CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jul 1901, p. 1

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ta RE COINTY INDEPENDEN,ýýT.Q E'.CI. No. 39, Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois, Friday, JuIy 5, 1901. $1.50 a Vear in Advance. DA *PATS.. IlanIs a5f are matie fo for a vomuas oA psnta. Km tlaey are tii are o! leni promise. T i. singalara in. plural, aud lmn go ona lte pentgo Punta lutInI il YOD Vi yonr ordor D Corne 1t Tbey are, hutton h'.1 vabl Ilt.,t e mati for mou, anti Itti for vomnea. Tomen for inuA"tiDot fotrttI.Wie a 14an ponis h- and IL 1V.IBR rt.-for ama. $oar aya ir * eeh panll doit t litt. l'at are lie molases- w nerln bot u-Iit atllitiojketlu oid. lien istakten ln I Iiitci, mls&km tavebrebeli tof fThere bas - It, Ii ieitdaiaioU ftWh~ epnis or plural. St-îII,-tu10un. Whoenmon Wear Paente l ià Whou tit Wi ear my pasoil la singailar- .~ a tenir 111t 1 I-ir paa. sudtiif;l asàIl rigbt: viteri 0 a Va, at-i t IRagilwrQlag. If you vautto10maikt Male ti- "'Ut tiret. venti , j'otr ftr te ummu?, YODnbrt ticltte-r"'laV - is tei gave aun sio nogoit he e eclroiît I ilookover Our lime ot neglgen mlitlîla T- & otio.TAns avabte napender pin Rad 't ru beleat thîes sirt, wviicigises lte shirt - are ail uliat, to.00. ea set.- ;ANIBORN & CO., ile -- Iflinois. vw~~p,1 w J ~ ~ tr.1 lrom a ' e anîl !ri ttay filitug 9 piece not ho lte enid of lIc id beeu RS. oummer d a neu nu hAe bited at ake lent g veny le, bie bd Laire Gleorge la mid )ruond at- con- e »outil 'a tarm, Puiday oV lois- Il rigit tor, lar 'ahsiteI 0 male hie, laà erel aId t, oleen fr mers STAIfL, 4TH 0F JULV AT IIERTEL'S PARK, Haif Day- Illinois. Maic viii ie furnlshed by Prof. Smith's Chkago orchestra. Grand Illumination and Fireworks. Ail kind, et re!reniments served on thue grounds. Dance commences at 7:30 P. M. A good time assured. Dr. Charles Galloway. BENJAMIN Fr MILLER, Office over Loveii'tiDrugStoro ATTORNEY AT LAW. LIBERTYVILI.E - ILLINOIS. BOU" 11CM 1 TO t3ÂAND)&iTO t8P. M. Libertyville. - llliroiS TELCH4NE BO 2. 8t55 Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over Triggs & Taylor's. y I 16 .2i, le6tand 6. te 8 P. n. 0 aidonoe on Broadway opposite Park Timothy. Clover, Millet, Hungarian, Red Top, Blue Grass, AND ALL glaNDS OF PUNE Field &Lawn Grass Seeds -ALSO- Ste4 Loruand Todder Corn. Fier -.10 et RsanqaubI Pricas by CHIARLES STEMPLE, Lqng Grove RALPH La DARBY. PIANOS OROANS TUNgOsA. CLEANED REGULATEO REPA INEO. .. AGENT FOR .. Shoninger aud Schaeffer Pianos. Libertyvillo - -Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. aKEBIiZCEOPPORITE LOMÂN UOTUL UDG. Gurnee.'---------Illinis. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT IST. office over Lake County Bank Heuirs: 8 to 12 u.a.n.d 1I to 3 p. me. DAIL! Libertyville, Mi. Illinois. TO JU0155 14 lI DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS l'Ogaleave 10 annonucve îlitî ho wu open a DENTAL OFFICE JUNIE FIRST i.11.W U,. .h. . bth v b diaregard te sel aud refuse 10 elect oupemvlsors for tite one-year Seort. Titis will, nf course, reanît lu lilIgation and tIae delay sud nncenlalnty may bce of serions consequence. ;entor Sinson ut Fox Lake. i Seniator Wm. 1,liasun lias eted lte rooken resîidence aI foi Lake for the stommer Thte place la ounlte nntit bauk thl ake sud te hanse ataîtdm on a itgit bluff. I liLas u lîleal locallîu, onue orfte bea on lte laite aInformantion Deasred. Any informallan coucernlng aur noi. Leslie vilI bocltankfully received by sUnians pareuis. (CAS. P. BECîvîITH, Ivaulue, I1.-p 1'rizc Eatinli Content. -'Tliey Lad au eallug contitathIe other nigbt aI Pin flaok aobdlbouae." Waho won?*' 4-lieu Spluters-ite aIe nime bond o! cabliage." 'Dldn'ti ilmaire hini alck?" '-No. ls just toonia s poon ni of 1Df, Caldwell'& Byrup Pepsin. That pre- ventesatomacb trouble o!famy itîn, ,$bey my.," Bold by P. B. LovRx.h, Lalbsrtyville. ISISTER DEXM MA01¶OKUEM. ITALCOTAFTER BLIND PIOS.1 SEMI-ANNIJAL CLEARING SALE WASH GOODS leu a thelb amnable weallier, hMe prIIIg, oocId havScMe &hmas gouda Withusn until Itow. Puies range peu yard, up o.e UNDERWEAR m»dero,.1ghiand a" POU WOULIui-Imay styltu l w neck and no a1.0vs, auit 10w neck and short cle s PicsUp Îrom ................ FOR IMN-The oli tand-by balbrlggansansd other gauay e.1.004 price .................................3094 43C a"»M POU OILDRIE-Mlay st7les. Priceé np froin ..... .......... HOSIERY15o nlo ok e ope ar Extragraie 26e tanoy mek aM 2 pair..o ..............t WOEUN 8-25o blak fanoy drop stilloft ,o.eIf at per pair . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . CHILDREN'M-Bpeoial waaltble and wearabio value. nt ca n s d.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . No Alatter New Lw the. Prce, What Yeu Bey of Un a bu&mi ew- CORONER TAYLOR IS PUZZED. FuiNls tg Recelve Informîationî INStual liolàzimsr identity of Man h illed Near tiurnee., A gold walcit, neveu dollarsi in cur- re.Îcy, pocket kule aud a New Yurk central 5001 Mle tioitot, wîth eigitt ellies unusuti and on ulieci vas unit- ton J. C. $argent, Waertown, N. i'ý wain taken Iront the headieàsaibody or a man bonnd on the C. M. à-. 1.P traclis a mile norlt of Gurnee "Titrt.. 'lay of laut veek. At lte inquest Coroner Taylor ieariiedtai lte body huad beeu picked up hy a section gang on the lNt. Paul tracks. l van terribly maugled, lte liead andi legs beiugeomplotelyaevered frongthlie body and every tîithof lotinig lavlng iteon br f rom il. l'eliead vas plckcd .up lwenty rmd, frointue body and wa" nauglit but an usrecogulzfle Mass of tileat, literaily crusited e a pulp. The supposition la %bitithe dead man wau Ilrowu or toit froin one train andi vau strueit by anothier golug lu an opposite ¶iretion sud ltailte accident oceurred early Titursday morniug, as thte wagoli vas aiopped ai 3 oclock. A verdict vas rendered by te jury that deati, watt cauned ity being run noer ly a lSt. Paul train, pmnitaiîy ac- cidental. Appearances aoultl Indîcate the man vas wel-to-do and Coroner Taylor de- termined b establisfi it bs JAldeLY If poss§àible 1Lie urote the poaltaster at Waterlown, N. Y., snd b lthe Travelers' Accident lnsauce Company ai Hart- lord, Couu., as titerature iseued Co policylitolders by ltai conipany vas bonud on the body, iudicatiug the party carrled Inaurance. To thoe li- qulries le Lias received nreply and ia puzzled lu consequence. Tite body ia lu te rat lu Waukegan cemetery awaititig ldentilcatlou. Onue Veur Terni for Supervtsoro. Titrouglo au errer of tue luat goneral assembly the passagle of a burinions appeariug and vel-meaut 11111e bill wbicit wasdealgned toi do avay viit a political abuse lu Counly Boards of aupervisora, really bas the effeot of dimorganizlug 1the entire Counly Board sy.tem of lte stab. Albough thle asoemtly bad no intention of doiug no, itelbas, by 1tue'passage of Ibis lau, roduodthe tortu no Ita" an saue flou Board aLail lie selected aM each uprlug electiou. Under the original township orgaul- zalion sot supervîsors were leeled every yeux, but te plan vas a poor one anitIelite constant re-organization of te Coenty hourd canted an mucit trouble and<l ept the business of te variotns counities lt ttUclt a clotic con- dition ltaI a change vas demanded. lu lIMM7 titi lau va, amended to exloud the teritof ollice 10 150 ycars and te provîle for elle eleclion o!fttely one- hall tentember8ltlp Sut occu priug et,tion. btuce that tinte thla plan bua lieeu lu ftorce. In tite lau providing for thte eleciion of supervisers, provision sas made for assistant supervisorsouintounshtip@ vituse population ontllled ltem te extra representation. 'lite number of sncit assIstant supervisonis depended on 1tpulationt sud vtitin te past feu years s practltte of slulloig ceusus rie- turcut i der 10 gel additional super- vittoas kis grown 11)it IlWaa 10 putl a $top 1t tis praetice tait te lau vOichi sn ov enTtsing 80 ranch, trouble was lrtrodnced. l'lie act pa8ssod vas dJesîgueil to provide taI tnîy a fedemal or stale census ctnld bo u8ed as the laea4 for township ropresenlatlon. M. tioever drew lte bill cnpled te id art wititout reference tu lihe amend- meut ofIffl8 and as a resuli lthe nov alattite re-enacta thie nId and anus. faclury law. Owlng 10 lte tacet lit te coutea are nov doing business under te two-year tri plan, te new staule yil cause no end o! ironie nont sprlng. Becauelte nov aci duos n mention te ameudmeut ulilci t îor. lzed te blenulal electlon or supervis. ors nome ttoutleis are certain tu Tlaisik.s JamesMou tlIiait watt Victinî of Fout051la v. ltn issue of!thlia. mi n, N Sit o -lune fIt wa recomted tto- partieu- lAra or lte dealt oZ1 Jani lonaglisu on bis tartn ea r Saies 'rterR, titis coUnlty. Il ilîl lie remombesed I uitor jury decided liou*g"lnn ut-lubis deutla lrom beeW1 ilesse ,ble ctAt- vatlng corn lit ht field. 1 t learly estaltlislied deesed badl 'o(iisubjeût 1 teut trouble lot tvot tyecars, by fits viles leaîlmony. No ù îîctnof fouI play vas auggealid aIt i - lime of iunuegt. Bince Ilion lira. Rate fi.' ry, ofl(Aiti- cage, sister of lioflagias awarilteu Coroner Taylor demunîîîî,g tfiat a îtost-moriem b.ielueiti sud ..ýrî,ig site lias god reaucs $0 10 blit-vo iber Irolter did ntonte tli 1'bhodealt fram naturai oauses. Bht- -t î'îtîed la lier domand by her brotlof r ahi lives lu I owa, sud vhifle abcite a rea-ut re- fuses te maite publie on Wltat site bases lier uaeptlousensatill îe velop. ments are blnei aS.No 1,-,uislest btveeu lirs. Rem*y and h-i hotiers vite, lira. lionagben, lt(-irmer de- clarlng aleie laafrali 0f Mi,-. .tona- gitan, itonce ber reticee Upon advioe o1 BlaSes Att,,rilty lai. colt, Coroner Taylor aîl xhume lionaghan'a bAsy Wednit.,.y tîter- nooté, f %bis vecit sud 'Nituue lte àtomnacit and portions or tLe itunels foriraoes of polaon. As-a, g" ,ti proe s day eariy Ibis Week vo ar, titable ai Ibis lime 10staSe rluit u iiila- tion. Il in believe liKra. Ht-t r' w111 en- deavor te oonneet James iî. thlie hred m-, andi lire. Moiu glati a it tLe alliled erime, butiml-, rite eau produee eviieacoet amûri, '"intcing characlez thon wss brongiýt farrtat lte inquesi, ber effort il 'erlamnly prove futile. Thet, bnv,,'er, i., juht uhal abs alinge ah.wiüb d As th. farm on viioliir atonl trs. lionagbaa livea belig,-t t Mrs. Igohagbnu sud alusys bhat i aitI i lsda as dit] neariy ait personal î.ropîerty, nu possible motive for the I rît hIe deed hluted ai eau Lbe OonCivt'! 1l.ievelop. meula yl be avalfled illa iit.'rtst. Siatuasona OntFoi l>owlc. Conit couuty offiials ar,' aitef Eljab Doule lu earnest. Iii atil becaliled before Justice G(li,-t mit Jnly 11h lu detend hlmaelf agint thlie ttitrge of couducting a liohpitîalviitoît a Il- eeuae6. ie6M411 Coliittt-.-î'ner lheynoldki secured lte issuanît' "r ite smentn Frlday, acting uîtlr tuet advîcc to! Corporation Connui,! i\Vlker. lteo penalty for lt fe itc' leged Os a5fine of froin 1510 lo', .i ias catit duy conallîntea aa selar.,i'îleitce, ues Mny be oppnaa'd o Ioew Elijali whlcb vould sert, iý. ltlete e% ou bia pisîlinrie batik wo'il. To Ilold Illtt oShow.t LaitFe nInb t, i 'o au anobai bora.eaihow, Wiv i ,,oî i ivattils patron sud bcae eu t ainai- ovued by wealhy Chicago and -tburbtan antd La§1e oOUnIy peopjleta, iibils. And beiug bold on Ii- îof oLake Forent University, iti-. z:I Iecause il viii betorlte benetit i cit.turcit build- iag fand. To pr, tt,.te exiibition snd awamd prlzes lt- Lake Forest Open Air Horse Show Aleto' attmn itas been !ormed,wvl, amonme ft1,tii'best kuown mon ni the unt,'r t'- smuburl, as directors. WltLin a les' laym thet association wfil lsue a l)ros.-twt . tltwlug vito le ae 01 o lte trgicz ation. Thte date@ O!flte opcunîg -ti w are Friday and llatnrday, July 1-2ii anti 131h sud lte gales wîli be opent 2:it o'clock in lte afiernoon. Il it, itlention 0f 4be promoiera lIt1ie 111show frta chitable puiptîte ,Nry yesr, aud Ibis ceason the ~rti, ,ar e tobe lunued ovez 1telite ii:diug fuud of lte Bpisoopal citureb itannoîl for Laite Forest. About tlai, i a go lte Mission o! Ibe Holy SpiritI cas fonded, sud l nov bas a rector, Uer. tMr. Bark- duiii, wbo conducîs regiiiar services in lte conait chalutir t1lite clly hall. il la titniedd1 teîîiild a tiurclu edlflc mas soon saipossible. Titere la un doubl tt t itt-"svellest' lurnouls yulble oun-xiiiitn. James C. Evasus la ahairman 't lte board no' managera 0f the asoit ititin, sud tbe other members are NV' \ ernîu Bot, Tuxlin W. Hlarvey, Jr., Waler W. Keit anti Eduard S. Atinsu. Four members cotinatitte lte execu- tive oommiltte antI tI are vomen- li.ra duard B. Adai,î, Mis. Geoirge W. Cobb, lira. Jamesi C. Evans and lire. T. W.ilarvey, iJr. Turlington W. liarvey, Jr., lanlte aecrelary and Ireasurer. There aie ltehb- lwenly-îne clases lu the show. White Man Turîaed N'ellow. States Attorney Payé Quiet VicA it tMefrts. Stales Attorney Talcoîl vislled Fox Lake anti otiter suinter rosotte ln ltaIt iocalaty tiunday lu urder go ses fou imacîf tejptat vitatt extenttitquor vas iteing sold wtilioia a license, and Le saW and vas couvlnceUd. Sîteaklug of litsi li e sald: '-iwatt asloulited autlte sy ltinga are. ILlm asui sud 1 tell yoa tl muaI stop." H1e foultenta Iula atlie regorge vtere wlnu, buci, etc., vere being acoif ai freely am iflîceusea vere existant and secured muflîcieut evideuce te sat pro. ceeding8 and numerous arreails vil folloni ai a result of is tour. -i am nouuvsatioîhedltaI lte plan b.- fore lte ioard of! Hupenvisora 10 liane lioennes, foisix Munthe la te beasl ay ont of il" sald Mm. 'iaicoti. -The vay llitugttare ruaiinugnov, lthe couuty tu nul about $10,000 a year and lte lau lu coutiuuaily being violteti.1 Mir. Talcott ls peauuiarlly beuedltted more hiuieli under tLe proeut cou. dillons for lte More convictions be atentres lte mure money ltere la lu Il for titrm. The truc liauded way ln vitici thIlga are gtîlug, tm seen lu the tact glt a lit voWk, prie ligitter Tuommy Whige, 91 Citicago, waa arreeted fur aeliog laquor at Fox Lakte vititout a Ileusne. Hc lelepitoned up fron Chiceago bo. lote lte came sas calîed and aaid ho vnuld pay Litîs fue vitout trouble. Tîtat Iufanticide Came. Au i e sateld at lime or pnbliabiug tihe ttconutîof ualieged Infanticide cas,, w blet occurred at Highland Park June lotit, --futurs develepments wouid depeud mucit upon publie sentimeut," antI me Il has poven. Il wil lie remembered ltaI Mary, lte scveuteeu-year-old daughter o! Mir. aud irs. Wint.litalpb, gave birtit to a baby boy. The parente vere muob aggrieved because of their daugblem condition snd cîrcumatances iudicated liter motiter atraugled tLe Infant, Iater ituryiug luntte garden. Ibm Coroner a juay sas divlded, standing titrs or and three againal acctng lira. "aph of tite crime. A compromise vas illally reseited, a verdict being ran- dered as JoUonas: "We, tbe jury, fli th. lofant lu quellni .mt te -ho destit from causes unable tu determnime frontlte evidence Leard.' ira. RAiphi ien ansd nov nîsntainsa sie trlpped sud full wilhthote baby lu ber auna, cruiting Ulto dealth. lier condition la pîtîble. About 80 etuolte moter aoflier aoveult chilti, Il st-orna smost Intuanan tôeau litemi lait liand yolpublic sentiment ftavttlng a rlgld Investigation tg gritt tg. %lill th e case la et prenent relting.te clly of Higitland Park la 'iltuLtitrol Ovet It. rthe ciizena are divtded tîser tlte case o! meroy va. lau. Whith iil triumuph wilI only ie smen ilt lime. SttLc Attorney lalcoîl la looking ltlte Cabc, bui ls itesitaul, oving te titi coodititîn uf uns. italpit. peait. ing o!flte malter, ite sad: -Ig la ibm miotit patlilc 2casle Iat ever came nuder my obsaervation. Thte circum- stanuce4s ttnroondiug lte affain poinit t a crtmu rallier titan su accident, but lton Ilîre cornes the question of lock. îîtg ut) ou a chiarge o! murder a voman sito lm albout t1 became s moiher. It i. a case le ILinit nver. The tact ltaIt lte ('artnera Jury, composed o! nmre ut lte bettt men lu Highliand Park, vas dividet latce andt tree ou ltecause o! deuIL, rnay bitaken nassu Indice- Ituo! of wat a jury In lte criminal coutImiglittdo if tbe voman vas put upon trial fort murder. 1 hatve Dot de- citird yel witl1falîl 1o. May &et lter on." C. iM. KASER, th Ckntury Ca;h Store lyod this week an invoice of ladies' 1 lippers made by Mayer, of Mil- For oomfort and wear they have oth top, rubber sole shoes for. .60c. 'vas shoes................Si1 26 Its, 25 tb...................5 0 the balance of our Ladies wrap- I ladies Bhirt waisto at redueed- shirts and gents ties just received. Youls FoR &H w.- PARKMçtul O.R.LYON & CG., as Li bertyi Waukegan - DR. Es FORD GCVIN, S'ddaet.i LaIsII.itttta-t SPECI;A LIST. chroelc DisSeseof ries and Women. GENERAL SURGERY. EYVE, EAR, NOSIL, & THROAT. cake gCA Bank, WRIGHT DYMONO & CO., Libertyvile, inois. Issues Interesi l3caing Certifi- catos Payable on Demand. RIs by lers and 1 dry UP tensalî mnaera Old and tor ee Isrfonted tir cure ue tbal 15.- Thia ntotrnal 'a tmt- flATAi aîzed as fer litai It cus n,s and Ahielal w te the - haut as âd rt Ion, s.od OU Ia PAUL MacOUFFIN, Attoruey and Ooxmller at Lait. - - Illinois. E. l'ociaaa Candidate. FIy Hori l Ot L ake onu y Probib lion lalaF I iteldta contiuvn tu lu egan lmon. Fauoy Hamm day afternooit sud uamod Edvard Yo.- Halve a goGd man, o! Waukegau, as Ibeir candidate for Conty Tieanfrer, to oppose Ueo. N. OrldIley, Itepublican, and Gao. Lynch,, Demticrat. luames iiurkac's ieathL Intîgatea lfnforru Moveutent. 'The blody ot Jamtes iBurke, ubo wut drowned lu Bluff Laite Suuday nigbI, June 12i(1, witile duuk, vas fecovered Th . 2 t laut Tluesday, beîng lu the water nins, days. IHu 1'OCO Coroner Taylor vasu otified sud preparedti l tuîlau laquent, but ta ehooS and allou lime for investigation, vltb a waukee. v 10 cstabliaiig ubere iBurkte oeqal bouglitt bis tiqluer, lte luqunatvas postponed until lialurdny morniu' It uilîlgtt lard vilit e ublinti pWga" Men's dot lu lte vîclnlty o! Bluff Laite Il proven Men's cai Burke secured lîquon titere, as I& la belleved lite did aud bis unilely Men's be]t dealt vilI resul n lu ing np eey yWill Belli 'ýjoint" inlit territory. Pers and For lIent, priesf My bittme aI Ual! Day, 7 laro ro. Barand suaady yard, lnuin r X! . Sl. Gleason, Hal! Day or J. M. Ballard. Negligeesa Liberlyilîle. 374-p W. D. Bm We iave a good aale ou flu, (lId- vels tiSyrup PpIR bs.esuie'v gnarauleo It sud refunti 001 moue If1 isdoeî Dot de juMte M W* aua l. 0.11 for a beoUM Mlita I puadjlE Plymouth Binder Twine bouglit iast rail wh.n twine wa at the bottom 1 - bought cheaper. than any ethur, dealer ini Lake County and 1 ain gon to sell itcheap.- Get prces of other dealers and whatever pnice they nain 1IwiliIg0a Utte Iower on -the saie grade oftwine. Cafland em M W fête buying. I 1have got thestr and the. qwlity nid' ntM,402 tUp*4I into cash as soon as possibe and 1 a.nd na p"esthat reli da ou ea bu samegodfoelehr Fl N ts ..... .1 Coton haf Aere...n...................e 6 ar oyuotnd ea!i Relu nt.0su............. ...I79 (lelabrateti Tuguer Ts.m Nets, peu pair.......... 378 Lep Duiteu-.ofiJklad-fancy a dpwain ese Covers aud Stable Sheets. unocit, 2 praiersmantillow ............Sti38 bd meieauammoci t .............78

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