CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 May 1901, p. 2

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î1:M ERTY 1LL. . LLINOIÎ: MURT tG1VES SPEECH. BMSTR8 CftUELTY A BLESSINO IN MIOUISE. le A"itot& iSAtt.Hsigl.ii LIe eosed Rser Wooi aBrutal surgeoni. arepuaziesi ci-tir vu mark- etde rt-cois--i- tu tp-chhy ,asb Puiser. torbo bib ot-o T, d Wb in-aet tiirh. L'ut %hroneh a tit, dong- iiihi, hla1rsbnd q"'ooihie l.îert"f i-s, 'uts r. #Wb.i j. 14 volusi. t--i,'-. ý 1Fulton lie-. N. y. lit. ýsatt insalit ,ot aiietr. ttes * Lnjre hîn ad bt-r sa1 it oved sqmud. ter lade pe-etoxats uthc esbail. tUp to t ti ner b..bal b..-sn aeihlîsîsi wh ta mpr.imentin b;hi, i-,. Dr'. fiols tero ed sui d ,î-îibtait Op-it gration voll ho e -sîIo s0nite n boyeyoe misu tl;hlits lrf. lie wii plt-ca oîu-dr theb, uIot-iior f ,qi'o. uson «e oaperaline- table-andtihelinujurs-amnt brremos cd. When ho rusîoerel con'i etienanoss the ph iciani ivore sstu1nisi,l su seebin 'sit lpand in uelu tilu-The Opralion iad rcutovoil theino îmet whîch had caued bis îombu.s.s.eaid though he vîli ho paritally bliul.obas been comupensa t-d hi fuI!> i-oovrng Lis speech. B&ANDED HT BRUTAL HAZItUS. iw Tork BHlzh Seh.oi Ord«teQ W.,- iyMe-btr of LevrCl. The towu of Batavia. N. Y.,. luc.,vitOs 0,cr a ase of brutal hazine. Gi-trisail zy bas long existed htivoco the- hie-i uchool graduâtles anl tine rIaisof lei2, aa h@ iovass lts bave beeu mo-Stbit- fcr. Thing-nsoiee irsueht tiia climîax the, otiner nieht as in John Susortzo. peuibr of th graduating cldos, sas seul- gl inlealonciy sat-ion orf 1050. cuoi boudt 1a troc and is face poinnii-i o ii a mixture of acd and îodine, th- fig-uires -'2"hoe- eicearly drewu on hi-, left 4beek. Biideil wth pain, ho was ie- Ieaaei sud securt-d iodîcal i .1in lu-- enovlng the stîngini acis. Tho chances garelthat ils face oilalways har umarks et theboxhers' bruah. PROGRESS tOF TUE RACE. ltUndiaugof League Clubs la Contrat for tha Pasa.ut Follewhig la h, standing- of tine clebs ltinsh National Leagne: W.n WL -New York.. .4 7Bi-ooklyn . 2 12 *locineati - 15 lolit. Louis... -Il lii -Pltoborg ..15 il oston . il14 Miiadphia .15 1IjpilcQgo.. 11 0 ittrodlngs in tino Amen-can Lenuie are Ma t*Uows: W. LW. 1 (b1etto .... 19 SBoston . il I t Dtroit ...18 il bliîseookec .10 16 Wasblaton. 14 9 Phiiadelphi.. 8 17 Rajteor .11 leveîand - -819 Costitution Poli.'., lbe Flac. la decldieg lthe DeLimis caec agaluel ~te trai bevernons-tltieUite States rrie Court hcid that the constitution 2., "woed the fias mbt Porto RILo. and the he oIsand, afithle lime lie duties i» colected, was a terrltory of the Vaited Stateabut nul a part thiretf wthiln th revenue clause f Ue consui tution. OI Oaaetof Cre.Sares. Fifteanof h saube-n memicrs of lhe 6e e fthle Norusegian hark Elasiet-rt- dsowaed by Ue sinklng of that vesuol as the. reuit of a collisionIn l a dense- fol- off Bble Islan vti the Wilson liner OMo. Tbe snrvis-ar, Chritiasn Poloan, 10 ea ide, vas rought loto Boston ou 69 .Ohio. ____ * Tino Ameriensh ilp R D. ire,. s bci auhied nt Kobe fron Philadeîphia Apiil 10 vas totally destroyel hy lire o fous 4aà» haer, togetier avilht 35,000 cae-s of k..~tee. Site bail diachsret-25000 eoms The ci--w jumped os-ci-hard. orrimmlnt 10 the Briish shiip Dunifrie- sbire, yins close by. Disater lu F:.'lh Colliers-. In au explosion th the 1 ' nisersal col- liery 51 Seneenii>de. noir lMonmouth. Bighsnd, gevetty mint-ro s-re killi-î. A relief party smhih descende- i mb the- pi catne, up taro hours liter piostrateil b: afler-siaop. Sirik.eof inerai.Ends. A.Robertson & Co.. opertine tie Cur- bis anîl Excelior iolerent-e tuttauokin. IPs, agi-ccd lit hovîuflî-r pop lhirtmt- n poyea tenu monilil> - -Iei-vtpoo thus atruko of 1,000 mon ndmi 1bosau ieciar- cd off. Atteuipt un Wrek s Trslu, A.seceondl atuîpt b suivi-k aasserý.- ter train on th(- WaliioroadI usadmuîe sicar WNyatt, lIl - theo ullur niguiht. fie vere piaceili- im hiltra 0ias h-i usie ten doasbefore. Kilîs Wtt, fr. lrir F. Il. lRichaoi-n uuioilivilio, Ky., «hot and killi-ilbi s mire. Kit iti-lc r mom, niitakin e ir f-uv a bli-ie-lIr il tiougit thut NMro ILi--aruls.ui mits uî ik Ing in ien leeti. I- F. Lorre iead of 1B. sud o. I, F. Ici-nc. fuurtîvtîsicc-prei-oiintof the Pi-nosy ola i l iiCi-mtpi-ye i - . been seecîed i os lu'icodent of rie Izaii more taidtOhio taîlvold. Rhoter Fet-tryDusiagid. Tihe-reoîend of the iftioy sitîer fou tory at Newcs itle. lind., Nas uesliiyî- by lire oui $hll,l) da>iiiulgewsi( lone th, *,000 lAlnt. F., Fe.l. la Autmretic * The si-bai-ne-vrusdwuin Itoy erris-îl rt Halifax, N. f -îutii-îiiv ibmor fîcr- * suce"sful eeîliig thi-lt,f iigit îuîonthý cEILDien aILLE» ai Ni8Ak.àj Left Thoiv Hoe 0Nuar lob, W. Va., 4e»(loCh.,witd IO.u' A 306, W. Va., apeclai igays: *«To bk eruttlhed tu deatb lu the rinbrace et à inonstrosts blark beurarnod hem ultie hoieîrataterward mangled ud partly de- vourëdi aa lhe frigbtfi iae that bofil th., lice Young î-hildren of E. P. l'or- ieri.-Id. a mounitaineer. Tih, rcnîuaui were bound ly a scarchîit 1ii-iri- wvic biat] liee ont for forty-eight hoîîru. lb. liartyleludoil john Weidon, ao.%Ijrylanld liintîr. who, wiîin a few mnutîes ifler the uiiscora',of the bodies, ,hot and kili- ci the be-ar in a oeigbsiîg thli,-kt. 'The eijairen user, Mary, ageil 3; NWîIllu. aged &0 Andîu He-nry, agoil 7. Thoy lefI lhome 10 grather iiuwers in a cleauî;ng ti-r theîr home. ,Sorhing more is ktiosi . buit it la alipposeil bat tbev waüdervd ilotho tvod.. ad bhýisng tout conitiniiii Ou tiîr s-ay outil tho- weui it'tabofl hy tht- beur io theudîese forest tii-e. nîLic front thrîr tparentishotmei. The bear féasted off @Il tht,-, of the bodies. Th-' houe0f 1he childicu haîi loto cruoheil 11ke trasi.AndI 1hefleoh tripped off sîîlh iccîliandlsli . 111CR SUFFEItINO IN ALASKA. C.unýmusaeuîoffera tn iAil iSnPPiieafre Dititute Nts. Reports o ie tilof the iteriîr De- isartinint in NVebngton through officiai sort'oesa ini;olskacontain storips of gront destitlti(in and isuifferitîr atîoug tbe ua- tuvos. in lbe, iolcy Of the Koshokim river. Thiii pe b ase 80niCo msnor support. their nuwiiur-ibave Wbore Ivastated by rarus o îf the gvip, and theîr IlOgi OU sshich iîuuîirviiaut-e for îeitistauce in Oiaititaining a liveiih'uod l aîîced. ire di oi. There arm no goverriient fuIiîlO oîîiiic 10 as..lut hiese peoiuie, but lu"- terir liopartmnt nIolilcîaio nue-iront that if cbaritalv îlsposed poisons forwaril iUppiîe to Seatîtle arrangemntos wil hoe mode for iertransportationl 10 Alasa loy thei-cienie cutterus which i-robe in th, vaters of iliatCounftry. oue prieat iPt-pOtltalt 1 u-rt Ocre 300 iioaths amatit tiie POOtilI' coie-ng uner bi-suPeîisiOfi. the poîlîo herolîsvhueingrducedin1 11u'bi i-sfrein ,kK)10 tloM FIRIGIOTFULDIRIAld PROVES TRUE Orange moetainl. Tiie enauit of a re- faalteo rupiy with thc demand vas ta h. that Mallino wooid ha kidnaped. COlTS THROAIs TOiEN RESISTS AiD. Thoemas Wild Te Puraue 1 About Houa. b, Men Who .1 y tu 8 s'. Hi.. When on ambulauce erris-ed the otiior dey et Thomas Wid's homo in Cleveland the attendants round doiora chasine- Wiid ail over the, boîîe. Wnild'o ibroat ueo cit froni ear 10 ear snd biood wOO eushiîîg from the wound. The physicians were covereil wthblond andi b:i-nas$Pet- tered on tie uslis and flors Te am- bulance ilionuaisted the. 4aitors ln os-er- powcring Wild. Ho soon coiiapsod front lis&o f lood andi1won taken 1tii, St. Aeis Hospital. WiId b.d beeD Ot O? work for seserol weeksaned hecame de- spondent. lie attomptoil t0 end his lire, oiiu silen lthe physiclonos erSUommoned refused ta let thcm attend hlm. STAR VAInHJ&RSE ..F TO DRATIL Mtinneapolis Woeu Teck Ne Food for Thirty-.Ix Day.. %Inra. Petronella Peterson of Mlinnep8O- lils died theo otior nie-ht. thc roiît of soif-imposed siarvalion. F-or tiirty-aix dars se h id refused tula tko ouish- ment. Afflictcd su 11h n couccrous gvowth. wbich aine uas tolil vos incurable. aie ttoa erroaise 1teolsteiri fi-milfOad. I)v. Woodlword Whrievosaie ws led ta tbî, course ossiîîg theiîofart thot tho takiiig of uoîrliuhuivu nt -illd grool additionai otifferîeg. Suc 1ivforreii to hasten ber deaii end at tho salîetint1010asoil the ni- diltionai 1pain. 110e oged iîoiitîu ie sons 62 yeors oid gave an exanîîîe or herole wsili poiwer that ber plin-sicionD states hou Bidatlbec . iqoolmlie 1r mental fac- ul-s romaîned i îh ici t0 the Iast. TENISERIViIRS IN FLIOOD. Seserai LsIs'.Lalmed Man, Bridge» S-ept A-is. Reports fromnt ppîr Eut Topocsco 1In dîitritaI lie rahivu ,ofthbttsectioni ni-e out of boots bue-er than Oser tuotore. Tino Southfrîi Rois oy bridg-e oser the 't r o-ii -nir icri.und iiin. wasb--. Si. Louis Carieter Wîkes frosa HBer- fau msudulthronîgh tt5c l et1-livayx uf ribale Nighi-a.u. a etsity, liîti lestoppîed. TicSoilîlri- t il- M'îlhîaîiî Mes-illen of St. LouisRayshe@ us-u hi-rige oh Emlreî's lie wssalsa cur- r iltnesi t nîi-uiaiht the thor nie-ht tlint riel off ils pions andlIi ssi-wovk. 'lrie . ho uas tryinge-tukili hi4 itefand i bm on thie Einrees-iite brivicuibas hito iv n-U sl soit tihe le of a carpcntîrn paine. donesi At Elizuhethtoti uneiîe mu iied He assake 1tui-itinuttheuiesione as,of frîe-ht t seeine- ticrapiuily ruine- sat- truc in ai ils dvtailt-. lis sife. frantuc or. At Ripley. Islanud. on Ciucky rtver, si-ai Ici-vît-, su creaimine- for help sud tire, cinidi-eu namdcil ill -oeroîru eil. vi ali tryîog ta forceelber seay la the Ticir bone wsi-asîhcil as-ux. ed sicoct liroagit a aovtr.-ly faste-neid 1jor. rs fU-rsRcciirci Uponherhoil- ucre -e-t c Copt. Frederiek J. Barrowss.lui, uepel C huiani badi iiched. He as d i-oa e-quariermahror ofhlicdopîvtment vof a plane hiade bei-k anil forth urofs s h n ou thorv Louzon. sentencol ho lise peu-o, i. Dck lu au atiomPt tiI 00,cr bis jueular Catit. Jamro C. Reoil. Rto de-1ot ioi-n i-eipu. Ton cota. ail of a dane-î-rous na- misorv t Jtn . atie ssn-. Tul' tureer. no uîl o ly.Pli-Mi 'a IcOuL Frederick Boyer. mIte deliiul om rg rpelrlie bai i-iincd bils nt-itih y %i..,ay a aaia ual -r n Closetievotin te the invention af a lier- piu nto. ave be-enu one -aci- lui- 0ar pet13i Moion Imacine, wici ws n fot aisBîlibil pibnave beeini[arcrtdi t Taso Kslîrd ou U prisonont Mi-. t] TranaU fri Lake Nease.tI. Tcseond alio .ni uon it cuiitUio FfîY-ive of lie loi-ei-at_ on tlin h secor nd ecgttioîn o N o. l sas Unre net, gercallat-es usere fîrmiiy trensfcvrod tl aii rih ri o 1wswe dS . tiree milesouest of $buron Springs, IKan,.l the Unitedl States Steeli Ciii-lua t'on Tino eneineci- andl brakemau swe kîiid. vie-n iles of suie of tino Bessemei- Sieutn-Tic tract for a distance of ixty foot It siip COMPatupe lakifctl ta tic lîtts- hail hecn sa-sied out. ami thoecue-une and imîe- teusii Coîîpnp.tic Rtîyudtii- ta crs uent user an omhiniiment. Corporation tat uili oîerale the teci t-osto# lîke business. ssrc filet] lu tht- Flond. Ca..tLosof Mllo., l Duluth Cuotaîs office.'The pri-be paid Cuius Avioçi of North Carolina says ail Pl van gisen ns $1îtnd ther s-luabie cou- the loislunil i-ops un lhe siierotionu. tiary foi-rta Oin 011 astaiedonia weiii(i-o i Kif offiir .. «-ý Ec. e* stniyeil inthelt- -icent fnouas lit- Say§n King Victor Emumanuel. rturone- frein se-erod ai gil in theiiaS. aea. oa a waak inu Rome,, ntci-ed tic elevator ta eea mlindolr.i reach is apmrtmeiitaaunte aecond story SusPect Co.uuits Ou videý f of the palace. andl an inexpi-rii-nced ser- Fred C. Fostor of Cîmii-ideport. vant sel the inuicalor for the tuil stony. Wue.sho wsauunIon suspicion or tie Ari-ivine- t the second stoi-p.the Kine- police in coanection uvti tie espiosion c vas on the point ot ste-ppiue- out as ticeviici ireCkthtie Combinieport Na-f eles-tor continuel ta asce-et. but bis tionail Benk, committeil soicide by shoot- f majculy iumpel buck in the uuck of time me- _____ci and thus esi-apoil inc- iusinci. M.u Ot with.t Cafi Nayer Fiaci for Cote.ut. J. W. Mahey fireil the conte-ais nr a At Zantesilie,.Ohio, Joie Fronior ad- iouble-barrele-d bte-un lto lie body of m Jntiged -Mayer James L. Houe. e-ity ofIliomor Kein at Augusta. Ok.. satiout e cualompt of court, uni fluci hum l,200 say apparent Caose. oia as as faielly andl ross.and tine anx poicemen Wasin-se woueded. tl nistol in Ue rescue of tie pubrol wiagon 1)u iruaAlaie fronthe custody of tht oherlff, e ho Fi"e euiled tir,. looi-s af tihe ie-vine2 he-ied utheaCityt, îoy iwee-tnD saz-ehouue-at the East lndî.u siharf. agîutttedpuere seatencedI1o py Brooktyn. N. y., helone-ine- 0tic, S-o the Costa ontine case agaînet thotii. noms iVie ComPay. Theiosis es on1 Se-'- Fura l'eel. King. mat-siai 32aO.000. Eivai-ilVII., Engloolu luine-, -aus îîiier o...Life tu rave Child. a ahoari Shemnout Il.. the Ameri-ias culti 1Mr%. Samueli inbehrg or Chicago. challengerr, vie-n osicloiu s susi l nnik sele I-vine ta Sas-e ber timont-iolI lier broadaie lun. rîpîîcd awaiylber Rails, baby from hoames cause-s by an exploisîio tore outtbhrn asto anîl left ir a hi-Ipîcua of gasoline, usas su severely buvuel biat hiîik, basins onthe lic îd-isuhesi uas-es. sic lied. For a ime ih seciel Ibut aiecinust roua- dier anui^iuk.5',but me i-vas itial>ly oveil lMacinise ouMake Demande. to bKeah Couse-s. ainias w ilidonmant! shortr-rboucsr _______ sithtuot docrense- inipay onaiii raiswaa Fr:sil-e ii. ens'r. ytems in tice1United States atd Cat-u t Thb -aticory and vurchouse of tlic&a, refusai tubc he tns ignal for a ge-i-n Eaton Rittu lhCooPahfîy5maufacturera onal etnîke inu ohoucoultrîre.9 of tlinsare. oi-supyine- neant> blalr s blsock-t t liftýteîh i Vpnkoop sti-eeis. leu- F..der. in vu',-, s .î i-> t-iyl by lire. hLient. %Vl- Steannp Baltimore fouols-ned ilu Lak, laut uihiîwes soei--Iy burnoi by anourionald teelce of lic crois, inclodingt î of pints E.C. Iiti bei. naa the eVtain naduhi@ovuf,, pînlined Thie ogi , i-ritsioninos, estîmîtes tic damage st orna âsed mon y lake wecku. -I in H, SiJ.h. W, i-us to r luBefSOG. e-i. V j , lut. gi-ucto Ne ork ui-t lu iae.p,- I~I'If~JW .Jl cils niý ake ;mi-h X.up -t.milioun of ht-e iomac-h. Sb, -.iu>saine su- d la Chcago-cattie. commun te prime, lizevîtl e~ve penali go witeic ihîingua $ 3.()(> to $587,: bagashippine- erade-s. gi a- orf aator. Itin- iilievessthe animai 33.00 ta $5.95i; ahe, .fuair te choive, $3.00 issu stii ie utinuber and *Iaims tiet lot3-.75:;sbeat. Na. 2 rd, 73c- ta 74c; e-scytînlo aie changes ber uàTt tint lin Coi-e. No. 2. 41v to 42c; nain, No. 2, 27c ardi-soîakesa O igorouin pi-oIes.o 28c; ye. N. 2 ')le tu 52c; butter, thildraB- u lis, t h chie e remery. 17c te 18c; ee-es.frosh, 'f Tisa hidrenifJuiis oes'o . ee 2 10e ha lie; putain«,. 42e tu110v 1per snti 5. ici-e liained ti ta ubin theiri- bel. i-îbole in tic toneorLii.. Mina Tinsy lihanpolis-Catio.ahipping. $33.00to -thiiîe la-as iîh sonne matches o"a' $5.60; bugs, e-oire lie-ht.$400 hu $5.75; thihinlihioe-asasablaze- a feu- minutes shorp. vuttumon tu primen. $3.0()ta 34ÂJ00 nter. e ieat. Ne. 2, 72e te 73e; coi-nNo. 2 c- wlile, 44-e tu 45c; eats. Nu. 2 while. W lihi li aityporfraine-ra voie standiing- st LoRib-Ctlie. 33.25 te $600.;buses, nu-au tiOio.- ne-unc i liii-- Siiîue tniflet $,4,0to $580; -sbeep. $3.00 ho $4.50,> .usiii f. the .Yu,-scr thie ueies ic buhý.No. 2, 71c te 72e. coron .1 niuu i-vtin ilni vut. ic hiliem'1 42,. u, 43e-; 0011. N. 2,29ei- 10 30c; rYe, t pioîii-ui as tii i-gltfl l -îtî. A nom ber Ni. 2. 55Ctu 5l6c. a of the enui- es---o inu-utand aialib, 'ei-nuot--Ct $e3.00 10 35.50; ho"e. s. Filf9-i tgo lloor OusIiL $3. <Il tu $5.75; siep, 33.00 lu $4.15; Ir Ait tît h logu- of Sanoniîu, a 1.11- lu, . No. 2, 74e tae-.k corn. No. L lit lac,. ji-id--iui"ft lFI m~hsulc ii'i-l. 45c- bu 46e-: oam, No. 2 mtou-il.)oJi 1 -li- ihi- uvleliuiiiuî- Oltti la 1 i-e. No. 2.-l-(o tlcý u-> y.T-sini., (O. i1'.veivi $ î 3. (CIto 35.7.-; AinoOp, 3-.50) ho $4.541; u,,. . liai i (cen tnvostu-s u si,-o i biu e:ste. Na. 2. -.;c î o rn, iu.No. 2 yelo.v tuha4;c; ont. No. 2 whitje. Lnsa Veleano Kii.ielins7 31c- . -:rye, . - o 54;'. The TIic. 1olafu o? Reinet. Jas-a. lailu rnnp ilci ea.N. 2 mler 13C t tus -, lii- luav a in rectenung iii- BUtri-ii, nNo 2 muacil. 43e ta 44ce; cela. tu-e îuPlntations and bascnt-nubgrrî.îNo. 2t-ui,28c-ho 2ie; rys. No. 2, tlc Theui d isltric-t is iin tul dar. :tu ,I-;i li,'-r r cd, prime. $6.50. d ti-1. -I i .uuul. i-Wienl. No. 2 nertern, ho 5:1.000 Fi- . ta Cicloti, t3elui 74 -orn, Na. 3,. lc te 42c; oua. -ka Fmvintht- ceirisetrimmine- workt No. 2 eluîo. 'n]- le 30; irjwNo. 1, 53c- ib- of hiuih & Si-hou. Cinnnati, detroyel 1 to. îi-îc!î.y, Nu. 2, 5-Ctu aM6e; purs, Y $34lOiu-i of stock oaidamg iemess.. 46 bdhuiding tbohe etin or OOl u l.,hatie, hioice alipping steers. lie eatct ef ~ $3.001 tui$5.75: ibog.fair te prime. $3.001 King'. 81.7e. Kill is E «Iaî. lii $600X; sî.fair te choie-e. $3.50 ta 1e Brosci. lie asssain othte lobe Ring $4-60: lamina, Coimmun te extra, 34.50 ta l Hombert, ha, commtte suicide i na . $.75. -ale 3-5t &0 fl pententlary of Santo Stefano. Itaîgi Nev lopin sîe 37 l 00>Lea 33.00 le $6.20; aiep, 33.00 te 34.0 lu if" EIuaP ld*tae.a 'hId .- viral, No. 2 reti, 78e te 79e:.era, Ne. 2 ai 'Little Madeus. Edison. the 12-yea"-od 4&e tu 49c; oti. %o. 2 white, Me to Uk; Mr dangiler et Tiemas A. Edisoea, l. abtter. esue.r, 18e ta 19e. qMwegt- &rd etial"Park,is thehaeSt pregus.d «& jea.» t - Suprm. Court Hauds Down an Important Decision. LAW FOLLOWS FLAG. Cogsttutlo. Covera Possessions, bult Separaie Tariff la Lezl. Pert* Rtco ui 50. Phiippinea Are lotefrat Parla of the Repuhlc unce, gigiUuAflgof uhe Paria Tre.ty-Fora- heLaw. la Ipheldt anduACongres. Ha@ h Riut .i t1-p..Cuit.- Dut1., on Goaýls hrougtie-hiChe e Cmamtrim freinNew Territory. w In Ml th TH0E CARE-Samii.i S. Devis oed Porto Kime tariff &to oag u1t ~ t recver II> vole,îvd unier tue THE QUERTION-Has Porte ient rom Piorte IAleOi-gO. oge Lied @loge or Territori eoftthe Unit 'kt5151...egi tntil 5 il se, fl!aly r(ui trfonPorto ican produe a violatIon tr s eii. iorikerr oetlt0ioulie là uifIorns taation for ailtiitheMâe? trrt7 oittuttoni. whieh prosides fur THE AMSWiII-1'orto iRico 1inteaattt ud îelogtg t the. United italea, bot flt a part Of th ii. Votteeendtplngngt of the. Constitution; the. Forgier set i1 onttti1 a w tiiherevenue lati., opon Importa fruoe suoh isiands. iglurcsa n t- efr as it Imposes dutç dtermine whn they are. k te be incoprtd 0In ,fo i.iirea01 tories or tulos. 1lUited ltatea au Terri- TUESVI tT -Ail1 Imrforta&from porto Rico arrW 0 f > io - lilnfl' y tonf If.t trff etl THE DE LIMA CA SE. TuIE tAsi -.A1. elALma & VO. ouedl t0 reroser iJ 01ilEW) .fl r t h -rotl,îlo -f the Plarle troat!, but Ibefro lie",t 'lM, ga fil trit ', - i. aIthc i orle THÉ Quxsio-if 1, erritory acqeired by trentyfreg ,ttu a sPerIH,-Êilideolared hliv ttu > THE ASRi uer anet a uiird or iutilorltyee., lti Fi egn 1,i. âg., for hodln& that i distit e r1,1 1 511let Sîldlttes feman. for ani gor-o. a frc ontry. pseso t, rrlt,;r) .i n,ioltred h1a rqulred, . r ii aiouslo 'gç mi 1- ,i I, i. f 'cas a ndl H swsili y tongre.à. 5it follnw s th thit .) the iiîtinýin o f the.trêaty utfIl'orintbthe 1 u ie[rame terrilto o tte iti-i îîî, iîlioîîti ot auiii itiId teriitry là th, ct hi1l1 of the i1. ailetn 'lIt itlitLT ai-.1Wiieted on Port. Biennan 0. r il, iCCi0~c huei',i. î îty uilî-foîre ithe passage of thaei'orto lieun tarîf t! n iii-,îfnîîîl ti i , i l 1,or rt tiisl-uilie. l ithie, i*camps tic que@- ais-i-ii,.výl A. thne lgite-tiI>or dulles i-i ,1. t berla t hlm cutry- or in its lu1inud usits u iuni gonso 1siong W. huis-en tin tte-lu lou ei-sa sthe irela- tin lui ithemu! tilis tu faritio soutltina q îîî-mion O t llasuo. Effeleof the Decisicu. 'fT-e îvieîsun dlhsîuosexo uf à guiol mny îîe-ly poâssjiju i o. et ilîu nuot ho aces- soi-s lu adrtoit uluihi*--e" bin.euigar and hniu0cu-uu (lei(t,,[)a jeif Ishluiîl lie onnexed. Ir viii ilnuit le ltýe,05t i-pth er ta csi-ea hithe t-Iiluur-lu thec Phliiîl'Pneg hi itiqn«oiil Iles (lthle ge-un ilpoited fron i umnoiuiutiriiu sahile tiose trois lthe Uiteîud S(iatvm go lin frec, or tolemin us.e- îu-'îsr humies tIîruuuue-iuut thle United- Stuates a..bnai an -rl iliýuy nia hainrs- ed in the,-hililipinca. It s outtiî.d, fuitleiu-rne. that thecin- i(i-irienutrenue uni l ies lotit-ilon ti s Conti- ilii %%lm S.t lins-tuh-ilie lt-vIedinl Porto ltuuo ludiu thnul'iiippiuie, îs ero voadI- tiiuns ni-msu ulffrent fr010 seimh tiey are heit-thînttblat tu 1r iponitiuiassiuilui ho inox- piitiIOt. busut lu es- injît,-t. Cotigresso mac it-gi-ihabe for thic tistilini-possessIin§viii- toi1t binire- uiilbyl iaiu),reu-i-aprovs-a iluilu uitthne iinsitutiuii rîTht Instrumenit dlo.nut *fuiiiuiitheie g,- sufmrIl@taI- uiin ui-î lceocî-i-uî-îl. uIr oi regards cer- tain pliiluhrigitis. A nui teî i iiiitîn of i ie court wvieh ah one si i la ke esu.-it linttii is tee ,ffeu b ibat ucrusia rue-île. hlue It ifortir fre-îîou, of s alon i ireligilo.serrahlîu vi i ch ari- t hetiobil (uî right4s of the eon- ott il ui l, e-ata tii- lutasi susion lti Sie ulafsi-h, filit h lte Ous-e rb NolaeatubIe i ,-fi-i IUi-ii> iei-u- ih dcal-ute sr iii- Iihuu o f îuoaue- onl tua t if hue enaclîtueni if minl'u-oakov aloi- insut i-si-. h 1,votiecoi-urt hil thic-Iil tics asil ih i-urpc i-l îuîlt-t'-l 'hi.e lua dufiat fuir ui- 'oulnîlt. buît itiîiia nîîeelp te Ib-rfili-bîiig i)f 59-iL"i' uhî ii lnii tue li,uuns l h. oui 1,uuuh tory - apptlii-nu it tut a iî 1longiiOg tu tue Uoited Stites. lhum 'lot s [art if the l'ot- (i-l Siaate. usmthbin înîîuîtohît iýi uilti It Romtains tai!; th int- vi lieCbl-ieu etl ticeilunuiniinan tu tho taus iof lis-se- iooiiai- pocssesios. CLUNG TO PILOT FOR IS LIFE. Thritliug Expert.sCC Of-aOSe. Looil. Hlilirod 9litcbmsn. I lune-ung luiheii lliuolua raîuiiloo%11 lie-r Il-t int -litniiîi a friue-iu t ilb il h 111() tueitntiiily. ,II ns ti, iîu hullne-î.pii--iIfl 0'uiiiai iti. -tls iI-M Ii-llunilît oseît,-Iiuntin St>Lois.î Il lui i ua ifuh ilb- tii- tin t'I ulîIlin) a v Il-u i>i- loir:i I ansne-bu --huelu, ,t uit1ti- Pilot t,hiiJ- inltense outilu-Ilhue on gillu.uI uldIl, i.1Soulupus. hlhhsuasîil: hdu-ul t-s uîint Wahiungton 'rruiulte. By aevs-e.of ii- vta fuucthie Nltvii Court of the iiiiSte tes Mliala mitl. -d boise sa-at us ii-i uuîuii-i p lythe e-vu o -st iletision es-r iav 0 ,11y1,>h lietriioni i. In hit it i. dclii viitlîo b miei-Moiti tkIt tIon foilosvs thec lig. lukit not tu the elt(int hat loiiffIssss ini tluu- hrrritaie tniuat lie alIforn i tb tli-sei it forc i-uheicUnited lIates. Porta i--e cnd thc i'bhipiPitOý becamo initeg-i t-Is ifi lue LUnitedu Sttes upanns-ueut ifi i-tuuu0hofthe treai> of Paria. but Ctii-uue msA iehais i-rlu gui- not tht-ml 5eoinguliit iithi-ir îuecis wit1h oht refereace ta Ilie exciseliittions oi bhe conatlttltion. lOy atserlea of lerisiuines luic eh îlovi- bd differencea nrone-tube jiltlu-s as ei-- maakablo as thio. ere-ilitou .h, Bivrme Coburt il ,i-iooii 1. Tic consulitoi i uci- fot foI!,wusthle -0e- ex proprio iguo-i- if ils o,,11 fi-c-1 2. ite- l'otedulSi i-i l Msnyli entliei-, o à-coloial poli-i ii.ha i-uh-outi- I llu lu] it ivithnut i i"izluil . kif lle, îalistl ton. 3. This naiieliius aIl lin, lui-O ev- t iat ri-itiully bei-ung tr ai o ouig uef i1.b. jouaI stîlte aid blun yaru-iei i errit lii- - iliout li-'0iipating Iluichn loirta. lis' n itegral partiio- u-f. 4. Th iamlesarît ai ecqîuitionb> eaty or olberi lo-dueso fot atooiticuliY brnsabout auiluiuinorporation: ninull corpurtsliaonla i-ffueci -I aulp b> t4,wiofa Lbe States acttiilg cunsciai-lp ltiii-uui ,. Poirto Ru ii - t aOpati -Iof hIIi- United States,1hi-i-t "il tervi-ruti-* utv it onnt sol beloetzei- to V îi-lStotes.- 'a vifs estainlisheii iy tuuugri- o l-t violis cîîning fi- tii or giiing ti tuirtoa ici-) re s-aIidand colleutulule. Theo1Foiir ai- is.£oustinn1 (;. Ci-âd ' hus- tk ,flii-oui ouvi, tii trlitorus. Mat>yi-,tuiiie andispose tii-toî ivutn. Me-ayîn is s i-Oh 1111 xeauini-Ith le constituthiuonlui thutO.iiadmOinuIhlit-tii mu Stet8 tet u-oritu ihiilinîlo ituliîinitely as teriilriesol uonueai-e u-tior i la l. Porto Rucus us fot ae fuire-gncolin- i-y.' ond tht-roie bine liuiiey 1-. wiun lovies dîuuesib itiifigood.i' nnuîeî lt fronît oreigu c,i-uilieu, doc os uiIeîlpI to lPortu Rica. Noir pet ila l'ori t i- a art of the Unied Staites." It is a du mtie-teri-itory. oser wish Coagreso bas utreetricteil i-ntri-o." iuch cnfusiîon existeil outil the lest aseu thIe purport and effee-t ut tic be-us- jhog oeîag lo tie iuitintn- ouîf delis- ery fraai tie be-ni-b.Be-anse of bhe fe-t that tie ilevisiann thelie hiit(nosa, frat anaoiui'eb. vas SIltagoui.ti- ho the contentioniof tic govenme-ot. t userie-i -rtuilyi-cpi-itel that tlenovurt Iho a ci ti-oant Ille gos-ertmelat gtie .an-i t. u hiu le vammeoupeaci- ir f tlue cate.. tiecoonstitutuon diii tolluhe i flag. - Tin oksalî-ut points i-fthe gi-tat ii-n s i-h lie vuiurt hinnosid.wo rei-, ti-wî ener ftoinil lu ho. Fl-et Thot the i-Orvtihuîtiuîn lit] fi-lias b.e Onse. thot Porte itico aud bine lhilît pune tsandus be-came part, cf tic Vi nuic Stotes au Soult s e ctirents- e uai-c us-lu -nîlieul. snd that ail dubien î-îulctedoli11 siercen-ise psasmiue-be-w tishle Muain uani aillie Islandis toder liehu Dne mw usove illegel and must ho refans-ul Secorii Tinat lie h,'iraker ai-t a con- ttitiii.,uah. anImoat Ciongroas ha- i t- îit ta leguiate for the levnîorios O ',h- aut regardlio the o vixiiiu oi lie -onsti- tîltiou w hici requi-eisu i oiei-oulilleiui ti MIl hobho nifonni tiirvihouî the Uniteo',Siait-s. ln.mar ey su.naitiut. Tn o oi -ument vos holon un the trot case.ami auaieainedilitheieo-, osul. Aa the, Foraler a- se atlithe -il) isii. i-t clin hi-t tuîted generallp tuaitinoe inuii-i poli-y ioi the administratios n as bu-en ttis tainci iv hu le court nof lait ri-iit. Bath of bhe issues decidel bu- thecu,--t expure-suthe opinion i îf a haro nuuuîriivif the Mal, jusatices. That meJoiul, sWcslre- versed conîupeteiy by the aci-li-o-f lune inmn-r o! binecourt. Justice Briwsn, selui belili-ut tiîat Porto Rtico vesrhy beu-uuuu a part ouf tie Uailel States In a eevîuh 5mAns, n-,lmoment the hreuty orflus-Si- ws nuîîiel. sl no hn tic sanie jîîoîîu-e beld îinst Coîngessmbâi tht- pawer lu lie- hiiutte for the teir iee uîldelie-tdi-bt or Une consitution. ho Aswbduceuriousip ticevoert vo- versedi lîeif inthe smo lay. it s ise-o aary tauflot, that lie majorhty ofIllthe colurt,. i. h declonredti tt thini lausukloie-. camtien aof theoUnited Stateu siheno(ie treotp is iratified, vus mailelit>, ofJus- tice" Browsn, Fuller, Bai-ian. Hresaraoi Povtinam.ho tiim declalon Jusîuu-es Gray. wlhite, Shiva§andmoul1slKonna ussentoil. Tien. inu the second sauas liruintiho rie-bt of <'enge-nooleleginlete foi- tie tii- ritoaries lînlepenDilht of the oustitution watt siietainesi, lhe maîarilp u-talmode tit of justiiem Brous-n. Shias, Wiit-. hGrayt unidi licKtnna. ho tiuisdecmuluîîîCiniof justii-e Fuller, Jnsticoa Mai-ilan. Brei-esc end l'uckham dlse-nted. Tiecaon-iis testue, of cour-i-e b ahl Justice Browen, vie acteal lirot silintu quarte and lien iilianolier q-uartel. douive-roitie majorlty opinion la ca-b] e-ase. 10a cp the climatx, as-in li- iliî- enivb mie opinion lsu$laboine- ticrie-lt ol Congrean ho hegishaite fer tic terrîtor> snu o.uldinug tie constihttanallty ofaini Foraker art. kis resac o fr arrimen- ei bit decîsion vas dlasenteil I0n, ot Ooîp lt3 thofuni- lisenîlng Jilces tt es on lu> lie fouur asltb viom lhe %yua5ilg tl niake î îop aoajority. la luis second hranch or lhe muse, ho s.oisilge- bceustitIl tieiiehity of lie Fora lier met, Justirces Gray. Wite. Sirasn McKenna tonok eeamloO te dechare îîîiî licly uhat. whitle tey agreed vîti Juotiv- BrownuIo deciarlel the aet ConstltUllonfil lbey uhInlld oan I I agree wlth the, ressort vichibe amigued ton bis decliho.. hi In lie aocotati braneb of the case. tbe il searkailo spectacle vas pt'oduce ofe justie readinjra a JMtt opinioC Wbo@ logic vaas repediasd iiy very otier mnil hon of tise beuchl. O)viDSe t le tasgiid condition Of a, tainbte sO b$ b M di ti h@ ditemtelt hP lm sbamsdi4d àwu1 get et-loe ares M ltin te tRat be atinset tii rt a"d lbe nsw npci atu00o W5éU @MunalssI ieI CONGRESS MAY SE CALLEO.- 1 Stateasion ýhIuS Body, Mer li. Cea- veued tu Extra Se.01on. The- probshltily of itresldeut McKtlehy IseuIng iai-ahi for muextera sessioin ofthti lflY-ee-enth Congi-e"s ngrosaed lb. at- tention a! gos-erunint offli-lals wein tii SîiPi-sme Ctoui-t du-ulaîn wa-i.male public. Opinona agi ote ieoeusilyfor umllit Coagreas tvueetier 1in ilvnce ai tie reg- lai- session la Deeember dîNfer, maaa nior- reepondent. lait ihla a igificant tact lt sinmeofthelb, ht ecinippeil men la public lire, inen ut experlent-,and jnlg- Ment, holes-e tualti ProSue-ut connut escape cesliuig Congresm toffctber. Others of bi* trienis and adisler, point te lhe tfart Ibt Conoaems ln eaacllng Une Spooner Philippine ameodmenus lait Fein- ruarY suthoized thie lPn5iditj oh hix a tariff for lie arri-clî-ago onîl dorlare vithout i-CiCivaion thit bo aa proreeti unnin sthority of t tntto uaujuattIhe affairs oifthe Pltilppinu-u aiithe; .411 roee ithin Une scope oethUe cort@ de- cio.One of line justilcofîuttho Su pi-vis Court &aihîlobwe-uer, thst he diu not belles-e tiat uongru-s I îtl ititls lavenot the hrcile-ut vuithîutinurîly mii esAlish taruf regiuliono or la,%in thle Pilippines auy more thun I oitrl dule- gate hlm vlth Aelierlty ta enset a tarie ase for Une United fitaies. 'risu virus in siaredbhy many af tic l'ýiednts eio tiends. Ex llunatuîe Cienuher us- uqiicooli- dent tiat mie ouly recouru- uit he l'rCsl- dent le tuoti'su àcl] fuir nextra s.- sîuan. Su-uuulirs tenul llpi-osnbahiv ei Waginueton Ai l t mat tue ibhlius ofi Cuog e lu-une- uuîîed inaun extra- mrilnan i seiou to-foi-e Julyp1 usig %rn 51 rang. CREED REVISION WINS. Preaiteritin A.a.ubiy Adopîst. th Ailer a ci-ni-i-st îinmt ts laulelmsny pearu the piîgri-5i0 hari-tnlathli- lres- b,>îuvîuu eIn (u-ch iîî- tî-uistitez h.n n e ii ir ml isu sthntiai s nutoi-p. 1Ib'. xe-erâl sa'u lilnai hIe1 fuir a hari t hi-ii suioaiulforan ereuhuomi-nt of ve-i-li la tr tvlica<f bine faitlh. o. tîu liUt u ioiîîruýt-ai-nînti i I uit ad lu, an basa e-nat a eso iuuîyl ho niadinlaun- ittportant la ruuîîpnrsiuon oith the moi- runtntold, we lîbu iesbi-uken oe hie htrone- e nl tiut has hitherto fu-ni-eil ff lhe NN'ieotiniiilotr eintesaiiia offauti as siuohui e-iiciai-tp imls, flot 10 be toit(m-iedlus-"tlt-i5 lu orfmnat. Iiii cilupi niuteix- ujoirt> rnelurt of lie i-ommniihte-Un i-,e, rei-t- oln mie i'huumîîeh pli 11 a-ii i> Oi-bt Unmu r iii-lfii-milly -t fuii- ru unr alui-s ubIIhIUoi-p a!Ilevan- fî--uuu. NV hlhuli iii, oessariy dol o; or i--ilomr> liie-le u tethi îoai-i-i nsultent- ne i- utoileut'af.ineuvii-mul; fiiu-Oi,-b ail itheitoiius.t uiuuý,int liîuuuusthat lbas i-t HiUMi> pou, s 5.-ii nsi.aciusl. MPI- cc- lii ousliuituitu11) fo 11 latea sInurmr i-v steimli ol li- ui-f qual attini-- t> iii itinhe-a-tut nhuunnardo, andilthe uuiliii-ii-5tiis i-ju.ulobiuoure-pont-eas-lji late, iuiiiu meut Plsy. If odIttul u sul uli IsU lt owntu thu euu-st tie or ui rii-.Ouiti lufola- 1h1-aOparit aifbtcei-an- ,r; t thlu ii- li- -ii-ii In i-îltiuu tIhe b-iîue luuuin. e i .1 1,îu1îl e buietu . a nmld its ntii-ut tii- lme- o>uNe,,s luik '-u liii gutoraIthe -tluA il-,- Ihuu-ch. It ls e-, ueru l pei'-e, t--i l atil hatui met.the u- uute-uuge un mi,- Ir ria u it lhiîne un Nues- Suri suiiila-uusi-- I Li Atgi-lea vas tins il ber hu il uing -uli 101 i-ir fi-un 11e oee luI>. but i5ii, mlu-tedt.î ARREST 0F BANK OFFICIALS. Ve,-u~t Authoriti«ea Tke Pro.ihinl LIe 1 i--t t( î uiii">" r i lIhîtu iif 1I hi-n it tJ. W - Rt, iuai. tubli-her. iave luet'Inrnto" 1,i-i li obniu tl s thie ss-Ie- mii eIl li- l'ai uîers> Nuhiuunul Baun uet *use ins.Pi-. AlIhousamî1--, lui- t-uttthf iu Iutîtaîiuuîa. Li.lî i(;e.,.AI l-, -ui t-si ut fi-tllrîs line-fîîlhebt ni-e, tugtin . i-nduuhuit if Iis iu ooiisarnu f-ut hi i- t ilu iusiclia-ssu ecjugie-u 1,tluihîe- -îuni l hi-nit. lie hum 0e îiueu-i an iail-r t)hIisuik un tien. lm,îit. I uv.Alule u ne oftheiiu- moeh uuvîuuîlnuflh foi-ii-s mn in t- Siteeth-i- uln poutuiîe tic VcvgeunnoEnti-riîiiso. TMEY'RE bERII. lu additinibata deciing thilnaîlar lorhff cases the United Stalea Supr'enie Court hulule-i owin a dei-iniu lat sht oecu- lotion is ual gamblin--liat a atockn deai caunal b. rpndialed o e i eround tint Il is a gamihine- transaaction. The ommittee appelnhol le lnvcstigaîa Chinas,reaoore. bast ratled tg tbe miister, et Pekîn tial lia empire eam Par te tins povars aient bye boadrii snd Swtstenmlindla.I m The volnumse ontainliig statements of ébliroîîristions, new offices. etc., reqoîr- ed hy law tn b. prcparcd and tibîlimhed Kt the. eud ofteaeh session e of ogreis, ioder the direciion of 1he committees On approprlatous & the Setiato end Houms bias heen coeîplisted for tic.isecond saa- #1Iof et inofty-iixth Congre»» hy Thea.- P. Cleaven sni James (C. Courts, chi@f rlerka remper'tivelY of hhois cOmifDttiti.. A alîniry of the sppropriations Iaboya tbe grand totai of 8730.-M,575. The d"s- talla hy bis are as fullowa: Lgrleultural .......... ..... ~A krmy....... ..............hi4t? Diplomatiîr........ ........ tIlstrlet of <olilIf.. ..........I.0,il Fortificationsi..-.... .. :..........;ai.Ol îaiiîii........................ 741 ,,eglts.........i....... liter7 acadeoif...............7.1 Naval....................;nOili enion.... lil......... .........h1,41li- Paith........ .........:--, '65 qermai-at îpprOlîiiue ...... tS.3m.e Total ... ................. 87:l31¶.OT tîl propriiatlions maideiîy the f t hconreoa im lgVegae $1.440. Ç al or $2.Zll< î hntii. %Gé^ 8~2i;i- iiapproîiried l bYthe Pie- it han beYsll i-usmluWoîhiOe-oi h7u ilmoat ecuiîiyatiileîii i, hte i.tie hum Dot hooi i i et. --din e nesv.liaIo-a for ressons o0f cSii,.olîrutîOn for the 1'l, a Mdent and ie lilo.udthat Mnr*. M - Kluley wag anliiî,. of tic menst dei cat, sert. Tlimaiouii iris-g litt iihtmat, keowledge ofrtthe 114-horllA îof Mrs. 31IKInIeY's afilî-tiî h-, ,tertain,,l grave iloîllts îorlie-r 0. i,,, mireth. trip SC-ras linh- o itryl, - î0.1tu iho %is lleêr-on of a vo. îic, r îJ la surit a lori-volvilinatle,-.r wiiiclî prcvail o ili-1t iii s ys tilt ,îtri th anti regiotiorfthe S,îîllîus--.i- ovla conoiinii-bie oiîiiioîai,.,;;! iiiff"et of Min. t Knî-ulities ion .--, r Wa.tsiiîgiu aft.-r lie-r .0iirtolr titi-.Il. h kroporiet-illt tio u-. ik Mr. MchieJtîy euea-ii-iiilotet kuowa luit bis.i ies..iWh& i .iîlaui couidnot li, o re e ilutî-iof hr.t lady of th. Icid, 'Irl ai. im1t t!,. President faLvuro itlin- idii, and iiue-Eu fsl il ro Mr%.i-s ' iii i iîiy, but i iaitii- reftieil (olu. oîitAitî ilfor a riionet. ait tin u te ha., niic rig-idly p funî'L dulie.oiif Iîs osa f thre XViu ieIuo uit cimiiituidbe io'-rwîai narifice andi s ijury ta hi-r heitu .t hiriin. eoevnîog thenonduuait of the Amérenan ti-eupA seîi romain at tb* lteil States itegutiîun am guai-mlnb tiat i-lt> are, iu-na-aoivieigd i.p len Chmffe-.lueifui-uc af 1fh()men vull bu. quartu'ret-ir îttI,- fi-mlîîr if Ae-vuculttun- and at the sîtoitge-uit,-ifth, IFurbIddetý City. Thiefi.e Uhîuihuuuîî e to puin; iB oi le Nînth l ufmtry. sil h. un der- til"no îumuuni- frnj E-le-or B. Rob ee. Ni u ini-it-s i-i hule tii-ie e - lie atio,-mduli lbsuluplieu ho haI nuit; Dec 231. iy hioiiemerqau;iuto e. ho madue a on i u-lifui up snior f- folloeairig tsi n-utha. Th,- resi-vo oZ mtunition turnieul the fui-me uni'-.du' 200.000 rotunds of nIl e-antri-ige. al 100 rounds of roioolrr oet if-oaci Au- tiizcil iveapîlu Thýictnti-tiont sent ta Iholurta iatitionuoul i ini se-tlaoy relaaionmu uf uiilui-y ii-phne and aId îjseîl hînu fleut ie ain.uldli nuut r qu-iti; 15 tir urliidîipiiintIil.repireaieolo livsUnod11(it ln luti e.ssarvi-i a --t, junci--hi-s t ti lo, olu-r fmir-le-n outi,-.iînal-suu nfmie-titeLit mnrti ue foi-cc, if toiosemfi-u. seainsi ith- 'hils, seluin h.prateo-ieu nf Atiieri-et Aceti-iluig ha proie-ut plans the- lOtO regul lai-a siiia r- tuo liouh ha- fi-uilith, h;ii iunthie pion o? , inmuusiioe iiiiitarp uuorce undor Ge, Plai-.Aitbiti e iliI no et inthi-hhu- vSnul trips until ifîi-r July 1. Bp tii., ilote tht-e-ui-u oriineliltranoli--uîs asil 1. asailabi, fuir thueservi-e, andmatltutl.u 1 hiey s i e u--I3 Lui-uv caîuueu n hi-inge- luik t1h 8iicuiit i-ithle u- unthor reiin it. %voi thucile ti out by June 80i. TIue i-st ai tbIi,g i-u torsio r,tiro as-it le-lie-he i-urti-eflI Euiteenthiîandî1 lis-nli sth iil yogio,, uit infant-y.yu nl tl- iitlî enu-ei-u envsni-y. Tii-c e u.50,41>0t ne- ii- duîtp unthielPhiippiunîe. aonu ho poll-- ailaitei y he luao.iuiistrtiOn Io doreis.- mhinusforce iii- ii 1501 tus itutncessai- to pros de for bvuae-uîue-bai-k luiOx i-e-o lava. An ivettiuýiuin of thephisisce et peoii-n >aiu i-tii-u iSau lu h :ai , i-i 5an; theur metsoîbl -f sli le li r - ternloe- fiî-nithu- tai- Fit.hi- usbeeti stoticîlbp ith-pension tilreami. ouI pree coutions iat-lui- ulei-oteh iun the vomi-tta tuire, arroi-bine- t.sthe uMii.itOfaitiela divsisioti of tue ureauu. Thu-oiunvîor st-e lotaitlau np-esî-fllOiinor 5f thei- largeo Wasingtonialupensýion lau hine. bu mnoy o! tineniare. ond their inctinous ure chai- ecterrd os uuîsgal asdouOtraeonsii.lie>- meet ietuirllioe- suiIers n e in oiots ald oflen peiuade them tlafhie applications fgc piaulons. ose-n hofore tir> bave beru iiscbare-ed. Feous hâve iîen, in maoy cuses, cvlcted seuhisut uoy -ri-,ie rrn- ilerd. oand tieno chat oron tii-.uui-eti talte ut ili-osne ainfiin-tni- nul mate trouble for thne solluer utiie-,s loid île, fteo. est la vîy: veigbî The la ii lovI 0 Of sec hy 1'l h@ t- lieul: veigl lie 7A n'îidli kept gns lOa liobel veigt welgi frn vhut co- soi - k.« Buth ben tia bot br 00r) lov aen. tra aie Il i le l stiý a. o.L ta, Rireoaa Gu-ierai S(rnul.t-i-g ar i-tii- mo reports m ihe-i-ut ice ulan aIlu-', iIv iîm- pi-oveibeht a tiehehli if i tl..- otiilrs. ia lie Pbilliioos,. 'icT i- rlutite la vi-ry losv uni litum luon vurii île mu,, r-ce. as-icliehoays-, liu-tes thultIlue soi- diers are be-ibuinn t-a-t li--aeu i- toteks cure o! tbcuuauivuos. The iluthu i-itv fi-uni ,Iiseaae i in iii-h lois- t-r lin l 111>otier ai-my-andul bIe expi-rieui-e ur it tIi ioope ha% bomoostu-atol liattîch ofur. ahli Philipîpine% i--not ueîuitriuy fuo cat ocîli-îuîîiilieon etuliu--lu hi'-lit-s, pr- i-ed llu> nii u ihi- i ii o ti-îk i-i-re of thcuiseus t-s. Th'iuc iu'aii -te 1uv » popltionuiofa Panlua fuir t11h t u :4.7 that ai Hongkong vi-os ýi-hn1 S '2917; ti-nibay. 51.3; ihtio ml-11, olo 31.11; Culs- o? Mei-o, 54;l,.,i-yak. liera le na mus or viuflllitiltiumul Pro vision tapi-es-ont lîreOiehit Ni-li-Kiaey tronm violitie- Nleueo or ClIno l lr eet Euirope du-me- hlm toi-mni o tlcive tle sî) deairea. cltiugh the hrevi-ienîsl are sgslost IL. Ibis tlithe reosuuarhi-s liecr,- maineil on biseva Sî%de ut tie horden il Hl 'Pase, Nesar haa the Itroem al ef the United States gene osir the- houn- darles ofthle c.unhry exeept on tuse oecc- gens. ,Anme'. Jobosen &.d Senue-ionce croaad ltae s,%pe»iOIm bridgela t a twitt<Md diire. p te tabouà ,i.w of Niaa ta f ,lsIent cm "dia 140" m 0". t ~ a (1h50 TO ]PILOT FRsaE.. gavelu-îu-e tr -tIti r esls heuî- fu o i pii or u> ,-u l i-ur mliveieingu. 1 -iîne-(pu, t Il, ',îg 1. i'hii- ouli-u s o-iuuld iniuî-. titin I t fi-til tiit h svsuiilhaie tu a -ux III hulul 00n itinuteo, andi guo bih ii> uiu,ti. Tii-elui-i-r mauns isdanger,.anduu nis- éi thie-bnuItu-s Ktiuiseltie-lit lu,- ts a hriune- tlstop gae-ai e ttueohvngi lu Oluu ii,-> urure-du-ii i oîut,- Baldlil îuuuîli lidn lem.tiy frouini> ýfoot liau l ehî'uiii ici Ilufri-g,nanul if the noitiepto u:ui ixu lo--sfurlinun1 I u lI1I1ia uiî ult ha 1Cn-it l -ei-sI t nur nid grli îîui m-., iii Thus eud liaI. Tl-mun Shiumake-. 13, Cincinuati. us misaibit. Fituagin li-infervitor; uotî avi-unt nf ions-y rans and nuctihuet nose in lhe Ki-oles. jolint 1). Rockefeller tli mie Bibule ,.legs of s Neusloi-k BatihsI ihrdi binot bn tilirt 5eîslue- im il]d$0.0.0 lun hu e cimle of n Ne-usYo-mnhunt rIptili,eiOi-i-flilite nlacourt, ltohienars tliat le Ouwenu$30 for tr ail $261 for uptw -r-ut. Cîtmneoc launurymerO base foled lai- bor unonotikioas-n 1teté ia sthue )op sang toue- unis-. sinih iua&UPPt)gCd ha Ciean the t'nitedh LatinuryinCn'oSocetey. C anadla ias sii i i-ni o!feii luottulo, Trace of lie existenice of the anirniole seeru- fouin ntiecpd@ ulud i bieeasofa Suiae rive-m. ltipyorIluarruoon', Chicago, hue gis-eu aili-s tint tint- i-utS lenniIeul frinti) o t. bottoai, galiiiig stuppel ald ci-voke' i-nlout et ton-n. C'.ooie J. Janeroin. Chiciago. klloul hiîuu se-ht by siootiag. ilcai-th-rokiti hecuxsu hib sweetineai-. Auna Plai-."adlhtcIi k'illel by i train. Hehor M. Wells. Uîtab a Mnormoan (Go, enuor. iîn e-a-eeu amanry Enly IKatz, a Gou-tlue. Weho perasd it hmth veto the Ev-ans poygainy hidI Go,. Odelh ha, salgnei lie biilsehîci auîhonsis New York CMY ho acee.ptthle 36.20,000 iElt 1Audn.v Carnegie for a fte- lgubary systeL. I eecdl~ii mine bai

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