CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 May 1901, p. 8

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IV. 1latIle the~ John Deere anîd Bradlety walkim, imil ridiîîg pIows and five t uit.I of corn plaîîter ut froni $20.O() up. Six styles (J vultivators froin Steel Lever tlarrows. SEED CORN--- Libertyville - - -Illinois. Cbe Eost Is Dlominai For a telephone in your place of business or residence. . .. Yon get the iiicreased anîd growiîîg service- of thet Lake County Telephone Companîy andt îoinectioîi witlî ti.-' Chicago 'T.eephoîw (Company. For Information, rates, etc., write-..~ CONTRACT DEPARIMENT, LovelI's Drug Store, Libertyvville. Illinois. COMIN6. Hlot weather in coming; you waut to lirepareinUnlime. ve ie iXsboving a large assortmeji of IHot Weatber Drens (ioodK ln Lawns. Dimities, Zephyrs, Corded Ilaâtimte, etc., per yard .... .- -8 10 14c HhIrt Walas ..... .....s oc i listMat, aIl colora . .2,5 On 83C Ladies' and ('hlîdreu',,Hotl Weaher Uoderwear...... .......1 t 35c Ladies' and t<blidrTen liooe ...10 35c Large a.lort.ment Mena 880fks ..5 10 25c Mens& fanjeY Neglge Shirts..Soc 10 $1.00 Miens Hot Weaiher tSulto.S5.O{> 10 $1000 Ilens sandtlBoys' <repli, Sraw snd For H ts. A gond asortruent of Wurk Gl,,ves for ................... to tOSI.o{ Everyliiing in Mens Flurnlsbingli. We are agenu for Butterlck Pattern. V. SAUER &SONO DEALERS ION Long Urove Mi -llnois. ,/tRIOIIT BROTHERS Wagons, Buggies L:umbtr, Inildtrs, and Vehicles of fllterlals Old ail kind, . . . . . £01, Lime, Wt solicit Vour Vat. Lemeut, sait, rouit au îuiariu* dud Teed. tee lair treiateut. WRIGHIT BROTERS/ Tise male aisirt vaW tappM nt.0000ru e4ls 1 Try «,Big Je flour at RobIt BouWseslàiÉ niia UU seW 0far bonUUgd grocery uhiIi5 ODiI5 iMay 29, f .E olcomb madle s trip te tue Abpgloiy l n areoex.rcieoby city lait Wuduedaj. aho hirn' songe by a wasont Mir. lleasiuy'd boise on flapillet iu sud an sUdre.. by Att'y Demi. lm linig iuiproved by s paloter. l iller. of A cordial 1 Chas. Lindeniann, of Chicago, speut Vitlticiofethe (nd10li, ubics two days in Our viiloge thie ek. -Te bar excuteraindtuChiagoy. i IL. D. Cook asilpped a cor Joad 0f Yser, yJa thi.. W oofal Cetral a- stock te Cicago laat Monday nigisi. waY, viii take place tisj 19. Tiekets iTisoea iii bu no preaching services viU b.o aold for regulat trains of Sat- ut tise cisapel oeu1sunday. halibah suidajsMd apecittrain o1 the 19gb siisoqi st 1(0:30 a.nM. sud vii bo gond returang on spécial Mir. sadMitr@. (Jeo. Iieaey, of Utraileaviug Chicao guud&Y might a8 Tl'evor, %Vis~., vere gustsutolfi 10:30 or regular traits leaving th.eiety frieud-l.'bte Wedueuday. "1 3.45 a. mi. and 8:55 a. m. tionday. Sf ýi. Ssinner bau, just completeil Round trip, 75c. lism Iaboîrm "a Asseasur of Froent Tihe Pon-American stampe are nov "oviieip for hia seasoi. nu acleiDathse different PouOMMofie. 'liere 15 one cousuatozslaha lug esidei beiug commemoratve cf1lthe Po er sievats-ii lapedetrî Dg Pau-Amzerlcautisey aneeabiealo cfo O)r ideatkatheped«rià la somemesof tiese tese.. Tise'one neyer ciao dowià isj lhe cyj(ist. cent atam bas on itétise pictiare of a 'Tie C. E. society wilI gîve a dime stemIer vi$b green aroil work. Tise social aI&1tue reaence of mii. aud tIrs. Ivo cent stamp shova a picture cf thse Bergliore, lo-nigist. Al luvited. Fuat Express surrounded by a reddiah tirs. Ueo. Harden vas calied te Ans- hue. Ai v. have Dot son i sy cf thse lin, il,., luit Wedne@dsy by lise limes oIbs ev are uuiUle te give deecrlp. or lier ilaugister, ltrs. èMary Wilson. 1tin. Mir. Cronkisite han improvefi bis If you vant jour village tu grov and resîdexice in varions vays Ibis spring, IfOProve lu auj vay, jeu muatiho. Uli- the latent beiog a nev coal 01 palot. llg te, do jour part. Standing bock JiiLenio li'. ien cllei efoe a Ufndig faule vii ot do. Do jour the dangeroiî condition of lthe aide- PatfMd otiera mlu foilîc jour ex- vaia su e ae iaî 1 noic tiaIample-~ We are glad bue» a Minerai wkarde aeîngladet, op ti1cem. deoMire la oui citizenu to plik p sud repaàir8 r n a deno t . slick Dp aroundl their dwelga. L There ls no excuse for thse oelghtiorna'R01 oiiy a tiste looisof thiser owu fiers borrowlng auy, more, fur our plac.,btd improves sud beautilie. uiercbaols Cao supply Iheni vls auj- the Place generally. LetthIe, end tlbng fromnIflddie.stritig toa Superior work go ou. grain drill. If yeoshste0 keep jour town pour Mire fia point un Decoratlon Day 1doail jour trading vus mal i der to place nome flowers on the grave forbuoe l iseoauj. I ycu ha. bocome ai leail one poor soldier sud re- ibsilova do mot appropriaI. »my- niember tisaI Ihese soldiera gave their lblug 11019fd koeping up a amaprk livus for their country. or e.tbbiing a founah, seithur Las Sadaymorln 11v. troîresiould ion invest l a syUlling vbbea l'utSunay ornng Rv. troirv8lll i ne double your money U tis «r delivered fils fareveli sermon, wblch Yejr, or put up a building. Take jour v as a stirring address. full of power.mne 0seotoronors . lt was tlsteued lu vit4à great pleaure eYoDtr bw os4o 1h and yuilllong he reluembeeiby Iisdme lihei i peent cnditIo iftye who atlended. vlsb. " preehtcnito i e Champion bluders aàd movers for evS .Stmreaselnebi sale by WilI Xulgge. 1B. D. Cook Is po. 8.nD.aStomreobas r Ooneroga- the local agent for Dearlug harveateri tionai cisurcis sud isas remoyed vils snd <novera, coru isunkers anaS shted. lits fainhly te Isnu, iaving beau deos, andi Thomas MoBride represents vîtti na the put yeur sud during bis tise McCorilck Hlarvester Co. auulut.S Thse van 'seatiser of the past 1ew 'as goersly liked and tisa.. vio1 veeks, folloveil hy mucis needed rrans, kii.v hlm boit wOII isl& otauncheol has given vegetation a large grovtb. friendts. Whlle ville us he proved <ira.. la lu splendid condition, aIlblnimf 10tb. a sincere sud able postor amali grain is looking voîl and lise aud v. vis hlm e.1111pest er u general crop and fruit outloos la en- a sleader i the Oisurch of tise PU- voursging. gime. lBey. Strontire reilguou bis A (imeboial nd rapaphn u-Poition be eon aoconof bis vUes* A <imeso-al ud rapuphne n-pour lseail. Tisai ve mal b. able ta Il hertlumint w'11iiibc gîven tonîgist et sonore thse services of a peitor equai 10 the horne of Mr. Bergisorn, snd jODn blaIIs l e deaire. are cordlally iuvlled go attend. 'Tue a________ taling machsine mentloned above le une of tise beat In the country sud jon Sciatic iheumatiasu Cured After 81 11l lie veli repaid for joux dîme and Fourteen Yearu of Sufferlng. a taoubie If jon attend. "I have been afficled vils ocjatie If people only knev visat ve knov rheumolism fer fourleen jean," ej ahoat Kolol Dyspepsla Cure, 1h vould JoeS Edgar, ot Germnv, Cal. --I Lic u8ed lu oeariy every isOuBeisld m ai sable 10 b. aroundl but oomlly lisere are fuv people vho do Dot sufferod. 1 lried averjlsing I could suifer froni s feeling of f allneau atter beer cf s&d t laut vas bld go tl7 9 eallng, b6icbing, flatulence, sour Cisamberlainsa Pain Daïsm, bicis 1 did 8 stomacis or vaierbrsai, cauacd by sud vw»immediately rellevel sd ila g indigestion or dyspepela. A prepara- short Um@ ne ru, sud I &a, "aPPY 1 lien loch as Kodol D)yspepsia Cure, sayl bis Bot inue relurnei. Wby vulis. vIls no aId from tls temacis, mot use Ibis liniment sud Sg el el? It wiii dIgest jour food, eertaluly cault i o aeb F l ouL Ibî r, iîelp but do yon gooîl. F. B. LOVELL, ville; Orejilake PakEMÂO'r; J. MEtKXLE,, Libertyvlillc. lvsuoe.F Ivanhoe Items. diW àhics. MelkIe vas a Chicago visîtor oisadeastise». are, a you mlgbt ay, lam Wudnuday. delectivea bot lu parentt, sud If the Erneat Daddles cpi-eh a ev uays ets villimns are caugisi no punisbment home iset veek. vouid lie toc severe 94) adminîster te Mir. John Vanul'lew p:inîiîalîii a Cc tiem. carniage lait Frlday, SCHOOL NOTES. NWîll Deekur iin in tis e împmoy o!f'j. 0O[e more meis th s choob. 'iirguai etpresqent. Mlkey Wits van enrelied ltiss vomi. Wiliam Plituain lias beau building Willie Deeker vas acaler luti atnev bain. vbich iiiaa gnaLt improve- Tisonsdaj atteimoos. e-il t Tisere vu. a short business meetiug The Ivanhoe lisse bail 010e bas0f lise Literay BSlety lust Frlday ai- organîzef sud vîlI play tiseir tbr«t terneon. gaine nuIt Saturday aItishe May Party, The sciscol buard husiesd the lieus vith thie Dlimond Lake ine. ontise scisool peutnils Beatty aindcare- ILu le certuitily noo'souler tfisa Adam tîlly trimubeu. Thisa dde very mucis f lhon veers it mlroacl a gnin of Jage, for go tise appesrance of tise grende. hi is tie firiiiiiather of a lîttie lbj yProipiclive comig oyants: May iugliter, i inn ilsat Wodnefilay. Party, May 18; Lecture by lIev. Dut- Auîtier one oîf Lakse Counhys oid ton, Of W&Bcoa,11ti AY 24; Chicago mellIers pussed avay lait Fiday. tirs. Excursion, mmm S8; Lait day of sannuel Edwsc fiLu k, if Iraniout Ceuter, ualerjean, Jue 19. neversl veeku. of Ilineas finally vas 1ev. Dean . Dallon, et Wanccuda. called ta loin tise bovei 0ne vise vili deliver bis lecture, "«Manhocu avaiheil ier Iii the bitter lianfi. ThisaI b Earns," la thse Confregatienal sisewvas lavédfisul rempa.-ted ly everj- churcb, Fiidaj eemiug, Ma 24. Be anc visa kuevliser vas chow y ay 1vi1icome under the auspices eoflis, gre at i-moe aI sipuyovbng riefi ciol. Beaideatihe lecture there vil rspecgahlîenoed a psy te lait bu musical seleollons by otide respctaha he oa vbm tij80 talent and reeilatOnibj PUPila. Ad- hlghlj esteemeii. Oui despeit gym- luiioD, asulute 15c; Ohildren toc. pabliles are extendeu 10 ait tisem bereav'cd anus. A meeting vu bield lu the sebeol IA&tSatrda nigi apary ofyoi is onne tondaj eveblhig 10 determîne fosvit teida nilaer t owjuoghethe advlsabllity of cbangiug lisedate froIsve n 10 (irae. t a.nisehetofise tMay Partyjfrosa My 18 go May Urpose iàsond'e elrtedatn ie26. Arler a feedimsion of lise aChrîsîlofan nrvoran wrble nquretion, h vwu docidod not tupot atcont eo! vnousilreasonra&e. uad nopone ltse date. Thse pieulo yil b. tf ous el sarlaf îullatinsi te, u 50helut lu tiers' Grove. Thse dey vini of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b cusvavr l10iaio ib.speut lu garne. and Vaxious as1e- destination aud se Il vas Imposible Mente. At the fDoon heur ailprerneutj ta attend tise services, sud taktng vibI nuise to palait* of tise dianer everylblng loto cousideratien ve belug arrengedl nadir dutino& tirongbl ig uothing ont of lise vay g 10 liec rmMe@ao torue a Indrige a Itho eamusement sud commîe. fvlou tisaohol ai Of pdeesore vblu.h ve dld. Il vas durlgtis ey lU hiiobea balil .am beteeu the e tivities &htisn ome di»puta1.e tise Diamion l"ie sud Ivanhoe ines.. covaidly person bail tise meu anîd cieeX to deliberatlecul the lînezst"Our ttie girl vua Doslofi frcm of lise berues M 1h. iig thtisihautd angulation durlng a audden sud sienun sup. Tisa as certaij etterrible asatsk0f croup. 1 qulckty lue very tauts asneaklg trioS,msd secured a bot,.e o On.eMInute cough 1bots s tioutgb Il vwu don. cure, glving hmlier tes doses. Thse ho '-anse the lDbury of somecue, but crou u asmaitereiandi aur 11111e tortnaately ltgvwu dîscover0f before darling speed#y 1 recOIeed"80e vilte. envy datage vas doue. Tise guîlîy A. L. ltpaffcrdý Ohater, Mih. F. B» liai»' or partie@ bail buot ke.p lu the LovELL, Libedjvlle. BENJ1. hM. MILLER, Atsrney. I n, X A C C otK ho r i e ________________________li oAieciuriîgiveulbat (ho unden. w0tat wio rr-ùa txerene agru.l, liandian aiflise lztaeutofAtt d vil Illsihieas,,i-ls huud h, Ie-eutillfuord ParnmI uluer edlud o! Peter p. I 5~~~ U 1 S <~ie cuve E ir irfur-î'iilun,,,u,î rui at. flliî i»-iello)n for an aidr vý,ug 1,,11 mr , s-" ifraIl fiii s4l lInirs Iu e.i iiuui .. Iuuluîg"<ti lu e mrîîtlu. rhut. itcgi lu, 1. C of t ii -4ht,n , s t Sate Sui u'iif ..iiur(iviug tii-l lr l , ' l ltle,.,u,.. 'lu- \iulul,t,,en îixt ou m i. a ilx (a) ~ Pi. li niiî., luiîgli ihcii'uîv ItCV ~î' t M l. ru . n (y>, " I o (0)un (lis Vil- intuerf, w, Ii 1iiieuîu 'i.i- ut tti (h.f ii u e .l, 'uil.ililuuisg. ai Ir,i li- I elcti n lutii thai1 tultu, -1' -t,i wiu i lat u-e r, i-Wi n tii(i' ire ,g- Ca_ i5ievaor pbmhr, .eiîr laîue li iutr,-,. i,, i1Ai lýtîît uthe S; iut. d-U v i .1I0 ie, .iisMSO. l. ci-n Ye. u,,r uilc'.l lilîl, girl 1ut i -,i îlul itiia î0iHi- r-ni i th" De ~~~ ~ ~ ~ P.'-unuoldiriahIl .îetv fî, nculgti shylu 'tu> Ildtîý,î ru, -,.ADic tl Spluville, Ais 'Ihime rcnieaj lafor uliteuu, ON.S OW & OO.,saleléI« y- .B. 1 Loyaa ,Libertyvîl 1oe, at ai WkegnU IIls. ~ ~ P H 4 M Â O Y , J a p i M s i fd e n ' I f f f fa o o j r . -'AltnFr as Aloue la Mld-Oçeau or ou tb. train, ln lise bouse or visile at Your office dm11.., You are subjecs bc dhsagreeable remit« trou irrelgnia Or ercemlve diet. Dr. OaldweIl's Brup Pepola cure. pomalUvoly cou- tla IoiDluoton, oi:kheidae aMi maeb trouble. Sbld by F. B LoyaEL, LtbmtyvUleGuo. O. Bouagra, Waumada, Wqir. KIafoosRckefeller;, Urayoalke PHAUMWAO. A DJUI)ITOW NOCTlVÇB-Publje Nom fd1< o hod à1" SîapOnaethemncf anegm spN. C.mnday aI01ugato. Ne beN 0 isis, cflaissostèee. rviso bas home lent Onliirdsy. tirs. J. P. Sbermsii, Lthe Epworfli League sub-distrlct presîjdent, aî- 1toudei tise union -sneetj l«goni te 'ilor liouse, Wlutbop Barbai aaoi lieilîîî chapters, wvblh vas blîîiiStlutii lait Souday eveiig. .thse virelesa ciseckrow. il elaes givexi a tes11t lu a Saugstnck field laht vesk and 1 eateul muchitvonder aiuoog tlii reneinbles vheln lu zmollie a isisippil steamboat broke lbase trom Jte moorlng and laklng a shoà,rt cml icrOcsscnntrY. maY bu agrand Ruccei lulova.wviere It origioated, bot lallinois, viser, lise herses ar, ooouslc011Med t te ing vorse gtis rsiivay lcoemotives, 'mobiles, etc., ile Introduction viii taise gmi 1111 tUme. Il's redeeming featore iq tisa ie Baisabut one man bto nif, lot roay men are iee&sry every folme. bonig. because afler tisaI ieogth of time tise pera10r la net respousîie for tels actiens. liki affections iltlreadlly dappear bY uàlng JDeWlttla Uazel Salve. Lüok ont for counterfeiti. If jou gel De. Witta you Witl gel geoil recuits. Il la tise qoiîîk sud puitive cure for piles. P. B. Loveli, Libertyvlie, WADSWORTH. Farmers are geting thie grouenî readj for coriplantlng. We are issvlng very drycuîd vielier fer ti iIme cf tise jear. mi" Emma Vosburg l" ias u'iriiil frein er visit 10 Wlscousln. t. Balai sud ciliren vlslhed ut tirs. B. C. Devine'@ lait Bouldsj. Clareuce sud WlIlle Winlar are quite aidk. Dr. Taylor ln atteudlug them. tir. P. tMeyer la nowable 10 lieOnl. E. Curry bac reoled labo Scislo&sers e$ a Miii Crueis efinreli, pi oocu[rred lise marrlage or Jlseps Gleson 10 Milii tiggle Dietz. Bey, Valier lirutoa oflclated. Thiser frlenils extend congratulations.w Yon are machs more liable te disease when jour liver sud bevels do Dot ms PropetY. DeWltt'a Little Early lirs remove tise cause of disesse. F. B DIAMOND LAKE. Mir. and Mr@. E. Wilcnz visiteel vill C. Wilcox Sainday. George Smitla ai s ustier. Ho fin- ised planîiug corn idondayv Were YOD et the bard licie surprise M 0. imitisWeduesday eveong>o if 00, YOD know ail about Il. If not, you miaad edal 0f jour lire, It vras the &Weil affair of thse season. A dancing club vas orgsulzed laut eveniog under usine of )lamond Lake Plasore Club, and wiii give their lirat dance lu thse îsviiion Baturday eveniug, Masy 251h. Are you DoWit1's Little Early Mtisera searcis the remotest parls or the bovels and reonath lbmpurittes speedily wlth no Iiscomtort. Tsey are famous for their OMO&cCY. Easy 10 lae, never gripe. F. B. LflVELt., Libertyville. PRAIRIE VIEW. S. Muedler euterlaioed J. P. Ilîlren. thaler and family Sunday. Mir. Kahn sud famlly moved lii May- wocd laut eek uhere lie ilendâ t10 rork lu a faotory. Tiser. yull bc Sundsy Sisool et the Voodman Hall Suuday aflernoou al, :30 o'cloeks Plans# for tise summner are sian to hle made. Let ail int.eremtcd at- Il aooms a pity Ilienee s sinle people via care so 11111e abouît bia'iulg tise SAbaissaisday aM 10 continually fiesecrate lB by on lb. Sncb persoa ougist to reniembur tl i i ,%bath a moral sud civil tranagrasioiu moral becaS u Coe(MMaudâ us go keep Il holy. Civil becausesucis lersoacnîild be ftned for tise offense. "Il bave bin suftaring froin I hy pepela ton the pal lvwenty jears sud have been noable aller rylng ail preparahlons and phiyalcians hiý, gel any relief. Altetelaiing ()ri luttie uif b<odol Dyspepela Cure i fuaind relIef and amn nov lui baller iseslli tissu 1 bave been for lveoty yesri i1i-an net praise Kodol Dyspepsia (arc. 100 diljy," Tisas villas tirs. C. W.j Ilobettis, Norths Crack, An . l. B LoVELL, Llbertjvlle. 2: al QUENTINS CORNERS. Fred Falleti bail tise mlefactuimî-ta loee a jounufborne racentiy. Farmers around liere are ruîsiing tiseir cern plantIng aI a good rahe. Aug. Meyer andi vite, ot Freinoolt, viaited al;tise Corners lut Sundsy. Daniel Stu, vho ali e en it several 'seeka, lm ale tii liearouefi Agsaln. 6 Flainig partie@ are nîîmeroas Iliese days, bsutlhtis s are rather si-accu just the sane. Miss Alta Wit 100k a trip 10 Waukegan lt ait aurdaj la sec e l couutj seat anfi the great inlan lis and cal] on frienils, etc. Henry Bergisoru andisouau iilpei e Mar of ive stock tu tise Chicago niarkt lutl vos. Il attenste efarmers are diong a large businessJi)i sellinig stOck lise lait 1ev jeai undi are gctliug very good prices for samne. APTAKISIC. tir. BIbI vlsited Chiicago ami hall. Mau unmday. Julia Weland la agalo al to 1w'orS st W. Whlgam'a. tir. andl trs. Buscis, of Aliîgtan Hielgite,. vere Aptakiîie visi hors Satan- day. AU feel tise batmy fllnonce oif tise vealier sud lise slck aie nearlj able 10 b. about. Mine Wlckeisbelm, Whio liasheein aS vîtis long fever, ià siolj recaver- log under Dr. Mtinîlas kilîfitu nat- ment. Whsou vilIlishe mrry blas ring fuor tisose oid bachelorbi The ramor is alloast tisaI a cau loa< of olul maida le muranute for thia unorhuule glrl-iess bnrg. Wisen Ilisfinde bera s iioh yct hnst Stàdsj ulgistthe oudaliimes cf J.Liw'lne voe rmadem 10 shak bya orvd rt nerîy daucera U14MAptakiubo and u twBleOrove. A 7léame va. ejoyed nuttîll le vis -1w 4111110- . LONG GROVE. Mr. Steuapel eu1er14lnied eîmpany :ver Suinday. Tise ture le spproaching to nalke ýreparallons for Clildreîos Day. tir. sud Mtra. J. 1'. Itîtzeutbaler made business trip go Cicago Iast veet. Miss Ellen Gossvelier Is golnig ta ork for tirs.Bert Wllcox tis soimmer. David Eisler la golng la, learu blacis. iulhing andl ha. led ouI 10 LimaIs Uollenhacs. Fred Popper bougisî a cuill nixeutly 0nim C. a. Wiicox for $11(o. Nov. giris, vateis for jour chanci'. Qjule au spprecialiye irovilmas. lmbleil 10 tase tu the Psalînie daeoner Char enlartsinnmeut lat utaurday. The Y. P. Alliance biai regular huu. lij eveoing meetIngs l tle i, huri.h kt o'clocs. It ban been decided 10 pend &bout half au hour every Suu- ly evenlng lu stndjlng tise Bubie, lise ,ma.tnder of tise lme te lie oceopiod teiuately isy prayer meeting, Boug ild praiee service, etc. Ali are cor- allj lovilail 10 attend. Au operation vas îîurformed upon irs. Fred Statil lasI Siindaj by Dr. jet snd seversi loi-lorsfroui tise tjoie 1machs vas ouni ho le, cerale 'A irs. Stabi alcoi thse oprstion tietter Issu tise doctors haut iticlpated. At preseut vrlting ase la îlong very nicely and lise fauilly feel ucis encolragefi. Wu sîl sincerely ipe tisa ItIlmas lieIluftle vise Plan 4provimînce 10 rest,îrc lîir tii lieultis airein. Bome Inov boSs have been aildefi to tise lîbrary. [be 4) W. clu b wîiit uu ut 1liutiîlliî z g lait Eilday atternoîi,ý rlimls in 1e vesîhrfr Lic Lhi, vlîlcb yen plaîîted 01ou le groUudi, Dr. CaldveiI'm Syrup lepstin is guarseiteefi «i cire ciiitpstion, lu- dîigesluint, siet cadaîli, andl etimmsdh troubîle. I. Ji. Li.kL., iiiirtyville; (15(1. I loiTii,, suuuol Wîi. K I i',, , i'iskifetlir: (ilîm '.r. 1,iErH ii fi se Si all an dil ai do mi ho ai Mir. b.îuîcig'rooRII iii îîldig a ev MlIss ialleI Miller huis seuread Position lu Cicago. C. W. lts isas moved tise bouge on tise coirner oven tisa bill sud fan avay. Ald Kunz andi famliy,uof<'hicago, haàvi- inyived Intî h eiîîr sîijuicr nome A iiuier ofi uiîîi jîîg men uta- teudeul àl utaIWilieliug lait Satur- day nîgist.'Csp ' repoirt@ for ail s ftruofiLime. SIn Uticisson le8mreîmaied la do paper isauging at vcry moderato pri)e's. (ive hilm a ci-auSaLtiafactluîn gnaiaoleud. "Dick tliser'iisi le riv kccpiug tIme for tise raliriuulcniipuy. ii Dîilfy sud ' Wearj' liank aro valtîug 1h,, rails wltis refi sud greeet liîgs. I)eerileid nov bas e cebnent cliii' valk lu front ofthlie scisa(l bouge. hir. Ilornlîerger's vIil islo lie cliitî n i.l li the corner. mIr ioe 1, li, veteran C. selg ii tiilg if putlîng il, a number 0f mnoderno ipio)veinuislu bie bouse. Gas, electrie lîglits andl bot air, and a cenient eldevaît ai ound J. M. LeCiear la patting el)m a $IO,oîîrn A WORTHY SUCCESSOR, lhree-stîury Ilat near (iariieltilJ'auil, Chicago. Jil vlii cantalo a liot walî 'omuugNe" Undoir iseatleg plant ,îemiug$Iui. Eveny. The Sun. tblug viiili e ilrât-clas, ililateast modemn imiirovemeuîs. Tiselilait ili Aitllitiwrci,,u nu a'r, A le completiefi Jîîî lst. uEstccc a iuaui.r'l"ah Ttie Deorllelfi Eltieiv itiug larkti" Ir,Iuir,.' fuirubi TII ti,it1Y isi le lieing put lu itrs-clssgctcnil ltlîî<o 'ri i~~,d iî-i itu~ui-n tise conil i g turf boiseu borne utiiIlo .'fdtf~ ~u 'i"uufi D)eenoelda oaed iîrseuîn ive ecul- 1s, li,.l i, 'urne.I it i cru tered sud a long strieng tristitaal aver iu,'iît..ti irtr.ailn t.., " Iii~tlii i. are expecleil tu liitue large éslalels. -iiriet, .,.lo,.,a.,,1"'isses Races viiile beldi every Saliirdia ud reci f jao i,' u, ,t Sanday durlog lise sesoii, hegiinoîng ' ,s±aîinWil',vI; it tii.tîicfin Jonie lt. Tiserewviilie tîmtling,pa, .l-,1 ii l t ec u . -O.Iitisl ng and nuoing races. Sue large nI-ulutig...î, urli*~diiilîli salaes have bloeu offered. FK- "he I1iil cu..yr'i'Iflzl.yr, ..u,. nI, Information address A. H. Mihîtîîîî, lruiý,-u.thé- l.' 11 u't..icri,. a Manager Deurfieid EtIcLrju Irinlg (u'amsn in,'îiu ~ < l. Park, Deertield, 111.uIt o R"'ý1 1Ali tir. W.J. Baller, of North Brooks, ,iuiul 'rul'.i,ue ý, ii, N. C.,sys ha suffered i vilSpiles fi; '.nesi jlI ,T ,1 iduy to. .1 titteen jeans. LBe lnled iany remeuillea "'.dUiurt.,çt-il-" vItls120 resulîil n11111isoeuseai DoWitt's CURE. iyrC.alt. l.r.,(CATARRa Witcl Hai Saluve and tisaIîqui,'îîyi'.eu, yiaf.(itl..ttý.,u vIlle ta ayi ,, ii Iu,ui itiu ',u'1 t. enred bill 1'. Ji. cru cii, lut ni,.. xisoli1 i quAV Aapp ii te % Sbond F'iu (m tsh i!se "lay furî,u un -e' r \!rtUî tel If hreti.e- iltt',... troiliile that botiers joli, baise Dr. i u îtîyiît- t fuir il it '.~li'ik 001 ouly forgîl joi evîr lied Ji.l'l it IruV'r uiiu.(satt..t~!';1, wilkunw ivrâst yeu are netI ilahîe is umusIn t l . ".,e i i ii.Y ui2 tO h ave L g alin. T ie durse 1la m a li sd pi , "f o. ' ~ r~~ . I L l à l p l e a s a n t t ( a i e . F . J i . L Lo L , A T E -'. A i i n e j i cUi i u î R Eî i i I e . I I I - , t Llbeitjvile; ÜUEO. C. 1ROBERTS, b et tAumisidaon roisî$t, 'Iiiltci Wiliconda; WaL . xiooz, Rockeeller; a -b" etSri,-t. ptu,¶: WAUJCONDAý l g a fe v days L e .n tgt u n 8je l 1 'The Wauonîda j M~. , %411Ilaîy îî1- Paltine uti lrat r Soie one stosli t "ii Mi ui Clark'ssore lat Mois Iday 'gît. tir. Buirrtttwill seillthi,ioehi geodIA t auetionILFrday of tLtýweci Wauonda andl Palatine uluce L b a ts st W a c o ed a al i L î ~ P a la tin e v ju . ' ' Tiera 'slllie sa u etcrtanneuî lun tise M. E. i'hurcl, on 'flii'rsday eve o. tuég, May 11hi. Geo, Hapite wva fpîîiîted inlirclîsi at tise meeting Utthe lîoarul lait IMon. day evenlng tir. sud U.iil..lilaimoîî. 'f C hicag o, w ir e W a îîo i xa v îio r, il, tirat (If the' vuk. tr. andl tr. elmao. f Ci yen. ber(,tise lIraI ior lie veek 1i purchaaeil H. B. Burrîstl home. ,JdOY Slunvay reltirued tionduy lii bl iscn bWaukegso, aiter spendig a1ev veeka ber,, lied Oirlîvofu vet viils hm. Mary UsSi vas lune l u Ahiol,IMa. 1834 meea. wUnited u nmauiage lui Audrev Cook u native 0f Vermiont. To Ibis union vere borutirteen cbldreu, ely egit utfvioni grev tgi 8mauturlty. is the 1Lrs dYlug in iuifancy. SIl cblifreiî survIve Ilonien Cook, f Walkega, Mîmnruce Ciioisof W&u,' iîds, Mary Aun ]Foitei, of Fisher, 1, t: Arthur GCou, of Iis .place,trs L o v in s l sY n iO U d , uo f \ilî , un i . c . L ucy C lo g is er ou age et ch ld irs. aisoraiule peaceully iJved out Diii eveiiing uif ber ut0. hle lhaves t,< mouulier l1s. seveutY-two decendettatu beaides ber Irolier, An(Irev O)&A i, S tir a. S hipe y ao I V e M CIm o t. lu 1 1 ev" moved eat sd ioatlei uah Iis Jlutî' viere they vie sijljeted t,,i Ii prlviWahOu ticident te ploneer it.I aliproprlatulv e ifi.atelln,, 3 NS 1 O f D e c e i n l i r l i 4 t i r s . f î î a k m _ i &OaLed POU Iii pas, ttbro'ngt u.. ordealtfle ouaso!1lerciopuiî For llfty.four jearaIisey lbail hrsv,li- t togeliser dsbarlnig vîts eses atur lii- Joja aund scrrOv, ils adveriiily und un., properit.y. Hera ap A nioe r, niarsabielite10 a! ldu'try, kijudnu. ,j uffection)ale Mlnistcy. bile vas min oer f ber lire uails every vau't su'ppliel and vus th.isi]Ud atlOliiu and ministry or bser i Cilden of tbree geueraiui( -as veîy liouglil fli of ail shunt ber sndeveu lif)Bbc lait1ItRla lie@p lte-reil inaIlliai iog ber long last llitemss su@asPatient aild tînldîr and uiaill hurfîly eAe as a grill god ooise. and aî ise 50kev ber vIN ii màilier genli@mibe, ber beurtysvnpstiI trid ber miunleg baud.Tise et came Mlay III, viii, maklng ber 13: yearim and Mionths nid. " l"fanuer-ai a l e ld ' 'i iî e > d a y i i l, . ; u n l 1 ' I>nhtuu)i ufllciatlng. lIlîrmert va' Malle In il.(. tvaicoula I ieelry. %)IdISoldicr's Exîîerlece. M. M. Aus8tin, IL civii var veterso, ir winchester, Inul., vrites: "tMy vin,. Was s1Ick slong lime il, cuite îîf guiui lo-ui reatmee<. Iltih Çwas volvy ,iîred lj lic. King's New Lire Pllc wich voried vonlderm foi ber ieal- b" rh e j a l v ey s d o . T r y t i s e - m O n îy 5 .t F. B. LOVELL, LiberByvilie , » D la a matter whlch touches yaur corn- fort. You want a clear, f aircompiexiou. This is realY nine-tenths a question of the. treatmnent af the pores of theii.slnSaim toiet soaps arc as nlppy and keen as mnuatard. If You WIfiIoni1y use the. virtue yotu cal] yourjudgumt, ft wliI tei you that any soap whjch leaves the. banda habitually dry 'a robblng the ski- of Its natural ail. Fre. aHcal is the. robber' s name. voy Sapbas no fre. aikaILi.Try it 1iIt floats.

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