CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jun 1901, p. 8

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9ùlggies!! Buggiesl Top Buggies Surreys. Open Buggies Road Wagons Phaetons Driving Wagons. We are haîîdling the old reliable Staver iîîe. Have sold them foîr yearc< and kîîow that they are aïs good ai cal, be buit. Buy a rig with a reputation an(] kîîow what you are gettiîîg quitter the paint. The Prices are Right. Corne in and talk it over. Scbanck Droibers, Libei CDe 909s'1$ismflmaI For a telephone ln your place of business or residence.... Yon gett the iîwereased anîd giowing iservive of the Lake Cointy Te1ephone,,..Coînpaniy anîd ('olilectjol with the Chicago 'IelepliîoIe Company. Fer Information, rates, etc., write- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Loveli's Drug Store, Libertyrvilie, Illinois. Real-81h -.We Struck "a which is to 11.00 msud 11.25 Shirt Ot cand »Oc Shirt Wa 70.c Shirt Walals for. 51e Shirt ralais for. Ladies Belle, 25e to. Sailor asi, 26e gt... liammocis, 6i0 t1... m Laa loe, 45e &0t.. À. Amw larg srtmanlt0 Btimv Hais, lic t -.-Bo Wetbei Shirts, --REMEMBER: Long Grove Wagons, Buggies and Vehicles of ali kinds. .. ... rt Xaist Bargaîis Snap in Shirt Waists your bene fit. W@4#8.1 r75 -. 50 ..... ... .. « 33 30 S23 .. .. .. . .. .. .. 1 75 oi Fiy Ne 30 - 35ecto>.... .. .... .... 1 00 We are headquarters for ail klnds of Footwear. Sauer & Son, c - - - Illinois, Carnie, iiers Mattrlaus ad If You------- were to berne ym bead nlelst a h.1 k val!U yon coulci uc ,leei voMtcas auintifl vho ienfem r.. fn ,trmac,ct,,ubicla. We Pejcae losal. yF BILvuL. Lli.vt Yellowatoue Park. Etteudeci tour, lsiidy lneraryl vitb long stops lu the Park. PrivaIt. p coaches for elldus e on the drive.i M ullman sleepiug and d ci. ~ lm Baco of tbe Amrlean Ton Asso- ~w ai, E.a i cation. Beau CampbeLl (lexmribleu- ager,. t4" Marqucette building, Ohl- Tickets tmaintS. aUl sxlimms ery- =t*mnDa Vlan. 1ra0% havas Chicasgovuiail- v~oer-~-î er., Eflun&uluhB. rues itti Tuas- mm s.J. J. Bou s 1nau ahi, to hi Kiasm "y Lllebfleld ila l malouin. tau lu Wankegsu. Arhur B.ngboru la eulollng bie au-mer vacation, Dr. Von Lohen sud familY iboved t0 Ohiesgo Tbursiaj. Snpt. Hotu. of lice W. C. ra.lrOml vas lu tovu Tbnrsdsy. Frank Ononkits, of Beloit Colloge, la borne for bis vacatilon. Fiank Friai te voriug lu Frai atnekels place on the Seation. litrs. A. J. RIng speut a fev day. tis veek vlaitiug trienis lu Anllocb aui Trevor. Titreso! ciont eterpising youug gentlemen book a plessure trip to Lake Zuiich luit veek. J. B. Holcomb's crop of coin lat pro. giessing fiuely. Fred ls quit. a farmner vben be gets aI il. A Party of 0,cr îonng folksA ttsuded thte lvauboesebool pieuteeahDrune rAtio lut Weduesiay. Rockefeller station came out vltb fikteen passeugers for the excusflon go lauakee liai Bnnday. June la the mnuh of roses Sud Mri. Bergitoru a s lbtem aIl vitb the Ounest bnah tu the county. Mr. and lits. Frank Thomas vere callail 10 Wauconda thia veek by tbe death af lMra. Ford of ibat place. Wili Knigge bai been enteitaiing bis ivo alaters, lMr&. -Spocand miUEn. Heldemn, of Eimbuisi, the puit veei. B. (0. Payue bai returned froin bie tip in thee vîlde of Wisconsin and bIs merry laugli agalu pervadea the aI- mospitere. - Will Porteous hmblston the cou- tract to buill a baun for Frank Brawn. The "-Portos Buildlig Ca', le gain. lng quite a renovu. Fred Stnciel la b)uilding bim»if a lino bouse on pari Avenue. The boys are gottlng tbein lin pans r»ay bei vo dont iuov mast vicasfor. The ptmtrtofroincFremoni Center bai sarici toamEta dîawn <raid fo tics noaei bieleen 1 neeand Premont Conter Thce gravel la belng taien tronc lie railioat i pt sonîliof Thea social given by lice Ladiles Aid lait Thuiaiay ulgbl ou Barry Uum' lavn vau a grand aenas. Evenyhody seemed 10 ho icmving a goc Urnie. Tht prooeis vblcb amounlei te $27.65 vil! ho iecite bilhebrs shceds for tb. cbuneb. Loft: At the no"i atithe home of Mir. Barry Bouse, a 5mailebony cane vlishau orange boy (elîber on or off vo dontIukov vicli> louahie te s man àabout ilcreo eustLong and ivo Incites arouni, Finder yU plein louve vcero avenrbeoitappapeui la ni il and recelve no revard. reOeeveeeetve I~em;as.a**ee OtinSm5.4h sPeut lut bundsY ai A" iuTitus vuas aChicago visllon lut lionimy. Miss Ans Paue vas sauIvanhie. visiterlu lai Snday. Mmra.Jaooblvicitil dlu Wauiegma tev imys recently. Bai. Mrleso sCiao ilo tbe Uxni 0ftha ee John Van PleVv ma Chicago visIter a ev daIm iecently. D. . Amui. and famlniîy outailned fieud emncChicaga Snudsy. imas BoumDocker visitai lu Chicago a fev diys lS"firat of lice veek. Wmn. Cuber in vorkilg for lia brother nt Gualaia ai pneaent. MIssg ay and Marlon Pdyne te. tunned taeIvanboolt alurdmy. Mrn. a"Mmlra. Mekle iuertained friands tramn Chicago lait Suuiey. Mot Buuday eianlus Roi. Moro>' vl douvera m mperauce lacture. lph Spaffond. of iUlburu, vliled vlth Meurs, Duddea lai Bundal. U B. BrYant la tieettua bis hans e a cent of paini, vbicb te a greal im- provement. M. C. Decker relnrnai bomme l »rtay, sitar haviniu ent the pmut 7em ln sabool atPriaelto.. Frani Darlier atarei 1lui Manda>' ,v.ang fer lb. aviId vest,"' Bis friands wlab hic a spedy recovery 10 baslth. Quit. a number fromn hete atteuied UnaIL. W. A. Piaule mi Freoport, Ill., Tunrada>' oing via . J. & Ot. P. By, Md or course enjoîei a larga turne. Tha basktet moiai givea bast Friday .vomug ivas ssa g tee, bath sachmly sud fluancimlly. W. au le- debtei to the hast for iedi hapltaty. Qulte a number frasu bar. took ms- vantage of tbhezxursion oet he VWb- ecusia Oeutral ue t10Elvaukas bat Suauday. They report a Cooi Urne sud a nlue trip. ounaclut 0f lhe inclerneui weather lait Buuiy «Mng there Vers nt@& uayont tea huroh as rould vs bsbol; icom e bo iialtend bai the pleauffe a09lilisembtaesome Vary fine vocai meteo iy lr. Spafod. iDo Dot forget t* Mysil o Wakei pleute J j l ' aIetDlmmum* Kae. W. andersmil Ihat cse of tbe tvapuisei mmse la the conntry vinfi lier Mu mne t ire«.a.veryone kuovsa s I vbe M. W. W. takea hold of snytbing ihas saeetbies bas t'O<g. We beau aà person say the otlen day kbat ail vo ueeded tu maie Ivauicoe a iatiung tavu are as "saloon' sud s "rainoaei."' A ialnoad vili bho good, but ve bave mauaged t0 gel &long fer Ofity years vllb neither one andi vs liini vo eau gel along tfity mort. yeats vîliconi the saloon as leass. tOHOOL NOTES. Nov fon vacation! iev. lMorley vas a calicî lenti veek. The achool yeux ot 1918> ijI Ielongg te the pat. Couniy Intitule ccxi. A nUMIcen viii attend troin bore. Ice cnemm and cake touigic t i aut 'lev s. mugie ville yoUu t. Thte atudy 'ofthîe lfge anti paînlings tf the artisi. Lanciseer, lias leen flisbeti. A number of lte ptîplls look the final eramînalion laut Wedcesday and Thurtay. Ena. led g e, oetRocefaeller, vas a pleasaulcaller Thuresda>' iotniiig. Ut. Beige rrans aM Rockefellerthlie coming Jesi. Vice bail loam vas defeatiibly tle DiamanS Laie ieam test Itaturda>'. Ont boya 100k 1h granetull>' anti vil play them aga nnexh Sahuttia>'on ibm borne <rounds. Attend tlec re anc social tonlgbl At the homeor Henry' Van Plev. Ice eneam And cake vililibe served. A pbonograpb yIUbe on.etflice foatures efthe ev.nlug. Therae vhl be slnfflog b>' A good Maie quartette. (lIber tem- lucres ou tb. progiain. Proceeda for "aboni. Snppor l50. Tic. ficl la beiug demc.ustrmtid ual Ivamaha. la a favorit'e summer ieMIo for temes. Oui lilile village bu moretftashoAnsmd colleglatas than amy o"b5viflge 0f theamim lian the caaty, ifseun Dorlier Illiai. Mmd thaIn a lslad 10 <et book 1toir nadvtivem viheu the Yeu 'a vota la aver. Tiare ts more la s chuie namne thilivo iroamcof. Bjaves Two luqPfi Ieath. --Our itithodmauchaî bt unc icmostlftal atUai of vwc Dga ghan.] I)ronckaiia," vrlle" l*W . Msvmd.of Armouk. I Y act b5.tmedies aliti r ivod bat lit lbDr. KIig', lcv isoovery. Our n1 Wh ie baiconsummibion lua.a &.vansi mIa casir.1 vndau.s Beaistiroa aid ue ieua"e uheldto jo. iauae » itooiert 5astii neoliher mýeieo n fl b falltbla foîr cuCigiaand colili. sý Mdsbl iceIIe larantoeti ic F B. LaYaIi,.Liettvilc': G towÀsnL Itu« . ,iaiboilles fret. The INDEPENDIÉNT and Weekly Inter Occam both anc year for $.5 Try thcm. The INDEPENDÙI[ pubflses mo gelicral County nmw than any otiier paper published in Lake Cowity. it is lth e Wdint wekly. oad sumowoai à iIbli waut. 3. Og»obu heabîme fle ue lDRock ehtklckhvlug mut te, Wlsousiu for egg& Arthur tanford 1a feedlug 700 linge and quite a5 uiiihiof stemrsea lits. Fred Converse la recoverIug from berimtec illnu s fast ai could be empectod. Our scbooi yl bon close lte spring terz.m. is" Eyite Payue liainlico toei for ivo yeirs. A rad botter, vitb star lu face, two years aid, a lieavy apringer. strayeti from ovuera paste lait veek. Àny. ou. llndlugsa"me viliireceive e libeors! revati by souilag word to 0. A. VAPHIr, Fort Hill. Tbe proposed depot ln stilI a long looked for nîystery. If l ls golng t4) hi builî t aiWte'a, uby ln Il not lu sigit? Nuo$ltaI lb.majorlty of our peupie vautfIl Ibere, but vaud like t Kov If tle C. M. & lit. P. la building depols uurely for the same of bmvlug tbora. We cudersiand tbat oeeof lice promotora bas beeu iryiug 10 ourm nome of the farmers t0 brlng milk 10 tbe Rlound Laie piatfo-m, but ge$l it- île satiafaction. le man lenstance% eatisuie of ealcra iior- bus tWrml'ute fatally hlefoe medîloue et.. uiuicutati or a picrelcilan ciumeucal. Thce ecfWay la ttc kerpat bandi a raliahle rn-t- îli., for U.naa.luiti ttesý. For thisi îurptosi Uilere lmu. iicuiin o mue tast Viamhccrlccn'tc Celle. Cholîtta antd Diarrhoe ltameiy. W. P. Boucoth. otf.IFayeta. Ais.. sau,: "In lune. iSti. ilad a sorons atticuuucf îuioira moreucs acîcloee domt, ofc hamac.lei n*at $ l Ofiira sund Dlarticcea 1Ilimetiy gav- mc r'- fih.ft leilftfwiciinutc.' For mai" litF. il. Loci... lcrtyvilie: (iiiT1At5i. c litas- FREMONT CENTER. Tb»Ilesmabers of the aou» of1901 are raqUwtes f»mes$et athIe abool boumei Uatureq efleOrnoon at 1 o'clock. The UMM *ÈIsSbo graduaiei aie Cari BAY,1 Phillp Amas, Frank Vicktery, Jphu noue, Bma Meyer, Bernard Bvan,1 Oharis Pyoetor, Healer Bîllaki, COra Thonmi, Harry Peoker. BY lM. appeerance 0of IngsAta pre5ent i l ois as lbongb tbo Park ViU bevrusigued b te, heravages oftheie 95m Md 514grsssoppere is summei. Whou the pari la properly laken Done Of,.11 la oue o!flice heauly spots of vhieh any village rnay feel jussly prôli, buta"i 11le nov là sbws a lac i of local patriotlirn înheb realdontq.1 WhY lelt hoibn ibal thia ia not reim- odie4s for if every one vouli iv. J»%a ew opeaemoments 10 IbIs vork1 it OouliS be made a place Ibat strangeis vouli piate not ridicnle. THM HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingeeclous Treatment by whlOh Orunkac-ds are Being Cured DBiIy 1 In Spite of Thomsives. No Noxioua [)oses, No Waakenlngr o1 the Nerves. A Pleanant and Positive Cure for the 1 Lîquor, Habit. 111la nov generaily tuove sud lelrtitocti that chukenues ie sdiseasme andi net veai-. DOaM. e90<17liled vîit poisonàantd nerves OMiPleeYabhatteratl hy pertocltest or con-i satt 'f iatorxlewang 1llqs. rcutes auiatid caaitie cf netrailing andi eredllliitti!.ilson andi destoling (tie umt rf<for lulox Icct. Sefieters mai ov ente themaeivenataihome vithout giniclit,' or lai Qf trne f roi» business ici- Ibis1 vouderful -suss ione cuta" vbiubbai beeu Perfeeeci aller muni' veste of loue Mtedaumdtraamt o f lnetriates. Tue falbii ieaeerdiur to directiona cfttis vanderfel dlseover ii i ivly guracitffd teOsUMethe month cnate eme. no uMMli boy brda drinker. Ou tr rectords sliv trhe mmvioi ranmefrmaticn Of licousantis o! dmuka«rsluttohi0b.r, lintistrions and9 nptlght men. vira svoua S TU KAÂNDs 1cgfnnaaieR CuAS iOnS vATnUZRM!!Thiirernedy ilm In uosenaeanostrnmttig tussçeliifor Iim unimedht I h8 lborcngbhy isouble.sau 'ciems-aflt ýhobe tate 0tbitau lie glae unacupartiordoite v itheut lthe knov- lei fteperse» tcklug Il Thonsaictisof diettabaveuuertiticcmselaes vith tis desam emed . sud ai muni' mon bave uangred au made tomPoirse mon ici 'aigb CURE-a dlnletered by loving frindssudreltivs ithoultctir knov- Inds #jqacee or liant i ceva ItoIat ticat tbeydiaeoiueddrlnklni rliI v fe DO. ca soITvr. Dent Wiedelndeil by aicesrsat ad mis ldna "Iliroveuat.' Drivae 0i ic nt ai Ionce and frtail lime. iceMUNS ooi.c C UnRa sl ei at lic extremeirl 1epiecs one doliar. ticus filcna vlttunmmclio!everyicodyr atrtmeut mure affectual thoicn icrse osnua s ue se. Pull dlrselons &@Comphany casi-il c ile. Aiccla Advinse by skilc.d iibslelansc îen reiîuasted vithaut extra charg. sotee ucaalte mii' pâtt of thevwold un ceelpt founedotisr. Adreaal)ept ...... Envcts B. (liLsEB& CODUAi. 2M Oanti 2=i Marial treet. Pbia- doetha. Ailorrespondencmtriolit coul dittlai. DIAMOND LAKE. Tbeie viii lie a basket social on fiee. BLAY's tffa uBautday ulght,.Jolie 29th. AU are iequestto 10 ilg baskets, tboligh lunch and refreshimeuts vIl li for " eou lb. gronds. Te 0ocntoc, lnb, of Chicago, vili ho SProbeut and furnisb the programn. Tbey bave a baud and vil! glve oni .peOPle a rare triai. Dou't fa!!ta go! TWQ vALuEs. EMMMEau two value« ta 'Very pwrchma- what t csa ad what ih pays you. CScl comta 8 =etsaà pound, but If you arc drowr- h.g bal a m&il.from ahioetsvalus would bce no what you pay for cork, but wbat cScl savez 70<," WlSwi WOiflbuy a ps dus cia. m- fu e istwo values. 5w uaus nly vhs aàs pays. s1w overbacls what .1w rebeIvea.Nov aàubngi cake c i vary Soap pays bsck fmm ntSi ta twSnty tfmesfts d the Vnlt dets. Testlt yow. megf1 Vegetabis 011 Sosp Ivoewhite. It Bita! HALF' DAY Scboîl closed ti ITiesday. Ea. lMurray wru a Chicago visiter Ens. M. 8. (ibsaonsbon, IMr. EIll and vite, of Chicago, vIslted vîlli ber over Scuday.1 The Royal Neibliors viii give a atrawberry festival ut B. Wllcotx'is Fr1- day ove» iug. lini. W*D. Balley, of Chicago, vis- lted at E. bhapters BancdE. leasousa lant Batiiday.- Culd Mason andi Chaulie Albracht are »O oasalle a trip ta Buffalo, te, tue. xzposlt&ou. P. Mover anmd dangbier Gertrude vlalted busUMM.tre. s.CavanatLgb, et zvauSton lust uqk. Urii. J. Richards retuuecibrnme luit Tbnwsday train a moibavicil iu lowa and Minnesota. Mr*. Endobr and i llei.dangbtet, of Jetlctrcoîî Park. are vislting ber par- enta, Ut. and lits. Hertel. Miss Allie Morrili, of <rayaiake, bai been tihe giiesi of ber saunt, lira& Francia Tripp tbe puti veek. Uts. Cara Carpenter of lowa Fate. la., 18 visiling lits. Mande Knollimi; promeut, aien frieuds et Llberlyville. lits Moore and daugbler, lits. Knoll, attendeci the flirterai of tbe formet'ossaer, Uts. Whaien, eti 51gh. wooci, lent Friday. Trhe deecormior,,andi carpenters are ai work aetlthe churcli and viieu ihry bave fi!rîleed i it i lein rmnchi botiet shape. Auyone wbo ba lo t cou- tnllnted tovard repalrlug the cburoh nay donsunov, aimore tnuds eau lho useci lu pntting lIn gooi condition. 'hlie trawberry Fettival tht vai gîven lu Hertel'o Park lait Tbmsaday vu vc'ry largely attended. liai for verisbai there boee macb s gatbetlug ai a sociable lu Ouri lovu. Evstyone vas Ii a sociable, merry mooi and a vety pleaaut eieucug ws.s @peut. F.îrty.tivc iccîldars vwu %ai i nsad thirl.y-thrc'o dollars vasciecreti. fot the lttirp<ueof Laing carpet for tbe clinrolialairs. Saniplea bave licou ment for andc the' ladies viii hold a meeting âoon tb slect theo carpet. We winb i t) specially ibauk the chlldteu for their carnsivork lu selliug sup- pet tickets for the feitival. I~ ~~~~~~I îtl'inltt, oeliv1 tioautict i îiiîe.Koiol hy~c.Clcî<tr, diesc ail hdrils r fQü<îiwithiic t ahi frilà tic.' stilwec. l ltîwi ct ti t -.',.t andui alnSIf lt tiiiitiItuI,t1:1 li . I î* . artt cI', axm.tly tII. Iatît,,U. , -l.ft iai llvrtset l lIàlf ch anse I ttc 1 . c it m i tho-lci luit io 10 ,, i,'I . For -Il-,, t, F. It. Lot BL. Lib,rtyvtil.. Tica tvsnty.llttlc acibual aession of ,ho Laie Couutî lTcàBajIe'f' Inuîlule viilb o ahenuWaunkelibuaj qD# 26-.u Ail teacicersMmd Young I--c-sns pre- pazlug te teach ste 80 st,1~ t- tend. SupaentendeugLogie bad prai. lionnîz yl bc preeeut again tcis Iar. l'rt. lreenlav, ot Eragissa», vil have charge of Instruction lu Engîigb History and l'edagagy. Prof. Ducdley of lb. Plattellie, Wl,. ou"i Normal. yl l ectue, Jane 214h. Au etaumtion of candidates for tsehera entIlcatem yl bc beiti as tbe Court Bouse, JUDO Si-mb1t. Eraininalion. lu 1155410< Cira-le Work, sahnnday, June 249hb. 37 lit Juhnccuieter vas homce uuday vinil- lug bis parents Ths aunuai achiclpîccile wvald i lui Wedneeday st Clyhouru Para. Col. Duffys hbase hall def(mtl-.i lice Oienviev aisiMierietvlie Sutuily by a score of 8tot 3. --'I>ck lice Joker- Las droppedth ie spouge sud securocl a posilUe» as gseraimmanager ttit s large ec-'trîe iitm la Chicago. A. Illinilie bai seîcresi tha services of tlilur (ci.Westri , à Chicago, as managler o!flthe Dt.erleld boaibiilong szpoenetlu iraituý boises as thce Elmicursl Irai-i lu Loit s. C. J. Lange cloiedtheIbmlangea: roal- catate de&] Ftlday over made Inra ît tevu. The des] laies le a square bluutk. LateAvtPa teîsdDtla-u Boulevard 10 Mllaukee Ave. It mas pturchaetd liv a Chicagto syudiatai The prle ainai g o cS.7tîteto. OlulTlART. Ur.t. VoIa veli kuove tesida-ut t-f siauplace. succnmbed 10 an attailc ut siomach trouble as abount 2:titi jî t Taesiay,afler an Iliiesa et utc- tvenhy bouts. lMr. ltz ovc.d fit ru from Chicago abcout ivese iaricv- Thce decoaaed wva aloci.9 iyesru tut âge sud leaviti a vite, a son andlt~ danghiterit PRAIRIE VIEW. liîss S)atsgtaebai icet'U oun itlt1k Mr. John Weicb rvas a Froncent caller luSi Buday. 14. Sylvester Peindelio u thlie guoli oflilas Wlnegart lut i unday. Mri. Albert Wagner wvasLong Grove caller lu ait urday sud Miinday. Mri. sud lins. 0. M. Ttaut veut 10 Wankegan 'on businesslait Witdues- day. Urn. C. P. TiicoiuaesaddME. Fred ritmarvent ta Milvaukee lard; tnccday on an excursiou. Quito.àanumber tuom Ibis place at- teuded the dance rit Huaig Psy laid Balnrday el'eing. MinSu Bllivan retnrned groin Wau- kegan lit Suuday alter sîjeudîng a loer deys vitit ber patents. lirs. C. A. Trault ehurneti groin he elty laut Wednesday, alter speudiug a fev veois vith het daughier, Idra. C. J. Vîagel. lineaS ono Frederici rehîitned from the cil>' lail Tuesday afior sîceuding a 1ev veeki vilh ber sister, Mire. hiatbev long. 'A fev montit as.rtfoeldvtuiý-h iai,,foir hrceckfsst wuu iuin t roniain aotiinccy at(t iîtucu fiar hait an bour. 1 uwi.i cli- ttti.,iforYiiir Kodci Pi'eaaiiia Curemitndi Dîtue -t My breakficatiditier meiaiin a rha -iacci My fcoul ic ii orogughlty ticst'INuiltiiiia quais Koci Dycicrcsla Ctit' fot i titsiîaili trales H . . Pt. .ituc)n.vili-. K)l LONG GROVE. Tice Creamery paid ofitubs veei. Mri. EeImei bas s tesa o f iîronctogé. lit». Emnil (Irafin la kiug a trip le Oermany te vîsit telatives sud friendeg. There vas a biarn ralslng ai CG. SchitllaWednenday. ('latley lMtyer la the con tracteon. C. Ilane, J. Elasier andi Uns. $chiar andi famlly look tu Cilitens #Day exercises aht Northblaiti bnday. Tue Arciet scicool clostri onday sudth iBe bz chool Fridzy. ']'be Archetr achool, lu oonjuncîlon vitl the Uosaveller acicol,bld a pienie on lionday. Tice Evaugeical Luthieran c'htrch le belug lhorongiciy renovaieti lu tuati;lt ta boing papereti, carpeteti. etc. Naît buuday,lb.eAId. eit 2 lii p. iru, the haches Aid Society'vii celelircte ils Oirsi aonnal anuvetsaty by apptitprixte exercîse. Ail gare luviteci te attend. TheBnday St'booi of île Evaugelical Ichurcb i vlicelebrage ,'t ilîdren'a la>' nati uuday, 23d,aisit:(1o'cluci p. tu. A g<od i teraty program wyul b[cen- dered by tu ht irieu. Mis Oltive Ititzeulbaler (thee ptiug terni ofthîe Muical Cousetvatoty baviug cloatd là expeched te uo preseul io aid ti thîe musical program snd tue maie iinarlu't le irpecterl ho slug. FriencIîsasd stragers are cîurdlaîly inviter]to attend. We tati couutraiie c 1, av n fi-v vends about Sabbah cetecratitin VTue bible teacces un hat WC are ho labor air Jaye, but ihat tice nevcnth day, w Sunda>'. ià te lbespan u in cslaul iaI- tendiug to apititual allait ii y teti Dot muant slrnply a cessation from. dally-dues, but mciual phycicul rosBi aie mncb as le Coniastenct îth thce de- manda o! nature. itevice unes the' bbath onîy fotrlibysîcai recreatlen sud pleainre seekiccg ln Violatlng tht lava of nate, of Ood anti of bis ovi. @oui. Do Sunda>' excursions contlnca 10 yonr picysîcil or spirituel vclfare« Wo demure te anaver. bitI appeal ic Eyour cundid judgemeut. Attet havlug rend ibis do not dlsuiis it f rom yoni tminci by thicicg.i-Oic, Lie in cranky,' eor, ccWe don'$,need 10 o c0sgooti,' oui ai tb. question tliongblfuily, -la hg Dot rigit?*'anti thon net accotdlng 1< S te gdictates of yont better fantr self. i-icMe dottorir toldnme my eCîtivas le i 'rutali. on. ice 1lucieCousuaiCure matie naîe, vel man.' Norrîs ilver. Norti t.ruîttoral X. HB.-U'tauA@, vonve ruot ltund relief froc ib gituiCicru .Causu. don't date air. On, ulnutiCouigliCuritgras cet ousad ud lt yill'ocre Ye-cu lefanti sure. F. Il àLovaLi.. Lilertyviiia. PALATIN E. H. Porep la vlsîting friensiti palatine. lis, H. Bîcinase, of Plumbl Grovt called on ftrirs in Palaiue ffiday. lias Berthca Porep la ouit roncChb: cage, tovieil fionds bore foras vile. lir. puIleth sud ber sisiet-in-Issi alfroa Long Choie, cmlled on friecida I Pialaine Pniiay. Ve Mise WeIlilin antibot sîister,c y-Wbcellugwoveo Palatine etc a buis i nosa IrIp Frîda>'. 1" Mise Cooper of the Higîvooti l-iuoo or in apeudlnug ber vacation witic lit 3d mother 1u Palatine. LI Mir. V. g Saslthet-in-luv, wh lia been vlsiting relatives tu au iround Long Grave, tooi thetrain gc Palatine, enrouhe for bis borne I lova Fnldmy. Thce graduiatIng erarcises vote pe: formai IDn a perfect mauner. sud l young graduraters vere blgitly ericclleg: rMhay lbey noe r farget tbe Professe, Wotalai daiy lu their bebaîf. TI wciool daye of 19PI are a tblng of Il repoi. Turne once puti Devoir netuino. My lvlittie son bati an attacio! orwonpu ahugbandi vas lbraîced witc pceumoui but for CbamherSlf's Cousuc I tet iti vuild bave had a serions lime of ItL It ai, oâvred edltakumWlis aavadb~ fjem~~~evCde llek 0. L. NlarblA, of (Irsyslake, wva liIeacauiit t'aller Isst veci. J. C. Price relurned from bis vieil to lit. l'au!thie irst ofthie week. hIr. and lits. H. Lobman, of l)iarnd Lake, vere oournt steef. recoeuly. Miss Lillilau Ayusley, of Diamouci Lake, cpent a few days bere lait veai. Died, Tuesday as his bome ne lheb towu of Ela, Mir. Thcomas Mouaglian. Fnuerai yull bh ld BI aturday. l)led, ai ber borne lu tbis place, lits. M. B. Ford,.lits. Fotrd bai beln a patient suferer for a numbnet of moutihs andibaisai Isal paed 10 ber eternal bomne. The f uneral was beici Tbursday alternoou. Panido (32477) flrqwn Staliion flourd Apri 1898, Bfy l3eloire, 2:21lJ (full brother 10 Ohîrnes ire of Aliboil, 2:03j;) lot Dam», lies. M., dam oif Belay, 2:28i*, by Nul. wooti, 2:181; 2d dam, Allecia, 2:30; (full sigter to Aicautare, 2:23;) by George Wlkes, 2.22. 3rd dam, Alma Mater, (dam of 8 vithlananlrd records;) by liambricco i'alclen, (58,) Pando yl maie a short season at Edgewood farm uear HlI!Day, 111. WIioll lmiled 10 t ;apptoved mares. Service Fee $25.00 rioney refuuded vhen nursesprove cf-»y flot with foal, ýl dire For fullI partlculars aidroe s fit J. W. LUTTRELI, ji Prairie View - Illiisl. AIT $$-lu 5441 MAýdImon Avenue. b« Chiron G EVE, ý-le WR Ittuei e Dr. O ffi c Libe Offic 71t L 8. Ruedier and fîcuiiy vîititi( ai Nortbliald ituday. The Royal Neigbhots are going to bave a sttawbery festival l"tiday eveli ing ai îe ornoe of E. Willuô. Cocue and nat a strawberry. Otînger. îlI-cicand th- ciatit foilow bîctl,.t 1or th-, , iOwýl.(;--ccc) DWitte Little EIîly itifflrmto r#,,,.,c cUi l ru Wîi aId gast orlirtand ti f a to A WORTHY SUCCESSOR, 'Somnettîtnu New Unger Tih. $un.,, )citMrt 1oW lic-s'iI Oltadolar.5. hîa fui] icielil li tti-it- tuai »iitat14y to its pet! tut it Onltiperfect eTAIsLit andItil îtu reccgnhlse as 5dtictii.ittttsa f o teS, il klyi anad licraýUe sit iY ctiiek 10 r.'iieve MAI ue«ituelui cfîel %ead$ hà tî s nu rainear Iltisatit enlng tt i tn ci r ilfai aier In ct.ît kobààffl -1 WAUCONDA. Qut e tt'v tu nthe eentsrii: A Medilcine ehov specit last veeoklSQ«i icore. J. S. Gtidi.-y eatentalned cemi auy mmwuý 1

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