CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1901, p. 1

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No. 35. i OONTY INDEPENDENT, Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois, Frlday, June 7, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. -I Wheroeî JUio's Cotupetition j,11, eCritical purchaser sool, iscovers wlîiclî estabhishflRiel tiît iki' liii' hekt fittiîug anîd 1110t4styllr'lî ,;îttîits ita thi. riglit priCPs t4 « e * o *eQeme*e* Yom Srretiatioulti>fd iî ilget he \ I ý-I IIEST all t ean'te <ii rislî ar(itd <artttt h% 'fit of the ne.west ailid ln-s SetANBORN& CO., LibertYvillC - IIlnoôis., Il 'i * NVoli't l>e re id sw lien l : C4,1 .0 1 ltie'1 it iut VîsI t tM IUAsisiii't irlet it iîow. ~ Suit tsa s. ms.$Mts. tCan Suit You in Price. Fred Croker, tý Libertyville Illiois I R mF R CA I 9 m t 'rout $1.00 W. C. . ~ DR E.FORDGAVN, $aIo curryth SPECIALIST, r ie and Women. I GENERAL SUR GERY. Il lit-i~t asW ment ot Cori lu towu. ft A fis' lit rmu adi. It vil 3 , n. a& '.2, Plae lea t ù ,udn th.nbd cago, Sp., ers vllib old, tburef or* lui Ibis vicin- Ilunovu snd a cidtes. It siiiterer for bat dread de- sud aithougli o brlng about lià lite in tl., r lie liad gSue la to receive mitariumr. auccnnibed go earu since, ansd 141 lie remem- rnnavay lts eux Iliat IL vu .55e sorrowilig W0 ber. was more fa. 10 mouro bl& Sainter, Mr@. icago, sud a cm, lu the ln- brlisgbt home erai vas y aI 1 o'0 1 ck a, selite tiete ont heart-fpit da aud cigb. 'dereil aseisi- .ly ln Ibis and alAo for the flosral tributen. INu, F&IlILY. concons front à aidoen and 'p t quicklv Minute Coug«b e dscs. '171. 'd" Mo write. Mielà. F. II sllu)g of liesi at St Paul, W)b. excursion 13 31 fsor rounst ' rsilway. on. u8ive. good il, f;i. P. .1T. A. 'NTER. Msy 23ds, vas i renten H.. eng slck b'.t tlFNc vers isîsi C cemptery. at ode oflllatlug Y. Thle babs olr bieartf,.lt 'sd Nympaiby ereavement il8 UE.NxLt, CIESSOR, v fadier C ATARBB by Ihalesra and t>5iwOi,rs dry uts ivsrfaj Reisd@ 1 tii,,I ir mkers 'sit,,e's'snd oInt- '" An sstd anid rsisssInn 'ye tIlib'rnhuLtin il'artsl. TlîiR UsIfLIC lndis eoid t "I-, d.Ilikrp t L, anl .sssid5n 1 s«,st I,. tr-t- arY I) lta Derfect st.,,l'Ad ta OsIt '0>1'» l 1sofbiu lua te y ridiisisaas t oe., rilse ~ lIon, nI ie. read r ,i'~ls O I- s le fh- Unteld or o! ne dollar. Dr. Charles Galloway.1 office over Lovei'sDrugStore UUOUE R on 1 TO i atm eTO 'M P. M. Lbertyville. -Illinois BENJAMIN H. MILLER,' ATTroRNEY ATr LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. scifAliciE 51r.00 MfL.L STiCKS Te TELLEPHOME N940 meBiNt u, 55,65e Dr. J. L. TAYLORi. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS Office over Triggs & Taylor'S Ss., leas eli tsi înunuce m-Bav8s- ibat b. wlit open a 7 tot'10 IL 2itouali. îte. . DENTALOFICE HetsideflOe ou Broadvay opposite Park JUNE FIRST Libertyvîlle, Illinois. At Libertyville, Bulers BIlocS, ôe ___________________________Smithl & Davis' store vbere lie may be - faunsi regtularlV on Weduesdaya, tram Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. 'O>n .h,(O .m Ph#scian and Surgeon. z ,uu 55[E ea7tsnOEL tro. --SEE OS - (ý,rne -- - -111no--Timothy, Clover, Millet, Dr. E. H. Smith, Hungarian, Red Top, DENTIST. Blue Grass. i)fflcej over Lake County Bank AND Ast I 1R 5Or PURE s ou!%:i»tr'ss i. m. ail, its . n. DÂILY Field & Lawn Grass Seeds - Libertyville, 111.- ia çeed Lotiaid 'odder Corn. PAUL MacGUFF IN , Ati>rt tiffl Coansi< tîieitsir at L', Re&S'oAbl. ,esa N"OTARY PUBLIC iCHARLES STEMPLE, OFICE<' ()VEtR LARVE CaIs ..ibertyville. 'llnos.Long Grove -IlfoS The INDEPENDIENT and Weekly Inter Ocean-both ont ygar lor $1.75. TrY them. w Apïî YE MILLER AND R. DOIJ(LAS1 LI(iHTNINIi STRIKESTWO BÀRNS1 Ioi nted Menalbers of Board of ftevlem bslivjudige joues. Satuirday Judge 1D. L. Joues ah- nolunced isip potioment otfjuembere of thie iBoard ort Litew, lu cOmpllalice vitli tbe nev iaw rqgutriug ibat Ivo ctizenâs 10 le selected tram tbe IvO poltiicl parti(e. polllng the bigliest vote lbu eppointesi by lhe County Judl5..toanat vlthIe Cbairma Oof the Board Of Supervleorsanad t10conmtltiite siBoard. W. E. Milter, of Liliertyvillie, vie seleclesi by the J udge 82 tbe %@noeratiec msmls'm anti I J. Douglas, Of Wau-s kegan, aethie liepubjean member. Jeu. 1B. teveus, o! Hllffiuru. leChair- man of the Board of Supervlsores adc cousequenll!also Cliairman (If the Board 0f ilevlew. Mr. Milter, là arîPervisOr frum Liliertyvitte and tîsaugli e denocrat liasnlbua repeatedly elected liy repuildicans lri a mtrong republican tovîusblp. No betier recommeiidatlon as to bis tanding 1lu isborne coin- muity couid lie gîven. HelIsa un-t mlnently qualilled bo1111 lthle position1 and w.. çongratulàte Jusige Jones "îPou bis vise oboice. IL. J. Douglas le no tees ijualiliesi a good Ibuinàessmuan, capable, conserve. tive aud isat. He la OU r e t. give encl bav cer pis' Sfui mil diel lut lie ext da, tv< be tb( pyt Istaetion and In kit",Ibe people e confidence, whîii ise weli grted. Geo. kt. Stevens, 0ut Millburu, la rtaiuly the riglit man lu the rigbt cie. As Cliairman o! the Board o! iervlsors and Prenident of tbe iliburu Iuurance Compan.y be bas ýnutrted fais ezecutive abliity. ie people may be assured their treeauwii lie guarded veil by Nr. 'e'eus for thal's the kind of a mai] 1i's and kuowtedge o! the tact plaine the trust impossd lu 1dm un il and previous occuesions. Tlie new Board meete the tiret Mon- rlu in ly and continues lu sesion vmontlis. Their compensation wili flied by the Bioard o! Supervisorsaait eir meeting lieut eek aud viii robaly be $." per day. Ilorue Stoieu et Mlîburn. lieturdity igbi borne Ibleves su- teresi Ile barn o! John Bitang saIMilII- buril andl oboie s borse, buggy andl tvo liaruesues. [bere la no dlue tu, the tbleves, tha(ugli thespolice 1inIlI directions have been aummonesi. l'ie be sten animal in à anadaome hay viili blactk points and liers marts of barbesi vire lpon lila fare legs. O! tbe liarneàsS L aken, one vas s fine atrrey barnees aud coltar aud ithe siber e tîght kli'ggy laruesm. '['lie buggy lv ofthie regulallon top hype. Wbat ini.. lb.. blef or tbleve's olserated inle ualkuovu. Wben the feurnvretlred Iie lborne.and lugqy wemeilu lbiaris. lntbierioruing tley vers gone andI tht barn door va-s fojud opetn. i>owie's Excurolon to Benton. t Many f rom Lake county drove to0 ifeutou Decoration Day 10 'stues»as Johin Aexauder Dowies mucli adver- limed excursion t10 'Zion. He made no friendn among residents of ibis coty liy bis remarks, vbicli veret auytiiblg but appropriate, the daLy cou-. 'silered.Uce id amouig other tings: -We liouor tbe Americau iag but loves the Uilon Jfack. Above all fiage, thougli, /iou'a banner la greaiesi.' -Thousanda and ibousanes are piso- iiîg lowers on graves ofthOe dead ho- day, ble continuod. - ihsuk (md, there la ne man vno eaved thie Union. But lrothers aud sîters, Ibere lea. lime ta stop ýbIm trewlng of ifowers on the graves o!fIthe deasi; tiue 10 set ta ,vork lu odu. omethîng for Ithe lIving." About tune thonsansi persona gatb- ercdt lu ion City t bis 8aring igatemenis ands e the sights ln generai. Eteven train toada o! excurmlonîasu Icit Chicogo durlugi the day. Tlie round tnp cou but 26 Cents. [The Crying Need of thse Home, Wbst le the crylng need of the boue? Not money. Nul intellect. Noh e- finement. Not vlsdom. It Io love, and van dtiqmonstrallon o! love. à Lt!.. le sncb a lit11e tlslug, a Short epace ut jeare al. bat, sud t1 ilve il Iliraugi and t10haesmiased lova in cbildbuod trou latier ansi moiber ls tle satidet tblug lu ail tbe universe. Most paoples love Ibeir ebildran. Fe'sv ftîlers ansi mollera voulil ovu 1 lacS o! affection for Iliir offspmlug. But lu uany bomies-abailI1 @&y lu1 the uujority-tbere lea alacS o! the real living love ansi teuderuesa that MIi thse beart fuiltt 0rfîlug uvet vill lovevords, kîsoau, tond caresses. T[le goad.nlght kîse, the dear baud npou the littîs ane bead andi cheek, hov Ilisse things expaul lise sou] o! the chisi aul mnako i receplive 10 gond influeucea. '[o b a father or mnother la ta bolsi the keja o!ci baven sud hall for tbe buman 'aca. 'Tbe relation lsa adivine ans, vîli i uiite demando4 and jet haw oflen undertakeu vils no tore- Ibought, nOusonen5uuthlse avtUl e- sponsilility. Wtsdom, goodussa, no- hlllty, streugib and patisuce aue rneedoil bj tbé parent,anid. ibove ail, love.- Wcsae D.ames Witt. wligas han clo,..Culit. Ilesities. Barn litîiîil-. mi ver,.i monn arroly 55cui)' I ,cati Weslueelayafternoofl frs, ,j t.4,,4 i gblug trlking ln lissir o11 WVm. Wlilgiiii, 0f A1t5kslc, i, >1,,rousl merlouhly Iiîjured. whieîil hetbunder aboyer s,,> up about 3fou'riock tîve men vil(), I-i ieen haulilg gri'vel burried t0 bis I,,ut for protection for tiemela s>,ililfrees. Mr. Wbigam sntered the bar, t'.kismist in malng routa for theb t'.tum. A terri Ic exploion vas beard pist am lie stepped loto a taIl vbefe t- '..orses vers lied anid lie feilIbtm., nthe-u, tunconescious. lmmedlaiily irs ,rolle oui luth titi, whlcb Vuasi tssuatsly put (lit by Henry Engîerioranad Auguat Rodiait. Mr. %W igtLatuvau remi. i 'ud a pbysicien summonsd. A cullin sasstali next to wlere lie la! bad 1i, i.llesi iîy tue sbock. filWRa4monte lime bltre lie rn r"ued 'Tle lbarn vas Ltaly lestroyed.j About ftar tousnao! bey awdltI linbu"&l tof oata vers aIboa i, f'i1lie outs bad been storeil th-s r by 1an't Nurrison and wer, I,-unîd. Mm IDevine carrid$iiii lmist ,îsoon ber barn in thse milburu >> sy JURY FAILS TO INDICI DOWIE. Now hectares ThaS ltiskEtîjeli ltc îsioi Afler a di'scueslou, . sting longer thîan iv!> boums, ansi î, pite the efforts o! Coroner Traeger to a- JulIn Alex- ander Davis. H. %W urtbîugton Jusis, andi Deaconss8e« SIi, Lir ansi iratcb Indlcted liocause (At lb , ath o! Mr&. Jndd, thie Cook <ýst,>tv grand jury Satturdsj votse a-,L, illlu the ca'se o! ail tbese e f>moim~. \tr ailtithe testlmouj lied,,ii, lb..hevoie abowesi a rnjorîly itnt,.> or o! ual bolding Dovie ansti lt. iluvlers me. sponsible. Staies ,.tt ,,i,eY Deneen vassasted tomadvic , i rinlite@ dis- enuson and itlaisetate 1ItfLat the reason tbe truc uills witrr ut fonud ta beceuse no statut..gss ýr' s lb.. cae. DICLAIR'S HE Il KLIJAt -h am Elijal tMe irisphet, vWho appearesi liretaima I ijab himasîf, second as John lthe liai tîst, and vho nov comes 1n me, thert-,soi'rro1 ail thinga. Elijali wis a triphet; John vas a preaclier: btst is1 .linielumy- self tbe atîrihuttem st prulei, priset andsiduer over mon. au/s st1 me, iben; 1 gayjIL fearlesty. isi. the Most ni 1 am lie thall lb..eliving plyijalal ansi spirItual embodimeotf i ian ad mj cotmission la cartî a t bird time lias beeu prophealesi by Nst,ta'bi, by Gosd Himai, bl ijIs Son s, s, liy Peter sud Ibres thousansi y.ars ega iy Muses. Ait whvbseireeume 1lie lu verj lrutb aIlotoIis s-ti stand up', Anil over 3.004)i peols rame 10 their leet sud greceldthe .ls,sLration vilI cheersansd handcialîsi "a John Alexsader Doisue, true to bisi promise, madls Ibis 'taton.osut troanthe pîatiorm of tlie Cb>,sag" Auditoiu Bunday ulghl lu lie ;seaeuce o! 5,4000 people. Il vas lbhe sssiusuiatlou of a speechi lu wbldb lie dtusiuced every- body and everytiississt lu Zion; cnrsed tbe Pope andi itsss lCetholie churcli, spat literally ai Masoury, the 1nevspspers and tbe Iatki.rso! Chsicago sud sîrode up and doii the stage libre a madman. -"f uder8tsul Wel ubat I meun, lie coniuntil 'f v-Ilil l ake no couns in my melbuul' utf goverrument. 1I bave corne ta proclaini lheocracy 5pure and simplethel goverumeni of 1Goil, by (bd aud for (u,,asd h vitI tneyer reat 1111 ahitisîbîr forma ot gov. emoment bave isessss riven from thle earth." Au Dovie approscbsIe 1lte annonce- ment o! bisl divine sesecîlon as the agloeotho.bekindaxo!ofheaveaueon aud wven»rose lu thmaugsand iledl oul of!bile building. Demis et the Csssiy est elt s,.st tae»r Re"-,.r iturglars enteresi Jacolisen'e tee and cofee store andi F. BalrÏtow's offie Monday naight. At bolli places tliey eniered via a rear wlndov and ai neillier place dld lliey secure acy booty The tieves seemed te bc lu searcl of nhoney and disturlield nothlng gave that they fored the cah draver at Brrsovas. Mayor Fluer vlslted the liasement under Dletmetytr's saloon fleur the bridge tionday, vliere a restaurant la suPPouesi te riel. Ifs aya itltooked li111e ikre a restaurant, but a dumiuy elevator vas runnlng te the satoon above. This tookea basi and His Honoi lmmnedlatety notllled the owuer that if lie didu't vaut bis liceuse re- veked be wouid bave te emove the dummy. It wes removesi vitbout BOY argument. Alexander Clark, J. H. Vsan Visl- seugen, end N. W. Green of Chicago, were lu Kenosha Mouday making ar- rangements for tbe construction o! an electilurailvay la conueci Kenouha anud Wgukegau by way of Wtuthrop Harbor. It la stated that the line bu been suirveycd and consent viii ha aaked vithun a ahuri time. Thbe evidleut Pl upoee la the compietiug of ibe line nov construoted belveen Ater tlhlrty-live years' silence as 10 bis delil, dnring vblch Il bail long aluce been centutsle froni Lindsys coilectable acaunts, an unkovu ma bas become conaclous-mitten, and imagine Mr. Lindsays surprise lu re. celve the leller betov Mouday nigisi. it came iu su enveiope unaaaed and inalde vas a $244 bill andiIvo $U bille. ail crlsp, nev notes. MR. T. Bh. Lîlssl: 1 ief t Ibis city maiiy years ago sud after wesry vanderlngs i have e- turned vicis reminds me IthUI1oved your faihar aunaccouai o! about 24 donle eas SAI as eaumiiinS o! vicl i nov euclose 10 jon 10 divide vIlsh ha being-If yot i viifusse t Iis lu the waukegau papers 1I aailmes ilsud 1h5 vitlie be heeip-jul asay jour lot- ter sud couteute recelved-ldenlty la not neede- I au suonymous. It ln deluitlysyaetled ihat the Chicago Preas Clubs big excursion June 141h vu libe rmn ta Ibis cily. Noniblaul one ofthIle tineal bosla on thée lake, a ilcallug palame tiai vill a"comrnodaie the 160M or 244044 people expeetesi 10 participais lu tbe excur- 'slou. Thle NortbtdÊd dravse about 17 teet o! vater lut viti have no trouble raklug tis city dock. Capt. Kennedy vîli pilot Ilie boat i.19. lai plnuesi 1 Malte a a lItbout stop armiving al i p.rm. Mayor Fluer viii velcomeIthe geseetcdiofi vom viii be given a souvenir o the occasion lu tne shape ot a buttonhote hoquet, A li>. progrem seull be cared ont aI tbe laudiug place. liovemnor Yates andi Mayor Harrison sud familHs yll ie amrng the the cxcureionists. Petaiek Salmon, for seveuteen years oue îîf Waukegaun policemen, vas Satumday nîglit Iniomuei by Mayor Fluer Ibat bis 'services vould no longer bie requitesi, sud so sccordiugly the aid oflcer lv ou tbe retireil list. Mr. Salmon'@ decapitaion dosa ual corne as a big surprise, as It wvu geîiematly blieved Major Fluer bad hilm elate aflter tbe epiAoe o! W. W. ilearce trylng ho regain tbe Mayor'@ chair Ibrougli tle expulsion O! Mr. Fluer.Ityul lib e remereil that Of- ticer Salmon assslateex.mayor 10 the erient O! trying 10 opeu tbe dOUa- cil cliamber door, vhs» Major Flier lied Orderesi lt locked. '[le oflioer, seben noiiled uf bis dismisat, sakeil Major Fluer for the cause, but the Mayor sai lb iedd 001 coose 10 aay Lsnytbltug aboutînt Jobn Erlukson lis been put on tb.e police foirce lu place 01 flcer Salmon. AlIterman C. M. hiombam o!fIlie Thîrd Ward, 'sud Alderman F. B. Taggart, o!fItie Fourîli Ward vers usie members otthe Board o! Lacal improveweute vwxb Major Finer Mou- day nîgît by au Ordinance viio passed the counucl. Anoher onui- usuce tIat psssed was une creatiug the office ot "Buperinteudent o! Publie Worka" wicb embodies the poitions o! city engineer andi Suterinluloen- dent o! alreets. '[hessalarj la mades $1544» par jean, andi the man vho fllei the position muai assume the dufles berelofore dlvided lielveen the offices aboya namued andi devat ieba ntire hîme 10 hue cIly i'behmassns hlasu exceltisotn>e. About as uervy a pisce ot vnrkL as 1h lias ever boesu the miafartînue 0 Wsukegau 10 lie salîssi upon 10 sufer la Ibat o! bunglars vbo Mouday nighh eulered tlie residance of C. l. Ries on Clarkson avenue iaklng sons$140 worib of jevelry and $8 lu cash sud leavlug on the front porch Ibheflive alîver sp0(iua stolen at a previous visi a tfle saine bouse sounes IO veek's ago leBving an szplanabory note as tottuve: 1"We cent Delli ie thinge; mabe jun can."'[bTers lina lue 1u the Iblavea. '[bey gaiuted ou- trance ho the bouse tisrongh a door off tise paroi, tnrutifg te lb Sq iicswu lu tbe lact, vilS a pair or nipper*. Dhis meàins To Thoughtful and Economical Housekeepers ()ilr liiie of I)rîggist Siiirep offers a (lance to make yoilr goou oi eoî-y (Io double service. Bring thia "Ad" and the onrce' with Yeu te secure, Boy of the followinir articles. Neninus Talcum Povder at ......... ..... ................l15c ('uticlira SBap Bt................. .... ... .............20c Packer's Tar Bosp Bt ..... ............l7c Cashmere Hoquet éoap t ........ ...................... ... 16C Juvenile Hoep a Peffl- Unacenled Soap..................... ......... IOC Oolgaieusbsaving Boap, 2 cake for.... .......... .......... Sc .Rubifoan andlitozodont Toottk Waab at ..... .-.........2 Lyon'& & (GravesTootb Povder Bt ........ ........... ...... .. I&C Pint bottle of Witcb Razel et..ý................... ......19C 2 oz botite of purk (itycerine at . .... Vaseline, per bottle Bt....... .... ............ ............. u rThese prices apeclal to 0ounrty Customners. MOU$£ EBTABLIBSMED NOÏ. 2S. 1B8" WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE NO. 109 A___ 1 have Just received a carload of Road Wagon@, Top BRJggies, Pha.etons and Surreys wilîi 1 will ssii at lema than Chicago prices. hicail Wagons and (Gentlemn'@nsDrivers from 5128.(H)4 b................. 45.00 End Sprlng Top Buggy,î or 1 ln. aIles, 4 boy leather quarter top, B wlsl made. cf hast second grovlb bickory ..................... 48.00 With Eubha, lires............................... ............. 60ft A baudaome Canopy Top Surrey, ftnely tiisholabenid veil made, cnly..606 Ses My mont popular surrey. I yull bandie It lu tony grades, via: A grade-tiisa theibéaiet thal eau ha made aI auj price...............00.00 Bl grade.......................................................... 90.00 C grade . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .0." D> grade ...... ................. ......................... ...... 70.00 Dout lthink bemaus 1I sou gooda champ, 1h iandie cbeap gouda. t viii glve sas trong a guarsulue au jon eau get on &Dy 21< Do malter boy mneb yon puy. SLibertyville H. B. EGER, - Illinois 1 have a good v'ariety froin whielh to select anîd at prices that are Iower thaxi yoiieau btiy saine gooîls for elsewhîere .. .. .. .. r) bar 50 rouind leaiber lash net ....... .......i 173 & 75 . ......2 73 CJoton Blaft Nets .......... ....... 73 Fancy Clotton Bhaft Nets, $1.4K) and....... ..........I1 23 Clebrated Wa<uier Tesam Nets, per pair....... ...... 3 73 Lap Duateru of ail kindu-fancy and plain, Fly Horse Covers aud Stable Sheets. Faucy Harnmock, 2 apreaders and pillow ............ $t 25 The 2Oth Century Cash Store Carries ini stock the finest Une of Bold in Libertyville, of the following brands: .... 3cent Cigar .. Coluimbia (Perfeetos) Havana Filled, Sunlavana, Mantel J unoir, Lilliaîî Ruissell, l>ortuoîîdo, Hoffmaîi Houses Juniior. .....10cintt Grade.. Americait Empire, I)aveîîport, Chanicellor. Also a futll hue of Phîîg anid Smiokinîg Tobaixos. W41 have Ladies', Gets' aîîd Childre.t's Sboes that fit tlie, fit the pîrse anîd satisfy the cîîstonier. E. W. PARKHURST- SCHANCK BLOCK, -uemTv ILL.&i» Vol. lx. mi kurch- 'on.p, ay be em cents~ se t? EYJ, EAR N OSE,& THROAT. \bseî os SLake Bts tram .............15' up WRIGHT DYMONO & CO., 0I lIinuCle. Ihivers , llghtij soil. Ltbertyvill0, Ilîlois. for................. . 5c FOR INEBE SBRGINS CALL ON 1--ues Interest I3earing Certifi- R.POIE cites Payable or> Iemnd. L MBRSILE.. PO IE,01 1 a mumur 1 .1- i tie ose 0f bis lt arm and Iý g, . h cli 'seemned paraiyzed and for sels bsura tbe arm vas Intact; as a nears s lie was aise llujured liy beilg sssîdon wliisle ying lu the atall, lb' ,is ,ot dangeroumly no. Hia escape -crns mairaculous sud Mr. iselia gratefu Is lit le wu spartel bile for a lime le he lll~u"It in permanent injury yUl reunil Darnge te his barn Vu btintîlit. Il vas insiired in itheM.iilbus'1, C. m panu swu aIt bis stock DEVINE BAUX sTUt i. To escape from lb.e orinlnule and John Limberl% c . haler and Mite Moran diove 'Ibe..r teerm imt tbe barn located on lb. iPatrick Devine tfai eut o! Librtyville 1Wednesday allernaan. Fiie tu,,vre standing tu a grouip 114W beir brses vliea lîghting strurk the bart>, ipola. 'libey vers ail Ibrovo 80 thse tt,,,r by tihe shock and Mille MSm w as badly siuuned. '[heu rges became frauhic sud itw vas vusdiMchtl tbcY could be goiton OUI. Saqut&* i dd flames bursi oui %bat tW aofls tu 'ebicli the herse@ isad bea itehe,l vere baned. 'Tle moen aenWed in 8'av- log Mrm.Devine'§surre! aSt releaeîug' ber horse and thon de0,010,1tbeir at- tention la aavlug ber rtmldenice mat 1acrosa the road louard wviia s 'srong v ind vas caxrying tbe fume-ý lu Ibis w 1 il n2!ý= ni - Il -

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