a mml ÏN' T HE arias Ah lta ltaîtk criuii tirý dty montil tn a n,,x Dur'îug Ont fr, tuoitut te,, ank heite iin tWt at nvte ie thrn'u' nn and. ofrt u stk rfe' "Ts i,1did MY «» c" .t0A UM daugher up ca.6 t eopt!gud wt* lilanentarien. 1Illek ler ito meutiuget to give ber a chance io liste" t t'latt rulinge of abie chairullefiand Iihall ieInk leart, the tezt booka t ite mutIltet , beRart. 1tholnghtithadl ber perto't'tIlli the business, but 1i s tlotait',t, hveSut'bY attended a couIint 'lut u , "'19 s, N t it umgrbsbf n'Rd prer,st ua aI iI, t, li t ,' 1... ' rsagnto f appeal frotn a (etieti d.'d L y coi t rtl ge tin -l' of the chair, attd bho, do t tu tuq site did t'"i Su I, "She nas ex, ii t o kiin', aiIltd il /'11l In whfll ai,'11tII N li lre a ie i (It lii i friglit I t utt ot late l' .tt athtr - tioils ail Andti i )(. h urttt t Ilittttears i tI suai JI dounn I. ,uuu't oU" nl havtt t',I ttgt' b( fr(-'site %villi(ever lm". tlk, _____lits o il western C.aadas I),eeuuubCCWeRther lo ow t ii se, o Eqial t tiat or ' iay ln Miune- t r 'o t,î'ît, th, u~ To III , ilti.r Thomutfa Regaul antid ',t.t lt t. ". r tI otu 'î't i tC na tut a isu Dec,'uttir 't .t t e i i tutttt Itll a's ti. IIIta, l lott t er te grlzltl 't ' ,, t.-. ber its tinter", l t ttigratt tin iitttar, beinit oferod i,ot' t Of ilt, rk i, hi t at stu 'hi lttt' lres and retîi'ttfllt I IIt, ltî t ~ the reaitt . il ternts. ThIs I in aat hey gay: t t ttt I o lit,'O V' arritvii ln (Calgar'y about fle t,'t' f t t. gI, raitient lie - ' 2 it iiet'eutber. and altougi nve hall t t . iI,, ,,,,outîinit u,, l u iefttn inter i l~innesoifl antd àli!ttiuto. Il-t IIt tls,ta 4 Iliaro. ,tnd -"t itl. wan.', n ratieîriw ti lepoindq Itt' -ui ttiig . t,,,i a,t'tt, tht, '1 u1. 'hrie nas ntt auow nor ravti'of lt- t ttt t'th, t r' , t tiihave lat, ter t, i'a'e and the ctimitote wNa a, ".'f 'Whou céei'ful . brave and light..earted reai3 w1tletsud. iorut, Ii rlli au Ofteudv.liain del lugdito tlîat perfection of iiery, the blues, it a. tIltîtwlitîi'y of fed lIl tht' lit' i lt,.t , l ,lu îuaf-,t It is usually t1iig way: tfiidI ih V r upesat 8h. bie been feeling out of sorte for some time, experi- fd,,t tI "fartuIttgoi.etutriesi Nt' Itat%'tutet 'ttIl l itutie enclng evere headache and backaohe; leeps very poorly evtr sZo.viTb, muts'tracts, o!f,'er-li, t.thlieex- and Je exceedingly nervous. ilie latt.Is li sietetiti auttiabuniant-tcuI. l tt tIitai. Bometimes site je nearly overcome by faintness, dizzi- IY'wattcd a,,e InotitittIl e tt 1 <sired. tuIt ,ueit a nes, anýd 1 PIttation of .the heart; thon that bearing-down an IIel1 u oltndistric.t 113t1,z-tlt(a rrters'avetîi J feeling làd readfu11y wea]n. . sIuittiiot I>\t.dro us ttt aboiut îfet I le trtion ta Hon Ber htlsband says, III Non, don't get the blues 1 You will ttisu ii attandtI t'ere it lYii! Li r iou nem en be ail riqhit atfter you have taken the doct'ur's medicine." pla' ntttedid dsatipiî's of i,or cttieeor t-te aT wore ay gain 'ntr lec t" ,n lti'ut ieltl tht Iid utln idetrt h But ibe does not get all ritrht. 8h. grows wredyb n~ 'ltire blstaîeî' oai sIv ttatt11,.1, obttti i hurst Ii day, linlil ail at once abhe realizes that a ditresa8aug feinale îuglleî ls,totis Itre aima, gottd tielt.',Il , l t'tttttlito tit corn, ant is established. tots. Fr'tn' i it ne ltave'e Itel). n'a ttt r' â. if1 1 il. Mlur doctor han made a mistake. liavet'tt"tietlIitrttn'ln otur tlot it tctt I et II'ttrti. the Yorktttuutrtusttîisfied thlirt tita part "1tNic ~ttlueEider, aart, t,, ,t Bihe lofts faith ; hope vanishes -thon cornes the rnorbld, 1,t ,,uutn iirun., adn~i 5it'ou,,Ilaiteftrtt tI 1 It bi inelancboly, everlasting blues. Suie sbould have been told fs.rtttltlî' o tr :tny ont' anittua to nuake î,1'i t hejt.Wtht t t aim, just what the trouble was, but probably ahe withheld sorne it.' 1l,,4 of!Il retlîr gt.tai country. A[uY , -ttt11(l tett tOtî ' 'tt-- inforrmation frorn the doctor, who, therefore, i. unable to aige'tt If thet' tauttiat tttrutfta ' I,tttishnouduertb ,ut accurately locate lher particular in it. o's'a, urit'tt't atta' >etC.,l- ta g,t n a triainu,,t t ilî ea . iter,'ln ftit.ittiuttttti of voitriitaîttr, the anttilias ne, er luîîtti w I lil). Mm. Pinkham lhan relieved thousands of wornen fromn lui gîv, ' nu iil Iarlittiars tIf te kiwisîoft! nc'uthIeanti aser It' t,",ilt net this kind of trouble, and now retains their grateful uen' ,î,"rîIt ta Itnu ,t1tunv t't tulhuis rta'isIca.Eier ha, drivetl1ý , r - letteru in her libray as proof of the greet assistance ahe has t'ar t otAmiîutiti l i'tl'l wtt'ltt at tt uitliisa t an d has gît 'tI,,..tt rendered them. mais rne assistance awats every ick Yttirt Iit 111P. itADILi. itauttout fllieraptit'tt ,t wornan in the land. 'oTpekta (;tIf-lusoae- smC. Aira.W ioifred Aiender' Letter. I'latti'u NI, Niîtt.,ltttk ,tIt'l'e'a ittiU" l'II"I 'to," itat luen tletrrtî i tt D z. .n E8 P rE as t t'ii I f 3'du '! tf'Ç Tl it ", lgl t o t ,"R oue,,uutoP op,. ',.t",1 and t fi tthe bineflt i hase relceiveti r o ur %\îý ,, :,li t% li tieiî, rrita' t h ouhis. wonderfI remnedieft. I'f,,t akingLydil E. n Ç,ttiri t il),'(tl,,. ~tott hem'. Vrgtable Compound, 1 nas a nulser rV tomlt - ..t i thii, t'OfNItIttII-salott l i sef and ecarryone alnd une. I1,.uffcred = i"l, î nt tt rt'r'tli'IIIresln l I S pain in mv tack. Iteati and righl ide. was, very utn ', o oerouas ,'uuderlorhour5. Men'.en'uuId appear littl),l at.t tS' ei uti somtiurest ln two weeks, Ibm aannet fttr thre iraIutîttt set t the titi' il(]t t tb Ili or tour months. I wasta w tite n rat ttiifoAiiwttr rî" ft.'r tIt.hal el t'v" e.rosieep nighta, sharp pin vud at huuhmylt h. ~ta f.', ' i:a t itekl n- h e n rt th a t w o u id a im o t c a u se m e u ) fa i t .t lli i.N ,t! Il c tr it ii, a tt t " MI lth rcied e t tO n IiL I ti Picate her I dld &o. The fir.%t botule helped me lâ iti t, tt tii ratltttteti tpeu Masch that I contiuneldlits ue. I amn new asciiand vet ,autd th it' ltttiuantetill Itîo C'I,t Pol v T .told tI t Illt"ll' il weugh more than 1 ever didIrit'novlite."-MRS. î,',tlit etit tttttt i t'g n tte îtrî',It h l, tn'tt1,at i tîi .nft IVINIFIRED ALLEaI>DEIi0 }'urigtn,itl. ro,"it', r utt't ftttat'lt'titî tai ula 5 0 REWARD hstatiausqeiaa Sg'it .4.h .1 .0 iepid -syarp-sms 'ia uaalt luh-iII, ima 'itairloat t 1Iitr',vait. ttt,,t.lit,' f,l -f ,t':,t ch hitrtl m u co. Titis. lm t,' aidrita gît ,n lut tt1 orier I, tntt Madttati oI'ît.1 t ' ' I t l l' fo r it',,Ib 's K i tI)"'l'il is mrete l.1 andti t lof Prcft't o l t, t cC tu , of lli,'ti Ile thte iut Iti, I t'tiit'.ttt' i' ltl i tiictt t ,.r (f Itturffîl,, , t, .Alla il il;. ai i behind a.~ ~ ~ ai iin lionttt ' n ie ,t litt Il ,,îîî,uî' ' i.r' T he rît~ alîttua itiYoi k, th n atir' ',li - Maewi g'fnti li, ton,, tu i. Su îit.l itt F auncee :il sali.tN . , I , If f ,-,lt oi ,l'uaiartuttA,,t1,ott.I l 1,. 1 ' 1 i . i'iiin ofb "ikt riouto N lt' t at c'1 NS baatd Ita th ls fttIl Iil tr i l) I.t, lt, W ntt rt'l he t'a1, i t rti lo lv -i t En..'S i £ bua a asS. aeh. , tu_,Iti'.,, t, littsfr th t'aSea wsib ! W ala isUS(t1,r11:11(jeal ,I l s tt tii., ,ktttut îi ro lu Te'tr altt£to nits.nte rt.sA IL"'e, e r aaaaat'Stt-. it att.tLtsti.uMe. NN tig l i t, tt aiB 'I ,t ta aioatstia ai ,5it,'tv Ilt. Aass'n' -N u il t 0i 1 î.tkeI t,,ti ,-ai l ot r., Mckaie, Il r. u. E .ST"'ftN IrL 'u!,, r EXCU SIO RA ES T e icaiThMt ..N a ie,'t i tr",it' "i"ttk? ara' . aa osl'i'~ , at, tNI O N .t tt ttttZ t a t't, l N ,r oF'oz a t! tk-s tlh r ot' ffe 1 e. S',The 'tiîa ittt tia..laia th..r ne .an atht ba t 'tv l , buk,.tet' a .c githvi,,5 st, rt t 'rtI 1 iOt l PUliT Mdalatiatt 50.tbtttiaes, Il ,tr,, eg lad O'ttî t, o t it I t 2,e h tIttI pwst i.1fetl~ esati.î~aa acar .'lo a, itîsuist 4 ilsîctia l'antisilit.f, t "blelid w 1.te1 l.IlttII, ,u -S1Jîtliolttl E e'Irlau ntu g a d u',' . t ut soa St aa~ III, t IlSi a., tt il,,,itt ct,.r1iIl sXCUtSION RATESsTherit:al ' 'ngerton. Nt fif Ii , 1f nate w s a ) Ct rutIt'. , e a.yteIlheoa t1, Eut ~a tasIl. S tee usa isswetoo!Oaaads C.S.ISIES&Ct. Duar lBoaIl it. î I vos Hava ny.fronttI 5usd Sa sa-t11ast 1t,. ',rIait.iWtt , I d W1 P .a lug,t.t, " ,It ,iciu u i liii ttI I liIli ... ttttta,.aius islIbcarhd II,,aî,widCh', un bepa dy y'fl'yi. uifiZtf1hJlIrlSiP.taiiwSi. i otation la. ýutlIIt, 1223 tri . t ias d, oia i m ci sat,, t i It il te55- 'I lit________________ 1tiledlasi,> thalCVrYda wuî p imff t li Dame n'idî1IOe.iy tek btntieSat.M.14 uti I ISHAL' Recovery rie. Pet 2ltitud. toi» witbtut asnyalher advice Ituatbe wm ta b. round openi the bottie m6" là It pamphlets. There are tInte Wl. Pdw.- how"e, .tae res5pontd Itb Dr. Bata durlug ttir i'hncs 1. ToaIl such he VOl moke PromPt -il,r, lii Laer Wlth@U charge* Hi...J. F. Cv,,1e. f ttfsi. N. y.. ,b, -asfor par tu,'i'tedflfl hoole etBttu!,laa 'dtt )ttoI e6. w rites, the ut.i ftr thet, tii ta a, a llaitl'enu te olbc't hatI b-1e et tnt, ont, u fuiiy ta t Kt,pu te ,aiid Lr a 3ANY. s"l ilasu .hitît had ai '.. litas t, hick nd a urjra, at.l he car jat.-I ut'ue,l .." -or'lucu t u . u i tuat t, 54rner i le ' aron 1uand th.*'i lilitt, un b t. , e ta",, t11 1 , usa Wiht l'tne ttfIira tIE v; ha nIý 1),.il. r.- c>,',,ý Ont.. la. ati ',cirtaseu. e t st.h t1-l, tuai intt brt,tk- 'lut ssil b.. of whiil' it ORSALE. #I$TED STA TES, MAR (s Peruna for His Rapid F From Catarrh. EX-UNITED STATES MARSH ALMATTIIEWS, OF MIS n.S. S. Matthews, ea'UiJnted States Marshai ou Missisail .'h Perurua Medicine Company of Columbus, Ohio, wr uiss., says: iarn happy to say that 1 arn cured of citar, attention front you. It Is a great satisfai ýwrite you that Peruna hîs ln my case do , ad that 1 wili nced no more medcine." IfAo w Mai \ 3, s 1 ha~a.hCwa Leo 'c h Y odacc- WQUICKL faPl houd ee C thd b l-ah, wk remmber hat aU pin& andt bwl i r SeCv Cn yearS, ý% and itter tryig many remedies.~ i was induced"' by a friend to .take Perufli The resuits have been higli lsatisfatOifY-u pleiure~ . JF CNn.. in recomaîend- utuf~i'~. ing P runato any one suifferlng wlth catirrh,. as my cure 15 compietCe." lIth B. Dtttvc.gressioaa frous V tfn t.' 1,r t icite C. , 8-19 ithe t, t lt ar .eacat., 00555Y dîn, Tcs. isu ut o!', t-tat.lrra "y tIat ylrK-1 aodatvtcea.ad medies euced me out rat ic cat&,,b. i hase lad n0 pa1in aMy iucot-,-tetre1thave tales perua 1 lave b"eea la d ieatth eler msnce '59, aS0d lave tahea a gold Mary mettces shb wera oaty if temutarart reltrf. Pemntstle the ratarrl cure. The t'en tasttPPed aMy ratarriof île lead su lIaIt tidd aut because - crante, aid i1samlecut thnfal fforDr. Hartasan's AdviCe suai mediciaS." Peruia la a specufic era?cailtarrhe' nia@ rases, Tt sets qulcki!and leuueiieiall spanI ~~SISSIPPthe. îletbauued Utarns uMemae, thag refl00'- ISSISIPPI inusthe causeof eRtaurrb. ipin a recent leI- Cat&rrl, la ratarTI sherever betteS. Cstarrh lae esefltiallIlhe.$me eyerywheft. 'tten froto Haaei' Ther camedy that sîli cure cataryl bu 0n. sttumta sîli rare Il la ail situations-' 1 I ou 1aikt deriva prompt and meage- rrh and îeed no tory resnuute rom tle ase if ternL, vrlt* sioc uD.Harîtmaflgis'ioigasfull atâte. 3ction thlt 1 arn umenCtt ofsr ease aid b le uI.pina-t t ne ai thî yougiail yoais Valuaahie advtre gratls. îon aI tat ou Addemes t. Hartutta. Prestdet o f Tb# rq Smali bons and many dihnes Large ooes, and ocsoal girls, too, ble and litk, sufficr terIyfrPaionusiv - or "'cramape in the.bowels ad utmach- pai so violt that ft "doublka u" the ones attackc4j and makes it lfPOSS6lfor diemto anaup. So.. eol caf1 At coll, but mot batni. plaIin O effl peoIecal1A bly.ah"sdvr = ýýf0.rthe seat cf the trouble tala thea di, ; caued b th. violent effort of the bowds to, id.theulvea of scrntblng wblch doasn't belocg there The amuif boy usuay Mcts it f rom over-eatlng or frcm eatlnt foeblddeu and suffers moetly ln the summer tinte. le's sprin r non, and 'in times of peace, pitpate for nar." 1la the boys and gils and the big folir, toc, for that matter, dlean ouat thse donge channdls filed nith winter bile and putrld i-i getdfood, strengthen thse 30-f eet af bond caaliven up thse lAveranmd "aum== bbdly- acihe w nll bave no terrors, becauselteyawwBt >rofs to use CÂSCÂRETS, geritk, swed, t bond strengtheoers. For fear that aaybody ln te eeep abox aiCÂSCÂRETS in thse bouse aIva-74 anmid N, CURED BY