tne Ther 4114 mot worit Es u»4. At 1aWINbaefO1ty,,' caefol a brug h a& hyàPimotiados bai adopted a btood o A ecanv inati louhib. d m ~ 'otherlebu chiekema. whi ,iTUhlh i i."Whmtte i. t about, 1 vonder?" askel 8001U OR @TARTI-ING, FAfIl. Pontac'sChautauqua ammeibiy viiib. Wednua Ez UtIUU UU U 5'~the Young girl, mentaily. pUuy fiW1OflD1O. j b.d Jhiy 25 to Aug. '7. heen Te* bidu âou ls wvem 00 collc:st8 cens aiI&M dad*t S"rRY The two eutered. Robin did nlt speak IIe:ed l tS et il cd OF butHugb advanced tralîhitoaRoge.eyhn lRu e," e aid. gentiy. "here la ont Daaetructive rira et Misl-'Thii't7 ' Te , u. ofCrist copgregatiofl in tenchers THE good ueigbbor Robin, who wshes te mat- tire Duliiuga Duraad et Orldiey- Champain viii buîld a 8=0000 edifice. a s 8011 leujo. Wbat bdo u Bayta lh?" DcAtmt oSv O' r" uhWnid tWobmBlMs v hp !Cf ur.wry"Wiahes to marry me?" iterated the »k Survives. ElleB BO J ues ofnalai ag'o dbrn aid- Mtinswbton OF !u R 'Young girl, faitering and blumshlng. Fermser witia Broken Neck atim li oe !Bigo oemridL ,st inifi s secri i Fe"eNTCHE "Eractiy. I tflot sufficienti! plain?"* Woodburu. have be Roge wasa alent, lber eyea Teat dovfl ta Fire started] by an explosion or duel in Roail Couvay vas ahat and perbaps State s the fluor, and bier fala cheek reddenins tire levator ovnied lY Iluli & Nelson, lu fataily wotanded by unkflavf parties at a chenetct stii eoor Te eas as gtbre ~ Morris, detroyed that building sudl en- dance ai Herrin.bilan r-'lher eyes., Robin wlsbod tg marry her. daugered the entire to. A Bomber or Scott H. Cacties. for four jears chiotbhs - O PTR I.--Cotlnued.t ruge. wiîot bringing auj frther on- Hugli turued away, and. witb foided car of ornon a neur-1v switch Caugbî efpolile of Springfield, îeudered bis rsth nnelb R* TE V e lj fe h I a ii flo-ilian ou es c rmth ii farma, paced the cou.. qtObiu Came teto rointhe building, bot ail vero aaved ignation tp Mayor Phillipas ta take offeci nul ý. JE, he camne arain ta tlie Cottage. rhis the' marquis than what already dispiayed ber aide. se"lesisriecept oue. Sheds conraiang thousafldm îmmediateîy. thae en anh nanedt ~ubsd Rose it.vltinfin er father'. aitered demeanoir. "Dear Ro e"h ad otY, takini of bua0hele ut coru becatule lgnlted snd Adgcs a enstidl h ** ',ha had obtained work et the rarm That of ilseif waxaufincetly productive lber baud. "your father has toid j-ou vhat burned. O hrAtîr sisn uer oceburs afer $150 ed n othedamon nt Antoine Lebrun, the tirait piace ai ut anxiety ta Rose. 1 have asked im. It ls true that I wisb ance. altbongh $5,5&l0 was beid oun b cuuae.stog the dorgnij apr iwhieh lie liadtappiied. It is nertîcsta Robin made bis accustomied visit t ta rmarriy you. If -ou are wililg. Idl leorsdidcontenta hy Hall & Nel-e .oîd for 10 cents.ort My that bath ivere glad ta heuar Or is suset. t vas a relief ta ber; for if lt net tblnk j-au disllked me. Wll yon show elmon.Tramee vil rah 31Hull0& Te-Odfr1 et.Cni ,. odfortune. could net dlvertlber mnd tramntirhe me that j-ou dont?" Cson hei ogse wihar an 15.ll0am Ter- prtossi inr fPna ikt litvas kt snqet as-eu Robin rame. He tbougbta of lber fathers aduess, I at Skie did flt anaaqer. but mt vtth berCdron bauba rnnitroyed.togethRer ater a tva dars session, came tean u Theî lad collee immedlateiy ou finishirig lmiesaaât ered ta break the aimont lasuut- syea stili cat day.. and ber baud in hlm. vitir a large number of abeda. The $Mi-agreciaiut, the operatar8s mgniag tbeoal amende 't lape vork, and Hugb luslted ita ta stay portablesilence that had reiitied withta 'l"lioudear Rose," he saîd. &gain, 00dptsho hehc sadRI-of 49ceuts, fixd attbe Statecanou-me ulI ra n urorta.Tba v- the cottage ail day long. "that I am asklng a g'rat deai. 1 came 000 dCompany as uth Rc Islatnd Ral- ho". ttidon Robin vam nalhlng loir to accept; Ta-nigbt, Hugb wouid flt join them bere only a feu, weeks gai. and 1Iva. damaged ta the estînt of $2000. A Fire gutted the pint deparîmefit of resolulh ftr Il vms gisen wtb a degace ot cor- ln tbe gardie. but remaiued in thc kiteir- a stranger. I came seekîng for vork, and heavy wlnd praug op and fircbratids the Stover Mauufactur'iug Compafly'm Cook C Milfltythat vas rarewtbh Hugi; and ren. reading, or seemîng ta do mo. And round lit. I am prrsuad have j-et fia vers carrled a block ocat nudin ie tbree- Plant at lreeport. The lacsvili be ftrat erai Au Wbéihehehe ethe andeautyac ofndbisandRoreactin tf gRobino sud omRarceyosetbutluatthtustgerdaeeudtogetah-st homerit0f rn bildngv$,,0butaJ2tatan Iatrumtco tadbyhavee yMsg Rose bmd any- infituence lu Robins er. vîthout vorkin a.umsnt,.for e somae day. I love y-au. Rose au îand1 d-k a mn eatraoyetriterawt a bulr-ing $15 .0 a$000adl tlycsee ynembîti dpoe fl ta r vn e leave thers ta cotld do nothing but thluk of ber father, you if you wilpromise 10 marr.,me byva e igiherawth a uear- irau. spieFer eo re Cook tude.At AIl eveula. vienlbe liadt taY-sud the yonng mani. ympathizing deep- asheu I amn ricb enougitabya tle nuthmoerf8pri ad perbaps tira hours. aud vas taklng is Ilyand esrnestly- wtb bath, trled ta cou- farni of mun.- 9bu'a ul n woned hy Boomi & Woodburyri.Fleer, a tove mulder, andtemte tSpr ýqMrurepea soe an cher i* airetimantn wth Butand their las. la $10,M), .wlth uno lusur- eight children. commitled auicide ai $10.0w the rIait. And Robin answered. quietiy-: hopeful varda aud soothing toules. And Thugeuberthejes morrovfully-. as sho tirtrouion.ght wa Il "Tou are very good. muonsieur, nulit Rose cold Dot but telke a serd pleasure of is lonelluesa. 'No-no; 1 caunot leave monut t O with ro n Inurance. 35 year aid buu cueuthat I arn ouly- too glad ta corne; iu listeitti ta bis varda, for Robin'& hlm"Hai oaa rde.mafJ.ia imerysa bsai eanGorbot- te la IWa1ram orewhat strauge jet siong friendabip bad already hocome dear ta .'Rose," sald Hugli. turuing ta bier. «the Tva enîe uirîcaset bilck. t mant @ bur e tae, ethee itiorolis e .( là ork-ireoile os thp e. rn, sud Whelier, future la ual lu jour banda. Do flot tblnk Twaree bidibgsciness lck-îrsr, thre -borneda. riea vas a veridihav @ ou laaev place. it makea onle ratherlue- -of me. If j-on lave Robin sufficieatly vel hre atuildey. ongCuanit g a l er. osrnes.trmes m aidouerdredaa votela IV, And i feel more acuiosined vith CHAPTER Viii. ta msrry- hlm, anavor bila at once. Aitl conservtveley , oati isted inga0l00. M e. Theencialibuailn bok ! ba inll u po0a. ierhalaa. b-ange this vam the tirer There vas a knack for admittance etai v iiiheiel." cR ýKtvl ite ate clt fl,0 MerSu. Jase pvancdealy' bs iethockohetMan. ?rloi Viséa Kte a e 1 vhicb forwIrkaoagbtcttfgoron. Hrk.LmIntthertcottage1 illdoor.youHuobn,"Lamante olietart ofil 'Thenx mIchvt.iosemarrestryej-ou.e thRobin."y. mlin 00 be pleased ta corne. rmonsieur.ansoitneaily tramn bis chair. Every knock- Rd in a loy taue. matdt uaapi trbIsh na ml'mtnelatr.Aa Redgt' lv. ton.iltMa e, h.if I1c"aie earlj enough. esery approaching footatep, af late. hoe "You vili target trat Iamuras.and à the airer attenioan. lIhe vas caed miamoeadseea uldnswrebl a tht mademoselle,*" glanaig to-ards iaagined ta lho thai of the Marquis Ot strangr?" texoe narwmntstefae osmd h e xed f.0. 5 e It1. .. hmdow eaprreade tafwhUic Mnbabtnberrà she p rotitedon hs-I d niaumedta.oreT le aloler ied@preddtathebu000.shopo. Reb I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ltjansek"cmnadhv.tcotbmda.He Wae.Adbrglneo ii i lliiam Sotte, a brisk south vlnd carrled C. H. Mcoore, a promnlent Cluton Isav- li bil Rfugir pronri-ed that Iis shoutid bc the haatily crossaid the coman sd lung the fcint oniecla sle aii. it acres. Cester treet teth ie nov Cana- yes'aud capitallat. la dead. HiearTe- pcoptl tage. And Rob'in deîarted. dooir vide open. An angrj exclamuation eiae nfirdnc tb a hril 0ftams- merciai Hotel, and froin tbi're it jumped puteaita he worth more than $.0.00 ingi t noverlleynt te orkwy-ibi Hevm a embr 0hib costofttona luch O n th e th ri d y. lu the i iddle o f t e bu r t r m h ua h pp . . R ose, seate ai by -the p ressible d el lîbi. sd pr rse d bis lips a ta tuthe , va m l y tat e B n . B lu eleat m m b r O h e c n t tui I mea 1 ofleroo. Itobinu appeareai. Hugli asscasernent vith ber eing, trerubled sud riiose1oflime bluahni girr.itmehse-eu boie tovuconventI13on ISOt 0and an amaciate t Inothe - lharso a seng hlm snornucb aesr tued paie; for ibe nevrometr w-8 (las- -'And yj-OU llnove, reak pou ea wa edagrýd alfo dYs etLnçi u1Dui hg votk a Wset mufiet. Bat Robin sald "Good afteruofl, unle," aaid the rogue. and teruptation sud danger?"' erandi a basnecart. 1,-fore their arrivai y-as aid, blev ut5umi. iceui suibotfo ea prle seobogfyusmondrne vti ril aPôrl wdoublerie id Sra- Wilamdishttetricuita ' sey tbtAntone Lebun had lloved hlita tu rankl>'. " So; neyer-nover. Robin; But vhy the fire ira detrojeil uso lblocks ut barreied htguu at Pekîn. lie vas the derthe ejlaie sarlier. hecarase b ad dune more ",Dov, Gapatde," nitereai Hugb in la- do -u er-and viatl?" buildings andibhtd prartivally bumreaiIl- san ut Henry- Schuttler. a velI to-do fans erlt wolrikon tise tva preeediisa-4ayo tilau auj-cense- aitonisirmeitansd vithout nettc- "I ecannai tell j-ai, PRu.But litvll self oui. Tirre vere ni)ijurie». Ialail or. Despîondec daeylhy oiicaa fn «W rothtie me..And h lirat visbeaiing tUic aaltatloa-'"hom cornej-ou halerle a hongtirehotors eCon mart'j- per- about tiirtj buidings vere hurneai. Tirela sai ta ho the cause of bis suicide. dy %ose@ mademoseil's gardon in full day- i have core" aumvered Ucmnhp;frIvi ltakjo oaaeryvt f rebualing the toacn i iie hoCoin- Jh .Shla neo r letC t a qaimnlss fr il etl y-.t $as yioo oh . ehi oeorteUic Gr teap qunlassumini an expression urthie lot vitir me outili I have Tison bipla'-' menceed inarndiatel j. man realideuta of the coulty-, vas tnatjaurne BonlRobin vas conducteai ta the garden. deepesi erommuan, "ta soirj-unr par- fat higirer iran 1arnnov. And ne ou. dead lu the yard lu front of bis cotage Sens!e Mdi bore, aithongirh.opralacailie hauj. don, andi irat ut Mademoiselle Rose, fut knovm vbat rnai happen lir ai rne. h »Dons't55 te Bave Boy% aLire. near tirs outskirta ai Charnpaiga. Bchitsbutine ya« ha alsn roun ample apace for tm--rny aid behaviot; andi I honetiy hope j-ou vihi ho a long tinte," lie cotinued. aliter A ahephetd dog blogilng ta Arthur Bvas about 55 yeat. aid. Amouî bi@ et-Detc gt*"immaaiand volunteersd. if 130gb vas vilii trgive me." a white; 'but I @hallllho patient; for 1î Uaiey- Made a pitlftiiattemPi teaR marecfa a ers founaipapers IrasingaIl bis pot-ta - voln«. te came deva sd vork lu hi Hugbh ooked ea i hmbal! ncredulonlj-. vent ta rise ta "eileurlngbotter thon 1 the lite of Young Waiter Watts <Gard. propertj- ta an old aveethfert ri lGer.- i, oa55515al1j. and vitir a earching glance lie stopper! ar nouar. Rose. Yeu are ton gaod ta mat- wbo vas drovned ln a brick yard pond man>'. Murs than $5.0()o vas round i bd-Chen S 40 there appeared ta ho ne serious o- back a pace. but made nu sncver. Ga-rj- a fermer, or à gardener. For j-aur ai Springfield. Onij the rilOiag scefo dru in the boume. nwJ Jo" ta mach a prceedin, ire arrange- pardie tllaved oplbtaimoenat. sord sîke 1ala mîsrve îta reudier iyselî Uic agedy vwas vituesseai. Jusn as a J. C. Mc ud J.ILCuller o novh 1MM va,-mode; and nearly every- aftet- stepped just vithîn tUiceoor uthat lbe soreiini blîher ihan rither." companlan of Gard'a rearbeai the pond Gibsan City aud W. A. Cameron eu t- im-aitaî 6@8114 heeeortti Robin came iait an nov hoeid Rose. Appreirension and an- "You Dnerd net b btter than j-ou are, tire lad saak for the lestlime. A rno- liait have completeai a deal an ail lande $25,( barbuor mmci ad htbmpde rao.- ob n." id tire'girl. gently-. me tlitierthtie dai rose ta thc surface near Beaumont, Texas. Tbey- purciraaed st. I. sbies and pruanng traite, busie! hrm- "u I men ta become more vortiry and sivste ta th iresait mnan exhausted 5000 acres ai $5 pet acre andi olai a day 000 f, r.«« la the gardes. rnaklng sncb ateta- utfj-ou, neveriheleas." vas is rejoinder. condition. Whou the body- vas recriveredod ,tosne120ars t$Wprsri a 'lée tte botter and traning the ta- And nov Hug Lamante turneai tu Prinl tah e dogs tel upon the arma or atvamince 1,WacesaiT10hea e, msakli nioti §Ovena o -jec mn skiulliy- tht -1 thora. .hraed tire efforts the brute bad! made mode ta tire Standard O11 Company-. Tirel The OW bhoame «aveu er andl more abus- ,- "Since thîs la don," lhonid lA."Igis-sta sas-e hie frieni. <Gard vas 14 j0t ble- iermanii3,0 crsvtci aa legal: ais thoy hUstbeau ln the carlier <' y-au bth my- blessiug. Rame. my- cilld,-"nid and a nevapaper Carrier. blth tey- rchmdath3,0anesi oli Thse] k. ' lo cf tet emon, vIsa irai mseerneaita -ii andl be laid hic baud solemnlj- ou her fait he pet ce d bo hne aiaout81. , noo * d I i n t h i e n > .rh e a h o tr u c ta R o b in o ti l e T c a es L iv e la i t i a a B r o k e n N o k . _ c eno l h m o t l 0 0 t - O D 'La'whitesRoua vwèttd a thsairla'taim yo andyou viii ho revarded." The remnarkabhe case ut Fred Rlaf, M.te% Ï@iÏ48e ads. Roe se t atisgadse otiThere Tvas s moment or deep silence, aLtanmer neur Barrinstari, living with a John Charter. ageai 63 y-rareforradet excepi 'lm vaber, savina o0esbrode y r e-.Tbe janng lover bout davu. sud teadet-iy-riroen neck in attracting the attentionaot the Charter Glas Engine Company- oi record - îWsa bb; at Is av.pes khised is betrothed bride, trame viroos f physichens and ire public.O ac trigsdoeo b onmma n 0. t0e Ipd. vamas fond uo . ashber- geutie ejea the tess toie dovn. 20 be ftelltramn a tond ot vood. bt-sablai vealthy- cisons. dirda ater a loug ilieux.lie-pr oot ai massi a ploanaet haithut -And throtrgl the opposite casernent hie nock ai the fiftb spinal bone. Hie We o-h aetu enn-as o 04Wao thas bW iheni. Robin liait nu atb- giaredan sd gicameai a pair etf fandleh limbe are cornpletely paralyzeai. lie can settledainl Pennsylvania, afiervard cooi- reati W. » mat"s. un aisterg, aur à aioe, eyes opan that ltile group. The brîa- hawve-e, mos-e hlm bead aud shouidets. log ta Sterling. vhere hoe hogasa busiuess thi âweb as cthare b.d and be tai sue ad-laver. Gasparde. bâti beard eves-et d ncan speak. broattie and avalhov tfood. ama cigat-maker. lHe patente a arigmr i el t-ipt th" $seaititreborna ta bhlm.Ho vord-witnessed every-looak and action The doctot vho bam charge outhie case muid, vmic in lalu use ail t-e thtemcoun- Ripu '1î 'a l, astensaita the cottage as -mo iha by iinis l;thy i ymdahvudbse ýud hardtire tri. lu 18M' ho coueiveai the licea ut a corde w» a iareeauaed tramnvot-k and lasad atha h Itrcrr iaa îrnbbekocardaric ibtas ic egasoline englue, and pateuteai ire enginsmotti bis:upe' udoirntcueltYlis @but ieib, nor mark the ciencheai phronic nerve. at limrenet unnjured, vbic behare bis name. Sesetal y-ars aga ment vimits vers easalithenrm hadtirat menaced theur. vouid have haen ses-erea irbe-n. lt hrer retirea tramin he presideucy t -115enjopje themnisd Rame aivaja (To ocninru)I>e.lad La Oui or.oa Ex-tte Senatot Charles Brut,va journ ho mchlmcoini vmie Hgh~- AIES CONSUMPTIVE CURE. Ten comm sioneai afficers sud tortY-- bas bcu edit r fftheWbi eSniiaae ali te. houh hesoi! Bite n th su- tree culistea mon ot the Naval Militia at Morrison for a quartier of a cenatury-, oittý t,.@soulirhotareadUtien a ie u- Saita De Toteraba7 Cerasal, bat evof Illinuoismavue been detailei by- the adt- vas hoatru badly by- snatber nevepaper The1 vialar.Rus mouetnneavonerei . " Paople Whli Taas i. Jutant general ta bring the Uited Shtates in grîting a Morrison item that ufthtie JmIaidetI ja o teyuni - man, .udoctors senti patiensnsuffrIng stamerDota.rhea, giste secrt matriage of lisdaughtet. lest Inr usuinaallp, sa he vas, ut a mood 5a -"' t- rain tulioreulosis lio the Nortiein hy- the gareroimeut. tran the Le-ague FeruayMn uh letvsti but ~~~~~~~~~Island navy yard, Pennsylvanie,- Ci ray is tt letvmtea e suhansomure, su amiable sud caa.lhe vii oinde .Threthepaliet-metftlead in Knox, min.. vimere aime mette êberid a Rbin t vi tme rindBIl-et aTtamEiebIniondrii &loe-lantde Oceon. the St. Lawarence River, ho cs f -loire ai tiretsisgbt. Whea Fr efthoneabout hl, vas net t ail SSIsH Antr. lînesa limai la oftton s§hallas deatL thie Canadien canala and the geal itetea-iug caseurr o orso u ~ag . atherefore. vais lbgs sur- croyance vers pinty expreaseai on ber hPeople wsecolongs are serloualy - af hta hlievel tibai the trip u cbmade aellv as Mm. Fred A. SapP. site ut a Po - ~ thai ae evaa7 uneWcio eemeai ta counienace as ste hoeid hilm. Hoohua-t ecteti. mnai ho kuowlie coneIltotusin tveitj days. ____nvpprm.Thstcae-oki a biehlmgo veILi, iai ber faiher bould cd acsuprepusseming as evor. tbougb is lapon wvImlain ir ives mal'be Bpro-m Kbea b Tusn,, a flotman.isuuacdt sacvs ot Lau- e be ase attractei tovstde hlm. varda vers certainlj ver>' fait. lnei ta isttot ceiieaI rapna iiivee ad yerei ffa his iiineMr appe tn ad a sMor ot ecut- ,mur- a a 0 a s * e 'Good afternoou. Cousin Rose," lh o 5-Iedarier hyiitau anai goth d- a mp Buriingt orua deulc offtain ia e- ta dr ap aimsbie thariseror"tera in of T.-lh. Marquis-oft Motauban, late ancesali., vlth gtmvity-: sud noticing ire'indi- ' erfterpyililesdg higBrigw n unytane n- aCar i rd ha hrpreso e 3tasea, made hi, appearance t thc cation ut ber disposition to-aria hlm inluto exile. Tnamce, turnea upon Cotidutoia James Benia rival pape-r learneai of the ruer- te e#tt&40 af HugiaLamonie. This vas au ber couuiteuancc. iehe asteneai ta adai. ver>' mati vîmaseeka ire pr'<olonga, Wade sud Brakeman A. C. Larkins. riaac sud printeai the item. iîne OOMMnnoccurrence; for visitora vote Ivitiian air of peullence and arrov: "0:,lion ot hîs lite In the sa-ods muet pal' a tunnîng the former vith a arevolver and IdasHarri&.vho aihedaituehé Ilotel F palarall rather repelled tian attracted 1@e Rose. that y-au lave ualt orgtien heavy price. If lie toulai go ta an up- giooting Laritings through the- heart. Beardsley, Champaigra.liaid a unique pe~ r- > b raherecseanai iaciurnity- of Hugli. boy I nrd ta anuoy- yon. I knov I do river bimtel anal Corne imb ocont u it tLarkin' bodyj saas laiten to (aleaburg soaallty. She vas the Ouly daughter ut Ths afternoou, Hugli Lamante. vihnet deserve tbst you shoîld; but I cou-î~rosib usse aamita the vimere bis vite sud chilai lire. The con- Millouaire B. F. HIarris. Fi fteen yest. Subie, wvira rtd Juat came fraru the farnta, Ihathopeal j-au soulai Overiook i b>' dper arnif ho coulai btiladatantrîm ductor ayatre attaci vas entirely- un- ago aime vasdivoreed tram Thomas CoMa Th »d aiour pret!Rase, wve to getber lu the Iis dîne, for I ar n acerely sorry-for cteo flecudbidauiaimepcd h rmp sacbtee n eue e adnuie -e h garden, vien s knuckihg vas heard siîb onj impetinnice.'a an a ireis envîroninent ta suktitl-ports are unaier arrent. j-cars later aellequarrelid waîh lb-r tamill inf1 la tire kitches, and Rose. hong urareat The yotinio girl mie no reply ai irai,' selfi vauld hoedîfferent; but phiI- anal neyer spolie ta auj membero ut het- In ls Aontr. tan lu ta e-e vbo vas imere. tiesuadeunesa of ail thia astonismeaiber, clans lhave Iraxrnpd that fhiolatlon la one Ail Over tire 1ste, ter trait. Es-eu oui-r deatbbed@aime te- of Tlh marquis Brsastanding iny-the case- Hughi.anionte striisilenil> regardiug of tir mes patent oftitre curative May '21 uic nev agricultural building fuard ta hoe reconcileai. Six j-cars ago lol Ment. n. aiiha haIt sugrj-, bal? perplexeai agents trthacu lie omployeai. Suffiulnt f the State University- in i'barpaign abc siarilea tie vornahipers ai thme Con- i "Goud eig ishl, i doubteai whetber toa pnt altb i l ghî sa-r ta kep rap the appetite anal villlho dedîcateai. gregatioasiCburchioeeSulaj mrnriug Trit, kinly a sreenerd.'i hvecoleto tlefair decîarurnion of Gaspurde. ta accupj- theopatienita Indaigo0 iai hoe The ies-. I. P. Roberts, 84 aiot lI t'y- siootint sud alighitiy woilig Miss w-h »enFour, a he r base ca CusnRs,"sr'th atrnginos icShreamebrotaecuch ih L Y«moser"anavereai Rose.,s il eprecatingly,' i promise you ibat I viii shall bave net ime for braadhu.g o-r is bort, Ind.. aileainastihe home O0f bsi--e whcrfj-.a meîhuit uarvo r isir I vitti cl inhl." neyer behave su impertineuîîy- agaîn. j1lts îa anotbor part oftheiccure. Isola- Mra. S. G. Cooper. ai East Allon. troanwshosiehad qu00. artfl. Mia Iari on, Bbc vTent Oui andai lformedcaiber father vîsh oi old to tu orget ut>inu- tien.iocupaton, and alarm. dry- quar Os-ct tbi.rted fis-e thourhors".. persons inv et ire deire ut the marquis, susaîmle ierîîe. sudt forgive rue." tors on higb landl among flan pite wfflhalîlîovris ua -loi tousacainsuereatRia ivV bu eRoniereire itchen. araeeiir hi-d , . htose looeepentantctientouthetameuwi h Iitinolia In preaerviug nut fosieriug the birds of A burglar plajeil the part of hiesils- nI hdtbn nhem ndup ya rsh.e,s. h e .id.ic ju "re wcrly eeat, îtttictt tsahh uries~ie State. boa! in the vacant iedrooi n t i. Marj- pridrios bot doa 'Iaosioa rnie prh." Am en. has-il! end e apiloyur e-hmt oli.Wbile ridingonan auArcher avenue Pdcc-Hih'hoelB-hvle.Webead ii prelau dy io ath" AA henaie rsumaiber -rere are traim -tvcnt>'f-o ta ofifty trie car in Chieaga H. A. Fitzgeralai vas campleteai bis toflet lu tront or the rircor. 11, it hinva twaIîît ime vien the mar quis saoe. lsoair" saai aspade.patients In tino Malue 1bo fbi s~ ni hivle t uin fr h upscao e pai of tie loft Hllgh. sud gettiug lotobis cri 'e And yoîîaise, sir?" said forpaih, purbioof a lounate sa-hicim ho taie drove away lu the direction of tbe cima turnmug ta Hhngh. voomis ai aIIasesons oftlime erm. They SU3, imy- iree pickpockets. latse. hoednsacitathebreaaira-v te S tenu. rbey hear i hm go0aaY- Robin' "Themegcs sai about ihat the btter," nrealle in ire- foreet jear lu and leurt Dvighi F. Haussier of Ceuiralia anA b ou d tvna citothebau con sg u Riai Ruse, But îHugli i aianot came, ouitrturneai Hugli. drjij; 'but jou maljlho ouiut mtl tier lairgs bêgîn t10 beal. ho appoinîri conslar ageutai Sone- $50. The thiet escato-il itin his looty-, ai *gain;and awvien rey- vent in. they- fouinai ratetul tu haeinefor torguvins o.s-bc tr bs fthr a00 naoalehrGrmn- pn h eomediia bshi icl-prea n udbsfc bia eaei y im abelute stc istamore than y-au ment.And nov, If j-ou sri.nmfrsxmntm uir ieatctRpisnai- oeuborg ot Eastsia, n isbe 1 1h dusit, sud lening forvard on , virih i-as msb te as>an>thing toriue,.jou muai - anoluisai wltba colaits creata.t sud bis breaircivl sevicecom . fae burled in is bauds. coule luto the gardon, for t amrn ggtleL etlîdt -atbsflne t .us ah .nvcvlsrect-pertumea i vtb a daluty-dentifrice wbic a e He rose îlnioeîlatell, Ou thelr entranve. ilere.' Andtiapckhung up bis triais, lho for- a tow (lytijifttiteTran ice e mîssionet. ho lbed usea i vliMrs.Iirtb'm toouil w as and vienrtot a ri ght; but hie dîd not %vent ont, -iîhout say-hng aliothet yard. yeO5r. A saiehel Containing 3,0.tess brunir. Mr. Hirth watcbed tue burgiar apek. ants the fan- ir theliîght sahane Gasparde tollovea, i. ii dovucasi ejes Aliter four >eas ot such aolitary- con- snassig !Dta h aiin aeistie.We h elza e - h. cual-nauce bth bses-e thi silhumbleai mauner; said Rose. iruly- finement lho la pernuletîa ltke vs tohen tram the stage ofthe Ko- posiihan andi sav the man tbrusl hie baud ilu 00 ie palh vanne opera bouar. The Performance iuto ber bureau draver acsheerameai. He va. nuusuaîîy ple 'erciaivng is sii-en11iaent iii bis siucertj. sa-s aliost i a aportlng camp vimere nlt mure vas sîappera o ule. on.Rgaih-Seaedre h uîa uridao i tomesaid deporesion. Robin. flîle, i vîimsîrry tirai ber father ireatea iehlmgo un-îtîmn tour persans canlbe accommliodat- vesilgata y h plc al d Ieva nairae jaa brshibtibiu apmpathy- for it. sirtiy vithairesa- graciolisîy. She bail some rtlsity tlus- tvo u iaioI b h ie e orva admd yse ir hc rgtnde Witàut lquirng ito ig caisi nol., abat coulai inebis business vilma ber til Iai o ne tlIme. and ive a auj- oliev ta the ie.lrlutafin. "W piainamlj tslHagh vas 11,1: , hut co;btthtie mosil.Te it uel tmpleteaior ho le able 'A A Cblcaga-haaSfl Chicagoansd Alton William Beciter, agea 48. andi son, tisi umcinargouicaan Ir-oedaponrrmsied lunlie ganîlen for seme tinte- di a full day-s vork wvhiout fatigue pameger train vas vrecked jusi outelde Firank Becker, ageal 14. vetoinstantly ciO the aus ., ~ - Tha asilIdo."ritrteh.l-spa,,.braeman vere sens-b ainlr. The kA j uy-lteLaCiru t Cotmgae aset- s aDth l uleis adjasseisefor thé flairp demu w Ceaui., edp Y AU Bonuse bils vic laita fot The datas fot cont' fait. la the 102 eai a Illrat urnosla tisé Smate -'vaescouie luinroheBiais of Illinohs bave bee- The luf ailtsd54, emblrainl frit- lixcdai ndiare aunéoceai au folioas ig lefi on ihe Houas caleadar. ouil- Adlam. i'osnty, Camp Pohnt, Sept. 3-0. sure iran 1100,Tire Chicago scirool Baoone Coastj. ilelohaea-, Sept. i-9. am pension hav viilheoapianal Bravai uiiirty Mouact $toril"o, Aaal. eu. Buaresau tnsnty. Prnceton. «Sept. 3-t. inas te Gas-ernot gathbehll larroll CîîIlstj- sp. 170. psseid thre Senate 42 tau'7. Pros-la- CbamupcaIgîî <'oasty, imisiapalgu «cpu. 3-4L umini public moueyltoatire fanai <'i.Iaaigil C ofurtj, Humesept. 10 13. bee s ric en ou . A vo at s o a (1a rk < Mii , ta nm n saIle. O ci. l1. cea trilie ou. Ad acaes t a Ct.-. touit) -UCharleton , Sept. 7 21. mebool for deliniquent boym bave sa C L'oui,-îiîiit ' «pi h1014. ita rtia startisai approapriation u of ' alI mout>,1 lîsin. As. 5-%C KI1The Senmleaspasseai su-h a ;ii0asatty. laarga . «pi. ilu1. ai the Ilouasetbha 'ed t.Amat ltliWoi tcon. «c n. 1.4 st n 1sParésed by the hîotise fva lie. iolî.îai as-tue.' ru, at-ît. 3-0 tx i.ej- taorSiate PunPîîaes fre (iériti 'siuiiî Sbsvnei-tevs. Allg, 21 31. ilsujg tw Yeas. A .ng hon, 9;1>t. s- C i 'attolitnt «. tc-il - sulua tav jeas. Aont imes limti-îeim 'eiii ,111 1'11.911, Asg. 115-23. àbj the Sa-amie wveotbchissueein- ai-mnicyc'Iiau),imsmiig.Asg. 1021. me tit bill. luludhuig thé- Ihoîma fl-mne iasutlir C.Se-pt. 0-13. Imeuts. and Senatur Milehalat'a lîll hniiili i Vièb, « rrnit the Pcnrimg ofateîti tliOftpIapsteru, Set. 3. ait he pintii utibe arue~r j jo,51Coriiiy, 'i.soa ept. 17 -1 dte frtjauge lu marc thanono Jile sai ies CLîimm.v<lir0.,t, . on the PoIlIiai ballot. Katicî'oîaîy.hi-u%'artag.K-mti0 1 State consition vili ho neither KîaaknkasC', Kankaire. «pu P1.2.l ralit nor reuiaîdtai' ora ft e res-s Kobimtl ouîrnta, t i.kutle. Sept, .10. Tva propositions failea inluthme Ki."'% cîîity, ioidie Spa. 3-a. e hridynerigthe MeKeirle InkIe touait, .ite Thursais>' mornint jLetgnosCosus-F.mriir. lJuu. 20. ion for su amndint humiIiltiait 1-unis Collot)., Atliî,îiMi.PI-Pt.2-5. ouui-'s epresntaain lauilae leu inîtz.ia iatj.111111.18aad Sept t-8. Assemb>' ta fane-tiinîof the total 9")<,;Iî, i'mutliiolli. <i-13 . lrshlp aud te hu.naMahe 1ta; i,,, ut -t I a27V ion for s couaîitulloitl1uouveuthin a mci i, Iiii cotialy. îîîui. 1mi 2 Count>' judies of the Circuit anti MjPuIIriiii viP éiljI, is A. 27 30. or courts e-les-ted berc-afler vii getl a (. ms.11,, ,mIlîokAC13. 00 a y-car. The oeil titates §Altor' i 1~.-oC.1îî1 aIni. rliiu110 will gel the aine, sd h lh o l'e-anis C,i,,, li-il u.iIl'< C.,<'os,0,. ti. 1 1by lavîatu tuamal tee, i aothe l',iît cm,l., ttfiiiiî i 2s :y lrersuty. The Sertate bill pamaca Pille <Osai, i Kr ellie; JuIy-30 Aag. 2. Joce b> a vole out92 ta 2<1. Clii- Pu: otiaw Pl ,i'c,. <-t ", acomposite Southa Park-Comrnercil E hitna lil.«p tL ilas billibas pas.ed the hlause by hick I Yl5il i . p y ' éZé'i. trit1 2. eof 91 to 24. Tire Houaserkilleai lie lit ic 4'. -i S Auma If f712 enaird a le-amuse lime 15-y-eat'olii 1 al". t yr î sie S a-i. I- Plaiof !street nshhwaY li"unesl iiuit.îîi- -.. l laie l a n Ru o c k I s ls a n d a n di D a s - u p o r . W« - O , t y c3a ,-7.t~ The drainage board'a bond Isune Iîaaarlsi- trm.ia.mta mmseaithe Se-PIby a vote of 38 ta Whuroa4e .Il its-. s11, u Ag 21ùa proste-uatire Craftti'pubhic &secouait- 1Wifai' tié Criant .1ai- " . sei-mt.'- Il ha n pase mi lbth e Snie. An ap hiln -la. «lare I r , C~ . i i t . m ahaun ut 38,000 la pro-lideAfui'put- «prinusaciL 1,OPt ,a ilaoneffeet. This hbila vein ORSTR 1IN<SI armcter andi ia the fi rai of tas ;na T)iSOEILIOSSI t' Inlted Staes. It Putssrime Public Proimn 1irWbîair tirs Aseaanis.r. keeplngofithlie ahmîle State sRn, ct Esperl.nent Piatinsn1. rpuhitcal dia-iîi un n tli e S îste- - rim - agriultîtral izpr ir nia t ' Pîu îu &,uenfiaes .,lis-s, villages.,mrirool thae tmiinrsaîtyout lliralii leiîmk,tn5 .air les. ai- bo rds , a. Park board a-aa or ati- pi ainso!fr a ar tal s i ic> lalu Le supiervision outhlie Stale auditar. rais tir the paillon-ut, îiuuof i lay a-as ta haro be-eu tire cosini iconditlion ofut ils sal aitb ni-gamii i of the session. but oasligta the tact t.-tilit-. 'Tho' s11tnprastitmiorf ii i no agreemeutlihatbeufreseimeti ont .,r tlîîs s- mini rrîk'sitaslcî. fi apportionrnnibillu, bath bolusea ad- nuuiriaîi..n a ucrtiît- 3d as-lit uutl Saturiay. Housau-i Thé, P i.iutiPunt îf? llrii,..'il iasca-a ie cleaneal up caleudars in aicher i-.lrI-Pl u.-riniaus ls- ien ic lieai eé rmn. Speaker Sirermauiserions iii -ni-d iara in tire. tils- r.ils. cnulori, castA a gioro aserthlimIoune. Im- i ait î..rm l'îîa ail 1I.rts or the Stiéte i- ut bills passes! vrend (;Ilusg drain-luPorts rconfae imu t, .- a.rraîînt stiat'iin bomrd paver ta viden ansd de-pes it the taîltic re u Inl nhi.Ir hhaâbere go river; gis-li Cooki CouDîY-six tir- li-su ofhîîgb jîroîli. tii uy. Thsa jauges; fat s commercisl exposition elbarstoi sî,iis uîi 1 ,u (Pim.iilrsule hicaga'e labo front; Cbicsgo's a-ls un'.Ofreai 1oh->bare l i.n ut ratiilr Ilpark messauros: approiititu ,lis culrhîatmîîîîftraIl mit?*eutîmrj siti 0MM for State partIcIPsîlanuin lime ri'uthinif lue, luresire tilimnfi'rtimty [uis raposillîmu; mppropramtlug $150.- Naturailij lu,,at timi-crmi - a n fora sSt ste arae-nai mî Sprinild;h , cm1-a-tiraiiI--ui uits if liiiut tool i hng haming a ImImiemearu nsirmai ut ofplio,éuborius Rail m cgn ij et'îu ie tort>' aeonîl <carraI Assembl>' bat r. pria a t Iimms ail fr, lu-t e-r> 'i liitsappiamtloumeut bill suad quit, tinirtéluithei'-'n-iii nf lî,îîh i-r itrs Ihuiue dieu ntiI .3 atntalijfter, lait l. v-ce $h<iOX0tisSi mn n mima!I Il a.The lSlenste tî,llavreA s.erumin- pendeai tîr imu .»-mul ilurc., i> ,a, laier . vemj- Republalîrsu tembet. Pufthtuirt.s.s utPif eilli -Ptiit 'f ji t tva uaesuîdabij asentl. saeut on ph) %iamis -il for thme Seuatarial bill, theuly The a,'ruge e a.îîInts 'tfil,- iiuit li nei1ulrilig a rolli in uthme hamac. aill.ln eum.nti -ifut i-etPi, mII I _,P0 fentîli -eséeutaiviDrev sud Ne~ seouht isif lliui mmi,- 'i r t,ziZ'!f iot ct. utf1'iinarbago. refueaitoart inluci-arn - huhiilihtui*i.21 î'. c* ,îîi.îrandpo ailn ta thme Coénaresiionisi 1,111. but a-h. 2 la»r-r 'mtlit i-.11,mat on 'II -r re-tai probabhI, daiea not ialeuste amet mlard it.a-- ilithéa- i-ni euactuuent. IL the Sonate anly ure înîîîîî sas Iîîu, it.îuî - N uilcan Scustor AIndrus-ma unre- tiusrn. ,pertcut. uilI. Sili ri. Outhe Hase rolli eau au the cilit;potasiî '-Iliper irait ou ta reni-ue tru the iHanseneait- nte tauthe Sioate blml rimesvote was.7, KILLS CHI'LO. SHOOTS HERSELF. 4A. rn-nt>' tiiembî-rs boing r-iorte.l îto i-,Mni Ic t flstIls ment suil ramt"Just luefîre sil- kt te m olir Ia" le sâay. ' uirentthIbeloîuse nsuai niiuaî-ont te, ify.-.ticimm h s ciirI ttc a w-ait on (;liv. Yaîu-s - - 1mnuire.'if hi- badtin)- rurîsagi' li î. liauma,-, a.rine,-rliicomatt- I- i.' iitel té he .4gisistarelu-tare I isu,,ilitin n i1, of -IuIIui il .uîtn u I 11-Piil. à e îai-na nrerplie-I li'ebuai u.t ing t.ué) .-n ml îa hby girl am ins a.uttyi s.v I- Pr uit i uunmrattisatains. 5riilia'l. ingi-flic raiitu Iii' a iuil re aiiîournel. liiullIl tire trimg,u altiii aa i-uIiiii u# r il ii ms a illpr a ta l.i iu.iti 1,i h.- -ati i ifiirctue li'i -at--lu tIi ti, r-ha 55il s-trt,-iaaisli., ft Ir., I. ru fmi i., n d tuI tr ils i' itbe rîmtie Iicato<iieg n eillIîmui naitnîlmumu . s,4raaiur gi gi-r)- s ,lais -f 1 Ira tcuiut-Im -tI li- lit.,,rP-, ii ind liOtiiii tht cosnalter C'.u>n.- Iiîtlta trItni-ar k,,ii i é. t - ftsî - P-l it I.'lé.dut ke liPtiiah fýr fi iiitmuuiu-, r si,int - ' M','ai a .mid i l .éut bu îi-t .cash rei lI'u-atsehtailun, uttîl not ia-iie mtm uin inî.îu l., sP.uiul t--Ifroîm batika au-Ihut $3»', h. hi- l i I ilin l.ciiiram ii iafé ia l i-i t . hé fieid ialito-ii-lil .-h-olmmliiIIairiiimliigraisii .cugtc ci. nt a meeting a? t heur as..Pay. liu.c.tcti'l) ii Iiiiglapi c 11 tir les i lie girl t. .. iP I s-i . f haio rmumk Itm Lail. 'a ues iII ur u hi tiii î' z, rog l îu uuî l, am ai i i ruan Fran i ri Ib-a I.a t3-i la )11.î rm'v Y ,' hi- îî g,u I i t.l u. tI" I.îns. chi at. li ugîlîii tn le iIi- mie ond il î. the 'bre- ael.mI lîi5 iie a'uiimn.-iid 5 -s m-if e Irdil .1, l .Il' mi tiré ni--aýtil t sa 01),> i.iiliîi n ftmim aui i u -P, s a I; i anm-d isi-i kiiiii -itmi-n. i,., r mmi-i, t Il,' - f -'cit-t tber. In Pt IunrP-l a tose bgr it 1 a-n i-se l aI1iImm filIl' l i ' iii> Qai - t irliu t 1.Jhna hll... hi,-,iiaIicl i timu r Leloi. amif-il Strit (le.'a. FAMILY BALKS AT HER WILL 1'. moi.a h-11culi. sli- . eif lm.n-îîtiîo ae i1,aeamtm ai aof het.t - tIs. Hairi<. . s-iliul Ili-l gri- . I 'dCia. qrii a éra iii l ie fn. ht. fml ia ii.i llme îofoufa her T- mlcdrms i lii-la'. Ms- luis hile fI-. 'lm hic-a- nsi il i> iii i'. f <amil1limli iiull lie i. mî t lin in Ii il t.naly kbull -u-ie a it.mur, l i. t i ntIlum the liios alîl. -the saatih if 'uissMa il a lan t m, . is aulîmmu -, iiti.l n e liali-ji i1 -l,, he -sI flt-'î'!î-i. ur Il., (,il i trainguiniI, SIrnitmit-ai o al l ii f tntfu m-ilhu, îîî'.î mi temmîrug mvit Iim t ,rt hP-r on hu i iiî uîî î i tai. ii lc . - a. a i- ia'blit ln> mt stubPtun lînmîthr ,îu'- , mu)sT, il îî jim. u il -iii I fair.a r-c '. 1*2tmi . .i a ti -lliP'I i ti luI, l'h s ml mi o -. I i fi r té.i- i- d y cit. 1$:a- l f l mm îi-isi i lla b Mî.l -t P I lmum-im.ý aîm-i, ,t té; us ilua u. trs l a F. Bhlims ii l-i isa lî iii t'h 1<-aidu t n htîîlii. O tlii îiim îrî- i llIa-ilîand to.h e irlmu liilitil ut ftuî i aute imu-iaiI îlmt mnil -1 uuaro oud itlu. '- i io t an îîiu ltii-iîuua illi i- i uthIu li.i f l- au nithmîur. îniitg M - l ruii.i-. l'ayse F-rit kal. h i eil. n Imîhurer. 4<> j-cnes Ii ais 5uîiisît i. aflicî- il il Ii fltite I. tins rmmîî rie a n d uol luoîuuîl lioîl taiily rsii'mli-I iiiii- iPiuhiiig trom vhil hi t mît ruim inla t hi- yarmu cils i r Ie 1Pli- $54M 0 o$1Itil aa ic i,i i toia ci mumjoia is Steel Cmpauny in Southa Cbmcagu. rmate tri, nas. Charle-s lottel trieil ft) mînuruit suiclide sa (Pii uthe Iiu-plineuaIra-ut stationu. PEORIAS COLISEUM OPENEO. ïe tall Pui îly bmcauise ns lho hngut th ie Badi.toin aboo, iomse roade aita bis suîsîuu-oîlî-ns l kickt'- N hcos'aaad.tny I<iiicaicua. , 1 Ais asleeping ci-1illtmae un tutheice andî l'nco eu-.iIl'.Ieitne--uu o ms-aka'ueui uuîni.piuî r uit a cii-t t or 1 5 . ia mi, i rova Aften us-ar ligt rii rl- fouir -ca ns ftrthlie oento lime public Nti h lmu îru le i-daf' othing firru of lob. Nathan & Fishier, tîîîîulîa Su-atcal thituantiI î.îuu usirel an d l a-an e ,hi- fîiIîi iil)ebtain sîîuul er urttu.iati e' . ImIa-a-u-a am rîuîî' a posit ion as r irt ter. Josephr lirai inor 'Iu o . m-u i m i- i ui ie ,uiimeilamiclleb>'bagiu iimaîftus aii orhîî, null-BmrliulIftmiAu- C o de lie Ip- Tran irezd;