c ~èUNTY INDEPENDENT, Vol. IX. No. 34, Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday, May 31, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Wherovor There's CoqJ6 The Crîtical purchaser Iliuon i wilicil establiffimnît îîakem *y bebtS fitting anîd momtst tyiisii garientit .at tie riglit priv'es Q * g a1e* eS - - * * lire Yom sa4fiId That the cW(the(ýsyo1lave been bîîy- ing are the h'4t to Mu hadl YouI ca't aflBwer tIi 1011LIO fuily unless youi inivestigati tii erits of what we offer. eOur Puces art juaratttd At al les to lie the very lowt'st ha>"il 4'pon ouîr reputatioli for giviîîg tfi VERY BES8T values. e** Oir Iuishing Gooda department li iIways full of the newest and liest. SANORN & -CO., Libertyville - JIIln6is. -M IUt 201b C9MU o5b 810 Ilias received tlîis week Home Black (Clay Worsted îîits. We are selling thein for $i.0and $12.00, aisa Haone Bine ail Wool Tricot for $10. They are bath exceptionally goalI xvaluîe. We have a flne,' une l1adiem' anîd Gîts.Mue and( Childreîî's Sboes in lL anld tan.' Wheiv yon wa Slioeti cii11aid se-, ours. ' the ifible heap Mdry. w the Yet f laat s.Jca 1. Èire hN oie and a tîr. oro , i tre w , ' oss sas I :,t lîei Vitltg i nglit antd vIl bu. goo f to ksw lthaI I;lgbtA aith I May ho 'tire I they liane a en lu2 1iii. i F o voe D ,yl wua W eil at- t la b av atu -bhf une, urîi,- li tlDe y .1il! tber viait an I lie hhltIý tt le to diseame ba da n'tt at-I o Farly himeSCI iiie. i Il îrgoiii là! r As,. <tisti fil anti ifl I tor s tom&an ,I ou, tate lt r et haC JI, lut 7 'O, tthli- F IlLaeto H-orkefi Il- T anpoycd t, C hiciago, a'. e ai presi-î.î er cîiasgbbýr, entertu lol tg ce for a 1, a na lid ah et vas W.eIl anti ail irI reeldent Of aniil f V r ,nm reslence lu 1 be ftind lty at TMr Hitz iai, adaptaIt rîan, la) w. y ie-lal amh stîtden anti . 1 qulckl.e luulte Congli doe. TIte id on ilttle. d 8 Sorîlen MICLI. F. Bl. SCIIANCK BLOCK E. W. PARKHURST. K. LIBERT'SVIÉ-LE, I RemovalNotice! FRED CROKER, TAILOR AND DRAPER. Libertyvu lie M lina lias removed his establishment to rooms over Schanck's liard- ware Store. of ses' ,ack ,ant I LL. ois. Dr. Chqr1es Galloway. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, Off iceover Lovelii'Drug $tore ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. moOEi aou 1T 3A N) ôTO 8P.M. Libertyville. - llio s CRÂECE fLOCL.K. iLLi.Dim c 91-NPOME NO ase . vejsmsal C.a . Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trlggs & Taylor's.' 1 te 1 L&5M. 2 tW 6and . Lt 5tP. iM. iteaidonco on Blroadway opposite Park Lbertyvilie, Ililnois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Phynîician and Suri Gurne. ---- -- -- Dr. E. H. Smt DENT IST. Office ovor Lake Coul Lib e uty ville. PAUIL MacCUF A ti.omnyandîîlCounsellot NOTARY PUBI (yt'î-a tvaiiLAKE Coi",» DR. AMOS J. NICHOLSI Ibat ho vin open a DENTAL OFFICE JUNE FIRST At Lîberlyville, Biutter'@ Block, over Smith 1 Bavia' store obere he may ho fonuntireguharîv an Weduasdays, from 8:0(1 a. lu. 10 d:o P. ai. ilnos. m- SEEDS - .- Timothy. Claver, Millet, th, Hungarian, Red Top, Blue Grass, nty Bank AND SLL sINDI Or PURC nDAILY Field &Lawn Grass Seeds - %ed Lti adi ToddtLoti ~FN, Par Som et ,r t Lau. eeab rmb LIC CH7ARLES STEMPLE, r'f BANE. Long Grove - Illinois. Illinois. oe»&P CORONER HOLDSTWO INQUES. T-1 da: Lii rel ai we tel agi do au PL jLay on In tuCouseily's barber abop. lttle coulti ho learnoti axcept Ibal ha etired ilatsrday sight masBoon as the bop ciaseti. snnday momng groans or. board la bis roms, and upon en- orIng bhIm dlady 10usd hlm altlng &P lai bei. Sab* 04d bba le, *fila lows. Be replieti. "I an't breathe." id with a Uisi gaspfeil hack anti ox- îred. ini Indiana Indicatei ho vasa adrInk- isg mal, MAsibey remontratet i vtS hlmn hecasse of bis habits. Tboy also spolie of 8encding hilma maîl amosuta of money but expreaed a eaire that ho turu aver a sew labansd]oilaC diliereOl lie. l'ho Coroners jnry renderoti a verdict that Taggart tiled irom naturel causes, induceti by heari disease. His brothées ore notifleti and asketi as go diposilion 0f1the body. Tbey lnally couneltudla»tsbeipg burîed in the potiers fIllt, ublcb casseti no littie IndignaâtIon anti unfavomable comment amng the ev uth uhom ho baCd became mqsainted andi ubo wvo ai the opnion the man hati titermiseti tu reformu anti vas, oben not undor the influence of lquor, a splendid sort of Along the Lake Shore. M ontiay nlglil about 11:30 oclock ire tarteti myterloualy lsa àbosse owued iy IMath Kelley lunsoribonut part ai Lake Forent. It burnedt 1thie grounti. One thiusanti dollars in- surance wv acrrieti. Thebeouas vas occupleti by a 1fr. Schultzanad tamily who usro tortnnately aay fonrith ighl. Ail of their f urnturs vas tisaîroyeti. Tie origlu of the Èreinl îîinovn- Tueeday morning three solders, nev recruita for the 29th lnfantry, vue heid lu the grand jury ln $6010 oasl by Justice W. B. Oummîngs of, Hlghuood. The mon are: George A. Puore, Fred Wnun, sud Andrew A. Benu. Tf ey are charged wltb havlug tried to rab Harts restaurant ai Fort Sher- dan. Bonns vascaught ln tue Place ile a rat ln a trap, ho bavlng enterod throug a windov and being unable to get oui until dlacovered. The otber ,en are sald ta have neat bmuUp ta the job. Thie felows are lu a bail bol as a court martial aualta uhou the civil -ithorities are doue vlîh ibem. Alone In Mid-Ocean or on the trais, la the bouse or uhile ut your office dutios, yas are subjoct to digagroeahlo resut romIirregniar or excesive diet. Dr. Caldwella syrsi) Nopals cures positively con. ntipation, indigestion, sick beadache and stomnach trouble. Soid by F. B. LoYuLL,Lib)erty ville; GIO. C OBESur, Wauoonda, WILL KNIGOR, lRockefeller; GrayalaePAEAY Mfr. W. J. Baier, of North Brooks, N. c., says hcsferet i utASpiles for tlte taon er le rietid yremedias ollAS no recuits sntiii b.mmmDeWilt'à Wîtob aie Salve and that quiekhy oued hlm. If. B. Looses, LIbortY. Ville. DOWIE IIELD IN $10,000 BIL. Cook Connty OfaiIaIs to N,'lgor- ousî4ly inveistliiio eZioli Hospial. john iAlexander Doirie t t I. Worth- iîg Judd wore held 10 ti (týoiCounty Grand Jury iast veeb fi lis ut of$10,. ooti as a reault ot the Cor ler'ë investi- gation lotothe des.ihs tf IMn. Jndd sud Mmra Ohiriaionali.witlit iîedicul atesndance. DeacoseMens 4îîricher and Bratsch were bld in1*buin 0 f $5,(0 each. The orofloe'O Jury declarad the death o09lira. Christ,ilaen ta be due t0 the "negeol 0f1 Lb utiiOritti of Doles chiarcb" 60d ll.it oi Pro- per niedical "aitnlio N c. Jtidd would have iived, andtitd an In- voatigation ai the itttirua by Douie. Thie arreai of Dovie, J wiid anti the tvo deucososes 10o10o%,d Four Cul- caga realdeuta uesi t, t1he bonda, thres vomen and a roue, andt tby mcboduied$1570,000 wvo f property. The Grand Jury lm ny iealng testimouy tnu team ~andîlwiether tic detendants viii ho laDdicird for maui- slaughter or not viLi bhi- anounced Fridzy <today.> mmoffl prenant hospial ordinanco oaa passed April 8, 18r. He tbitis itlai a valiti ordînauce. anti -tliat lie lacts de- veloped th le I triuponuthe bodiy of lira. Mary 1i. ljitutsen are slicieut ta rioig Ilîttie5institution vithin the dtelnitîoti Aîfa bospilal as coutaluet in1 the new ordînance.' Dovio's troubles s, mou lbu mullipiy- ing, butI ulie ahliereîtooetismon- strateti a remuarlisite abtlity tu lsd a ioop-hole of e ci- thlesoer prose- cutod. anti lie msy d,ît uIs lime. Townsblp S. S. Conventions. Beginning nexi utasy anti continu- ing porio>dicaàlly lurititg the aummer, thero viii be ield in Lake couuiy, tovuahip coujveutl nu aif Ssnaj achoola. ions are a loîhowo, irayalake hoiug the asonneof aie ihrot, t nventiln: June 2-uiraybaue J une 9- V Glo. Juno i6-iiglud P ark. Juiî 14 Bockreulir. July 2l-lusseill Jsly 28-Millburu, Augnat 4-Diauttttd Lake. Augual il-Lat i tl. Angust ii-Ourieu. Hept. 29-Waukegali. Oct. 5-Lake BDm11 Counlty convenîto lu Waukogus Octobor 18LLL andi 1.11h. PROOEAMS IR ttiSANRi. The pnogram at eci af the canven- tions ullh hoas ftthittw8: 10:00 Sang sud Vuert) dO 10tt0 Buntiay oîtttMteet a) Thle lltttîtît haI ras. (b) 'loTh trte ,t5rocorti-valut.. methods. il1.115 unday 8itt:l LA,,-,.Itslln Work- la) Why set H1î-1 (b) Sitecîi lD-. Hum. - ttttîtt fll or. Decluýiti tPa>i <tlthn .t.ti aya. 11:50 Atpehstmt-ntOîitttttuc AiIE itNON. 2:00Pnaime al irot.t- èeetIng, 2xiB Nxt8unday's 1I--t LuCbllutre. îitô Bible BrilIl n\ît,tttîlLoasua. 3:15 The 'feattet cI tir. (a) lierptrttie ItIlt tibi OurTitrk. l(t)lOur HeIn- 4-t0 epotrtns frei -i. 4:20 EluIoni Of tîtit - Dr. iJadwîia iiyrup Pepsin in guaranteodti o etîre conaipalion, in- dIgetios, sici headacthe a"d tomach trouble. F. B. LovELn.LLibertyvile; GEO. 0. iioOElT.4, Wasosda; WiLL KXuîOo, iRockefeller; OaAYBLAKs PHAB- Sweet Corn. Sbovella Evongreen Suset Corn tor mite atbu price, by CO&I. STUMPLU4 Lontg Grove.ý Ill. 3e-4. WAIJKEGAN. S? .g 0ong a th. Camty S5t -fi ht-.a gaosMr R.a"r.- gi til ti q m d ti Ji u ip Ilt Gribn f o etn hi aighter sva frbo hom e the ng bt for een jean home. Anth"Sud'lla btfu, va thought il vould sot ho tiflllult to UdCa 1ev os sun hto hase the cam- Who W~ill lie Appoited?, Oin or before June lai the duiy af appoisling two mombera ofthie Board af Roviev devalvos upon Judge Jouas. He mauai, under the sou law, select ose member traib e iepubiicas anti one0 tnom the DBemocratlo party. If hobu amate ie sselectionm. ho bas as jet falleti 10 announce mare, andi no li111e interest la maultemi ls hle possi- hie chile. Chairman Stevens, of the Board of Supervlmo*, la the thîrd member of te Board o01Itevlew. il.4 j'PKOCUPS ileJ@ The irai lhisg uecemary 10 enahie a girl to mrry lu an opportnnity. IVe meet a lot of agroeabie people, anti a lot of tilagroeable people ment Us- sThel siap seron tom the iho the andoentrarysfrmone por, ti an admon- albr rfor th ae andItuma tmun- lobe foie mosilsfr. t Maj in- simd th mosi pondn, but m a n-o ho puhhltheti vithrosi osbtI andaned free ta suhacnibers. This in no Joie. Neyer admit def cal or poverty, through jon eem:atolbe doun. anti bave not ose cent. Strongly assert jour vigbt to ho a man,to bolti yonr head np andi loithe vorîti Iu the face, stop hravely 10 the tront ohonevor opposeti, aund the vorldtiulil maie uay for yen. No one oilsInat upon jour rlghta whilie jou jourseif doabbt ai jas have auj. Halt i frmly 10 the conviction thal you posoeastue qnalites requisite for succusa. Neyer aliov jonrsU h o ho traltor ta jouir oun cause by ustier- minlng jouir self-confidence. depart.aeut ai agriculture, --the thai ose horao cau move ou Iran ou a levai roati requîmes a homme1 hall an levai asphaît pavement,a boanses oi&cobiestoneu. iweniy hI on ordluary dirt ronde anti tony bi on ud." Generai:Stone, of lte U S"ltos roati bureau, estimatem lbe a! bauling the coutry&tarm ducta 10 poli t 1rail or :vaer mneutit at $946,0l00,0l00 anuualîy- thau the operatlug ozpenfem a1 M railroada of the country. Il apl from the siatement of the auihnrlty Ihat l bo-tblda of enormous sum namget conîti b. anti the vainc o9 faim Proyerty il country Increaud $ 5,000,000,000 b1 o0ostru5lii o!ofUmprove i hgt la théerural tilaftutola ADVANCE SALE of SUMMER lIOSIERY. Largest and most complete line ever shown in Waukegan. AMONG THEM YOU WILL FIND: WOMEN'S H(>SIERY. in piaiihlack, ini black ribbed top, ini black m-itlî white' soles, ini black out sizes at............ 5()c, 35c, anîd 25c pair Woman's fancy c'olored hose with faîicy drop stiteli at................ 5o-, :35e, and 125c pair Woman's plain black ijio- witli white feet, per pair ................................. 15e Woman's fflain white or black liose 3 pair for 25e per pair .................................10ec Infant's cashmere stockiîigs. ini red. tai, pink, bine, whiite, anîd hlack, pair.............. 25e Childreu'-À black cottoîî ribhed stockiîîg, at .............835c, 25c, 15e and 10e perpair. Our Child.ren's No. 458 black ribbed eotton hse- at 15e cannot lie duplicated, see it. For reiiabiiity andi turdy wmar theso tookhrge ara as Scoti a your monmy. Aliso a large lUne of aturdy Hose for Men. 01. R. LYON & Cwo*e LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. Investigateti Deaths at ~'auke-1 gaîl and ighiand Park. Corimser Taylor was called to Vauke- gan Sunday 10 boid an lnqneat over the body of au usknown man killcd hhere Batturday nilbt. The facts as developed at the in- Viest are Ihese: offilera Green and lioGill wore On Wutrer trecteutss of the tracks and gaw Ibree men apparently very drnk co me alaggeriug doua the 1111. TiheY waitud for thes, and piaciloz them' un- der arrest started Up towu 10iock tiiern up. Ail were mPpprenhly ,ni, Jndged frani thoir aPPearance. Whou Uear the O. & N. W. smeka the de- oesaed tmmmd and ras and It was alt er a sharp chos t1*1 Grecs OveroK him. The officers again sitarted for the police station wlth their priaonera, when the, victini of the accident at- tempted 10 cross the tracka and stop- ped squarely ln front o1 tue 7:45 trais. Rte waa hurled in the air asd when picked up bisi body wau Uteleus asd aught but a brokon and bruiasdImas of umaity. NoUba? lthe other Mes ksow their friandesDamie and sO co16wt bis Identity could ho found. Os hie per. son wcre saveral packages qf plus and ho lisd told theni Ihat ho had been saing p11s0 ad nedwe. e iLs e rosortijury declared it vas accidestal death. 19 developed the mlan was very deai and this ln Part ex- plaina bls attpplng in front of the ap- jrToaching irais, tluongii no soubt lhsd ls bees sobor tilaccident vosld sot have occerd. Ho vwu buried wlth- onthl hieUt! being eotabiialied. II&RBBhE'g SCDDEN DEATH. oscar Taggart, a barber omnployed by P. connelU!, aitiiigblaed Park, died at Lia boarding bosse eariy Bunday moruing, aud cîrcnmata"nces surround- lsg bis doath vers ascii as inquaal waa demandad, no pIIliilan bvial been aumniied. Mdondai Coroner Taylor aocured a jury and summoned litneme, hoso teuiimony ahowed the& Taggartws a comparative siranger ts Highland Park, baviug corne from ChioO r1- Mr@. Jeanette Pergusos, vldow of 0. G. Fergîsion docoasot, died ai the home o0f ber datugbter, 111 St. JaMeS etreet last veek, Thuraday evosiag ai fo'ciack ailter a long llîneas superIn- uceti by ber advanced aga abo having îamed ber 731h birtbd.y. The de- eased vwu ose of tue very oldeat reldents of Wankegau aie bavisa livot bore asce the titi. Ai the adjourseti meeting of the nov school board Thuraday evoung of laist reek Supt. Cramer intimaiedta t the Board tiat he hiait a Dow0 place open ta g0 t0 asd Ibat ho vas planning on eaving et the clame ai bis preoent contraci. W bore Mfr. Cramer la ta go bus yot sot been annousced but Il la likoiy thai hhasoasecureti a superin. tendescy ln nome other clty andi ls hi. xnov location hls many frionda bore wigb hlm$nuces@. Tuenty.nlne years mgo lamt Tueadar George W. Hutchînson atoppoti mbo office as Toun Clork. Stace that lime ho bas been elocteti year afW 1eryar asti ho wll bold the place Us long u ba vanta It Wiiils ha bas hsd mOiRe opposition on Varions occasions, him eloction each tirsewu apîactlcay hi a nnanlmons expression ot the people. George oelebrabed thc occasion la isi usuel quiet vay, by being ntmielmdoai lu the court bouts and klcking out %base ubo diaturbed il n him uork. Baturday, Hazol, the 14 yoar olti danghter of George Drnry, ran awy / from homo andi lu oompany vitb on. "SBud" Gibeon uest 10 Ohicago. For two days the fther and tvo Chicago policemen moarcheti ln vain for the pair. Wheu ablout ta ratura to Wauke- gani londay nigbt anti near the North- western depot hir. Drury observed isi danghter andti Gbeon sot ton yards tram hlm. As moon a tho tathor sa his chilti the pair percelved. hlm. T( Qnick as a flash bothb ated os a rus ait andi the parent 100k ai ter theni. Tbey RO roustiet the corner on Kinsie mireltE when the parent canght np andi siened bis dasghter by the arsi. He led ber back t10the depot and ibough abe A1 1 rieta10break avay @evertil tues te L oin lier companlos, obo folloved A ILtong ai a sale, distance behind, the i 1fathor vws sot vllling to give up the C uork of a i*o dais' searcb andi clung D tila tbis daughler'a arfi until thc trais hati starteti aud vas ucil on ite vay ta Waskegas. Tuesday Mir. Drury 6conaulteti as attorney uitb a vieu to 0F 1 have just received a carload of Road Wa6c>no, 7op Buggies, Phaetons and Surreys which I wili oM Ileus than Chicago prices. ,ad Wagone and Geniemensa Drivers tron $28.00 to ...............S 4.$ id Spring Top Buggy, à or i1ltu. aies, 4 boy leather quarter top, B uheals made of boat s»cond growth hickory .............. ........0 With lubber tires ........................... ............. 6f handsome Canopy Top Murrey, fisoly iinishod and voil made, only.... ffl Boe my moït popular airrey. i w.ll handle It In tour grades, Vis: y Lgrade-thia la the beat thai eau be made ab any prIce ............... 3grade .........................................................Î;z Jgrade .............................. -.................... 1grade ........;e.............................. .............. :..1- Don't tbink because 1 oeil goode oheap, 1 handie, oheap gooda. I viii give as strong a gnarastee as you cau get on any rig no malter boy much yon pay. Libertyvu lie H. B. EGER, MORSE .[uRNisliINGS * YOU NEED.+ ... LAP DUSTERS... 4 A good quaity-cheap> dilser, 30 to 35e 4 A better grade, 40 ta ....... 75e 4 Fine large Embroidtered 1)usters, *somethuîîg nice ............. $1 .50' LIGHT DRtVINÇ-HAR NESSES. I have a good aesortment of 4 fi single and double driviîîg harneffses in 4 fi stock at prices that will suit.,4 fi Cati make to order on short -. 4 notice aîiything you May -desire ini the line fi . .~ of harnessea . LIetvleC. M. KAISER, 4 fi - - -l-eillinois. Wagons, Buggies and Vehicies of ail knds . .. . . ouar ar. tee fairt reauoi 1?EV$ L«AýÀ- -L The City HeaIbb departMent a180 ex- pocta 10 taire legal actiontlagaînst Devie. Uaiess the MIon autilities appiy for a hospîtal Uc0ense Pr-tetrutlos vill begin viîb the objeo l t!croslg Zion and iun "bastng hors,ý.- Tirough Haalth <Iomsmisiner lteynolds the courtsa an o ili b. amked W ponlah Undertaker Henr E. ilaggard, lu business at 163 South Wùbtern avenue, for rem6ovlng tbm bodies ofîtsr. Emua Lncy Jndd anti Mra.Loiîtsa Chiatossen from MZon ulîhant lagai Itermîita. Oommissioner Beyno]iln -eut Boule a blauk application foîr a itospitai honnieo. The "healer,'aId its forces aîwaye bave couiendedt Ilt t -Zion homo" la not a hoqdpl. --sbouiti Dcvi. applj for a liconse," sait Dr. Beynold, "sve mall Investi- gate 10 m&e if Uic place li a proper ose. if be maites no application tue courts wOibe sake te, 0punAtshhini tan con. dnctlng a hospital vîtholut i Ilcense." This decîston vasaLon ucCais thc ressht oftan opinion Issn'-d ly George H. Eriete, attornemy furthe Health deastment. Under blayor 8litfî regre eDovie arowthetiCcity in an effout ta moite bim e akoout a hoaphtal license. AbNomey wtuai. Rays these former proceedlngs wacre brosght la 1895, andi reaulici lu a fiiing theat the ordînance lu f,,rti ut thaitîMn vas Inreasonabie astI Coît. Tiat ordi- ' Ladies ' Wrapuiers anid Sltirt WNairsts- i alsz-~ CESSOR. Under lit htle at ttw.a y îîîî yt. Atg itiISt ilý i r! -r th,,t ftl'y t a-uio ts ti s. tol Sw - tiîlIt ta mîttilnîryu -Itru, f tlî ils- u ctr- trle1ev ttt.t "II a tt O t h-- i rtt o- u-S,. hrmies 61 ie e ma. al n pro. £tenet,Slta, -more MI hep i et ïm Waukegan - - - Illinois. fe r: 1 1 !.J; 1 1 fellow. ti ireon- 1