CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 May 1901, p. 5

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the fod "vo est viii lise systeus, sMWtisai NEW VEGETABLE AND) FRUITS .. »I lime lange lun ai all klnds cannot ba eaeri too frely. We are daiiy lu receipt af NOV Vegetahîle', bunt ou Saturdays aur vsriety Ile largeat. We presume I il sii e nneces- sary for nos t',state MtisO ur aseartusont of Fruits Is at al limes tMe lies lu tibis maket- for tiais t',wi taik. If yauiind il fnconvenjieut ta visit usn egu.- lar, cusiea ai osat uBaturdays. I lioi . .CLOSING OUT.I Lacleade 1 WATCIIES PIANOS 1 Wetminster JEWELRY C.R.SHERMAN, Gents - Ž Stiff, Fedoras and Crash Mats lfoerB Sprig Swtls. 25c TO $2.75. 'liera ls no question but tbat u-lta Pouitry Food provents aboiera. It kOeepa youri cekeus lu goret condition toi,. WE SELL IT. Smith & Davis, DE-ALERS IN Libertyville - - - Illinois. PldIi)DUP HùE1i ND +HRE Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers . C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLIE. ln eiiect Mondsy, June 3. 1901, st 82:09 il-m TO CHICAGO. VIES DAT. Depart From New Deoat. Nu.14 ........................... 7:27ia.0. 188 ............ ............... 7ûô1M i. 5 0920 a. M. 141-.. ........................12.:2(.)II 146 ...... .. ....................:5 SU NU 65. No 3 ................ .......... 5. m. - 142 . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 12 i . M5 148 ........................... '. 1. No. 14ssnd N. 14a'ai s ot .t.p t w"î' LiIe'rtys'ljI, ssii chigo. PROM CHICAGOA. VEXA DAIM Arrive t New Depot. No 1.31....... ........... a6.11M. 137. .--.. 4 . M . No. 17..................'. i a1i. uM. No. 135 ... ................ . :1:46 p. lm. SATUDSAIs 0. No. 149ý......... l2 P. M. Nos,. 19,1t7 aud 149 runat",'F- .iîk o oiY. No. 135 OJISS ta JaUeBVIll III No. 131. 137 snd lia rus te Mîi0 VEGETARIANS PIGARIANS. . IIUMANITAR- IANS and .-.. CRANKS. Died for "Mbe and Yoi.9 "Haver @hall thse land foraet liow uaobe&tlse Sf-, biood of th, <rI- Ousised varlu viti hope an-l Courage pet Upon tise soi] tbey fought tu sm-. "Pour bundred tbouaand uson The brave-tise gocd-the truc. lu tasgled wood. tlausountan sien. On baille plain, tuprisnoeua. Lie dead for me sud 705! Pour isundred tbonsand of the bras,, Have msade oui rausomed soi 1 tisir grsv"., For mn sud cou' <joui friend. for use aud you!" Sobool closes Frlday, Jue it. Mro. Phalen sud daugisier Clara, ai Milwaukee, are visiting tire. Rî&bi. Frank lRay and son ",Tohe," of Wau- kegan, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. lRay lant veek. Judge 1). L. Joues sud Attorney L. P. fana, ai Waukgan. vere pies sat caliers Weduesday. Max LoBean loft for Chicago to-day thougisi ho ailnol reusove his famiy tu tise city until Bter scisool loses. DObies big excursion tu Zion, lu Bouton townshipp 100k place yosterdsy, al; Viicis lime l Val bis purpaos.10 dispose ai bundrods ai sites ta is filovei's. Memorlal ezercimen are heing iild as tise li<tsiPENDTsw gos ta prolo, ai tise Uniou eburcis. Graves oi tise soidier îd Viee deceastedlm. medlately Biter lise service. Riders lu the Amerloan Wbolmenus ceuoy ion pasaod tthrougû. toVU Thunsday aud vere making good i ure lu usosi instances. Tise Voattaqi maan favorablie sud rosAde goad. Fred Croker VIlI occnpy a ný.xom an seconît loor o! 0. 1H. Scianck's bu.ld- iug. lia expecis 10 mate the iat ai ibis sne, and Viii ho pieaned ta meet Lis patrons ait tise nov location. Oui Waoconda coreapondent sepeaks of W. C. anhoru aud Barry (Galoveay's ilshlng trip Lta tavillage,ad isese- coont doos not agree vus sheirs. We oileve the corespondent bovever. A Wsukegan paper Ibis Veok pinted a Ifairy taie" relative ta Viola Joues belog almýot trauglod hy playioates ai the Bwan school lu Fremont town- ahip rocently. Tahk &st.Yeowo" journaîlsus! H. Kavalesky vbo bas worixed for Chase. Kaiser for sevoral mantha vilii leste lu a few daye fer Amsuset, Wls., viseralise 'ahilengage lu business. tir. Kaiser ta looklng about for a 0001. peteut wortusan ta taxe bits place lu tise baruoas shop. 'Ihoe cholars ta graduats front lthe bigi sechoal Ibis year are Ethiel Wie- uer, Maie Wright, Eohy (iheasou sud Florence Balard. Florence Balardi ls ta ho vaiedlctaiaxu sud Ithel Wiener bas brui ebosen salutatonian. Voiler "-Scbooi Notes" viii he found u sn- courut aoflise proposntt exorcisas, etc. John Autin, Si., retorned Wednes. day frmua mlunths vis il làrelaties lu Binigton, Jefoîson Park sud Chicago. ltirs. Edwin Austin, oi Chi- cago, cama homne vits bim sud ls tise guesi aiftire. W. C. Saîshorn. heo ai geutlemans vilallty belles bis age sud uo one wouid think ta converseo Vus hlm or 'ituena bhla moto abouit ho ia ta-day the oldest poison su the vilage. ilay hose îaeb tie cenusry mark. Wheu traii service is lnaugurated over the nov Sti. Pasîl division Mon- day tnies thraugis ions from Cicago ta isuostille will aford emplayment ta as many train crevas sud ai courae are looked opo ase the most desirable o! tise varions ev nns hby tralumen. Eckles, Kingsley sud AverilI vil n donhi bo givon Ibose rue If tisey vaut thora. Hawvter tisoro are oiSon good trains on udor the usw" schedule sud lis isard ta pick s ehoice, &il things consldeied. Nov creva viii no given charge aitishe traina ual de- sired by the oider mou a! Ibis dlvi- aian aud If snome familles mate out othens will coma lu, thagi yeara ar associaion make usnergna tue posei- bis eoceasity of severai fumilles or raihios mon remnoving iraus our muids. Tise Most Comnion Ailmeit. Noie people sufer iroin rheumatiom tissu fraie any atisor ail-eout. Tisa l *boily nnneceesaiy toc, for a rare may be effeoted at a tory smil cool. 0. W. oScti, ai Madowdate, N. #'08have becn affltcted with rheumak- hans ifonorne lime sud itbas cauued mue mueS sufferng. t car.cluded ta lîy Ciainierlns Paln e llmsud amn lètaased ta s&y that th ban cured me." or sasie byY. B. Lavwnu., L ibertytillo; GEsÀlÂIUs IA ETT NIKEZL, lvAxiSEo May Van certaluly a i'biiy maiden ibis A nov hardvaad floor si laid lu Lovetîs druo tate I$bis veel- tirs. John McCormilek sud mon Eddie vers Chicaga visitons tthe 11r-t o1 lis week. Mr@. Vim. Sherman. of \iaukegan, vlsiýed ber Cousin, lira. (to. Wrigbl a li#1daya 1h15 es. Mir. Frank Peres, ai Soi s, N Y, vas tise guest a01110 elt,!,r. NireL. B. Hanby eeverah days, r6tîîrlsg ta bis houle Monday. W. C. Tvtggs ilii nos' bis Shoe @hop over Scsanks Hardware store. Ho expecis 10mot b.la8t rttise veek. Thts locatioa 01,onutenll),rarY Or untit Horace Bulkbeys ne w stores are ready for accupaucy. tir. and Nia.&. 0. LChirihili sud daugistor Tiora tart nesî NIonday for Vermout, Visere Ihey Viii spend tva mmo vsiiing relatives snd frends. Mfr. Churchsill isa ative f tise blue maunlain raito and bas nut sîrited tise soues ai bis chiidhood for Many years. fritz Andsrly, aifOChi-go, wvIiiopen a saloon ln Oea. Bosbm's building on Bprague stre.Tise oliar fbasbeen eularged te afiord more rom sud fi unis are 1L oeplacedi in ue store room lImmediateiy. 1%iý lmcuiia icense VIII bo anked for uai o e ii g of lise Board, Nover lu Lhrtyvllem ih'tofy bas1 sa'camplete and dosftruhs' a train ser-s vice heen affonded an. tiat to go ltb i offet iomiy. Eighl aIeU8 seacb way1 and oins on Saturda ansutaiintentalas just ta sit pur peophle.. -This Viii do1 maie e 0bniid Up Llberythite tissuc auytbtag yet promî'îed or realizod. 1 Jacob Ling, father Af Chas. Ling, of ti ililage Van trikonribusparalyos, ut bis home in Hall boy liouday ulgisi He la enthreiy heiplews iia coeseqoeoca snd cannaotan t11k le wu removed tu bis sou'shorne 1 ue8d5 visera he viii ho cared for. Loýit - MNr. Ling dled Wedueaday ulgiso Ater the late Couîîty Treasorer Poote's books were balance sud tise affaireai bis office al straigbtened out il Val ionud thore avasj uni ane cent "-over." If every otli cers accounts Vers 1inho isalauceîtanîd vithont any preelous notice, and oomo out as correct an tMr. Footes tisa people could lndeed cangratoisto tisemseoves opois tis eofficleney ai their î' ,unty officrs. Wbiie under tise pro po"ed nov ltime card Lîhortyville doesi o t gel a thoatro train, lilais sad vo sîli bave aise on tise Di card, aud tljat vilil ob long, as vhenoer ,,SVOping 9 change ls made lu trait, service h lu- vabriâbiy hocamne neuesary ta make aeoded chauges aftar a slir trial sud aI that tUme we uiay noiýcitishe tisee train now layiug over ant)Deetild W rnnthrangis la Lbartyvllie. HumeronscoOmplaitî bave hoon Made ihis sping, a.4 thre woso al tant summer, that flomurs andi plants aie remavet ircus gra\. lJu tise cem- etery. Iu tactItilis sealsged Ihat parties kuown téi have téiken plants np after being --eto it" 1,vrelatives on gravesaitisheir deull, suow bave mame lu their homes cher,' tiîy are cared for sud admtred, thitgis doubtlens, vush a guilty cotusece.o Ntbliig eau ho salit tisati oli 1rîoîerlyexpress tise universel coutetupt luit for these poisons, *nd tisut t he cometory auttitilies. are takîug telîs taestop the faction taeail. .ust asomure as ibis thing continues, s',i sic'VIIIl olov proIsoation ai thoae gfflîy sud Vison thisu seaare kuossu. s resoutuent 50 oneal IIIoccur ai lnlu ilelif t se, ,v e sypnasIaofeuldel5. a eakgau papersys.'" Mayor rinor sud chie! Poli-e tGreen have lnangnratod la new sysîrlu ai deslilg wih ctty prisoners who do nat puy tisir flueis. Tue uew vlan vas pot lu operation gatorday monIihng vison several "isLoboos' were set 10 VOik ciesulug up the dabris trou tise pave. meut wviîcisas latoiy leeu nelaid near polieesedquartors. Tise pavemeont was thoronglily cleauuci sud the practi. cabillty ai tiese cieme demeatrstad by tise excelence o! tisa woîk dase y tise draguetted 'Waary Wules' visa Vrere Insmedlately upou tise Conspetion etf tissui ans escortad out ai tavu." if aur Lihertyvillia suthoritles vouil ,devise a similar metoo01a trOutiug tise 100nunmerousb obos Who are nightty souaed aitisue village jait, ig vauld lend to do avay v 1111 fle .uufflee- They Voui scoon tear o gisi Liberty. vUi% a vid« e h i. SUAT miI LeELN1 4446164«Ji --------------- M. Pati pansenger station Saturda! morn. Ing about 7.30. Oscar Weaver, a section baud attempted ob baid a paing freight train, vas ibrown under the Viseels and bath lsge Vere s0 badly crushed as to neceultate amputation, tihe loi t one lieIchos beiow knee aud rîgbit one jut abat. the aukie. Weaver la 33 year5aid and boarded aitiMrs. Tuilera, wiseieo hawas .ared for, util Tueeday vheu ho Vas ha removed ta the company hospital ai Toinah, Wls. It was bis Intention ai tilue of attempting to board tihe frelgbt train te go "Iup the hine'* w bore he had worked provieus to coming to Libertyville a few Veeks sluce to secure some back pay due bim. He le a yoong mais of more than ordluary intelligence, sober and Industrious and bis terrible mlafortune seemo greater ou tbag account. Scbool Notes. Commencement preparatians are wellunuder way Tise offleueraifthse graduating clasbave beon electad, invitation% ordered, aubjeots for sufmys bave been aeleotod, and reisearmise for the chorus music vii soon beginz. The commencement exrcises "Ilbho hld on thse evenlng oi June 14, protiably at thse Union churcis. The acisootarsaf eigisti grade iii receive dipioluas alter pasaing their examinationa néthtie close of Schoel. Arrangements are hein g made for a union aervice on itunday evening, June 9, a& wVieh a baccalauroate sermon VilI ho preache<l to thse graduating clins. A memsorial day pragram Vwas given by the scisolara ofnth t Iro. upper rooms ou Wodnsdy aftelisoon. Patriotio songs Voie sung sud appro- priate recitalions wone given. Thome taking part in îoclatlona or readinga were: Cil mith, Eldan Clark. Belen Wright, Henry NoGreçor, OneOsier, Edna liarbour, Fiora Churchill, Forest I)ymond. liorace Butler, Roy W heeler, Percy Bock, Guoy LaVrence sud George Wright. For bienial meeting Head Camp Modern Woodmen of Ameies St. Paul, Minis.. Jua 10th ta 1tti. Excursion tickets wiii bc soid for $13.17 round trip. Jonc tte la t1h, gaod ta returD util Jue ifli. F. A. MILLEB, <G. P. kT. A. for 0. M. & 8t. P. Ry. THE FINEST shue on tise market for... 5 2.301 4HJ'1 -AIL a Prosldeut Wsido Geta Expreo- Moan Hegrdlng Mlarehwi. It baviug been repreoted 10 Presi- dent Wsaldo that two-thirds of tise ctizens of Lihertrville favored a change of marsisal 'and stroot cous missioner, wiih ofices are filled hy Martin Fresisman, ho decidod If possible ta dotersulue If snch voie tha case sud ta ho guided by tise roait lu bts appoitment of a marahai for thse prant fiscal yeBr. To do tisa ho prepared ballots or stips of paper Vorded --for change" snd "againsi; change." He thon detegaled Bsrry G.alloway Bis ardent supporter of Fresisman sud J. W. Miller, cou- ceded to bc oppoeed lo thse preonu lucumbeut 10 cali ounsemauy t&i payera of legal &go witlu th. village, an possible, sud requesitihemn b0place a cross before one or the othen proposi- tions sud ta place thoir "-bellot." ta à eovered box carried by Mr. OaiaoVB. Care vas laken tisai ailcotild vote Vithout fear of tiseir proierence being knoVfl. Tise gentlemen catled upon 112 toi payais, 39 of visam roi used. 10 express à preference, lome for no particular roason, others declaring lite proceed. lng as Imusateril aasiliusdicated ootising and tisaitMr. Waldo Vould ln tise ensd do an ho plealed auyway. 28 voted for a change aud 45 declared agalust a change or ln., favar oai Nsal Prosisman coutlnuing ln bis prenant îcapecity. This ls a decided defeet for the anti-Pensiman people and proves tise err iofitheir assertion ho 40.5 not stand lu favor vith a majority of votor, nta ct il shows ho la preierred for marahal by aimost twa bc ans, an thons Vers 45 votes for snd but 28 agalusi hlm. Tise only conclusion is tisai Prost- dent Waldo Vili ne-appointhlmn, a the expression won abtalned eBt is Istia lion and proves couclusitel! VisaI an overwisetmIug majority ai tisose VWho did vote, tisink of Mr. Tresismani. Tise reception ai M. E. cisurcis Tues. day nlgbt, ta the "neV oomen' Vho have istely locatad ln our vllagepnaed s mont piessant sud sajayable oocas- 3sMon. Addreses of Velcome Vesgiten by Rot.Dixand W.E.Dais. Nr. Bugises respouded ou behalf ai the "satraugers" 8in a feV appropriate remsrks. Thon a Fsocial honr Vas spout lu gotting acquainted. Conception ai tise Ides 1been strangers ln a strange eammunity e au be-t appreciate. 1 A sad accident occurred noaf thse Bt. -~ * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i i 4 i 4 I i 'i a, MinUndwm Corset 'Cavera, Nîfisi GoVDs, Under Muslilu rawers, made mous flue trinusai Vhs EmbroiderY, L or Valenciennes Lace, vei eVed sud llnished, tise sample UIne ai tise BAKER UNDERWEAR OF PESKILL, N. Y. sifll ho solu 40X blov negola ppices, cheapor tban you eau make tbom your self. A great varioty ai stytez styles Corseta Caversabat25c eoi. mislin frayera at 33 sud SOC 10 styles U Dont vait tee long; these goo. sdhing rapidiy. TH-E FAIR, Libertyvilie- r lkirts sud Uneu q CO., 20 styles JUden Bisirte. odi are Ilinsois. ~6ééé6é~~46444**44444Q*44444444*~M "'i ICREAM 11 Loveil always has it on hand ln ail popular fiavors. Best Ice Cream to be had anywhere at any cost .... 'ville .1. Illinois. Fonglit For Hia Lufe. faâ -My tather and sialor both 41.4 0 consomption," Vritea J. T. Weathe- ak ' Vwu, ai Wyandotte, Uiah., aud 1I Vus WRIGMT DYMOND G O-, We bave iandsomeiy trlmmed st d roa tise anme fruittlflaf"t.ouly fliaisfur ............ ...... $t 30 by Dr. Kings NOV Disoovery. An ai- Liryiolif@. Mt 01 aipne.monia ielef an obeàthe LbatoleIlios A fiue tino of Wanh Bika aud 000gb und e 70»er.lung trouble, MmOB- French Olugisama for Waats. Vlh iau ecelent locoas ould Do'i ma l; trs ern ul- ___________ elp, but a feV muOtha US. 0ftibis won- deri ni medieime analeme uan imB Cati on uos Vison iimoed '01 e-er and 1I inad muahin taeigis.' easPaabeon Demad l)reanakiug.Infallble imo ecgima, 1oolwdaaaI tbroat sud lMWgtroubleTriai sotlesmi aein este MRS. PROTINE, it Ga-te ol. 0 o 1O elmetVt is .O IUsERTYVILLU -. . . hiN.Wo ". aZu aa, 4uae'lh. MOIS. ie.M0 I[i0 î 10111 OROCERS Libeityville M TO CH.ICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. VEXE DAIS. VExA DAIM. Depart From Oid Depot. Arrive et O0W Depot, No 3 ....................... ..f:25a.m. Nolo..................... 06am lu............................. 7:33a. m. -141i........................ 636.M. 144................... ........ :0 P. M. 145 ...................... 85 pi. lM. sumDaTSg. UNDATS, No. 12............................ 25a.oe No.IM ..................... Uam O N LYFour CGelts' Bicycles left which I wiIl seli at comt. Now fis ,our chane ti)buy a whIeel at a Bargain. ()ne Sehiaeffer Piano lems (orne iii aund try it. ossl. 1, tics !iiiI. 9urasulaý. 0~* That's the only ktnd we-,se1l. Shoes that are made -' / \ '~ to fit your foot. I Shloes that dont iieed hreakiîîg ini. k ~ ,'Shoes titat keep their shape until worxî ont. Don't you want that kind? We have them at prices to fit your We invite ail the ladit-q to inilpect our new up-to-date hune of Wrapper4 and Shirt Waists; also olîr utew surn mer Dress Gôods anîd Noveitiea. Stylish Designs Superb Colorings Matchless Bargains 1 Zb " An excellent lune of Umbrella.s; ...... for wet dlays. A nobby hune of Suin Bonnets3 ...... for sunny ones. ..Ail the latest effects ... Drems and Negligee .... ...Shirts for the Men... tact ulis \Vv .lias e a ftwex tîi î iv-leces fo'riee eImLtini' raîîgiig ini prive froiuî Ilave yoii seen the' lace trtajîji we are iellig at $.0* 1 * aW ai' It ileilis to) is yOiU caîîtfail t4) appreeiati-'tiiesv v'i i ut-. if yoiu examius tte goods1. Shirt Waist Silks. A goodltùamrtmîentn two patternîs alike. Just euoiglîin b c piece for a waist, thuts insuriug yoit 'sonetlîiîg difiereît.' at from 56e to 75e lper yard. We also have 0010t pretttv patternls for ihirt waists iii percale's, dimnities andî giîîghamm. Tiiese are isothe proîser thiîîg for1 wrappers. JCAT lleýAv§E SHE MAUX Libertyville IiHnois. L ' )rm Uý-fflx) jbl»L'

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