CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1901, p. 8

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,Top Biùggies Surre ys open Buggies Road Wagons Phaetons Driving Wagons. We are haudliîîgl the old reliabiF, S-'taver Elle. Have wld tlîeîî for years atiîul kîow that they are' as good ai; eaîî be hilt. Bîty a rig with a reputatioîî aîîd know what youî are gtatiiig under the paint. The Prices are Rlght. Corne in and talk it over. Libertyville - - - Illinois. For a telephone ln your place of business or r«Idence.... y'on get tile iîîîreuanïI îd growig wrvim o f the Lake Oounty Telephurie C.omnîy aîîd uoiîctioît with ttue Chicago Telephotie Companiy. -For Information, rates, etc., wrte-~ * CONTRACT DEPARTMVENT. Loveli's'Drug Store, LIbertyvilie, Ilinois. V. Sauer & Son,, Grove - - - Illinois, THE fIRGHT PLACE TO BUY Orocries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, lIats & Caps, Hardware. Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, Wall Paper, ,f-aints. Ois, Patent Medicines, SBicycles, Pumps, Seeds. Etc. Large Stock--Low Prices. 16 oz Pounds- 36 inch yards Your Morueys Worth Every Time. GIVE US A CALLJ 'Wagons, Buggies anid Vehicles of ait kjnds. .. ... ràmber, Dks' Matertait Md tee fair treatueui. * If You - teU . I 1voa a < ne tgmo~ , r . aanP Ur. ,gal-by y t IIIUSEL is« * .lozv.Wau e a % L The Maderu Woadueaa of Anerica vil bId teir atinual jle cfar Wigeicuan sd orimlbers I aIn 5 Freeî rt, '[b nr«'lv. JasabMu. 'EX. rsatick,% wi lLe aold ouJuue il Liafor $2 g,<. «.u(l trip, riq la go (ver tlic a-w J&iaeajviiic lina a. far as « ohmMU -m- Dinmudiru"a tlarotigh Bilit, malt- I ral a - aior W <agp 11,g aDOngt, letbiat trip lar every- loay.ExaAct -ivaug imeni oftrain 'I FK J. Aa.esuÀ-e, Agi. acheol pleblo la-day. The Ladies' Aid met yesterday villa lira. 111h. Chua. Lw*h speul gaverai days lu Milcigan teoensiy. Teeeday W. H. Skinner trasactôd1 bfsiness lai Chicago. lir. sud lirs. Aibrecht are vlaltng1 ai Bioay, Mina., liis vool. Xonday Mr. sud lira. Croakbite Vèéi lah. City on business. . Mr@. Thomas, of Waukegan, la the gasat af ber son, Frank Thomasa. Dr. Horace Andernonand sion, of Chcago, verei o u tuit Thaadsy. Everythlug ese being equal ve aiaould buy Illinoi manneaolfred gouda. Sap't M. W. Marvin, o a skogsa, attçnded tbe leauler meollug lai* Baturday. Mr@. Irving Payne, oi CblscaO, vas the guest, of Mr. sud M%. E. 0. Psysaq lait wtee. One aigu of gtling OiN la vbou a man oanuol sioep weil lu auy hod bal bis owu. The luea rley and Foster, a1 Evauston. wre guests of Ulm V aie Gridiey recaotly. Wu ineratand Ibat two of aur Young LUn h ave pureba'<ed a borne- leis carriZg. ira. <C. L. Bartiett, of Evanton-,vwa Ibekh Vueofai Mr. anidlira. J. il. truile liat veèk. Miqa Mary Lltctild went ta Wou. kegat lait Wodnua<t lapeiad s ew weeke with trioaads. Rey Anderson, of Chicago, uil preacb ut the citapel bob moriug sud eveuiug nezi lluuday. Jovot Il. Bainalav wusn latovu iionday snd bâd Ibros monumeuls piaced lu Ivahoe oomtery. The leachera Ilitts for Làbo County Ibis sammrer vili b. bold lu J ue cammenoing ou the 24tb. Mr. Broadhead ' ai Puilman, $pmut several days iu lova recoliy. lRe denires ta putchaee a bomne hors, Mia" PeurilicAthur bai returueil ta Waupîca. Wls.., bavlug ipent severai dsym with ber liter, lin. Ny. M. ieno. Dri. Palmeter aud Mc Dermot. of Laire Forest aud Bocobel, ver. gueits ofMr ainsd lMra.Hoicomb ounlMay 301h. George liardenanad vile, accoa- pauied by a Cousia, came nu tramn tbe city the fbrai ai the veek sud cailed ou their fiende. The suemorlal exorclanby th. acool May29tb i e ochapel v ie ol ai- teaded. Atty. Mltler, of Liberlylle, dellvered au Cloquant addrona Au erra? occurred la liai veeka Wi ue. M@. 9. . Payse abonld have been credlled the vice preidency ai the Laies' Aid Society inîtead of lira. J. J. Rouae.. Tlh. ladien id viliigive a dsuval ut the home aoflMr@..lirry RIoune Thorm day ovoulng ai next veek. AÀordial invtatiou las extended toalal. Thom hsvlug the an. talent are reqneaied la returnu teir lacreane on thal evoing for the hunsane aud boevolout pur-, pose of building churcb abeda for thé îtablitg of teama. Itla1 deiired ihai every citizen co>ae aud brlag a frlend. R. F. Rouse sivaji ban onu baud a complote stock o1 lb. ohoicet meta; Thon. itulride la aeiing more gond@ tbsu ever, sud cheapot ince.bis panî opeuiug villa drums sud symboie, distinctive denfigus lati ne ofa the ien*llng lesinrea af i WIIKsigge'a line ai neo oniture. Good 110e, I.sbl atad on#salHld e spd ~ ~ m nom tuomapp 11» amoag ie Tp* hg e 1are oMi aur bargainft bc vailoo t~î u evrt5 la lte a lvillge lante conty, yovoe bheuran lbid *f L tte ed ee isila utc day UMea, avlnme ai.drk Il hoea4ý m e o ua p aaslO "cIPhone re ham tblcU* allm lmMý*l goaeà miilsa, sMd if ýbJa IwVgg hsd recel*d n'ae d"ba« a é very bcd wordl sItui ve~oMbave a &4eneag mosc ua cpmtebave initémelma elehcrlcllgà but ta bava V0i bave sîreel lu.. lu maflv 1aaiaolskini=1bM ra o- lau. lrminitw sly beoteme ou em a earaed or s sa'<laî n d "sovy la te abudsrlI'Ch clae for -aslà, eOS.sFoaierp4mUCo te IM Do 010aracn balsmbi Coul. h i~ oeEuia y t 11,11 ehr'LL y mYKus adw eis i OsabraiàCâ ne !HM GO[D ÇUI Ani nu.mliou Treatment iS whieh Drunideira Balset ured DallY in Bal* or Theislvan. Nà, Noxlous Doyen. No Waakaslng ai tise Norvea. A Pleaan an d PoultIVe Ciare for th. Lueor Habit. t le aolkasmalrInnsdadrta th"l drunk m 01=diean sd tuia nm. A bdylftlhvanv.s ye aaaipiewiy byeeoai tOa eradio5UAft or 10re=P atudir sd.-01 i f~ai saassi ta oriIi ta ca ure 0 ilnsus.i~~nIi ba brda a eUr iod v Z.- «o OMber.inideatiUn sd cusa TOU 11 reine in l nomoanOa alla j~leaa5ttun" t av tmla l 111fpoi. su.bi1vaRaito bydaeefla dr.jaofiproveie Drive -otn t M51 sd fors tllme. T'r] sancualamm1ala exureil lves dzei. laau off ea Ia a Dve hizkig suAN, d Niet IetPl- ivanhoe Items.i Mia. Agues Payue vwu nI boue aver Sundsy.1 mine Atîce Payne arnlvei borne last4 Saturday. bey. Morley wua awaubegau 'liton la Monday. P. M. tiullb sud daugtet Pearl ver., Chicego vîsilori Monda>'. Lait Fnldiy ovonlug Mear.. Richardq sud £ruest- Daddles vwent la (Gien-j iv la attend su otertlulnou. James Van 1118v, Jr, of Chicago, âpent a day or noat h omene l. l part Mfla t antwel. Lie nturned o1 Chicago sanuday eveolîag. "lite staijec' for canatideratiîon aoxt SuludaLy oveiaang for lias C. E. meeting vill be'Hov la Euter COftirs~ uVsmly.' Aîbur bitta,ileder. 1ev. H.(G. Leonerd, of Waehegsu, viii glve the annuai addre. al;t he CanliConventioni af Congregatinal churchea ut Ivsnbao< dune tilsb. Mies Emmu Fiaber hnd hon lot in th. cemetery tllxed up the IiraI ai lb. veek. Sihe.&acsohad s nice monument gecled. M. liilrotov< ai Wauîegsaa dld th. vark.1 The oid ioldlen' gravin ere pro. poni>' decoratod lu out colstr bat Tburaday murulug. lu thea &fteueoan quise a uumber of aur people et, tended the lietial excerules at Libertyvillle sud iev veut 10Waa- couds. Wlisl, the maiter vîi tiate poat- offtee naut W. lbluk iha lasler aur --rural free delivery" carriet neglect su brnsaigthe kIq wlt hâte s4hbom -4«e'% I lk it mM buciev o matetilmes, that vs vii lamgisi la go back to the aId style po«Il-iRi Some of aur ueighbors lls we are gelling la be rallior -"sparth' qilaie, lest for the simple nanan IhatWvsnueo canes anc.ltuas White.Ton mm tre.- muorber v. are gettlug lui=M (no doubt yois vîli belevetat, empeeilly la Our uppoft and simuet unsosants tlald ne, lr meette ropesa. Dr. W. a. Poyaaocame borna b]Mt Monday la viel; a few deys. Me hau grsdaal frtrmChicago liodiga Cal- loe andi vil atarl; for PuieMàý CaL, about the 121h aoftta noth. wbeto bh i'aecdred salian an phosaloi foran annlofaOtig ompay. Hi@ 1 mani frien&VSaJlin lm ucues lu hi. enderaking. Lut ai aurds>' oveung, viale play. lsg --pull avy,<' Meuirs, 'Jlin or- <Sad aidJohn Van Puy hbad a <sbesd and" calio, vàb ctsult.d le à bai ont la the fariner Jeal over lte lais eyp vblob mlghs liaeproves ver>' rne on batit be~a «lttle lo~eor a lilîle moto 10»oseBide. "l ie iim- meodcy tatoen la Litbenlvilli. *bore 0Dr. OaUowa* dfu.ed tiae vaus. tak« lug Ive stitlama laiam. AlIeh bIl; ie very pyaie =anIl»djga vala neanliSi. e xpeotod and %**hop$ Bonn tô son hlm aromnal gain - lug s aleral. AltloagMlit.' Van te. bcv lâJtda.s ot qite ai 34 Nle .Ovg e lb. in n hseao t asdrubewniaithe- teIsa#io o momvan ahie op ami taoafualrabeîl. The UmraberryavaI, given suie the auspices of tbheKvabooe bhanl organisation, 1>lan eud"y eveang', wusBo sah caia pnB uoces nv» haeaifator hu i a"06 m$ ua -"pciuan s~i" Mana Isme»Ver &Mount 10 mueh, il la iald. Voe eutally auglat la remember taé eune for whieb I wus gotten ap sud hclp s gaad, inno. cent caauseaimg. Bonemamy il lat soi a voriby cacmi for vhieb vs are vorking, bot veagaautm lIMI yo0 Win beur vîtiaausbea wu My that maty ov.qyoue lîkes té, wu"e a gaod bail pame, and l la eerWMlyI mpoaclble la pilay bal auliaiva have thIbe uloy srtiolei-halli, bals, &leva. 0- vhilci &Uicom moe?. [tla citiimi> 04*6cl46g la muk aiou -»U" le iM>'Sfr &U tIbasa ihina r- nlvee nsu lil theutlla smunittfor lte public luea #o"irseeof charge. of coarai vB aré uMeaur laem-ve elaisa la bonohtag e-but vo*are afrai anleaa lte pepela B ortlba 111110 mate effort an.!telai l alp unm lîttile tha vie sallbd uabla la f ur- Dlihtom a'aununimea»t alosg IhAn fine. SOsaai NOTRE. Ail &board for Oblalo Tva more wvet ch mool. The iluh auhool aaieitatilmnt f thelb esslaiglal, lue Ml. fler vho a bulliest frand la, ai the Coupegacloual ebea out. A luai of the patiUasaendlte limonaI ezeebme utLibarlyville DecaoraiasDay. A i iv tram Ivelmbocs atedlbh let ailg inc 4a WMaaéa i 01tue yenr, 84 SxBoller, bu a lluda. Thbe scoeol la Uahlag angume te gin anieun Wmls molaisi riday. evenlsg, Jase14. A sm eical ad iliran>'progron vth1br«skai. Why ulne st " Msemooolener- talament loulgblImm tsevowlac- tere, -"A BoyaMl b*%&» Elir eilaeaby braI <6460, vaett s id stagwug, Coua*g4 dImaobuil. 5:1 sharp. Molbîrs, faUai, csuait., brother., frlsuda, paltesa.ýaiieita jota lb. Party o« pupilea b 4ing la Cbi- cS toa orarov lalaUrds>'The Party virieava uIha ibool povnds ai 6.10 0.9oc a. m. Ut'. Lecture hyIWI.e. pulIoi, lune 7. F inal exmla. ua 2 bo eem 1. î LutI day of ubot, Jane 19. Annuai Mabol pila le19. @aveu TvO FrpaitDéatb. "«unr tle daatw à . fiau j--- qe~~rps* *llai i. Wfted vIlagryel la Ibis tovu tim Illeool ciell e ntzi eik. The ai- bdiate.bai beau large ail tbraugit Thét famOue Walker proaety bas »Min boe sali goaChicago on by Zr. eï. t enuet aurn. &. D>. D.a,0a W11akegsh, bu abeeu hmre , aeesimea ltae peau vsek 5,1 asie Ut.railva! proieot. J)ueneis.alIlu. .teiller. cballag. lv, sooanadai i.a. . luter4 rLici WARRENTON GROVE. ni" ae aght Sem a va a OblOng lallal lIaiMunday. Uminaoris Shrma sponi iaver&] dffl lat vaîtvll ber satoir. tira.8M1e sud son, ai Wsukesa, mai11 Banday i lt lbar parents. air. M Maier. Ina. P. lirmanVisialit ueais At eai Jmo1 Win., liui veek. Th e iubas vhehMri. P.BRas bu beausauela n iaitscaaxplaedf. lita. OlWavangie litvlih the lempe lait vek. unin ltemah botter aOW. TiOe nfbb agd cream Oami-pusiérou are laSe«ester &liu evor beote mcurdiugbta tallzad officiais. gr.'Hn ma mblîoinaou, the former mqomabons, n a- oriag ou the setDeerild. lne &peut tluuday M'boine. Mr. A. W. Madian. (Ff Cbicago, Who Uaa.smed ma audience ai (igen Lake aL e. cb lon Vrlday aient vau tia gal 0 ne. iJa. femasu blanbe. Warronllood hnd Ibe miffalmul ma a tarit %brombghieauot;Buaay Mora. AMY flood-, la dlàEirtng hm a n"Vue Cà"nonfaiqiy. 18 vas fand Itou for the docor La lance hatà aidei of bar Ibruel. lir. WM. ultimg lraded off hle bord if vesnsbornafor àa namben of Ovre lentWek, sinon uhloh lime a pallatiaer Od anglie baubraadeued. la bon@"i fae. Mr.liesnILotin,oi Grayalae, noovuaihte bord. Tb* plaak rond la haing gradid snd Iberii mada eady for lhe grave] nad vhieh yul ex«esd tramin te rail- nd %0 the, MM i aaliai. Teama l commence hauling the gravei trai m b.Oareepit le a feu daya. Tb* commuaily et large iympstbls deply vitl Mr. and lire. Chai. garde over lb. Iong af Lieit1utile sma lrviMg Vinadientiarly Bhtuvday murs- a t trou dipluhnerta. Titelfuerai va. adsumday at10 naluir. 11ev. . B. Mi 0er omoaalsg. PeriaseIf homne irade vwn eu- oeragd more mmoreaOur neiglabora voatl have belier r tinlia tbhtoir topel. Dont .eud off for cheap cors roer~ aSajat bosane» yaer aitt gbat @u&ain tote more for seud ho viii gaastee la grav. 18 iai. teNan«as iIplsing once la obese Umm doisg tbe job Ivico. »ypaeIleiueot ha long lived because t.' Mi -j ourlabMaal. Food la uat tuili mi ll dlgeated. A dlaardered Egciean.- etdsetfood. il must bave ehoradal lirpepala Urndistants I9la ofn a food vitout nid tram 1h- tame io10a108IL ta osL and resale lIa Bats qiu.elloun. ita el"ments WaMi xnlY tésM marne n aaturl digsative itlia sud IL ili cst bolp bat do tone soad. for aieb, RB. Lov3a.L bertyvil.,. FOX LAKE. lIra .L rovu vans aChicago viailor. N. I.Galiger vasa Cloverdale eu Tueaday. Ml. .Culver wva a Oayalake cali- et bridî. lit. 0. Keiri ai Lîberlyvilie vas ou our ainiet Tueaday. Mr. Frank Galiger sud tsmlly wve Jobsaberg visilarî uday. lira. Win. Moore ai Aullocia &peut liai ve" vith lira, W mn. Nelson. lirm.W oiler sud famhly of Liberty- Ville spesi lait veek villa ber motban. M. ae and -J. Parker recenlly dg "Mi brlcked a Well for W. Alveil ul~piam tiu tva <laya. Tbey are 1 it. OGurc, meti;aud wve, ai Chanunel Labo sud J. IB. (lcott, vii. sud daugiaer ete aound Lake vitta, ainacaliera on Foi. *ke fiaonds Banday. The bllioue. tiraid, nevnvaa un ranuot ieu"efulln InUvth tiq li.alth y rival. DWtaLtis e Rinbiea l anaouî plla for eaoatiatic, i ili remoyme ite se oftou 7041lraahlea.1F- i. LOt E.L. Lit,,iy- WAUCON[iDA. lira, W. Barrin li n lte aIckliai. Bora, 10 Mn. sud Mn.. J. W. Gilbert, asion. A. Speuceri bhouse la uesrng coin- plellon. J. Calli, o ai Bngtau. vas ou out &tria&iaaday. lit. NeBrido, of Rockefeller, %as lu WacansaTaenday. lilasEdîlla Turnbull @peut s feui days la Chicago receatly. lira. 0. L. Pratt, ai Chicago, spent à lev daya bite receally. lira. L. B. Rognen. ai Dîxon, la vieit tug rslaivia lu ibis place. N. W. aligls Locha plate n th. Price bobo antlt aiUrdal. in. J. an a i ey .lck, tsinedari. haietulealteadauce. liraud lm. Wynkoap vers Wa coude visitoe*bunday and Monday. lias MIll a hrieveh, ai Chi cago, la visitIsg ber aMner, Mr#. M. W lir@. J. Giyacb aud oblidron, ai Chi mgen,ane Waucauds v lallofa. et pOiOI vti$ag. A. C. étaxon sud A. Graham ver Geneva Lake sud Williamsi Bey, Wli. vitae làit eel. Orto. Habbard roltmedgturda; TO THEMAN flWHO TJPO. hi ourba...Wom o Ie tShamai h a 1Mn Itat tcam bd,« HALF DAY A cousain trou>Ne* Yorlk le viailng lb. Churoblln sietpreant. KIM. Veule nHattiîas, ai Chicago, vlalled as bomeonsMomorla Dey. A nkumber tramthla place slleado liemarial mnvieu as Démeanti Lae. lilm Dara Foute apent a fou days nI« week vlaltlng relative. la Chi- BrmaI Kaoaoke bâi tb.mislortune te louie a ou lal eek, by iaolg A son came la gliadden the home af Uir. asudlir. J. C. Hlertel Weduemlny. May lâud. lira. Lynda Aihsneed sMd utIle non are atopplug vill a br pareula, Mrn. Md 111[». W. Jalinson. Frsah Cavea. f ai Wertown. Wia., la &gainlite. uperieudlug lbe buId- ing af abalmenta for the nev tran brige an lhe Deerfieid rond. Thie vuansgaod attaadasoe ai the B1. N. af A. alravberry social aitlKr. litelooia hiday cvesug,cnider- log ta. veSlber. Ont lifteeu dollars vu taben lu. The fanerai af Jacot) Liug viasleld lamtfflday ait 2 a'ciaok lunlte HlitDay ehurca, inriailtu Vernon oeauolery. Decenned enfleredt a paralullo stroke Uanday evealsg asudffled tva dya ltler aitthe borne ai biésion lu Liber- titille, uhere hielbed been takou obsTrîlor. Jaob Ling vas Dor lu Wurtembaerg Gerinany, Sept, 2M, 1417*and (lied May 29, 1911a lie homse o! béa ou ln Libertyville. Decenaod mad bii vie came tla Ibm country lu 1872 snd aset- lied lu Chicago vire they ilved 4 yeara ibes moved ta Hait Day ubero tLaey ipeulthb. emaliader af their liven. lirl. Ling <lied 3 yeara age. Decoanod iiavea oue son ho mm b Is lo"s. Fanerai van eldâgil laif Day chUrChl Rev. M. E. DIX offIlciatiug. Huia]ii vs a1 Vernau cemetery. DIAMOND LAKE. eH The Dlamoud Lk.e base bail tasmuJ vili puay lia. LaIe Forent toum nia Bunday. Admission 10c. Ou Decoratlon Day, Nmsy 3<0, tuerae arrived ailtbe home ai Gearge iiey at Yaougsudliappy couple front Cbicago. They quletly came svay irmi borne1 ta be married sud gave Ihelr relativne sud friandsa-a srprie. At 2:30 p. m , 1ev. J. A. Vncent porforaa.d thea ceemony vhich made &haem man sud viflu in he pr, sauce ai Mr. IBeyt sud faml! sud s faw friands. Allen spesdlng a pleasaul slleruouath Ie yonag couple departeal amld a boyer af rica, aId abusa, etc., sud the va-il viahes sud bia.slnga of ail tLeir irflends, tar Ihoir etty boane. "h. doctore laid mýý ms-4-na4lh vas In-1 cuable. Ue Minute Cougb Cure maie me a1 weil Onan." borna Sétiver. North ït altntord. N. li.-lecau»e '<cuve aat fond railieftroua a utubtoru aougia. doul de air. Ons Minuate Cougb Cure ba" b4rd thousanI sud l vili cure sya (i nda~c .B LcvaLL.andlmurtîvF.13. LONG GROVE. Sorne af the baye are mskîng il bat for the crava. F. Welaud made a lauduei trip ga Chicaga Satcrday. Mima Brha Webrentlrg made a trip ta Chicago econtly. Slervices ver.s1nota lu the ýiîheran chnrch Bnnday eveulaag. J. P. ltzenthaler luteadti taae bis bonne and bhru pslte<i. Mar. Manlaer la nov omploîcul lu s biackamlth shop at Palatine. Tliero vîifih. no Young Pouples AI- liauce Meeting boit ëbuuday sveiug. G. Bckeoseiier bas beau <bing soins repatriug ou the old buomeâteaal. J. luiler hlaiavlug bis hanse ne- palrod aad painted. ki. Keller le dolug the pa.inting. Tho gravei lu i<iepper'n pli vas ai su lnforlor rrier, andaalthero vawualo mnuuh ai Ihai. Andnev Horciter la cisrklug st V. I Sater & tiau's. He b.4ipo only lu the fneuboan at, prosoalt. Tour correspondentt met lir. Frendt Mareviote, bat la lmsth ta toitvbere, becauno ho migbl retalate. lira. b. ilabi la siovly Iinproviag. The <octom ban ,,anzdered ig ex- 1podient la Ieep a nurâe Ihore, baut ah,- 1 l aa itO louve. Notice 10 aIl store keepers a n ake caunty-Boit ymur d,,an, tatou youa vindovsansd put a trop <bar - upu yor chîmuey, for Albert Bauer bas accepteti a nIltion au agent for Hou- dersuu & goa. &%boea deulen'aChicago, Iaiad wils hi maklug yîa calil. Tibs baibea uone oiflii,,moat ou- r avonaimîe yosns foar curai for anme limeý. 'iet tue crup %came nul Io baaee- i ujared Munît hitheil), anti If layon- ble conitionsauiprovailiore longa g od crop .uau aslib eexpectea. Meadava% a ne botter incesthe ran, sudoasiare fair. cr. dispose asud death ilo ela i ai t biowe .Ue DoWltlbAUS Blairata regarie PRAIRIE VIEW. ur nelgbbaring villagt., liailllîay uiait ad nothot Immornal, W Ii t 114r over cesse-? (lu cc0UUl of Ihe lUCl-meLtat '<-.îh. r laiS eol the BaYai Nelil," a d DOS relise machb trami heir socil. Tbey .ay au extra tinh anl boa-n puau muhlerond, but il; doen ual*tr.p asyvée. WbsI excellent accouulait alloua il farelabsa' Our doctor aha l seafanilutre coa inclndlang au oergan aud a- pluso. But th.eaDll;question in boym10 go el themm t Il ioisne. Tbey wvîl ie om- pelled, proably, ta nem<arl la bble netheda- tale &bc rofoffaItIhe houa.' and &bien putI the liniumeli villere bu med - l'ho Suialay ielao Immgmovlug langr ciebralo clldrene day lu salerai vendis. Parents seuil youn cildmen. Bat vi do not lhink Tour reapansili- Sty @top@ thora, yon ouglit la bah on- corage sud hemip lbe soho by Tour pregg@g.a. Why confal tere l osbela bibleii of gravu main snd vement Are yon s0 solf nightousas gota ibu yau are gaeuoug l n are yau auf- lloeslily conversant vltb lite bibis? Tblnî <aven lii.matten imerouoly and thon, glcl anaordag teo lhae-Impulsea!o Tour con science. .A loir montia . a-- o > I v-h faI'- fur hn'akftantv.uld Dotnetail,4o<i- atrmm!ah Pbr bah ma heur. IV «cea i * ,et fYlr .limais h <Mti1l-vai. ac.,!f- .ttfll trouills. a. IK. Pillam. Anla,49uen. T- .-i Dy.-eiîcarý- limie. infvai, 4"m.4-f FOr polo tir Y<.B. LovaLi. LIIartill. QUENTINS CORNERS. A monument laisbeeun Meca-il una IIl. l I'ilman'i familly bianini lot. A dangliter vas hmorturai Davidl Bauis and vite bNay 3lui. <otgratnItlPmne.. Thore van a fa.nily renanu a& J. Sturm'a, Jr. liuaday . A liuelme vas enjoyed. Pred GIrener, la magie tonal for a modern reiil<lence, hallbhuit aa,<,veal thet oId Vandemsnk huîe. Alignait Grener suDitNIasn(lara Freine veme imarrîed lant veek ibura day nit the homeofaithe lride. Albert Banen, of Long (,nove, enfaitd aI, the Conno'ta is veel. Hii-novr lraviing fartIhe ausriaflrai ofC. B. fiendenson, of Chîcaga. Nwy liI-' %un lid linut alla-toetwilooviug -'-aghse va that'-.-, vta în,,mouis, t,ut 1- for b'rIia'aCana lue4 W., w,uld hI l,,o. ts ahall tUrn, aIl. Il mimo eav.-1 Iilm tram s.vralij <s,,-. itaies .or ý-roý - J 8rIýkf&dmn iltor WnrId- Luvst.Li. LlbentyVm-; Wmàl.lrlzt Pfaix sAcy; J. aEizzl Iantnoe. Cheup liste ta lit. l'anul. For the blentli meeting oaiglanad camp of the M. W. A atISit Pau,, Mina., Jaue lbIbto 111h. excursion tickets viili nld Vfr $13:11 fr round trip bv C. M. ml. M. P. railvsy, on June 8tlla la101h. luclialvo, goai 10 returo Rugit Jane lt. F. A. MILtEli, G. P. A T, A. 8wect Con. staveli', Evergnteu lsveet Ctorn for Mie ah lmuy priV.. bY (lA4-. STSIiPL 1 Long Grave, 1Ili. 34-2-d. A WORTHY SUCCESSR. "Somothing NeW Under The Sun.,, Ail dactorâ bave tnied tatO ir4' CATRuaail th. mise aifxovdorn, s.'i.I apa'-<.. iuta.îrîa drugin fst orm. T.r-ir ,owdeni dry utp lime mocinusmembranescousinunifate ameit opin sud bbc-It. Thc Peverrul a"do f aned lu thenInhalera bav,rti,-et estn sua, the ioulembissranes giletltha-Ir Malien 9lhave amed toaurla. i. il Isaibsinud int. meunt. cannaI ts~h <hise ,as,,. -Annid sand expience Praolltloner whahall for mas- Irenis ad<e a clos., fali d ,,I.deatty uti Zneament O!r Assu. bhan et Isat 'entee A trsýAlaeul vlie hbAn failifulty n4,.niut éni elieven mai nces. bt ermiueaaJr dans tCATÂaaN. bs-r- moviag la.tue 0seK. Itovnîng fil% diffcarres. and aatng ail Igmlt Il llim e ulty Îremody kaî.n<, he actnAllt r,-a'its lAR effil-tel tisI.This voudertul ,ce,cdyS is- otrw,,n '4WF. ties UAi&ANarErma (ATAIIRU Cens&41 la soid ait thote Xr43nl<iy le5 ynl'e ofi,,, dîjt la .a I aieka5 montaIleinc iteilrnet t ut xienai saedlalnes ultt-,ent, tara fuîlt l444t4h'a tn-et- jment ate ,,ayîtin. 44c-,MmMry Ltu Itm , terfte Oise., r CaLE, OFI4.E" la4 ths olrv erf'tCî OTAImau 'os"var inida, aa4,19 la ,W r.'ceanird a. ilfieamgrUe i t .t. <,I ractiv-, '4u"1fer lthaI itava ir.n lai îl<eRam. t-if s-oi] 11,.0fit. onun. il 1N 40no ,ta r- rnae'i-y. It,t,%aCoeplototril nîma,îwi,<l paaitivaty il) 1arut.-cd 1 ,S44<~ 'a<~ . sn or urr stei, 1if «s-d t'--,-lig14,l Dont ,tillay IDit s<.4,1 rfor ilit ul a w I v-île fuill P1artluiia's anm44»s-r o in aid y,,u ciii ',c<-V, 4<el a dole, groomt ili itovor.r o h« nd o! i-wtlrit eu't '*s<. lngs-oqarcane witilo<,t ebat < OI1e< 11<reuanîar iri-, .r - 5UtPLs" ,tl,a,,- ANTsE CaTtatan PURE- .1 a'4<lItf,allv t' dd,, 1 fi. a, S) Vol. EIE o' o o o o o o o o o o o o' DL DRO Sj4 .naa GE EVE. E Spiet tOee n4 H'ura- v LA L Iassai ost Dr. ( OffIC4 vol Llbei ID Orfici 1 Il "heide, L Fieli Sftl

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