CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Jun 1901, p. 2

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l 1 1 Ï& ,. i - - RGERY1's CIARGED 'aSiOI KAM4A$ CITY MANS SON UNDER ARREST. 85viie inda,,J..-01.. polics a .i lsBlnd Ic-las - 0~a'fbatlo ai seýther'. Dealh. 31eiville (<'boler Fiudins. Jr, sono ot Îêaahuy Kail-iCty moiîu-v nn la .,f8er srrr-tinUChiago ohargelavrith »aming a torgeal draft oun aîî & Cap- a5.Thebe r%%ho avrs-ta-ithe W orth- paper saw Fiiolin >tuauîiîng ion he .5et in the i-a,-nitind soiarti .-J after ci rying *Sup. ti-lThev base- won isben op bLi va-iv-oiioiiî-neu. oloveal by a crowd of ml-n. and Fil-ly vos tialliy, corsera--i n a lîinîl alla-y, w i,-re b. uurrendered. The 1rsoutl as bhon lu Wmlilar trouble betore. i)..isaib-e frotta Kt Paul air Aindlay went by tLe nom. .ek Meville fibealer. Jr.. îbrre ai lister 4@sMWsduuder the alias of Jordan J. Hill. cis*inz ta b. a reltve of James J. effIi, presldeut of tLe (riot No-hern Rsitrosil. Tii. young man willi b.feld laoirseveri turga-rien aiia-ged ituthave Leun deommitted lu Chicogo aujîbîn thee st 1111a_ _ PROGRES8OFieTUE DACE. 'Mendiant et League Club% lu Cntent 0 for lb. Paneu iFoIloving la the standing oftîhe rlubs thlb. Natiun&I Leagne: W. L on.19lPiiWiepi. ~L. bie Yok. .1 14Phladlpha.20 19 IMttaburg .23 17 St. Louis ..19 20 <1lcliatat .20 Illionton . 18I 5ookly'a...20 Pl'hirogo 1527 Etaudinpga l the Aineriran l'ragne are as foiiows: L.. Chicagu-.... 27 14 Baltmmore ... I16 17 Detroit..24 16 Pbiladelpbîa. 17 21 Washington. 19 14 MUiiwaukee ..14 25 13cati ...18 16 Clevelandl .. 13 25 UOnrTAGE LEADO TO BIJICIDOt. 111xtar, Kan., Cabl.r Kiill nslt -&ma Banatla Ciosl. "m- bou eapt aDexter, Kan., vas ciona-d ,,. ulovg te suicide ut the casier. J. H. Wtki. Au examinatlon ot the books 1.1elr 4Wcosei a abortage amountine tu N I.aIl tmsy go bigier. Watkino' ~egd~sdue to the unexpected arrivaI v )ot ExQptBainer Davis, viiobLid jall 1.0 tl1 tiuvestlgste the Lank b>- kO.misboner Aibaugi, Leause tof odo Rateru bauks of irmatuiar alflala mailing rolection*. W . a y4IsWlnfield raie cman, iv o ~thle baik, and hoidt, -4,5M0 :11111>0 capital stock. The, ilapoits a5MNRqV33,000. Watlaiu.a as 30 piano qal4amd married. MAaU< RODEERS ARE FOILED. Àk$ ote Blow UnBridge lu Wyo' * udMg ira Paine.. f.A flmupt le ilov up a bridge sud «* latexpres train on the Union Po- ý k Milets easut rGreen river, Wy- S feutrated by tbe accidentaI et 000 pouads cf dynamite bld- ~ iipravine. The explosive waao i5banotier place sud offlers set ~WIt.Two men mounled sudd Leavi- *MM o thespot where the dna- th6.ev4a hal been moved lie>- put ~tu' - er hors.. o uil ied tu the p~mtA 'Et> m DRAN. Kilteai on Train ooon Rrfleb.rP'eentils. qDingiedy of Buffalo vaas klleal orcellavirlle. N. Y. on a train on be W"vasemapoyed. HIt tet four la~v i Ycifftngtn. Ohio and on. Georgé Diuglidy. on a reco t bail a dreaux liat bis brober alla- -.Ho tol aotbeir brailber of it y aller receiveil lie deli ma- MeM Vaud Blondie«s Body. heoadlesa body of a vomnan, sp- tvaiaty yeaes ut age, vas toiuil, .t about tnn miles1 fron Ceter, MRas., Ly Elmer . superi-nteudeuî o!t ha- tnvi *tu. WIltiamniBaker of Ciiî-iîotord. là 1 ehi for theeioa Do-a îttîir-egsa KiXli. ni. hlthe-l-Lsae. Clisedl by love for is yoîng wIf,. -WbdwI In laid bi ied d îri-,-ifroîn ia bkoiê lu Chicago. Robart Fuiaford. a iros- parioeeChicago ronlroî-lqr. killel ii i, moib.r-lu isw. Mr. inule NMiCord.i i, 1 t"'abevuoutbis bramas. rti trîrrî oeusred on the MeCord tai-m ai ie ton, ser L.ondon. Ont. Buruaed à.sa Aiciaini Bah. Weir Alen, a Il yan-ri1i efrmuteu. waKO huirued 1ta-ath aethîe Ilînie intiuîte for the.11lst, dunî sudt blini,oltBerkeleay, Cal. Tie oy wavist iivng iiaiiii- in aluo bdl %y George Hoilmala. on atte-ndant. 3e9uaau ligbteila igi reila- nu Il baew Me gatch in theic iool, abiub iniudi- -steiy look lire. Vetersa Vive cier Rleusr. Fire Chief Sva-nie Las ra-ogne-i rom- uml 09the Chicago ire deparîmeul #4eW-ifty-oney rs mofutservire. TLr oiv-p WUs taken u the advile tf is liv- Enýo Thilt Terni Tei. Paiident MrKîmle-y bas ssua -'ai- es mpatally decmig li la-uiv- vant a thbrd termi nuit voiîld rý,rtii-e v~ mnatslio ifoffereil ini. Treaînasen l. s Wreck. *,-eai-eud coiieionolourri-ilon îLep ani~Iiesd Nash%-Ilrail I mîaal iivî -~ ~k wat otCaia-btiig. Ky.iviv-î a *e1gt euna-anda i-u pîiias-iii «alliant train. N-pafiniigr-îî bonkîr, ttWe raifimen i-a i;r-i f Sevintee. ..q e.,Pi.t,. l<pra au shait No. 2 -f tliii lhr 'x t lui]-ICoke <oalO3 i. llit j" - o ~ prty ut soi tbrofa- allhu. Qý m iv ,sflu uleDlvr I - %-1cT1m 0E FüRTuNE TELLEI.L ,frP 7fJ~ A TEN*itpC ATORM JNUSOHIO, Total Tvlle, h Wonid Die Wilbiu 5m @*vara 11 emious Rsiaortedlà iug lu o Mont.1o.sa111Zu. rp ed. sovn Lounty. i'.C. J. West, ogeal 34,imle of C. J. A IriLrlnluracrompaisied by West of lie DuIro ml elC oint- Chicago-Cattle. rommun 10 prime. heavY 101#4 visited Iipiaiy. ObAo, the oth' pauy,vwhielu Chiicago a fcuvréa-t§ksite, $3.00 ta $595; boggra ippifl# grades, er Ilighýt1 foably raunin e ie.lotscfa vîslted a paiist uitàa party of frielida 3.00 ta $3.97; aobep. fair lu cholco. $3.00 numbar #vlaes.Tua- vite ;ud itigitet' and vas startla-altu La- iîforird uthi li)it$440; viieat, No. 2 real, 72e ta 73c; eot'Jcha itt 0f Hiett pcsteec, eft bad Lut tbiî-t> days lu liv-e. She iaugiied crn. No. 2, 42e to 43; ost&, No. 2. 27c thte Juelhere lie Storm broke, andl sas the, matter off and mode lîgit orthle pre- te 'Se; r>-e. No. 2, fice te San'. butter, both auDPpoçd tu Lave been test. Eagie diction. Lit evidi-ntly it mail. consideri- chuvire ceamery, 17e to 18c; eggs. freuil, Oreek suirai severel>-, andl a number ble impre-saion îîpon ber. Afler o viit 10e tb uc; îPotatOem4 50e taSOc0c pr O! Peuple are reportral milsine. Tire. ot tavo veekas nChicago 51v-. Wratwtv1ut Lîel. bridges' vaes uepi awa-ndu several viti ber frienîls tu a smaZ Iown acv-oaivIlndianapoioa-Caltle, sipping, $300 te buildings luovred doutue atreant. Ad. lie Indiana border. , wire a parI>- <as 95.Wl; bugs. cboice. ilgit. 4.00 ta $585; vies frein tie ports of Brownu Coiaty gîven in ber lionor. One ofthteiwomreu aiep. commun te prime. 13.00 tu04.00; ildthe. adjacent country shov ILat the aili aiLo Nlrvs. West iad La-a-sapla.Yifg aveâl, No. 2, 78c lu74c; crm, Nu. ï, and u as~omcv-e oodri carda proposa-ie lvliiLar fortuone. Aiîain -ite, 43e lu 44c; naIs, No. 2 vhite, h ie ares. At Ellscrry ilno>- bouses vered the. fatefui prrîlîurion %as-anmodIe ta Mrs. 1-9e tuoBile. flooded and tir ov-cupantîs ver, driven1 halLut tw u mre oea-kxor tlire. St. Louis-Catlie. $325 fa $6.00; bogys, tabigiier anobud, awhite îi.air bouses vers Tvo daya Inter Mrs. West vouiilueu] ot $3.00. te $5.90; sica-p. $3.00 te *4.25; destroyed, 1l'fty ranieé ver. drovued 1 feelling Mnnd îetuned te ber home in aviest, No. 2, Tic te 72c; coin, NO. 2.rieur Blsieiry sud ail tLe télephonéan sd Duilut. Emitient physiciens au-ar. gatia- 40e te 41c; ots. No. 2, 27c ta 28c; rye. teegraph.llueu in the polt ie etormi ereal inaronuzlation, bol despita- tbeir No. 2, Suc 1teS56c. suffefli. et efforts abc ddr.d open the tuer day of Cinrinnuai-Caîble. $3.00 te 35.85; boys the. ftalitwovaeu. Dr. <Graham, vWho $3.00 ta $590; sheep, 13.00 ta*4> ;PRIIiOTs ANI)> 9TUaEN1TS ESCAPE.1 vas lu ttendaur, upon Mm. West, so>-s vieat. No. 2. 75e te 76c; corn, No. 2 Ig po.dAtt.a01 t fIurediari le ual tie fortuue-teiiiung uiidoubtedl>- ex- mixa-i, 43e lu 44c; cals, Ne. 2 mixeil. 29c ins-n a Brooklynu Coliege. erleal an Influence bu produse tLe vwîn- te 8c; r>-, No. 2Z Sictlu59C. Wîat lu batleveal ta Lare been su st-1 an'@ deoli. Detrot-Caltle. $2.50 lu $.15; baga. i.mpt-ati lucndiarisn was dîscuvereil1 LABOIR CAUSIC-4 HESITATION. $3.00 to $5.80; sheep. $2.150 t0 14.00; esrly on a receul movniDgnt tS. .John'$s vbesl, No. 2, i3c tu 74c; corn. No. 2 COllege, Wilîpugbby andl Levis avenues, IiiePutou Hnsper Indtustries, but Crop yaliuw. 42e ta 43v-;aille, No. 2 white, BrookIa5 N. Ir. A waîriman dlscoigereol Conditions IKUCOUraglase. 30e to 31c; ms-, 55e ta Sfi. the ire la tîneteI as-n the eigto.u Tii. labor situatuion lu mony ptarta of Toedo-Wieat, Ne. 2 ixedi 72e te priersa £51 forty studa-s laueeping lu thie lie country- is stil seruously inetlcul. 73c; crn, No. 2 mixa-d, 43e ta 44c; est§, building te escape. Kerosene vaxsnéeat andl rontutpîc a reason for héirtion INo. 2 lia-I. 27,e 28c-: rye, No. '2,53c terei about hiiree aidely seplarateil lied- some industruen, disrouraging nov opeéra- ta 54c; élev-enrsPl, prime. 16.40. rouantson tbie eoan dIloor ail lenibed. ions vilci satisatrors- couditions w oiîd bilwaake-Wiesb. No. 2 nortieru, A dlsnbargod empîvyr nlspecteti ut the otiierwiie stîmuiote, gays l)ns w-a-ali> 70e Io 71c;crn, No. 3. 41c to 42c: cals, v-ime, but lier. is 1u0 proof ogainat ut. revia-v of trada-. Bail qulvk décision Ili No. 2 white, 2&v-te 29c; rye, No. 1, 52C Mihel Lqorrigan. o niglii ialcien, sain te Le expecmted in moul-ef ti-va- latior con- lv 53c; bâIeay, No. 2. 54e ta 55c; pork. lie $moite lu rileni14 andal rotsei the troveraies, anal lu tha-nipa-nîlme Ira-i. n nia-n. $14.e5. prienta andl puptIn l'ira-naise ocre foulaI ecodaitin I reporut a aitfactory Jliiffaio--C.ttia-, rnire shipplue sIaers. lu Ivo otber reclus.lunvue o led al cniinof auinter what-a-lovPr a lrge- $3.00 tu 16.05; bogs, tain îoprime, $3.OU)La-rn sntiirate4 waili kvrosa-na. Fis- en- portion tif îhe country-. A. fer spriug it 60; ep art c-c,$5 earvdad h lic eeptot whet, he ropwat pu intiner eryi 4.2;lumba, common tu extra. $450 te fvoealte Ca-diiopsandputelu avOeva-y 5-25.RETUIRNO To PI'sSON ALON1E, fa-w unnîtîvfacer -reports. ltoilroad Nwoîi-Ctl,$1 a 60;btý eorningn tfîr M>,9.6 pem v-a-finluexran,13.00 to 1.25; sieep, 83.00 te $4.001 <asas Pesitntlar' %caPeit convaict of 1900 aîîîi23.2 ler raul 0v-a-r s ra-- 0 N. 2 rea. 79e to 8eOc rnm, No. 2 (James te.utii.Lbr. flet rilinud icivty n he 4-e t 4c;enaNo. 2wite. 32e te 33c; Jme rutmer, moo sapa-ifrtmothle fiarta ouliuad a-tv >-unt -y -. Kansas pellitentior> at imm.avng Mls>-12,« a-Lu etaINa-v York botk uearioga galia btter.,vrama-my. 18e te 19c; agg, va-st- asnedthLrýuglaNomvaîun theotlLar day forth wbev-ak 86.8 per v-anI 0v-an 1.W 1onu ru. 1-C toa13atone un hies va>-bock lu pv-son. Sl-rflet W.1 pa-n et oven 1899. aii galosnt ti' CNtIN Uta-oCAR. siI0 i.ecp- va u tla ieadine citles oubi. Na-v Yornk af 27.A ta-asies andCeut ioma-ick. oine nuglt t per cent over 1900 anal 27.5 per cent oaar Troubtale inMouant Baker Dsric- 'vas sent on su erranal anal didut go lm9. ___ Bondri OSeiaiteRBu" Peen Mevoed. boc-k. I veut le Empomia andl visula-al my 2 RADE WITH ISLANDS Guowè. Trouble occiirr-ed ree-utl>- at theier-Ien rolLa-r. heu 1 vraI iv lRed Cloud, Na-b..« nationaa boondor>- lina-liti the 31t. Baker sud tien ta my moher'sn nar OLeliu.t Imnporations In Philippines Show à midnnedintrict, l3nited Staa-es and iBrit- Kan. 1 vunted haae La-br. WLru 1 fel Sa sstatil.lInc-case. îishColumbia. TLhe Ainearicau goveru huaI I1 hallmyvinît out1 I ireal Wardela Importations of tme -iandise m!nie ema-ttiîîdory lune nir.eyor lierd the la-eIl viiere 1 wasnad liat I wauled Pilippine Islonds fromt îLe Unitedl State-s - hua-ilutîe ii.urit ofr:,840 fetv-tfarîber te go Lack 10 the îenilehtirs-. He vireu for th ii.lmaItira-quartera ut 1900 aboya- sooliIlion it w-an supîona-alt10have le-eu. me 10 w-it for a ticket, vLlcL 1 il. i ed su icraeue of $6M,321, or 70- pir cet. Tavo Iioucand rfael of two ot tha- montl'mt nov guiDe boc-k Ivonapmilete mY sa-n- over the amount tor thea-anm period of vallabie mina- n luthe district, lie Golden tende. 1 bave tour va-ra more te cerve." 189, according 10 a stala-ment mode pub- IChariot santhi, Golden Star, owued] b>- OBLjqMUREuAN ICIIL lie b>- lie division ot innlar affoirao f ';entité anal Na-w York peoplea, var. ILBCADO the War Départmrent in Washington. aboya-i over into Canadas, anal Canadien Barstabe Hie Smtr, itsanglies Hie Diring tLe periol sloted uof1900 mer- jumped ail this grounual hidi bati not Bs-thlO asud BitAs Bmsie ciondise te tie value tuf 11,i71.072 rama- been taked acrordine be Canadian vécu- Leroy Groove. tie 16-year-old sou ut a1 mbt tie Phiippie front the Unitedalialious. Au appa-al van aireal te the au- tarner living nesn Napoieun. Ohio. stah-1 Staten,wville in 1e91) îf figura-s vere bioities at Otawa b>- lie Amarican lied isists. ed2 ttiteral- $U13,651. The otal value of mrv-ian- our. ___eun , ntgai . Betia t e et i bis dase importa-ilf rom ail ionîntrlesfrona BUERGLABB SEAT AN AOREPAIR. sotiien te deali. nait.§ing1 Janar>- to October ut 1900 vas $17.187,- lhe barn. non in andalt hiselts.fhrougi 991, as againat 114.10W.242 durine the Dinde Defuaeei. Person. Tortinugthe temople. The lragcdy occurreai Justq noseperli! ofthtei.preceaing year. Tii. Rn a lsWhn le-s030 J.. HitaAIL stter midnigii- Bis ebarrea Lodyiwovas shows an increaseofo!$8,W24749, or 21 NicholaseGosttugansd vite. auoued recovered the lienmg. Il ie supposai pet cent. c oupie liringenlune urVenire, Ohio, i. vas insane, madle se by neadhuag novels Gr-est De... l'y117Suas-.. vre bouna. gagged anal turtureil by burg- of lis Jeune Jamais #tripe. A aleteua iiciipasseil ever Easign 01,- lIan he mier nigLI. Mmr. Goettiu n s-ya labaima vauon.uofte mont sinamy. laI at midDight bis honte was enlered Fatatlvire lu Milvaker. 1 lie upeniug outhte strip. A doyen peu- b>- tvonasked meu. vio st the point ut Fire ini lie elevator sud maltions. of sons persiel. Sveeping dovu fromt lie revolvers ulamded their moue>-. Tbey lie Pabst Brevleg Company- ut Mîlvauý Kansas tate lune sud coverine about ectireut 130 sud viien te oid man tladlike.destroyeui $150.000 vurti t pop-1 ifîy mile@ in vidtb he lia-ro, inal, on-i tien t lai vasail h. ahalwiovasterribly erly. Join Smnith, eue cftour tinsmitis bail a-o-apt over lie counutry ns fer sout Ilbebateu. le bas bot trot fuliy recovered wvio vera-ntaI von ouhle rmrorftie ic. as ol Oklaoma. The rom ftellin Ion bis speech, bis tonune lug aplit. voter anal frontviosfuunesthe blaior rente. la__ arer* ttt ssupposaad te bave iroria-al.woa kiliel Marer__,FlitMiels. b>-jumping te thegrundl, a disanonrt Fauai Coilion of Faelhte. Mlrs. Jennie Paria vh wdov, aged 34. abiout 100 fel. A freigbl rsain king valer at Vensti.wvashsot anal aimensl itautly kileilb>- la-n miles vest ot Bingiamuon. N. Y., Lewis Weeks in ber home aitFlint, in. Sultan Tielaiste flair, vas rmnnimbofrom ebiilfi Landouble- Weeke came tu Mes. Parnsihome anal The.Turro-Italtan friction0v-en lie ha-ada-n viid-calt reigibt anothliaexplosion demsudeda dmittsace, but- van retused. Prevesa allair. canul!dPy tha-Iliitreat- of a large quantit>- o! dylamite, in une Hel broke lu lie dar andl lieu toid Mms. ment of Italien subjeets b>- tLe Turlini of the cvarn klleai six men, injugeul sev- Pari Ie bail romlu ke ilt ber, et lie suthorlîlen. bas been s.ttied. lie Port. ari oiiersansd blew ob transnnte santiane iriug tvO sbot&a iuto ber rigbb proînising e lv ldemiuly thie victime, apni- &toms. ide. crize te tL. Italienaconulansd puniai P;aos Ati-Povartuat Bank. Tirowu froua Batgawe C.a- aund Kiled th commandant cf lie Turkhdb troopa Il lamaportai in London tbat 3. Piea- . Anu uodentified man. agei about 25 liera-. ponitbliorgenuLa engaga-ialu rrnziing for yaara. vwas throvu off lie blinq baggage Patta.,- Philtilpg1Net Poisoua.. tbhe establishmeant or a geaat AnLgleAmer- et a passauger train ou lie Union Pacifie The maport of George A. Ferguson. au iranbaua vti naptplofî~ooo..near the Blirlilugln. Na-., viaduet anal analyticai chernist, arbo mail. au exam- 000. Ilu laproposea-lua i& & ii i vaskllI*d otrlgub- Tire. ma-n. autupos- latio t iCstoinseh t Bey. E. m. rndripol fininciai agi-fines onu! beas fil-eilto have been hus coiupnions, bave Philîlipe of Hasteton. Pa.viao vas roundl r-oui>- riaggeal in Anglo-Amneican hbuai been arresteal, ciarged wvi tt, crime. dasil lu tie apartments ut "Dr."' Kirk, nesa. ____ si uaRvrîeme. Stanley-ia Na-vYok. shows tbat Patier Poul una IdvrSteaer. Phiuiiips vo, Dot poiscueul. 'nonfa1in l North Dkota. Tii. piiket Lion running beveen A 'A Jurai- anvvtorm la au ntinonal tîîng. Crsse, Win., sud Wsbasbia. Mtt.ied a Siu Ha-a ai Peavitte, Mici. biai ona- orurred the otier day througL- perllins expeietace in a @terna oua lie At I-'anvilie, MIcA., the goery ut ont tLe eculmai anal norbiersi portions 0!- Missssippi. The steamer vas dasied Clifford IFoadick vas llsrova-ned t0 b. Nov-liakolta. At Jamastovu suuv tell againat o rock andlasbisîewao punciiea in afire, sud Lufre the. Samnes coulal b cou- forv ian, ivuam. Simihur reporta tomle tLe steru. A poent oiioed smdag tie Irollai tiey hail dstroyed neami>- su en- tvoi -nn on lia- Jamestovun 'ortiemu panengers. tre bock on Main attent Tic total bs,4 Itaiload.divideil among about a dozen uercautsl, itairoa _____FaPir Etate 'Coutent Euds. lus$35.0,oo aihl us-snce of 11,000. Liasen Tmu.i Nt Furuai. Tii. coulent ciet-aela.Fart state lu Bau Théi-siirt andl cullar erailloretTmoy, Francisco, valued at $17.00(1000, la prar- 52el),000 fer Auaica'l5natistute. N. Y.. aoliomiz. lta- sateuicu t hiabne icaiiy settiel. Ne ocm.. tb. payaient Me. P. D. Amour bus aded nanu*ber trustabia bu-an furmed. Seule dois ago it «the. lavyers. The attorneys are put- $250.000 te0 i prerilus giftI lelie Ar- was as oinoneal tbt a trust led Laen L li luheir edaims. and front preseut in- emour ntilute. aile hals promiived ta giv, formma l ihi a capital ut 120.000.000. It dctions over $1.500.000 yl ho requireol 020,00 for the ~rcIon of n mentorini' je uuderstood tîLothîe plana failed vhen to settie her accouats. hall, lu emembrsnoe etfeha- usienal. snd aîuiuîientiy Dn-ocnouîîîitiou.So y1111 w or. -$50.000for lb. conustruction ot oa"s&bop" Stio b, is Sseth.rt. bous. utthelie .qrbwet corner. Whltnaiy Wine Derby. White Ia Party ut yonng people of Foin Piloma-alb>- Lester Relit, Wiiaim C. Haven, Ohio. ver, lu the vuode prarîle- Tornade ils Prouere. Nil Whuînys grest brovu vot Voteouvski lue witi a tercet revolver, Curtis Rob- A tonado mtreackPrentice, WAn., the wounlia- chassie Epsomt Derby at tbe bis- ars. superintenda-ut et arbeols, wvs. acet- eber , ngiit. Tiievinai tore np feuces torie dovna betcre as gra-t a coucore dentally *bot sud taiied by isweeet- nud telegapi pole» sad destro>-.d lie cf bouiday- inakers as aeca- gathered for lia-rt, Miss Mas-y Aiferton. Svedisi riuerch anal tors ont tie front or thie bloc ibbon outhîe Engluishlurf. .S. W.. Piertoaa'à alors. Mon>- lelinge Na-s Eti~-~ ~ViilmeeWleu Onl ti Massas-e. v.dauismaedand te property lose viii li-v J'rie. Cumuis Wolar>n Tvo tioîîaaud tuasian pesaanýs attock- ho very henvy. $150,0 a bl sitOO u M .Mry(n tLe Yenisei.lIa Siberia, andl mosascreal KIi l lu~ee IlirLubes-ts Bae .Eddiy, ltad ofuthte Chistianî tia'800 iniabitants. Men. vomen sud RtiWdge, 1lc oudJobçth ti lre. no- Sv-utni-a- rCnc, vas tiluw nuv 0 t fourt, vblldren ver, brutally klltedlaa revenge tariona burginra. pqottea ntë bank rub. the laitiffhavng file te oit outil or brnesteang.bene vio Wete axteadtte$ fions Chicago lia-s lite. vta oli1 uit u o es.selu.- - after a btter legal tnuggle. killeil on. f4ucbl ofDr.D.I,.oai Huatinlu'trotley, Wrerî. moanalt iured aoteneia adesperats Dr.WiliaeIut Siy. forme. m ajr At Syraraus., N0 Y>,.a trolley cae, thle dasi tclr..ra-adom atTuroulo. Ont. andii i-iefrasurge-on.aiL theiiitidSatesSyracaus, Laka-ide sud Baldw>maville aelibese-Su'f. Vîiunh-tmn rnd-n-u îu-puroa-b> c It anil tva>- jumpel lie truckt, lnjurigabout ule yNo"SPi. lava-oh>- fine peesous. Tii. cause y criti.I. t Carrolins, Os., Silerif josa-pih à e v-l ndabslend tiuhe>l'a tIi.ofeuim iuaita-doa-idautarcordiiag te lie motos-mi, vus n511 ingle Landed put tauenro uI oao't. .iaomitted suicidie at Piiiarg. thi. tIue fîe bratai te work. 300 lyncher*, kl#llus ope out isn usaliantol the fllureof 1anal voundlns tbiee sd hlaMcrowd iatt Oset Fie. e nAnterp, boy întliGo*vorup: sent 1m]qUitin 10 help WVriter JIamua front ltrooklyvn lPidara. 'TLeroyal enîrepot, the largeur vare- un inluguurdingtfteTo uralcrer. Vuni. Vdi, Vira IlRobert G. BItuilrl, Louve in Atverp, hbaren deâtsojai by>- ! a rulrrinSoubarn vrier said lc(trtirv. lire.,rCaluinga io&of !1000,(1 A ilUn.assPOS-ol *0 Tuak.,. as rîîîa-un avamu. Tiuu-ii 10btkI aifoime large quanitll of American gooi. eep- r The Unitedi tates legatic bas furmuaiy juîiuiv-afrontaathie Brooklyn bridge. Au uulaCotton. tobacco and machluery, bas protestai $gains tilie lierre* orthîe Otto- tour Itta-nils Led>- foateda abore. tmei'man sovèmument .probibiting thie entmy fla-fl oted' t Amenion 5 hs e ebn blaluedAmeni- WILL'INO? SE OAL.LEO. Coabiet sotade that !Wruld4nt' Mili. tSw &Utbority la 4pt. fer Ai t ai CtOmfraplly vitit Ceurt Ilsoms. WoublsgaeeroswoodencS: Titer. viii b. Do extra seuîn of Con- grs. Tiuat uSuci at leat vas declds at the cabinet meetisg Tuesday. h.cre- tari, Root and Attorney Geueral Kuoit uulted In expresalugtith. opinion that ther, vas uothiug lu tii. receut d«e»n of the. Supreme Court vhlcb néed altar M aul material degre.the plans alreadY Mid4 ddiwn for ithe gorerufalt eft te PMI$lpphnes.- A feruaiof civil gqCtSeDien for the.Isalands viilb.eaîsabliub.d as sooma after Jly 1 as It eau posahbiy b. dome. Theru viilb. s deviation hem thteiorlg- 1tai plan only se fer ai regarde the. ques- ticn cf tbeory. The Spooner resolution la netote0b. ca-lied upon a aiAL. On the. contrary, the. civil govemnmeulttob.e e- tubulabed by the Taft comiionlc ii set nuder the authorlty cf the. var pover ef tse goverismeut. It wiii create mui- elpl>s and provialoual goverumenrta, but aciiet tiieme vîliderive it» authority trou thepowers of the. Presideut nsecomn- moaaer-la-cbief. There vii b. nuolhnit te tbe f r.. exor- cise of the civil governmeut lu the. PhAi- ippinqu, and atter a vile It viii b. eu- tirely ludependent of a iillltary comn- mander. It bas been held tbat lhe Presi- dent rau goveru tbe Islande vithout que@- tin by the. exorcise cf big mlltary aul- tborlty vitle It le su open question bow fer be eau go In Ibis direction nder tbe delegated autbority he acquired f romntthe Bpoou.r resolution. Flor the. preseut aitoiast thé. DiugleY rates vil! b. auforcea lu $aunIFrancisco and other United States ports against Manila. and lie ratas of dulie* lu tbe isa- onds viii b. hbo..fixeil iiithe cld Span- ii tariff as modlfid b7 the, military or- des o f lIeu. 011 sud bis surcessors. It viii b. tint the. Supreae, Court lu Its decisions, held ualt thetar- IR promulgaled by Geu. Mitas. as s Mill- tary commander lu Porto Rico, vaes en- tlrely legal. be-aus. il vos a proper snd even neressary exa.rris. ufthe var pover. The. administration in,. tbrfore. proceed- lng on tus ame tbeory, It assumes luit the Philippines are not yet actually lu the. poss.saiou ufthebUnited Stales soui] heure a goverunieut under the milltary power la actluiy a uneesity to provide for the weii bê-ing ut the peolpie. The civil g teu euttob,.9etabuIlid iy tbe Taftcommission avili Le nominatîrunder croiifutheimiitary sutiioritlas. but lu reasily iii Le luîieprndeot. Il viii b. suologous tu lhe municipal sud provincial goveruma-uts In Cuba. viiieb deriv-, hbeir autbority ftrOthlb commandiug generai. sltboaagh lhe people tbemsiIves adminiater tbem. lu Ibis re- spect. the. Philippine goverument viii la- distinctly dîffereul fromt hbat crented for Porte Rico nder the. Foraker law. Tis differenre. I it ll be ubserved. la mucb more une of tbeory than of actuai fact The original Instructions 10 the Taft commission bave beeu revived and viii fenm the, temporary coustitution of the. Islaud. lu mapltast disproof ofthle theorias tuat lb. administration la pro- ceediug aioug arbitrary -uns, in Aset- tremeily tlmely te note hbat thes" insîrlir- tions te the Philippine commission, writ- ton b>- th ii.Pradeul. AnrAude certain An- violable ruies for the. goverameut ofrlb.' Plippines. Tics. maies, vblcii canuot b. violaled by the commission or b>- nu- one ais., are lu tact a mers trauscript ut the. bilt of rigbla of tha constitution of the United States. KILL IN DASIl FOR LIBERTY. aTorasute Cusseasi. Au almost unparaAieled attempt of cap- tured crAminels to escape vas made lu Toronto Tuesaay nigit. vinitii.h resuit that a cunstable was siiot deed. oue ut the. criminals badiy vounded. aud tavo ot bis associates burt. It la beiiered that a voman. disguis.d ai s man, tiirev tu-o revolvers int a carniage in vlainb thre. burgiars recently extradlted froinChirago ver, being takeui fromt court tu 1511. Tii. men vere Frankk ltiedge, Fred Rice and Frank Joua-s. avbo vers un trial for a roi,- bery rommilteil at the small tdwu 0of Au- rom, a few miles norti of Toronto. Tiiere aver, four lu the band original>-. aud tii.>- er. arrusealof sa Wles of bsnk and postollIre burgiaries committed lu Torouto andalits 'icinity ulentyear. They escapeal to Uýbirago, wiere Rut- ledge. Ri"e and Jones vere arrested. Tii. fuurtb vis unoter rougbt. After a bard eaifgt tiav,'vere ertraditeil. Tiey ver. dally ronar>ed in a rab from the. jali 10 the court Abouseund bâtr. At about 7 u'rlock st uigbtthle rab was mov- lug aioviwl ian,;Gerrarîl sîreet 10 tb. jail.lite prîsona-rs cbaiued togetiier. and under lie a-Large utCousiahies lloyd and Stewart, viien a man. or, as suspet- ed. a woman lu mon'@ clotlîlur. man aiong- aide th. rab aud baudeal in Ivo pislîile. one ot wbieh Itatiedage grabbed aud Joues the. ot>Tr. Tii. tao Legan lirlug ut the constables. the serondlhuila-t Puta-r- ing Boyds temple. cosn Iunstantîdentii. Iu the confusion the, prisoners guI out of lb. cab and iioaraied a sica-et car, vbiri bad stopp)etl ou the.ronductor hear- loge ehsooting. Tii. prisouers tied tb put power on. The. motormansa ntcebe off bis brake baudle sud felled Rutia-ige, the coudue- tor assailiug the otiier tvo and ituoni tiient enseleas. The sbooting bad at- tracteil the police, vhu rame up speedili wltii revolvers rend>-. Tii. tiree men voeetaken lu the .oi. viere it vas foued liaI Joues hsd a Lsd vound. Tii. burgIses are nov lu jail cbarged vitb lourder. CLAINE.l.tCH1BORi4 wEnDINGa Denbtar o etr'Adusirai Becemes Mis arf t.Hiaibcru nd In.. C. G BlAin. vere maîrredin luWashiugton st Inoua Ttesia. Tii. vedlhtr von amailt hbomne &fiair, ceiebrited aithtei regideuce C. ). kRoiq biES. ao. TuIltîVORCEZ) vira. ed himaî-lf or deliberateiy fsisifying hie marriage voweanad tlut bins it-styled detense vas au expitation of bis vlevs upon tii. marriage question. wbinb ar" "abhorrent te enigtncil Christian a..u- timent." Net lueitheverdict. the. most lteresliftl teattire ut thp triai vas à lesagthbY eîm muniration front Herron ar.a-pting lu ad- votuce the decision of the council. l lia i. ietter h. sought te a tffy on theoretical grounde the rectitude of bis conduct. lia anuouneed liat beacetorth bis efforts would b. devutud tu *'the Sowelliitbe revoilion." The. ietter inveigbedagainst ithe couveiuionslities whicb iramma'! me's actions to-day. sud decared that the. writer's lite vas' une of truth sud bonesty as againsttiihsesai aupersti- tieus wbicb guida'd thecourse of bis ac- cusera. It vas proved te the satisfacuion of thie rounrli that MNi. Herron dii flot lu- iîlate the. divorce proceediaga. Tortured iiy years of flagrant and studied negfleci. bersel! aud ber eidren daliy iuluted b, the patronage &Pd preseace eftiihe voman wbo had ied Herrun avay froua bi* faut- Il. the patient vite, jet hoplu that ber supreme devotlou sud untaitrlg loysity would vl hlm bock,. r.Iused te resort te the divorce courts. Woamîa teachens 5nt Grinueli (2ollege wbo ver, clasajates ut .Mary Eb.nhart In the oi 4ays t Ritpou. WiS.. viien George Hierroo. then à stui dent. vooed and won her. told the conli tiiot the divorce proceedings vite tech- niraiiy romlng f rom the vifse, ver. î,rouopted, urged anud evea torceal by ltrot. Herron vas nelothlb.clty. Ils bad been grnnted tie opt..-. .'tau.iDg a fair proportion ofthe n ncbers of tiececuneil. but be retused te tlake wny adi-sutage of the opportuuitY. lu fart, Le signllled bis entire wllliagueaa ta bave the triai ex- parte. FATABOUT :: :1 :::TUE CENSUS. Texas sud Missouri are the ivo States wbicb number bctwcen 3,000000 aud 4,000,000. Dubuque. Iowa, sud Qunury, II., comra witblo 45 of est-b otiier lu the, matter ot population. The. lowa town bas hbat mauch of a laad according ta the 19Wtl ceusus. Or tie cilles whicii contained a papule- tiou ut over 200,000lunlb.he reut ensos, New York beads the lost vlth3,437,W02. Minneapolis crovds lu witii but 2,718 more thon enough te admit ber to the. it la te b. noird îLot four of the thir- leen original States are within the, nom- ber bavibg u population of less titan 1,00,000. TiiEs, tour States are Con- necticut, RhLode Iliand, New Hampsbire and Delaware. Itlab o peruliar tact tiaIttiiere are ns mauy Stotea havlng the figure 1 in tbe million columo as ubare wer, origluni Stiltes. Thê two States tLot Lend lhe l 0 f tiiese thirteeD are Norli a rolina enl New Jersey, and thay are making o clion. race for prera-denre. North Caro- lina led in the-cenuaut 1800 bY a mar- gin ut 1-13,014. Now her iead Is only 10,141. The population of tLe United -States, as auuounced by thi e"nos bureau lait October, vas a preibmnuary approxima- tion stabjeet to verificatiou, sud core- tions bave appearad fIom tiae to ties, ne thé bulletins fer th*. States hure beau lusued. '71j. revlsed total i viiihasi%- Doua Inter, llt liinltheoeantime the« vii. bave beéà tfoiDlugthe wvo0f tise baraesti d &" ava bem . flâWed. hb-"«u 09 tbe a lc1 bt ilsft. Qettl»r - u~d uhSouat blath Il lea spîtitftat uhat et tii. bUik" or serez of parkting ox-usd by the v ermèênt la lb. District, et C=iNS thare ia oely ontplot 0 on Ais, a acra set acide as a play groI4 Iw-.OW This iu a ornait part cf tlia grnhlm the Barthe h e l.W4slawgtn odmm and AtaI ay hur cf lh. dal Or .vhBàWýA lot of vell'b.baved boys of vYUIPB,ÉO ami aes May iii found thoras .ntap 4 sUe atbletie sports. 'la aiet tle. 5* salali cUidren, vies accmanls- tg nursesMay play a unthe lavas, IN111 alttar a boy "Ohm the ma bal agi .A Io â4-te iome acs5t lm in the pocrer partietofthie ity, or lot. <h, wAfll etf be siStt. or penhaps Ils lb. s«barba «e tuiev, vizirs Lu ia béPOSA the obasepia"t.oniblAsparent& or th* 1 sers of the lsv. Ibo remitil s that tLieu 1h., titu. the 'aboeli clodonlugae mmii they op«e &gainliq Aç pttenaber, the. beya 0f Wasaiqgtos lad the vast expassa et su-b.5 a s phialtnttiei obly pi. grOurial. À alhiag beach bas becu pro- videai srudgij saitla sabout the oeil thought eveg im%» fora boy& ecaftit lr a pn, ethe District of Coloiiha. The boys msny Atgamy lime ait about iM th@ seanthe iipublie parAI. piovidl lbey *"Ieep otitiKra&%," sel ldulge la Do boyAui-iranks,,or îuiy May wsib abois and 100k àa thevell'hapt lover bedS, but ltera lia-uv-libety enda. and vive Itt frt1e ytiv-î.baîs, utreets lte ai- ready tartiinî uv-au rate 5i5OS eb- draesutd b. lucv-.sPd greatly. I bve oU* m eM « t O. clis M s taoan lly ar - ts* vi luahrri' se a. or4.ept. feur etiodorM& riflâtterkI haerii dsom Wh 1. unace l.orid~qeWudD o mýte cmit à"tua paet.. s s: taen meassistus 17. Congrg av e touciloeti laz. linsvedi». Afor e* ti ession hat Ger e c . @erro (hmgu Pmofimrl e fe the memrsb.9-ip « of hej«u Conge giio Curcbof Griet heGrs.d Doell oa irt rse! the gospel l Ggc u egular stni g.l r moa andurnod rta on lit mistry b o bi cfronththe vamamesi e. epMia frontregtion curevet rcmmended eonre D.Heonmnstndsftheigsp el in mond »sd raucla tiandino. hu tramet fronteathe m deserlont ie vite andrebuiadre bo teilve d uer fot bihe. hurcougenatlelcomnli,a Jury of hie peers lu the churci. aftr reading thé. deuse, wbkb e de. cired At their ballef that ho bai convict- Thse varions e-rssor the- suprea Court in tbe irasula v-assLave rontud ti* tmis of ma-mbers orthie cabinet sud senaluire vio are irying lu shape l*a tuvertimenb poliry In bormun> vîit là uevs of the court. 'Tihe principal on- fusion la as ho the bearing uftheii del- ions vili have ou lhe Pilippine questienà. Thbe Treasury rDapartuivut yl cuatilsa ho colleet lbthaîDngley aluies on Importa fron théiPilippines, liougb ItlelaadmJti tt lhiat lies, viiihave te L e r.fUd vie. the decision ou the PLilitîplues es "*tie fourleen dhanonal ringl a-me."la bade is delvab>- lie court uer t vate. St Io consiuiereal better lu do ibis tita 10 net on the Porto Rirae dieislcu iti" declareil &Hltle lsiauds snqnlred trous j9palm domesllc lerrltnry freuxthlitdate ut cession by tic ratificatioun of the lrsstY cf P'amis, and entitiedte l free trade uiitil Congreas av-le-i. The War Departmient viii salt onlaiue ho colla-et tias on tii- importe imtoîLe tilippines vili the saimeunudetstaudiaugtiat îiey viii i. palit under protest sud Daîls b. rsfunuded. It ln admitlel ithsîLte Pilippines vlI eujuay prarîlcal fra-. rale vita lie Unit- epllibatesa nuil Ciegra-sa prunîdes s taLr- I! for the Pilippine%5 The War Dapsrim"t les anions lu iar front National Guer-utoffirees sued autLonhies lunegsard lu lhe proposition, lu reorganaze lie State Iroope onlio whiiri ilI admit of thein cmployuaiet vilh tie"maie. 8evrelis-y Rool In- teneuisb>-Decemiier to iave &Ori a bll enacteil. proviilr u ia-hemeatimue k possible te adjinithe nuntesous =ier enores vuniinb ridaI in lie mande ot Nation- ai Guard oMcinee. Feue t e[ ia-nmse. on the mna-ncs Ly wvinka îimay b.e efect.d. Seiont. t liamave ofrajal of ioslug seul ofthîe alvaulagaes and prua-legas ltey non- enjus-. andloeiliets larieve lie pros. pia-t of arlual sereine for thie National Gusmaliten vilu prove a discouragemisut un ILose vio voulut otia-nais. enler lié service. Il la evlîlmubly s diMeicit prolo' lent viv-lstic Wam Depsrtment biW».m dcrtskteunte noire. The militas-y aulimasi lies, hova-en. reslie ILît sometig mueut Le donc 10 pion. lie state Iroffl on a tonting whiv-i ili admitlocf heu utillzqiion lu tinte of trounble viliot théi ddiiclluties sud cmbarroasineSviWc siarrounlealthie trauster hoetthe servie of lie gecersi gova-mmnt et lia Stit e oe ment@ pdr e thela- ar viti Spain. Secneîary ut Agriculture Wilson tall an2 intemestirsg stor.-v ida regard te the prune ludustry uf the Pacifie coast. Tii people lu seculons of lie coasst ouai ail tie conditionss-orproductionnflu big excellence, bot tiey luIdnet kuov euaugb about prepariug tli-l prunes for gillemar- ket. when tlis came ta the aiim 0f lie Seeretars- he quleti>- veut 1tait. ilenators tron thlis osst States. toîl thms lu get iim sont.exera moee in tii. agri- cultural appropration bill for Ibis pur- pose, witiuut sasyng anytbing aLount it on th l ofethle Senate. sud tuis thq promptiy ilil. ,A pretescor val, se.Ictd freintone cf tie aercullursi voh.2,, 0f lie country sud seul lu France ailhinl. strutuious te slay Iluere untîl ic learnd ail about the- preaprsîion of prues for cbupmaff-lHia report in nov in Pr,,,, sud viii Le dîriutealinludie lima- Th, rae- port viii Lie of Immense value htelias grovers ur prunes On lie a-cviie crot. Tie Andîto tonfrtic Nov-Y sud tho Tressîvy Depamîmeut bas recalved lie lerre-outaojulideenîtfon $181.,FZo m larai b>-tLe Court o ai is in lu for o thon. oficrrsanal men nuder Adrgjrnj Dsveéy wbo tOnl atinlutlb.desîruatioli of the Spanisi forces -u inailis Ry s Ms>-y 1, 158. The Auditor wilI proausd ah once 10 enroil lie usmea et te lie entîlda usiars Lu tuis 'Lead money" or bouuty, and itlas possible Ihat paynit vili begin vîthin s monda. . 1 ApplicatIOns viii b. forvsrdai upola n- quesita>- the. Andîter e! lhe P4vy,1 -mi ccci ciahMUat 111811miake adalt « iq Ilad"dllity and lpartlclpaes the lb. - bRay 1 w*b sort Z:ýAQ7*[rse emë Wiiealb.h@Ps-esI-ni miskan0ordNWla Jouee>- pen privat. liaulmeshe buys ie rsliroad ticiiot. Just 1île un>-otier 118v- eAl«. but wviie mh.ntkv. au t iaCUe& tomary tes iim lu art-t -iiospltallti cf tb. varions rsilroauia--uvblebA.m hi train paees sud liee iitia- 4aheb.plam viim e e tops. It vuutd1-i..- poWsdo fer ius ludo utiier%%'ise. -, r voulil rept moue>- frot île, oîalber la aivîys igreit rivaMir>- as u lihtenas, by vbv-ia- heaboilitrsva-i. Tii. go-m. ment furuishes the. White Houa.. t4 chilua.ilververe, Leddingsand Oumur lilen. theo litcben ceantils anud &Hiofthle hooseboli aquipuseto. ltItso paLYs the fuel, gas sud vster isesud tte e cf ail repaies. Thue ateward, lheboue-' keéea, lie vslv-hnen sud the nsbei.M on lie goverumeut psy ol. Lut lb. ethef sertçants. nlanis thle Lutier. e«o1, chambemmaAds, etc.. ara- psitt Lyliem Paa' Menct. fl a sisefunisies hie ove bormn sud darnoages. l. sud atablemen, sud the tuvder for. the bornes, bui the.' ota-ruuiuwt fumaishas lb.I stable-. Ail tîuîdad spplia-orutevery tabi. &M dlinuvra guveýn hyt,>-ii.Presideo&s w-ia-ler officias-r,thu raise, Mses psli for front hua prinsto pure. Ialgi lien- wa-a crsbe" silo-n b.ak. or -onithe p vî,nStan hv î thut rou-i, lar tiiau su eau ar tusîortui piuusgaua wsrd lacavu euanetintea I IVitt a V tylag csp&, And WSall tI iL. foot 0of 1 tiets &K-ibytlà- fa -t 1" nid. Mppo vaja-ouali fu 1 P mu» .et nma Mud00106 great Y n et. tov e à sf *isrtlugl «bii bava o 81.1,000go Analif lia-r pi t ta ai05 ut nafaion Sueb ro Outil chou% rainainieé pýilpit give moi in ta vo plau* teAns-a mocWysd ih lma romps A nd C' Acros ti Sa vall mad sou Mnt vas Laid e -i the lisof eslied Wal ---anchtucier d~ --a. lt A Pis -.-t. 1 Unîîad lit, blon eu aOs andl sud eiber tien dispi W itb.rapo TieDi H amilton the lUited Tiare. Bel mart. Tii deu. camp thu,, ngh- tih mii->- er. làa-vonté theva-sy i p-uv iered bis iuaja-sh o, acta. 1 sacertain a-,al. agri, Tue, moral colinbs-y ai tuigtrou seiiundreli bou châ t I vaut mu si-lue or til'iri t . siati lgo 1 b uleawtI Fîret oh typie iu t anl the t , I Wof Lace but pal a mn tiaruace 0 eý lier v-ou slaaged. il. 1 If 1 Prout. 1 1 tLere at supposai ba acier>-, tLe slreei liey ban- aud hsît crossed t ailLer *mu mone met senulenet @Pace lu WL.n lb sanitary @ Bd',luta wounuied, for tamnis lu b. eu, supporte to b. eqi lie goapi Street ta sud the. Bve cu uint>-it atoboîuai ,lies. TI op birot Tia-re ar ready tc go loto Pie is 1 pIauce to

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