mm-0- KohI motterI oi:stOun. MaBinaBoard iof Trais abm 500hr, 0100poaI. BunLier ama oar <«0 luisiscnt. - Oa. Mac Artum, buaatfled 1the JWar »opetmoIlt that ho bas gIron cIuadapermission ta viil tbe 7 Pi Staies lunbth ait, conditionl %ff heS bapproval of the Wahngton *" SltIiO. Ho crites that Aguinado w ms bt istes1 mabe a pereonal afley of Amerlos Instiftutionsad lu X*che bise anoctege ot the bugli ka~ng. PresentInldications are lbiké no objection wcli be made ta tha riai by thia government, but per- %ission viii flot bc givon utIl tait. 11w Pederai partyinb the Piglpplnos bu s hesdy selected tvo native delegles Sacorne la the.Unted States t0 audi Amerîcan instItutIons Don T4e5 defl Rossarioand Don Jose1 à1masu oM a tayors, the ltler, wcita leeWo lEnglsh volt. le nov luthie1 diu" $Biaise takinga nourse of In-1 tb~*uiati lad. Nether of Ummaen 4 k m5tDy lime been connecte i vilb DOs te eProsldent ih Congres. lu< M ie Oia»s-Satcer reaiy1 ~qals? A ecidedly inbmlnselg a$" Vat la bain&g bld ln poitiosi e b.Wu à des, but It hoDedoae aato a eoa.!supporta mobomuant eý J -- direction. [t bai beau mcàlW entrat.cod Uthe b.Preal- ~ iSBeear Bey HJ Viahel Con- am~ te lhg une CMYSm-uiv., loaij lèmb% etus nIL more desirably to bl@MOa Beme sti li Great »WMIUvouil epptat lit. Thal vonesekiai! aboi Altitude vitea MP Vus n lasessi nsd vhen IL ~ »oh'sedle PM& a rosoluiicu the Cklumlor tteaty "Iboswu a a umiber ai potng BaSloa bave .,iivai At W le lot the cOMil bov tokoopéeams liuCltoa-Blver1 Md MMIba rawuoltom saIdoau- Çangeesaembli an sd &bas hI h oppse1by lbe admînia- buiug athbad ai titismovement. ",',Ow4a Peuuqlvmslainlajali foar huve lest boen de- mking.ounêsrmsia lu their ansd eshouiang tliem through Seer.This the choleee 701e. DIA l nov $gaanstthe police relubk- 09idose la»satovue Lu playJ 40 aMà oaes.avn boume with thb. 0< Oueova famly. brident- 1Cà .. )1(840Doa&asDot IUved ln vain. O hio las, fineng a 0oonty $5.004) time à a-aielynchai vîitia îLe 'lebas bon doclarel cousti- AWMUX hare are timea, Itocever, .î eom IacnsîI glibe cbeap At i te '#WYcMilaa&emdleovmrd large de-1 VÀiPWMo! âMaturai&ap ciblu bert b»Meadari.s.ILl a a puy thut IL couli n.l hurebeau located nnme stalo m a uffes mare froni the tramup REIOAL ESTATH TRANUPERti. Furnlihed by mil:sCa7t Tille à Trust Co. r ofkutaa Tille. Tilles (uaantei.d ilascale Temple Bldg. Waukegan, 11. Loris J. Guonfs, .Becy. Oliver Baltt t& .cfl ula A Itiachlond lot l Neleit seCoud r MI Obf prt ecNÉ me -5-9 i ..... sea0 Ir W Statua ta J W lituuna W n w X me sc10-4-Il80 acres qici . :',o 00 CF Wright hcf tu R J.a E c W Prootor (ex 8 oùf I l ik 8 r Wiiht'ma di to Lbertynllb.. aw.. 1le1 cOJWighi& w! ltoc W. IL E & il J Pro~tdoulots in Wgt'Is ail t.. *Liitrtyviite vd.............. 1 là WIVg2hikc f tu & W Proclr lii In hIluWrlgl'e aid tu1 Lirt- file sci......... ..............l 0 #Wright & ci tuia J rocior 8 ka I ntîtte 'aid te Lileiti !vuwswi.......................11 0 pX4sseàau k cf t 1 Uo A Tniahu lOSihOllsere e LiLbety- P*bhlsilng APnlntiatGC. MU . s tock C0 Certniisie Ksie htéireiorlck, Ja, Vu.Wlebeese tu nes canne % ,~%so.8..tidi............. 50 te &éh 6 aut PinIde5J ......ltac ............2 '1 X obit&cttoa % beloc à Wtietsi taWJW.t h vU& f t W TJ&Mo lut Vi le l .. r..... ..... .. .......... d.... ...... 150 Buinof amt ity CMt Cu "Blsjmb OCoouaar, the blind maian '«ho bus for Yoms uoraiseimonte for lanes thraugbofll Labe o auay s»d Who la personalty aequaintoldihi nelY 9l1 the Young People la Ma ssection, lu the habit of atton.ilng dsuce-o "-Muaic b OConnor" grlîceti about ovey dance billi Isepifor severat yoams.and 1000gb f aittai& isviee the. dounty have booms tees frequent. b.e lea Millpoputar wtth lover@ ofthI,-. dance: d RXBEX 0F LE0IýLAT1 RZ. Another of tbc ardenit a-kers for tle Illinois Inidustriel Home for the Blidcwu dames OConnor, blini Unes 1874, but ch u aspassedfltam meeaical engineering lbraugh saune poticeanad fluaI!! tauath 1efiltd of music. As a SIae legfisiator lu 18M1, adagala In 189, iie lad much tIoda lii forcng theo building of the ttate institution for the blini. ne vas barnuilu Labe Conty, Ill., in 184«, sud afier the death af bies tler uni mober came ho Chicago at the ago af 19 ha tale np mechaitaleonglueur-, ing. Iu 1869 ho vent ta Louisisa. In 1873 Governor Kellogg made him a justice af îhe poace for the parllh ai St. Bernaid. Il cas in 1874 tIat an accident culh a gun detroyod Mn. OConnor's eyegbt. In the tattocing year lo came ta Chilcago and 500k up 10e slnd, ai music, for chich bo bai atwaya bai greut love. He tirel sludioi lbe riolin. thon lte piano, and barmony ufider Fael. Aller a tev Yeats ho becaino0s praflcisulthal ho vas able ta play la conoertsansd ta luslrntS popils. He bai aaoc omposi a numbor cf pieu«s for the piano and Violla. Ater the tiret attompt ta securo the passageo f a tac, for lbe establisahment et an Industriel IHome for the Blind bai faileinluthe Legialeor lu 1844, findéoDfstae biliicancladod 54&9 it vas neoeasary te eleci at toast one eulceramuxCicago vIa voubi le sur. ta arones te in sorusi of the allier membeon ulbait af the bill. At the urgeai sollciation aituaies, br. OConnor homame a candidate for te sant, and vas ebechod by a largo majarity lu 18816. The deaSlxd lac vas pasaoi, but the Gororno, neglected lu appoint the trustes duel îte bill provldei for. Thero vas danger lIaI L. mallor voli le iroppei agala. and ta prevent tbis Mir. OConnor cas again elotoi in 189. The Modern Woodmou aio Amerlos cliihold theit-aanai picnac for Wsconain ad Naflbern Illinois, ai Freepori, Thuraday, Jue 01h. Ex- eorsion ticket& cil!bcho sli onJue 209h fur $2011I, ronilitrip, train ta go over thec nov JanenviUele ino as tar as Darienandsud n lbrougb Beloit, mal-. log a &hort, pleaaant trip Ian overy. hadj. Exact leaving lime of train dilihb.publsbed coan. F. J. ALLRsiÀ'c, Agi. ilt Sa ved -H Lu-Leg. P a. A. ai -aOs Go,(a. êufrdfor six monthe citî a friglil- fol runuiug sors ou bhie leg; bui crlte tbat Buclens AnIca Satve choily curadIil la flve dais. For nîcor, counds, piles, itts lite lest salve la the carld. (Cuie goeranteod Only 25c. Said by F. B. LovzLI., Liberlynlile; Oraylake PsAUMtcy. Notice ta Contractons. Public lttng af contract. Notice le heueiy gloco $bas propomsaIvcin i.. recelved by th. bridge conimift«e et Libertyvie, Illinal,dune 8, 1901, al 9 a. m0. for building a stet bridge on Milvaukee Ave. ove, Bull Creel whero saune interffet4 said avenue. The proposod bridge le tu le one ien 40 feel lang and 18 feel cil., &butament on aan10 end go le Il teel higu. 4 foot vide at boltom and 3 foot ride et top; north chuItent saute imenalous aonilabîtment. WInge on south abatinent oui 12 foot face, 3 foot as bottom sod 2 fon1 ah top; same lîmen3lons on vlng aI narI.h almutient end. Main catis on both abulments te be 24 foot long at bottom andi 22 foot long Bt iup. Bidders mussi SuitaIplans ani apeflostlub for the cark. Eaeb bld muet le accompanled itila a ertilei check lot- $250, payable la D. Hau, Ingtan, clalrmau of bridge commiltee. The bridge comiumttee reset-vos thie right tu rejoct any ani ail bieait derna h f.', the lest Intercat of the toco and canaly. Ali communications lu regard to the bridge cul abulmonle îhouid le ad- dreeeed tu Fred Croker, clora ai comn- mlttee, Libertyrilie, Illînois, end Propo.sîs soutd ho handed cîcirmau on lthe day of letting. CLERiixOaiCOM'îivrsg. How To Gain FUesh Persons hae been known to1 gain a fflmldjeay by taking an ounce of SCOW S EMUL. SION. It ls strane, but it often happen, he h ounce produca th poundi àitem nto stat du t. and absorb his ordhtwy food. whkch h. could not do be. korm midthatas the way 1h gain Is matie A certain amount oflHM h necessaryfor tu"lt; iyou hmv nat got it you ca mt Ità by taking a ln wismof difIlYeu arte hgq Il dWot ulop hsoUn htwsu" lens.. MOTT & OOWN, Osains,.New Y"h suffred. 1 hum hit aiMd .eve Obamberlalasa nIalm. whloh 14 and vuIMIDmUiaàey reliera andinlaa ebatS Ume uevolMsd 1Iamn baiw 10 MAY It b» a uo sde etol. Wby nos méé U15 lnimnt andIgeS WeilI? 1 la for mie by Y. B.L Loa, Liberty- ville; G"alko PEAIMbaT; J. àlEm, laboo. PEOPLES' COLUMN. FOBRALY-0o a»Apy toim wM tmg.uTIEO tquiro of P.F. O oza. CO AL?,-Tamato. EArlv Oabbsaeand 'Erly Cauditower Plante. 100jB domon. Lanet. eta roduod prtoaa WIlbave CCI..7ry auP1e 1,aîte Do ,two moite. E. D) uà. be U jryvtlt. li. . f0.2 Olt SALE-Oood w<rk tam. oheam. Mms lu "a ddoubleLbarDOBL. D. mlesand anira P OULTRY-Buf Pirmoull ok.Le Il forgo0eeota. A fewkuuLea anderoFto- Apelt 0june gt. * tpperatnbto. It. L<,iMn adLîbeny iitePlaid gotf cPe. FIdrkindf r rottfy81 migo Waukeffan. 84-1-d.1 BEMJ. Ml. MILLER, Attore.. tn the M)unir 'Court of Lake o 30te ta he JUDO6 Torin. A. D, 1961. To att persona whom it tuer ooncern-Pub- le Notta. t- herobyKi'-en that the under. aigned. driardiau of the EbataI.of Alred Ctifford Payne. minor chid of Peter ]P. Payne. doceaeed.hba tu the officesortbo Cierk of the. Counoh Court of Lakebo aty andl litat. of Illinois. a petitlon for an re for the msuieor &Ilof oaId minor's tutoroat in the. fottowing descrihed roesat^ctal.aiute lad heint lu theooCunty of Lab lad Stalse et lloa.t-wit: 7h oIhetbteea (M )rod ad d e~ foot of Lots nbneuf(t and tlefu (MlatheNItI. loge of lvazioe. Labe o Caa. Danoaisa abovo by a Plat theroa rooard" tlalime a. cord"rns Offi of Labe o anitr l te tâ orfiIttnOI&a.lnBook ùof Plius at4paMe448; lhat aId petition w e b hon Uthe Iam day of t e JUDO ten A. DIOof said Out y CuQrt. Rt VOIcb imere dlaGe 70Fo ea atpeaand otijet to sald patition If you me ftotodo. Dated et Waukeganlit11 a,19 . 1091 sit Ànàuwî A.PAYNE. Guardi.n.of Alfred OtIfford Payne. Mînor. »M0. HB IE. Attorneyi for Quardla». A DC ATION OTIOZ-Pubblo t Mnsat o heE aof John or dooeesed. wcli attend the Count, it ýa Labo Conu. et a tarin Urooftatu ho ldea at the Court Rougesln Waukogn lu wuid County. ou lhe trst Monder 0f July ne=l 1901. whou and cher. aMlpersona have céaims &%minât sali Loatteare nolillod a". nequetod a ptenont tho Mune to sald Court for adjudiZaton. JOHN L. bODRI. Admlnietnator. Waukoan. Apnil 3ah. uni1. 10-4t-p A& DJUDICATION NOTCZE-PublIe noUce le ha ereby giron tIalt to oubecriber. Executor of the Lest Wtlt and- Testamgent of Char-les J. Bowling, deeoasd. wlil at. tond the Couaty court of Lako lounti at a %amtmheroof te ho baldon a île court Boume lu WAeboa laInMuid Fnit., net. Whout and Chat-e ail perons bey. inu eaim, agaloat sali ateeare nolifsi and r.qu-sted to preseni &as em ad Court fer adjudication. FaR» C. RowL..noEx". lutor. Waukrgu1 a yî. li .lui. -id 50c A BUSHEL, FOR CucmlwPikls Now is the tirme to get your contract and seed A T Il. B. Colby & Co's, Smith & Davis', E. W. Parkhurst's LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. MANUFAGUU@tne or0 -PICKLES frAcTomîllrs: chl n-""reug tcilenry and Lilbertyville, Illinois; Mamot.u. Wta coussin; Knox snd Whuhmac. Indiens. May 1,11tuJul 1. F. BAIRSTOW. M ANUF> ACTU RER OF and Granite CEIIETHERY WORK OP2 EVURY Descripton. soulbad. 126 esasfts sI WAIKOAN. 5è=Walks Are the beàt sud la tue the cbcepel. -is Feit gravel roofs -guar- arteed for f ive years. ttPalring doue lunlarselas mOhape uecly preparel top dreningquni lIaI makea aldId wasnearlysa S <0 Ia.Prepared ta biildPortlsd cOmOLit si4ecalîs, curie or gubtois. Prices always Reasonable. WM. BELL, me BRIO& BLOCKt: Elgin, lUI De. Mlles-nomrveag S ti an b job cork. OUi tama u&" Oro é rr i - i ip~ ~ W. C. Time table, Or&yaake.. softz BO-NDn. N.21 tsp. h.Slop Sondar alUht on algat elM:1 p......DaIiY exaet Sondai - U1 .. ...... " . -10. t"U16%odayand aturd&Ysbo*lr m .......... 1 ................Dali boa sBoUlm. Ne.&. lIs a. W ......Dat jy elooPtSondai *1. &11P. m...... 9- IM. un p. m..Vdayi, and Saurd*ii 0111 UmIes "Mt nalDeeoov u mDar w11k irisais la *aukefau. The bmis Jouie ad Della Bidwofl Or Gua*% ~vil.d wltb tho Rugey Um nselle Ooultvy $peuti a ouple of days f ai lpB wk witb lla BIle Er'w'U. lSmODI visibe a luEnv t0i,»g0 n. Wl.. iawk.Be190 w10k SSuvu Mouda Two cobUdr, ai bMr. Oydet butAi of lova, bCAmeillerfa. One la Do 1- - - 1 enmesu 10 .uwrs. Mis D. G. *1115 and dsughler spanl veeporwn it itrelatives sud Mod aW«aa. Grad«ulilc exctma vl lacholl et the aom tan oS ocaIJuno 1281h. Par-1 icuff lavo iuiha irs a ter. Bora 10 Ur. aiira. Watsr Beak, Wsdneedsy May 221h, a daugitiar ooagtfuoialceegre la 0,1er. J. J. Lcaegmhagb vuas a 011e teadmN aWesis., lu& 3900a97So tSoli slshep"ei 0e0.robbay fam Mr& W. IL.-igiey Wvaseai Vuabeis muoudiMdTe"d"y mS ha bolde 0oS bey ~.el ,1irm Doye, Wviebuboënbas Vary lu.1 Fred Beadfhe lnnov employai la Ibm ornas of tI m dm t uSPub. Co. of IbetyrIflo. N m bcnansd ttc imlly, boarung maI bons. Mm . red Oearsraeile ery W 1aI ths preant lissu. no hopes et ber re- ovsory ame eutrlued. AÀoneula. lion ot doco vas bstd Veliuea evsalng. PromiueuS ciiala of the W. <C. rail- W"vae vesla <huyslahs Weduesiay vitha ia ec &0 SeeelUg a slalicaet BoUÏDas. Vs ot mcllovthe rmah 4 Of Ibsir Invealigmlous.j PT.emucOMulservise. for abs saillera of lhe civil wr held la flt chureitSueaft vers aeelleiS. ThI. srmon by Ber. Stvens vu spiMilI caaumtg Umm, hlpini Ibongîte. Tiie 101hCs.turyClub db! 1014 thm lest feeling W abh seaaa st Me.home 01 lir. A. W. Hurrey mxl McdaY eveuing, Jnn amSe. àA goa pvcgmva 4 la preoaeilc. AUl mmbos sMd sncb3 athevas e Arelateisatel amslariel. c Tii.loual W.0. T. U.vub lmeula4 thée hom ofoSlra. lBrown Ibis Fuida atteracon. ThI is ià ha a slril à business mstig. Prprtians atm onde, vay Ser Sb@ Labo COoun'tîW. C. T. UI. Cauvealio the third ve.b la lune, " ar umea, Ph. muàtrea n W Viscouaua.- trai raiicsyleaurusea 7:U a. n. a"d arrivas et 4*0 p. m. A @peo lSve. (iraîsiabe as 710a.&a.MRA$sad Belurlsys one, sud iestugArrives as 62p. m. Frlda.yaandti aadaya oniy. Mr. Flarysbonnswun the somo! à burliiy oselmtalge hI le-uda eventeg: vboa aboul aa sn bimaIs of Ihe yougtpeope aiet.m fly vers lavitel la, sud dua0<g thebmmicof tv rolum aud a plaaovua a aulre1 ai the .ealugs arénona. lS Orem ad caks vas erve& Th. Avon Towmmip kAnua Budai Sabool Convounlm ion vAh ol la the oungreglionalchftais in Orsyals nez& Bunday. June tad.Thor s,. cil!t moralug and artmlsg moalt lIa viii ha replete visi .= i hilgslot Bua, sema$vhoc] . Progm Wini lu touaI oam peu&ogo At a spiat meeilm.g bld "ainea- day evenlag, tue Veduesdeaidmi &0 hlId a 4tb of Jnty celabsaton ou tb. banla as the. la". ThI Syal 5.1gb- bos@cin join la vilItien thle ereat aud mal. aIune 0e9oSargeat sud lest cebabrallom *ve haleSla Oroys- labo. Fursar sunoummmeultaler. Culer tbe lAme coud tu isba effeot Moodai on the Bt. ?ami rond tUraydlae las 16 trains 10117 es oudayot Transgo COiclo l teaiM7:17 a. m. exceptBusaays 7m &a.m.; 9:10ILu. excepi sisdys; 1mil1p. f.; 6:49 p. M. except oSunla. s. Sufiês-oui$,7ýM% p.mi. FrontOksgC~ :1k.fl;4$ m.; 6:03 p. m. exeSpt Buadays. 6:44 p. M. except BSnuday.; :18 P. .ffltr- days onty 2:35 p. m. Bandais onuY 9:51a L At lhe cloue of sobool, vhlok ci la Joue 121h, vork viihbc befauaOU Shc nov addition bc lte acboolbouse wchli viblejouéel lie -e se . py.osnt tucture sud viii ho add.l ta tb. aorlb cud t mm@. AlIbugI the treueut chers, MnDay Mai U. F9ebr b arsecaneexellai voil theiervissecoud nos b.uaeours for asalier ye sud the iolloving have bsnu en~,odUr. Deoker lam t" *bwtap"tsip, Msa Oondry for the IhSeztgepàrbsrt an sd. Umis I«orte depentment. gesoýé«hars a*» to eil kaovu fa, show soo ,oek la Sthéachoola af thîs OOmérSto usai om«l, Bnci vs bo- kaoo*uummceof ths bitgl =dardai oui »o. .The m.ais ta b ha pulare $70, 1$0 and W40Tvs = Vl.We bov nos vhy lbe palrémin varveted, for ville the vsqonlbbt#y msy ha a Ilitle poinatrIt ment ha ooncosded filet bec vcrk lormsriy parlormod by twa la divUdl amcg Ires, eao ne bu oaelderabl. lmssta do ait lessl foisa Yser or tva. RBaveri, vo vant goul sohoule.uaI bov et . 16nirmayileonst comon 1e bnov that lua 37 aiet"a mrriel comuuhbasno ulgbO taober ovu dilidren. lun seteon osaie a vifs bas Do rlgbt ta ber e«ru- DSUonSi40e somo. ID obgbtolstl a wtft bau norighi le aropraperly ~lerMariime. Ins"von stales thero lta ne la. camp.llng aa n te support bis vile sud lamIl.y. lu&Ilthe tue slao exceopi the tour where vomen are votera, thore le discrimination ugainel cmonsaInu$ho matie, af employnaent ai ooacerton. BtItt, dih ail $hmsedravbaka, lte owner aifithe band Ibat roche the radl).stit 00on- lianse tbonsathe establshmtent. Dog Loat. A carly, brovu spaniol, vith white Iteal. Amavsr ta âme ai Braai.. Wbsn «étieda&»y vote tesuher col- lar clil Mmre, -,B. Msy, engravai thoemo. Aby peraou çIving informe. lies m $0a hers le là, or rsluralng hAma%0 ovue, vii eseelve a liera Tev- voici. Adarees, Jàamas Bar rys. laits, 111. T'ho «tu aqumlhiy ad - Most in L, dmAyIsoibe. D*Wttt'a Littie Ly Isra.5h lmons Pille for pcm Ul.hiosd liver eompWanta. F. For suant meeting Impoail oun- ouilayetteo brias t aibliasCity, Ma., June 116à sud lfth, excurst iontral vill beoutlJnao 11h sud 109h, good tioetum utlllJunusItth for one tare Plns 83 round tri. 32-3 y. A. M..a, t. P. & T. A. for C. M. E t. P. lly. No Loua of Tinte. 1 bave sold Chamberlain'@ Catie, ChoierasuniDiavibaa iemody for yeums sud would ralieor le out of cofe.nsua"nsgar $hm Il. 1 sadli il, boëlIn .of il ysalerday tb thiosiors hait ecul go no furiber, andi 1h07 are as vot agan Ibis mornlng -R. b. Pumw,Plyuloutb, klOblma. .Swill b. snom by lte .10ve Ith reshere vers ubet0keop on vith Ibeir coul llbou loslag a slagle laya lime. Ton aboutI bssp a battis ai Ibis îucoë«y lu your bonne, oloisale bî Y. M. LoEri, Lbertyrlil. a, Oa TLAK Pn"I5AOT, Jouxmlga, vaTatlo.. TrHE HOME GOLD CURE. An inantous Tresimont by whlch Drunnicards are Binu Cureso DaliI In BItte of Themnsivos. No Naîlous Dosas. No W.alcaýnng of the Ner-vas. A Pisamant andi PoaIliva Cura for the Liquor Habit. llltenow seneraliy knocu and nd..natool that &tUnkencess la a dl&-as" and not weaia - qsks.àAbodyfitici clii poIson. nan nvea MobUIteli sbattered iii penladici or -con- eai me of ailtoxlcallog tiquon. natuire aný Cadt apable 0f neuvrliîing andi ea lattiis poison and deslroling th. eaine for intoxleauta. tuff4-rers.oa y nov eyrduiemselvea as home cithout pullwoity or Um of tires froun busifnees by tIi, pnwun omU OLD cuaa cwiii liasý Qmperlsated aftrmany resri of gdo*e tarand trostment of luebriales. Then foit a]fun seaccording tedirection, of Ihîs vou V=fuldevrL e positivoin guarauteed te e=e:temfos tietuaecse omatIer hobeclrd a driabot-.Our recorde oow h ie mvetolrunte hlaaouI of thousande of druksdamb saot. adusîrius and nprltmen. cras eU»Tousa suasuos1!Csn.uass cota roevis .me 11Tue nemed le lu sneanostruDi buttla a epeclila Ifor tht, â= 0-1Y. e ansd laseno ilfu l n devied cnd prprs tdt il late iorougbty "sa tuailj Last uthe haste go that il eao be glvrn a OOp 0f1t«ree auc ites c tiiOthbe w- ô to *11esf th tl C~lsremedj. sud s maur more have a u a.Cu i terate nien 17 nheca sdmuistere.l Or lovîng = sud vas cithaut thoîr knoc- ledus lueoffee or tes. an baeeo odai ualt 1h., dlaotuuo i rlikinof uttheir w Vu IN. Do 5cr cry. Do not bo delu dol aparent and meedn ipoeel tivoo thlb.dicmae at 00e and for al lime. he ~soe oonocous"ld et the exiremetilcpiea edla.thue plantes citwumbealio f erot-rbOdr lat tl o efeta h th us cos ni FA 0 1. FuÎit direeti package. specîi obae clans wh hen requested withoul extra chargcelient prepali 1te5un prl ortalb. crid on rocolpi 0f one doliur Adresa Dept . En..Fvia 1B. OîiLna detpàva. s2Miand 2i t-rket Street. Phlus- Aitonreapoudoe stricticonflittal. ln Lake County can .beobtai ned at F. H. ment Stre. se& 1W burnCrosby'@ltour................ i10 i1 poupi m'OS Bblug Pocie, ........... .......... 3: 18 bars Soap ............ ............. a Arm &dMifeier soda............... ... ...0 Scoo Cuba . ca ......... ..............a S Ibo 000 LadIei Ilaf s îwe~a................2 ' brI W nlu a o s. . ... .............. Mene tu CCayrld icc los............... 78 $10.00 Sîfipoci iay) ...... .................7 g0 btoy,. $6on l "ak Clay le.. ...... 6 0 $15O Brown Che 3 75 F- Hl EBKI3R, GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, Grayalake. kýln01s. Have tbom nP ta .... . . ...... 33.00 Aloo Agont for....... Crescont Bicycles. 1Imoseit you a bette, chool for las mooay thau yan oaboy elsewhere. Yoo dli fini tue a.aertin true Il ion toveatîgsleý CALL AND EXAMINE. NEW NOPAL NEW NOME éfW LR SuwnIg Mchines§ Prices and Terme ta Suit You. E. B. SIIEuMAN, Som ec~i fÇor Sprlug ta bars LoaOp for- 12 Ajax snd Maaeot.. 8 lapte City,.. il"Liglalbous.. 4 cans Sweet Conta warrani il Ibo ChIce t 'rues.. Chaice Apicats .. Canned Go Try our .Shoe! stock-good weai Also a good sto. a-n-d -a; Overails, Children's XX .NAUlG..&aSol Graysiake los Yoîm fled .. .. . . ... . .. .. . .... z 5C >ods of ail Kînda. S. We have a good trers and good style. ..k of Clothing-Hats Underwear, Ladies' and Dresses, etc. , Eaa Sr"aI Profit N XX EDWAIRDS, - - - llinois. ROYAL ROBIN, 34320. Sired by Rtobin. son of Aiheli; -icar-oti record 2m1. Artei. record 1m: ire of Ettore... 2:«84,; lij, l, I2: icoi ', .1 2:16M: Acte Tetl. 11:lo: 7 otiiora lu 1:10. lut dam, Nockhaeoby Prihaepe.W iM :sieo! Urtnetaoir,2-lî: T, luket. :; ;prnne".. :1 tluelpi.2ll4: Sta ]r inceps.,211X.: <lnevP. 2:17)é:44 0otii,rn a 1 ::, toi d me h0f1 ssei ' 2:1% Prine. iXersabol. 2:11: Falland. 1:11. Ot.. e. 2d dam. Huminu Stri. sMator 10 Jubilant. 2:22. h (laortc.Wilkes. aie. recari 2:22. air. of Her, Wlkes, = a ni ci others; dam of IManager. i.. :5014147 otiiemn 2u ..) BOYAL ROBIN,froaied lm. la a haudsome hiocît hore,, dîiit. uca hilittî lýt b"ld e stands 15-8 huai lah sud clblcelubunearhl 1290a. lred bhi 11f. .Vecea. St. ilsthew.K y. HIe bloai ]4es va of the leslie dli te 5&sonhi liastshiî}sti.d pedigree. Tha he wifl het s peod.lthe binai coach and urgrend ol isi, theo s le o d lut. s ho 00oB nu oetfttbut passasses%île., îîuatiain a Inarked lettre.. AIl masospaslnred freoeutil Joli I. A«iieais onr ,,cîp,,e au ownoor'griai. lanti,., teti- In« ta attend rmater.iâtu o0f the country, or dileonie t o a,, t,,rf.,i:atsîam, Rtoyal Robin van bine ibbon ati lbe Coucty inlturîaal Fair, ir. TIIRMSi lio.oo tu, maile. J. Il. BRADLEY, Roftdout ln Ci -P Lit 1 W- - IComparison Requested iOn the FoIIowing Knock-out Quotatlnns &Oo0 . U oldplOB 9.0-o8f.0 0' D-O0W$l1. 0 0b 0 . 25. m airiPauS..................... ................P luS &"en sie aud mpe. complote ..................978 omavoieu Mver.0 .. . . ta iTic Copsieue.... L........................... ........ai1 Gale ranit e m..................... ................. 2os GraIt. oisB.l cOtaver s oc, nov .................28 ladiss 5eaNSODW .................I1 0 EcfladEenLtbga, lb ................ ............ 04 I uo ols poe lb ..............a..... 4 Bakber Tehu8EOPmt pk............................. 04 GromdAIlapê. pu lb ... ... . ....... os bSuporlot OloihesWriago s ..... .... ...... 1 0 GergeBtesa 7wiiao Mr - - - 95- rlv-,Vl W. l=