Iror t We Iande the' John Deere and Bradley walkiîtg riding plows and five styles 6f cornî planters at froin $20.00 up. Six styles of cultivators froin $12 111. Steel Lever Itarrows. Zm....SEED CORN~es scbwockDrbr, Libertyville - - Illinois.1 Do You Ralize.. The advantage a telephone would bho? You can talk wth the folowing subscnhbers, and new 'phones are being put in daey. It costel but a few cents a day. Beides we can Rive al onr subscribeni direct conneetion with the Chicago Telephone (Company. TC LIBEBTT VILLE tiRÂT DIÂMOND LÂRE GILIM LONG GEOVE rol Stations. YBLAKE PItLAItIE VIEW GU lN E Lbrtyville Exchaenge. 134. Ayers, J. T. leteu le, Aserican Mcaroni C. Ieie ai. ouu. M11e M. Cuit. M. B. CCo. Ory (kotue.&UrOOCrie le. clemenis Autus ltrdgeealee Faru M. D à,ur. kPteatuece 1t., 1aer. K. u. 'ad are A Tin Sitp 4, Galesa>" Dr. C. R. Ilesldentea 19=41, Dr. C.ut. Nee %mstock Fa5im., F E Mar - I lwlll J. . 1..50&e Resu Estte k ai1 flensi F.M nResd nce t iKea, iheuri Iemaence L«»keOoety %Bat . CF. Writt Cauer tlot Ommuuaiyfuepaudenî. ' Î. .te la»e00. Poor Parmi, C A. Apple>'. sp l LintyvIle otel, i. A. POt.l'o a Store 15 Meeaule JoncRealdece W. loMuV V itiaues Label ROCKEFELLER HALF DAY DIIUCE LAKE 33, lacGuf. Pa.l .A tornCy Offie W,0, Muer. Boni H. 16 i'Prctor, R011 J. Rede>ce lue.,iRay, eo (IJIamnO t.ake) BoLet 23, Staflord il. W. esidenco lIà, Tattler, ('bas Olamond lubri Htel 25. Tetees à Taylor. U-iruerr A Met Mart Ln, 'feutr, Geo.. 3, Ta y lu,. rJ. eidsco lu, T . 2u.1, 19- W> et Mart 121 : W ea e f eld. J H , R e'd e ce Urayalake Excisango. 6 Annoo A Co, (liasud Ice Il...e z,:fiernsn, E H.Reide..e 3 , Siermn.E B Jeery 7 SiafferDrE H. leode.ce 4. WUbur ibar C., Lumbe. &tuaI Rocdfleu' Excisoge. Bae VilI Manager Ezcbagea il fous 110 i eat Mart i2, Harda>UGeo. Hulel For Informaton, rates, etc., write- CONTRACT DEPARTVIENT, Lovel's Drug Store, L.ibrtyvIII*, illinols. Low Prices arc not Bargains Unless Quality is therc. We combine them.' 3901u11* as, auslle-Mon& ocks 7c t10?-Sc. 84k.lOr SlOOw51 8. 50,5$2.0. Mena Fine Blira $OC te 51.00. ~ ôwàr-fowe, Tebuand Pour-4n- Mens Wuzk btlisa.... S8C. *8<I ves'slq ............ AC 10u 51.00 Mlens Stous. 11.23 Io $3.00. m*asmsuD orea Uderveer. Boy' I8hoas......... 98c te $1.73. Mens4 Linon Collar 15c 2 fur 23c. MWme nboys' ohiai. lMens Colld Colaea .5 and 10c. la~ e'lice .... .10., 0, 5,S, 3c. Ladite So ei@.. là, .0, 50c. OhluleRen os......10, là,. Uc. Bell Bucies and i tbbon Sipkes. A fal ne flaadies' sud ChUdren'a Ymey Perudales..8, 10, 1île a yd. Undera. Coawo .............. 5, 6, 7c a yd. A g2od mSfoelmet fLadies and Ladies' aud Chidrena Shoca. The ChIli'sosImtmaibe. rlght tyles nt the rigbtiprices. 'Wall Paper, windov glisisaLace Palut@ mi 0115. Gardon aud Fiel Certan,Rae.___nei, Sb i re, Pouiiry lNetng, V& m safl aresby sampieansd cav oyen stock veacing, Wheel pou~ -Barrow», Pampa, bicyclea aud Wuh Um.hinea, evtng Machines, Coepoî susepers, Br.oua. Bicycle Snnles. V. SAUER & SON, LSg Quove . . ilîoa WRIGHIT BROTHIERS Wagons, Buggies and Vehicles of ait klnds. .. ... a s. audlee& cmkr, BulIles' ManerlaIs aud bariwar .. We Smolluyo Put. mue. & m ua- teeWtt or qieIm> WRJHTBROTE7I My. X. O. Payne ha buide lui Wauktegai laet Monday. corn plapiùau lenov abaOrbiug the attention ut the firmera. Mr. Johin RoniA e&asImprovcd i I re'udee. by panting IL. ,118 ice wagon and treet sprnkler 111ilsoou heglu ilueir daity rounds. Mies Mary LitchthIoId le miking a1 prolonge<i aîay lu %lie Webern Metropolin. Mu'. Birt"erpenlng, of Chicago la thie gueiutof lier parente. Mir. and lira. Johin Roube. supervîsor Henry Meyer vas la (aukegan i Wt eek atteuding Le busl- nesa itterni.. Dr. Sabtier aud vile, of <rayalake. oceploasent eo.lers ut J. E. Bol. coniba alet Fridar. hire. A. J. Kiug'atteadedtbe funeral of ber uncle, Mir. wiîîîsmn Adama ln the clty luit Wednesdfq. Theo. fSvan lias eiged articles 10 play %ibe national gaine vitit the crack Uberlyvllle amin 11»eaOn. No one. daims tint boSe leanlng and valloplng carpeli are Snudu.' "cioul plantca but thtune vho norer triedfil. Miss Auna Croakhite d*i Weduee,- day mnormnug for ford River, Mlch., oliore see iii pnd Lhe ouummer st hber eitet., will1 Porteous la building a barn for Will Puinnmvo miles West of titis village. Hermoan Knblsnik la aselting hlm. -II Wonlder If hbaeanl me" Forty-one Pupils iteadlug Circle books bave heen purchassid byIbe achool durlng te proseut achool yesr witb money.leared aithlb.eniortalu- mente. and elgisteon pupilà have re- celvea diplocus* for i'aditg te requlred aumber. ,Vegetaton bas maie a wouierf ni grovth the put week. The linos are ail leavlng ont and everythlag ont-of- doors bau such a refreehing sud piesak- lng appesaae taI% oaes-lea ahct tounpied 1u vlsh te live ln s country of perpetuli aprtg. Mir. sud lira. Cameron, of Clilcago, open% Baturday and Snuday lu rustling Rockefeller sud calod on varlous findsansd Icquaintaucos. Nverai yem eago They vers residenta of Our village. M. Canieron wvaai Iat timo eagmedInl te aliep lnduetry sud bid everal thousand hereeta sMime. The brighi vainuand men sho write for the ttatnîday Ereinu Pont have a atyle vhleh la aIl tllir ovu tbat make the articles publlahed in that excellent peper tand ont pro- prminent as exemple@ of vitalmodern jouralisin ebould lbe. Tisiapaper st a nickel givea teveu'y boa o!fuedlug nta oi Otthat partically umotnuts b uathIng. r ~ ~ vno ***.**J I tems;;;.;7::i* ***àl (>11e Smnit vas si homo lait Sunkdiy. Mise Aice Smith, of Waokegau, vas home Buudsy. mina Aunie Vau Fles aud Dslay vere GDayelake vistea lait Snuis>. Wgill Docker lias eettdued fmum a yers ae>' aIMontiHermon ichoi. lilsKilo Dooker meturned 10 Evans- ton Monda>', alter a ubout vial at home. Miss Emma iaits la repsperiag and olling her bousge, propensIon>'te rmai- ilug it. Wii Payne, Who la mtteuuug te Chicago Mouijoal coUege, iaAa 51horne ',ver tuuluay. Dur h iugandud UIo10date cleîkl, Hierhemt Duel, tCoo a bicycle ride &0 oarneo Smdàyý 1ev. Itorle>', 01 tbo McCormlck lieminir>', bas een cugage i l Il11tii. pulpifipointsentl!. MiesAlce i kîuuter Oas homne fcm Waulkegatu for a fes day,' vacatiou, re- inrulng Wodeuay. % Sudaty sftpruýnoouapartI of yotueg toks Clok a aroil Ilirougli the lasr. den vooda" lui terco! lavera. - - HegltOrgaard -lias up;ed for lte acason, 1%wu Chicago gulsa having ai- mcmi>' tatonup t 1h01, smmer quartera viieru Bue! may enju>' tbe ireuli cou. lry air sud v toit the parka and ttoaea sud otitel lots] places oi lutereat. The receuiiy orgauized l"dliMailite Order utieldigilIraI meeting sm>d acones af excitement aid' iaorder. Tise iuiorgaubsedai mnté of 1. 0C. C Y. M. Vere renniflmiforlte Cime boing for the purpose o! raudlug lise alome ir«sisly. VTe raiers sere cacos.-> fui ta captuiusa sstock Of provision#, it Oônly tlaoh ofeeliai. Aflter soin. .sklmiahlug, à a 01 fruco vas ralamd ai fIcaly era of aprranier soi. las. attéWe1 04*4us besoigrs jelaod kapgfl thse relai er a ums 'pla>'. iug gara«, etc. Ligitt reimoshasea vere aeived, and te parI>' adjouruai declsrnug IL tbe banner social eveut of tho seanon. Durtal te lasitsu onrtitres veekesa gond des[ of --lurrng amuid saaderiug' lias beau publiai>' doue by Isa or Idres e rtanperaona vboee naines se do not mentiuon ai proient. One tu-i etance of tisakini accrei liaI tri- day nigiti, wvith boe parties stoppait tbeir hlieas îrectîy lu front.p$ S et tainbous at outeie 0iWiu d uaed the vileul eplîbot skié olilib. tmragined. The people if Wou #40 vere dîrecie eur thie im omU*iAnd kisos exactly wbsit bm 9gilndlne par- ties are Thla lasalo&ise irilIme tuaI #incb intances bave mocuriei and il loa cime chat sucit ladisis sort vas etoppeul. If au>' more ai 1h1 ktuti of sort tako lesceh0, to ofndlag Pan- 11ý.a 5111 Lm tatou cre af lu propor ahstue. We vouli advienthe People 10 tkevarnlng hofoeil Ila te l aie. ýe are ierou of iurreellug smer- robeipus stulemenl pobliq*od oner tie hasi af Ivadito.'-n.w# lu 1lent 5î,k'slNrsl'NrusT-iseIbmlu r.- garI 1t0 tlte Coeg«tol maisaet>'. Vthe oficerofoaib.aciel>' bave ual li but Iso canuidat..Os e rosIbave been meruul>'supplias. Ou.eaiftes. crandi- dotes sas not aonsldored ma&nl l sh DIAMOND LAKE. Uir. mazitam vwu a Uhlcegvillai Muse Ti1l1e Roussisa Ktpromet vimit- lug et Vantegsa. Tise lent vtiod fur min arr ived ai1 lest, innit u teéfarutera relier. Tbe sort ou Ueo. ita Iroaddition lu is atore le progrelis i ly. OunBSeit rantla'evsniag, teé1641à ai May'te Diauould lst. esool vili give an entertatnuuiisad henke social aI thé e Mtitodîsî citurci. Te eutriaiumer yutl, douitêsa. be 4 ver>' vau edeêatd "e- did ao$ aeé lt la eugage "l, no on accoui aifacial appoaanoe by an>' meas, but because tho>' vere unibe to obtain relermaces thit Ilie>' coui coualder, sud lu Ihus Ihe>' bai the a port of the Society'. W. araeualsur- log tu Decalowu befor. Ithe uouay s aà collection of cranta, sud suSIbhtis re- part, sielh la IntimE>' unaruthm ansd alîhlout fouuiatIon, la ho correctoi bof oie thte public. Whtle th alunraiq the paut bave mmtl>' been irectoi go individuala, (e a n nMa>'bave been) 50 somo sil, but vo canci Ihiat litai a easuer ou a citurcit Society ougisi la pieu. nunotlced. 8CHOOL NOTES. Ida>'parI>' the 251h. Aucibor entertaaurnt la Ding aS. ruaged - The surtgrade lbaui luiehoit physi- (aogy for ibis year. sie Paynoevwu hI oi acitoul liat week altendilugo10 itunsbold dullea. lisuglng may bastets vas onue nitise favorite amuienents of thse peut voot. th'e dmat problenbas been aoved i&lut 1aI b>' aise nieof et uav.iust wio sl eoeplag. A numben front Ivauhoý aiteuded lte basket social given by the Amen icitool laut Frîda>' aiglil. Te boys are oigauuzing tiseir Dise 'bail mâterial. An attemph la eiug made tu arrauge a gaunt slbsnoe rtigiborng @mahool. Parents sud notni 5153 ia>' De lu- terosteit are velcome during aitool boutiesor at oon lias.. Ssuggestion& lu regereuo c a ahoal voitk lvaya boriaîlly recelvei. A number a ov ewpîcluro. veto mnufflodd iplaced on the usla lait Fli. Au>' piouriliOOor 015sf nms- terlal Ibai cou b. uiizei b>' thte aitoolfor deoou'silag pqhpoaos iii bc thaukinli>' received i. imolanyouie lu- tereated, i The oulertainient laI Frida>' niglul vas fairl>' si atneis. Tise audi- ence wva pprecialivo sud enjoyed te ingitig b, Prof. Vand especkll>'. Prof. Dlcksou'à partâon oai lie progran vas ettougî>' carrei onI; bis lImper- souallous beiag ai a blgb arien. Te citool bonse underweul a stage IltFrido>' eveuling. Aflor s futile effort the beslegera vishires. Then, courary 10 lise unual proeeed- igrthIoïe *hisabi ithalood lte Il,¶ owâoss p ltee tiriug force, gi sgthiemuel5cg pp as prîsouers ai ver, at the ssê lime anrrouderlug luaO tie banda 0<15ée enein>' a large oUeor provhmiffl. Te latent re- parte indicite tisai 1h. priaoueri voe tmsia isut uthe MMIhat coutesy sud fit Sav mis Leu. P. A. D)aufoait4 09St Atirange, Ga. eiuffered for iii sePlia sit a iriglit- fi raung mateon bis log; but salles tint Buckten's ArnicaSsalve shoil> careul t lu av dana.For .ubcera, soumis, pilIes, iVe1 et salve athe sorti. cure guaanalo.iOui>' 250. Bolib>' y. B. LovuxagLtbertyvUlle; Otaplke PzàmuAu3T. moral gond spesof aihome talent, &Wîsot ae roin Ivmn.isOilIbalte pu&I. Ladies are &Il reqteued sud olPWtlm so brînuc baikts as se bave beau bld. Proceeda are ta go toWaI'd dfilg lise oxonse poa l 9<1pici olo e h gvnaotb tise ori 0f 1h. aql. Come aU and enjqy a g&»i lime àd a gool ailppmr. Tb$ plie ca0m«s Sar. Dr." Calgieli sSyflIpoPpi t. guarsisl e aosen 0mouSpsilOa tu- digeston, s@t e io&4 iS end eboMaci Kuîneoa, 00t4e~CsXPh- The Ig»>g sua vWs MIsliDfOruied lut1 veek (bot by the regularCores- pondent however,) lu regard goa ile -severe blov1te epeope" an article, whicli app.arei lu our columu. Tlsq Iudividuai vbu aavie SaalirnfulY &afl aa ~ihouefsi uprîglit mmon sd onue siotu adoue mucit for Ilifa Village. Beesould be reapctoi aud nos llbeied. Mir. feur>' Vanfloru, o! Oak Park, bas J lst conpleted a raitinovt aide- osl la front of bis e radouce. iThe rOMaLIuIDUgbal wlks lu the village should bcho ru up sud roplaaei by newOumns. The Jelinquont rosi iai of te towsip Cali ho usei ta bull road croulauge Dut te siievaka should bu repsired befome vo demaug salit taxitIlwould proveo ur alacerit>. The 0. 2. secet.v contempliteglv. iug auotiter soctilnluthe.,near futunre 10 raiso inoney wltlj whicb te purchme newsasng books. Tbat lte nembera 0f tbe Socety kuow itos te get np a social bias been proven several limes durlng the pâlî yar-and hov te miae Il a auces-and anyone one atleuding vini bc suie tu go again. If youi nover attended one do se noît lime. A company of the litile people vito are members of te Junior Chritin Endoavor Society vere bighly enter. tainod b>' the MiseseDootlle sud Crouthîte Balurday, May' 4. A trip Ilirougli the wooda vas eajoyed b>' &Il sud the iua.y attractions grealy a p- preelaled, mter vitici t he oornpany departed for titeir homles redountiug the plesasros of the day sis bîgi ocoiuma for thoir enterisinera in maklng thai occasiononue vbicb vili long b. rmenmbered sasone of the iPfghest sposluintheirlivea. The killang of song bina laittrictl>' forbid«e1Wb7iav snd a sciera penalty la aétaohed i& ilIa on-obaervanom. Il would bc vol'5if the teachers 1laite tovns mad lhe country vol makle tibis mattar s subject for a lecture te tbe pupils. Tell Ilium of the niefull- nos of, lite bina mandappes? 10 lhe Uitle folks for Ibeir protection. Evoep mchool 'aboulid e a bumane aoiety. Boys wiii be boya but a&l of tisoinbave a tender spot ibmt eau bc reaoid aid s certain taamiof mallues a a cau be appeled ho if one oeueti llu the rigitt vay. We vani more blute lI thie country. -I bhave boeueffering froinDya. pepsia for lue piet lvonty yeers aid bave beau nuable afler trylng ail preparaions sud pbyalcans 0tele any relief. Aflter takIag one botlle of Kodl Dyspepsia. Cure I f nuai ree sud amn nov ln better boults Ilau I bave bea ,or twenly yoa. I eau net praise Kodoi Dympepai Cure sec bigbly." Thua vrItea liraC. W. Rtoberts. Northt Creek. Art, Y. B. LovELL, Libertyville. se lot ber sleep titat dreanleas u"p Our sorrow luaterua rouud ber býa . Be couiforted. ro lovsi. sbovoe. Bt" lîveg WiLb Gui; abe le.uItt,-s'l. LEITHTON. Farinera are bus>' plauting coru. John Iructuosu vent to Chicago l'nlday. Geo. Miaou transacîni business lu Chicago Thuireas. Mr. aidlire. Wm. Davison viaiteul Chicago Vedneeda'. 0. 1. Luce. put np a wvyu vire fonce ion V. D. GriffithisTuesda'. Mn. aid li. J. B. Allaneon, of LiD- ortyvîlle, vtlàoe i vtbIbeir sou Satur- day. 0. 0. Positon bas reiguei ihie poil. lion es station agonI aI thîs place sud expeobt es ve May' 16. When vo do gel a good agent se cani koop blm. Skianaffection& suilreadil>'disappear by seing DOVIIIe Roasai Salve. Look ont for coualerfeia. Il yon gel De- ViNts you viii gel goad rosuits. It la lise quiet and positive anme for pile. bP. B. Lovell, Libelyvifl. PAL.ATINE. Mrn. Hastings bai cbangei itiaplace ai reuideuce and ul ba en rooma la J. R. Bclitrdlug'a bousee onBohwel treet. Dled. in Palatine, aged 96 yeara, lira. Chrîstopitor Langitoif, Tueaday April 30th. 1. Binaie. 01 Amluglon Holgbte, bas removed hie famil>' 10 Patine sad rented Mrs. Dahns lionse.. Marrlei, lu Palatine, Tuesia>' ai higitnuso April 301h, nt the home ai lise bride, Mrn. Calvin L. Miler and Mien Aima B. Frye. liarriod, lu Palatie, aetlbhehome ef ltebride, lia>' 4t, ienJune Julien ta Rlulahia Hart, bolli oa allne. Con- gralulal anae tenioi. Whooplag Congli. A soinaWsitbas bai experleuco viti, tellea bas 10 preveul an>' iaagerouie ounseaqeuoes froinfil. 5km mye: Our ltre oiliren bock vhoopiag aongb laitIaummer, aur baby boy beung oaly Ilire. inaibaod, andOinvlgolaOur glvlag Ihein Citam- bmelana Congl i Beueiy, lisoylait »as o0f thir plumpamssaud carne out la mue%_ oetser health titan oliser ehilîiron shaae parentsa diaoi use tibs remedy. Our odest Uilte girl vonli eil lustlE>W foi ugb îyrap btOvOeu.shaope,-Juaaru PîISK Rail1, SprlagviUle. Abs.Thtis rinedy t.for saie by P. B. Lovwb., Liberlyville, GUCY.LAXU ua 10"x luaMarn, M-" % 0.0 a Mies i0 »d Mti, et MIWakee 1 vilangVîiz ber saler lira. 11k. lir. Johla Wlolsof Wauconda, wua a Ifemont Conter caller lestt Snday evenag. Mr. and lIra. William Fiaher, of Hobuon, were Promout callers luit ihuradzy. Mr@. Bd. Litu.k la Very loy at Preseot vriie.but vo hope bte li er arnons la a #esv eeks. Quitol a nuuiber froni bore attonded the basket social luthue Union achool hbouastlet rlday sveaing. -ANORIReannsaeopgpasv. lir,. Frank Diets la on the lok liaI. Mike Obenauf lbas a nbv# bourder. nie bau corne 10 day. Mr. Fred Muser, cf Chicago, calti on l friend« liat week. Misa Ie Itanali la vlsltiug her huit alter, lira. M. Luby. Clarence Tekampe le liprovlug under tbe cire of Dr, Dawson. Mu'. Mîke aud Abert Wagner were Long Orove visiiora luti Bunda>'. Mdisaes COliatînaand i liii. Itbl voie IFremont conter viators Snaday. Kr.Pfrsuk Berouuns la hsvlug a flun xnov hog làoae buit. li. Benry Tekampe in doli I he vork. Mr. George Dlelz vii. love for mulaukse nezt veek tea 'sllSd the vedding ,0f bis brother Marlin. Mr. W. J. BaiSe. of Northi Brooks, N. 0.,.supa ho suffored vllh piles for lifleau Jeera, lie lrled many remodies vllh ne resulta nUil ho uned DeWitt'a Wtch EBasa ove snd l$bas qnlckly curemI hm. F. B. LOVKLL, Linrty. ville. WAUCONDA. Chas. Rîrsan, af Chicago, @peut Suand"'bore. J. Eoiily movoi t ta rayalake tbo ffrai 0f1Ibmhe"et. Wm. liarbîr, of Orayatake. vas on oui stree sreentl>'. Mies Carne Pratt rolumusi Vogues. day 10 b b orm n atise cty. Misses Edilis and Lois Turubuil epent à ev impa at Clovordaie last sese. A. L. MuUun. C. B. Jouksansd J. Muni- lin soeeOrayala evialtors the lIrai of the vo. Vou n S uaitmore hable lo uliue Whou ypour hiversuMd bosels do not &et propoel. DeViIIs 1Mule Eauly niser ramove theiseillesaof duseas. F. B. Loyax.Liýlisrvlle. A WoRfTHy SUCCESOR. -Somethins New Under The Sun." Ail docors havetriai te cire caTias li the use of posiere. auid gee, Inhaler> sud druga lu peste Om- Their posiers dry up the rnucuous uu'eubrauea oauslu4gtheux t crack open and bed. The paverful scida ueu la lthe Inhale bveenrel reaion avran th. M. mb= "t'1h1 h" îr p 1 e meula esunnot = ebthis aL 0 d ad experlouce rrseitoner vi.basmformamui ma" aaelasle te ud a peeiailly ofte renst of Ca mma. bunaMl"iperft= a treatueut shie shn fitbullIr naci. not onuy retteveas t anc. but pr'rrnetlr curas, cAyAssa. brroe u th"ii.cause. siopplug the diectargs.and orn U lInflammation. Itle 8he onlr remnadi kuosu10sceýne hat euslly r, aue l~ MLri-uat. .'ihl. ,Idrfcu remeir la kuovu te,-orp ai bithe =lylots puise of on,dollar. '~h cake ou olugi Iternau aud ,,ternal medicle auffloflI fors full unîh' n tmm. meut sud everytlingca uedary ta lus î.rfooi use. "eutuîyL5ela inte onu perfett CiTuSuu.u omat.over made sud lednow reouzied mm "it' on sue' sd po-îtîs' týure fr blinIt sucu. lussud dlaeiîtiuur dise..Ilcu res lu siso snelur'c" ' " ruse> Or 'oLD lu th. usAit caTisse sien ueg!ecr ten Jbadtut caNaouPToN- 'aUVL5Ot '1M 8"5'OU If you une Il ttnce, Il I* un ordînuir rt'mcdr. buts coupkeletvtu't t s.'lt ld l,o.Yelvlr umruuuiireui u cr. ' arias.,lu sur fortu or stalle If unrd teor'lu lulhe Don't doer but "aud for Il sI oc-e, aud write lu,,l pirîclsslrd a b u reoodltl"un. snd ,ou ill, rocIelvo i»ccll stviefrum lb' disooverdrof Mbis ouderful rened, retgard- tug cour case vîtfiout enettI, roui heyond Ibu reaular orbe lOf **ÉLt'lrFLEM'* the OVAZ .N."B 8ATAiLNRusa111, Sent prpsîl 10500 sidreos lu the Uuibed ibateor Uanada ou reeelet of one dollar, sures Dept ... Euvwix O. ILua d& Ce- PANY. m3) sud 2aT33 ark telSlel. Pliuladol. 1bis. LONG GRoVE. Both %dinansd Luelia Scbir are homnt Prenant. Oea. N. O(idley via herrecenily gefting bonismen. C. Meyer la maklng amuie repaire at P. Broctinan'a bouse. (j. FPohîman bas ButI yet fiîuuym- covered fu'om bis% ickneaa. Hain Fabhîu monbspurchast, a bouse lu Ariugton Heigits. iThe Youug Peoplea Aliance hmaia businesa muetlng Thuraday eveulng. P. Itotbacter vas elected one ai ibe direciars oi tbe Archer achool district. Vo are ml glad go mee the genlal face of Abers Sanor gaiu. Tit ochoIr liai a gitlieriug I l@h. ionor lat eek. J. Muloer muid family, f rontLiberty'- Ville, mtnidlte services of the Evengeilcal cburcb lai Sëuiudy ai Ler- Doon Bora, ta Mr. sud tire. August Meysr, ason ilin nice tla have 11111. broib- e, but IL le equmlly agreeeble go have uieloaitera. At tbe sonnsi meeting of the Long Orove Crearner>' Monda>' aIl the of- fluera sure re-electeul. lncliing di- rectora, saleamen sud irsurer. The many frionia af Mary Zîmmer rejoluse 1oknav %bat ahe le grainuaîll couivaloeiug. 8Sitelaable o taoue&bout tise bouse again. RaOWiliaakfuul se shoui be la <oi shon se are voîl. Les ne cullivate grateiulnoaa. 'Ibere wvxas ipieaani uiurPrlao Mire. $char Tuosiay evoulug. hlboe aireîut.y lu the lai a! elutbore voeu te crosi mrrlvoi. Tnidugiaonoi h- came quit@ romi la ber wtabo be ernai shat lthe ruiopasasu about. Vo ail bla scb a miserahie (?) lime that arrangements sare urmoedlately mae for anaîbor aurprise on 700, Mrs. Scitar.We vilElot yon kuowabount il shen se goi tliere. ,;nuaher a01 OOL. A vote Of 911au1111vas leudereu NI r 110111e for furnlablug ponta and set ting theu un lte grolnni arauni 1h' troos. The nues took casehl'a heenru r ceeived sud Il us a Iuo une. Ail 1l, toeod frîcuffe are luvitod 10 rail att luapeot it. DeWllt'a Lttîs Rgarly limers ear,-' Lb., reoteat parte of the bloels auu. rouuovetlhelmpuu'itieaepeodily vlLb u, diecaunfori 'lbey art, ramousfortboir eIlcscy Easây btoaite. nover gripe h. B. LovaLL, Libertyvîlle. ICE CREAM Loveli always has it on hand in ail popular flavors. Best [ce Cream to be had anywhere at any cost.... F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville - . Illinîois. An Un éaksNo SiioGorsot Am vtho RECOMMENDED and GIJARANTEED BY M. B. Colby & Co. PRAIRIE VIEW. Olai Soldier'. Experlence. &Il persoua intereeted lu revlvîug M. M. Austin, a civil Wa? Veieran of the Prairie Vlev Bunday 8011ool are Winchieater. md., uritem: .-11y "Il. requested t$0 meet At the Wood. 'ORS Blok a long Lime lu i 5tle oi good mon Raàil next lunday, may 121h ai doctor'm. tr-atimeut, bu& w.Ie wholly 2:30 p. M. for the purpolse of conalder- CUrNI iy tDr. Klug,. N,,w lijre lilîs lng lhe anhiect snd maklug plans for wIJ.cfi w0u'kvd WO1OleV for ber jlieltb -" the future. Tb 5lwfi7S49. TrW Ise.. unlymi _______ - ai. B. £.t'uz, ibatyville, OUaie- Dr. ut Lîbe L Dr. Pl aKaID.t G arn Offic F TH 14E PROBLEM. lnHY theii nursery cari calute the. paci Ivory Soap per cake, but It wauld take a matiiematical genius ta calcuate fts triae value. For h. must talcs account af *se., labo, abd mnaerial& He must deduct£rom the appêraitcolt the uving hlntthe longer 111. ai the Scke, hi du .langer, Ie of tduwaabed fabrir, i the.labo. nqulre& latthe tlme caumed, ithe utrength ex- pmà ln he i.rensult otned& When A lla ffidshed, Ivoey à the.chospeat aap l he nom&. Au opeanug danue. iii b. giVen lui HerSels Park Pavilion Saluxdi>' ven. îug Ml1815. Mr. LuMlll moved hia famliy froe tise city lI&M eek te the Aruhoid farm, ubeiie reostliy purabassi. W. undersiand ltaI lthe contract for deooOsalnthlb ntertulort e ibo b lia boee loi 10, a Jefferson Park docrator. Mr. sud Mm. M. F. Moore aud dauglater Lilab, of Chicago, relurei hoqse Weduesdy &miter vlitia relalivos boreanu ai Lberlyvie. The, funerai of the taie Oouuîy Treasrer. J. M. Foote oeu'. l Sîe vai'very largsiy attended, the chamois beilfWeii. Thia makes 1h. BIh Innal eid bere since Chrisimas. OBITUAUr Mm. Dora MoLangtil, vifs of James MLaughlin sud daugliter of Mr. sud lir. i9. Lnebho vas born la Gornaay Aprîl 18, 1864. Wbou eWl ver>' youug ahe romoved w sitfier permIs 10 h. o ountry, liviug mont 0f her le la the viclnliy of Hall Day. She vus marrlod 10 James liLangllin May' 13, 18U4. Thtis union vas blssai vils liv. boysIb e eideat 13 yeus oid mai tbe youngesl 150 monîbe. lier buabaud, tive ebldren, lier ageil maSSer, tvo broîbers and tvoaiabtris survive ber. Sb@ paaaei asay April 22, 1901. Tise f unoral vas hod tua the e&nrh Weodsay mfimeooa, April 248h, vliere a ver>' large con- courue of frinsdamud neiglibors gathered la pay thir lunt tribute ni rospee. 2ev. Di, of Lîberlyville, oliclagmi. Thesfdorai tribules voe maiy muid besutlnd ma aoved lu vitlealeem as vas ble. Bite vab laid lu rost la Vernon cemeter>', noar à ather, *ho preceded lier a fev yLIs g5.Bie ses a devoted sue sud ucliser, àa$rue freni sud good neigli- bar and vwu esteoinsi snd upecled by ail sito knev lier. As lier short palini l liaeou drev ueo, 10 lia lunt cioslug scene, site vas vllling tO ioavo tiIs orid of snffring sud loueau aI Iliat vas neorest sud dearosi ta ber 10 go to thse brigisi home above, sud hear the blassd subore "Vol dono, good sud falîbini servant, enter thon loto the joy o! tby Lord. Amongthe cdead ou, alter ,I,'p.. lier 1f. vms rourîied trufc sud wv1l. And love la lbitter eouruv sorus About ber dsrk aud lent c'il. No pain. Do anîlous. sleeping fear Invailes ber homo.Nuo ortal woe,.. lier narrow reallng place oues near To trouble her.sereue repos'.