aud Diarriacea ltemedy for8 reierrcd tu lioense comrnllhee wViCia yeaîs, sud vould rather bu Out di repoted favorable. ooffee sud Augert buseit.. 1 4 11tv. liavei by Kaiser andi Coricît titbaolles o! Il yeslerday te tiriakeru Applicationa of IL. A. Pont, bO thua could go no farlter, and tbey are granted and bond&acaceplcd. Carrled, at vork again 11115 morning.-R. E. &LI votlng aye PELpe, Plymouh, Oklahoma. Au viii Moyed Dy Shierman andJusI litatli een by lia. aboya lb. tlrmiier appication of Pcter Palgua b.e gBantedvire able to ks.p on vlth thir vork aD bouda acePled. AUl voied B7i. wiaont Ioalng m single day'» mem. Appliaton f aiMx LeBeau for pool You ahonhd khep e boulle of uis ablenUce vas read and rcierred 10 rernedy i your ,daime. For saiby Uiceuaec ommttec. 'F. B. LovULL, Libertyvile, GRÂTI.AKM License cOmmitt6eapreened B PIIÂBxAcy, Jauniwnîur, Ivmahoe. majorlly repart unnvorable, and F. B. __________ Jut ifthec omrnlltcc a mlnorlhy RSSLL reporStfavorable. R SEL Ordinance Na. 133 uegulatlng- prîce Mr. prient vas entertalned aven Snu- for pool or billard tabies vas pre- day as BMr. Ferry'm. oented. Roy Lewin pald hie parents a viil Movéd by Sherman sud Proclor liait one dm7 lait veek. Roy enjoym bis the ordinalce lbc arnended ta resîu 3w ont 'rery mucia. for intS table snd othîr tablea $5 peu la tr a le-Pia al year. Ae-reKr hr an.i sing brickir or lhe foundatlon oi leai -Coiett, Grable. Jnat Kacrf. oseh aaot obid Amîlidmelillomoko om elaaotl aîi Move by Corît and Kaiser th&& Tite Baptimst Bunday school recently ordinance No. 133 amendieg ordiuuasci electeit afleura fur tliai on«u yesr, an, No. 126 b. paaaed. Ayia-Coriett f olova: SnpL. lrm. Win. Mnrray;( Grabbe. Just. Kaier. Naymn-tiuacSor, A08% supt., lira. Alli Moune; Siii Shermna. Ordinanci paaod. and TVua., lls liteo Paru; A ' 8 .y lioved by Kaiser and Coreultihstands Tra., Nia Edvsidm; 0=18%la, licetame omml"ee miully report b.lira. Allae Melville. accepted. Ayek-Corleti, qrsbbe, Jus%, The teacher sud pupîla o! ths Houe Kaiser. Nays-hroctor, Shermfani. achool. District No. 3, il gir. an en- Crred. lertalornent ln lhe sehool haos.elion- Bill for elecîrlilgial for mOnîha 301 day evening, liay 13. Admssiont 15 lisueliand ApaI ifor $190 35 vas us- cents. Thei proceede is ii go toyard ierred ho finance commille and&mier the decortilng and besntifylng of ths correction by tem it vas moved hyachlorom and to purchase Dcv Jus&tsad Grabue saine be alloveit sud library books. varrant ondcrcd drawu. All vohed ..0 tir ulîl girliwu- nnciomaî front aye. strmngulation durtng Bàaton and Te folloving resolnion wu ' e- terrible ahlack af oroup. 1 quiekiy seted, is 60 . ae io ecred a aoleiof Oui Minute Cogk lIased uuspuorat SMîud suaken fen Cure, givig her ttres done. Théi. thé lia coiaul fodad pli croup wv as aaered and our i nuls suthiondingent fond rel hldarlilug peeduly recaveret" Sa viee Move byJuaand orltt hatA. L. gpafiagit, Ohenter, Micb. F. B. reolaitian b. ucoeplud. Al voted aJ'e. o LLberlyvIue. Ordination No. 134 reguiahlig ah- truey'm malary va. pueetud Moviii iy Praclor ant JurAtblat SAUGATUCK. ordinance No. 134 be penaud. Aye- vin Ponury la vorking laurlMr. Conitl, Graitie, JuBl, Kaiser PrOc10f. George Pirry. Naa-:ihirmaàn. Caruled. J.P. Sherman laum orne due coilii bll io! B. B. Eger for $2.50 wvasOn PP o ae motion o Coret sud Sherman Iloved u frma and varrant ondoued drawu. Paumera are busy bore abouta p"at- CandI4, as mcmber o! cornmittiis lig Ibemcorn'. uhich o clfod nudeansd coliatruced t M. . B. Mlish l a emetsnilug bis idvai.k on aouth aide of Fair etrot th6r fou a uv -dsyma. presenlait a report ahovlng a balance Mb iseZns Chardviileit relatives in ln bandasa1liae canMiltee.&filercorn- titis viinlîy lait viek. pietion of lihe vor k a! 321.75-à mesobent ria vlalhedliter buathier, Moral by Jus& asud CorletIhatlvrtMrh u ek balance la bandaeifte omailse lu Eee irils el quetion b. dousiud bc ladesai Lake- Gagea Lake Epwortia Leagegs w ii aide EssiyAsotto.Carrlud, gîte a recipîlob amtlche urcit Priday ail voll yssiaio.evenIang.lMay 318t. Moved b JaU and Proctor commt-VThe apperalo ou scbool houme tee b. diackagsd. Crrid. ta ver ue nih Improvcd by a nioes ns Mcvi b Ilteranmd slar lm fontce, eomehitng wvilthasu teau lite omîlceS.hermndand Kcisvote o!needcd tor a lougUlime. ir. L. Ihenka cared. edee vt fRosseil vas lte buflder. Moved by xi. lroctor tho Il people auiy luew uhat ve lnov aiîouni. Carieli.&botu Kolol Dypipula Ouro, il vouît beunaed lu neariy every bonaihold an litera are ltu, people uho do not Sciathc Nheumatl.m uu red After enfler frt a feeling aiftIl»a. ~ l, l'outeenVear of uffei n . estlng, belcing. flaulnce, acur Fourten Vars o Suomainia ' or.vaherbrasi, canacd by -lbave been afillîced wîitscaîîcindgellu r dyspopels. A puepara- rueubiatiasr founleexa Jemru." esys lion sncb as Kodoi Dypepia Cure, Joal Edgar, o! Genmautovn. Cal. 1 wnvic i.,vilano aid irom t tmoum, vwanable tab. arc ud bal contanlly 1 viii digest your toond. cerlally caul .0efedi. i hnled ,verythlng 1i ,.j' beip hut do yan gond. P. Bl. LOVmL, hteur of and a& la" vaesoltai.>lu, - I ~ ~ " ChRi.iiaPi aim, ulatela1Idi!FOX LAKE. sd ud aimmdiatail roliercd and ln a lirs- A Tweed vs» on thé' sud >111 shuri lime cud, sud I amn iappy &0:îa& veel. asy It bas liaI incesretunlied.'- Wiy ' Me uieGtgrltbrevt uosa ueIba in iment sud gel vell11ài ui aie na oewt la for mie hy P B. Lovzi.L, Lierty- a ors tilrger- villa; oisyslake pauAXcy. j. MErKA_ ,irM. A- Rese' top taelory je novwi lmnIa. i nuulug order. PEOPLES' COLUMN. T OPa. tuteliE TII-c ad baDtuu - Mai l' L. l-r--m las.» », -I. AIs'bi-k i rat ma- 7 t.>d. v:ini o-dri. lime týlt,. nntr "f PAArmcE BIEÂDL&. It',Oiiot. iiS-M P OULTY-Buf Pymeouth Bocks. Ersas u fer &0 ets. A f'-ý pu- jllk* 01roer% tua.l q' F. b. Mar, Is. Ami-a'1 Vo J.uar Oui. Nipporolal. ii. Odinance No. 13l2. tesu u.Vlag tLt-y dl titan" c Va- Notice. l'oed-ut f .Wi iiurd.1yn, ard vu b a- (nPau a fler lay <lb lbheLaka =îW I- tr, oiity Beak il b. open stunday oin IaI 'i - i.ut îe-eatry= r'inralughts tram 7 ta 11.30 o'ciack, ia.tesid ;u.; e.1 tt~u w vî.i-t, t tofiroM t 15 iO'ciock, As hireofore- M, Gny Ilool îe. &flitpibnay a&ieming aiaecp. Mr. and ie. J. Atweil vere Anstioch vlihorm Vianay. Mr. and lira M. L. OBalige-r vialed Wsconelu !rîendm liulday. liti Eninia imes sud sliler, lire. C. Reidi, of Soilu, vee Fox Lake vtsltoi's M"nr. lira. J.ntea arantasbe dladon Wedneaday rvelaug lMay lai mter nelng aloI furusmrneLime. Vhe f utaral servicS e. ee ited ail;Ie home ou Pnidyayslernoon. llev. Kr. Gant, o Lake Vilse, odichabe.>, aller vkicia thi emalea vere tln,10theaiFox Laka Ceîuetery mmd thieservices coucinded Ibele b he leiloyal Neighbr o! Amerlosa a!f vhlch order ahi vua meuber. 1h. havi, a mrowlng habsitat Io seaitnd oui dsaughter, sad:oumerona other relatves vho havi thie ayupetluyof IL. Ttaeatri ,,,ii-r t.,. .,-anej~Aime! How SOffluForgottismi rIr l o 1. 1la auseaze or a pain rIrouble of aoy Pasaed ,iMay . mi. Ap rhntMi .lv ld uheit uein la iiid o! ilsud Il Pubtd xMa>1t,. mi. A V.W»î.- I happama (n te bedaclae or etoume W. C. BoSBi. .rk~d L7 troula tb utbalera yon, tel. Dr. CaidveiIla Ilyrnp Pepwaoand yen vili Ordinance No. 1:1:. I tun ilr !irget lyen vef bat Il, but oIai viit , ",.11 nov tibat yen are tas hable Bu. î oralîc tlît li.llî,ann S.. îff.I jta bavetti gain. Vie douio l mdh ac tu resnd tw-nî la.-I ....i ~ piesmnut go tale. P. B, LOVu.i, thiraI talle.tetvUe zo .not» Pasaed May o. iwi.LenyUe g. C ou r, t.prou-1 n. i. -IWancondu, WrLi. Kpoaa, EBeouUm; A VW. WAL.i.ule.- aaLxPAHC. W. C Scuasocu,. U-r. 'f Coi 1ilver (ilii he- --in. Ordînance No. 134. -i, h it -a.,WADSWORTH. ,ge t odaiied1)ytpýIýmid- arj flife, and( t-r)o)triLrLt <znf I'fW,) Mbilaitanlis Iaie illeotlu Wanbegie 0 e1 1!le th- lr riaî i ~.cI, îuati. II i, vii .1:nI Ist eeel ofma 1a3aii u . I. 11-ea- V11Iag Ai- Botu. tus Mn. and aga. Wiii Feuilt iare r . i-.>lo .i lrcn. - ttaray mumnlg, a »Qu. 1 e'n. naPPotiti-.fal-,, it ru- Wedding blla we. tlgU qal la liai' WALL)".e. Pr- > it. \When food i. a %tits uaibarbood. Prlumbl maa. W. . SatmoaNu. Cler. -1fî hi l.1r. a Mrs. T.filromploc, o!09 ruit lfs h urricn. Lain, ha"e movet loto John liorsa Ei'J. Il. MILLER. AllarSen '.\ hi vouI(asC fl4-h,t brin grs bou se' Ylt.E F LUNOIB . e UlaTJ O CUNTa s ' I nuîumaofh-aîh Cuer sud family kavimoral intheountit.ioî.- '4LaIi,î,t , f. .b algnsd1a had Juge Terni, . A1) asti.. ' îki, h.rîland Uived"Inuta ltueahoualeyaoa To &I Pesonsaiium Il a. tic lsinc in a h 1 i. - . iCu,.t 1akc', lift Vhs lattes giron hy th Idiui Bu-> (l"iod ara», minon chilO of 'eu-r I iiii Prldday evsningOrvhsra o l i P tedeesod.ih ta lO nu t,fi-oria , n n- thd...ilb reeu, <C Uiof Uic Counh, Court of Lake Goua yti.1110 r-dgt- (of the cage, tirailsied Cmuma'e and rite 01 IliUîoide.& Peritinfor anJo, r.rthf. _____ for th e ofut&il utof i ors lcù.r.-.îu. -t1it il k foo~d. Notice. lie tolovlns deacrlbed rmal e8tuho. n-huai.-t( ýco od Y ie agetA to ad beisin theitcLof I. aite "d<t4w., i lC , tî~, M Ie agrhA tniS et "40. tb elsite aird it>a»r.-ht i,.b1ato-lavlng eft My bcd aud bQard. 1 f4l 0 .teeIt., lB a dte iitb.-t ad cni d- eebygîte luutie,Ivilii Rotsm luge of auiii. Lake CoucuL. liri. - 1 15117 illuigatltU5 c.nluacted by ber. ,&D»r&mUcoorfeCl' in lathe i-- Imulsion tof Cod l W. I. HTÂeN(LIY, ,Prairie Vif,. m ".la!?w o Pltset asr48 r >11 j-, tl)food that makc-.___tI- idetfCoiJuiiternii Lm. aim isc of m<h f, iz. our stomach. AOa>stallion, aaMdnleeclluoid pitittomt7ou IY ~eofotLh>I n. r HriN li . A. P. B.. matines W., ft «ri.. It anesitate wlllncr 4 iisadB iatvi md Pani. .409 Pari o,lotm, Be oisa ino, ligibores. Cmua8d m" bilk na h t lmeUreivamOS, $le. iWnd hy C. A. AyPxay. 4.p Mi. bsealuahbeiata awa«I aumidpult aaeteciemeta maiûodera for job vorik.M m u erte, ati Xwa. . S.mith eaitetelmid bu 8.e frotom Urlngln, Wl...» mtue. Mga Iutabvimitebar saar, ira. Engoua HRneias, lthéOral8e da" éi bisweek. Mr. Mm ", iaDonald$" lmoe"& 1510 J. Waabwuh usu hboule ou Whh5 mère" ité elatter part o1 thia veek. Mr.ligglma ecou vaut 1s ua» 81» la" Tbuteday10 vieîm ma vIlle tbm u beca» rnayyin. lattera ThI aia ud Sèiet7 vilài»Mab vit lb lia. E B. Nevillea u$ Wedau> 0 day, MaY 1811. Membera .xPuOêed 10 t>.« priera suMd viallora aivays valuaS>.. lira. omaib. vho bua beau fleking d bar honae yul kbardonlt. IM Beadumu the put vinber, VICIte1 tec7for a vlint o01 aVetlekm gatutda7. Zolaamedubna mpafed fi 1h.,.>t-, Laka Villa. I Kmr. E. ab orman esksorWaed Mga. LotUs J. Wiey, cf Ohioego, WortbyE Grand Motron of theB. utm uStar Olaptem e e a bSaof inale, Tues- day Mdl Wedmeaday, drins bar visit $0 soruale Obapter. à wa cdt Mr. lcatiion, of Draus lake, &attleit go drive ont bit fo 0180010, ao oly got m far mleWbeal- lut haa lia borae vu "km bit II 0009U«iet th 134& imge.V a Ve 204 herbai IW u ea Bbc omes. Kmra.wm Day bonbase vry 111Une pu"S veL. A ona»Miteof <parai- clam im n calentlaaBmosdal. à 111 daugliai vau boru tu Mr. sdemaM. B"y about tour voeka aoc ane io timiMma.Roy haa no$ roovered. Wë hopa for e q>sedy oouvaimm.a. 115v. 84»4»n atendeilbalimu a vey I.t= WU*a lg~<>bia tki cm à@hapurobdaithe Ie m a1 fme Me n uolme t the 8B4&my Soboul Iilitay. lie roture" uei The Maesocialgilvan by lhe Leilie Aid Booàely bat ThuiIIAJ eaflinvua B very emeefugl .a. lThe ehlinre d riwmbly veiluse thedrillaumd *'bi Choir MIIIr. Troublas" vu fuuuy. The amtapeu" of tMapro. bood t M USvus cmared. gSooalabepteu, 0.1IL B., astioehind Waukiga, Autioeb sud LlbmtyvOel chapbaret t Blar regular moiig bà" Tueedoa eming. Tâia esmUut a Meeting of aiu the oaper la the 00ut.5*Mr. Sharp, of Brooklyn Cha1pter, M0161114804 - alaO PEi@@&t. About 18U ver. Preanat. àAfouet mcout vili b. glvin "aîbe ain 5111 peper. Mir.IBoinnsa hua lil ea"ve abois bh t u the.u uiar. Mi. Blaleig1 blaobkal&heop for tenuuoiu belov mamipint abop abova. mlo mandt u taObaem at bhim lholmi bon».Me. bouse et Ims Corne 01 WhLlsn.y ateatand apl. avi.enula4 &bout fin""btMmd il b. ompiaiby Ur. ont!lige 8a, Or., nad i M. end Unr. Bockumen Jr.. md danu sens veob. Bomo A &CO. baya mvii mloto.Un »vhaarivre the Eobiam buildftg*ud me teeU prapared to do buainea on a lauge The Distrtet Y. P. B. C. B. BAy lyvi be heldinthe Is <ayatakce ougtre. galoual church Skisa Sariay.may 111h. alternoom mmd .vmung. 10110v. log ln the program lapropagation for lIe Occasion. 2:0a. 1odowaoruloa ises .....Gurnu. ZIt. -TheAtiivea]tober la te Prsyer moetlng ...................AlallOol ISi. 'TI.e o"uy'e Mlaaloe..Lberyvjil 2:4& -1» il PUlflD IV If> iNet why .o?............... ianhai :Aû. 'lisocL&-Hc Preestod la the Boeleh,' ................... Ou MI. 'The Work of the Boelclgta la- tuit lu Chercal Wort .. eee Reports Prouseistia....... Beuste"$a.................. evrmuo semîca Ur,. 8,ung 8eviim.....».......... 1:44. coeeeaCdon Meeting........ ..L.....-1ed iii Mr. Paul Pîmober gui. Anidros by lha Pester ort Mili1burni Cou- r'oguoosi Cburuk. The Mont Common Aliment Mionepeople auNer trom ghaumatiam than irornany OUM r ilmens. This la vholly Unnee.saey t00, for a cure n ta Ssli afetm ves eal0"1cet. O. i W.eeoIît.otf ae lvaiM . y., Fi-a i. lbsv. ba.,n = tadvitu uhauma. lia. for aoiliaUmaMd l e uosuas ma mach u"i . I1ioucimded 10 try Cliameg-aia$Pel aïe sd am Pim""ed10 a lt tbas ouedme.- ]pur salok li8 sL. Ll4 bautyvhi; OBATELARU Pgxêx .M m b sagubi@ Sa rAyI thetrain is.vinDg llbego nnSt Paul rend ai 5:20 P. M.., vo lm ruw lbougk roxLabo, roach- fuGamyalobaas 0:43. <bing go Chii- gn U5vili rentb i Gayalairesai 7:19 a. M. Pougît Fer Hie Lite. *'Mylatbar and *inter boli dlod of usaupllca," vrtt J. T. Weatiair- voix, of Ipanotte, Miol., ant I vas mvo troalà* a mrnafralItul fate ouiy by Dr. Xlinge Mv Dlaoaivery. An ai- funk of paemmomlofst an obstnais 0iEl Mmd V07 avera lacs trouble, cItaImau eaila douer onld not beip. bua av wmouhba' ueof Ibis von- dlits!ai cbiina ma" ina usWil a smi and 1I gaed mach ln vighl." zaftmble for, oogba, oeldm and au b1rosl scd lu«g troubla. Trial bossiez tua. Guranteait botîles SO and 31.00 84 F. B. Lyr. buyIlGRATvm- 1513 PUANMAUT. R£AL MUTATIS TRANGFERts. Murulaket by Lake Ooualy TiBle A Vrust Co. lbitaatof Tilis. Viles Ousantees.. ieaule l'sippaeBldg. Wsukegsut. 111. Louis J. <3,uas. Secy. Beiru of Lyman Illlmot de..>tri L H Wilmotne Id n, aea x -tr 0% naoseqgd............... ..... i sow 0 iar o! LymnuWilmoL iled lto Ad" iW OutaiorNwtbma noX lesa mU litfor rdl)m»« 82-ai-12 24 1.S mce ccd................... 20W Wa Osai Pelas à vi ta Mary E Wood- raft!a loW me Everta& &Jefferys Diva o!tBSbvhwod quît-----------.. usea VI L Ilslxtr teAàlBichois a lot lu Viof Russelwd ................ m ca À MWhite a fl teCL a MatilRi Co style afilvide thro w CteS au-n 0 à ir m »Qe -"5- 10 a............liOn Vin 9 OuiLh & svi ho C L & Mcii li CJo écrie 2fi vide th ru part wv n ueli&amlcvslta e 11-li- 10d.., 1lW gibab Bioaadmon à i tWA J Bay.- moud parta)ne otmc -"-Vad. Me ou ITlit uarmatee Tr 00to C aN W RY0clot 9 à Ub lt«'of Iot 20 ilhieno Hilandsua Cuita died. - i 00 9 J Uhauton & w! ta Jua StratLoil putnse iiid t meii-45-iadv...... ta"ore SSmlir 1B Cook 10 Id& C Strouir part ici 26 schoci Truite«,ea' cii14inl- at-ht avd................ ..........aàsW Nagier Ln Chsaeny t10ha Horesaiirir lut, h bik i Original Toisaof Duirfd ded ......... i2ieo JWmeallm C Boand .> o Fred A Midmoeeots a 4 ibk 32 Wkg& lailt a & a" beins lit hiiOeniau Hom sproerti vd ....... ........>. o Nathise Potpp à vi L B & L O'Cori- mS par esesc 2-43-ft evd .. 32 o Joha Woodiioumi A vi to Mary Broum parl a )b sl ec i-s-l wNO ~Cie bau B sculilei Lu oJos-ýpitWatt part l4ne mi nmwuon,9-Us-12 v of aherldanliod vd........ ......:5oo . M 8 Ravier d it a&aai tt HoeuL WhsslocikpartmwesMSv tamec 26- 66_166113 c" aitiha Graysilaki sud .. .... ..... ... . . .. u.250 TH1E HOME GOLD CURE. An lnuanloua 1'ratmOnt by which Drunkcards are Bains Cured <au' lif pita of Thama.lysa. No Noxioue Doss. Na Weaksning of the Narvea. A Plissant and Positive Cura for the Liquor Habit. Itis noir gemorili' ngUu d und--nt,nil thai druuakcuue la a dils""iasd fDot wrak- ose. A body' fie> viii.pois»iî.andiicos- eoaplstseli eaiiero.> hi' erloatcal or con- nueat cae oftomloi.ias iiquu,-e. reicir- aaldote caableofut eutrallzlnu and rneu=tio Iis t»aon ildemtrorinigtii., eraiasferlutxieuts Sffereremai' nuv surithomorlVea s4 bomne vîLtu u îliity or lm o tiel nroa bueliaesaî,y ti- voititiful 'ion, nota>cuar v hu.nt bas bou per!uctid afler iauay yeari ut iOnise 'dy and troalment o! iffebrtaten. Vie !,luassecndin o irectonofio!titi» vodrllicvery »pooitivoli' guananlue.> Lo eue Lim cos bstiite suai Dematter vb rd adruakr.Oun necordi show tic maîetos ,aafanhaion o! tiionhand ouf dru.karila taln moiter. indniirlouosuad vtves cuiv OU u etimain!'CHILDEZIU cvau lotis rayasa! Viile renie> 1. lu an menai a itostiun hles aneetl- f or hie dieasaDel y, andlà mo kilifu Il, Oevsed an> prpueWd th"L ILleI torugsuly aoiubi,.and plisaet hitete c&0 tat itrail te givnU orcp ftes or 00*0e vitiiont the Inow- leds o Lii prma takainsi. Thon candi o! druokards bave mnrd tiiemmclvem vlii lIai orimis rostiand as Mani, mors have iteaacaredaed ad leartobyienvi'g =avini Mi cu ade tuei'dhIv fnisot g~ vanîvs itiiont their iteov- folles la ontm and belles. todun that gy diioutd drinlng ofthteir ovu viLDonrair. Du nuL b. dn-luîleO apparent sud misk3ading lnrueet eve _qujt thelidiaisse ai onSandsf0for ail lie.s Thie'mous noLD unmala olo at Uic eiu;eiibli ioN pnice one doullar. thiug piscinir vilain ganoahYfevryitodi' & treatment mura eSsamaithan ol 'Osnalis t 1oui5. Pull *lioulimia charge. Sent pr"hiiVdte env = t wrid on reolit 0f ýa dollar. oaran?. saluad M32 Market titmeet. Ii la- Ail ccnresuaondeltcie trieLli' onfidentl. SPRJNU - Is here and with it com e some more of Battershal' ' 48 23 I23 H0 01 05 fliia Low Prices....moo- 1 1Ib Druebapu, pau don..................... . le base11,eP for .................................. 8 mma Ocra.............................. Doye Top v1010k Ois 1 t3............... ....... Biobi.m msaiOsait. peu lb................ Sims Matasu.................................... R.76 iS," u ................ ................. SI»1" do _....... .............. 11lb ptga God Duel...................... ........ Ail TiSa S h ................. ..................... union Bahd, Paf qs............................... i c 3corge Battershall, TILLII Ume~ llrtiltd iic1u<les<all t1w pi>- lar l'tYles t(of tht, season tAgetier with fliaîîy advailct' 4stv flow s4awli for the first t int-: an> aBSOrtneit s4) hlîeleîs t as to gratify îîearly evet-y taste at very înoierate i. h BUYS AN A 1 Have tiaem np to.. .... Aimo Agent o..... C.wsceat Bicycles. I esu meli you a better viauci for leas monoy titau you CRUi buy elmeviacre 'a ou wiii Sud thusa aeertln true If ou lavetigate. CALL AND EXAMINE. WNICLIE Seing Machinesi 4 cae S es andrrîu.d Sit li 0 xli e oi B l r. .............. ...........lic (b.le Apricut.... Try our .Shoes. We have a good Istock a good wearer:sand good style. Aloagood stock of Clothing- Hats and î ) ; ,Underwear, Overals, Ladies' and Children's Dresses, etc. .XX Ail Gooda Sold ait a SmaUl Profit A X W. W. EDWARDS, Graysiake - - Illinois. ROYAL ROBIN, 34320. Sire.> li' Robiu. ono!Attll; l-y-ar-oId ronao,-ni2:28 Axteil, record 2:1 ; aireMnof ElItý, 0-,i ù; Pi 2:0n9. " b,:V-9,~t (îît lianuucte A.. 2glita: Axmere.i:u:13WAîtuntluil. m:15;Ai usurtu , n. li: Axil,-, 2î: 1m;EckstCln. 2natta: Acte.1..Tll I6);37 Othene ln 2 aU 1-t dam. Neekisoe itimlnpn.5m;Irn-Inof! ll-iLar i.1.2 1j; l'nlnulu. 1,2 14;PI'nn-a.i.i16 Gnelmu.2Ieht: Stan Prineeps, 2a16%: Geneva. inuit; :4 A l.-re. , :loon,1 i lui.-F.a! Hîthail. I., ti12 Priuce Hoechuei. 2:13; Falkliatd. muta. -4-_. -l id dam. Hnrnmiug Bird. ustenr te Jniiiant. 1:ta. l'u' Il n - Cis. ia. r-. 22.î :niro. Of Barry Wlkes. 2:1i; and 82otucre; dam of ilsaairr. p. a2:,, n n7îluhsr, fle tti. ROYAL ROBIN.foedl.. a a &UdonebO cia liauîn l Witîiu mllin liiIf. nîîiiitI-i. stands a-t itanda blii ,and vii wnAih nearly uttlbs. BrouYI Ly1. oi.8 13LMii hewe. Ky, Rie blood lmeaie niUiche ýtàs' iiilacu croc h; li tàb1a1,uI <CulIuo.llg. That bnni will beget are.>, lte Ideaul noaeaud îtgr-aîndroal-îîuiii 1.-ebý. t la-nr1no -, uuu .t. u te nt only itilerîts but po8soi»o.e tien-. qialitleii ln a m.îrk,nt în, n ing to attend> renuiar. niovlnu ont of te aulitri', or iullclunlf imur. i-lbliuruu. Rioyal Robin von bine ribiton lt Lake Coonli A.tritîutr.îl leF., Ina VBRMS: $8.o.00 10luue. J. Ml. BRAUOLEY, Rondout - - - oIllinois. OUC. M. & Btk P. lty., 31 milis from OhicagO. pFaunt right aI ilajOu. c Ria 2 JK - 2 1 1

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