CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 May 1901, p. 5

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-i of yesar a rial change mi týIe food we aest i wi 'c"ft mh yst.em, and that NEW VE0ETrAIItàE ANI) FILUIlS 4I VEGETARIANS <of &Il klnds canntho at ,'>t , _________________freely. We are daityrr,'il- t PIGARIANS o1* 8aurd àws ou? gvari't.yjlargem't We presmine il ci> i heiuîe'os. sary for na t attr that cii! H lUMANITAR assortment ,f 1 i r rite t.aitai times the 'bort t i>iio îmarket- j for that'm ,, vtalk. If jon find S IANS and ..... h n»vrî .t t viil us regai. larlY, , at >n atnrdays. CRANKS .. (IROCERS ______________Lbertyville - Iliis.01 Crescent 1 Sterling 1 Stearns 0BICYCLES. Lacleade Westminster ()Id , j r. liar>r.>>(st .t'f r> rri r ", 1 Ifi 'i l Il 1 Il r r I.1fin,>l PIANOS WATCHES [JEWELRY_ C.R.SHERMAN, I cal l t i 1 rrl i> l "'iU i V- i v-'>'ii jat lii i iihýr'i- t> î >î Shirt Waist -3&ifs. J I iî"t >'î i i îauh u> "r a 'ra~i'.t. thîîts Gents Stiff, Iedoras and Crash Mats --IN - Modcro $primo Styles. 25c TO $2.75. t 1,cei cm n r Irtreti>> l'litii itt ln,tî'e irilr> ,>,', i ele Vkcinni,'ra , tt kie '. 1:r1ii ru u g>>>>.l n'rir oli U -.>t>' WE SELL IT. Smith & Davis, DEALERS UN otâtral mtrcbandlst. 1Libertyville - - - Illinois. a ait~ ieleuaed a.nd Re-arremted. A Frank Hoyer's hearlnig lu Wau- PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. *, kegmu laut veek Tbiiraday afternoon 49 Cheb defetudaut wus released snd lin- 4 Local Items of I nterest to Libertyvil le Reade rs. 9 edâWlîy reareted. Hoewas charged 4Wtb aultlng Marshall Fresbuian, o! ~A .4.4444444444*444***4**>*é4ééé I ,bertyviie',Wih jutent t'> kîli., Sltates Attonîeuy 'ilcot i dd Llern tbe evideue presutied e8tablihied un C. M. & -ST. P. TIMF. TABLE. attempi to klt sund acerrdingly moved tue case ire dîmisoerd. la Effect SundsY, l>ec. 23, 1900, at 12:01 a- M- iloyer Wua then re arrehte>l un a charge of amatits and battery sud is TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO 1 case contîuuied until May 1 tli at WEEFa IjATs. WtEK DAIM 1 o'clock.« lie furnisahed bail of $20uO. DePart From New Depot. Arrive at New Der,, 'ihe defense les uaturally elated at No. vi s.. > _*.. . I' -. "l 11............. r» S' I c i. the turu the aftair bas takeu as Hoyer -~~~~ P. " >. . . . I ni. itaow belid on a mucililesa fserions '.1 I>A'>.>,>'rAr>.charge, althougb they declare lie N.... . .........». i. >. .~..... P-i. . neyer wouid have been couvlcted on. S'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 th.O 1 oa' . . . 4 0ie î,revious charge. If ronvlcted lie TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO>s fiable t,, a fine from $3 tW $106 nuder .KEEK DAM .WFEK DAMS the lust charge, wbereas before ne Dei>urt From OId Detot. Arrive at OId Dri-r Would have beeu bouuid ove? tu the 1 " ý .......... .,..,,.. ..... i, t> a, i. Grand Jury and wars iale to lmprlson. 4 . . 7 rIl. ' Ira........................' >ment if couvicted. rcea'> rUNDAIE.liecrîratirin Day Rond Race. S'142 .... ..... 7 .Iâ rr 14,r'. t.>.....' >Menbers rof the Aujerîcan Century W ""reaYMIGHT.11 Wheetmeu are worklng on plana for DZeart From 010 Depot. epr From Oid [Jr', ot. Nos. 191 lknd j92 will carry passengers betWeen Rondot end Sýolon ris. I be C. E. Society wilttLoiti a 1Ireef Dr Nlcbnl.s annoufleefi i a "ad Social at thse Presh)yteirlan elimîr>'ionu iret page thaï; ho willien oubis Frlrlay evening. May '4ttî. <'n, ai ,lutai o«llit n tlhîe Butter 1...- k J nue and have a go>rrlt Ime, t l'ltb,eu baudls àare ow empioyed aIt ir, IL. G. LeofisTd, of w rikegan, tLe Mainroul factrrry axnong tûeru bas been_ sevured lxi deti>' r tthe ad- gîveni work lu a few we.eka. H. B. Eger Ibis weeok recelved a car fond cf buggIes, road Wagons. aruirries and phleatousm, which bho advertimsrbuLe vli MoIt "below Chicago> prIceNs Rt. A. Frrt>,c ceaatnateudance rîpon a conventiorn (if the order of IWI a.wy Cnutlrcicr8 ai st. laul this week, cf vbii'bassocatlon lie la a member. Deunus la imerry Ibis week Purclased tI otocf 1R. J. Proctor ou the eame mtreet sud Uear John Boysen's remîdecce, ou wliLe horenoseee t) erre-ct a rooideuice. Mrs. Eluigere nec bouse. lrelrg erectei on prcperty adjoiuiug Harr' G-leasus b Lonne, lx welt rieder lmsa modemt structure aud a ,le,ied Additiotl»oi that toiity. SevoraI maLtintsts aret' inlly en- gageni "soiiing up" lathems dill presses,eto,., ai the lAton factory. It la hopefi W tanSri p the deps.rtmnt fuifr Manufacture of abonai engilu by an- (Atber week. Mrs c. N Du)ran(iland N>el left Tbursdsày for Andîo 3r, N. Y. , tp vilt Mr. D)uralîîi're mrtber. Abourt Joue 19% Mný Duraufi yl joli theni an>i ibey yltattenri %b. Pan American Expoi' itun ai iBuffalo. Day. Dr, J. L. Taylor sud wît. atteuded tbe anujauuiuet of theb,' îk>;i'nrnty Medîcal AssociatIOu n lu Ilîrkgan fruesday nigbt. Mir. (10. Vovier Ir, bat il we clt diîg onuhIe lot on Brainord .irt opro- paratory to erectiug a re6sîý i r>'> there- on. Materiol for the tri;'tlitre bIA8 been ordered. À few near nelghbors gai>'reii ai I. froua the present outtook the entiei wlli be numerous. Oue cf the largeât lIais of prîzea given la a road race for înany years ai le o ffered. Althougli the distance of the race wili be lii> mties t it ilnot lie any barder On the rider than *.be ordlnary twenty or twenity-tlve mile race, a the latter la a sprint frona atarite ftliih, wbile lu tLe Dee<ration Day race the sieady piugger viii have a good chance. 1fitty entries are lu tbe handicapper's bande already aud over 100) more are eipected wîthîn the nezt ten days. 'The race will ho mn ove? the LlberCy. villt'- eaukegan course and will aiart at the Chicago avenue wager works, theuith lrough Evanstona, Gros& Point, (ilen 51ew, Wbeellug. Hall Day, LIIaertYvilie, Warreutou, te Waukegau sud returu by the same route, linialxlng lu front of the Cuinago avenue water ver k . J. Hoyts born e 1iiOY Igut tu Sc'hîsl Notes. bonr c hî 70h brth -yit wus lu benareo hi s surpbrIse da Hot 1tLe Euglieh clas I> doiug somne re- the atue ofa srprse Nr. oytvlew work in Gramimar. vas pmesenled witb a ro'kitî g , iair l>y ,l'i haecumb coptdi& Tilhgeerves uîL iii v>rk lu Satural Phllosopby. The The ervves n te M , Il"I ci as@ visitod tue Etectrie Lgbi plant Mnday evonîuig. May 1>.th, ' ti-e tereal cf a "l'rofesiua .i ' A ,A laut Mundy eveuing. special Invitation la exîe>' i. i t» ait There lm tnuch enihuslaat belng persona of a pro)fegoIslnra 'aî.disîlayed try sebolars soelliug tickeis Everybody welcome. Su-,> i crm Ith e art exhibition. Each roulm la mences ai 7;3o,.1 deiirous cf >ltaining the extra Pic- Ther. are rumors 01nI orral oî>w ue bouses lobe bulIt ou ibenr-. ru.tengion An art exhibitioni, uawi clcb lu ho of itraiuerd Court as so,.'. am Iîîlte itePlayeri froua 15»1» 3l2"nlarge slzed op.ned up. Lots onuâo t tre-rt wii r>î (Ile>faions pRlIntingm, COlored Le readv te offer for mast> atioîer l1>bt>grTPbf, sud casis, ciiili e gîiveu month sud iH promises t î>rt-siiilu'>tl ruIldlug aturday, May popiar Iorallîy. irrîL, from 10 a. m. te 12 m. and frum We cip the fottowug ft(ir' tram tlut 1 11,te i 30 p. m. The exhibition wîll weeiî*s .i.*i,>iiNPw' 'I » Pester uc managed îy Mra. hler, a graduaie 1 l' Let a$s Cel Yom wQ Q JI want jiîrnt tn\\. I >iiig hi> nîsu- the' foibiwiîig: £arpef, 011 £IotIs, Lurtain StreîcIers, KMu, Door Mats>,Larpet $weepers, Larpet Beaters, gurtai. Pois a. 'iIxsures ace Lurlaius ald 1Readyto'ust Shteets. We Ihavt MIl thiese tIîilig's iti eîîîlesri variety at justt tiie' lrice yoîî wauît to pay. We invxite' yilr earefiil iîîrpe'et'toi. See otîr îit-w ine-'()f I rei.iss iut for S'4jriiig tand Siinnier wi-'ar. Set-, uir îiohby liii otf S'in Bonnets. Almo see our xîew S>îîn' mer Hatcu an(I Caps-juist ini. Let mst show yoti the' latestt thiîugs iii i)reffs, Meditim and Work ('tîaraîiteerl. bas e,>id hie bouse, nI aî>i blncsimi the Art tuatitule sud s atudentinl phiaiuing tu attend the Bfftalo Exposi' unlh srr; 10a M îur ', tf lMei>. Etirnrppan Art Sr'bools, The entilO Pro. tîrru iun aibcdy. 'Ihey propose tu gou bd«t. Ili., 0'o1hiderut.iorn. $2'2iiMr. r'Ponl» dit ire rlevoied te buying large i'Y &y 1 te taes nd ili pen a ester surI fauiiy ciliif,,>. tu Liber- 1lctnres for the sithool nreul. Admis- wî'ek xin liil'flo.Jriy or &rgii-t Im tyville tcday, wbere lie' cru engage il, crnu, adultaeic hildmen 5c. 'Tichets the iia, iilecud.businesa. Their many i, îtichilfriende > irnay bc bonglil rf the sebolars. Every. Nire. ltVdward Lijai, motbs'r (rf iHiramn regret tu eu e tiua aveo'ur clty, bat ibodny crne. Lisk, ni thievitlage, was buried ua i1d ial era J ait nia,î,r rf succese, lvanie ' unldaY. ieceased teas >1 b eath sud hapl)ruîmmnicrtheir nocu '.*C. T. U.. Notem. years oi. Eigbt chitriren survive brame.", A meeting vas LeltaiMris. Ernest she ,lîenlut lier home Inlu rinît ~~t o>irn iieîî x ixi ircn'8 home May 7tb. Oue uew <euter Frldauy rf bitI eek. îay lbnl Xarng tucGavli>'. rrrua>e cs nrii Mrs ('araltiirr s1 Mnndy fnrthe Caihmic ic"rr fCieago. haeu Jit as decided 10 boini a "Mehers Spriugfield, wh'rr. wtb Mra. C. M. been cbiged tort!> ; ,lis iniiciai r tiig"he2'il f ib aftis monih. Mrs. Cuttiuig. -f Lakr' Foret, sielo Util uties and neturu toi t 1,ehome n7's iplu39uernenen f ohes rejîre"eut lbe, thîrteen IRoyal Z'eigbir sister In thie %c lag5" t"rerî mi.'ceetings is eîjected tu be Presaiut.e Cap n ae ;nunyaIUcNaic isîîabnp McGjaeirk r» Jit ring frein m- An caruestinluinvitation as exiended te etI64 a001 orîvut> f that <rder. veto nervoiîiîenes". bt ie gencrai niothers te o Ireseut. 'lime of ineet- IpÀbj21SlO 0104 "iicshngtochs"outhe uew Stf. belihbLacsurr>r'ii,1ring file pabtinîg cl L e asiuuned luter. s i xi"r, go h'ýk: o fi:. lurni grade are io pregres. rbe new year und it isntru> iis i&comjnflteo ' Le nexî regular meeting cli lieho aOse *0.6i Wtlie te g, be., train sn'bdule vl taile effect airent recevery l uîrt aa ltr(if tîme. Him elberiut irs. Emma Clark's. Let ail .L,4 bli- ~Iib, 44 . sj liecrk t lbl :j4ek Joue It. Lihrtyville is promised a brother, tLe îev..Iàuiirs E. McGavlck tîteminers attend. %~PU,5>10> 76 0' . i«. .'o' 4o minute train tru the city, maklng ne bas siicceeded i,» t(>roî >rriiy antia8 Mie,. CRI CI(LIt,, Prea. SUPi. baa , e a141-,s strops irtwenieotIisvillage andi trionter cf Ioly Angelh >Lîrc. S. Ysp gi deinit Horace Balkley wilii reci tbree COUNCIL PROCEEDINOS. l J Lhe l.ieriyv'ulr' llîgbiwia.Y coin-.%smillstores rtoneis rricrTLY cerner r(of' LiBER.c'VItLE, MaY 10, 1901. mirsniu>n1(rrshave petitioaenl thenruuy Milwaukee avenue aid Schoot Street. iliage board met lu special sessilon, lb, fnac alidtu asast Iliu ilnding s new Re centemplaies buitling a oiie-@tory ail meinbere beiulg PreS@uie2arePt Jusi. steel bridge over "Bull Crssek" ou tratrtue contulolug tbrOe roonas, 0Jtject cf meetifig vas te aet On bond Miwau.kee avenue. l'lie bridge le tr, 1h40 leet, but bas rot lielluitelY deo-!of . H. sehiauik, riwl appolnled cccl $2500i>aîîd viiire' bcult Iis cidefi ihat point andl uay cotilude te treautren. 141101r1ler. bailli tWn siorles instr'ad of nue. He Bond was presenied and Il vas Mrc. Orville Haveli, Who Wîlln ber Las already lot the ertitraCt te Water uaoved lay Corletsud Procior ihat busiandandfamly >rî necntl re Aren or emoxiri Il, hnsenecsamne Le approved sud placed en file. busbud nd amil bu reentl re Ace£âfor einviig th hüléeLouAIlt voted Kye6 trvi te Michigan. dlied ut ber borne sitîateul on file site t", à location fur- Meeting then adjournued open mn- Ilui bat stlale lasI cseek, offronsump- ther eass sud inn Sel,'i(i etreet. l'balt tien of Colett sud Kaiser. itou. Fuve salait n'iilidrenl and ber hlieîil have ne diiiicrritV in securîng W. C. SANaOiiN, Clerk. biiiaiid survive.tllic reunains ere tenant@ for is prrnpn>"i clmore roomele irîlcrred iii sanreilîry raniutrirplern. videnco>t fromunlin>'lat tîy ey,'aveti1AuitaI imreting National Educational _________________________________________ Asso»ciattion Detroît. Mlch., JMBifla tEte r'n, h.>>.'ready been uegtlîîli,r'.l i 1,2til. Excirsicu tickets for onuelftre ~ - - "- Sutn~>'i>'rnr r rt>rfii' ,rlirri Ceuuiv >rrrveyorrt;Ierin r-ceai' plusn%'À. ltoîuud trips cUl L e soid ne, a o.u itgi,5rd t' t> ar'L uet yt yar'tisting lot inteforti t . irebaeore(of I iîiy R ltb a nd7th, gocodte returui i cit is .lnArini. h> iaerr th <aler îrrîr e r'Mlwake nîtil JutV 15th. Extension cf reluru ICE CREAM ,xeiL is.MeAthu, h J'. r-ýýhe Clvet 11*,1),rtv,,oMilalleeýtikts Waii ber granteud. For further cg'i.d Iii,,alries ùovi- Inen ail avennIe ibis wrr r..>>' t i r Jîrl iîîfnrrîuall»n iinine of ticketagent.~ ~ ~ va r,'r" i $2 lirer>,i>utin. îrni uMise ' Jamisone ernitlinlit' v îîrevumncy .F A. MILLRor. G. P. & 'T. A. for C. M. in on",r, , ciie' e>'t,li t g .ad- ntetabtiebent 'ti roi>' rthfree fevrI on I St V.1'. 111 S J.,' 't5> >' ,'ri> tb. A,> t,'t utino alvort tînroernt'. rof -Ire. nul- liai' 1,cr emu>'rt ier -o ri>r' n Mis'.ilans rtimliiIu,- t'.i., thlree fe onîrilaw ys hs to M,'Atljnir'c ntsc'c.. Mr. jslumsnanbietuîiJi Mr. Andersonis THE FINESTLo il a ay hs it n wokintj xehmo ri eri rvey Iri corriet, iand titr#3e si o8ur 1iie un tbe market for .... S $.50 hand in ail popular flavors. <ort hnrI bniig i ti, i ai r rt ;ropunrty, Punmnci r" .mnu hi reienty prelustil y a S.(irdl(.y mseui iL ilur-r- t, r'mfite toirîe tnble ',uiturinhnr>fe laye A'efaiiefne e t flcB s eCr mtob h d errvey foîr the inew creet bas beseî I rotil. 'i i>, ît iring 1t1onroce u> it vercr e iil>onîMr iti>îiisou'm land, a y hr tIn ot.. ruade ,aînt elakes met shoving stni-et Li ii lr ,".i s eo no in crin tii>e. 'Ibo ujere tieet viliiehosainie vtonlce. vi'.ltb asiLake street vbereait Inter- l neuac~>>aîrnaura secte cltb thai treei and 50tlfeet cuie engu sanîrg »tr'id trc the balance of its leuîgth. ! blonthie friglîtirit cas siarled Bienti etz le caliing oui former Itovard ibe coachesrrii>'i lay uver" ryilIlnos LiberIyvillo cea1,ant(rna tiIs veek. Weut f ihe station, enrly Batnrdsy The tiîetz famllY rernoved te .'.gororlg sud prîsbiuig àa cboise aheani a few montihs ago and Ban luformalsut0 il ,.t.:ed t the eud oxiact badly ibal join bas a position as bar tender darns1gl ainsd the cabînose. No one lu bis brother. John's Saloon. Witl la vasabut at tbe lime anid a the Notice. PEOPLES' COLUM? dmlving anl ice wagon vbillethe aiber engleinupgaeb1sivsaatdThere vîlI bie aunauaImeeting e! F Hl' Bi.8A0EWh got imilOt la verking lu a lumber yard.,lIen u alngraa. 'ILe presenute of a'i "r' Lave Laulscmneiy tritmmai the memabers ocfilhe Cemeiemy Asci-Titei8.Lasier sie et eti jusi eoverlng fror nt uatlack oflcouple, o! rallvay dtc'Ive n tovu lIaIs forn............ .. ......$1 50 lion field aitibe Tovu HaliLibry.O AE i ETLvn plerts, pevins e wlobhe a.alnti ay ldlcatethe cornpany vinle. In., Tuesdsy evenlng aïi8o, o'ooek, F Jlire îrr-uir' af ma. iatTos. LI7 leipylufIe oIIn of elevesanme oee uualicoually eiarted May 21, 1901, for the purpose of elect il- l. lu. s$ bysbren oiyuher Josition nten elliheenlu nsd filoenumped off. If an A in» lin. cf Wasah Stîkiisund ing officera for thee nauing Yeu,, suriFd 55Istu .libertYclifs by bis brother em e tne. teParty or parties bave net b6een Freîîcb Gingbanis for Waists. tri transac Sany other business tbal For annailetigImpartiloin.apprehiended- ____for__auicrents.yA fev ..Uu' Mm cili Myalgie onneaSt KanasCity. no., Fxr.bleuiai meeting Head (camp l'aJIt<on îis chenlu needoutrf WEENM. HEÂTfi, >lrustee. AN ltJrnlS. Mpwsl.lxsý wiliib aotd Jiune 99b and 101h, good Minn., laine luth Ira lth. Excursion esmku._________________________________ tri ratura nuIt lJnune 141h fer one lare tIckets vil b. @nid f or 413.117 roundTh NE ND TtodWcf Ine tn ttOe pine $2 s6"dtr iP. f?~8.ip. lune tuholtit, good to i tul R .P O IE h NDPNETfn ek'yItrOenbU î Kuaun,0.J j Me MII.LUE, a . . r T, A. for O. M., & St. P. KJ. LIBSERTYVILU ILiOS I.S r hm 315 30 33 1 00 39 39 I10 er.l 00 1 10 1 00 J .0. atii4: Ni rr',irril i.. i.i nu. cIre r'. i.>. i iii,>. us '>'.rtir"r ir.ii irr"r>ritrrr. - - 1 The best to be had. 1

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