CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 May 1901, p. 1

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JKE Vol. IX. No.e COUNTY INDEPENDENT, Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday, May 17, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. PASTOR HARRIS DENOUNCED.ý lie expresses the bela.f giardeiy that 11ilbigrl iliti wil ultln'msiciy pairal[ bie debis. l'copri ieoîl Waiut Nlolleýv bhlm W.G.T'roni alargter ifRov. I.,lnitel iiilum 1etîrued.- S. A. Harris, live, ila hlilburu. 1"ilbs isna iargely ipir .work, 50e i11 Ir .liafrifI, v. luifor ifeveia riurted. *Fatiber wiil ply il j bis yer,-'ir, t atîr îof tiiec laigregaLtîrriiaidehta in lima. The (.i)laits are ni cilîîrtrIîriilMiIlIlrIru uiîvmiiilatiepteuni asMlarge MW represienterl rni somne eus lirbre f roui ls iharge, lfis uDow heng BSlfwoy $5. Tlao r-booilteacàere lrwIf'lsî un.ri l a mnier of tbue bagan Lbî trouble l'y tirir tinais. riirirrli bfrr ix mrîuthri, aalrh pîrrirr ilbisfunîl va sCaartil pureîy as a it arrrrrirî . tir slowIrrw hl to farnlly isffair. Father iuvested bis kitrsîgtitr.Yi rnt tihe- angle lui bis owlu moto-y wltli that A rbits obildren finircirîl aftaîrs 'alîlelifIras ausmei)arensd immnedlate reIâtae. Thunslia rnieli rîfavrrrairlecmmeîît Ill western vas euahled te give arr 01gb as 18 par lyriki- (oriîty anal iiiîguatlr n iucent aitiret. GrBdu;,rliv tbOa sheme Niîlliirru. Il Mr. Harris iii theru maii grew buo large proportirris. 1 regard tilrirriioi rvir, bliare i, lrave iltan , siramefii lbin aik irtprosacui. ilrrîrîri )Iter tri hinr forrlretretigh 1rr -111rfirzi . i r 1- 1- i H ,ui t i 1fi SSS A Dr. Charles Galloway. F. BAIRSTOW. O)ffce ove r Love i'sD ru gStore MANUFACTUREROF nouas yau5 1 Tl, 1 ast. 4 TOC rP. M. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over Trig & Taylor' s. 1 lu ira, Ta. iîrrriid 0 8Si ia ttrailric ra iirailVS oppoilteaPark Lîbertyville,Ililinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. Physîcian andl Surgeon. aEmRI4I CoploiTL ,ieE I traIG iTZI BLEir. C.urnce. - - - - Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT IST. Office over Lake County Bank lirrar . I L [lai Ia, 1 ltir5 . 0M. uA Libertyville, IM. PAUL MacGUFFIN. 't turnt'y sid araaIwIIlOTAt ILAW. NOTARY PUBLIC a1 F IsIrE F iCai( AiE ICOaTeTc iýA E, - ibherty ville, BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNIE AT LAW, LISERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. TELELPHONE NO 26 ..Ilm5 C., ... MAX LE BEAU, ..Fine Cigars.... Tobaccos and .5mokers' Materiala. Cigars Wholesale and Petail. LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. cake %io. BIlk, WRIGHT DYMOND & CO., Libertyville, Illinois. Issucs Irterest Beariiig Certifi- eatesH'ayable 0on Denrand. DR., AMOS J. NICHOLS 'f4wleivtyf t, Ki rri Ilirai f. ill rlmi i a DENTAL OFFICE JUNE FIRST At il î vi liitler's tîloit. over l4Ioib à iDevis tore where lie insvbe baouud regularly u onWiuesdaya, rosa 8.00 a. Lni. ta 8:00 p n Marbie and GIranite Monuments. C E tETC R WO)R K riglit, Iri rîriirle r Iuhitt4 I failoarn teir irt i,'rrli ieIt i andVrigS ii la tir, aprpellation r[fai cemeui 'irICi itttlartiii luveNtrma irng thle Miii buro corigregatiolru.&,IanIi afact tir rrrigbrîit theciourity aira I ini rtuer 8dates. Ii l plnu lvolveri tiie lveslment of f fi t r.rîturir y hilu at a big Intaret ilu lrrwiilaauî ari uilîr on<rihIi or mrui-. ciai aevrretira i reeteru abrtes sari flie 1itlrriig ar on.y rîiauy grrrir serrainy Ilai IraiIr 'ere lutereht rrrrrrary a drai',rcriby ',f1ready muey. wiili busplaira arrtemptatud rtherr riiaatlNrrlofablraveâtoaeirt t refumara- tire irtereait arrofurr a w cao leuauthe alrîuiirîaut ides iras buiecuire towuship sir o rol bounis ilarîug s moat affable demeanor aira lay reutsoti of bis porsitiorrua pastor ofr thre Miltîburu ctelai lie lad iro tiîilculty lu aecuring anme amouotiog lu tIre aggregale tri about $70î,00)ri fronu preople who Oal fabh in imbuand ilus ablîiîby bu secnra for them 'M to t1f pert reuttfbrr beir mrrney. The amouts collacteal range from 50 cauto 10 J4010 aund lu soute cases reprasant . bhe savinga ni familles for mauy yaars. Mr. Barrie la securiug bbase ad-t vauces ue salal b bave stated tOBt t onîy vonîr tire depastors gai anuual lutarest, 1b they crruld get tue reburu of their principal at any tîrna thay de- slred, iut, tirat if leit wltb bîi for algbt as urfe hait yeas, the principal vonld biredoubleti. Failiug tu gel satlafaclory rettias nome 09 the invenasIn taliy demnauded the p~rincipasl they bad entruabeal tO àlir. Hiarris. lb not bing fortbcoinlng blierîrwas conisteruation amoug tbe In- veaItýrr. Than obbcrs demandeal that tberr mouey lie refundeal, but it la allegerl couid securen atilsfaction. AN time passeal ou the populace grav fuapiairria U gly rîîmors vare afioli Ib listraarr reclared Il la said, that 0o hll aniever amkad for lbe mouey, tbat lb wan gîivrîr reeiy andl rusoiiled. I Ireiitt e hurelàlooktturk1e nattebr up atriîîrlaraa-obrbave lb kurîv uta itl).atrrr rtaîrewaai uot ssuclionad îîy'tîr3 eple UaNair rrgauîzatmoîî anal 1;r liarrîs wua.r rrrrdiugly ou April OF r-OLI tîra. (ii trat rdate a Ment- EVERY ara r'd r iti,.elrrr sed irirrcir pao. Description. jIlle oa-4buldii th 1e village mnd tR .,larria ras sarnumoneal from liii gin, lii.r br flan'attnuinerotlis Coi.1p-sd-st , rrgi itâ laroi i leli prefarreil solcit.d. igrlrotb ira. .»6 O...... Si UrHcanm Irehtoeut ù1t8risexpianationa WAUKEOAN. larn r,(iitlie aiatifactir.rt anal no re- tiîtri f onywas made - at 0b ima. ______ .-liarrie lise uever takarenhie latter trrm bOae?,lliburur churcir, SOo1inabil s In lier rriltuat organizatirin - - ULLU, -l-laie serrerai eîîrrereuoea bave I(irr i 11.1>Ilu tht' rarieua ortnome nr the Timothy. Claver, Millet, Iaim oeh uMlbradltl Hungarian, Red Top,' aeateiitstivraly sgre-ed tounute Blue G rass, Jur arimgigal redremisa if satliaction aA tt ALL IflND8OF PURE.u(lurg tirere railiar iiveateal in the Field & Lawn Grass SeedS llaiatiror-iatiaur, arrit sah caileal are: Ataa(iragr. hiige, Il. <G. Minto, I. J. Seed£orn and odde £or. h IrrhrJoi Boiiîiur, Jas. Bouner, Dr. sted orn nd Tdder orn.Tayl r Rot. itrauig, AUfordl Spafford, F:,C ear .lilaibime itiards, tire lisses ltcCready k-.. esî.îPriluls by analfiMr err . loliuiMcCresdy, oua oi CMAR-ES STEMPLE, th(r lirai luvators les alalte hava ra- r elveci r irer cent ou bs $4000 ad also Long Grove - 11llînoîS.s. atireal bie reliureofan!hie principal. i., rut.NK ai a Onerofuiîre mmt pathatie ncases la ___________________________tiratitfr Mrs. Ed'aard F. Bardin, a wfli. Her busaand dlad, leavlng 1 iuhl îrrtages 011 crime town anal ari )i lrrrtY, onu aLIeO she liad to OPENINC DANCE! y" îav' irecb 0elatsm - - r-aýIraUla itirir. liari lduceal ber to lu- Prof. E. A. Hiertel Vrrrt iutivîbh ui. Suistsaai 10 have 1 Illa rlrIrripi itl 'abi hlmuow. WILL OPEN blIS -il paiY uî, r reproaccute,' Dr. PA~/I ION... 1) I l Iaylre usrîuoteri, vîo, togetiher ... AVIION.. saiLli tlîr Irr w Iastor, 1.ev. George àlitIrlei . t ngarledab asleadhng the - AT - ý lîglit. 1Ienlii ou everallirundreal I-ALF DAY, ILLINOIS, dllar.r liat gat it brarri, virle uy vile la tîll a larer. tl'ue monay that Harris erliecled lm suppoHei eni10arounn ITIflfhhitri maîîy blmrnriaud. dottars, If he niu~uw FYFNNg, rBillb liase amly rf lb vaproposa 1e 8VORD [Y[NNG? gl Ibick, MAY 18, IWI. ret itruiug, Jr., t:easurer of the: luveste alairnve $20010, of wbicb Air. Prof. Smith's Orchestra, Of Barris, lb la declareal, returned. aly Chicago, whIllfurnlsh a amali fraction. axieeealimmebi the music. sumlariy. Tvo scimool ieaches ai"a * . .- Elîssual Auna lfcCreary, have already Eraery Accommauodation afiorded. raceiveal refunals of $100 saab. Tholj vere thc Brat %0 titk 0f preseenu sud saw a tuvyer, Whto alviea joint likr'b ail b.r attendI as a iraIt cisnstinie auit. is assured. IDr. J911M snt*kasa bito.eub' Dwigirt, III., Msy Il liey. iheldou A. Baris, pustoir il tire C ongre- gatiouial chuîrch of iraîgbt, madeaa stataîeet Fruday rarrig the abtacita made upon ibîrra at hiiiibnru, 111 , lu connecilan 'alia the HIarris provlaiput Savinga Farini r. Harris maya tOal the charge,,aaianat bhlm have comae Ibrangb peraranai spibe an the part oi outsiders wlrr knov noth- ing oi the rand or lu workluga, sud ne courts the falluti investigaioanof hin bocks anda ceonuta 4 Ait fthue ire submilted Frlday tri aie trosse« or bis cburcb. vho bava argued a state- nient lndoralng lit# plian sd deciar- ing ihat lOei10s&member in good sud reigular standing of the i entrai Con- gregational Auemaaclio andl tbat ha boldo bilefull eonfidence of bis con- gregation and feiiov mîlalatees of the gospel. Mir. Harris saye tIri the charges made agalnst bilmare lreposterous anud neyer emmaaeal frrrm luvesiot lu t0e fond, thougb i Oas beau lu oparation for the pant mi, years sud Oas in ils membership Ireoplela in ev. oral dilterent statea. lit eete&hat 0ie vu evar a lavyar arr a âpecuiator iiu Chicago, butBasya be etarea lte minilry ln 1$373 aud inice b. vu ordalned lu 1t1ha@buPreacheal con- tinuou»ly t B00e11101, lryon andi Miltbun, lu., going lrr hie praenn charge un DwlgOt lut fain. Ha dascrîbes the Provarleuit Savings Fend sau institutlirontits w fonnalea Iny brutprlmarily sud vito bis ovo capital, for tire purpos Of Oatlpiug sîndents te psLy fur IbeIr oduashion,"sdUbnai froua sa -mii ha- gtnulng the fend bas grovu go large proportions,thbougirlira cbaraoterises as ridîculons tIhe sabemaui trasi$16),- U() bas beau pliaced luahieabanda for lnve8t111en1t. Hua accounts, vOlcO vere examînealLy thteitesg « of tbe cburch, shov that raery item of re- ceipla le proparlY aounteal for aud tbsailHmoney anthauacirrioer Ino bu have boeau iveater l iaSondpayiug sacurltles. Mir. fHarris aays tinatl0e iran settie cvery cent r01 bbe r anis conildeal 1o bis core or gîte siraîrir sacuritien for tbern, sud that it lepouitora knov Ibis sud are welii r utîrut 'alth Ieir earniug8. ARTHUR BOYIN(iTON KILLED. Ilit 1rj Train-llabîy Drowued in P'ool utilHiglilaînalPark. A trruined sud brrri-rr body vus dis. covered hIy a mrtitrru&riaron0the lilwau- kOe alectrie roal t 4 arr uciocitWednea- dey moruing ai foot n an embsnkmeut On Norib-vaateru rlgbt-of.vay. investi. gation proveal u t brrireltlas of Arthur W. Boylnglne,railiHighland Park. Word wàasecot tir Highlandl Park Police vblo removeni tire romaina anal summoned Coronrer iaylor, wbo field an luinenat Wednedaiy aiternoon. lit developeal shaftirhe body vas Iyiug face dowuward at lrttarîn of a 2(l foot embankmeuit on C.A 'N W. rigbt.oi.way mest South of kighlrirrri Park. An ex- animation of clurlera imat gravaI plaluly Iudicsad vhare tire irrrry hoit struck sud rolled dovu tlic rlabankmant and irom the course t h air talien the deaal min badt prnburbly falîru fromu a south bouadtrain. By evidence sulitted III vassbovu Mir. Boyington 'Tas iiLrricaied duriug te th iaafterinru I rrrsday, and vOeu laitsseaun, 1go'hicir tact shoreisan aoabt ta due bis uutiirrly death. Deceasealvas tire Cou the rage W. W. IBoyington, a promulucnrr archileet, of Chicago, anal at raii turne Highlandl Park's vesltblest reailens t flu amily vawu oofcoualderatrli, Importance. Mir. Boyiugton wase 45 yeara olal anal leaves a vile andrifounr cbiloren. lotrough tbOatu ieur an ofbis istbar hae vas ut Ou" tus pomtafraitr tavinia, Lut tbrough drink irrt thbO position. A verdict wa4r reîadered by the Coroner@ Jury Vtiat irecame t10 lis dealb aecldautally bliv lang &truckt or ibrovu irom a morvirag train on Nortb- vestern railroad. BlADE rE1ooiHerIN POOL. Cbltdreu cifAMr. and Mnr. Pau.l Sebiud.ler, of Highland Paut, vere playing nearaspool of v-&W adjacent to tbeir home Frlday Bternoen <of laut veet vitn au aidler sîter rni5sd ille Paul bar two-year-oid broIs«.. Rush. 'lng ta edge of the pool BitS, villi the aliterat, vu borroir atilken Ia am.lte lttls one flcatng lu the ýValer quise dead. Titeir criee alirmlsiBfhstnoes sud ltebody vas remaved tothhsi Astheb rIquetsaîega"ma$hhng 1 eond haet.arned mare Stanabove 1'%4 Oh i a labS jabot lg asnté 6*Fogolomet EIl4a4 POOL IT SEEM4S ALMOS'!?CRIMINAL The 1eafi of a iiowie Follower Aroumea luinignation. Li ' lid loto aternlty by the priryers of J "gin Alexander Dowie suri two eid.esof Zion, lira. Emmas Judd, vîfe of Il. Worthlugtou .Iudd, genaral super intendant of the Zion City Land and Improvement Company, dled ou Muuday at ber borne, 321 West Sixiy- fourth streat, Chicago. Her deabh as qulckiy followeiiîy tbat of ber new boro liaba. No madical assistance vas grsntedl and afi er lestb tire bodies were spiritad away 10 u n ulertakers asix moile., distant. Information concern- Iug the condition oi Mirse. udd or the1 location oi ber body alter deati> vu danied tno ail callers, the police being iuformad tbat it vas noue of thair business. Whiie lirs. Judd vas uuacqusaintad1 lu Benton or Zion city, bar busband wbo conducted sit the land deata la kuovu botter thera and lu Lake Counuy iban auy parson connactid vitit Dovies acharne. Mir@. Judd vas laaton ilI Frlday nighi and avakening ber bttand requasied hlm 10 pray for ber sBacvaslu greas pain. Tbroughout the uight one ouf- lered andl aIl day Maturday, coofiding iu tbe prayerlLof buahaud snd herseli bo br!Bg relief. Whou nu relier vas observed tbey caUl lu 1nhe sidara. Tbey came but thoîr prayera toc, vers unavailing. Anoiher nlght of sgony passed. Than Dr. Dowia bimseU wvas cailed. In an aqulpage fit for a Dake, vith coachman sud footman attilred ln rich iivery, Dr. Dovie drova to th. Englevood home. His visît vu bris! aud apparantly vithont affect, boease a ev minutes mter biseriapartura neighbors learneal that lirs. dJdd vas daad. Adheraula of Dowia axplain lira. Judd's deatb by the asaumptiou Ota Whou abs vu aufferlng she May bave secretely visbsd the aId ni a physelan and thai IbIs thaugbt inboruniof1te devil, preveniad bar recovsry. The death of lira. Jnudd and ber in- font arouseal the citizen@ of Eugievooal no tluay threatauad to baudin Dovie rongbiy. DISIsE?<5ION 14 IN onCITY. Mattera bave been golhg badly of lien Due s cI)W4, ouavartdThe tirei Sebiam ezperianeed inuthb btory of tbe cbnrcb ocularreal about awvek @go, and titis, vitb the andalen deatb of lira. Jndd, bu canaad a paulc among the beilevare. The 1ev. S. Hi. Stokes, iormarly a Metbodisi mînistar aud ttilreeently presiding eider of tha SouihB ide Zinu tabernacle, bus reaigneal. Ha, vltb titres othar ordaiuad officara of Zion, ihrev oft the yoke of Dovie a waek ago. 'llira others are lira. Stokas, deacOneas; the 1ev. W. E. Moody, avangalilt, sud tha 16Lev. Wilam J. ittith, aIder of Park Sirla tabernacle. lira. Stokes ssys bar huabanul couid not balleva lu Doviesà doctrine. Dr. Dovia, @ha sId, clairnealto bava lu2 bis possession the seat of (bd, mautioneal lu Revelabinna vifr3. H e aiso ciairnad to be the lufth angai, meutioned lu the sanie cbaplter. Wbheu in oua of bis Fa. cent sermons Dr. Dovia prociairned ne vas EtiJab the prophat, Mir. and lira. Stokes repudiateal bu. Golding lleiuoveai. E. W Brooks bas been appuinleal poatmasier ai Wauconda lu place ni E. A. Gboing, remnoveal. Mr. Going'a removai vas based on the report oi an suspectoir vbo nad visitait Waucouda some lima ago sud made an exanination of the office. The luapector reennumendeal the re- rnovai 0f Pontmaster Glding vitO the reaInitneal. WOat spacilltc carges vare made will neyer ho kuovu as tbe departý ment never divulges tbeirfilndluge In matters ni ibis kînal. Grand Dance. T0e Diamoual Lake Plessura Club vîll gîve the tirai dance ai tbe season Satnrday aveung, Miay 25th, at Dia- moud Lakte Park. Lakeaide Ornbaatra vîIlinrulan music. Tickets, 50 cents. Finor mnagers: Frank lHerriugton, Llbariyvilie; Harry Gary, Waueonda; WIi Hockemeyer, Diamoud Lake; Wili Wells, Bal! Day, and C. J. Ring, Rockeler. Dont miss this-the iret ot the aeasou. Cheap Rate tu st Paul. For aunual meeting of mllitary atil. germni ofte tlnIted States, lMay 29-:11, St Si. Paul, Ilionu., excursion ticket& will bc solal May 27 tu Jnne 3 for $13.37 for round trip, good natif Juue l15. Extension of tickets ounili Jnly lfti msy ho obtalued by deposltlug ticket& viib joint agent nt St. Paul not laier than June 15 aud paying a fee of 541 cents. For inrtbor Informatioou u- quire of ticket agent. 31-2 F. A. MibLLBE .OP. &T. A. No Loge of Time. t bave sold Cbamberlain& Catle, .Children's Shoes.. 'lhle gr sh n ucceas of our Children's Sboe Deparirnent bas beau fDot oj . pleasure w0 ns, but a revelatiOn to mothers who wanted gond, raliableand3 suitabie sboes for their chidren. Wu Ulve beiow the ponce of Pomne of orir favorites, And w. invite y our Most caraf ul Inepection Baby's soft soleil a81100, () te 4 lu red, white, bineansd piuk at per pai r., a Babys shoea, soit sole@. Patent leather \ ampli, 0 to 4 in red, white, pink andi bine fancy tops ai per pair ..... ..................... Babys black kid asboesi, button, 2 lx) patent tips, solii moles et per pair. 30 Baby's biack kid aboas, button, 4 to 8, patent tipi. spring beelsai per pair 73 and ... ........ ...... ...................4 DLACII KID *MOEII, SPRING HEELS, PLAIN TIRS, LACE. Cblldsals 6 ito 8lai par pair .... .. -........ 9. Youtbs sizes 8j to Il at per pair .................................1 00 Girls sizes Il ý 1 2 . .......................................... TIE *FEiRAIS$ FINE RIO SI4CES, SPRING HEELS. MANY STYLES. COulda sizes 1r teo8at per pair $Si 40, Si ZS and ... 1 ý .....i xi Voutha ..Mi toit, et per pair $i 60, $1 50 aud ...................1 40 oirls .Il!i o 2at per pair $1 80, 1 7 and, ... .... . .1 60 Large girls sizes 2j to 5 et per pair $2 00 to............... I60t, Boys. mSHaK,*TH4E KIND THAT WEAR WELL.- Sizea 9 to 13J iun many styles and prices- rauging from 1$1.60 for a line Velour Cali shoe to 75c. For Dougola stock, are strong sellers, lu Box, Cali and Vica Kid àt par pair $i 40 and.. ý.......... 1...... ..........I3 Boys Satin CalE and 011 grain aholis, ln sizes 12 t 2j lit par pair ......... 1 40 Iinfime 3te 6 t perpair . ................................ ..... 3ho. Dept In new building-esat end. NOuReaâms.siO WPRR. .4 WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. EEIOtN.t Ao~lod 1 have jîîst rect-iveil a car]o:îî of Itoad Wagons, Top Buggies, Phaetons anîd Siirreys which 1 will selI at lems than Chicago pricem. Boal Wagons sud Genttemen@ Drivers frorn $28.(M) to ............ .....S 80 End Spring Top Buggy,j or 1ln. aies, 4 boy leatbar quarter top, B viteels made ai best aecond growib hickory.......... .. ......4 » Wiib Enbar tires ................ ..... ...... .............. A bsudsamea-Oanopy Top Surrey, fluely flntabed and vail madia, only .... 60»:r See my rmuet papular aurrey. 1 vîti bandie uu lu four grades, visr. A grade--ibis in ltse butlQit eau ha madie ai any prie............... 1)" bl grade ....................................................... 0 groia ............................. ... .................. i D grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « ! Dont bMot besus ei lI gouda chaap, I bandie cbaap goua. 1 vit give ms slrong a guarane as you can get on suy rig no malter boy mueit you pàky. Libertyville H. B. EGER, - hlm * MORSE FuRNistiINGS YOU NEED.+ .LAP DUSTERS... A good 'qtality-e lieap dîîster. :30 to 35c f. A better grade, 40) to.............. '5ci 4 Fi ne Large Embroiî Di)sters j, momethiîîg lice ........ 1.50> ' LIGHT DRIVINO HARNESSES. 1 have a good assortmeîit of fisingle and double driving liarîe*ws iii stock at prices that wili suit. ri Can make t<i ordt'r on short 4 niotice aîîythiîîg yoîî niay fi . -dosire iin the lue fi - of hartiesses C. M.. KAISER, The 2Oth Century Cash Store Wouid ciii your attention ibis veek 10 ihair Uîne of Laies ' anal (ents' Fine For ivear. We bave Ladies' Sitoes fr .**5'*"' 2.00 $Z.23 $2.50 $3.00 Misses aud Cilidren'giShoas lu Biseka anal Tans for.................. ..S--l$.23 $1.35 anal $1.60 Men's Shoe lu great varuety. Prîcas..$1.30 $1.63 $2.00 $2.25$2.50 $2.75 10 $4.00 Boys' tSiaoe .......S........... 1.3tu $2.00 Ouer arm la tW earry lu siock thebe Irasisioas ltai money wvlU boy, aMd vs vîll iry 10 give yen saisiaction as regardaeaquaity andl price. YîIT'sI.4FRoi6CA-.t, E. W. PARKHURSTD UC1IANÇK DLOGM URYVL& 4 ibr ara race n bl y traira ai waer a 3e bil a rening. se cf the i district. muai face ihoir bad week. Liberty- lsy Sitar. mI nosyer, s bratb. s &0 have ba Long ding dl- Ir. Zimmar grsal ally be about DkfIIl va are veil. priser strou be- ts about. a (?) lime nediately yoo, lira. Our abourt Illinois. rus5na vols alan y vitO or, a ior Ibair or gripe set Ir"¶ 1111e rfab ta un. nlse lr, "f

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