rlý- 1 - - We lianie the Joliti Deere and Bradley xalkiiig riîliiîg jow s and iveu styles of corn planters mt fronn $2O. (J up. Six styles ýIl itlti vators froin $12 111). Steel Lever Miarrows. ScbauckBrhr, Libertyvllle - - - Illinois.1 For a telephone in your place of buslnes,4 or resdence. .. . You get County Chicago the int'-reaise<l and service of Telephone Compan I~Coniectioîi Telephone Comnpany. the Lake witb the For Information, rates, etc., wrItê- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, LoveI's Drug Store, Libertyvîlle. Illinois. Les than ivo montRa'lime ta Ibm 4%h of July. Attend tbm Ivaubaescaeooi enter- taiument tonlgbt. Robt. Itause repreasutes! Rockefeller ai Uimviudy ciby lait Monday. A. J. Ring ans! sou Otto atiendes! a hal game libmthectyneceetly. Witt Porteous bas onauracted 10 bud a barn for J. là. Crouthite thia sommer. The Memorial exercises aitthe chapet May 291h ,ill be o! a Most lutereatlug eharacer. Miss Mary MacArthur, a! Waupaca. wls., ia tbm gumal a! ber étêter, lira. W. L. Blch. Tons o! tees! have beau sold ta the farmers duriug thi, past year by J. H.1 Crouthite.1 Misa Mary Licteid returues! home troua Chicago laeb weet. vbere as vlited frieuda. Joe King, vbo la a station agent, and the W. C. lIns lu Wisconsin apent Sunday vith bis mothes. ChiIdrensa Day wiii be obsrved by the cbiîdren o! Ibe Snnday sebool a& bbc chtircb some lime ln June. Luet & Knlgge repart lire stock very searce and! bard ta gel. Thsy abippes! a carload lait Mauday nigbt.. E. W. Practor veut ta Waupaea, Wis., let Mouday ta buy cautis in that ricinity, ta be abIppes! ta Lake counîy. Kra. Oea. Harden returues! frous Austin, lit., tait Friday. Mer daugtr, tirs. Wilson, who la lu poor bsalib vîli apeus! a tev eesawitb ber peole bers. Mesdames Frant Thomas aud A. J. Ring drave aven ta Wauconda tantI Tuesday, ans! o! course il raines!, as Il nanaily coma vbeu tbey vant ta go1 auywhsre.1 tir. Arhur Bengbarn a Mtrepolitan Business Caliege atudmut goesata ands! from Soboul, via., Ibm C. m. & St. P.1 Ry dally oviiug ta tbe unsatls!actary0 service o! Ibe Wisconsin Central Rail-1 vsy.1 lira. Chai. Phillilpa, a! Chicago, for-1 merly of Wumgan, ta vlsitinig ber daugbter, tira. R. W. Proctor, duriug the absunce of ber buntand, vba In Iakiug au exiendes! trip brogh Milu- esta. Thene are but tev stations on thee "iscoualu Central line thal do marec business thon Roctefeller. Many ca r boas!,o! stock are sblppid, freigbt o! varions tins! ta ousataubly arrlving, be- aides the express ans! package tright. It Baves! Hl@ Leg. P. A. Danfortb* of Latirauge, (la. suifred for six montha vith a fright- fuii running sors an bis lsg; but writen Ibat Buokeîmu Arnica Salve vbollyd cured il lu five days. For olcers,c vounde, piles, iIthebmébat salve lu thei la astze iln ader ila m7mmt «W Rootmllua village aoqlittltouisas vou M or il§ia umi lhe différent [zlh tepnothlng belgodaaiIb fitq iand as! ior prlmare igbt. Tbey bave nial& 7iboeau fl01d toi square uSal udare Bisrlme of vhicb axiy pillee might ho prens!.clive tRam a cati ands et acquaintesl. Il uill be ta your adrantage. Titieumuberi or the LadieaAid @eoeiety moe ntenduy t lb.borne of tira. Iha tThomas. This oiety vil lire B upper lu theboirBfuture ta rais monmy for Ibm puipai. cf build- ing churoit sheds for the ibelber of learni. This la somthiug vbicb la mastsaued es!<xcepllug sidOvalt.) Every Citizen, specialy Our meroate and! bainonsmeu mold do mIn l thelr paver te carry ontt bia Im- portent moyemeut. Ans!ltey yull. The uiirnsoial given by tbe C. R. sociti test Friday uîgbl Bt Mr. Beghorne vas veiliattendes!. The eveuing vu pesas! vory piialtlly lu vlitlng ans! guesias physiologla niddlea ad iiatening te a graphophona vblihvwu ibe ledlug Mesture. Mr. ans! lira. Merghoru avbarshebmappi tacuity a! malng oeryane 160i ai home, ans! ererythîne vas done ta mate lb. social àasucea, and Il vu a sacce. The barn-raing et WIU Putuam'a luit Frlday vau velattendes! ans! the framevootheIbmbuilding vas pulta- getbsr lInmshort aider, aller vbieb a sumpluoni aupper wuvapratsn af by ail. The, timbera for tha building ver. hraines!ans! filles unsr thm au- pervision o! Will Porteoni. vho Proves! to ha equal ta the occasion, lu aPite o! uni ust cnilsim, ans! tRos wbo atflmded them "&nmiaug"for Ibm purpose of laugblngab thIbm "bu mare penteral' wvesobliges! la retur borne unoUoataflLWilli neyer undrtats. anyttlug litaI ho dom s a="ryont. Rockefeller ans! violily bhia te, reaidmul asav ae jass! btsal- lattes! gan oftbie score lyrs ans!tou, ans! tbey are eallitquite haie ans! vigorona; but Il la very doublini if ibm,. are ,nany mon la u tlit county vbo la mental and! phyaicai activIly eau compare viîb D. S. Pubmin, vba contraictil a eateemeut midi by thm Wauoonda correspondent a f., vaets &go. on Mancb 6, 1838, tir. Putuan ans! Mi« Jubia A. Austin voesmaires! abBt îl, Vt., ans! came ta Ilinoila ifeptembar, 1846,. nmovlaigotaLite cannty la htarcb, 862. It yl ho readily namnthaltiMrans! Mr@. Put- ma,,vbo raide vlth Ihoix tiaughter, Mr@.Oa. Haruien, are Ibm oldeit mar- ries! couple lu Lite counay, by ans jear. Old Sols!ler'm Experience. M. M. Austin , a civil var volera», of Winceseter, lus!., vrIles: .,My vif. va@ met a long lime in spite af goond dactor. timalmeul, but vu vbolly cures! by Dr. ings& Nev Lits PUia, vhb vanes! vondera foi ber health." world. Cure guaranteedOnUliy 25c. 1Iey lwaya do. -Tryihetîm. Only 95e1 Bold by P. 1B. LoVELL, Ltbertyville, ýai P. B. Lovxaun, Libertyville, G&imx. ~ 1 5 I&1 (raylake PHABMAcy. LAZU PEÂBKÂOI. CU1~I Il'J*Ivanhoe Items. H ot weatber is comlng; you vaut to prpr ntm.Mims Lizzle %Wirtz, Sr., vas a Chi- SCEOOL NOTES. \%e ar ooiu a large a8sortment cago ito]&tTedy The mtb grade bua dopted yellov,1 tits rs. James Daevis la visitlng et Mr. purpie and red. se Ibeir dim colora. I)ýmiod nLawns, william 8ainnerst this week.TeIahsbi embdaiet (J~r.d isetste etc, Mr. and Mirm. Henry Van Plew vers ing et the cliool bouse Tueaday per erd ...... to1 4C rayalaire viitors laut Hunday. night. Sbir WastsSOC1fr su Mrs Mekieentrîaned The achool nine vil play the aame Sallor Hat&, ail colora~ .2 to 85c friends f ram Chicago lent Sunday. nine of Libertyville baya shoat lbey Ladies' snd Cbldren'e Hot Weatber Mfr. Wm. kuebker bas beu working played ai the May Party, os, Balurday,1 Underwear ......... ...... 10 to 33c for bis brotber at (iraysiake a few days this veek, nt LiberlyvIlie. Carl Dorlier Lades udCbîdrn'stioe. . 1010 5crecently. lias been slected captmin of the bine. Ladis'ad Cilden' Hom ... 1 to35cMrs. H. D). Wells baq secured the Pupils ustîber absent or tardy dur- services of Auna Hirou iaîus for the rest lng the pait achool moutb vers: Etta Large asslortiiient Menam Soc.kes5 to 25C of tbe sommer. Grahbe, Daiay Van Pie,, Raymnd Mens !alcy Neglîgee Sbrts..S0c to $1.00 It certaitly would bc a graat Im- Payas, Berha Ruebker, Morus Foakel, provement if aur cburch was cleaued. Charley Dolph, Emma Kusbker. Ru- Mens Hot Weatber buit8.$5.OO tu $10.00 Il bas bean about three years sînce it dolph Drier wui Dos absent but Mlens suad Boy' ('rb, Straw aud For wai doue, and as you may imagine It iardyý lits l lu very bad ahape. Comiug avant@: Lecture by ev.1 A gond ast3orment of W,rk Gloves There vill be a stravberry social t Dutton, May 24; hall gene--Ivanhoos for....................loc tous$1.00 the scbool bouse Friday evening, May and Libertyville mebool nlnea-MUay 318tunuder auspices of the Ivanhoe 25; DecOMoraLnDay, May 30; Chicago Everytbiug iu Mens i"Furui8vhings. Bae Bail Team Association.Ail are excursion, June 8; lent dey of achool1 cordlly lnvItsd tu attend. year, June 19; annai achool pieuta, We are agents for Butterlck Patterns. 1Mr. Daddles folks are miaking probably June 19. _____________________________preparatione for building a new barn. Iteiember Itme terwanment t thbm Dont forges to Invite us 10 the "aa Cougregationasi cburch Ionight, Fri-, ing" Richard, ve are ail good banda, dey, May 241h. 1ev. D. C. Duttois, of! V. SA UER & SON, especîaîîy wheu supper situe corne~. Wanconda, viii ieire on -Maubood DEALERS IN Lest Friday afternoon William Put- lu Earnest.' Rei. Dutton in a man nami ivlted about ixty o01bthierîsuda velI prepared ta tait on thia aubject, ~ e6emralmerbaulsee ato cme sud assiat llm lu raising hie ai he le tremeudoualy la cernons hlm- LogUoe - - - . lloa ew barn. Aft.er the "-raiting" vassefBaisthlcurhoewl Long aove Ilinois. over a symptuous aupper wmsered b:siilug by outalde salons and Mir. Orville Smih ttended tbe Adulte, 16c; children, 10c. entertaioment at Wucouds lait Botter- day evenlug. He reports B very Une m JOTTING8 ON MAY PARTY. lime. Judging tram the pu$it il ould Evsry pupilivu promunt. seorn astbougbib ters vers attraction& Claie colora vere lu evidence. other than ntrtaiuuxsnts. Misme Redte and Orabbm proved The Ivanhoe hall nitre croaaed bats tbetr abilisyy la mare excellent tcm it theIbmDtamond Lake aine lait cream. W RIGH BROT ERS aturday, renluig lu a victory for the ome ann. Anthe gam la The comiftbembavlng the dinner in acheduled for Frlday (to-day) between charge provmd ibemielvea ta bc gond thbm me teasai 1Diamond Late. pîBuDera. There vas only ons accident occured The I vaiihoe bal bine abonld not ai the May Party laut Bturday. While tatI to gîre nmre oredit ta our little Wagns BggesLumer D ue the achool nias vas playiug bait vith maicot for tbeir srms Wagos, ugges ambr, uil«s' the Libertyville Juniors, Rndotpb Rudopb Dorfler ta ont o! achoot thia Dorfler vaa truet acrois tbe forehead veet 5m B reauit 01 tbe injuries bc re- and Vehicles of m aterlal S and vtth a bail-bat. Medical atd vas aum- ceived durlug Ibm ball game Baturday moned tmmmdiately asud aithougb iS mOrninig. ail kinds . . .w.r.. . . . . ..a a alight wound, yst 'tvas very A ultIle more eut.hualaam on tbm painfl. nlint gettiug atoug nlcly at part o! the speetatora vonld bave mu- presnt. onuraged Ihe hall players on bath Il people ouly tue, vbat vs know aides. LolLieSouiie prat. about Kotol DyspepseaCure, It would --l have beau aufterlng from Dys- We VOclleUbeumd lut uearly every houaebold Bm pepota for Use pont veuty years andt Lemee Sitthers are few people vho do flot have benutable aMlr trylng ail Ceen, airOffge a49 uartau sufer froin a feeling of fu nesa after preparatious and physiciens ta gt eatlug, belcbing, flatulence, sour auy relief. Aie atine one basile of and 'fee4. tee fair treatueut. eomach or watmrbraah, causd by RodaI Dyspepiga cure I fonnid relief indigestion or dyspepsie. A prepara- and Bm nov lu botter boMatb than I tloD snob maa odail>Dyspesiel Cure, bave beenl for t'veuty 7mar. I can vuicb, wth no nid f ront tbe aiomacLh, Ot pralse Koilol Dy@pepsia Cure toc will digest your food, certalnly cent bigbly." Thun ru Mr@ li. C. W. belp hait do you good. Y. B. LovaLL, Roberts, fcdh Oreek, rt. Y. B. WRIGH-T BROTIIE<, LEITHTON. DIAMOND LAKE. Leithtonu choot ctosed Friday, May Memorlal D&ywmrvieevil be "ild 24th. lu Ie bminoud Liaecbnrub, In ____________________________________________ Mr. A. W. (iruvuer ta aur ne, mmmory of oui bonormd dosd, May ----------------- ------ ~~- .station agent. thcomnns810cCosILM Whoopiug Cough. tira. Cý M. Wllcoz and ber danghter 31,eoumcigB 1 'ltl le m.n A woman vbo bai hied experieuce S iea lstd Chicago Mauday. AppropriaIs exercicesvi h In with this disess, tella how ta preve.ut Mir. William Lempter bas! ton dermd by liea whool ohfldron, solos, suy daugerons conseuqenses trami I. lîarderB froua Chicago aver Sunday. quartettesaand Cborea by Ourmusical Sue esys: Our Ibree obtîdrern tok Mr J.T. Allanon transactds bus,- talent, ans! able cratlonaé by Roy. Dix, wbiool)isjg 'aughlait enammer, rur ,s& lu Chicago Mouday sud tueaday. 0f Libartyville. and! BeT. Vinceu1t, Our ~~mE sudoy blug a u lnthe ntlm ('b. r Enee former paitor, of Evanston, &fier "4 obt"d m de and eing o rgnlyIbreuntlis Mr.tEr ts t lnerofChicaWienthe gravesaof teIbm »de noue a! tîjeir llumpusandsuit , on Stone ]dmions are ai work building The amymal eommitM have apares! ùM lu mîîcbtetter beaitl tIbn uo,, r tire l)ssfeeiib for Iobt Nltoley's new Do paitu s 0mate the dai's eerciis R" Bdâe dm m soepbt*. lb lde, 'MItpaetedlino Ise r51 long ta be re-imbWed, mipeialy by éms Ow S atd» u .th Iis rernedy. Our oldest ittle girl Mr, W.J. Bszbs.r, of North Brookta, ebm ivIng e aa. Lt m aUilaycaur = 14, v.- Ifs, e 0(5.,. PaUesis, uld callustly for cougtb syntip N. C .. mya bhmsuffered wlt pilies for tabors asfdv.on ibat dBiasud attend! -'th@ U L. s0" tt.1i& Q51% belveen wboolps,-- Jssie PiNK P Y Hal1, 'Ilitteen yearFi. leetried msny remedimi Ihe exerolamei gven la houer o! thone mme, dd-NSpingvitle, Ala. This remedy la tuo' wth nu reanite outil hae used DeWitt'g wb0 dii no »qu e l or t oounntry. A AuSNOW&COm sale by F. B.l LoVULL, LIberty ville, Witch HazsI salve and! Ihat qnickly cordial invitation Ilaezieudes! tu Ibm oe ammse . G kAEPAMAT ORMIKE ue i . I. .Lov=., ,Liberty- public and! membe aOf t@lite ad Army. VIBIM0't W. Hllanls Mr. and! tir. V. Batler, o! Enale. wood, aremviiing fiaonds lu ibis vtcia- l'y. Mfr. and Mr@. Barri William. su3- joie! a Ibres days' auting at Drue Lake recently. There were no mervices et the cbureb Bunday mornlug, Mfr. Priat bavlug ta oMfoiate et th funeral of H. C. Biddte- Mome, at Roiecrana. Mfr. and Mlra. E. F. W. Eddy have gone ta, Sbebaygan, Wts., t0 apens! the muminer vicb Iheir daugbter, Mrs. oi- lovay. lbey vers accompauled by Mir@.a. . Eddy and! cildreu. litr. Bave, Buparîntendont of the pnlneary deparîment of ire Baptiost Bunday acbaal, gave ber annual pieute la ber cliii lu tbe basemeni af Ibm cburcb May 19t. The day vasmeu- joyes! by ail. FOX LAKE. A. Reags vas a Ohicago visibor 1Itou. dey. Win. Caine bas! the shecp abjearers the lait of the veek. A. ]&emse and A. Tweed vlited Mil- vaukae Wednesday. R. Tovuaeud and! vifs visitei Foi Lakeofinonda recently. Mira. Frank Olger and sîster , ere Digbtou vliara over Suudsy. The Lake Villa Sunday achool ln prepering for Oblîdrens Day. B. Snyder attendes! tbm funerat of lai uncle, lir. C. Knoll, lu Chicago lait Friday. Mis. Wm. Simma, of Salon, vlelled ber motber, tirs. Wrn. Nolsan, of Ibis place, recently. 0. Bla.ckford and vIfs, of Chicago, bave returued home afler a tva veekai' nul vltb Foi Lake sud Lite Villa friands. A number of tire mlk shîppers gmt ordmrm ta beep thelr milt ai home &baut once lu four daya. Thre mtlk tempe toa loug Ibis cool veather. The Mait Common Aliment. More people suiffer from rbeumatlam Ibm fromany otber allient. [bis lu wbolly anueceaiary Sou, for a cure may be eftected at a very @raatits. 0. W. Weacott, of lieadavdaie, N. Y., saya: «-I bave bieD afttîcte! vitb rheuma- Uam for sme lime ans! Il bai causei me mncb auffmring. I coucludmd to try Cbamberlain'a Pain Daim Bud amn Çlamais!ta &Y thai fi bas cures! me." or maie byFP. B. LOVEIL. Lîbertyville; Gae'YBLÂKi PHAcy, j. mEiKEL, IYAtmOs. LONG GROVE. J. Knopf, Jr., la lavly recovering from a apraluesS utle. Frant Went, frùm Chicago, im vieil- lng Btlira. SBahr's. Il'.aail nigli: lu go veittaeefionaily. Thoe w iii be appropriat, memorlal ezencabi ai Diamans!Lake on tIeuora- tien Day lu tbm foreucan. The note lu laait vesta issue tirât David! Eleulervwu learunug blacksmltb. lng. le ertonmoni, sltbougb il camne rigbfram beadquartsrs. LouIs liîu- hech amye be doent kuow suytblug about the malien. It h DBot aivmya agnemable ta bave au intelageut boras. Wblle Mir. Ralie VU Baemaiug usar bis home unseaveu- ing,hi bo hras lbonght It lime tu go home &Bs!, gettlng looae, be veut boune allavtng bis master la (-orne aftervards ou shanka poDtes. Prom, lait reportas1fr.Stabl slaoi- proving gradually aus! gettlng alrauger ateadiy. Site la able nov to a s&orne foods!uas!drink caftes This la re- markabLe. It seurs bordering ou the mframulous ibat a persan vbo bad beau mick for ao miuyy earsanad 'sas no vat abosîs! recover no rapidiy. May vs Dot attnîbute itlnl part ta providence? Tblinaday morulug occurred th,, dealb of Miss Masry, daugbtmr o!fMr. and Mira. John Zîmmer. af constuitp lion, after an llneas a! nesrly a vear. Sbe vas a Yaung lady beloved iîy ail vbo knev ber, sud tirat tire yougIllfe, la eades! la a malter of sincereet re- gret Itrougbont the communlv. Sih" vun &bout 28 yeara af age. Funeral servicmes yul ba bols! at Buffalo (rare Baturday. Nsxt Tbnraday la Decoration Day- a day vbicb every patriotic citizen ahauls! cetebrats. liy coebratiug ve do ual mean, a sort of liceuse ta do anytbing, but Ibe day sbould [) bals! lu macres! memary becanse o! thoqe lires vhlcb vers offered lu bebaîf of ibsîr cotutry thaet ite public luabtitu- lions ans! liberty migbt be preaerved aud perpetuated.iLet u s t (la Gd for our country, but let us also ait Gos! fon moral courage ta oppose ail attempis or institutions vhlicb Ibreaben Ibm tahility of aur gavertumeul. Deooration Day exercîses wii lîsb beld berse on Ibm aflernoon o! tirat day, lu vblch tbm citireus sud achool chiU- dreu viii tae spart. The follovlug aammistsee ibrve beau appoiuted: Ar- rangementr-O. P. Barron, P. A. Rlobin- son, W. Acker. A, W. Harvey sud H. Dombaki; Mnaic.--D. G. White; Speatý ena--P. Fischer, Rer. Sterena sud E. B Neville. Wlth sucb an array of old moidiersand loyal clîtaseai Ibm bead, thm exsnelaoi cannot but be gaod. Il la thougbt Jufige CArter, a! Chicago, eau be siennre ta matee Ibm main ad- dreas. If no, succeas la assured. PRAIRIE VIEW. The Bunday achool vas re-orgauized lait fluuday. It vas decide! ta bave tbm sehool ln Ibm rorenoon, Bt 19;3 o'cloek. Let aIl parents tae note of Itai. Parente, sud your cliildren. Thsy surely eau bc taught uatblug barmtul. FREMONT CENTER. Bon Dietz, of Cûicaga. vliies! friandsand relatives lu Freniout Ist veek. There vîli be a grand eutertaiurnent gîrmu hi the yonng ladies sud gentle- HALF DAY The apenlng dance la lierlels Park Pavillon lait Satuday vas quiet veil1 attendes! tira. M. A. Knoll attendes! thei funsmai of sus uncle ta Chicago Ilut Frlday, vbo died Miay 141h. 1 Mr. Fred I'ruevm, vbo sols! bie place boeslait fait ans! vmni an a riait ta Oermauay retunses! lent londay. Mima Lucy Johnson, vbo bai hein emplayes!intahIbm cty for somje lime ta vliting ber parents ebesai preseut. A atravbmmrry lavu Social Witl 4es girmu by Willard camp ho. 50,7, IL. N.i a! A. Friday mrenlng, May 31»t ai Mi. Mtchell'i..EverY ans la cordially invites! tu attend..1 Willie .Jahnson, vho veut ta Ihem ciîy lame lime ago for treatinent dles! i Bith Ibnanitariurn ai consuruption Manday ulgut, Miay 201h. Wille la Ibm fourth son ta be calles! avay, ans!i Ibm Parent@ bave Ibm ympah fliaal lu Iheir grest afftiction. Willand camp Na. 5017 IL.IN. o! A. thaI meete lu Woodmen hall vsry1 tire1 Salurday afbennoon ans! ihin!i Saturday eveuing of eacb moutb, adaptes! tva Woodmen lait SaturdByi eveulng. I bers v"as alarge a&tien- dance. every member b)ut Iliree being preseut. The liitationvas falioves! hy a lunch ans! ail report a goond lIme. (iSON Â?,0THER îOBUESIONDKNT.I 'im sebool cblîdren are prepaning exercîses for Decarablon Day. J W. Wells sud J. Daileumier, a! Chicago, apeul Sun'iss3et borne irs. lFranik ShiaPter aud 11111e s,,n, of Evanston, vislted t E1.. ht5bsprr last veet. tir. J. A. liaion le ansriîsbîg Conty Treasiurer (G. N. (ridiey in tIbm offIe at Wautegan. Mrais. S.L. 'rrîpp epr'it --few daym lait veet vimiting relatives ai lemu vIe, sud Chicago. Mis M yrtle Richard., of llrorîtlyu., Win., bas bien vihltiug refiîir'eIsri' the hait tva semIs. Mfr. lleury helimneder in baviug bis baru raiéed ans! repaîrei, sud riii pst a lssernent uuîder It.9 Mr. Huou l'ov sud cosin, isau Aunis i'egiav lefI ý' eaday for lirever Dru,Wlt..Huîgo bai completeri bis uew lbouse ansd nov offers il for Sasie. M r, J. ilchards started lait Wednes- day vitb ber msaer, Mrs. j. A. Hutchinga fan a montha vieiltbt Ibeirginter lu Iowa sud relatives inu Minnesota. Tbe 11111e friends of E4rile shuler, gaîboed ai is borne ltant Harday in bnor ut bis elgbîb i irtbidsy. A veryi pismaul arternoan vas apent This in IbmeIlird party the 11111e monehlise enjoyed ibis spring, Misi Itoty Engeiberry aud Miss Anule i'cglore baring bas! birbbiday parties vhere very pîasaut Limes vers beid. SkIm affections miii rsadily disappear by muig eWitt'a Hazel Salve. Look ouItur counlertelta. If you gel Dre- Witt'e jon vii gel good remulem. IL 1J, thm quir-t sud positive cure for piles. F. B. L',veli, Libertyvilie. Ed. lunatvisites! bis bits brire lasI Siinday. Mn. JbO UVeIler wam en (11OU oT Street@ lsnt Sîinday. Cook Neson, Of Cicego, was a visîtor tbars test Sunday. Mra. Bennetsud sali, of Chicago, are nowvvislllng et lia. Iioyt's. "Duc" Splan vîlI ocnpy Utcelmanac vbich vas maves! avenr'h(! itl ans! tan avay. Mrn Chai. Mottle n iow o.rpioyed lu tbe Offices o! the MeCormict Harvestering Ca. C. J. Lang, aur real estste dealer, la dotng a trernendoîxsi bsinsss. Wbsni you are iooakig fur anytbîng in bibi line s!oînoai lita gire hum a cuit. Hoanes sud traîniera are 'ariving aI tbe stables of Ibm Demi-fiels! Elecîrle Drivlug Part daiiy "-D<c" Spîsu le aiready there vllh bis last anes. There wlI hem a11111e spoeslg et1thie tract unuday aflernoon. Admission, 250, 500 ans! $LOO>. Rominsis Park wJlli ,Peu for tue seasan Joue 2d. lProf. Selg asuieI orchestra bas been engages! t0 f iruleli) the music for Ibmemry dancers. A oumber o! iuspruveuîeîîs arc nov beîng made. The Park Is locales! direclly acrostbm Street frmi Jdge Fitach'a lavotfites. The people o! this towu vers en-i iertsinmd ai Ibm Deeild isbail Mator. cvmntng, May 181h, hv H. 1< Fritsch sud bis famous8 colores! Minsîrel troup. 'b'bey wers amsrislcd hy saine o! the notes! aanto01Ibila ow. The festons ufthIb ereulug vas the part wbIch B.1 Mamnmy playes!. The unterbatunent lastes! unsil 12 'clock."Coap" sud -Col" say Ihb t SIshow IbsI ever struet Ibis tbru. DeWltt's Little Eanly iiere searcb the rernateat partsaoaithIb îoels suis! nemore theimpnnitîs speedily vi tbun dIseointort. Tbmy are lamons for their1 erncay. XEasY ttaie, nover grîpe. P. B. Lovmb.s Libertyvife.i WAUCONDA. Cý A. Golding, of <lliso ai b' nse Sanday. F, A. ans! E L. liarristI wefent Siu day file. ira.Anderson s@peut uil, I I-st Ils veet lunthe City. L. C. Prics ans! M, W. ILýg e m p elty visitors Toesay. on Tbursday avsîsîug of lest mseX au ont buIldIng Bt WiîsLakeaide lilîî, vas inystertously net un tune ,1'i~ tire caugtit lu tIbmtles ourie ans! a I or- uer a!ibe bîîteî, but hy herole mror , the fite Company the loas vas îî,t large- ahorît $1.50. of tte aomeboody bai teeli vJiilug celiars arunîl lovu aI nigbit sut aimail article-s taten. il viiiLe gos! neyra for bise -'sarnsbody" ta tua, lIaI p=op1eare stayîng 'Il) i igbte viii, lo Lots!gaatinDsud! jîti May Le stire lbey yl use tibeei mlIii tbey biea cbance. Ths entertainfienl given JiD theî' 9. ehnncb lasiTbnrsday evening fl the MIsses iavnaend vas vei .1 tendes!, itl saa rinteat t10avhans opporîuuîty t L er su u fne nîrîii' ans! readlugs lA',,hope,, lby vii1 layonr Waucons!s vlth aiotbe-n vislt an vs are surseIbmeboue *111ilie tiei hil) , Overfiuvlng. 'lon ara much more liaite la diselie vhsn jour lîver But brîvels donuit ast prapsrly. t),,Wtt'a Little EAIrly Itimerg nemî,rcthe eIsilse of dîseais. 1,.h. LovaLL, Lîhertyvilie. la% au)ache orr a pain u onIrîIlît,- 'f auj Mtins! vbcneais Weil rid 'If itsud iil I bappens ta sJe headache Ir slousarb trouble Ibîl bottiers Yeu, laie I)r Caidysils 5,yrup i'epoin ans! y'u vi1i Dot îuiy forget you ever bas!it l.btb vili tuot,. tIsIyîîu arrLutIia,î taj bave Ilb agaîn . i'tuLdoses Is suseti mIt il la pisasaut VIlaiae. F. IlL oN i i.. Ilxtyviite, GuEr. (f1 I)rîI.IE t1 Wau,'oadà.WILL l<ri'.'îr, ltos-efrrIl-.Tr PALATIN E. Broi Wsîîugar lm employed iii Iring l'art aI9 preselîlt. Mir. ans! tIaW fl. I f I Ilirago, s" visiîlng frlenda lla aaie aIpreheli. vritlng. tirs. Audermain sud ber cliaughttr. Mra. C. Hartnlug, ans eutcntaliiig relstive@ froin a distance for a ftw itaja Tbe Woodmen'a (tramas hels! at Bamieigton Sattrriay nigbb vas W.-li attisndei trôaaltineuans! alilpro- c'ins aîienid!line. Dr. Aicoît, s formner realîlent o! P'alatine, bai mates! big !silj fnrn Chicago ans! taten 'Ilibts reelîleuce lut Ilarinlgtan, vhene Lue vîli hi rorund Ily Il former patrons. MarrIes!.luIn'Palatine, 1t Mr Blîz mannes, Misa Lunze IBigai, adoptý daughler o! Mr ia ltlemna, ta W. Nîsmanu, o! Aliugtoîî Hielglulie, Sstrîrday. May 18th. Miay tibry elwayh hi happy. --Onr littis girl W'i noetosta stranurlation durfDg a siids!mn ani terrible sbtt rt f croup. i quictîrv scure! a baIlle a!f<Jus Miute Coligil Cors, gtvîng bier Ibres doses. Tire croup vas mamteres! sudIl on lîll dmrling speediy recareres!" Sa write, A. L. Spai! ors!, Chester, Micb. F. B. Lou-ELL, Libanlyville. A WORTHY SUCCESScR, "Somethinu New Under Thi Sun." Ail beL,-,, l,,îî'ntrl,'I t tf ir,' "eTeALu hly liruso or u poi,,rr,,s'il ise,', lilhllere audi druas lu l'estg" torn. ',F b lu' wirrsdry ni and i prssuileeds~. Th.lî,o rodImmil uii' d m, t 'lbho Ir 111tîî ater-, hav,, Aimes! l cure, vIle 'asiandl oit- meute lari ot rr- h"'i, i I.e ., Ar , old cri. I rn perîIno"' urîivitIntsur wlon ti,. ! r înîsloir rai-m made a, CioI, 'lt wdy ldi yy.liio r tie atýgOlt wslisîlitvor"anIasr ses itie,.t liserteL" ouly resil,,îs utt 01l, , ,5It e, it i es! îot CA'JTÂ55. l'Y rlnur I'flmen.isîiy,g)t"c Il lmeh I ', i P"M,,Iy kleo., to tire s,O,l y ' h-Iî'sthe sfi'eîlr hi'sl th tÂihANIRRl,' (ATAIuîSîl1 rEr'Isutl msol rit tht -Xrr J-rL, i'pri'.'Ili" ,.le " I>a,--leiisc -O !tal, loi ltrî f aiiDnrd.e t's iss! oilttI thIig ll'ns'lry tLlits Iî'errnct CRs. e-rroli,'t"nd 1iai i e f l î m .s, al" . .I " " " l rn tr Ï i- h t mil inflamaion q r? rl dp,.rri-î;î..ltîy al lmi lm eh o ls'iîrî ll,ît 'lu'i' I l)'1, . ru,,,5 11A IEFrex . a It 0u firIh LIX"UAI, 1'ATRIi WIHIi l"sttrt'q ,irq,Io ta l'ONUaî'lOe-syurrLE"Wh ne"10o rrlisiy <rz! l 'Oiîutr, Ilin rîarriy i'osîtlviy s1isrllît,,,l'r gny tortuor n0sge I u,, O ii ensaîril, II, dlirection% whtehlr hupa ' ljak. lIi' Dont 1,Iiiisy IlIrt sel for'1!il rit i5iiîo frl ili srei' a e ysî1 'reuil n*andt rol or Ilhl51rrwsi rtlun t- rois't. lie,,, r" lter lui- " the ( 155" th Rtates un tanasia onr5 1~te eedolr Addnls aDmpt...... .I Of neColla P 2.Milans! iii Kif te t. uPhladei. Vol, Iý '-7- ' - I Libet F. Dr. Off le Libe Offic "t L Dr, p RE&IDI Ou'rr MIb HOW TO ECONOMIZE. ninecoràomize so closely o)n the tiuberciwoeda ln a telegram- that the meiver cD.fl 110<undea'stand t. This ià not sensible economy. Neither is It sensible econaimy ta ruin garnntOf value with cheap soap or powerul chemicals that cat into the fabric. Truc economy unes Ivory Soap in the laundry. htis the mitaof pure soap that can be uold for the money. Cmically ft as as Innocent as watcr. Yet ft docs evything you can aakofa soap. Try i SCIlà,N,