CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Jun 1901, p. 8

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Ufffesl Buggiesi Top BUggies Surreys Open Buggies Road Wagons Phaetons Driving Wagons. We are haîîîUing the' old reliable Staver tint'. Have soid them for yearit ;îîd know that tliey are aii gooui as eau be huilt. Buy a rig with a repîîta'tioiî and know what you are getting under the paint. The Prices are Right. Corne in and talk it over. $cbauck Droibrs, Libertyville - - - Illinois. For a telephone ln your place of business or residence.... 1 yoîî get the inertased aild growing ýervice of the Lake County Telephone Conipaujy and cojîneetioti with the %Chicago Teleplione Companiy. For lnfofinatlon, rates. etc., write--- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT,' Loveli's Drug, Store, LibertvvilIe. Illinois. - Wagons, Buggies and Vehicles of ait kind . .. ... - emet, sait, Lu~er, ~ materlaîs amd- I5ariware...... e e. west your-pa. romate aadMi u, ltr lar edim. \WRIGHIT BROTIIES lf iV s 19,7 -7 'The IlMaoem Woodum oî fArua Vii - hol tieir ainsugi Pleliift!fr wson,.1p anud NOrtisas1110010ns t Pfreeîsnrt. Ti ,,adv, 5 ,,, ltil. Ex. e'ral,sintleIcas e ii i be aold 0ou J ,ms. WIS or $2 IMI. rdussd trip. train tu, go iWer thse liew J.l.îwavllio si juinam.fur ma. Dîyen,and roi, brotîgis alU, maat 4" lg a srt. laanst trip lor ove". botly. %tôat iavissg lime of train PJA"LUMai, ARI W. l. MPekiesd ehutais la Chi- Mm ULMryLiloisId la ai prenanft vIamtIa Wosk«go. '11ma». obla uquit. aluit tis vek, but la laproybeat lir, ad Uia. AibrigisIare vialting1 éla ilidrmn ln inieoct. Urt. aud ors. Leater Bardi, of Vaisonda, viatel relatives bore Bona- day. Our expozleuced carpeutelez ot a mauch needal vacation one day 18 lMimaiTilli Michealia&al ev dff lutI ««k wl vus er graudmatbet, lira.1 Bou"a.1 Miss Lott. ifottemnrnaltramWlaaom- sin boa beau vlllng vils 1111.JBerg.1 flav. Anderson, of Ciflg, praaiedl bore Bunday. El. dlacourses voesI very mah appreoled. B. 0. Payne vaut go Osez", Wl.., lait Monday. go lai outemplating th. pnrcbae oai mrnd IbiS la cavered vls oaflue <tots of evrpno4.1 The youag people oai puté111evit- lage.tMhilmg atvatage 0aithe ersa (?) weatisar latt Balnrday eveaiag. took a quiet jaunt ut a-l. Ouat, repoo4Ws lu the dovnySoda aetaaibey raok. Prof. Rodge expecle la apend bis vacation in the vicaity of bis bomee iu Now York m ile, viaitng hi& tiends sud --ding" lii.Pan-Ameio lapai- tioa. The Ibaugtaof isa omeg de- pei tu. consel smy a suppreaeed algis, but about up, tils oaly liii fou. We are mrr ta my ah b jere are smre pleceaof aidevM ~tisa ère nsl jut op la tise atamimd. 4bomt Ibeà vors lacé..»novla on La» ironmt bha- tweeD Hrdes Bo"esadIFrankis Thornia reellen.. Hailty Vis HMr9 ini. mli rpeovicg hie extemive ptap. I orty by lb. addition ai ne Wadealia. Bond&jJus:. thlie WibcOmaucen- tral viii 1ron a opulat bit rate oeproe ta lilwukee. Tis round trip tiket@ troue listaltaeo. lucluding thse rde troue W&Wisaba tu Mlwaukean id teInta on tb. eletria raiiroad, viii b. $125. Tbe train te Milvauks.lealee 4 soeieler 06 10:19 a. rn. Thse rtera trin lm eve Wauise. mlii aI 7:56 p. m. Tisafaordi a iplea- dld opprtoutty le m ctise country admais.. a faa day's outis«. Tise Chicao-aRcerd-Herld, lune 12. lna pommga oarm otaborimcoau lest of tbe Oaks Vmish awk Bbef ol i Monday mtgt attise am lM. ]II. abure la Oak Pr, lmye Lmuela raeber capturait OrSM irspriae., omalu of 115. lilasm, ,sbheWvuua-m lait full a ftaidemIof "plmansd bam nauy tri.mesaoojotavitb bem la tihe enioiuq.a10aitisa bomeraise boa won. Bse ulmi alump bigbl lad en- ergello mafl ailgb lu ber aflide witelolu @maotl ier. Seves Teara ln B.. "Wiii volndereever ceffler Ouire tise fMonde ofEam L. Peams. ar Lavua¶.Km. Tier knewsebh"adiseese to. véee lied insamven tairaou Aatoi duey ad lver troubla nerouiroetatiom al Irnaral diblftty; b oJ.Ttebit 1 a Inete it Btes ale . vamims writes. "and lu tire. monthe i tkie a new penom." Vomen suffrln«tram head- ache. bSkale, noervoumeis. a epknesem meianboy. ratinaa d digy avolie vi find ltapr eemeblemiiu. m2laa vlle; GaÂxaaxi PHÂAcY. Qutmeo. Mr. Jais. Otimard bai putcisa"aa newo cnnge. tir. Onyile limita vas a 015100gb vIit lait Mondai. 0hiilmre .Day vas appropriately ebiervel lat Bauady. liMr. . aane vis a Bloît vualot a few laya maentiy. lire. Mileux vimIel vîts ber aiter, Mir@. FoUtlamI Bunday. tire. esilager vasfili vitisoaieme cal tise lutter parI alluit veei. lire. Doipli hu. beeufeeling Vary pooriy fortheis.potl1ev laya. lin. Jamesa Cutais, of! Cisgo, vas an Ivîuboo visiter one day lautwveni. Mr. Jiratueml ta er.ating a mmv bars on tise cite ulierete l ion seid te Mosn. L. F. Jeasmeso and H. . Luis ware bruce Laie cillera bail Busaty. IWO0d@la re lu aorroam Ibd is VI@Uq-y MeqriY everî ot la &ioitel Mr. WINI Biaier al braIser Adrav ve. outS Ivaotas viaitoifeu 80-a otL. J. âme.sispua.laj engpbol al viWi b. qtte an Tlise i e or vIseér setuon" deliv.mgtsVU. maelaitm Bunder oviudin* Wmavry aarrivaIl Ur. - CisrleaGaoardbo ris e O m ro Ml e clty . S l v a o ifo liabru ut thlemauer. Mil, ldemaislei sd MliLBoul tesaima mit» pon e, Wvisa bu . 'lae.ithe 15omulier arott lie&à ilt aebu" lait eutaaven- elemel tise cisarcis. New matting vo. pqroased t. replae lise crllla D. . 1,Arnea albit aselagbois -«Mac t. a lipriags. 'Iis mokashe lie brd bise Te "Etsalplt Tise Ivoubulsail SAûla sait,rAdy ta am".. i,*ttb uig lnieo.- ver terme ovrIil lowg.l cu Ir. il. Ilim, =0a;,O. L. Bs5tis, tOp- Domo$ual te iee.eUsa" procm eaor un bemliet $be abis AUlIde b i e qo v is t. brtmgt Pr"iap lvosl-be af luseret go smr ne a uat tM-Iilviaie.Oreaoey ciy af Brookyn, . . Qaj ertirnen shipe about 90 tbeoDob. a SUilpi voi to&at iaici. iso~ ~ v lmt1~s ts pupla ls OMI14 A oreginthe bot orneo a aateof 1n1mont uw iS p *11on lu gool 11 'boule Ill sd t ititet alls b. 15e plaréoen the pises aisol ayel a liru~gre, therb liseboeei ofi ahith ie oisl lerarneIl oumlC ="-Ijltby aea! f1 la 2. = Dtim OS lises s a erMd ae a illlleetornlaidouI laondister le' Mm,>hgd if abindevr airndi- h~: ine a.oopal re ma »M nepailild fror viat ori Ilh eit$ w»ume hmnfsie I An inealcu ratmeflt thby he lrh 1. B ue <Th mul e u vu Noée t.ix asaDoa.ncof1akani9. Ilf tha* thov res. l and tt m Polia ure r the b, iaaodeaea u mss.. vpls pqfo waisiefor e. miss oeriodiaaedorhem. Anlg oiTenmlia requtra liBe" on homal eirrfi i d Poiivue o tebrt tue aoDca isisla or bert ien or on ls an .a f =t dreaias irtis la 01 uDrà lslead Wn05 F srois te 1 Orfi bslnww dVIYiae S but isba tloe i er l arnisy subiof aid iu bla t am t of tia i a le The Wouu , md M may gmare ae teeo modeteuofrate mie 01 m led driiklu a nd v cal dlaaaeat0no a lrai l 01 thise ~~ o f andi begatUn andiaKs m Li reehvea l Ond. aidbiarni tais trolfa. 1 is ee woocai" l slda il. w * oaar ton XpUÂanÂL Misa viii volunteer 10 climb tisa flag. lIaI maldpt a nov rope on? Tis malter urey Ouhisl 10 le atteadel tu sai tise rarar vuasoue iteaMemonti Dey liy an oufto.n party: eeIran- bse bai sot, mach mare pitriotlîrn &bout lbem tison Doute.' Me are very acrryt.,soy usaI one af aur esteered yonng mon, Frank Dofler, la u verY poar iseaill, ail bai bee au, for «Meurne, andIthse phissta tenh it lMMI b.muai go ta a différeut oUirnil. Me uersianl list o sb. aiS* sýster Anate viilou tam Armionsan tlb. saftute. Bornote a lse (rsr i tissvlcleiiy ae having tb..pieesre of reptantssg lit orsr. Tisa vueoltasncb a burry te plat 16 acu lber Mitsai ae the aoueseea«. The varmsa an dry vealier togther bave been very buréfal ta Abues vihoplatel thier corsnarily.,Tba odmge "Hisaugba but Whio mathisaM"la e usomatirnes t.o truc. mooas îovna. Ball holIday luaI Tuaedy. Tva sure laya s ceoiol an. Aalrew Docker @ent 8Suulyay d liculayli b ç&Mlteu Ivasioe. Tise buée hall te0m veul Iske 10 OaeUIor quisct tern. Addneai Tise enstrlummnt lait Frlday niglil vus veliléesled. Tise lecture by Mev. )utota,& s "A BoBat Frlau1' Tise 1maImting of tise Lierary Soiety o! liaFm, wuvoll lait Fr1- day ttetaclu. A vlor af iaivas e"medla0*r.Orand tor soitdir t.itng as ta ami tram Libelyvîlie The aahâc vin, 51v. onuI ,creS«m oc0cial FIdogpln ,,.ue.216t, et 15be boue o! emrVau Pleit, A blelfltsimeplt ite lua- Me «MU.Thlere viii b. almgng by meallaus e SoQuar- tele ma l16s0.Blarii. Na et- fart vii ie gral>maie lb.eaveu- lug anu.aIogUlilp se. Tisé anuol aseol piaulea viib. là on hmk aa~ot.Drueo &M insia' De lotis. Eveory- ose ýt 15 llMO MdIoommualty la Urgilibt.uuitp u1 ilp mate Sis.a tot lbmlday.-issa A"a saler way le oftigef«ow it omaoso aeerofa -y1 mi cota ta go tise wvo ouâtil. Boultin.revsallilnen! let n. bave mn himue ailmuofa peoiple t »bas ig aon amse. AillasiadcllI i. uga19. Teolimi. utyIlilute, Joui Save* 14WO Premmi Dqeth. 1hiuga Iol~ b eI J1b te m #aIrwel. eo=sa = Cu oli. 'lSe Je »mpmatIBU lireLemois r*tuite trouie ise ty1 auiy wisre.ah be la bleau tsus core af ber &laàe&. Uia T, S.Orey, hboa'boas Il $oe tima. ie la imsprivnt; etpreants In nUIRat aneuasatin boeam- bsaterm aeaat catiilsefoemdau el prr.ouréel or e isiyBielaiummoued. Tise 0aie item la to P t mbond asremioieMe". gîle afor us ln @souaistout, ortiiiUmm. t la a lîa aun me a an nelaila 0o a, orasad W . 1 aoorî"tot r aos d one iliD'aon 0slea m là "a»md' aame Fs. ln afin lEn alee a v sle ll ac-,; J. si. 1 auisZ9 FOX LAKE. Mie Annie clogor v ohme Sam doy. A largeocrawl alleudel Augup iMa-. mais'a danae Fnldiy cavaim. Frionda trop Mceliry lMOu-# Coude, vineet aiBd ldts Bu.!ayw Mr. and Mei. AI ee a rtauWis hie tva brotliers an hobsat Iyès Suuday. Tise Fax Laie Cernetemy wiii meet vîis Mnir. Fred Hoois Thomr day ottemnoon, Jose 29, 1901. Vltre i ways veleame. hTisadoctors told ment eougls vu lu- «r4be. ln» Minute <ousis<Cure made me i vail aan.'»Norria lilven. Nantis dtraford. N. il.-lieaoune lou've ssi fossnd relief tram a etubboen aougi. dont demaWr.Ose Minite (lougs Cure lias aured rtbas W>dtwliV.cure Fou. Sale and aune. F.Bi. HALF DAY J. Wells vas ont frous tiseCity ave! guaday. Jobs Dolleumaier,oai Chicog«o, in spendleg libivacaton ai bomne. MhM Dé»i Fote returnei Priday trou-o yltvus reiatives iu Chicago. Qur aisurci la bolusg exleusivoly re. pairet. The tutorlor la ta le dearael De"l veant. Mrt. Wisa la rlling oui again, aller bAirecent lijury eaihtise mei bars vua miai by lightslhs. Mlr.oyaa kbmead s tle gon. of Obtoigo, visa bave beeu ilopplngr lie, relorued boue Iaillunday. Wenmdiaload 11*01 lie Woodmeu couteniptate giviug tifr annual pic. ni" sonol, and havea acommte op- pointed. A atravlierry festival vai giron aI Hertel'a Pari: -hrisrday evenfug. Tise promoeelsare ta be bndilln uynîlg er. petiug for cisurci laie. Ky lîttie sonubis a a alli of whoojdng :e hsud vau thram&aued vite oumna bu or Cismnserlaas Couis ed e wotid ibave hlia aserions Ute imifn'y, "0 uovel un imranm »Terni bey rattiaiof eradFa *"av..Wais',r .l= brF LOvsxWb..ubrtrlll *LOàa M â iA LONG GROVE. lir. F. tB"I la goell &lang very ulceiy. Tisenurse isigorn. Mn. L. Bicieel and 1 iy ronstise voit, ara vlaitiug a& lamer. Mir. Louermanna, IrcatiseCity, -niieled atML Zimmaionm eel. tir, Erotisbraiselise 1front aoieloaIbis' gravel wagan vilça isdig Taaoday. Miesnr. H. Weismenmegami'0. la. Franta bd olme atr4W fl 14veeay. UtRbert adI tarnly, tront Wood- stock. viaited fer several deys antiMr. atarnpel'a. Mmns. red Wolfvisiat et tirs. ticliar'jqam venir. BIna teaut home g taty-nlll aie <oea igaîn. George Zimmer boa beau mt borne for mone lima. lie dom. liaital t.s retura go vor t one limue. Tise Suuday #aiool ai tise Evaugeif. cal churali Ipt0hsdmta calebrase Cblldre'a Day 5e 92W1oai lisamonts. A boit of llgistulng aImais one corner aiflise Evasgellîcalaureis dur- tue tise elootnîcal emla.lait &weei. Alîbougistg I II sligisi lamnge, yelt the boit muai bave iseeu a cold one, for na traces af bouatu db.laecasI. Mesosir. Jacobi E£iler, Wallace Ritr.eutbaler, iR. L. (Greesansd lta grngsuit Ilentsalar attended a con- venion lu Cicago liait alnrday and Bunday. Fine aglng von randered, exaeilaut adlreasea deliverel and en- couraglîsgreporte Riven. A report ai tise Convention viiili e giren ébunday evoaiug. Danger. diease and deatis folios'nalo ftiabavais. Use DeWltts Litteiearr huerata renu late them and Fou viii aile y eas ta Four lite and lita, tn Tur Feoua. Llbe'rtvlfe neyer gripe. F. g. LovcLt. PRAIRIE VIEW. t Baueting nav-ihe veatiiet la a trille varta.1 P- Hoa ou l ivieîtel vils lin. Lues lui Buday. B. Wllcom bas liaine vivnd Miii ereeed. Tisere ta aotbing lIke bmving Ir-go convOsienl. Qimita a numbar fmom liame aiteudel tisee soilgiven t allahDay for lis. besetit aoflise cisumi. Thete vere 34 tu BHnuay scisool làit Bnnday. A claisofat .iy laIe"han been iotmed. We are infatuaI th"1 Obilteus Day la ta lie ceimbralel lb. 7111 af July. Dmnpopll a acot le longlived il cse te live reireauoitseMOU.Fodla Det POutiiuutll1aig e.A diaordsred eaeaucan 1 l tfoasi. ttnuit bave moseltaee.KRel titm>pofit Clure ail Modne of faad vwirt i d irantise seaeI alovina Iltaerefit ouI reaimIls uemr.unahl-nualu. <ta elernts armexuetit tie soine a tisanatural digstvefguld id ~rvit aangs elp but o'la vanda. Pan 2TpP. B LovxjLUbertrlile PALATINE., Mime Tlle Biugorlea la borne visitlug ululi itienleInfmiPalatine. Mrn.dl lre. Hemardlinger, of caory, ver. gueste ai ber tller, tMr. Danillan aver HuulaY. lit. Hcaabe, lie blinI vmller, of 1 vaunaanwuaia g<st ai Mrn. mmlra. J. a. mliie talasay. lira. T. Csav ad l lasenriette, lait far a trip t.eiDoyle, Tezsase, Tuaadoy ta visAt raliblivea. Durtag tis e gnaualg exerai ofth sb clicol Mr. aMW it.Paddock viii entertaln. relative. tram liamence. Mn. adtira. L. Catit aMO Mise Heonltet, t0i Bvanmton, vare guelte or Mr., mol tire. J. H. Oclilerling studay. mn. lligge, of Misiippi, la e2pcièd 10 vîtuess tise Improvemeut aI hie jdaigbter. lu ler sciscol von durlng lthe pal Yeut. Tise billos. tired. nervous man elemot ooaFii lL ir le1vIllsbeauf, rtna %itlow bc U sl brIl siera Mib eui s IT5 apureso apue ap; itlsàasy t£ fkda wp on. The probu= Io 1mfto W nbotecOmbned; auatil puwe yet inexpaSdve lvory Soap la thé but aouti"o f that poeblem. It la an orUIgi product', volved altei yeaa' of experlient Md -00-reusirc,. t la -the mout of pure aoap fSr Woodmen Ceavoue. Thisa veek Moders Moodmeà pasted lt. St. Peui, mina., o a nailues of alroada. Four speial trains itoum Catcoga cotriel lb. Illinci, a, ians, sd otisar debegallono. 100'm g re er- pectel 10 attend. . Thseerly arrivais settlel lava 10 bumime, Mlia ba.iaeât boAsg taurge aifalae mddale.for positions or 10 ftm sse a"u*inaeltise dalogatian aeoe. Oist.gof.làteuodamine la t. gel ta theb.Madamesdespile a provijice ubih prevemia lise organiza- tienmo amopa in et"iiofeover 900A0. Tao moyennant la heing airangli puisaI by lie ChIsiago lm.. W. A. ?XrlisoelBviii ta BU probebil. lly b. e-lofl El Heal Cntaloftise modemn Moalme, but hb. may bav. a Utlie oppoiion. iS. H. Lovetl, ai Peanla, alisougis betten in lise liate Oouveallan fcr endorsmment for tise position, la Btul u tisenOel. Majo 0. W. Havee., aiBock Iiaul, Bead Clark, la mima conisieesaile fer re.ail"on. Tiselilmitation aoflise leru o! lie Hea Baaker retires Prak R. Crooker, ai lava, asudlR Rk. 5.115, of Brooks. fiell, Mo., soiaemata bave this a eoa the 0oateat. t rt A L0 à IL t A Terrible Expio.loa. "talfr.l e tou' buted a aMr bore dgsfaf.'uite.N. FL. Film. of Kirisai r.wT!*lest doutons Coulida't iseldtis thia oe sa olluvel but Buôiieo*e trla lii,,entireIY aussi ler. Intaible for autil. corna ore. tll. bodeis. atmfp."i Uxiunnsandilea.souietaiY. B. Loùvgij. ,ber'vlille; <Oavainxz Pinasity. WAUCOI'DA. t. and lira. Clougli ver. City vieil- ire snaaday. J. C. Pria. la peniling a feu dais ai ki. Paul, MIn». Born. tiondiy ta Mn.aldtira. licoî Snel, a daugister. K. L. Hiarrison, ai Culc",Ig.l#pend- lug isia vaclos bore. A l aifmattreasa at recel ved ai lugise.'garnitureîlot. Mia Lonmarision, of Clilcgo, sn lIen. a4 proeaat vnlttng. Tise comtamioueara graveilag th. roalsin luay bal pia.... titi. L. 9. Hughs.retuneu Wed- taolien boue lu DLgau. H. oling and M. W. Hughses voe Ciy visitors Prila-Y ai lait ve. C. A. Goling, ai CiStgo. ta &pendl- ing a 1ev laya vus hlhiepareuts hise. Ilir.. D. C. Dnttos and Lenlle Tura- bai vete- olty viallorsonoe day iam veai. Rameuber tisaitishe Wanoonla stulto in the. place ta bave your platane talien. li. ndallitre.J. N. Fend ail A. Grahsam ove.Plsiaiee iBay vIsItons Siunday. Tisereita ii of.a nailroal lu tlu viclity. Tisere vi. a meeting liai Wedneedzy. ti. W. Hughsa mok thelia tura ai nMaMry Conntueys abhootai Laite z urlas reuy. gosmo ani, atnlium. latter. oliaisg. hi-y ulu ai;Vd &a i t u tonlarea are qulekly curel b De1tt's Wltai âlsaiWave. Tise certan plecure. P. B. Laysseu. berttvihle. Pando (32477) W. C. T. U. touveadeau. Tise aunu onv5ention ai the Lais COauly Womma sCiaitin Tais- peton.. Unions viiili e bell 1,lb. aurse. Cbriilla abarais, j t&. loiotg sessionviin boeraséaîq, tira. Bedgviek. dierit preaideis, ' be prl. a&la tn. iltua, *» BupertatealeatL. T.L.. viii 0'.sa Chil i tai u lis. alen«Oas. OSuD lunci. Teand al aea W b. arved by tisa Uuruee Union. lverY one cordiIY lssvtat oa ttend. m. JAM si<tmaBir, Co. Pa. REAL RESTATit TRAN$SPERI. fuminhel by Lais. ConuiF Tilla a Trait Co, Atrae 0fTila. Ti Oori.lee. tiOiatc ToupIe Bidg. Wnem, Ilii. Louia J. OumulUNSeei. L HW ,taeyaO clU) julleFyrakel Dq-q, - lo-ts-lt sd.... 4.68le000 1), R, S ti a et«f Isilu. lira ie 50o0ke.L0 13ilu .SLu, aNas.. 19>4&s-5qol ......t..... ... J.F Wol .If ,C J.5 W,,hM at t Unda eW-d qr,s ,S 5- 4" -0,......u... a Jane D.71- .1 VutE. LL% 0. , qi- sc 6-4-Il saqr - , e .1 Io qed................I1. Jpmeiii.IGold-Ai LuJ,,. A.Seyl .4 %ne qr i- qr...t a4-sqJu ..,O H. tiei Iite juiaA. fiFyl« i n are, qrec1e-3-lqcd .. .. 90 Laoumle seyi sw J- . A Seyl c f ne q,- »w tir mi -t-l q'd ........ »..... .1i Ch.. W1P-i'- t, & « 1OA.1 - ,Jeu lot. 17 &a1a Iit Il Wright-i eddie t., f.sertyvil.iie d .......... 1-At C. Y Wrieist ilifL, jeeob M.rdl- hartloit. , liti1Wrigcht. adO Le. ..IÀ-I»ty'ii t.d . ý...... *j, J.,WIeiîr . e A.Il W beeler F.ria l. iliery Il-e ti a ne tir A ,1 l-:l-Iiieor- «d C............... A- 1<1-'..,.LitAtxTwicecl 4 ielu u lot i f qrera, - ...le d 1u,ml. Haio, .1 oi.tusù vcls 3710 E. W Pl-'alitirit w f t t. te 2 ÀHUt uit Oi,l1 itoeU% dds Lu Uitierty 111. -....... . .mm il 15 iieritt ti Ai .lre littr Sut i W. ......... c ...m U) Mt.tter lu F--Lt lit?-.1bit 2 Heee, dd'tiî LtW W-. kegan dil.......................... -71 7, J enrtie KsE. tW art t J YDoylie . 5j n qrae&n-« r & - q, nwqr & n w yr ffli-r mtti4-il (e. R. K.>)îed 1s»e> LJeheuiàe«ft- L . . AA.isiL Pa"ne, i.neqr sac n-dU-LIl d. ' hm o W.. C. Creiin bLrdia EStibad. u,,iiv4if tparit 9,t1I.Iii O55-1-l W.H.Smitt OctUt A. M.White Warren WllaecW fet10UCari-led. Spailurd part a..t4r te qr tiee-j0des cil......... ............ Tisa. Diesi& f atL J. C. Esdm1.3~ soselac -4 - , .4i- ac -dl-h iwd ... &mi0 %fster iln Chaitory LuEnd&i DeMeer w S ne qr t-o t2-44i deeli u 0 A WORTHY SUCCESOL "Sornethlnu New Undjer The Bun.1 Vol. I feel t &il ti; LitI OR.E GEls EVE, ES Lai WRIC Lit lainaes Dr. C Office' Boui Liberi Dr Office 7 t10 Rasîlen LiI Bravu StaWoitfoled Apl 1898. W- Hy Belafre, 2:211 (full brother ta e Ie Chismesaire o! Abbott, 203j;) lot Dam,1 *e Mmi..B., dau af Belay, 2:28à; by Natl- OIt Wood, 2:18ti Id dam, Aliecia, 2:80; (fulSlishe Iltg ilsber t. Aleauatani, 2:23;) by 06eoge au Milkes, 2:22. trI dam, AIma liaten ve (dam i H vitis.tandard ebsrdi;> bl at i Mambino PtbnPt" al vi mate a shot $pea ica I gevoal farm us User an i!Dey, MI. WIlli b.lilmitl ta le alpprovel mares- h ann ail Service Foe.$25.00 ho cel floney reiunded wbs ares o..-prave f n«motwlth foal. pûO For ful partIoulars addirema tuIl J. W. -LU'rrRMtL, 1 a Prairie Vew - . lloa %41114 441 MNbglA* nIae M Timo HL Fiel( $ttd CH Loni Att V. Saue& Sn, -- Illinois, Long Grove- THERIGH TPLACETOUY Grocries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Hardware. Clothing, CrokeyGlassware, Wall Paper. .Paints. Ouas, Patent Medicines, Bicycles, Pumips, Seeds, Etc. Large Stock--Low Prices. 16 oz Pounds-36 inch yards Your Moneys Worth Every Time. GIVE US A CALL lvanhoe Items. mois 1 If le 1 U.0d j ý 1

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