CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jun 1901, p. 4

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y solil, 1908. ltT'a wKoY. ltNatsrd ut the poe-ffnze ai IIrtrIIW.. 4 l1nais. a ran.elsmater. v £UY 99 TIW U ADE UOVN ON APPLI. G011501. ~EguButter Market. 4e in Bord af Traie v~'u ae t 19 oeat». Sales or lallek $872,0400 paunds. Butter a 7Wmo181 cents. satermAircl, chairman Ort hie Sepublican lteerlug Commttee Of the Sonate, uhicli liasbean crodited vîtil t stII l.8n tu0ignore prpeadent and MlM caluts a1 ranklng enataislu fsin oer thle vacant oliailinsil spa th.nelt session of Congass me the story la ridicolons; that the oomaitte. liad no sncb right and that 84t raultiug Benator on the several Oanmimttees wonid gai every vacant etirsnhlp, oniesu lie walved is ffl therete. Thsis mema 8make t rumqne»bly certain that Senator (tlion uSA go tu the biad o! tue Committee on Foreign Relations. Bentar Allinsan dom nfot tblnk Bepreeeatlve Baboock's dea o! re-c mcaiAg the duties on steel producta An ader tu it ut the steel trst, ila a, athanghlhoieadmIts thât t bu elementa calculate t tamateAit papular n8 first glance.. lpeaking of Mm. probable action of!thie senate, le aid: --fi tilatari! malter cornes baoe h. e nte. us sAli have 80 go aoi rthle natter very careinliy and m ieher Mr. Babooctas plan uli 0011.08t the evil lha eets 80 remedy. 1 dolBuIt thi Ik t lasa question 80 liet aiSieloff baud, but 1 a&Wado Do; tIMk Qth e t arAffthman-lunch t80 d* Vitil the trusts as Mr. Babcock1 The Ohne«e Minuster 80 tle tuiteda Shi. bhm beau Vary fartunate lAu Malatainng cordiai personrilrelationsà Wfth bath gaoyenment and people qo! " homantry thraugh ail th'trylnga dom l n OilnaJi a tt luMe iltue ai s09big kbag mademurne Pa.oeai frienda An tille onotZy thai Mr leprelentatlve aofm foruigu emirtry ever did before. But be ins »Vu Au a ai way to mate nmreA talet. 1161aistrangly opposeded 80 $»Wemoatlmmt by Congrea» oi the Chine. Exclusion Law, whiicli uî alisebY limitation neoiMay, and lae 40t«agsoume Try bolti wire-pnilig ta iW*mMOO lenalore sud Itepresenta.. Uff l's gainat rWA..sletment. lHa may ésA 09ttupe plâjing ultire. lHe 10uouwsu th. Ezceouive branci tW it"Wpvsrnment anud la very ciearly Q2tgig i. lergits hen aeeking t80 Imae 8the legilatîve braâci. 1 E MTRL MUSINGX U1Ù* mtug lever,.! bad breakea,i mooom.0euat bus t la"t gatten Atoe TPheBufaloal Expoltion bau givea us s lama One tiling vortii avlng-.e »M»that vin stick. Doute, Who lodims 80 bc Eilil r-, Ilîl probabiy not depend 001110aMe*" for bis food snpply. p #$PUm vYu. oai Sth, albeau bshe.iiegl&gain. If tis happons a M ai.e»ttA , lhIable 80 prove TM KiEng ael the -Amertean stock- 11IgObIS have mes, eaec probatly ,belngÀ am -eailmaw ud by8th. e aletofa& the atheai Ilus ainsa! fPieudent IMcKlniey a ORIP69AI8 111Page ed"iral i the@ Cee by rtuingo 0b. a candi-t d&Us I lIAtrd strra. El». Douas Au partly riglit lan uppo.-t 1104 imselithe înesrnlatiorn of a UMa&Marotaier t.,.l8as neElijail, bovai, but Bsame sagsssant. à Ihu th"t Chinea à«.Bad bhm lujo, MUMIpay for iW TbInk 01 psylug1 URibeson 8he ingeilment plan for àa yM»otht am laready been busted,t Md Yon wi!l b. able t80iglîz. liar9 lesmulPrOmnent Peiitlclans. tu- el»uAn beuataza Beveridge, Fais. bu*% Mmd M.anld (overnor Odel IavM hlghiY commended tii,. ireaA- de«411118OtIo la reinsiag tu stand for sPEOPLES' COLUMNI M ~ AL-prmAIltersanmd springvra. ' 32ÂN.Lbet'ln.m-tf-d. ~DOULTRY-sfuîPlymouth nRect. EY-- JliYSB ll4,4 Y« tOe opâi fectly OWI-s MU au y« au hn on i pAu drap." Par a marnent silence relgned supreme. thait a mai axcilin exclimed: "LoBai dbop. mAser." lu wrltAng ut> a vedding the reporter o! au exafl e d ofithe brAde: -"Roi dainty test vre eneod lua spair of slppers thatresembled fairy boot,' butItie caielees printai caued thé pper tay --ier drty fot uer. enaised An a pair of sipprs that resembled ferry boat&." Lmrz euholangil. AgotatIlangh te botter thinmedlacine. Leain tatest> yonr owu traubles to yanrsel. FThe warlin lî oobuay go cars for yonr ils andI grrava. Leain todo aomdthAng for otheit. There Ais alwaya soame- thing thlaï;yen caen do t80 mat. otiers bappler, andtietite eaurent vay to atta n appiuss for yaurnell. The billieus. tIrai. nervous manl aunaI pl)aWfor co tileon ririliserstOe f(mus fi pour trali F. Il. Lovait. lbemt- villa. Exchlange: Why lm a nevapaper lite a *Dinan? Vsrlons anguers may b. gven, viz. '-Bemause iClebas go have soone oua 8ruanit.' Because botil havet80be Inaun 80 be upproited' -'Becase t change@ Ahe dresa" But the correct nsve la: "Becaume every min abolnd have one a! bis oun andI not ha runng ailtoi bis ueghao'a." Fhe musbhroom seeson wilsaon bce boire snd a few sortIs o! adviaoand caution namont ie ot oi place. My* an excilange. Poisanous Scadtoola are often entaen fer muabroama, viil fraqnenhiy fatal resulte. A sure vmy o! "Istnguubug the difference lasby @&Mlg tien. If you die, libey sera toadîtools; il yon lve, tliey sere not. M. JamesBroya. 0f Patsmouth Va. ovser soae gof esse n uffeoi for TaIra ultia a bai sara on bisIsfaïe. Physaiciens sou Id îot blst hlm. DeSi'e WiihEt az.l Salv. cired Adn permaaeniif. Y. B. Las £mi.. lterty. ville. A Minnesota paper telAs o! a toucher lu Lyon conenty Who, ta pie- vent tardiieag, offerod ta tIsthea firs8 arriva] i et@choc]ol em orning. Tbe nemi; aarulng at tive c'clouât a number of the yauing men soeeseen roosting outhie fonce, antI by 8:3t0 a&l the îmallboys andtI tuadirectoal uer. lanevidence. File Snez e 18i aand sas beautiu i as an angel, as hhey &Il are. Whao souldnt rocet cu tint sciool bionne fonce aI iugilî' A Terrible Eixplosion. "Of a sesolne tove bUu,îd a hly herm rI.gtfuli.' s rites N.XEPlmer. o! Kînkunan. la. 'ie hst doctora ,,ouidn't oltheb runlu si 81 fiew bot Bueklon'a ArnIca Salve eatley curd ler.' nflaaIble1 fer s orns. tolila. brIes, skia dlaeaaes sud pilote.2lac ah Y. B. Lovzi., Llbetyvile. Om5aîa&aaa 1iLAaiacy. fit lano discredit ho a man in bave onemies and apposition. lMany mn hesihahle ta tata any course tint guIl cail fourtil the opposition o! any peison becasea tliey dont saut 80 bave enuemies. Thle sorîd lasfulini envions people. Home people bale a man becausa hola încematuIin bluesa or occupA.. a preminont place la a community. The worMd bai an sanmoelly hasard thie quiet citizen silo ofenda no one antI gae inl no- badys& say. f a t.hie lveman, thie min o! puk antI enaigy siolouenurs enmlty. Every man silo la feariess An thse discliarge of beis obligatioens ln tilo station of lis IlUe han oulalos. As a joko thie lquor ,deaers a! Alingion, Mss., receatiy nomîneted the Key. Windsor I. Wyman for con- stable, thintung tintt8he piaffer of aicil an ilor vould mate tie wUmish angr. Instead of taking oliense, bosever. h.o eaibtedth niad of thle churcil people, canvaaed the towu tbaeougilhy, antI ralatIop th, blggest majarity ever gven to a candi- date for 8he cilice. Nos Mr. Wynan mys hl;Ihb. ilimatle 18 bis buaAaeu &0 ru tilt thi Budzy &MmatI nalgt clailng lvaan ilbe trictly on! orced, andthe 8.miou eepirs realuxe th"a tiey mIii hava te ton thle mark. Fey are Dot quile mur tilntt he joeelason lie clergynman, mlter ail. Ecteuaa. mtrbeu@L. tette,. ehaAliî. ivy PuLsnfaK d ad gla tortures aeqil eure byIJýW1t' i lh H einv. qhi, O«IAJPIMOrý F..LovwýL[betyviie. An oltI negro Au a neiglabariug tavu ose in prayer meeting amidaif; "-Bredderlu' and isterin,' lac bea nigbty nmen igger lu My tAme, I hm. a Iiep oli upe andI dosusý-' apecel dosns-miace I Jinod do cilurcil. 1 cemet. I gel druat. 1 abat crapa. 1 amaaed udder coanus itI mai rawsor, antI 1 doue a mAgih oh uddei thlugs, but I thant de LestI, bredderAn' ant aluterla' I never yet ltmai religion. Tie poitl iauthltimet ahWuillng. hon bave Ised an aider t he b.efiot til thte pernency ofthie rural fiee dilivery routes esteblisbed ttiragli- ont thea countrysWiA b. meeCOU- diional on improveent 01ithie roads ne viipermitt he mals ta ha e griled evory day iluthe year. on nauy for the nmmm., vacation. Mi. anu Mre.Wm. Inydama moved lin tbe now houa.e reclel an sito shm otilefr former resbdence burned, tila 500. Wort a. the giade:fortis "«poallg tru*"tveu of i usant.. Av@., la pro- gresaing impidly. A largo gang ai labnier. An emplayetu. Lieatisai a sufficAent, number of Voadmo tae 9Wia on loft l.ib- erlyvile Fimday for th. pieuce ae Preepoal. Loit yen tva MM vasr occupAnt by Woodna. trams Liberty- vill.and viciniiy. Every lady resder oiflMe IrnaPur»- unir uli b.e neffl ana pessi of oui a mdlas wet. Quar A Dàvîl. lieadentaeoft8h.e11811. village df Waucanda are Anua Blute of de4igtWn anticipsln. A rafiliad sens a- aureti. a biancil a! th. Naithuestoin from Barrington, antIà a lmolhi lai hanse an Bangs LaIe laspart ai the proposiion. Weil, Wauoanda DeetIs a romd antIvilii tevelop lmb ua hirlving summer regait Mmd business center if an. la buli t rougil th. village. File iailouiig voee1008.4 duiegaie t80th. republAoau oounty onuvention, ah thle prAnies Fhndy: J. B. Allaugon. Filai. Coriett, J. AlIanon, E. L. Davis., Wm. Bergiloin, WiII Kniggo, John Badge, W. X. Davis, Y. Praline, Ilchard Simith, Peter Litoil- feltI, L. B. Hanby. File dolégaian vas inatiacted 8te vot, for G. N. Grid]eY for County Freasurer ah hile conven- tion to-day. COUNCIL PROCEEDINCS. LiaIIETYVI"LL U ue 13, 1901- Vilsage bloard met n Ipeews session persaent tu04911,lby FiaiAdent Waido. Pull board present. Object of mneting; vusu e ousider matterî parta.lning te thle llcenîa ques- tion. Motion by (lrett endI Prachiar that the vote taken et laut meeting on the remansano. aetpetAtietaers aking th&& à saloon license be refuseil Mr. EntIer- lin, lic reaansidered. Ayee-Corlett,q Gable, Just, Prootora"Sh lerian;1 uiys--Kaiaer. CarrietI. Motion by Sheîrman Bilaitile re- maustrenoe b. lad , on 8th sable. Ayes- -Corlet, Grabile, Just, Proctar andI Sherma; u aIe.Carried. Moved by Proctor and Cosiet ibat report o! lioena. aolmmiUm ee b m- cepted andI Ucenle granited. Ayeî- Corlett, Grable, Junt, KaIser. Procha, andI Sherman. Carried. Moved by Proctor anld Kaser to ad- Jomru. Carried. W. C. SAtNaisN, Clark. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERti. famrnhed by Lake (founty Titis .à Trust Co. Abtracts of Tille. TtIes (luaranteed. NUisone Temple Bldg. Wautegan, 111.9 Lama J. GUaNBI Sua ey. Jao c Enevr & W! te Un l'Ulslots 1 4 4 ia Deoril lart: L & 1 Assaî 9 Sab in Ilerfield wd ......... ... 225r00i ce,, H Burneit & w! & ai te Wmn Falrrnaa lot i Bita2 Bunntte adIhî to Lake Vnawd................... 12600 Gea) H BRueni & ! & ai te Wu, l<alnelot s bih 2 Burnet'8 add, te Lake VIlta sîl.............. ....123 ou Elian E BUii & hue te W. Duddles l'ail :-w Ine *.54 air of ruad s,, @-"-12 wd......................... »e0( Emma J Wrght & lins te W T Yataic I>1 la bikTmI lot 2i bis lit lot dl «h. i -Wdgfgts add to Làbetyvlile awd.. tic 00 Geo AWrlght & s! te W T Raton lot l bik 17 lots 1 là lil 25 Wrlrhts adt I Ltrtyvllle ,si.. 4àîus6 A P Ulwsen & w! te Rivbd Cole' t, scia us nor:s 54 n e. ai, -sa-il w,>...................... 9m 00 Ad le Bon & ato C L& MRli yi Ce atrip 1611 ft 51,1. a &adij18it tbro loitasec 16-tt-ii sîl........... ») e C F Wricht & wf tu W TRaton lots il & 14 bih il lots I9A &e10 bik WrAgAsIa adli te Lirt .. (,0st < iB Waler & vi ta tiag1 1llot l bit 2 NesAcvrry*s dde'.t0 . vAilý.. .......... ..............i îl Notice of (inardian'. sale of Real Emate. BMN. il. tLLER. Atiailsi. .STATE OF ILIANOIS, L&aE CouviT. e* BY vrlaeafadnoretalorderof tle ceut, Court ai @&id Ceunti. entered sitihe Junei Tra aifselCourt A. D.. fgi n81.Bpi- caas.tarle 8!Af fred0i OAffrParn iartaladmAo lierest latle (Mfasimidesenlbed rual eo8te. ait naled l inConnUUtof Laevandi St.e o!filunois, to-wAts: TlNe rthilteen 4Ms)roda und ix Aj6) font e! .La ne I(9)ad ton is) An he V1- taue af lvlebo e Lt. Ontilinea,sas shosu h aPlattlaiereoor le t.Aie.e cedrs011eO! [uts Canny. ]Illinois, la Book A of P"iet Lgaeà%1 si î. on thie fiat day aifmlj1 . i.àh, heh Z&Ms door of the. Caiti use u thîe iyof Waukesan. Laits Coeutr Doms t th" heur of nue a'Claek P. t - ;(aabd da;. selai lb. ninet c satiminorinland oi a is salA oui ae t liue vendue. The tarns ai said gale are1.a Provî«td ev.r n bld suA te reesî vetIfor lis t IwoFA .n #3,5-I d AWFI.BUp8 A. l'AI . 50e A 13ÙSHEL F0! Now is the time to get your contract and seed AT I.B. Col by & Cos, .Smith & Davis', E. W. Parkhurst's LIBERTYVOLLE, ILLANOlS. -PICKLgS FaCTORII: Chi-go, liaelao, lcmnry aMd Uàbertyville, Illuits; Matom, Wls. MaTIl itu JuyL UWMIS. ske,... laeautbofia.d lao eme »OmIUi rtioatO idertisementsad arder. for job wr,. Cali ob ber for'rates. - W. C. TErne Table, Graymiake. No .a OUTHi SOUNDl. No .WIP. m.etop Sunday nlglit an Signal -a. 6,M 9. M....DatA? ersept llundiy 10 7O.21 %. m.Igondays and Saturdayp cair 14. f:10 .mn ...................... Dli No.l. M a. . Daiy exeept Bunday 7. 3:01lPi.m. .. . . IL Ou p.m..Frldays and llaturilaysaulY IL *MDs. m..................... Dlly Mr. Gloaser basbeen i11 the pait week. Mil. Petars and dangiterB. o! Wau- kegan, are viating vîti Mms.flint. MIS Jie Tilayer la the possessa a! a PORYan d cari Pnrclased limt ,t. Mr. and Mia. Lannlng and cilîdren, af Obteaga, uere tha guetta ai1lMr. andI lira. Buaknam leveral day ssldueek. The mampe lsa ailA pielaillng liera, nmrecaise belng very severe. Mms Longabsugil and Mlra. Loftns are the les Who have been trîctan. Meadames.. Durge. M. Smith. 0. [Wasilburn. AInz, Iletera sud Mesrs. Barge antI Paters attended tAie W. C. T. Uf. Convention ui (mince Filtra day. W. M. Eummens buano very hIl sli a sore tinrenhtbe ipuât wseat.lis lister iiam Antiocil swu nant for tOasait lID unrsng h bînilist 80 bealbb. lie la again ah soit. On ccant f mssig connections in Ioaa li atnrday 180v. Clapler vas unable gha nil iii, sppointrunha Au Gages Lae and (iray8iate lant îuday. Services Mqai nuA îet Nuniday. Mns. Wili Ray, Who sax macb lin- pravusi, lasagalu worae. Satuiday avonlng u conael of iphysicienesas« ibid. Dr. Stialler la thea ttenulîng phlysicien, WsueIe ir. <îght sax lthe conniting ona. Mis. Lincolnî L,îat anî lira. Fiai- euee Luit and diauguter ici i 'l'liursiay mornlug for Buffalo, N. 'i. l'bey ai- pect en speud about a montb siti relatives nar tuai City aller dollig the exposition. Ail trains on the W',iscoinsin Central Ay. nov stop et (irayslake on signal1 oeept the uoitb-bound on. shici gees tiliongli bore ai about 4 a. la.J TisLemat evry goal service Indeed.1 File aoati-boond train, sbuî'b ior-9 merly IrrIved t aI4 >5p. nm.. nos ar- rives ut& 9:09,.for Ubicagîl paienegeri 1 ouly.t Thje obureh sas packed ho the doors fast Tilnraday evauing. The occasion af tIi. graduating exercIses, and muany sOin anable te gain admittan ce. Peaple came for mlles around, and fit sou repald for coming. Thea ppai dld excedingIy wsalifer eîgbtli graders andtIhie muiecal part orfthuer program swas fine. Very les fron bora vent th i asc tieu br niinluhAe excarsnu t80mli. yankee lat Ainday, alibotiglhih train vas seilI loadeh. Moat iof uiose silosera îeady fur au outhiug satcd Î foi thuepicole ho ireeport l iiura4day, aithcl net5aslMaay salit hiieas. usuel 8teite Woodman picutes. les. ever, aa 00IY crowd Iloardenithie tria ahtilaplace. Mr. andI Mrs C. K. Wblte froua Kan- as Clty. Me., ntI Mis. Julia Wiiaplca, from Waukegau, are vlaitiug ubeir biother and &letei, Mr. Alolazo Feulon antI Mra. C. B. Harvey, sud thblr, familles and ohi acqnalncoüa lu andI around (irayalate andti auenville. Mr. andI lira. Waih sare renidenlg o! liaineville 24 yesys mgo. Be As a palutor by trade andI sas at ona tme a peItner o! Johin MaîrilA, a resîdant o! thuaplace. 1Mr. WaAt 5111liecrame n-1 bored th ie olt renidenta asn oeWhot 800k an active part Anthie building andI equippiug o!fitie aid baillun flaines- villeoand sasaOàmamber îof the oid Lyeenm Club. boing thie ace ariîatheb. nd origiunal coi. peni. 'lule ijAtIdrop enrtalu aîîd cene onothie back salf sera hiei bandîswork, antI sera doua An 1175. Mr. and M@. Wai are enjeyîng tual vAsidexOeedîngly anudare Segla t ne aIl thei aId friends aa sell as <o foin Imes anea. TheAr residencé Aila IWJt Eutait hlSt. Wo odman nemorial services soe beld by Grayslate camp lest Munday lu Woodman Hlli. Bey. Stevens, sia la hîmeeif B Woodn-, adfiressed the meeting. apeaking o!f lase sio bave gone bayand lu a kindiy vay, as vel mai dmoising his berera 80 hca ver re.dy for thie fiasi, daing ail tIasy cou ta ielp ibai fllowmen. lias sortIs sery very bielpfui. Mesure, Stevens andI Buckuambasng a beauti- fnl duel, andthe audience sang "RLock o! Ag.s,' afier wblch l iiprenant pro- coeded ho the Grayalate cemetery, ubere Mr. Jerry Smth'i grave vas stresu sitihavaiwes, bilence ta Avon Coutor cemehery, sAle hbe graves o! Moesis. Drary, (ililmore antI Luat were decorated. Mr. linîrie, tht' Venerable Consul, wAio bus charge o! the coeonies, read from thie ritual, a ilynu wsa sung anîd tha company, silo bmi foîmei a wedige ar,,îînî the gravas,tiîspersed. 1. rayalate (Campj M. W. of A., anti Miapali Camp 1L. N. o! A., wîil celebrate July 4tli by gAvlng a grand outlug An Wick's Grole. committeca aiceat vai t planning ta matre tille the banner pieute for Leke cocuty aI tistAm. A brusa bandA coneisting o! twolve PlaceosîWit beon tie graund ail day A Wel an a dram corps for martial mian sd an orc'le*t;a of six plaese rAi discoerâe sweet ouaîsiî'for thle àdaniersq. 'l'he lion. E. S.Taylor,'lio! EVana$tonU, WAitialbtherîncipal aî'asker for tlie occasion, and 081,cr speakers sAlI ha preacant. 18ev. ittevea,,lise charge o! the i,' nnîal numbers îipra lIAI..prograna. thosn aeurlng a lina collection of songe. Ail kindsaia gaen .andI races wsAll tte place dîîrlng tlie day, sncb as bicycle races, meot races, pile contents etc., anA 80te sînnera foi ail of thue eraces anitatlo preaen te, donaed tby thie buasiloîis mon of the tbsn, WAit b given. A fine slver îîrn sîll be given t,, the hasnt drllled forester ternitand Ili; 80 the at drilieI Royal Neiglibor t-ean. Ail thet camps lu thle colluhy are Anvîted ho particlpate. Thera stil lie a grand parade to tlie grondi at I'iia. M. Bleaiden ail otheîr rer-ret4hnîv'xît., go<A neals sAlI lie served ounlihi grotnda for 25e, and lantly liue tire works sAlI ha dimpiayed fl) the veuncg. No ex1 pense or labor s-litbc apared 80 niake tila hie beat piclee oer ielt in Giayalate. aveu tilongl tbis place th kuown for IL@ succeasfiil celebratîona. On accontit o! Lbu" aisenseof lira. Lust, the recorder of liapali Camp, ail tiss. un havaeflot yet paid tliùlr dues anîd aasenmfiei for lune sAli psy the anme 'to Mire. E. B. sBiieri outil furtber notIce. P'AUL flAC (ltJl'I. AtWIany. < , îd t î L b e v l iii r-? 't Vî, ,t e vl5 . ' , CaPaaltian W alks1 Are the best and inletue long run the cheepeat. Feit gravel roofs guar- anteed for five years. aticpalrlug done il. i 1rai clava i lupe. newly preliared top ,lremmuîîg iîed tliah makes eobi waika î,,arly as good ue nes. 1 arnipreî,are<l <, <tiil'ortland crnentli 'icvaikmc, <'iTi. <r [ittarm, Prices always Reasonable. WM. BELL MC om(BRID0E B L 0C K Elgin, Ill.1 in Lake County can be obtained at F.'H. Kuebker's DeiYart- ment Store. 1 iact laabhiuru Croabya Flour .....i... 1 paund Price'a llaking i'osder ...... .... .... 3ý 13 baie Leni Sîap------------------------------------- Arn andI amainr iBaa...... ... 04 Su'oet Cnbî fine cnt. .......... .. ......... .........3i 8 ibnsGoodC... ........ 01 1 Croque$ Sot................. ....... .. .. 48 Ludies Sit Waîis, naw shy le ....................... 29 .white l48 Umlîria SAlIt in al, colorea ..-.... ... ..... Menu A o ît)Clay Worstci, lbIet-------------------... $10,o Strlpod (tiiay> ....................... 7 10 swn ..5l)............ -ô Se Boys $100 BIaek ClaaT Buts ..... 4 st> $r,00 BrIhown Chjeckt.. . ......". 3 73 F. H KUIEBKER, GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, Grayslake. Illinois. Bave tbem up to.... ....... $350( Almia Ageait for .~ Crescent Bicycles. 1 i cclyoti a lîcttor sabeel for A*es n îîncy tblan yoîî eanuAîuy elseulie. Xou Ali Unît thés asusrtliîo ltu if Taui AnVomtîgate. CALL ANDEXAM IN£. N'EW NOPRAL NEW MOUE WA4ECLER ahns à WILSON Se*wînos Prices andj Terme to Suit You. EB. SH1ERMAN, (Irmyziaka - . -llnois. i4aeet iul,a Filuit ( t, ligbî ir dart, 111 i Ill I ii ... 0 Blerry t'f!î', Ille a Il), Il Abs for ..... 800 (' e,it e r 1), lb. le 'to .. ..30 Teas, 25el!ta .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . 50 Ilrled aie ('auinaii tb. Ladies l4îlk Wàitlmn... . 3 50 (2ottoh .1 Me to .. ........1(ff0 MlAc 'm ltlirt Pialîtetu l . .. .... . ...... 1i 30 sliirt,a large aasorhnei, 2-l".t,... .... (00 Mena BSoîta, t, , . ...1...... (X) Boyannd ClîliIri's SuItm. MOLî asud Boys Panbîi A larger stck co!flloce mil tAct4 W. W. EDWARDS, ROYAL ROBIN, 34320. s $ t tilrd <y ARobn, son of Aiohi: i ynafr-oil redort i9:28 AXtl. rr-tord 1:12; mirs, Of 181rs,20î'-4. 'riayf, f rait, F.12 f anrgulir A .- ar)lt; A&iîcr.a:i:1 4;AxtolIl'.2:1514Axwrt hi i liWsî Avi, .2:1%.; k a 2-14; Afls Tnil. i:ie'h; 37 aLliern Ji2:34). mt (tain, N,,sktiius, ly 'rnins,. u; ilm o f < "tl,,h- 22 ilkt .Pien t (sIi,271;Star Prli-ps. 2:16%; 0,,nVva. ir 1Vj5: 44t<r,,i2;', jLtil jia,< Mof îtîîi 2:12; Prinom Hifrshlus. hi2:3; Faitklan, ih11f5. , .i' 21J<dure. HainInh,îa iAr,. alalîri Le JUiiamnt. -1:2.<y (hî'iiig., Wîil,. ÔaiU. rîtit<,,î2:2i. alr ef larry Wilkes. 2-.1:; aîîd e2 otiers: d<miof Manngir. t. 2:0634s: 147it Lh,-n-ilu, 2-S, RIOYAL IBiMfehd 1897.lia a iaasome biOwnî hirat,, i< liitii'<i Wiin f,<',.t j,i,l hlîn staîndls h5-ihands le hiandI wilt segliniaeiy hllia. Brn, #)Y Bi. V<n<- b. StI. M1Miiîn Ji Bis abiood 1ilats amareoftha e'st as slibe s,,n,, iyî1 la ta,a ijet,'ia t<,e'iiicr.'e. Fiat Ae wilhl la,'t spsd., h"IdOMaol ani 1graii'irouitl iiféiiLeý.t <-r,- ts ,ie JT,,,îif' 4 lie sL only IniieIrit.q buîf ressens-s tbvsqualitîve lui a nîtrk.-ile«1rl. Ail omares usturid frai, utihl JsIh 1. Ancifiinta orosa-,iî,vit i<Slij<is cl,'. lpairtln-_ Tnîî. ilîg to attend regalar. inovlanit otins heountry. or 'legiýotal« ofT mare f f-1isjt<I0i-itj.i Itoya i Robin son 1tâtes rlhbonenat Lake Uouniy AiriulîtîirilFir, îl, TERMS: $1000 oo t laure. J. H-. BRADLEY, Rondout - - - -Illinois. On0. X. &ss .B.I811#mOAme- PsnrgtStIaIn Most Remarkable Bargains ever offered ln Lake Cou nty. 1 will continue my sales at cost to, commence June 24th. On Mondays ail Tobacco and Cigars at cost. On Tuesdays Canned Goods, On Wedrhesdays Boots, Shoes and Sllppers. On Thursdays Hardware and Tinware. On Fridays ail Dried Fruit. On Saturdays Tea and Coffee, AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 22ï 1901 AT 100 p M. George. Battershall, HaÙWIUosil W 0 -I lincue

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