CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jun 1901, p. 1

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fETY INDýEPENDJ T4 Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, June 21, 1901- $1.50 a Year in Advance. Vol. lX. N'o. a37. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Our Prices AI RE iiotIligli -otîlsierig what yotl get t f or yoîr mofîey- If yoîî onu-r a siii t or pair of trolls'lS of lils pliîî ktîîw tlwy are lioiîtu'stly muadv lt' )tut ' -MW ilsop" work ii Tilîttîality lillllwâYI coIiititllt xiw tilt, thprice and îîîî îtattt'r ss l tr/ itu-tlit-r yol o(rder a lîw jprîivé- gar- 'u-it or a high, pricutl tille, tlîî' tuLe carefl attelitiîtli n iv'li il. We a im to Uîike et-il 'îtiiît p f - ."iai. - --e foel that lit' aiiirtwomwiendilis anud trt-tlit at aIl the Matît SANBORN & CO. ,11ino sJ Lbertyville - - Ilni. OVER Schanck's Hardware Store, Libertyville linois. DR§ Et FORD CA VIN, Wahl iocar1. ryW. t.he tm&dduulaaI S ttatt-'. u-p tal t hia,, Weca yth Statt eti, t ca' ',rti O t.tfi. Il ,eîîît,! Cort5v SPECIALIST. 3i-,vt Chro.slc Ulseass of tien and Women. GENERAL SURGERY. AiWict EyE, EAR, NOS£, & THROAT. M îolin i1î,8c SsIior atU fr"n............. Libertyville, [iflinOis. for .... Isses nteestBerin Cùtif-ýFOR THESE BARGAINS CALL ON lasesInorei 3erîn Crt~- MRS. PROTINE, cates Payable on Demiand. IBEI1TVVILLE - - IlLNOI'. Dr. Charles Galloway. BENJAMI N H. MILLER,~ Offic over Loell'DrATtTOGNEY AT LAW, Offceoer~ovIi'DrgStFOLIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOJS. - - -, 5'ittiK StOCI'. w-t.-Ka..ma1 Libertyville. Illiînois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over Trigge & Taylon's- -~Heuas - ' t to lit. m. -i lu 4 sidi . tu a P. M. Reitience on liroâdwft5 opposite Puark Libertyville. Illinois. -SEEDS- Timnothy. Clover, Millet, Hungarian, Red Top, Blue Grass, AND AL INDRO F PURE Field& Lawn Grass Seeds .tèd .r lAgd aoud9r Corn. TELEPHONE No se 01<5t 555 R LaH1.DARBY. PIANOS ORGANS TUMED.s CLEANEO0 REGULATIED. EPAIREO. -Shonliger and Schaeffer Pianos. LibertyvillO 1 -IIinols. Dr. H. 0. B. YOU NG. physiCîian and Surgeon. aasuE'l tOPO8TE IIIMN OTEL Bnîno. Gurneoo- -- ----- llinos. Dr. E. H. Smith, >&uwvs su7 - DENIST. Fo.1is. t Office over Lake County Bank iiaaibsPrise. y )1 L .ad1t .'l A L CHARLES STEMPLE, ltur:si î u .tt .AL Libertyville, . Long Grove Illinois. -- - --- rtt.io14su' DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS " Il i e a e t t t a r i u m i i i lc e PAUL M ac OUFFIN, I'Y lie îil pen ol AttorneY adCumlo tLw JUNE FIRST NQTrARV PUBLIC At LihrttYSilIt', lutIera Bock, oser 01110e OVÉS LASE <oliS?! BANK, tuit & Davis' éoe e tre bc msv ho iouuti regularlY Ou WâdnsadaYs. iroî .,.lbetyvIIO5 . Ilinol. 00 s.w.106:00 P. m- FÂLLS DEAD IN MIS FIELD. jaquies Monoghan Expires Mi hile Folloviiut(cultisalun. 'riicsday aflemnoon James izonagiîa", ail olti rtusîilnt tof Ela townshlip, tuil fi a fjeid on bis farîn. a iett I" ll"Ia hittftcitltivating. Wilh bfislm ilteiman, James (jiitbOns, Mir. iluuaghau vas, cultîsatlog crn and tventy mintes proviens 10 hils tieath liMil conaplaine te Gilibootif, as tioir team passoti lu these heu. that hie hlat a sharp pain over hbisbitart. A fev motmentsafaierwatiuilions a pon iouîkiug acrosa lte fjldtti ttii!et Mianagitans leam standing Idie aid toilîleinn ttthlng cf lte driver.lie filrriedtie1the spot and jiîst tuba if ltse eiîltlvator fonititt heItagedt man lyîuîg an tise grounil deail. Gibibonsa stîmmont lira. Miitaglian andI a nelghb,)r andti tîer Iiv me- movtîi lte bodyj to lte.bouse, lita Iltty Ctoroner Baver, tif Waikegan, lu titi atiastict' ofcf Cunon'm 1'j ano, wu.,i ti tiedl. Comoier Baver hati Home ii cuilj lu couvinclng lira. Monagban aund iemriteigiittrs a',iiqt w as ilocesimj yantibaill ta nusiuit t'm piticalij that anti l itbeld. '1 linY baila susperstitions aversion teî attin,- iluesh, but ilnalij viten assîînîtqi tht botdy w ax nuit li) lus iatilst'd tas t1la'y l,elievt I>iifvoniti bei tiîey agrend. A Jury ..Iljimting of Athur Cook, fornotan, 1C. A Apioy, 'I hOtn. Gary, luthil <'tauas', Fi-sokCooperanti'I'. W. >alî'y hearne beviteocti sud endiereit s verticet tiifle vtet MOnagitan îý'mî fit fils tealt iroin eart dlanautt Mnil Mouaghan testifleil thal ber humaad hati tissudoctoriu or ii-tite itîmpliî itor iDiyeansanud onIY litI 'utîtoî hati complalueti tif feeling ptttr)y. Gibbotns, the ilireti niait, iorroborated ber tî-uttmoitî. l>eceallnti va C5 jears 0f age. .'j chiilireti survive hlm.lie hallI i,ý u ns lamai orl120 acres near LaIe'i Cannera for tl; jeans, andti as a hart vorkîng, iiusutriitus farnien, tunt vertaill' respecteti. Lu ucli ion Treasurer. Lakts CotnljDemocrtas ield tIhel tounij convention lu Frank lRnger' omhle, Viaukegan, Moutiay afteruooi go select a nom miee for the ofilc t county treasutet. tieo. F. Lyncht, o! Liltsrtyille, vi uuaninaaiisly citosen lu make the mui lIr. Lytnch teaua gond a man as ih dtmoctata could select, anti vîIRacu some republîcan voies. 01 course au Sapes o! eleclten a"e iiSut etsiiiun even by lit. Ljuch, thougith bovn] ctipsbly 1i111lte tofftietievett e P'assiinPlaiy III îîstratetl. 'lIte lss Pnflay utfhihemammaergi la3 lte graittifflt and îimoalpoptuli retigionsit trants inu liat higitclà 10 viticit -,liteu lt"aTAd vi>tadif lmioug. ri>erefîîmc thî't leaîîtif pictortal atlory la lte n4ost attracîl, entertaininent ujion tbe platturinti day. ItlaI as reol aud as faeinatit su aatualtrtip ilsel!, anti viit t caljorua i îtevsthe Ilison of heing tth' mîist tii Ihomn nb,, snrmoundi Jesis intathe aMMeltiof isazarei B>ethany anti Jeruulitt is ettmlîlele. llýi 1the viliagets o! tihersint gau îii i the uotiats o!Basania, theoleattolt uroutedlng unt: vcti lu toperform overy tenth je [ie. Panaioto! 01the Hvint, oul; gratitde anti aht a teaiut of igions Intruiction.'lTe vow t iteeti regularly oliatrveil for t60 yen. lus. J. It. Macoutitulia vitose Chur i vis1 gîvin. Jiati7, l9(iimasys tl te Sqtiiy outhîe IPatssion Plfay'Ouglit ho given in t'vcry edurci. It in diii ent frOtaithe' lgtai stereoplit leturets ait iaudel'tî Messisit ta mroi ,alsalitinAmmy dltty. Te aitosev lin gîvîla a fct the1 00icbunchi, Lit Lys'lile, 'îuirsday eveuliug, J unît lh)il. Ausitices M. E Choir. Aditiuî, chîttnet i iiter l1t yt Caleiidnns' m r1902. Thms lof uthIe biunesapubliclu cio lemiplte 1t.4 sulng caleittiars fom are hereby remîndedt ltIte IN 'ENsoEtT eau supply tIbeto as Cbeîa al iit as atimtîle desîgiîs as t lîîîdy tan. w e eet our somupiesi !ew tiays, auivilii guaraitîtt ei îitr'limetr toexaltie uneosfo titt1iu, eu far os ve are cîacerîîeîl yoou î'tî tlettipiate Seodi ug oit os duars tht' COMtitlg ver, gise us a î'hi t, lilgure with yuu. l,'uiitli ti, j iiI'Celelration ivaîlauîîî Lotige, No. foi, M. W. w III Iii iiiaageiiiii e iii t ime t-oie ti,,,Iutataiuouid Park, Iiamond LaI 'tl uts'III AIiiresies sy C. 1'TI îect'r, 'fuit Wiutegan. îles. 1). C.E ttun, ot t 'ottiul"(atand tIles. Able ahciî,ure un thc pnugraîîî. A1 gjtîtu t' it iti' îal ptirttand ti aI i'totitsyl tale place. Danc atternnooit anudeveting. Albraes att aiturîieslta have hefflt sugi plt lspelîtl s'uîuîn4tiîa; a in. 41ti f jîly Danuce. 'rliere i' viibita douce at Lie Park, flot! Day, Jilj 415. Muaic Prnf. Smilla's Chiîcago OrcloI Graund ilutininatioitsud lire wv Dance commences at 7:30 p. m. kintisof o!tesahmenls serveti ot agaontia. ik-E 'J 19h. Ive 0, Bring ary ed V one ans. âa (m) aa .t ut-@Mal là se Wb l e3 -7 Whnt the superviî-ît lid. At tboir Jou meetlfilid lait WAUKEGAN.' Are You'-Prepared uew ttiing or taro. IL utt 1vt iled af tt a. F rRt e H t D ys ter tmone ditteusstion thitt t1i,, toiauity > utnt tîme ta parchas. visal; jon neei? meas ln used of nacre fin,] tatiif t liig lum i'J mi lWatt te.appoiflted Am- IF NOT I@, fino% busInesa teogave moie by buying bers? mtut'd thora calint s10e hty "Ibui i mtattChef ,lc tyMjrFur AIV~I~Cange tht heVy dies for some light, afj oe"t*o plgtt' titrougtotl the tir îe tilt -Mon îd 'f "cy" Myo 'nrWWE15 * T I ifI ..,y7WASH OOODB Our linelmrpasas My ervitt,)tttconcelved tire 1t,,,lof 'goi 9 reabonta.t afltet te dbol" anti rit-iiiiently '%.Iuet,.tlltv't.ry pretty home wed-IN T Replace hsavy draperies vush dainty SBlS or UMISULNI îîeî'oastating muy inlu tang out a ding o! 'i tiday eveniug occurred at W HY N T CURtTAINS? Our lino la Canoti adod 0 th b.eot alate license ($5( a ytlu',aî tiittgouettehtomtte tof Mr. aud Marts. R. L. Murray complete ever @boisa hors. loto lte canatlj fod , . i erm ili Aili treet v. linthe latterasBse u ewln fIUU losing op. To Ibis cutsoinutniatee, Misti Emma Storz and (Georg.:W'W HY NO cb(JflINYX oRur heavyholiai d Oui nvlin te teUmmya conslttiug of Cartielt, litiatingtofl, lrit clari evttt'nuteit ln marrlagehy' revetion.1, (irahami, Tiffany and il :. a it the le. J. G. liggs. W HY NOT ReisS T our hssavj UN1DERWEAM goe Jmll pointaitti 10act vlh ,tCcAttorne'y I ocsîay the dredge completl]t hed Ils n, o toies and amles t im ul eSueaflompe. ialcot lu riinifg to lainîd ligS vorkat flite harber. We now have a ln 1assadsye eltm lse aos keepers up 10alite rack, !.,Jiniet- lt ehaîo lent widie andi 7fooat de". W HY NOT l"eplace lOur hsavy IIOBIERYW.eoansiaom atlylu truiu a 1w h nil.lar."fît ortlnar ittat au eter itltDO met 0f reliable blacks and faay goods. lottelits couuîj treanury. trtoule. 'lierauvs ta laen out 24,851 To appretaiate the proeis. jon muai se. thoem. It watt alovotaitbtanari Nt eýa ocw (!allteyartls fttr tt vesterntcomps.nj taitie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an for tho Sue'li tîi UtIaditt i itiîty fi) front of &Le It Wlil P.ay yolu to buy goods of lis. Your Opportunity tflot extctI $10on il' t:lItit dock, Ail lotîlit 21;,-,1yatrds vere to choose and the range of price is i-ver, tire latter clause sîýt acîkl un ltitt tt rae ihu hxiesweehraot air a spirit of ievitj aiti i iîîîîl y $10llitl Iiotgete ihu ta lehrehraot will overthe ill.At i :lit 'cinet lil"day afternoon Mli ao v e r, ftheil . ai] M isti iiez H arvey, cdest dan gtitiro f0 Mayor luero! Wiîîl.Mr. g i hoMr%. C. W. lUarVej, vas United tinderotood as favotingtie. tpropottl- i araeb .0 r st ila tien, filwaa ot l o iceîttai arltg y 1 (.lllgsbWila fltr tforlsate oeurta Lit1isurce, White, of Wiorceter, Massi.. formslj f,îuitan lulit cout ttt uuareofthl, tly. 'lhe ceremOnj took place liai'r <-1fur anogsnie . rmit a I r at the landes parente' home on lSouthi exS SALSEDNV B 0 for purpomeofo!sprlnklitigi tit hboue ?hrallodat atvtesdh A K G N L IOS EIMN O fiaio.TItis lra eseeii the cîttîre abouît lfty perlions. A K G N IL NOSTLPH EN.lo square lmtla bo soddeui ad wyl re- l'lie (icîlescoestreet bridIge le &gain quire large quantilleit i'.tr utîvu 10 trotie ansd the electrlc cmr are Somo $2111ttlaie to han, I ttr tu the allowed lg proces Laover lte structulre Supervisera hy the S hsMou- sud malle thei run about te buuess ment Assoiatioi, t liili the dimtrict. Ibe structure la nov sie Bloard vili erect andi itîtaitai a a sit-accordlng tlufIhe engîneer vito buhiaitCâ vators Farm Machin. atbletou fence &roundtil ti'moatnumtent charge of te repaira. Itla snol so iocatd inte square. sale am s USw bridge voulîniehobut vîli bîcw<mjsry of vr The iBoard entelltil1:,;tItalvîntroct tast a unumiîr o! mars. Company ta bat lte Ito îaty itultti- hief o! Ptlce (reen ad Assistant naya Kakes clescnipfion. ange for ton yolrs, ut $1:Lia eair.'I le Chie! of Potlice Tyrroli raided a poker ulitures yl hoc put lunii,-iatetV. game In a room at lte tsar ot Rubol- 'Ielepliones veto orti' rIi pti tir ie sk3"'s taIL001oon Mtînîlaiglitl, arratlug Icircuit cierk's, couoîNtig md anti îît ,iyersaudti Io vloes. The Have a good assortment of buggies, eountj troasurers office, meu vers arralgneid before Justice road wagons and surreys Weisas about 11 p. m.. and the playerswthrb rtie fyo City andt County Callicrs Cilatî. were 11usd $101 and cents each. Tise wt ubrtrsi mou gave theoir names as iollows: wn hm ..... A clas o! cousidertîl't magntude Peter Drehert Atour Trubus, Charles wat____.._..__.. andtIimportance t lttcttiitg tîtweenîQae adàk Mroa r.utcecrla of city ait inty de- Qae n ieMros partutenla, declare oXi. îa t paper. Wuea 11bSiolAoutant My prieff explain the large number n0 1l lBaail on acconot of lite filet thiat boriored theln Alima Mater Salurdaj of machines and vebicles of hes tice@of !~ th a uit St~ates and 154sîrhîng partîclpated lua thedth ai e wes Atorney Talcti t , itgîrativcty asociatlon's aunultbanquet si tise ldte utfw eks as speakIng hl t beir ttat idît off, or, iaptlst ehurdli. Itlelano tilsrodîl te Ln. sas thesgeuerai reueait JI, it mîgbt jîtt previoosemiroitraffaire te saj taI a teas vol hosW. Iis vas b> farthlie beut arrangeati for re Mlayor Fluer nomtu I te ago bîueti Yeats. 'lheprogram o!1 tomae vas nyan C4altethCisai 1nel ciues o! ail kînda vîthout a iquestlionn oltsebotsansd 01 10zJ . . - uloe ed slioald b. lieforo Police trnit lnlterosltiig luttthe carserof thlieL id Magititée Pers(ita andt hat City At. aussîaliou. Smnitlla orchestra fur- las tornej Heydccr stutulinlueticla cam atie ibîtImalceandtia10Ils IraIns lte prosecuts. l'i it liai ILlacellu mince. gradiviattis (t!the local Sool fihîsi t As a reutai fitîtisiii st o! att tlic jus itîto the dliutg ruentasti9 oclock. lices. vlthauit ,tN, fti(oradrolpsal ioff 'ihe tables wsrs la8tlljdecoraisd ln au as complettly ilt thtey huitiitever tht colora o! the ineumlng Cislai e t illeiloffice, tt lit' "iten aAttornet'J'l-ait d uwiîte i'lie liaptitsl ladies Ladt COs cotha al i t rtrimetileratiean cunits t',barge o! tilc' ianqulet. am tudevole 1tt'. a, V case i's svî,'hare l N e s . ul dvaoat i îtîeanii, Fiiiy lftchii hundred Wsukegau r nod ra h fui W ~~~ple nmet a kefloua ppoIleflAelnor a h ieicithoreceasi t ex. ltra pay frittla l i îda.y afttnnîoouothey isjgatheretifIdesn i ee ta eua- atm.t i hs s h tia Itueltotoshort' 10 exteuti a rouslng i kic'k c'actes. wlcoilivac1tire Cicago l'roms Club. The the If tais prt,'. irI'cotinues tfie iremm tititianîl giesta, lu ail abouttI aeagod aityfo whh osec in HStes Atterri(-% aill 10veta ctc loir ltictri iiiadrcl people, liit Chicago1haeago.vrtyf m ic t Blt tthekoresitr, I t aasndt cîuton boiard te fhaanisomo Steamer Nort- and at prices are lower thaiî you can cltkt ecrcr.ig udt tau end am1riaây afterrtuOnai 3:20 o'clock bîîy Rame goods for elsewhere. .. .. . .. ti pproxluaatly ~tt a jear. Stiereas saId arrîveil off port a litho afler 5 ho receives îîily :it11t ouand ielufeso'ic.Tsbapsstltemu f ( rmt)0îîai 'ît'mkig I lier' bhattor sud flthihng tag veut ont 6 bar t60iround baliser laeS net .................. 1 73 c f $1 ta ens t ic ljsai oîoyOa()certain lite cans. Thtetug tirev r, 6 .4....."...2 00 ýro! lt5 yaraloog tilde fle big steamer aud 5 "75 . . .. .........*Z7 r luIi a conavermitittt rt.garditir îenun- Cp .C rw nomdteCto t7 o!r usuat procceetiri Mv l 'alcott esit .,(ittW C lrw nomt h lto hatNt................ of aul understauti.i %lî tî. lm dontc~. ifcaptîtin of!tihe lîîg tihatho vas dri,- ?ancy <Coton Siaft Note,11antud................. te- Il ee eni eoe f1wnrting li8 feet outealnsd vasai raldtateCelebraltidWsguer Tes= Nets, por pair ............ i l assnoverbitmuti tt ittre. I i v neiofrisk cntsrig port. Witler tse boat ira. ths Ciilatc:its mfatietSttvas ualale tonacotnt o!flthedepuis of!pDse falldd-fe Mp bat cases andt uit gtt ty tees." .ae ets terîspyot ondet, fi lie boa iJlu te mattler"fthe usticetsrs, they couli utat cleori.olthe boea ttare ail vl uti i tot~o i nag t u u nattetiferesyfam liltavetroeuble FIy Horse Covers aud Stable Sheets. iou patlenlly fortin-it age 0 conte. 'Ilits toIbase ent ftitte dtJkVia the lUfi tispendont îî uilt tla'i-t ý,tlrt vîîrk for a t! tt rs lb wiua lvlbo artlijtafgr )atFancy Hammock, 2 apreador and pillo ....... .....I$121 viii u adhuii1ven.memiicts ihi cotuti have rscelved lte Have a gooti Mexican HamMOCILai ....... , 73 beer-r ittse oe iviîimarks îtf stetînotisgo goneroîîaly pre-______ 17 eqnallj amît g tiat lot. Nov they parei tîr the oliil. ar@ claire andif ,i t uscloitti'y apparent Prtîia Chi ta Mlwaukee lu tvaC . AS R that fi l abu ait 't tt'i y nuse sidl d ar-. iota r onatd tbirty m inutes hy ez clety Ol rangement. railrial ai lie a posblilllj y Jan. 1, ai.ti. coriig to plana of lise nov aWho The Relutliiiii Conventionii. î'îiî'aguî, cuoita ant i Mlwaukeea l 'lte Iteîuliî.tittit tCtuuu EIctirit altvayCompnyOjincorpot -_________________________________________ iND.- ai Llbertyvlic I tlias' tromîlses 1talie a atetd Mtud inty WVisconsin. Whoeu plyamte altair. 1-, tter candidtaes for the uectric systent vitbliIs counso- TO h ( n u y C s t r si teofp eoljiit Tesrr gfl flotns la flly ievlope, Il ilI ha The 20t k t r a h S o tna unaxpiredtin tîrlau Goan. N. Orlîlley 1ittliiie fttr aLi amuncr 1t akie a car Wonid celi jour attention "ibis veekO tory have btent ta,, Lii I'.li ,tougit o! ('o11rse at al mo i LoupI4tip stoof nIthe umrêdr«.W aeafl auj a --dtienthîrse' , i tas failte tilie \,ithtItinî Etevateti railrostiandtia fines unorimoni, an ev gouda. et tU» 1. ifspriiîg. bh' i, ii ilitiiit'i' t outs anti thirtlj *, owingflpria..: ion- IlIsNîlot l i,'tieri- mi lb.Ini, ioa,'inîtr.AfIn? yogars nifi1ub- Ma'sg su ad Dravae....SOC a aaal talleu cotttiif niii i i)t1rtalice, buts evîr, bitig thiai n'essary conncecton O! tise Blr«mSi n as polticiest i i astoue ahet f,,Cu e lîîtoîîtidltitwaukve BlIctrie fine ..Dravurs.............. 51.00 asO short torii, ttrt(tiutniy $0 amiu,-lu oar'Ift alikeala aMlvaukees la 1 iseo1N BalbilUan a i. valiates NssiotiesNt si4 îscctd as a iect'ttri.thete r lgtedoexvaMa's Derby blitetiBal- w future caîilltiti lîlr lite ofice.tvA wlal i'11 i lw er lvtei**brIggau 8hits and itra- eoutîy titeastaier î'aiuiot semve twso sia te ) ttt itltaiLnusertîle tracks of lise Drawoe ..... . . . 52-00e a muai st, eatie erht, tt,, tteattot eru ia i lwitiiiikee ant iHt. Paul rail- Meas Noeailk ifibhod Bal- ýýak, casie felai, te shrt er.briggaht Shirtsa Md lfej- faitis luiailunlita- ollitlats ianditfat rnte lea ti ]flue viii be complote Draweora...... ...... 82.00 s suit et ile lIretiatia ittiiti, ve ielnse ttere i n i 'icagoil, 'aukegau anti vust itl lieeoi oafii1 Mr Gl tîylia., bailditng otthe nov line inimttcleinvlic âl ,ite Ibough, if tttt'l,. la,, ieillsecune tit(t 'iioi thes cuinetitîtlîl vIl. II wrappern; oe, Ditszk Dlne ciug~~~~ ....a.o liî.glsun y h ia..esîl i su r. b pn.Ino pris------------- ..." ýwqwwwwwwlwwwýli

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