CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 May 1901, p. 8

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Buggies!_Buggies!! -Top Buggies Surreys Open Buggies Road Wagons Phaetons Driving Wagons. We are lîaudiîîg the old reliable Staver line. Have 801(1 tlîer for ye.ars anîd kîuow that they are au good as can lie huit. Buy a rig with a reputatio> and know what you are gettiîg under the paint. The Prices are Right. Corne in and talk it over. Scbank rbes Libertyville Iliiiios. Che COU - 1$ nominal For a telephone in your place of business or residence.... You get the irîcreased anîd growiîîg i*rviee of the Lake County Telephone Companîy anîd connîecthpîi with thet Chicago-Telephorie Companîy. For Informnation, rates, etc., wrt CONTRACT DEPARIMENT, Loveli's Drua Store, Llbertvllle. Illinois. Hot veather la oomlng; you vasa lu prepare la lime. We are moalng a large assortment ut Bot Weather Dram GooteIn luLawus, Dliile, Zaphyrs, Cordeti Basîlne, etc., per yard.................... .. 8 10 t4c Sirt Waista .......... .... ........30 Ballot Hale, an colore ....Z25 lu 83c Ladies' anti Chiltrens RHot Weaiher tinderwear .......... .....1 t 35c LadIes' anti ChilreaBs ou... .10 to 35c Largeasesortimant liens@Socle . .5tu 23c Mdena fsncy Negligee Shiris.. #Oc to $1.00 Monm Hot Weaher Buite.SS.0O 10 $10.00 Mens anti Boys'rash, traw anti Fur Bat,@. A good assortmeni of Work Glovas for .................... 10c tu $100 Everything in Mens Furnishings. W. are agents for Butterlck Patterns. [-j--V. SAUER &SON, Log Groea -feIlllecadie' - iniois. S. E. KNEDLER. KNIEDLER BROS., PROPRIEITORS 0F PRAIRIE VIEW FLOURINO MILLSI Prairie View, Illinois. AB we have an over euîpply of wheat on band we have decided to redulce our stock and for onie week, comrnencing Monday, June 3, And uîîtil Saturday, .Juiie 8th, we will sel "Ouir Best Flour" at 90o cente; per saek of 49 poiînds, or $3.60 per barî-el. 'rERMS-Spot cash, anîd we will selliilu more' thaîî 40 iacks to any onhe îîarty. We grind.feed on Saturdays and Wednesdays. KNEDLER BROS., Prairie View Illinois.1 BitutiticrAt Ils l'ast. -ireesîl nu, titit borror,'syt utail carrier rnat Mann, ut L"vanua, f0., îîmy titrea years e tisoferîntnî'îîî it i- ne.v t.nitit. 1 vas liaRr ver frpî. fromdui ne ,ým -r elie te IIm i li i)' SMeesmAVE U& m 1I lek. 'l', iO i h l mai)lnS-ta Ma . Iiii= a reedy t,, g jv. ti. wi ii iIt1 om~~agrhss.un lU-uiEleetrie II ic el. LU iîî i iîi im du Or t~is 5m cumpicîcir clirri)qe id Tuvi atie me tee'1 femj~.~Ili boecuL 11e a 0ew mai.îsrsunnivaleel euffli. 10 regulate stoutacli. liver, lîduey> a ud boyaus. Perfect ,,atiâfactiiî W & CO gnaranteati by P. P. LovrLL, Llb«ntv- V.;~iGaÂreLÀr.zPaÂmwÂouy. Ou Rockefeller I~s Sohool holiday yeeterday. boaud lt Et. Hardente rient shoul. Thoodora Swan le lu Trevor, Win.,d6r VU dilocateti, heetisand faue tibis week.'bdybaod Bave you jolned te Buffalo tamp The Wlsconsin (CenIral Balvay $0 an envelope? C noaam e ehibitiuggrpat Intereui Urt. Xnlgge bas roeleved anoibor lot a new eoutrançe by ohosgrotlng of frnItre.change la Urne of arrivai snd deputure WHll ioder lied bivilurse in Wau- ofthUe mlii trasbas Beken place sMd kegsan yesterday. paseenger trains 9 anti 10 have beau pu% Dr. Dawson, of Wauconda, was ln i lUt>nueo me as formerly. The miik town lest Monday. train leavee.Bocketellsr eas740 6. m. Bondai Agent W. L. hicli called on anld a"ITie ai OhLicagO as 10; reinrul friends tu Chicago. vst e iet leavee Chicago as 4. p. m., a.1 Mir@. Robert Bouse vst be ltrarrives et oar stationM5 :U8. at Aneftin latsi ek We have bâti very 11111e varm A ne stck f brbe wie bs jnetweather ilil.spring andti @«Mesas arrew a&thck hardareto rebs oitboogh al vegetionbau beau some- arrieti t Lie hrdwae etre.aba ekward. Corn planin a a Potitmaster Knigge sud son Glenn thlng Of the pustt antirtanlaehuc epenitteIst Tuesday lau tiec cly. neede te 1 prevent materniltaa Mouday Mr. sud lire. William esa andi othor rops. Grass la doing1 Vlokery made a trip Co the county @eeat. faitiy veil, bnt more moisure la1 Undertaker Wlll l<nlgge hati charge noeetin eure a good bey crop sud of a fanerai nt Prairie Vlav laut Frlday.malnaii full enpply 0 o!peusage.9 Bobri ous, ur opnar utoerFruit hie nos beera materially lnjured1 au Roer tBouseawiri oun hie belelby troue andthle outlook for a large1 and rocr tok whil a lis woelyieiti la very hrlght. aiPearl MayArahu. ,TueMtay Ïband number on. or thei j e Feri lacfw athnr,0fWa"Paca. Ladies id Bocieti met ai the homem leepnduga ewlae itilir. andi ut lire. Fred Goaveiler for ole1 Mire. W. L. ltich. charitable purpose. Tihis organie-. Mies Wright and friend. of Liberty- tion le notd for doing gond snd bua ville, wore the gîleete of Mie MarY proveti Ibo amertian thai vorklng for Licbitfold ]est If utiay. others le actual enjoymenl. On the Bturdav eveuiuig Podi, tounded by evOnog 01 J[11 101h, a festival Benjamin Franklin, furrie by Leroy will lbe given et the home of lire Itntgge. Try a copy. Hrrty Bonge fer the purpose of pro- Mise Eliza MoBlride returned trou> urin tie a iticiait 10 bailli Chicago lent yack whaeebler eyeà vere cburOh sheds, andi you are lnvfte ta h treaieti by a spedialiet. attend. EVrery individfai Who le lu- ferestet ini te volfare of ont village Fred Bhatitle, of FordlRiiver, Mich., le in~ duly bound ta aes lell pouelble.t passed ihrough Rockefeller recently The officere of the socoey &bave Men- on hie woy to Everly, Iowa, wbara ha tioneti are: i'reaientl4Mn. J. a.1 le vlting hie broîber. aronk$iise; Vice Frai., lire. J. J. Boas.; Ciao. Bruwn leakiug praparatione Seo'y, M»t. Frank Thomas; Treasuer, bo buli a barn on hi eramthr0ee M»r. Doollîle. miles West of ibis village. J. a. Dont be adrag on th.eOOmrniIny.1 ronhite le turnisbing the building lUtber stand Up for your lova or go material. oevhire Ihatieieuonbolier. U A ne, lMe Cormick huakar cit self- 1he gJurions Ililnota veelir doesn' feeder attachaient ebee inn abîppedouit jon, go nemevmiere else cher. il bora for an experlmentai trial, which la diifférent. iflte oeil dontalsuit wili take place un the farui of Geo. H. yonutio not vagetate lu IL. U lie Vitole Radke. ico andi oue.half miles north- ôomqtqg&y leg6lng tée b bwý*oa weni ut iown. la a bandeartInyu hati boiter gel OUI Jleacitrs meeting aittae chool beote tb. llnebpin breaks snd yon bouse io-morrow et10i)a. rm. Toplua are burleti headloug Imb Othe botltom- for discussion OuileUnitedi Statu etlai l. If itlaledyopçpola Or IUver sud Foreign Fowers pages 273 te anti. compilta hâtattaes &a pos«iimi0o Hlnadaea Teaaobng The Language 70U, go90 lb.hdoctor andt 111hlm g0 Arts, pages 199 lu and., charge 1h. bil l tathepubielaore. iThe reidente of sechool district@ six W e t lte maroit of prograe. Ont and i nne sud patrons of our scitool are village endi oonuty are going forevarti cordially invitati to attend a anti vahave nul lime 1Io arounti lu Mr. fBolcombs woodis on Frlisay clodoeor Miktbhe.ont of0f 1h e vy, B Jue 7tb. We sabapie esad tb have If yen cake Up orne mornlng andi es &Hl patrons of te aehool attend andi that th, procession bas paeti ion @pendth ie day wîit un. You Vitiian- wil know that yon have been ruan over. joy It. The brigiteal Ides of âail la helping 'ltbti agentsi for dîfereut harveater te buld Up a 10au aud cernmunlty le macllitua compauies are meeting vith tleelivng for othoe. Il moas aman auccesbe bs eauon. The Champion blgger* anti happler. H H cul ow agent, WIU Knigae, has otiait Ieroby mentailî. rorally &dsumdSi- uachinee.-thraa mowen sand fourosi.Tepoea t.liheit bluders. B. D. Cook bas matie gaverai mriveling; $litSof anselthu«4as&oai bons fide sales for 1h, Deerlng Comn- ealug. The MM muet bave a llmlBed pany anti Tho&. Me Bride reporte the soul Who ou«es othiag for th.e sem saleof eva moers sud foui hindars. anti honor of feloc mon. FielliSe saleof evenMowwbihîc it vesonly for Iieelt la Vary The reoidence portion of Rockefeler empui. Who, la the oomrnanity. lin1 le ellcklng up cuuaîderably tiIs eprlng. whlcb we live. ara Ihoso Vbcienee Many buildings bave beau painleti ara preserveti anti vhoee memorientare anti repalrad and the lawns beautîfliat. cberlmhed? bIol tnottbIome Who diti 'ho itsg pole vas ralmedlti Iallintay sornething for th. publie, vho mati evaning anti ai premtent critlng there tornaeonributloo for lte veUlare .0f le not an unocnpieti resitience bui- manilat? Who srnong titane nov ing lu tovu. Il is &auanevîdenca ot living wdli be remembered vili Ibnifi aud augure vel for lte gratimutie antibhtter? WilI leobe hoie good teste sud goti se8ea of onr vho permiS uder iellliabnes um demton 1 citizen@. nate ail they tic, Who are ful 0f envy, Geo. Barden. proprietor of the and JealcaMly, Who oppose overyt llvery sud butai abitch bear bils nama, public enterprise, Who are fameti for mal wltb s bâti acooldeit lent Salut. ibeir nneaitbncuséanti bilternesi, day-one wblch might bave be vbwo are alvaye hunting anti navet more serions. Be vas drivinga double helplng. or vi lU 1%be ho» W ho tram whan a part of the barnase broke owaven humble anti tiebla the Ya cauiug s rundway. lUr. Hardan W" ,aatolgca by a o h thrown viletiî Lü the grouti anti maierial, intellectuel or moral ativance- lef unonsion. legaining bis tcu-ment ln the vorld la chioh lhey lire. ties ha endeavoredt 1 go lu purenît uf Yeu are mach more luabIe 1te uasssef the teuret but fount i ie ase unable ta aban îour lîver anti bowels do nul &eta tio solHe vas taken homne andi Dr. properly. DeWiIS'à LîtIle Harly limeti Galloway, of Libertyville, vas enta- remove tae cause of diseuse. P. B. moued, wbo rend red medîcal aid and LoveLL1, Libortyvflie. ~~Ivanhoe Items.1 Miss Alice BSmith epeni laul Sutiay ai boute. Mn. C. M. Fosîci vue aL Chicago1 visitor IaiSuttinday. Farmaers are nearil trtîgb piautingi corn i t Iis viinty. VThe Misses hBryant vara Chilcago visitar@te ltlter part ut lait veel. Mesrs. L. F. Jeaumene anti H. W. Beach vers Ohucago vîsîtore abt Salon- day. Mn. Gilitemeisten, of Chiicago, bas beau spandiug a tew tays cit bis daugitter. The Ivanit u ae Bali Organisation ylligive a laya social ounltee cioul grountbisFriay evanlug. The boplo for C. E. mneetiug uext1 Bu»dsy aveuila 1 'Hov lu gel rîi oif sina. ' Mine llorance Van lac, leader. lit. Henry Kuebler antite Misses HICley aso îles Rallia Pojne, ut Waukean, cane Ivanhoe viaieluat Bunday. Miss Pearl BSmith utdlMr. T. H. Decker closedtirit achoois tasntViture- day anti Erlday, respeclively, cit a pieute. The Ivauboe lotige, M. W. W., cl give s plcuîc at Diamout Lake, Jnly 4h. Gireat preparalions are beiug maode hi makeie bs as oceas. Titis la e oenlaly very ajoyabia vesiben, vitan Il raine une day aud le as cnaîtaseGreoulaudth ie uexlt ay. Weil va may as calgel usai! lu lhlm, se lbsy Ray ce are going tu have nIa. montits o! cinier by anti by. As IL laounr tutu tu have te mnual Jiios meeting ibis yeai-, said mueetng vif]bh Mlu Ilite ohurcit, TnemdaY Jane 11. No effor;ciii hi iparedto1 mxakibtis Interetiug,asu t ilje hopeti ibat a large number viii attend, bot trorn oui owp anti naîghboring owns. May baskets have beeauilu order latly. A coupla 0f aur dameale vent ouIt one eveninig a short rne aidice, anti efI a ev baekets vîtit a number of their ".favorites 'We vchu vete otla 1lucky me te recelive ana uft ibso Sune "plaeo! ofart" tarI very mucit mlgittot Ouir pamtor. 1ev. Marley. vuasieck 1ie at e edave otte carl viit ai vi'nv savpea mtck ut neuraigle. fHa ,'-umnul aile t itI tte pulpit alter irulug' tr eveulng. lie vîntes Il i-nnonnceet liaite "mamorlal germon,,i ,, 1,lc b ha itipraparet ton lut al nuay ,1111ihha(ti l vereti oexl Suntay. 1 Skin affections wclirsadlly tiuappeer 1-Y uslug DeWiiiîe Ratai Salve. Look oi for counterfaila. If iOn gai De- %WitaYou wdli gel gondtreale4. It in thé qule a»t positIve eure for pUes. F. B. Lerl, LlberSyvill., BC3OOL NOTES. Vie f utepeutiant bai been placeti on tae reatilug table. Te echool wdl i gve an te@ ream social sometirna turing lte tinal part of Ju»e. The Illy al laie hmfaot suad 'Vbay OaWhto Thini They Cin" la lte ises mollo of Bhe eighl graea. VTe Fourlt Grade boas tilaet geograpiti for tli ar santi vii @endt Ieir extra tlm, on pityaiology. Te Blih grade ba s alaheti~a<j Ing "Vhe COUrtWp Of MUe Blatani" anti baglualte atntirof .îBvangeUne.i1 The fetgade boauhadthelb Haln Ârimtcfrimer placeti1lu lait baunde. It la smnig entireiy nov lu te vaj ot1arithueilo primere. "A Boy'& Buit fflnd' la an onllrely nec lecture, It idihh ho giron for tbe tiret lIma 10 an Ivanhoe, audience, fltiay vaning, Jane 7h, at the Con- gregalloual obureit. Titaeecas a bnsiness meeting or the Lierary Society lut Friday. A number o! votes ofdbilanke veto lentaed litose cho aseite taita. lng teAYlartyiaa guccee Toe schit&petit Wedastay aller- noon galhening foyer. bot Decotlon Day. Vhoy venl 10 te llPrairIe- norti t o Bc. Fb. papile almo as. aisteti lu the vorl of tecoating duriag the foranoon Deecralion Dey. VTe Ivanhe os colBail ulas le raady lu arrange d««es ili &DY uthor Behool nine la Bim part ofte counly, provliing lte &geo!Ste playera oorrepondciili te âgeofeth-li membors of ltaens»aine. Those vising 10 aie arrangemoetcwl Placée correspond widB Cari Dorfier, capuan. On geconut o!fte incîemeucy 'q'!the veather, the lIoture fin have ibeeu ivea by Rer. Dean O. IlulSon on lutS Fritay algilht bubeau peslpoest June7Vt,%Fdy evenag. Beelute i lectue, thora vili hi exeocises by tiraI grade, Ma" by hionielte talent eut reffîtalicuab! pupileaneut Otri. 11ev. DaIlon'a ubject lae--A Boy@ Bail Friand(." The unme adismioon prie will bc chargeti. 1 lOatruso aCROoL »ile,'. iremobetnrn eting at Rockefeller, JUOelot. Balil gaine balveaun-BheIvautos anti Libortyrilie acicol ainte, JunoJt. Lecture hi Bey. Dean O. Dullumi, Juna7tub. Chticago trip, Jane nit. Lait day of eehool, Juna itti. $nnuole use Jais lm. Me érirlusanlin crklag o me Sarman Loasman bas gou té But. Mesa. Bohu enterlaineti cumpany ovar Sunday. Pred 0 Ullginlewonkiug for the Postal TelegrupitCou. 2. J. Carroll, our tatlou age. , i Off on asteiryacks' vieIL Fred Erueger eniertalurd rompauiiii frorn Waukegau iiundtay. lir, anti lre. Billes. of Wauki'gai-, $"là& a few days recenily ait b ira Spli. lire. Abrabsu> anti chiidnan, o ut h- Omgo. $pent a few tisys recently witlî relatives baye. QUlte S amnbar front bare aitendeti lbe dance ut Feucutier as aturtisy evenlug sud report a good Lime. Fred SOhlicker, formerly of tiIs place sud Voir uf Waniegan. le the happy possor of a fine uow aheel. Il people only knaw wbal ce lnoe about Kodol Dyspepeis Cure, Il vouiti li néeetinl narly every bousaholti as thorat are boa people Whu do not enfler from a feeling utftluteos.atter oalng, belehinig, flatulence, sour "011mi011or caterbraait, canoed Iiy Indigestion or ayepepsîs. A prepara. lion msnb asul<o<iolDyspepois Cure, a111011, Iriséuo aid trou> the stiuaob. aili digemî joUr foodi, cantaluly eani& help but do yuu gooti. F. B. LoVELL, Libottyville. FOX LA KE. Herbert Nelmon wami aChticago caler Lewis Lobtieli sud fau>ily viteti in tBu vcinfli Buuday. Zd Suyder sud tamily atteatiet liemorWal mrVlces at Vola Suntiay. The Foi Lake (Joretery Association willoes mai lh lire. Frances white Thateday afternoon, June 6, 1901. E9voryone la Invibetlu corne. Ofilcera viie heleofletfor te pear. --I have beaua mgenflg tram Dye- pOPOSiafor lte pASS Icoati îearea ant have hem n nabe miSer lryiug ail preperallonsuantipbYmlelans lu gel sayÀemet. Aber todng ou@ boule of Kodol DyspepseaC(ure 1 fanti roeie and amn noir lu bolter heitb titan 1 bave beau fort Ienli ieare. I eau not praise odol DY&pOpsia Cura tua hlghly." Tihu niies Mr@. <C. W. Roberts, North Creel, Ail F. B. LOrani.. Llbettyville, LONG OROVE. lbers liguer bas beau vlpiting ILu ànihigma. Mies Aime Ooaîaeller epent Suntioy et home. There vas à meeting autlite Lnthernn choh Buntiay evenlng. lira. Haller sud sou trou> <'iicago vimileti lu Ibis viinily lest weak. iTe Mienes Keller frorn Citicago vlaitet aIV.OSauerî over Sondai. Ln rove reameti hati psy day lis vse. Eghtyflva rent epr oct. vas paiti. Kra. Weigar anti sou Ban trou> Palatine ver, viiling bore over ISonu day. We antiertandti lti Bil (rai? han oIti out hie miik route luntte city anti expoots 10 fairm. The Bunday Scitool ofthie Evan. geltl calobrch hsn dacîied tu bave Ohlldiou'm Day lu abolit a u>untb. George Elseler le grttiug (litte patiolie for hae bas o bicycle in reti, white. sud bine. George ahere dues lha preea coma lu' Decorsiion Day rama anti passet as anol. On sceount of unualerabie con. diitae pnogrsm sasannounetdinl lest ceae'Issue coulti not lba carild ont. Sha gauiliface Of J. Recketsweller vas sean luounr midit lait sunday. Hae bas not hall auy pistas broken yel, for the gîisat lDuanera tiiove a7e not ui pielli as te Long Grova H iris. l'lieitigbaay commitionars bave decitiedtl open Kioeans gravel pi As te gravai pit la su nean, about agolui ai mUch gravai enu ba haulatid uring the same Urne andi cit aun equsi axpandittoreof muuey. TiiciimaIe bar botter ruade. XARY IL. ZIsilii. VTe angai utftiestitcama Lo our rias lait - aok VTnureday moruiug anti to0k vit hlm inlu iscolti au>brae liseMary I. Zimmea t lte youtiifîtl ageof 19. Sheamsbor n l tte home vbare&site iio tilat. Sha attentat public anti German scitool anti va alaayes abrîgiti anti ubediaut pupil. Espacially dL aieeecelIlu pelng Il beti aver beau bier ombîtion tolieh- corne a tesalhar, but adverse clrcurn. @tancea preventat iuer realîzîngfiie vist. She hati an attractive anud vin. uing vswy, wvicitmatielber rnany friendis, nul ouly among ber houme- dui sasclates. but aIl vito luew ber reipecteti er. SBlazaa dutîtul anti obeleutcl itiand ber place matie va- cent ilite home cau noyer lbe iliat. Viete faerai took place unsturday. Ager lte natmary rîtes at lie bouse lb, body, socoupenuleti by abolit sixly carnaige, csu borne 1telit, beantifln ohurch at Buffalo Otove. Il vas a nadi sud imprailve hour. Fater Raie emate very tonoinglyinl boih ltae Oerun santiBghi languiages. Amng many goodti hougits Ibis vas lhe rnotlcomforting. -Death ebaulti notle b bocsled anti anteti as u>uch sas il nmally le; fto t he Christian il la bnt the outrance lu a hlghe Illte, the enjaîmni of bilan untrammeleti by sitn lthbglnuing of Ilitaeternal wIt ërist lu Beavan." Atter ltae esrvloee lte romaine vere lnterre<i lu tie oernelery near the citurch. De- coamed leavam 10 mourn her deatit, pere, ltre, brothers andti irea lten., many relatives anti s boat of &fentis. (d grant Ibat viten our limaeornes le dia Ihesa corde uf the Imotipilmai ppy "go live th*f vhen titi sommous zomee To munva 10 LItai myterioue realm -Bunr n t..ahfak he eaut1c DEERFIELU Kira. Todti vas a Wauioegan vieltor last Bindai. P. L. Jorgenisen entertalueti cou>- paiày Ouday. Phllus fHole le eloaiy progresing un lte roa t 10reeovary. Joî. Phyle anti tsrnly, ut Chticago, vere vilors bare huntiay. Hienry Omermau came borna tu speadthelbday laut Bundey. MIes Josis Woodutsuis la illtnut bar home bote ibis veak. -hrae ili ho s change lnte urne of traîne tut thie bnrg joue li. No rami etal tels hava beau ne- porled by C. J1. Lange for tIs vestk. Aug. Wluter'a son bas racorareti trou>Lisshunes. uftwovu vaa'dora- Lou. C. Seiig la ogaîn bock ai bis dali, otoiluie ut business, aller à eeveral daya, llunesa. PaetrBeau, asu0oItlIme resîieut ut Sbis burg, sud tarnlly, were viellurs bora Sunday. lias leUll Bieymeffll bas returuati borne, afier apeutîug s number 0f eeas lu Highland Park. A large crowd vitnaaaad lte peeti- log prograrn ut the Dearflelti Electil Drlvlng Park Decoraîlon Day. "Cul." DuffY, -'Cap." blihmnel anti a namber ut our yuung mon attendait a dance at B itermervîlle laU t Strday nigitî. Mr, antiMnr-. Beker have mo'veul fruinthlie second fluor t'f M, Hor. Lberger's bouse lu lte airy orhume t (jao. hilaere bouse. Tho&. Dnffy bai purchaseti a line gorut oftorses trou> A. Il. Mubîke. Anybody visbiuggolupurclitse ihors@@ shoulti cousuaitlMr. Moile. lire. A. Veddet, chu bas beau Iiifor several yacks, tul ee wu a tacleti cii aa srula ut paralysIs. atectiug ber riglît sida, but sbc le elowly ne- covîîring. DIAMOND LAKE. iThera ciii be s meeting of ltae Diamand Liake Ceu>t.ry Association Et lte home Of r irJ Whitntey, Tiare- day, Joua 'c, nil uat 2 lu'cloci. Alil niwere eboît d contu1<,IIsmeeting. iTEtiS I iI., Oct. 13, luf'. P'ei'tti sBai p Co., Monticello, 111. Gautiemen-Our iîsby Esther bls neyer tasalet a drop of Merdicine otier titan Dr. Caiticall's Syrup Populo for more titan a Yea. Il cutIreny cureti ber ut constipation. Site le a lovaly citiltianti glnce I gava ber jour Medicine site bas beru perrectly bealtiy, altto'site bat bul bearoveil anti slnong outil ae bagan us>ng il. We knoof Othtr oe nal Wb- og IL wît aqoally gondrajia ~hu you esocces.'(rtfl yr Mas. C. A. TBuchKmULLMEu. Solf by F. B. Lovann. Libertyvilie; U9o. C. RBER~TrS, Wanconda; Wîne KNioog, Rockefeller; Graylale PHÂIIMACY. AIes! How Soon Forirotteul la au ache or a pain or trouble ut any lînt cheu neua ivlirld ut it ant Iif il itappans to be heatiacie or etuu>ach trouble tat boltiers Yolî, takre Dr, Caltivall'a Synip l'epmin aiudi on ailI oui 01nlY forget You vcrnitbdIl, but vîli bnoy tulaiyon are Ont l iabla lu hava Itagotu. Via d'a' lmmanitîli sd It le pleasant to talre. F. B) LoVELL, Llbertyvile; Gzo. 1 ýROBERTS, Wsnconda; Wtu ýKujîoting, ioekefellv-r; GnReYLARE PHANIMAUT. W0AUCONDA. Ilise Edîtti T Vobui is pt'uiiiii a tec tieys llte City, Born, te lire. J. s. Haae, Tnastiay nigbt, a sou. M. M. Fordi anti dotiltar Lydia vere City viitornune day lest ve,-I. Mir. sud lira. .. M Fulier enter. fainedirelatives frîtu> LlAbrtyviile ne. cently. Quito a numbar frot fluia place at- teudad lte Metuonri a xrcises in volo lait Buntiay. lir$. A. Pulusu> ut BurlonsifBrige, tileti Bnay. Fuerol vas&italtiMon- day atternoon. Rer. anti lre. Dullon anti daugliter Helen vent to Evanaton Wadnasday ta attend the commencement-exerclses. Te youngesl oitild of lin antiMrs. Jouai@tiietilads% aturday evauing iTe. tuerai vas@beiti Monlday, Bey. DUt. ton afflratiug. Dr. Harden viii delîver a lecture iu the M. E cbîîrcit Bstorday eveuuug, Jonc 1>1. Subjeci, iPoplilar Dain- $long.' Adlmission, 10 anti 20 cente. Hava von heard Wvite exPpart fltiitan o tf 1illiatyville are? Ask Messrs. Saubîtru anti (ailovay. Vtîey tnaltaietir îcka& ianconutlet Fnl- uiay anti caogbl une uitie llsh. anti titat vas galvanizet i ou. DaWitt'e Litle Eariy Hilears seorcit the remoteel liants% ufthebabowevaanti rernove the Imparîlles spaatilly vîit un tiiecofrntr. bey ara bamousfotut har efficey. Easy la taire, nover gnipa. F. B. Loruu.z, Libertyrullo. HALF DAY Notice Kuatiler in,e atol. hILvio' llnteet 5el boyere o1tir. OllITCABY VTiesy, May '21m9, a a ino. &a;t home ut itia sister, No. 75, 2>i.i P e, Chicago, occurreti ltae dealit Wm Johnsion, sged 22 pa!2a 8idI ionthi- son ut (JepI. Wm. Jobineon, ON .b lia vas bora la Chicago, Bepas bar 6, 1878, anti came haro atbhi ' Parents ahen 2 jetraObit herefore paeilug muointbisl lita luti iis vîcin- ily, ahane hae uel Inovu end fiavoriteaemong hiseasmocilea. Decaseetwuva mpatitent mufferor for severai mouluts frum tiat dread de- stroyer, coniumption, suda ithougit every effort vas mae tlubring about recuvery. hae depertendtià ulite un lte cily oftAbirtin, itither lbabat goue mue mout, spraviona 10I recetve specual lIralmentetiaàaiiarfi. Tvo tilr brolhermsaccumrnitu 1 lte saine dtIsasorne jean e iflo, anti à yonager brasiler, I ilvi i horemeus- horei, vesu kiliot inU arunaaiyI&Mt Demmber. il voulti aemtbatIiL vwu a itev'y crues husIthme sorrovlng parents are caliei upon tW beer. Wuliî, se deceaseti cas mitre fa- mliarly caied, leeves tu monau bs bas, bis parents,oune %ieter. Mrs. Lyntia Asbmead, if Clilcago, andi s jounger bruter, Walter, lualte lu- iirmary tu Elgin. The ramauns ver,' brntth omne Wedupeîlav* suad lte uiterel vas ho-ici troni tthe lbouge '.tiii>îh et 1 IO','iI t h liteitfl'anviiourcitv-litre tleto vas oailarge ialtelîiieace, 1ev. hi E Dix, ut I iberlyvjIll, oicatiug. Il.tînle vas in Veruion ceuîaîery. CnAR)OFtiTilAO. W, vîibtoluexpress ort eant.felî Litsnka to Ibheu>anY friands ant ilurlgh. ions wio go lîndi, nendereti a&isI- sureaunti oferet eympaty in tii anti formier allictionht sudt alÈo fur lte utuinouâ nsud bo,-attlfni d'irai trîbtta. Graluull, 1 ,-Ourtiile girl vas ucotsclOnS from eîtraugulatuiou lUIii'iias iitieu anti terrible atlack ot croup i1 quickli secorel a bottie 'il (lite Minute Cougl Cnt,glvlng bler tlinea doses.[fi, croup vas maNeeî'uiaidlUnr tile iariling speedulY recover- o wrIte, A. L. Spaffurd, Chtester, Mirhi F. bl LovELL, LlbertyvileA Cheup lRate tu, St. I'iul. For tae blanlal meeting of lieei camp utflte M. W. A ut St peu), Xiaun , june lut I) 10 ut excursion tickets vtil haiesol on r113 31 for rougetb trip iv C.M. il Sts. p. rallway ,,,i Joune li 10 lotili,inclusive. good tei retîtru outil Joue 18t1h. P.' '. MILLESt, G. P. Ac V. A. FREMONT CENTER. VThe dealt of Ciareuî,o111e te mon «t FraunkantI Mar >Y Iltnîlë, Boy Kit, vas a saveaneshotNtilte" parents, He enffeyteiit tonniliti, eing irk bit a short tlima The ramain, vees lii ta i-seitilti, <autlollc criOptery ai Fremont ir. Jue. itote uffliatIug at he, olemu cerenony. Theabitlie va tlîree montuis (t,1. CAtti)OF TYIANKv We tie'tiyc 10express oîîr iearîtill ibauks fui- tha tindlu sndut yupaiiy extoendedtu inour recaîlîilabreaveuiput Mn. AND M!>HaELU. A WORTH-Y SUCCESoy, '1mtlgNew lUnders The Sun.". Al l outine s a, t ritîl 10 11- ~ by the no ti)ttWîers.neum ,,..,. iii)r u tmg, u muett' ttu. Ii.r [,-'w-t-,ru lry up lte muou',u. m.'mftorRnt. ,aamjntighie. tl crAuik opoue ndutlie')t. 'I'hi jtyefu) Rede merd la t!' itffii'ilitihv. ti .I e aten evo8 lhi "enmelntratl.s I lit t, r maie hava ainerd ti cire. vii. l[,"t",its u.oit meante canet rt,'h t ha 'lI!NC't_ Anitti nti i'Peluu i, e3ttli,îer )hî ise fOr naîîy atratm-nt ie2ÂTaSi,. ie iIltII,reti iia)y eliveeut ie. bat ua dATASSeU. b>'r, mov1!ng the 'u..eoppins th dlneliarges. aiienngi)lifimtiepln fi lte.unir rOmatir hu.oe-n tii ilni onha actiîaii r't"ttv too af1il.t 'i rI. tis voniigrrui renîid i.lm nowîtiv " Tusor the ciuÂIÂsriEoCAT gOt-n nti j soi mut th 0 tiiao, andlm mo eee In d î ine s t fI i 0Ilt t infît i ti)) m ' ? Ils tre t- ellistmelt avvrytîiiîtg atisry to>iln Pefe ~ v- ot-rad lvnia' .uvlda fondu ti iliî ii ire,' Il curie Il! Inà ito,.06BAY t'ATÂti5it d)t"I tiCiei u0 last iONN fu tno il lit ijilE,. Cl l titi erail~r ltînlIVIt lii ILI'tI It 'un O oe lus imi nforut 'a otag.Ire j r li,) t I'î lu Dont diiiîlta -Ud ie Ir ti1MiIPaukage. ful PttJula. nr il iaione suad viil feumuatîuies n lt our enndirion aid ,i ,vIli n,î'î'lee sîtuclai adyleo,'froiu lia ilalo t'erOifth" wîî tItrful remede ead 'ti ir ac,' llfiiî,lte t'cotntPlu Puy Bsnd Sut IutL >.0 tIr ciOV i Slainorin aiavi v ilrsl ieUniiet Attires adeet.nt.. reftlivî Of nunsdollar. PANY.u*>antkla> 5uNtÉ amo.5 lC ( f- 1o. 1) ,.- -M. M-.fl A55%lm AS TO CLOTHING. yard: -Iexpectcd thb but not so soon.,, Such is the epltaph on clotbing wom aug Si the wash-tub. Underclthing may be fragil, Yet h ought not to Wear Suti tei weelme Bt 1 thil Isn't wear; f la decay. You buy 5 cents Worth of cheap soap antd you lose dis eqùfralet of 50 centsi the wash-tub. Ivoey Soap wiI not harm tihenMost delicate fabrk.L a f itlse not to use if? WVORY SOAP IS 994W» PER CENT. pijpg Jl. KNEDLER. uE ~:si tl I -tues Il estes officeo, Libertl Dr. office O 7 f0 10 1fesdance Dr. H Ph#-t <ýiurnee D tiffice -L ..iberl The $1.75.

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