Ladv-IoW tku al teB Haerald. ia four Sod tu in *lateuct. ft of the cuions thing lJn lite ýtbttb# Persans Who iniOW thre least a&». gnewl-y tire roi resîsy to îný gtgUet Other.rtIi-ri- w. il IJttie oi lady in the dîninrgi i i -rwf4 oboteI*ilaie- ]y, Whro caiesilte %\intir 'Sir" avien sire spoke Io lîii i a N o greatiy scaradallrsed Ithe d t irsresecd lper- tout wiliî lier iLi ' iliinsglier leltuce tata Inch min - -I t itiiî lier loup to get tige lusi i t.1s(Jflis- lilîuid It cau- taines] No -1i1-s']iilier îarticuiarJy outil isut jt ienlied]. iei a iarei- ir It li tti,tted thre gener- ai artsrît ., î ai % s ry Innocent i-e- ttrak. ssjf rsiîely we ouglit 8aiott i-ail ,-J i i liave oui- pieferiences. hum isj %v nra so»demi r t âtIIrang out o, s ti,- dlsîing roorîr. '~i-lie ssr id. syti dlgnil tIo tihs- 1 Wi I s i- r. jiiene irmluaieta A Isioir f i'. -rots trard pie. 1 aJwnys v-rt ('rs- t.- j' ;, i-,Itii a apoonî; ifs iraiiee tit -u -'t j sii nie' i te plisti1.Io thirie W-oltisf uv-Si lis-r,n tjý sest tiiinislires]lier Inca J s-al ri>' nnmi tpir-utty irly3 oliiviîiUs of titi- Iijsssks-d faes et lier ou n tltiii- ansi tut- ugeslogre, at tirofie v-itî Y As thre Paggan. Dlis]. "re eli ig it arguini; at i tîatfire saie to-day." reriarised i fi. Si hîsîstsu at brî'akfaflt. "I timuIl rri sîsînithes- Tiidea!" xaruaiwriA-d er lîusiînd. *What*o paganiali?" *'W'y, psrti-¶iatirîsrin burs R ascri- §cSes"-Piidelphra i'resm. SECURITY. Cenuine Carter' s Littie Liver Pflls. Muet Boer Signature 0yf j«. pa-muil.IIsrpm NU S BOCK nsE uvuN. If yous'dakt "otmeot hve thrm-wrieta tbt Battit mpescy cof STANDARD Ou. CO. oIasî.01 AI N su] ussr f is lirU ti ltaIajS 0 $20mi,0ia800nv l-s ols caetaîdfsid105t *TE OM UPLY.aepC. b-9-T-MCI' isr IA M l tzli-r lmsri"tssbals t it ,1 isiis 'l-in15.-h,n555,5slsiarr- il, î Aîî efs - l i it er -- ii t itsi -teý itli me si r ra, c t4, il- r, r gia tîsso s1-tr as it s iiiiit ts-, l' rents -' lii-ly 13. 14. 5, a t )IL sa. 1%- lais- i liii mit fsrl i be entrl lail 'x tr i- cüriii frt tIfir1. lîai aij' b'rr A - at i gias l llmt ras, il- feril til, ield tir,- issu 5'. Ilgsp l"risli h il tit ris i tu il--si frei ireliein s-rta tZiJi titinii hi 'uI-s t 1,ft t or' li the hi ii [rom sliýw tlo.tits is-tis trsw ,'itit ti- li-. ay i li0000 lilaH e'sii arom» n Wthown 0100 Itesyd. 0100. 'ne. resilîr .1 thh.-sle u 1b.esgII geai'. l thare Uietina!isateue dreC9=diss4 Oat saiesirisa Jeec abie te, eurestulau1ir staas.sai thr l CaarerHalla. CataregI(;Ure 0.1) plsi> usme Cure uîk.urte emedîcal Imtmit. (&tý beg aecuntionUaidIa à c elarn "tueonsuts treatmest, iBu'@ Ca ire burlta2lmgeieioe atisng dirtay sth, bissait uit ttnlstsa . ofshet aseu., tlseaby sesfryWg te ts.gnsatleneu t te mp tee ailits ands uig nature ID dolalg 1h .erk. The pprietors have ean mcsfaitir la 10 s ratàv* peson.tisai tiey affer 0O uHmireit tialar 1r s> ru.tisat Iu isiaotanuls.&Mds AsIdemia, F1' J. CHEN'ET A; 00-Toedo, 0, &s.iit b57 D-ssgsta,-. e 'StreetsAnst. "Ourisagistfflt star> g a riled 'Streat- "h 11 su, s s- itis z n-tar.'en-pjn e.îtti-soint 1il.-Pn -AndI Ise iris-hift i-sut carri-setoff i 'Atat I eau sm-'.of coiuree, why ire n-Iiiieit tiîat i.ý slj elt- euti't'at :uIl -s tliv -'ii lvl ; obo ntriîteît a ii It'i- tsIi-s trsotsrfr ina-îm s ttn ssst-s ug:iItyt user aya- e fisl h inltii. vssrnsigandt ajpe- s is.,Is-ifisotr î ,sîsinsi fiso, it tînsîiîag.It ha-s usis- uVofthe baul effecta of .tr "r il-i re li assis of csf'en* ut i ju -sta, -sjlaaut toarire ussas' su 11,v railf t î- si i tRste nsi ni tu-si i su--a s- ares] cant -111zan S, !,,tabisititt- au.trio i hi nhealthfnitable qi i1tun:1l. lu iui- stl' t o li ii f'tdrink for tlie cie tu su, duit , k ui,,- ar umi, - il je b i iltis aa usi r tour grss-r fr (,i;s-is0 15ilanit23c. susî~titfait i,st:ilaitiu iýlias ls--t Irug StoireILleaanr ea. iai i oiitsauaiil-r, intg iii :11 1i1 Irig ~-storei rot ruais>' isundreli tser zitstl tstisati i- tt,' e sttia ursl-ifn-mtin hue casJltol lemployes] a Si-nus DeahI Door. tikh l Sun arats-i rntrssaaiigtt w'il hbave Iilsii:sîs-fii. beeill )ta ii s jiiusai ri1tss'aa lar ui'lttg trow te t.ernît11:, utî ls-itîroîssu"'f( rs- oa er Ils' b>il isosilit, lutnîtu, iliitinoftrie esommer sle f 'iliilia ur il Mark,a. s.0obts s ie ýruosf I uiies i-s flint itaI orlcular fine. si a il.- tig sonditionu fos seavralIlraontîs-Il',ul-Is tti rt -tijli-rt sf lisgpertain~ unî Ilhi attn sparnu tfy Incurable 1 t usas- I ug ru ilrt iti ilti r-s. anditaccord- t)îoatt-e. Ing to nfic-teiploevr le liv-q juqt as ireila Tire Is ig 1;,-PIsvsi(l3'asrnOf tirs plaitsrtolîýl itsn etployer tiaitld iiinrc ie liait p rîruutivsa' iItla sciai- a liopeiess Otit cairlle-tu îatjrk fiislIf a nyiody en-er anu it îtlît frontîs l'rt By1>ron, (lele-its asLes-nifor anyrlitltg tisaIlali didrat keep oaI, Dat nltosla.. liait atirneudaiiiiu lue masto sia, "XIý'e're jsîst out of - sainsIa, n ssutationa de-Ides] tirai ih but w c-isia e aominlg Jusasungoodi" coulailtrusttlit lut tiesisration, hlm nephiew înqoîrî'uî Tise s-s sng mort cusght uta exactly. ut 'fis. L.F. (ils-na iri-ai drurggîsr is "lire (sfier aftnrisosnasiiyourîg aaoran te a luit resorit. '.%r. GIes suggesied enterî-uJ tbe storeantrd litaJored of tire Poli's I-ilais- Pillin, a Cestscdy trilivi new ceii-i liraitjust fieau Itroaluces] here. îlot -e3-auoitîts- poatge sirmnps?" Tlîe resulîs aere mai-n-lous, Ni r. *Nui,, i'trrrt Sa are lust out of pont- Marks lrurpedlrieij eian ts iImpron s-- gi iittO iluit n e han-e sometiring anduit aii n a fi-s" a-et n a'aa lle tu las ju'ts ts Joti' îîusut ormnal. nit nads tautt, cotipis-tv-y cured. litis core Isalire tnik eftirhe nelgirbor Lîargemi:st !Sitone Arch BrIdge, Itoit, ansd ls comsidered nothIrlg aiorl Tir- lonugeat stoîte arcir bridge ln tire of à miracle. worîuî s ululeîr consatructiont ait Luxein. Thare appearý o tu e nu deubltinht tht- aew reiedy, Doddls Klduey' Pille. wîil] bourg to r e t% alaiey of Petruffe. This cure auj cane of Klduey Dîseae. for ai-s-t asfiil iai e a istt of 277 feet ans] a tire more maligatant form, suti as rixe ofisZfn fe. 'fie tiotal wldtir of tire Bright's DPlaae. Plaisetas, andi Dropsya a-alse rosildsw a tfty-tîro tvet; yilis readlij te uts remarkabîe influ- ans] tis iwlth is dl-ides] frit -o parts ence. Tirese frae ofroulc Kliie>- by a sîs-ue nitipteen feet wide, cuveras] DJIseae have liLbesris beezi cotaldsrreit h> slabsofe armaoreal ceucrete ans] car- inuralie, and hian-e baffied ail iedicalirigfi otas l opiio h skiJI, and y et, lhinanew remetylyirai-sin iefow>a i uprsntr cures] v-yn'single case ln wielc-irihan longet vxIstInig siînie ai-ch la tint t been tlisnelgibortiood. Tire Calin JohnaraCi-v--, on tire aquaduct fneur doclor. tienrnelves are amazêei t tire Washinagton; this lias a gpan ot 220 test tronderfol work Dodn's Kidney Pille and a rise etf fty-aeveu and] a irait test, ai-e aeepmpiisirllng lin Rock Islndsans]tgloi01feet aboeutira water level lu ('ouufty _________ _ tire creek. Tihe People of' Porto Rico. Tan Can Gel Alleuas Poolase VRO. Porto Ric-o la only a tiirteenti r ttire Wrt, ta dzy ta Ales S. OlunstedtiLat.ile?. ize ut Cuba in ureti, butit ma mure titan N. Y., for s FREt s"Moi* et Allila'm Vot- hiat as mary Itriabitanta. It la tire ts., a gowser ta ab"*e.lIe yjour' eie. Most denseiy populates] of aJi thre Wet lt cures tire& aeais.déu.~se ladia Islandis, an a isi-ger Proportion utor grg tactrait. IllsssW thinspopulation laRawhietau la5fouln àOam. Aàaetagu cuUnfe...rqmas sanirt tire olier Island@ ln lits part urthtie -world. Tire la a higirer grade et Intel- Tire peole aviro il,. lu Obbenbol. IL ligence amng the PortoRilcanes tbsan-C., ale Ioviatmid asu rye5 emtir b ngtr Cbans.quare taliea oftroua~àd To prste M Pen ;bai ' * ewî &Utg.7,ie U»T 5à« S U~ --- wýý4- -.- #40W TO BMLEI~ A FFUD. Oui, Tee birWhba 51-'e lt.rCou1d Enter the Danse Au we sat smoking rît pipes by tire frepIae 1 ventured ru rtu tinte rost that 1 hbieard of ni iibetwsen te oinsous ans] usIII, taoan rtd aken i hm to tell me Il,-iit iiiie about. lile s-attlied bis beaud -i t - liii.a-aipiiz zied,'sud fiuaiiy sais]- *its a gasos]way bit, i--IiJ'eduo forgot. teckon I i . -il a lain g" linswhat Ire LI -1t bat ysor dog chase-d a mule of o ýiii h sas reedlng In front of yonît - -Roblin- son gui rond about ti iii had igir words,.andi tirerathre fi ;- - eguafi wirei lias irated eghtefl YeW' s i rrre?*' -Reckon tlaat's tbhe -iof ih." ire eiowiy replies]. '1 here wtrot't muei , litut quar- rel abouit?" '.No"1 'But two or three po shave ben kilies]0on eltirer aide -tont of il. 1 undertand' sFlitree on one ahsi,- ti two on totser" ire anmwered ' rcooti on bis ingera, "and t,, - .rr wound- le s'tss- o calro a jioil natured about ilt ts1thorrg i migiri go furthler, and afier a ilu-- ,k(l "Uncie Aen. don'J Jr - ýktitis quar rai ouglîr tu ire lled il; .Mlgiît ie* ire repîl a,a lie gazed Jure othre ire ln a blank , 'Suppose, for lstaiu 'vim 1voiun- teevrlury servicesase ir is trf ioçv.wouid jotasug -- hatt1igo to work Jo brlug peace ls 's'a the tv. The old mail rose %il.- md look tir longs and] repînes.!àabi î'l wiich li falien on threireartir. Mý! t' etsl sl owb assndasoil "Dis yoo lrnow O -Rolalugon 1satarfe -miles rJs s si- KAsn you miîutv-3' .Failiy weti"- 'Waal, y00 tAke vorri- 'a 'tislSInt fur Roînn',. (Mit t ilt rcwd, fror the ohi man td-is f - the lant jOflttifun, Irto tire s atiji then fan-r il tire doors nsa, it s<tVpn et *-ni tîrsu'te irendflîls isîst tUp Mthe tire bIone iras tuiI i oti,,îitov-n and gli weuyou have cor,--11'1, ulti- tie ews. titarîIl lit an ciji i'-s the quarrei and] y-il have pv-ai e Phliladlphîie, Psress. Thre "Habt" ol Fr. Fruit bearing ln trs- habit, for a Young tris at the commencement,.Ti &]l during thre irst tiirs after v. it-h it wili -s fruit apura of itftif. 1 meleresi tiratfruit .ý mv. Mîmay lie ens-ouJsri -sheu once they are -i tbey wilit Vriy. eut crrrumatanrwea. '1hcret, pruninx, wiether of r, yoursg trees or oid, s, t bearing habit.-ProfitaIls Thre coniat une of St,,i miles 712 on thre Nedit, on thre Atlantic. ( GATARRU MAES PEOPLE WEAK Ako I%>RVOUS alm ANNI DETAN, OF wunUINqTUN, D. C. t *eIsppgp*~pggpeO-------------------------*S** *sti-tr'n. %lits, Auna Brya. à favori te cousin of William Jeruingo Bryan ia weli kacav ]y - 2rîy 0scialy in Washington,:. Ch, a h@b àboit orf riends. {lsm Brysute- is, fiProu- etter .Th ie Peruna Medicine Co., of Colunmbus, Oirio, sire ays: ,ire parn 1459 florada Avewe, N. W., Washngton, D. C. I. 's irs lie The Peruna Medicine Co., Coluîmbus, 0.: ser catliear--"At thce"Ilcitatlon of a frlend 1 bcgaa some g ar-cSnd weehs ago to laie your Peraanad 1 now fecilkc a new person. ti1isi t aie picasure la recommendlng It to ail Who Wang a good tonls sntô,,rdS and a permanent cure for catarrh. ".-Anna Dryan. moiofMil S.BERTHA KOCKLER. 177 sIln aeigirt. A reciimmeeided Paruma ti r rneh. of Guinet trcet. Broitkiyu, N.Y.,, u acquaintauce ut ours and ire ià mai i-thse fruit write.. ' mng remarkahic pi-ogres,. I Jooke tw s roanj Gar "Ieruna anti Mlausil han-c donc me iraitiy for a tsme irsfore I iregan ynrs very gre.t s,-rie, anîd t recogumend t iefficine. tint uow wiren Ietsim - tlîen wlth îieassrre 1 suaviro sufer 0 f in frienits they sasyt'I was valj t Joie. naltr rus ratai-rh of tire stomacir as m unir aorrici ahýurl)ouirbut flow yC t itens'la1317 t dit. Sirouldincshi a diacase ever attacir are iookiug ,o adi.' I shall aiway rs tusan anuit(M me agaiul sirsi rmmediately take Pa- keep Peruna andt Manalin lu tire boniq run. wf clvry aveu andi have a as tamily ndenm. i.Berti gorai appetite ailtire time, 1 have gaiued Kockler. Wu Lu DOUG LAS $.3.50 SHo Es 9MADE. "-* e .u.u O UNIONMPd lt lieeis estt utses Sm at i Qn e L"tise t stie msk I. 5 OCj., a Ir"iSssOri5. Sert tisaS 1 el anase lesasIln -h se-.... b. a a sb.g.i tsltostn a i iuissssC dilSaIm an rtu'ti, ctn oSi su iae tui tecp Strosa'm tc ,isi weti siri 55,tn lu.ioa, fý Se dsa st hetu aisaud us o ce ttr o pan. Urin ------------ 1 il ý la... sJiaPriuac, tracs- C, J. - .sgbl..lm, M .. O-knd[., Clricas, AgI Osav'tce(casts SV-pesli Eruaosuwestern Cnada du- -derr11ift d- n(5 IL ItI r;matiIb= 5 a.lhebg~s eFl Acoe ms. iry lac. l0e. 25e. 50c. NEYER sou' JRBULX DRUGGIASTS Lumbagb b. .ufer 0ag.MTl ty ca ans St. Jacobs Oil WCKLE55Bu TY t inîsi d.s-. 1,li a s si ~ t- f ifanli z . ....uti b . isr ,A >sjn w hag Airs iheChilsirea Iriah: DPour grive hein lia ir- y ... 1 ( , tu.. ne ' , f' o1 d I. 1s il-o J 1i ; Asst il- ii- î \- 1t - s f ud - is Isiarelis-ar Ssi il: or'j u- izig'il- anýt a rir ., i A ",l i i ajusai r - i Vi.o 'fsgrci 'sii 'ii tii1i pis r s ur ndt. the I lir es frixesnris a-wet jt h-i jr tr 1 au' sure îso 's Cure for tonsompton oneunyrd irîe t hres e , agis Mr. Thonq. lsîbirrs iai iipî, treet. '%-rwàcir, N. Y., ieb. 17. 19M. M'shiu)g:on. " Coyi'i> f NI:gni-nt Distan.' n ail s1, t sii niai rju and oune- foiit'l .1jr-iîjri A Nicth. T..t F-. lAaca.Iyga.n h.sRnW. B.. se sShoomu r.s r.ii. a Cancer! Cancer! VITALIA eURBS eANBER NO KPIrE NO PLRST(ER No PAIN A Painlesa Home Treatinent for Can- cer, Tumors and Scaofula hy a scientific Vegetable Combund. Consultation at office or by mi FREE. Tlaey wiiI give or mail Ires to auj one intereetcd a izs- page book that contairra moch valua ble roration about thre wrkluga of thia wonderful rcmedy. Addresa or cali on The Mason Vitalla InsUtute, 121 %,Sil42d Street. rlwYrk Clg. 550 e.s.ieEat (a.N. U. Ne 19-1901 A Poor Woman bas Jusilas aoh rlght go good health as a rloh uomnan. Dr. Oreene effers frou of eharge te *ry weuaan, the advlede that leadis te health and!trougth. Write go hlm ai .JOW. 149h St., Nw YorkCrlt , and tfull m a&labout yeur wakne.Thespeelal advidof 0f th.dls.e- erer of Dr. Greene 's Nervuraeanetbeuheu ght for moue y, but If »111 hu g1ven go you frue If you wiII write. Liver Don't Act? You know very well how you feel when your liver dont act. Bile collects ln the blood, bowels become constipattCd and your whole systern is polsoned. A Lazy liver is an invitation for a thousand pains and aches to corne and dwell with you. lour lite becornes one long mneasure of irritability and despondency and bad teellng. CASCARETS act directly, and ln a peculiarly happy manner on the lver and boweîs, cle6nsing. purtfylng, revitalizirng every portion of the liver, driving ail the bile from the blood, as Is soon shown by increased appetite for food, pcwer to digest it, and strength to throw off the waste. B~Aaec itaticris! e SaIMman* - - *ý. -É t à mi bava boom 5s-ub* a CgYmS 4mai mail r rviSIr a 5or7d nter .aich prdwmasatapa. The$ 'b a frIhm adssujschmU&f ba> sd Vr« eempibati urflseeu eu the 1 iti taes-o M"s hh s BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. M71 TA BLET Il it . j) ad Vh ISPUR Thousands et Fair Women Are Nover Without Ps-ru-na The Nationar Catarrh Remedy. Miss Marie Coute, Pre.idj-rrt of tIri Applieton Yousng Ladies' Clh, writet tthd foliowlug concerang Pena: Appletcn, Wis. Thre Perula IMedicine Co., CoJumbrus. Gentlemen - 1 tind Peruna an e Xc ell1e nt mer m e:d 1 clI n e anuitans gad to tii tice attentiona if sus friends a t t When hirtd tesitng cs0ou1e a no r a flllno fu ro r ituantes Miss Marie CORla arnîi s i rri -e-.--.-.'5 tate juji. i. -rina aili maire yon feel like* 1 inther prissijus le ofr5a vec-k. I1 hAVI uow Uesdi t faîr tlîree seanon and fiad lt nery r atiie nudtems'acou."-MaeI Conta. lin. Ai eIei 21 Southr iTtir tree%, Terre llistain d., writes- 'Perîtua i-i the giett Medicine ma5 earth.rWfri ell aud tint tlred feeling ila ail gone. WVheu I iregan tcoiae yeut mediclne I coirld Dot sineli Dur beur cirarcirbeu] rrng. Now I coan smieli at hear. Wirett J began your treatmnt m p ieait waa terrtble. ail sort* ut bue i cireinanusd landt noisesTitre Muaitb agpIs Jdrnggeil arounsi ike a email; no 1 can y-alr as brîskiy as Lever. 1 sa f oiag tu go anud sfce tire doctor that saoi W-as3fot long for tus wnvid, ansd tel Shim that Pcruua cureit me.-Mms.A). Wctzel. If ail tire tlred-woxnen anid ail lie bel- vous women, anrd ail rire women* th&* naaded a tisaLic wouid rend ans] bad tIr. words of tireme three fair ladies WbM have .ipoken rigirt ta tire Point, làu many inýanlda wosîiit ie preventesi aZ' how mnay wretrheit live, ire ma"-, ierpY.restorea irealtir in a uoemab way. Perua p9ts right ail tire mucous uel brranes of tire hody, andi in tinS Wb* restai-es irc functions of every Orien. '- If it le tire tomacir that la ot -e order, andi tire d tsou impalred, 1100t ruila qwlkiy m as thnge rigit retoing thre rneoue membran fe et stomteb. a If le nerves tintie. if thge bmi circsatlon aof bliaiweaklened murata. membranes 01 ir ioal~ organs. Peruna reaches tire spotat by giviui tu tire».membranes the4 taiity andi actlvity whicb heitain, t*- theru. Thre peivie organs are alec -Ullt WitW mucons membrane wiin atg lc aex sla epelalj lbe te dorsaesW Peruna i. n lbouta see S t cases. Tire womeu everyvear~ eo praising h. Naolirher rernedy Itmbu o k- recael such nnqaualified pralme OM s0 sucir a Multituade of wamea. r If jota do not derîve prompt and matWs e factory recuits fram there of u~ ry write at once ta Dr. Hartmanx,giai su fulil tatemtet ofut our coa i Iraho y@ie lsms te ulve you hà Y#valbeom ns Addeu mDe. Hartanta PreMdu Thre Hartmau Sanltarlnm,OoaI