Preachers WEF ARE7 NOT But ,PREACIIERS$ Grocers BUT (iROCERS$ T HEE ae oter nenofîmo., hl)jity in On the sîub ject of Groceriers hlv. . "we eould yoîl a pretty gowiass erinIlil. (One reason for this is that the kiîîd ii(J Gî lunes we seli will bear preaehiig abouît. flmit wei are tuot go- ing to sermonize. We ji>t v. a ît to talk plaiun, liard buisinesis. Ini tIî is 'îîîîîto wili say thitt we are inî a position i b .userve yoîi exception-. aiiy we.Il ini the tîatte'î'4 f Groceries, as our yeai-s of experienlui % Ji v .eîî s an advatitage <iver tot*n1titoris iiiIii, u Ijatter of buyiîîg andî tîje firm thiat blii- v, Ip-siialways seili Ist. Wv~ have heeiî 'r t il it-i I ..<>inake'lo'wer pliiî's tllall otiiers foîhi. ' '.;t Ii îaîity of g.sxir4 atîîil the' oîîîy qtalit l... hîtlianiltis the V EIZY Bi-Y. XVild be Id.;î ut ,l îtîN m e a ersoiaitit l iten'tie'v. witîî VOIT. Our Clerks Are At Your Service Crsent Sterling Triggs & Taylor, Lt be rty viii e Stearns UUýCLOS1NG OUTr.. Lcleade Westminster -- ___l9 Pl- -l PIANOS WATCIIES1 JEWELRY C. R. SHERMAN, LihertyviII Ilîlinois. Somnmer Dress 6oods tjiii-Sl Satin Stripe Dimities I Lought Swiss Nov'eIties at a Lawns Bargain. Satines Will be Sold Victoria Lawns Batiste Checks These are ail new goods, at a Bargain. Cail and Examine. arrived Monday. -4Itt tîa . 1 Il;,' ;4 t î'r m l f 'î l 1-llll , ' i's i .v' h jat t î i hu.ti e aiq u r t 5 I j' thaIi1o liJ ii Straw H'ats Neckties Corne i ilt lis week. We're sclliîig 'cm right. Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN Libertyville - - - Illinois. r gu e t Mul vlb li loucl tails' .1 I t sUas goi.insue very 5,'sae of, Itle Wuord. A ru.lltract for Si î,'a'raetcunof s one St(ury lrlut iuitilllig 4o,50ulis becîs lutt'. Nil PIsee. 1y thle EatLsaManîs. faoutiag (t('iaPaîiy. lise struscture will b u a'r theî iiatusa plant Sslîl Olîl lie Ilsevi a8ilsSuud ry. i raiik Luiik nauccîl lutu a paru o 5<uwiîl tiim week .M ms.Malluy und j lIrIlY retliriiel fraîn thse eust aj sîgassaluaîu'k Iuii suuîîf tisir boule, iees'se8itialîiag Mi. L.'ot's remuval. Ii.uracu BIilkley lisue uetermineri to1 ereet Is tw,,u tuiry b;isîîing ou bism unI 'cr13',î' n us' (>flaiilwaukee Ave.L uî.îî hcl1,uu.l treci Ilîre store roooma wii I u.,. t'Io lus. îrsISiuiur suroula, abucve on1iu.u.ibaluy luo LItteul up lub 011l' tuuIs I'siaaî, tîcrge F, Lyniis llibvn, tiusei l'y tise denocrala as; liseir foniIt .r l'auiiiy Trearurer. l -o mnaote ls,,ruu i a u asariloe, af uir uut tGeoirge P§ a loyal demorit and wsilng lu be boalen for lise Balleofo dealuacraiey. In the Wsukegaiî colotuuWiil né found aîn seconsit of a ew electrje road proposition, Wisreiay Chscg and 1,li1waultee are tu hé c0.,seeeo. ut course Waukoffan, baingýS o 141, 1100 laeolu fPY lste"ood. A so tl Il tit'puo ~ î - mosquto -tjajý u"IA IanLÀ sue hae nlOeIarneri, but ln mosqîi t 1i11gu. c1g- t .t bi.i l",1 velat bu ilut-8es Ian eso n sd coud. est red tetMi c. t t..2,.011 uille "'11e9Iuugasouicaton bas eugendered cAil1th ggeîl, ss I l, t 1'1, thnuth-ulîl wsîlveus t inestimable valué 10 hlmu. cumlug races cf t 1w ltr(4trLti tiu r.Cl Mr. nd rsC. 1 rjý,ht Griidm %Naiikegui repareri to nocelve tisé Wr. Sud is batIi., r Wrnuidrîai'islejaguu lPress Club andi guéaIs lriday Wrlt, asprio tlî.I.. 4 tl~îWilitit f last Week. 'Iiey were sVliug, eveu Spet prtonuf la' a .' Stlilîslaxijaus sudi some 150 1 !ber boat lu ateuduce î~..î. îae arios etiztesi e re on ibandaItishe isarbor exorcises attendlanat m-11 .14<'mnienee. Mwien tise Nortilainu, ana o! tise largeai 'ment Week." Nm irt \W riglst la a and tnest passengor bouts on tise lakesq mendber oaflise gr..,tiiilîg clas Of1505e lu auglt, but sise didn't enter and Beloit Collage, Whicla i, eu.uposad (i a ii"isouted urowd watebed ber iimmer tise tai.'l"'s "ver itarogracefully Sabout and baud!for gnauaed roa isît . lge (.1 Cis"CiicagoaSthip apeeri. It la saId aise Wirt la une o! tlbse (timambers a e o oîhWtr aetrts sipecli hoiunor d. irlAnLbertyvllle harbor wstbftya oattsaats boys always curry uilt Ia jr ,,sre cithtie wafSukgnIe uttoasexplat a thbe "isssoa' n, auitii.4.'.( ith moe.tissîs a 1lîmsy excuse. i'oor aid Wan- Last weeks i..I.. cckegan' Bot tlenounr icoautysat la Lotion lu referrniug ofuite la,' tIu& Of uttisenot as "ltI'as aisefeels Sud eveu in Infant cild ot A. NS. 5,J1. r., 5son of ber tsunr o! dimtreswuaever no Mayor Waldo, sai lut 'Meansd trs. migiasimouu, as evluced by thec Waldo o! Park a ial.ave tise chialb excuse mannfacured 10 eJY[patbY a! tlseîr friîîîli. is e matis deirivo thuse Who lmpertinently ln- Of their ouly living itItI, aungliter, ilulrs tise rosi rî,aon aile wu tréatefi Mary Louale, wbo, iittir tla.' sîffring su dîseourteouîsly. It la inged tiser. of spinal iuengltis,$culaWay tasntsas oîuî guud reas5ou. It waa acaeof SaturdaY St tise early ageoSI u11Ysl isree îîing îgîoreuî iecauae ut wâas cois- and aise-hait moutisa. fi iIsiudeisuugh veillent ho ignore. ýto tose a Young cil luIlite Ibis, bitt wlaen fi comes ta thse parents only soun iids't .tlarry For Moxaey. or daugister, sa 9tisacase, iseur Tîî. tolîi man1. Who lateir msrnlad a 5"ltlr i.iYu olig Woman. lphà iswfon grief la greàtly intenollleul. Tisey R,, uot Dr. Kina'a N.w Lis. 1iL owlsh'o b"e ad wo ensandtw dsuies-rarestl iiir btsierfedat ha i. Iustal1lbe fer bey. a4 IO SOU Su, W<1jaudise. bilHliasuaasuisalria, fèver ansd the Omol Nie 1201h lig, whiie bottaiSueasd ait 1 awlm-a t> ~p$_,~~*~ ive ste bel1 YSlai. 1Ull5rtflhiiealltffl. a TUE QiTADUATION EXIaCSES. 4PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. lissesoiaiEitiGre 4 Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers. 1 IiillilSRer Js'os ut tse tUion claureis. The platform C. M. Il ST. P. TIME TABLL. w"s deeîrated wltb felrnud lowsers, and fle clas mlo Rowing Nol In Eflect Monday, June il, iQol, nt *s:i a. in. DriIting" fi White letters on a back grousd of violet was suspended ln lthe TO CHICAGO PROM CHI(A .tiearc buve. 'T'ise ciurcis wu&a 11Ud, WORM DAY8. WREK i,.1 al] thsemoeifs beilig laiton and many l)eia)art From New Depot ArrIve at N-.. l,.îo to,,d flsthse gallery and ut tise ra. ot, 7i............Ira nN i 454 Durisag a marris played by Mie$ et il* ., . ... tu lnEîbJ lalu tise choasstook tiseir 42. .. ..12,2t. on .19........ ............, a. places ripou tire platfurm, aud alter a .. . ...,. 143i._ ù:;i, t. prayer fhy 1ev. Mr. Caldwell, Mi»a M .uN.1..Ysu...... A N t ........ 4 R U.Etisel Wisuer reanl tihe sautatory and N. i. ..... 2it, 1r4IlNO.15........ .1 7si, 1 In.ail oasay eutitled "Lites Mirror" il, - 4 l! u. 4.Nu . ...........-. ý j. l,.-, main tisoîiglt was thast tisa ex. N«, 4 4i,l . lirai li.,'A , . ,,.a 14M ...2 2 p1.sil. I.eîiees of liSe are theo re'leclon of No- 139, 147 a't.4-149 1Wcri 0 l aructer. i 44. usi Cll",r',.N.0 , Ma141 ist nJl r I I. '~> Music froîn a choruis eunsistisng of N4O. schruna omJarics. .11.11ai. si1141i3i.4r,. ' flic'ulas rîm i 1ghbfcool and ounrtil Rîaum sfllowed, 'lho generous TO C.HICAGO), PROM CH,, AI.() appflalise SliOWed titaâttisey fil donc Oeiart Prom Il CDepot. Arrive ut 01.,.i o(,re ediletanng.l fo S'....... lit. lit.No144 ~~ Miss Maie Wrlgits subject Was 1.4 .... .I iN.IIYo. 1!loti'j 54 145_...... l.N. ,i. . 1144 yplcal Aiariran. Site aShoqed 1 1 N... ....1; -5Uil In :13tinaIitnaumuth uam anation adires rv'prebecstative, f tise Misis of those ho ,eleet hIml to ofce, tirs$ Abrahasm Tire Fouirtis l.sCous sg. MIss Addie Stalisîrd.1 1Il li, W,ulîties01 îparSdmo fn-1 4,1,.,4 ,, ila.. L i.- %via., over Sunday. aîisreui Amerlcan of tIse ninetcontis h- 1ll i l or otoni,,. Misa rieM disle or 1 111 ii. Li iio. 1>,04 oW.or l,.r, et (ye S i l ir L u'YY eOUld tic- consadiered an eom- AnI.l '4t1l.. iak 44 c i tEvanston luis ". .bliiug in iimsefacil hla in but Ilu Soult'141Iilia ar)-t- ~ ii, Duilg lhe "tiund. 4,4ucr ,Siîn -tise elarSicterildst of thse people of fi.l " r .4~lot i...ic.t ay eveuiug llgistnmns, triît,.a large Amierica. I..~ F.., . 4,1. ~ b.piste tre isetar tise M 1 lirsi.riagc. 'iliec"was tile subiect selected NO Ilumnage oliser itiai,- flt- uro, e l'y 11188 ltibY lileussun. fier produit- nor asrc n'y,,îî piatiig tf i, filetIse orise Meislt Sisisi.,l i...441 atiiiîîîai tl',[ male it plain 'tsat wile grosai uoiirl' îeSle wilil hse Islî nt I'T . ., lut, "vl ,entia bave brouglat greot réssultaI Milra 'iUnkie lriOifySEvignmtiîn, Weilnesday. lnéoeit r S'u Ift ulult,. exis.tensce, stili trlllling ciroum- s8 'îsstiîig lh.r sIl rMim, iiiiita L,. le postpoued lu tise S, .îjI rîday. sta4uri'1i ansd sali tfilina ils erved L,1(ils 'toiseit PriîbyteriaiAid CusiVeY&Isees Il lol - li, . i ladît~ ssall.icu0ces in briuging about 4'.iil tv ,,si .tii %lIl r , ls'i'litirmîiay ehureis ut M S. Wa. E ' , ,l,î u. a.Seievenloonts Ilinote. ,Seuii.vited til attenud. Tata l.Aftiîr au excellent piano solo by tirs. (Ara (iieliîgis .vissslsng lier L. Il. Bryaint, of 1, ., asîsag lllrsi ress an css, omi lencLie I llaulitirMrs.w. Il tiiiisizi'r, ln 1urcsaed two Iloté oa.. Ave., ofllrreifa sayented-Le 'tii'akrgai Mrs. A. B. .Cook, wil tii.1 Ia slornla cll Endtevldoo JOIJ' M(Cf)wiri plichaal anwrefidenice on tileul. 'l I i re locatcd 8e1e outeîndld tlit aflor chool lite la ulnt iîaMermo 1 .Wlofada)iigi k pî a nweiidei, discipline recelvéd ftmwbai iillr ir eil *îiauîiii" ety. Thedadjoîa.- ipp. ,loniailsumueit eneounter ln tise siruggltw4 :ger ~ filet proe lntie du t I .letyisdlsappolinlmen8 and anocesses or iite Ilitisat LawtenPetdito r, i.i.. Lil.erty- mouu dclaracter and develope laccul. .îr Ns tr"dit Ibi, be mro ltics. 11r valedictury conafated or lai Sieuat iecu lsprîîvd by int or .Dais i la'. t"k ai, thuonkmtOu the people 0r Libertyville lo- i.. riiIde lefI ffor Wyoming you slean tissus, :17 1, ani tise Board of Educaîlon for Main- ',i.',New %,,rit, I iurKilîîy lu i,e Sonse of our 1108H.i .4lu hvc lalong a publie acisool sud af faste. ,. iltitl' 1tes'Yier lroacised a plan whier(.4,I l i..ullage li5 li o taeresn preasuîed b M r, % N. ..Uî'y. uf Iýresturi is., fi, purellisae an ackre 1, i,,, oS land uf tiplom uate o etontise astgraduati- 'tlI 111 laigiLcr, itise gutist uf lber Mr. Edwin Osbornae, ( .n.,lliLg silx iecasadiud h lsegiiut is8t"r, mn,. ioa. Stev.31uson. lasutiblie graéveil lue ai,'-, uperior I rnt tbe Il b adtise faUoin M'srs. i. J. 1I.orteulus Il.;spendsng tis squlity. If la said .'ir ..reWI il r uber lIt bas eBau, Pil L- vilt voiltliber lparenits,, Mr. and Milso eiaud as lise villagp'. uîll always Iebr Mu WIlnBFauk SuydamLe. 1'. litullaisd, îia Acrora. nei gravel socis ahi . . 'tIl,( I t wO. ICIBaMyWldn ru ucm ().ir tr, visl ilicti,,'st tri ebriad ous adSvîsaisle. Lesilie Webbs, Helen Wrighst, Rail; ioo ritIl echealer tisanlise utisee. OUMEII.S WANTIvi %%NScils, Josepis Wortsman, liobert Bondj,j rl ti .TTsaiLISa.y.itETArsotirN. 37. 5 O4iSi.i 01 . v,9Charle sîBndbouru, Oscar Kaiser, jean '7-i1-1, Bay, Vlons iBrown, Winnsie Calter, MIr. undi Mrs,.film.. Guînyo, of Wanke. Wisy ln lise wuIrl.l .'thte Ilîgli. Wilma Oray. Mue Pester, Ruthi Trigga, u, ir ,i. tî.g Il rý.Oan3o n'si rother. way CuinmîsKiisar r ,'.,ofti,tl 5V'rresi 1,1115. 1ll,41" ut) fauiiytSe irOaent lbridges ove eri ofintersec'tion ofut lise einsgs prograin cloaed l wti '41 'raiwn OWULino andilt 'k 4i i'li.' aufiler silection bY tise chorus. Eacis 1-11ua I it l,1, Il broitcsfor tin need Il aud puaisat I4'i' louensfurniivleai, esber of ftliecclams ,grsiuatlng froi i'i.a.I l the near lMuaroinbiy tise Mlwîîilaî, r. .î OnîPalY Sfor fie illaSetisil received preseols of 5,104. 1 I .51.,,lu llivisng tireur111e purp)ose. If, a..... thleso o lsu i.x- lotl 4 an boouka [rom ionda. Tise ut,.. i poussive e stur t a, ' 1, 1. rsî.riite uîl inllexrri'imes w,'re litsterausi 10witlscareful Ii, Mfu.'gioliaîlSamily wil ccpyiue Ofe il i544 .1 i i 4ile lilit 1444IiilllCîutli,u suitai uyexpresaiona o! .1 ti,' t'liîai,'o liîisiln SeriSl extravagance 111.1 't i lsoutfl.u c r r itluiu euenigts ISê tre't- Mr- Mrp,i ,'ulullyed at tise niitd. ia'Ii titlverY 'Ifitise essaya were iboard. sialic riry. Fred En cic-r lita ' i (t spIagji,, 1 r.I syl . r j. icî is ,ifeand h l-street tisus oeuri .~1~34 I nr,, tt a "tuncial Mieeting alil dfor tise en luvi O'î'îk fil Mîleetl rîîunîy la. telo f isplu,(n- ,'i, cii ne ii. 1 )i . pînî.keIi1hîin..uay nlgist 0fItat week i) copect i10 returi 10 Lîb)ertyvilie and decorateil a)i ia .largtte b-, fleiivillage [lr rtfata»osr i sidio toi lest Oreet. lalit lu te i- i,, ..if. il i, . lireinse Ilu)Freul Enderlin. Village Col'tito Jll htimiy eno'dMr. Enderîs iia s îl'. . 43lis aoiiil Attuniu'vfi. Li Millesr rolterated hii 18 efforli,,ictcss t iavland Intention sauIt t.. *its m ailo,,sl fi, (. i.u If.î !a week previona 10to te a, sîlîsv, slere s its afamslylise becorne a liiit3ui,, *1 Iragîle strL et e*,cleet the 1) .uuid coutld nul refuse Ilt Il"asIe is friture i.aîîe. residentso, andîîliai, ,, , oliail , Il idrla a lcesse, isaving granteed assertion tibat ]la.'i p I , '. t.pluail 'Ir' i"aealtssg esg oul NIi .*tanad faiy remios'ed tO urderly place. 1,fatsrvat, lS Ia aenl ii'agi. tsi. ui'î'k :sud Il.. J. Boelanlok I l ptise mtialt ierWScorfn. fltI iia,. rara, 14',r lts barber A goodly 014.. 4, tiilîrI'i i leVssc, ia flnolnoeidaslo p î'a.'tedl.y r. efilei Woodmu and 1445 a Ir-11,,1s sgltiaile, aller linsI teiaierlug laslicese morfil tiseiluPrier lias icflic .1 i.rgiiaizatforua,',ll.rîleeeu'lngs vere luatiufed 'til %%(r ciasn I, fi'sitraet for at Freepurî 'liuru,,î . i lac excuirs.ionsa galliast uaaîul.y tise village, tise ciancej, ur .X.avlttil oWIrl. lnC'm trai és'Mpped iIut 4 I, 1 yvIe ,a sbîl-4If "wiilnilig out" Welvrl pour. 1' Il î 14SS i l u i iag hefuir W, il s coin fîren t tissa, , > -l. 4 I S'tuea Inîg a 'l' liv te tii grant Euderlin 's isceta 't, I. -I 4. .î' l t kft ; e I, uder streamser un ua',,i . ,i o f.î ts, U'r isasîIsaasamln ii. t ti' 5.4îri. .. avîisl twa t i b isg Seepied t.y I 'l I'oral . i 'i . Il os a tll ('1 i.î at midle out arks l'lace Irons tîsi erowd 4,11,ii. lîfitriled isuiilt.î' Seaekiausledge recelpt Of AU lr.i1 (444 tl'r Ae,a distance,ts vun utal.. 4g4, I airtel eraved isvtation 10 tise lus. o, et' it. i,. l, f lo:gini, la Sud o ore i i t "anmlcomncmn Mis. . i ( a, rk anrgelîir,.I cmm.nemeu Mod.u1 ie 'ohmlâtmn;l1 Li r'..m (.;.'y Ls eol rmtise faeuty and 'f 1. aIal' ' 1 1 I'ai, 'lho susiJcbt ,laa . . l,()ti, lla m sa t f i bu iCis Wayne Ooiisy la 'l'ro ')y M" "'3 î tId . ue Walli beday aJcbla'.. ~. irr il anieiîIne.Mr. Cuibys mal friand.s i4l',l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o t. l ia l .latîyad h atct lialr ar'., i.4.iulîtt 011 iî'reubouis will bie Pleaaedlas kno! o 'larllactillpreed n vel f is fsll laI'.,, ' 2 thetrl 04 41e lcetifSil terisaination nf hbis iaw n lIsS, al llllî.g. Mnt, tise pulSr 1'. x Lui 'Il'. lee. il, i a, 1.4dirseandLti ihlm tisaImessure I ei1.rtîiiu,,.~t as givein al n uw cnguged oniioit,,1 , o..l.ddu.uslol k ,,4i fil , .rcsy aevs ie htIay..' lla Tuîasday cvenîing, 111g boats ever 1turn1 , if41 11isliakte 1for' 'iaiigs lut lis teblugie.' Wietber lta larlur îOucîrt. lise progrnsIf tla blleîg hi't uIt , Il 1 ( r ulofaiil"v'v r nIaI O ayîae Wiiipractice luaItis Il~"rsllîîi a r unî.'sat.a. 4, .., lr ardiier ofAusi. Il., i i m, I i 35C Talila Ribbolls. AT 500 yards of Nos. 22, 40 and 60 Tafeta and Satin Ribbons i the best shades. pink, iight, medium and navy bine, scanlet, gai-net, green, brown, yellow and lavenîlor. Thesa ribbons are made of very hoavy silk and are generaljy sold at from 30 tb 40e a yard, but we share witb youth îe benefits of our low purchasse price and wiIl sali tbem at PDE YARD ~PEU YARD THE FAIR, Li bertyvi île - - Illinois 'ICE CREAM Love11 alwysha o Libertyville Nôtice ID Contrmetoa.. 1 Tise Llbutîyvlile lghwa*y OommWis- alosiers will meo t 5B d. Glycis a im, rs nortisweet of 8 o'eI*ck tb a.m. f rday, Jueulfth for Ib . pu rpea of lettlng contracta foircod work. ix 37- -d.C om s s io n» a. b - n - Illitiois. r I Bi' ut' et.ft s îsI piî iills s tuubi v «I %% lîs. t .ît a Birg:îiv. (>1w ScIjaoffiuîif. 1:111)i jea. t.ithes Ilpi-W î>u riti u. ( 'uîî,-t :iia d ilYiv t. 5. 1.4 E. ,rw.. IL Mkead 1* la Hie NewUel 1 1 mme""Mmn!" 514.1ti l s:4t il I m m DON'T Bedeceived into buying cheap goodis. It don't pay. We alwayis carry the best obtaiti- abeat a reaonable price. "QUICK !SALES AND SMLL PROFITS"? is our motto. Let us cali your attention to our line of Iawns, dimities, mercerized satinecs, pe~r- cales ani giîîg. waistis. All the latest patternîs. We also have' a nice lille of Picritines, Korongos and Prints for Wrappers. Befit in town. Cali and see 'em. Our Une of groceries is always freoh and complete. Let our delivery cail and take your order. Prompt service guar- anteed. -::ýýJUST Libertyville Illinois.