IJKE COJNTYi INDEPENDENT. Vi. iIX. No.~ 33,- Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, May 24, 1901. $ 1.50 a Year in Advance. WH OTB A CUSTOMER 0F OURS? Our Facilities Enable Chat sprinq suit it To inakt' pm I otter clotiîes for 'l r irVp at the head r inîg tliat's île î N ,ýs'kýs mar. uti cvel-y' Shirts ianîd 1'(' fit yotu withi a liat tlîat is 4trictiy up)-txi-ite or a pair of 'tylish gloves. To make prices that'II suit SANBORN & CO., Libertyvil le Can Suit You in P Fred Crokel . Libertyville Dr. Charles Galloway. Offîce ove r Love 'SD ru gStore BOU&B TaOM t TO *tND G TO 8IP. M. Libertyville. Illhinois Illinois. reamly wlit-'î 9 it if yoilî 9 r it 11ow. Price. 9 - Illinois. 9 BENJAMIN H. MILLE ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINO Ar RaNi K BLOCSK. a T[t(PSONE No 26 assi ERS Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS Office over Triggs & Tayior's. hega leave 10 anuosnce -UOChf5iabîlie yl open a 7 tvi,10 M. 2 t 4 rl. te .DENTAL OFFICE iLlitîseous lirîrdwây oppoIte Park JUNE FIRST Libertyville, Illinois. Ati .ihcrtyvilhe, Ilutlec DBlock, oe ___________________________ Smltth & Davi' alare visece lie uay l>r fouud regulal! ou Weduesdays. froul Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. "___a__t ý:)1 -m li, la sp.eti r silîl play Or,' 'ý lisi Merinrt Y r'ght. liirsday mccii. ilited asarsîsal anumousslii.' a vlstf,r ilr. n. osf <'fssag', Lise veel o.k s homne. sd Mouday tri LtEWr apeudlusg (ireuolt? veut Alisol, daps, ecember 1, r, i titarage lti of Vermont. larn thirteeu visom grew to g ln lmtans'y. orner CocOs. rr tif Waue' sIda, laiser, 1, W, IVp', li ra. 51L chiîd Vitis. ved out tbel '(Se leavea ts, VO deceuideirt eu Osîs andl lu 1841Jt 11ev at thin filas'.' ected ts, tist plofleer It'ý wedlung t.- ird. Oua is,, tIlrouigt tir, bisi tris,' i t 'h otber lit, tusty sud i, a nmore p ha jdnus aur1 i lie closlng every vaint .d altenlrru ren of îhrec cvy ltougîsî eveh f talise e vas@ Patient rs'am plaIn iîrg e-)d voulais. y s'ohpatîi% id. The ciiij r lier m:î yesrr, funsi-al w. rmelît vs. 00dmt ry. ýrince. r veterasu rIe Pile, bler beultl M 0017 25' Vlle, (mlAya.- NOTARY PUBLIC CH'ARLES OpFFic E is LAE RCOrttT!BANK,!L n rv .ibertyville, Illinois. LngGrv STEMPLE - llmn TO lJUNZ El loi 14 1 as recei ve( titis week sýoîîîe Black Clay Wrsi>t'>l Sîîts. Wer are' se'Iii îg tlîeni for' $10. (0aîîd $1 2.00, als() r'oine I iiie ail WooI 'Tricot fo r $14). They ;are hoth exceptioiially go> ts 'it1lits. 4sI We hîave a fine, lins of Ladies' andîi (eîts , Misses' anîd C ilr 's Slioes ini black andî tait. Wlteîî yotu want Shies call and see ours. Ladties' Wrappers anîd shirt Waists int al izes. S~HhNClÇ BLOCI Physlnlnn and Surgreon. EN1I )flI 'I'l Coui pro$t stl III pres DEÀVORERS IN CONVENTION EASY MO0NEY FOR FARM4 LADS. lerèg Eiected--Many Attend Glit Te, Cent, i'c-r iiead for Tenth Anuitai Sceia. crowÉs. One BIls Naket4 Ai f'lristlau Endeavorers of Lako$IeOi]ilDy uty belli un intereating and etable Meeting ai North Chlcagor There la big money iv i klllug crows rday. juat Dow las a bonuty r fen ceut per Lv. J. N. Kserr, of North Chicago fiead ta pai1 lu order b, id the amate of 3byter(an echurch whice1 eoertaïuied 1he Pest. ÀA puSal "f Coly Cierk 0 Pl ti p I' for proyer whbleb yul avait mach. ~More tiblgé are wrought by prayer than 11h swould tireams of." S for service. -I came uot to 11e mnistered ulo, but to mînlaler.' E-for earueaîueaa uhîcis vîlimaka strong for th1e uork. 15ev. hlaiud A. Nlc11oi, piatWo f th1e Christianu cburch sud Peoplea t- sttute af Chicago, gave a spieudld dis- course on th1e ~Christian Endeavorer on t1e World," clusterlug bIs remacks around 1the 1wo vords '11e sud do." rThe main topîca vere as followa. As a Christian be alucere; be a groîvlug Christiau, b ha serful, 11e brave, 11e estutiaatic; do aomethlug; work wilS zeaI. work couîinuoualy.yack un- selishly. NEW OFFICERS1. 11e foilavfug ofilceca vece elecîed fort11e comlug year ai 1the busIness Pres.-J. D. Meneran, lHighland Park. Vic Ir lres.-Hlev. Henry C. Culbert- mou, Lake Foceat. Soc -Miss Lucy Spilford, Millburu. Tres.- George Hiarbaner, WVauke- kegsn. Junior Supt.- MIss t.lsloGrtdley, Rockefeller. Civil War i>eath Record. As Memocual Day approachesaiat arE wout 10 reflect upon incidents sud farts pectalulug Ihereto sud lu 1h>l ronuection il may lntereat aur readeri tolur tho1e death rate duriug fiât war. 5,221 coosmissioued offilcersand 90,M68 eulialad men vere killed li action soc died of vouuda cecelved lh batlle. 2,321 rommlaoued officersan(u 182,329 eulîsteti men died frotu disesan or accideut, maklug a total iosa o 289,739 meu. Deatba occurring sfte tise meu loft 1the rmy are ual lu ciuded luthesefIgflrea. Tise e8tmates coal aof1t1e wsr la $3,025,000,000. Boom for [ce Busiues@. W1111 the estanishmeut of a tei ceuta per ton laI ou i les ahîppe tont of Wisconsiu, -the le ludutatry i Lake OonuY la given s great chinc for lncresed volume. Thse governor of Wisconsiu Mouds slgned telilel an sd Il la nov s la,« The result of theiauuilbea rasae 1 prîce 01 lue lu Chiîcago la consumera. Lake County uilk it a MuyIskE sud close proilly la Ohtcego shunt hbciseuelltted. greally lhrugh ibIs sa sud wuitei. ls nti b. 1.11or 1101100 no peomptlbl$1M" y.r by nont yej uere mx pocé tu msn"ynDuw S boum agong up aetlMe VAdcous lab. snapectcd extent "c i5trîuîlg" la batung carrled on bY v' rg omen lun1the country dîstrîcta. one bYoug mon 1the ,fier day teck ln 198 beadf-nd r0eceird a chseck for $19.80.lie nIdt1e crrrrsîhastpealeced lt fatbeeca crops OOosrri.rably 1the pial few daya sud 11. bol aday oif 10 vatch sud shoot. The cTow ,caîre tIbId sud fman d Il dld ualt tai, him a great li me 10 gelt1the 198. Auothier mau 100k rililo, rcelsihg lu returu 11 a noîbir grr $9 70 sud uumerons otbeca cecrîs ceckrs 11e- lueflu $5 sud $10. 1%ltIssu easy uay to miake mouley sud aI tisaine lIme belp rldth11e country of th1e Pest ubleS 15 CMdemritctive 10 the ~ ~ ~ h covninild11 ornlog devo- hoaslking lie leaaon froin 2u<i King, Itis ciapter. Piapera vere read on the lrrllowlug sub jec ta. -Lookout Commltte. Miar, Nellie Psamer ofHiglgband Park. "111he Offlcers o!f1the Society," Mr. G;eorge ilsarbafler, Wstukegats. --The Prayer Meeting Comomittee" Mis Lucy SpalTord, Mîliburu. Alively dituselon tollowerl laklng Up th1e ubjecla gîven in the papers sud brluglng out mauy helpful polinte. Rov. Henry Culbertson, of Lake For- Bat, gave a very lntereallng taik on --Metod lu C. E. Work." He gave msuy valuabie hlut.s of practîcal vaine in lnterestliig snd deveioplug youag people aud lliltng tisem for active Chbriatian uork lu three necesary quslilea, effiolency, tact sud euergY. Two oomîuîtlug cormIttees were appoluled by th1e chair ,and a bymu Issa sang aler wh)cis Dr. hoemer led lu th1e closlug prayer. Thse afteruoou session opeued vls a pralse service foliowed by th1e reports of officersansauperlulenoeua, STATIOTICAL actohiS. Thse slatiallcal reporta shiowed 18 aocletes wit11 au active miembersblp of 4m8i, aqaoclste inemberablp, 1(4, total 593J. Nanlber added te 1the socletlea during th1e past jese 21; number added te th1e churchea tram 1the societien I19. Total amoonut gîven by 111e socletien, $4 39.36. A. E. MacDonald. 81510 Prealdeot of C. E. vork, spoke of th1e eaite couven. tiou ta be iseid lu Dauvîlie lu Octobeî sud 1the National couventin l be iseid lu Ciucinati July 6111t 10 (11. He alac spoke of th1e dep&rtueuta of C. E. work empisalzing 1the mîsalonar! sud julior work sud euded ulih a feu earueal words about th1e pledge whlch la ai- uaya a remaiuder o! our dnîy lest us forget aur obligatioua: '-Lord (lad of Hoeta be ullh ue yel Lest we lorget. lest we forget." Altersa short talk by Alei. Smart, of Chic1ago, oun1the boat excuraion to be gîven Joue 29111, tise meeting close vilS prayer. Tlie eveeuag session sipened Witt] Bong and prayer. NE5W OFFIs EH$ T'KE CHiAltIE. The ucu officers theu came forward sud 1'remldeut MacDonald spoke ts t11cm aud gave 11cm 1the charge ol 0thetr uew positionts. lu couclsueloui lie saad 1the vorda 'Y. 1'. S. C. E. mai stand for Olve thîngs. Y- for yout11 wilh ail its posbili The icnst livouac. "lise followiîsg i'riwas wrtttruby 1ev. Dr. C. 0. nis r. rof Chicago, jîlst afler a vIi i toArlirigiro Cemetcry, ins February. 0' romrade-. ' rrIll, 9 i" "Alisstlulet"irstli iîi For ainoe tIl,' ni i .it as Tht vaunîs lt w'rr. b tli. 'AII'it ' lrt h, sieesiesrir'.i Th.e guidon visttir s, n ; TIse lîlits ar t'5, c un.'Cirs 'r, Bo'qi.e tuifro tr..',n1i Tis er'iaioir'vr- i 1 hr-r,; Nu clanl. o -s rrr -lr . rd, r-nui ProoisIt, ir tir. But yunder isjper r riýsc Masrst.n iesls ri ii Thse more tiraisr.' Y'. i The tlava Il o 'f-r nie., Tvher CoIersiCio"'id ' lis'iiits Made isurs lir, rr - sie "Aile îlt i l".r. IrIe rn A ras"', vitis isirr . rf, 1 Ttiscirlr tlis i îs ,r .m is re, 'All«,rSiqiet 11,1, r I, .1r' rughisti, "rsril Your dtdt r-ni,, i 'r tInsiruigirýoil,- .i, Ansi fistirriseU ,I i 't. Hark diruli 1,r irCirr, Tiserhytisari rr s ' ,ound. Froar tise ciii, th.iri11onrie,. Tisai lisyvur '-,rjrrrrrurl Tisey aret tht1 !-ri"'rs1,0r)Cui rtlit', 1 Rotes ou revit r"- i 'tTý s e4. p a To larmerer Ilr- t,. And In ilist t rî ' il, u r sali lire rtr"li Till deede oft iscut is nini, v veoW. rsi OunIleaî,.et-n si-ln,, d*'Aii"5'e suit""i.'rrîî i Idiriis' 51i0v' TisaI m.uti' (r.,s.,rît.' elAre vhirperl'ri otir, 1-r ourritan. f seer a'rtrsi irilht. Soima e îrI ri rie' hA ili)-i Ani. marr'ilisgsi.w n îoMr' roii Te soIn you ii'tiit, r ['tirn. For froutehis-etris 'h-i n',. lliil isir sOW AfitI 500wti srý. iii,-2h.si'ad ThuaI user vili uriruifor us. Alone lun Mld-Ocean ar ont11e traInl ise hanse or vile aI yoir oftIce dutier,, yon are subject la disagreeable rrmulefrotu Irregnlar or excessive diet. Dr. Cattiveiha Syrnp Pepsin cures poaltîvely con- stîpallan, indigestion, aloI 1edacise sud atomach troumble. Sold Sy F. B. LoVUuL, Lbertyvil le;GXo. C. Boaisirs, Wamnods, Wic.u ENlooS, itooletoller; GaaaePHAIIMAOTr. WAU K E GAN. Da.I.ai ett. Coanfy 3.Seat ae-t MarncR-edas. Monday A. L. Heodee sud John Besiey veut 10 Fretsch Lick Springs ou a Ivo veeka vîsît. lion. C. A. Partrldge of IbIs clty bias sîgain becu oamned as Aslalsul Adjiil "tul06ueral of 1te Illinois G. A. fi. Mr. Paclcldge's reappolulmeut gîves genecai satisfaction 111cpghant 1the state. Healias illied 1the posilbau for a number of Yea. Waukegao laste bavesa log lited for towing, fishlng or excursion purpoes. ë11e wvOl be 72 feetlonag wv154i3 feet boaon sud 71 isoid. Riteboldt & Woter are to build 1the crafl nt Sturgeou Bay under a routrct cîalllug for comple. tiou by JuIy 1511. Mond&Y ulgist Mayor Fluer ap- poiulad 11e imembera ofth11e board of educallon. The uew board, Inluidng hold.over members, la compoaed af: Wm. E. Tol, Prealdeul; L. M Eck- atteud, Jan. Mrchant. Dr. J. M. G. Edw. Bealey, Mr@. Joie Rogers, Wiu. Esiioweli, Jr. Tise ouigolng metuiera o! th1e board are: J. B. (avin, T11eo. Ducat, Rl. T. Pertne, Homer Cook, Jas. Mercisaut. Taesday afleruoou Elmer Greeunvwu avoru lu as Chtet of Polices. Thte Wp polulmeul ulhl be couirmeti hy Ib councilia& lsé oeil meetug. Lise ueu O11elfbas aasorued thse dulies of the poeîlto Tbe appolntment çf )dr. Greeu gîven general maslalatlou. Tise uev Ciief jil hae a vainîble man lu bis positioun sududer hia directiou th1e police force vili be au admrable loue. Mooday Chief Oiea. N. Powel lu. formed Mayor Filuer thal 11e deairesl lau atep ont of ssfllce lmmedlately Sud Mr.: Fiu4r ast dowo, urote ont s formai realgustlon,lthe chIe! igued il and 1Mr.s Fluer 100k bis star sud oliser su- companloumaula latuite office. Thse move vue not a surprise as for severit « veeka put ise hu ezpreaaed a trequeul desîre ta relînqnIis hbis dutîes. la view of Powel's realguallon the duties of cief nalurally devnlved u Tom Tyreilth 1eassistant chie!. James P. Nicisola, one o! tise oldeat auddhast kuovu citîseunao! Wankegsn died aI &bout 3 oclock Monday moru- log utais1ehome ou Wter treetaltaer a brIe! Itînesa. Notvltisatsudlug bis advaneed sge Mr. NIisoawu aouea01! th1e monît active men lu thse clty sud big asat luesa vas thee ral o! any couacqueure that lie wvu ever cailed upous ta endure. Mr. and Mca. Mihola would have celebraced lise fiftletis aoolversary of theîr veddfug vlthlu a feu dsys. James Parler Nîchoa vaas bos holu utIaad, 'sermout, lu 1822. He rame te Waukegau lu Novembor 1844 aud in 1845 bce engaged lu tise hardware business, coutlsuig lu Ihat business until 11e cetired &bout tan jeaca aga. Mr. Nîchiola vas s radical republiistn jsrlulug thal paer t Ils orgauizatîon sud for Ivo terma wua promînent muembar of 1the cily councîl. Hie vas a Royal Arc11 Magon. Tl1cee saloonsansd one otisei business place lun1the searl of 1te ully vece cotereti hy burgias slut ffldsy ulis sud ma aeuit tise operalora secuced no fac as rau belIearued, a 11111e leus Ibsu t0f y dollars. Tise operation of tise burgîsa lu the down tovu diatrict vu anu exceedlngîy uarvy pince o! butea. Ail the places lu questIon are rhght lun1t1e renter of lovu sud lu each Case there vu a smaailg o! gluss, sbowlug thait 1te meu vace ngl very tlmld ai their uork. The places eus Lred vere. Jacobseu's les sud coffee atore, South OeeoseStreet; entered j treaklug rear vludou; 8ecured hsg roulslulug $40»Inlucah. Nthlug clac laken. Nicisolas Wetzel's salots, Washiungtou snd County treets, enlered rear wlndow hy pryîng Il open; aecured &bout $4 lu change. T. J. BreanloS aloon, Wahngton Street, euteced tiscongistrsaom over ceai dioor, breaking tise uludov ont; secured nothlng se far as cen 1e doermlned. Edwacd Sauter'@ Geuesee Street; en- tered lhcough transoru aecuced C60 rentsanad au olti revolver. Acting upon th1e îheory 11151 Mayor Fluer bsd falledti t propecly quallfy and Ihal bis boud lied net been accepted. ex-Mayar Pearce issuei s raIli for s special meeting af the rourîl Naturdsy night, declarlug hlm. self stîli major. Ha pcopoeed 10 unseat Mayor Fluer ant iaIlsoliser clertlon. Dut three Aldermeti ces- pondcd lae1thecal, othera lraing 1the malter as a Jolie anti refnuiug te attend. Mayar Fluer auîlcîpsîlngtise muse 1e decapilata hlm Isiti evoral new lock pnutoonlise coanrîl room dloas Stnrdsy aitrnonu sud visen Pearce andth 1e three aldermen arrlved la Sold tliar meeting lSey fondise doora barreti. Tiscy adjouned le Dîdingersa hall. Tise atlempt la lu- dure otisera o! tIhe aldermen la put lu au appearance havlug aled tise meet- ing vas sdjonrnedoutil Mouflaj even- ing il uhîcis tima 111e regalar conncîl mueetingcoceurs. lunlise meanîlme Peacea' follouera lisongit botter of thse malter sud deaerled hlm so et Mouday niglit'a meeting Mayor Fluier'a 3bond wu asocela d heoniadeciareti c bief aeocutîve. Pearce la a poor laser sud hmasdomonutrated a r.- marklase lsdook f"hors. e ns."lu fils chîldehs ttempt %0 de&iroeMajor Fluor. GR. LYON & CO, m i11iine ry. DEPARTMENti 1lTe sîtccess of Our' Milliiîîry Bltsinessge titis Spriîîgliîas been vols eî' peaÀ.ilig. We i'paeî I otiig-at tlî'he t'giîîîîiug-to îîaks' the 'appoinit- 0 nîc'îitts of titis De- partmeiît the fineoti iii Lake County. i Then we secured the services of an excoedingly briglit and acconiplished Millilîer aînd we have suppllod her with the largest and mîost complote1 stock of Millinery evser offeredl or dlisfflayed in this county. A ciîarmng origiîîal groîîp of Siiiinter RIate 'will 110w lîs ouîîd at otîr parlors. 'J'ley are gatterefl< witlî iîîfiiiite taste and care aiîd iii great tîrofilsioii; so that-we make te statemexît advisdly-their equal as a collec- tions is îîot tu, be fouîîîd in Lake Uounity, conoist- iug of copies of the favorite Impo)rted and Eastern trimmed hats, well worthy of yuur inspection. Mina 3Satz wili ulve personalattomtlon to ail.ll mdoedUwa wth our atrong guasu.te of prouapt sud .ffii.t wosk. MMury Dept-S.cond Floor-New BuiIding-GeeeeSý.t G, R, LYON & GO., LEADERS 0F 10W PRICES. Waukegan - - - - lnos I have jusst received a carloati of lioad Wagonsi, Top Buggies, Phaetoîts anîd Strreys wiîicliîI will mll, at iess thait Chicago prices. Rondi Wagons sud Gentlemeu's Drivers from $2H.0I tes..................$4* End llpriug Top Buggy,4 or t lu. ailes, 4 110v leather quarter top, B viseel msde of bhast second growth hickory ...... ... .0 W11 inishabbr tres .............. ............ .......6. A issutsome Csuopy Top Surrey, Ouneiy ttulsised sud veil made, ouly.... 60.00r SoeaMy moat popular Surrey. 1 viii handie Il lu four grades, vis: A grade-IIis lanlise beat lisat eau ha rmade ut auy price........ .......0.0 B grade ........................................ ..............0 C grade ...............so..... .............8. D grade .. ý....... .............. .... .... .................... 70.00 Dont îhink bacause 1 selI gooda rheap, I haudie ciseap gooda. tuilil glve nas troug a guacautee as 700 rau gel ou auj dig no matter bioy murh you psy. H. B. EGER, Libe rtyvi île IIoRSE FuRNismiINGS +~~ YOU NEED.+ ... LAP DUSTERS... A good quality--cliiîli dîî 30r<I) 35e '4 A better graile, 40 tk...........75o 4 Fine Large Enîbroiereiiîses Womethiîîg uice ............ .8 0 " LIGHT DRIVING HARNESSES. 4 I1lhave a good aseortmsîît of 'ê sinîgle andîd (lUlet drivsingliîariîesses ini stock at prices that will suit.4 f "Cant make k> order 0on short- nîotice aîîything yoiî îîay -demire iii the line 'f4 --oflitarîmesses LîotveC*. M.KAISER, L-bety- * i»Mo. Wo't 1w 'yoii zte ioi't <rtle' com- IXion. of the Somne L if ment, iands ai Oih. p has Gune -- -- io. - - SEEDS- Timothy. Clover, Millet, e Dr. E. H. Smith, Hungarian, Red Top, DENTIST. Blue Grass, office over Lake County Bank ANDAIL esftuS OF PURE filirr: 8trr12ssa. .1sr,ô,lsî,i. mi. DAI LI Field& Lawn Grass Seeds Libertyville. 111, $e4 goru and iYodder Lorg. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Fa.,bMI. ai Atorney and Counseliar aI Lau. iR.-"bisî. Pr'ima by ESSOR, O "0e c Y-is flit t 0 ic ni> re.ldv tri At' f Yrf Yomi sFOR CAiSH, E. W. PARKHURST. - 1,USEMTVILLE6 ILL. VUI. I^. l'yu. cropa. 0f course tise Soya wliii bout crous sud hope 10, make moiuey lbereby muet ha iandy vItls a gilO, b itIf :hey are lisere la bilg mouey snd wvi 111e sport lu tise pisîtie Jail [lira Gurnee Wante EIrss ric Road. One huudred reldeirt ! the vicia. 117 met aet1the Ours' u M. %W.A. hall Saturday eveulug 1 r, 5,5 ith the priootars of the Wsukt gair, Foi Lake &t Westeru Electrle hlsray 1the mat- ter of building a sitlrasr,,eoealb 1the Hg. Paul Irackilalo rs.,, airrl te se- cnring of a rlght o!fv.av trrru turoee to Drues Lake. J. L. Swayer, Deptt r rrruty tJerk, prealded aIt1te meetinrg ird aller Mr. Wyun explalned the r"rr rn!APo81. lion lun1the maltera, , i. OBradley, repreeulg 1thetuairiaýl intleresta of tise road, addreased tise audience ou the e haelila sud advat)tags' of lise road. The folUoulsg coîi lictte wvsaap- poluted 10 take np thr'e ubway mal. er-hou mach of airt rith 1e roadt grade mauetha Imade, (-te and further ta look up tise rîgist of rm ay malter ha- Iveen (urnes sud bruce Lake: ltilph tjhltaudeu, i IL.Bracher, fCharles Brovu, Jot 1ý Woîey sud George ilclauber. l'romoters of 11e road aiiert thal Il viii be bul tthienamer If 111erigislw ay issifacen Guruce aod Drucea Lake jr, .t rîretifor 111cm, lu lat, ontug atblîsgre tise construction o! 1e roasi. Il lv 'r teved 1the crr. umlîtee appoinlted iJii eucceed iiisnrb- rtaliing the e slvrrr' right of vay, 1 A 1 IN 20M CHWIl cm siml -l