CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jun 1901, p. 7

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L A 'E Resuit of, a ProÔ,Mipt Reply. - Two LettersA-rom Mrs. Watson, Pub.-o llhed by Special Permission.- For Women's Eyes Only. March 15, 1M9. ToMES. PINZHÂM, Lvm,Mss u o~ Dia MA&DAu - - I am suftering froua inflammation of the. ovaries ad wornb, sud haie been for eghiern montha. I have a co.tinual pain snd soru iani my back andi side. 1 amn only ire. Mr en p - heu lyiug down, or sittmng n an easy chair. When I td I suifer with severe pain it tic v sîde and back. I lie- lie,. My trouble. were eaüsed by ovon vRrk and lifting smre yeai' &g'"Life il a drag to me, and I sonatînes feel lik. giving up er beiug a well womn; have bcecohno rarelesa and nnconeerned about everything. I am n ubled lc" ILave lad several doctors, but they did me but littie good. idLydimE. Piukharn'u Vegetaide Co~mpoud hms been recoinmended to me by a frisad, sud 1 hava mai1e np my mind ta give it s fair triai. auI rit tM letter with the hiope of hearing fr@m 701 in regard tW Mv cabe-ME& a. J. W AT<tN, Hiiopto.,Va. fit, salil l e t'r1. sai it, a, Am-s whceb ton "t sudt n.a,. Itt lieý tlush, avt of Ith. uRtm1 tar,' ire rt-Tit lit Iittita .~ etlt li. Ls.d ut- I t .1 Man t prtt ti iti ro u s iscailustrumntms, ai,"l ,tic i Imeeanid boukasctetral ms luiti 'leu i i ead his aisitora. Sonue peuple itiii ilc ...elieî c f leitî c eready lu aythtîlat iiiccci'Il.-to ltB i ' la>s fifleen I uîlrtunla uîghcc tii I c epc iic alieruitiige. t c e.eie if CoRe Polp u.'a it i s yettr digestion, malhts yoc nercece i' solowco nmeioued tc-luc yeno cITici iucîýke iglitsand asesagniimq t yatar y.,T j dc ýk. It slaimade of itare selerîrd gratet tien. in a ithfi niuoslig and îaine' âi ý,- ig hbassentetfthe iad effots tf Pise', Cel tm.ze. sud wesuproperly preîîae cani W Si tlîc iadront the tunit coitees,.cotis W- Sa r %hi't / as mach. Irt leaà henlthful t 1le 1,. 1~ fo tIhe chlîdren and adultel. Anhs h y>00 cracer tor rain'O. 15 sud 23c. TePet ('bina sud Mises' Lovs Companuy. turf. ttlwas erery one of y-ca sesiel "th e.yen; we vere aIl Int.e saine iiann ',t.-Phhisdelphls Bulletin. ' "' The teS plnt greCs but on bill siopes It ha.non wbcrs Ibme5»U lem lieu550 tlentie ~ et ut à" P'ure Rommance. c îe'ck-i sananbicoktot-day I ,fi'iilTu iT. h I ýaas enlitied Be itcttcîy 'hoagli tlcrried.' k 1ct.13tee tieti .> ceknow id fl.-tii'i .lcet Not 'nerf Aucioni. Prciirie,' c t glitiror thei ,a.n' hIc .rcm erlt ii cf- rac, it 'of iucaa 'tinsilu' tre fer CoasomptioninanauIn- edîcine ferrcuglis entroide.- muel, Ocean Grave, N. J., i<eb. rtugueehfrst brotîgt tes fram thme East ia the .uxteenth cen- olalmCatarri Cuir.. irnall. Pies 75 cssis. et-ýMmgOPaMms Um or togtuue. »WimV"t le uohgu v !AoePWFID BY CUBA. Country id Tel» an Ateit lt deter- hlmn titi riuied In k sach &a t cili la, lut Iîtui& '. able te iîiiorho-1. uhe qli;c telI. anud orîial(It't- Tniag li. the ai j Io Uit e antd lii 'etarth it %indy tht, lie-ai f-,r e sii U.,t ty et al TIhe repîcisive bast they- bave lunlime Philippines gresea lu tic ize ut tîme Aintrjencu ellen hawh. Thet' are tatou by île nctivsea.titugbnot lit'thosof tht lieter (t Ita '[uT e cm a. tttt uaantibLui rios arc e rrilui it liec retures. sehieb are Tr, t tltilandI ensily hillcd v'itim a phd, <lyIa sc acl part cr tht cacca- lui., n libtta cportionuofe ec aieheeu in,- ts cena :y. Heo can illuration o f theoaverage Flipino notion ufthtie Americaus. Wlieu lime Grant gsiled frein Maiu she look back te lie Statis n lut uf miitscy pris- oners ebe baccvetra le oserre there. Thcy vert mcnd up un lime wtritlu tront of the qtartermester'm depot prepsrstory te go'tg ouIte the transport. The F111- pinos loolcd aunseili cosderab. inter. est. 1t aceniedt 10the casuasi Amrtesaq to e haagoond object itaaon,. howiag that the Âmerleanm did nul besîlate te Isanlm tMlir owu mea for offeseus. Bqt e«eWe« te Fhlpinos privately 1h14&as ausd. I *at Il. reei resus lt.he m m Mbq *At Ib" wus tka t tbebd mtm PLATT AMENOMIENT ADDED To ISLAND CONSTITUTION. 97 a Vote of i6 lu i1 tise Consul. honai conentuio ll tula avar Of AdOptioii the Pro-lIon. or the a Isaturaeii.tie. Afler a short st'tciicuin Hestana Wel nt'stttt y.thle 4 'ce inlntittitoual ,'tnen- lion vt ciel tbct thie llt aumelutectt just asa i ecanda. lieadded te te tuitti: ttitoit Tht' resoîntion bad a pnt'atniie reterrcng t, Ihe joint resulutien ot Cout greas. the 'tresty ot Paris, sud the i'lart SOtenlîucttt 'rime vule sas11 Io 11, The Radicale mail,'nuocoppostion. 3uany Span. iardr. cliceit tad Antercns boped that the auîcctilertt would be rejeceed, sud this. îcrlîctî,.anuoxation wauid ruina about.itit ataed ibat the Itadisa. wemre rt r,1 veti atter lb. ameudluet hlti ein e, tpied Ihau acre tbe Cuti A 'etrcileîrtgotte provisions of tht Plat taat'cdrîeeîîî Cuba <ancedes the tull-iattea Cales clii atks su reatlee wth furctgc pwrri ailuiit the ce-si piofthie Uniced TLe t'nited CltaIes May inteesene hy arrn tr otiterais.ctu peccrce peaee andtti enS occc te n'uni', ssntâtian ot thet s3ont ' ile e d St&ica .iii slect s-elh cvas ettilo ,i. . . ua nit mac dwsr Tht e cii'11es ai111 iatm al coited tte. The leller ut SccrelarY of Bar Iluot 1s pttbleshed, l. potintseuont I bat thelo t mer resteueiiln. %vt, thlie exîtl.tuetiin.c t- taî'cd, su cita ugoIl te îîr.ct ii culTf the t as [ltith,' mrme as liaI pa-etd libtaurue hadîl eti tlst Preaident MlUtnley offldTîtiut witbdraa' the îrîoîca tnlesxte ePlaît bmendueta Ma uîorporatetl in thetven- ItitTutiou. Ih furîber saî a uat tht- ?reac denî ctaatîl a utîturinotl Tusot t ut iil the gurerumeutl a euabluiuei. W't hu hIWh tlone itîn li]]- biil dtI rtesec' bthpr the otttitutiien t'týiuaathe llctt auucnî- mntia* partu l1ilt Inuo«e theton-t venttc I Ilit ntl ,tuge itttrueer rer lutoît lth, imel'rosiiî-t cuieuld noc le. mute tieltTrý, tt. Ttitrit,-tformtteresout hua ailteret ieTiceI'luiii tî'eunnISoute ofIb th e arg'c auîiee't hathen. th.ugli lte aî"caen n utoraieeptetl a gui emi' e ltTi t iighi ici- t abligltel. Tieh 'tettlîinlnu. appointi acointt- missinuct era' uottht elcîttrel anc The îî f , t.i he adcpteitit ittthtel'lall anendrart t h le (iCae,,ntitituttttli ecnltn watarevie d a th gratifies- tion un MWauiîcngiun. Nue tîtat the <'S- bans hate de'mottraîed tîtter gîo.l ati ln te I uîii SliStaten. Irlms ru teci tat & tain, sîtp-dei t't inlîctu thIe ilan I w ii feelitta. etuîitsgettttai>' pun thete s- taitbuihe't tof eaitig(ot ruitent in l4s isianel on, t aitîtiti ti-er. apeaking ut the necler. t.iTrt.naecl theopuliniou thal If the cîher retjiitît uta arc met the seulb drawiai tf Vltuct atea troopa might ltc atduiiu.tlttrinx te suammer, sud thatl 'n tmtii dno tb ha rc suit> b> cet atani. N~EWS FROM S OUR COLONIES. luerediltle reports ut tht productirenesm ofthIe ani utHaweaii have reacisecithe Agriulural tepartncnt ia Washington throagh (;.v. Doule. scho rmetetd one cf tht pren(ipal turmers of lias u ite tur- nisi autchî'utic information un thia mcli- Jeci 'Tbis ftan'r syt.> liaalnast et - ery rpezeable anti fruit know'ietuciMin a li ere,,tut thme isutndintaproutsion. Pcp- pcrtîtct. he ca.ys. grua c ild. l"ouir crI,, if pilttitttCthavc tecu prodîueed la u"eî.'uite sanie pièces cf land wuh- n t'eceuttntis t la ta uan extra- ttritaarr.ctrei fitadm.eea beome eIîhi, len da « ss aiter ftoni g. Slrawlerry- tvit inevr fruitlal Ithe t'a r i'he bernied art' uttbe inext liseur Ittitiage grea'. ail the year andtilitapparc'uit maike'z nu tlîffrre'-n,' ahether iait i itldin 1he sirec n auier. coi ittn eor Nsuter. lPars- le>', outc ana.grua t torecer. apparent- 1 v. Licma Wlee . outititlugrese and le-ar fercore- a Y'.r" andI ihet' e gntlerrTl tere a tek afler sîurlîng tu lecar. Cttcuuiims bsar uhe etîcrs lear. su.] loteoleolarites. ci h b.a lbproteer atutentien. i,,'r fr erltra Ilaplerrees beer fîr sa i Ttcnhe Pineappies cerne in' te bearîutg nheitlhe plants care tour muatha odaildtiTbieur iluboanecce for yenrs Leteuce cuiT be piantel etai ut stie udilu dot l.îtu eic ki. T he satne la tricetif eeiory 'nI eal. cît tc. ley sInduaiti rottlel't' oui ne ciii, eaî'b ear. nrouad i en ot ii ta ied aof he mcrîtp andtluîl-dnot purieten' ut.-the aunld. "il i. neoseonîler uer sttciers ea tht I'miiicccthial an AmnerTtan spplc titi forthec goci vheu vonucu ii tthe îhicg tlimitelipcnus calcn appie.' aaid cone utftt'e btefs cf thoeLitpartient et Agrîcceltueuo as ho belli ci) fîor inspection an artie tiat looeuhelfer allimhe world ike a lemîîu tht ltsd Ieen iftt on a pue- nliec roînd, Itwansas fine n specîmen dien urleton une ut tht geverament li'nniluurt, for 6ablîtment te thteUited Staie s aN ued ib ecudIntiau nPhilippine oreherel, but t va. ut a deiietiy perish- allitetnature, sud eeu bat ilitbeen judi' citici' paclued ceulti nut havee tothetb lonîgteoyage witheat serios damage. M'hen it arrivcd a tee worm huioes aud a sutail cure sttaehed la a bit et skia were ail Ibal reranied tlutelltht atury. Our alîiera beg for tipples, real Ameri- eau applem. as a buugry man seauid for brcad. whic the muaI luscoes tropical fruitlbang ail about ter. ais Prvfr',.sa.' Hasing extended ta the Chinese priBne., the oficIaI inatsion te commit sulclde, wed hsbim. ienlsdecily, wbat methodi lie tsueled. " .A liigerlng ee' i eiie Wc tepresseti hintfor cii " ,ha ni- ahe-- .ilî cicitpi ici beVh Blow poitto.' ,ho. ucl lctî cuc "Say by driakiug îwo rupu t CfcitT',,' itOp,'l Judgeý. Bit.Prcl .%r@. Lots-Iamni thbT tman rut loer gat a mortgage ou hiii.pInot MNi. hl nes nl , li'hic "'tt'y elcea liereter tii ibo l.iî,ptriy as s pareci?"* "Beosuat it*a tled tp, si1 't TOakelrs st.ale«man. 000 WAYS 0F OSAWlING CUT& 9 New Atatic Vtsemeu Soîeti -- Aure.t.Dividob~Tbell a.t& '2verybody, 1 reekoii," sail au smi- nble man lu a sou'wester aLýi ca suit of ollkins; "'eerybody, 1 ce. kî,îblas nomue tOue or other draNiT. i ts for sometitiiTg. Chlildren draw iccits> brooma aplInt. or strawls, the bu5 -t geta It, sud so ou; sud that wa3 i, (id and failîlar to sverybody; but Tsliermns bave wsys that are a llltIýlcililTreut. -Say, for Instance. boaa'im<' ten weîît critafliabius venture Ii le.If they mails a goed catcli. i c ithat it wocld puy lu take to 1uca. kt, tbty a tTld market it sand dîridi' i c. îaoney, buti If tiuey didn't Cet euouitlîi i pay ror dolctg thst then they woult l iccde the flair. aîîd the finhermeu 1-111d take Ibeni auîoug tbemaselves foc lloawo use, ortu osii nt borne or Ùtii ,e atiay to their trisuda. "Of course the flsh mîghtIc-- i. t dit feront k lods, snd no of dîffer. ;t vaines, Sud tiey mlght be of dIiferc ' t% eigbts. Bo tlîey dInde the tlubes, If lore wes'e six n, loto six lots, as ecenly sud fairly au they eaun. But te oo ncnay by a ciolce among tbern atilli. ciil so tbey ail dratr ruts for tbem nn d Tiitakcs1 lihe pilie aRsigned to hlm b13rieo rut lie drcw. The piles are Dumnber., iloee to six inclusiv.e. sud @ilxehipmir sticks, uumbers'd Oue 10sixuecirare held liy aomebody and tht-l'ieorueen draw. and ect' takres tbe pilo wlth the numiber of bis cnt. But tlil s muud li1e the old long and aect room- splînîs. T'le more ebarsiý,tl' - i.way. afler thie fiait bave been dli Il. lim t Iis: -Six st lkaraic>drIven lie tici,' Itu h anti against ecdile drawn aiýn ecber t lte simd. 'l'en one of tîte t'lerin lo bllndfolded, sud nother ,t1h hie eyrieuer. la ststloned back -f tice row of sticks. The blindfoldcd cciiilm tlieu led aloîtg tliehUe, latter aune' c!itle lire- Ililiitry wIBlk-about. so0ilice'lie Mn ît' knom, cxncily sinere he la., i ui l lallad lu front <ot une of the sticks,'- cuiiiier uîkuown to hlmn. Tbeu s e i.ean ltebind the row: ..'%hose pilie la tbla?' -Andi the blindfotded mari-, 'llarry Smltl's.' "Nîybe tlcy lird baiied t c..' îlcutt foitlcd man la front ut stick \'ii , ..and au Hart'> Smitb taes, the 1. ut f11gb numbered lie. "And no they go @loug, hal tcg lbe blndfulded mnuIlufront (f iîcafter euother of lthe sticks, but ii t tcîklng thein lu order. sud brloglug .opccictn front uIn ob ha way tiat i1-li-mii t kuow the fumber. And no lie' I., rTioglit up a second lime and un on uc t Ial] tice piles«liave been awarded. '()f course tbere couldu't 1, lc taîrr way of drIIdIug the lob h iuTi tleu'but tîtire loiaà 'ay of gettlog arilicc 1 iJit ut aa there la of gsttlog arotittd aOiett.ay, If mten are fno dlepoed.If tic. , cimen îticked out to do lte ciooalccg t gctier, aud If they are that way tic, ci îiey 'on beat te régt. Tbey ccciittig-on e a signal that ludicates the l,ýiT cecctlice secondtiest pilies sud tâke icwite for themelvês. A aqhuffie out il, .toit ou lie àaad iy the minubelinteelwli'stick! miglt menin: 'Take Ibis uT, for me' And s lîttle cough l uglet T Tk ibis one for yourself.' "But y-ou dont ufleri ia'nîytlilug of that sort done." thc atecill4utan luthse nou'wenter sud lîlaie'iicci mltied, "for lte dsberman la preityl)lkt'ly to be a 'mnu Ilit pisys fair' l'eit York Sun. Wis& a Wotndter! L Btrd Dealer W1iictî il. Tocieceen et eettruang thal parrut e lierkeep. u fur tour mouths? IW it scte utatter wit h lm. Ciftomter W ewsI , , ln i ul u hb-iu'd 5n ait î t r DO Toue Fee5 Ache a-J Horst Sbmke mb yonr sue. s. Allen's Foot- àase, a pawdcr toc tue ft, iit makem tiit or Niew Shoea fe1 Easy. CuresI Corns. Buaions, S i.c Ilel and Swesîlug Feet. AItcalI I trîtîgmalaanti Shoe Suores, 15'c. S.mete -n .t'a RIIE. Addrea Allen & Olceail.llo, N. Y. Weil 'Naîti, Cr 'yîl . t -, alleldanun . prt'aaoiuuie? Mterritt- Itocause cia r f bis lItaIs ns tf ho laidl the i iei pa'ilette tuill tiotr Ier audtîl lcelutc ! ' ' . itiege. ~lic I' f 1 ai ,tE i ' l of Ilils Pick ItI lit Tili, i"-u, lai-tiireails .eia. sai cas, via * ,,,iT . t..t.. Dys pepsiaj Mont people cal more Ihan la good for themn. Tfle stomach tries In digest ait ltaIs put Into It. buit If repeaîedly overloaded, it goes on a strlke. Thal s Indigestion. Riclu, over-aveet. Iadigasllhle food weakezs the slormach and mnakes Il uiuahle to take care of the tuaterlal put mbt il. More f od taken loto a aeakeued stomach thazulte stomach can digest. slays there, forma gises and rots. brlnging on aD the borrors of dyspepsia, The only way lu cure dyspepsla la to dean out the digestive canal with CASCARETS. Keep Il dlean vifh Cascarets, est Ilght food spar'iugly. and give lte stomnaclu a chance to rest up and gel strong again. Pe suie you get the genutne CARCARETS! ýM webe in pr, esoc t. a.beirnadeY".? t jto -la " a ,o i .hsI,t -2'f la ualm M hos. 55555, sL ah MIpUu5 qui- lediaeovery by lb. Pol"t'ea B r BEST FOR BOWEL8 AND LIVER. 110F, oc. 255or NEVER SLDN M JE DRUGGISTS M7E TABLET "lIoquy of thse Soawdlng-HonmaMa, To mres or nostolumure, thlta ththies tIon' whether 'tic wiser lu the pauch tl ufu fer Thme dyapcpllc tcdder cf a t lîcecoumsctul- Or tu pack trunkguansd ly t cie eTir coTic And hy mittcig cendit? T liti k. Io fie, Tu go. aud hr n mucre lu cnt twt'end The muni ache and the thuettetati rigbti That hasb i. beir to; 't'it a eon.scuucmratcua t'evoutly lu lie wîa8hcd '[T ga. ,"mce. To mute e tckuctv no I ere. .lKee therea the rtb, For ln Ihat change ut roicu thai cooka mighi corne. Red armed anti grimny bandetl. lu serve tbe table, Muet gîte cin pausue; theres lthe respect That moites ealamity ot boarding lite; For who mwuuid bear the battit sud soupe lad îtrcaes. Thse leslhery neâtîs anTi aged fowls sud The roonts u.swept. the grouing hsh- Des. of the squeehy lied. Thc insolence ofcf esibermaidsansd That patient merit oftbte laudlady tales. WVhen he himacît uutght bis quick recuat By a change ut rouai? Who woaid dys- pepsîs cali To rockhbie siamadli sud lu weary lite. But that lte drtiad ot other rouotasud cols Riekena the mlamach. ptînnles tceul. Aad moikes us rallier bear those cuoks Thon fi) lu others %seckuose ucl of? Thtîa boardtng dutb miae cutcsrda ut us Andllita sresolaticu halls sud tallers. Wbile sec grosepale sud thin enul venon fenlared, Rcady ta drop luto uulimeiy grave@. -Newe York Hcrald. Wiss Do tihe CiildreesDsi.k? Donat give thora tra or cullet. Have oun trled the new food drink called (IIAIN'O? It la deliciotis sud souriais' in& and tle, the place ef euffce. Thea moure Grain-O yon gire the cblîdren the more. heulth y ou diatrîbule Ibrougli ibeir syslenis. (.rain-O ia mode ot pure grailus. ad tahen properît' prepareti Moles hâte the chaice grades ut Oaffe. bat conIe &bout ,y as much. Ail grocers oei it. wouid Be the Iteault. Pa«tenger--Wu't yuu tale my seat, l'atîr I eg of younul ci, risc. sir. Passneuger-i shacld teed rery ach embarrased le bavec ma siltiag ou my lap lictore ail these people. November 27, 1899. "Duta ss.PIYBÂM-1 fcei it my duty to acknowledge to Ye'u the benetit that vout advice axid Lydea E. Pinkham's Vegetabi. Compound bave douc for me. 1,1 bai been sufering with femnale troubles for sorte time, could walk but a short dialane, haci terrible beanng flown pains in lower part of my bowels. backw lhe, and pain in ovary. 1 used your medicinie fur four montha and waa go mîch Ltir that 1 could walk three times the distance that 1 coulci before. III amn to-day ini bette r health than 1 have been for more than twe years, antd 1 know it insali due to Lydia E. PicJkham's Vegetable Comnpound. 1 IlI reconirend your si lice aud Medicine to al wtomen Who sufer." -M"s. 8. o. Vsiî>, lHamnpton, 'ta. Thtis is Positive prof tâtatmrs. Pinkharmin a"oe cmpetent te sdvue ick *oMen n any other person. Write batr. It costa yon nothire £'AIRD. -W. bh dep0tidsrii he N@4si.iCiy Ba i Lys. S#DM bMS .tlllie ha ..y&.-et.s 1'ct ha ssiead at the ab-. tSaoijlata', t~ àkeSotch Difalogise. A Mîsaan** W&Y. dueBiisth t c ie.OOa1111 I c ~the n oen, ebigrn ire n . aîîd mor li% cîlgîc , ien 1'i cgccca, To, T ne 1tee Tru lie lis entetainedbyltheIN'iititTrlrrsI t io ,il,> f tit iiii t . uxten ,to in-wnationaloy. oth-abar t T lSe a1 I lii k."" (Iow tNT' la ItTb te" I tu 5 u inaIe, lut in ,tiir n Ii g., lies iii 111 1, i) K.-Truie t,: , r n) O IT T tt I 5cti He tasu t ntle ite,.îlIiTo'rTT r 1i,,4 l'ut I auiî'd lu ST ' ciii.',,,ork e ON hec Ci tio - .lci r ; icg A e a n t h cy faly,1 ". t i i, TI ., ni- iîrl ln 18 John Il.?"" 111. PikeCona Miacle ;in 1 udenlii" - lîn.d.lie1 VuOB.S- lye, bua lirntl;er1of ebll) John ii atie tulil Cornlrtabe Heînîtae ha le% S ie utyofMirae.uîytt ScarMaruete. ccodltg ta tia iîily ear.. otino -ynr . SI-a <liTilu apeanoditln a itilfo site freiiner or titi pineaTrwobles ery %uddtn.suadbltbeunoratiam. Hia uaoideraSud Sltraie yrs iii re. lc lica potrOf %,detwr Ie vand suboids Cuiaudbs (inc cainetinaer. ntiNs lTTelie iactSaulli ali earsorld had ce to Mauete tanliiTta. li btaighn iizen orai i eladpalta-fo bol up bisrquteaece lingîle all! thion of eriear t sud arsmoherbas terîl: u s a ttsreetue i n. whýandihwnst'eyistrenasi de send 'rli Irs las hue liden aawîl idetlîree boe oDads KidnyandPila cîTtut lfteen tedt from tlie grouttd, u and la as sîrouit and well as ever lbe Ici It the occupant ha& lrotiglit t Tar sa He rnourices bis cure a mir- lIt ceonplahmutaas aaormaî. ale.Mr. Stilivan'astatement of bis ms acomlishent ai;a wrkmai. cate laq. vtartling: It'ý lias eut a door sud wlnidow. Thei "A mnhl ago 1 was a crîpple. To- iir walls of bis borne are celîcil ["icd day 1iteau do a liard day's work every 1,live,r' A circular sent extenda round day, and biave nul a single sche or iciroom itfrom door tlu wludow. tind as" tlucre la a comtortable pilie Of ura tiict Dodd's lKidnev Pilla l're doue orne ii :îs 5a luxtirlous lieu. 'lcpince1,.wouderful cures blu ndiana. ýtnn %,Ta ic ntcd. ashen ararmth lat neeTipul mnore iiraculous tien that lu tle case en iolI store. The Minupînys ifîeitu M.Sllvn e's b a Tilw teu ucar il, tlp ta scill 50 ttu acre. oe tho; ser" awwn lej the e oeila cary. tut katis ,tf diesi o»ii ha. lau trin a u Yrlti"5 it.finartr it -... oilt laug or. iflî at' t,t alluial i if, et c ti re,-Ite,' t t.a gi Ilmaiean e. th, bk. to u ct ut a halec. tite iff,ttit aiis .î ttar" ,(Il vtlcil atuir- il et ltiic knol iv,' fe ciriton ati-t' lit 1-,e 'n,1,5 t i la Ii'l viiit a siI t cii li ti» 'o cf t' i-em tlit, '1tett Ictt t vis .îdrins.- cn thactît unl I. fierJ le,' lurea tIni tIh" il-t ui ieetrîl '5lItile' liti eultîee utn lie Id the sunîraeiic lavions and &ie- sI Wesma5 *dsum. New YorkIl,. -td nthtag bai gtdg$ab"b. sailsertrti HONOR MN SN. U. No. 25-1901 .=jMome d~u MWUMahleuno .,'w la FUANT SOZBDONT T10011 POWEI2 Cancer! Cancer!ia~~t VITALIA SURffl SANeER u.Z gr'ta nd. cha siill mIlya. T1....fp .]opason N<O KNUWT NO SMSTIER NO PMIN tia edg.. tCebbsg. At Oa'l.t&da A Patuless Home TresuSmnt for Can- cer, Tunior.s ad licrofulba sacueutifis Vegelable Compéund. Consultation St OfFice or by m"Il RFE. Tbey will give l or mail free10a, rn ntoeesteds cf a bout %h wokln s lu wondenful remedy.. AddMs.01aflonw The lNason Vitaih Istte,

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