CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jul 1901, p. 2

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IEDIES FOR PEACE. W.pIO IUSBAND KII.LS HlM- SELF AN OMAHA. SPeimtsd Wlte Gave Hie, a tlereailtr p aVe n-(aya Bfiein sLiOceka, la tThelr Lauda O es i1'. Jau Tisater. ut Lincl,. tn~*, r ]ely an ffirer in (Le NVlutee" i <3 1Ansrica. rotoisittet i cidue la jeffen- - eSquare. Ouicha, by drînking a Min-1 haeo!wsty aud cyanide o u t lîun.1 =s0aounas le Ladti raimcd tise contentsi th(le botthu. bue feillaupon tise grass anti exiretialaient sualanti>'. CaPlot.Thaler ruas puill bor*ewipîset on tLe treets ,« Linolu a ten- deasgo bY LMa aitu Pot payint (ue murb eattention te Miss Dalla Ilascisunberger. a dreaancakur ilu Ont Cty. Later, lunîc.tsp&nuy nids Miss Ila5ieabenger, Capt. Tiayer wnet te OmaeLsiug firt reignwcti& la-m miaion lan thuviinteers. lu the pock' e< ft tishe deati man n-as roundi a ltter1 atidruuiet i& i brother, A. A. Thayer. ,&tin, Ill., pieating for to'gvellesa sunti duciarîng that lbu acoîcti uni>'peacu. 1 IpiRGRRsa OFTUE RACE. Stuie tLeegue Club. Anlucotet fer the PeuaLt IolIoning in (bu standingi0uthîe clubs 4a (hé 'Natoal Leegue: *W. L. W. îiPi(isbnrg ..32 24 Brootlyn . .30 27 iWen- Tort .28 21 Boston-...27 25 PL Louis....32 «263Cncinnati -'.23 12 Wtldlpia 31 2(U Chicago .19 41 Ut tin usthe Âmprican Lesasare W.I.W. 10hin4o .....37 20 Washington - 25 23 2&eot- fi 20 Phladelphie. 22 32 ýWte ..29 20 Cleveiand .. -.20 3d 1 Mt ..... 30 28Miamukee..19 8 r«» NBON 1<MuURSED AS LOS?. %ttha' fleunileti te sur er.Themagit W40 ,»wamstiet Jehqteuu. At this ore 0thle Johntown diuster »' wgu anti eilti of Henry Smith, ot MsoaIaIi Ohilo, acre on a train apeuti- us eilsit relatives. The trai nas 4pup A-i t(e Bnd, lMr@.Smithi nas ~.u nIlAt nas îuppoaueit îLte ~,2yura it. dabaredth(e sais P_ ieco(M'r. Smitli reculvuti lu- t" a boy earing a irbh- assaered tIse deaciption ut 1, -e bu tise asnnas living et Iba8ts. M M. daith arrangedtet se. ». tbs atidntifie i hlmsa, is soul. ME »11 XXEKP TRIILAND. se tiAêS e .event the Openlac ~ ~ .<tls l kservaties. 4-w xlse Wolf ant i egt tier In- 409-M be net te Washington te at- - b«rng oeth(e sui brouult to tbi goveulnt frein opunig the CManclie sud Apache, (udian U la laheoma te settieru, have ru- $Aflé qm&Ntnithstaotihig tLe del- ~~~pretr, expresseti srrosg bhope *rp ait aoulti je t ear fruit. %'rbw*u er aili appeal te thu tit- *X< htea Sopreme Court," sait Le. "sud u k(o we wAn a ili gttjustice." NeDlakueaisoudPîsuneti. f em bse officis in dhlcago nen-a -ie tat when James J. HilA secures 1111,11uratou roand Sept. 1 tlhu Burling' sortIs into South Dakota.,tisunce ebnee(to u eBset Hilîs throngh uhe * tsse non- untraruetiedby rail- avsr Lest Stike la ORf. Akt. a etig of the local union etth(e 1tmtica«UIalAssocation out bibîns ".",&"tort, m1..t(bustrike aginatt ie l'et tairoati nas dechareil off ~ilo alIy. A nuLbe! ufthe men *irady toure hi e toraunsd the s157 n-tII bu ie (o testart il-shaops, -Abafuipf'orcee lenSt by moite. Iran. IluAnetome of motun mou iridentaliy on-ggnetfoAuto a treani ot i-uit nater st tI fues Steel WorksinluSout h Cbicago égo »sda explosiunu(bat kilicti one mat àubtlI. nuaietiandi luîsed ti era, n"tors an-s? 100ted t ftise wait. of Wast funstae N. 4. * t Lightutag Kilt. Et-ene. lgblning îîrsirk the Robbins filer in Lits TVien-.Chtiago. anti tilledt en boyu ad a man n-.hiaul been fiihing and uage t ibeter trotu n torm-n. Onueiboy escapeti eaib, Lt wSav-.cîre shorkei Ajth.e igtninr. South Dakota K .. teile. Seuntor jasoes Hi K. ,u'-diei- Alser de, . D.Ie Lsd b-ii il tor coin, lim and tftn a gi itiuiulusof ifuacional hertin ti lle uultsmalara su' Inernsali Mahine 1a Aid Etartien U.knoin-uibiaekmilsuîr. taîiîtg teut- tort $10.000 tronc Charlet lu>. k(rn,-y-.of !hlledebpbia. seul i iliiigbreî on lu- ceinai machiner. Police Chie! Ate, ufas Denver chiet of i)olii-e uruert-d poie mm e omain amil if n kiur ii ut aua n-bu have over-u tise riy, io.iiiti voasen et every opiortunit Mmv protrattoni u New York. Sixteun proni are bilu-tiand l lnuty M<x prasîretei l y tiset -. in ner . lo Ne Y<a ortCilty.-- MiKennedy lner. lins. Lulu l'rinu- e -iiiedys v. ou »R~ ayl ssnlieuu'ulîu, jitru W'offuirtil ICaeas ('i ylo seurvnie leuî mura in th Uttu pnitetinri forLet ruer..t h. I 1~'I MM MLACKMAILRRB AccuJsat». 7jf f1 (!7ç C ' Tireao DuraCarmonleuose tit-aeasIfj DucLJI~ ne e as Ta s * 50(S aCeruteti Out.______ Rortib#,bdlnud anti teatis itter u-T tenuseaoaiewo (Lehefate utftira. W. a. Chcago-Cattle common ta primeajlu Carson. aitu ut a Con-Aur Cunut>',Ka..$3,00 tu $575;hog, shlpplunggrades., it tamuer, ailbedonune ber iuabanti retîsuti $3.00 to $622; sheep. fair to chute, $8.011 eba te tispoet $5.00t) in a place naucet b>' Un-toa425;. aIet.No. 2 et. f65c ta,0Ile; (mi knun-n bisettuailera. Three n-uuts ag, corn, No. 2 42e to 48c: ots. No. Z26Cecae Ourson. i-ho insvnealthy, receiveti an te 27e; Trs, No. 2 48e ta 49c; buttur, TLt esinomus note uequstlng bina te bar>chaire crameri. lSc te 19c;e CIItrfnsis. inst $500et thUicrotut a tluphunu poie by ISe tu 0c. peotaos en- SMe te $100 psrybs, t-be raStiide nier penalty ut Living is bmbât. cbe bouse bumnet. The suggeioln n-as iguor' Indiait'spoli-.Catae.c. ispping. $300 tO a u cd. Onie n-et liter suotiser anonymouq $39); bloge. chiehIgit, $4.00 te $6.03. tha teter wnasrereiveti tating (bat If $ 00W sbep. commun te prince. $3.00 to $8l.25,Pest, n-as nt depositeti iithinsa nestbilsnhait. No. 2 64e taOc;Se; dOS.Nu. ? lut bouse waucîticbu bamutianti Le irnaif ahite. 43e to 44c; outil, No. 2 n-ita.,(ths tilîrd. No attention wnatptidto thie sec- 28c te 29c. the andi communication, anti on i receiki St. LouA-Cattie. $3.25 te $610; boe, tisa algit n-iii Mr. Carsion na-e'-n route to 43.00 te $6.051; sbuep, 03.00 ta $4j», . L Oxfurdi for mail the home nas fireti. Mr*. abeat. Ne. 2.(64e tae: co;rn. Ne. 2. h tc Carson n-as fourni about tel fcet frot I4le to 42c; auto, No. 2, 28c te 29c; rys, to> thu ruina by Mr. Dont. a neigisisr. Loi- No. 2. 45c to 46c. Tis rly bumnet. anti insensible. Bshewna CincnnatA--Cattle. $3.00 te $523; lnge.n-oi tatu bhorne by '.Ir. Duanu, nhure ele raI- $3.00 oa $6.25; sbecp, I&00 te 8350; lied enoagis before tyix (o relate Sr n-Aaaat.'N. 2,.(ic ta Me; cern, No. 2 kuon-letige of lise transaction. SieshL' sxed. 43e ta 44c;ato, No. 2 mîxeti. 29ec ad onitaitie n-len elle diecovuredt lsetir, te 30c; rye, No. 2, 53c te 54c. but rasuembereto mre valuahie pipera Detroit--CattAu, $250 ta $525; bogs, la andt seanureti oIt violin, anti trie ta(o$3.00 te $6.0S; absep,. $2.50 te $3.75;~pl gayea(ban. Franc (bit moment ber mnd aheat, No. Z. 6&ete 60c; crn. Ne. 2piCh n-as a Lant utushabcanntheA hu ome yelon-. 43e te 44e; oata. No. 2 ahiteCh of Mr. Dones. 30e to 81c; rye. 34e t(o5k. 1îlo INSAN<E itrGINUKi IN TfUE CAB. Tolctio--WAieat No. 2 ulîi. 0 7e tesic (Be; coun No. 2 mixet. 42e te 43c; ots. 1 Excuasivenut Drivas.Donies icyon No. 2 miseti. 26e ta 27e;c ryu. No. 2. 50e an Mad ti IzEanavilts. e«îota 1c; cioner seeti. prime. $6l.50 n Dan Heujon. an enginuer running Le- IAnake-Wheat, No. 2 nortiseru.ln (n-cen MysaeAilue. Inti.. anti Lousville tiile ta 67cn rm. No. 3. 41c te 42c;est& hie on thse Texas rostinrt lunasett ram ex- No. 2 whsite, 28e tu 29c; rie. No. 1. 47e eTu cessne Luit andtorisawaî nith i un- ta 48c; baey, . No.2,4e ta 55ce; rpo ue glins. Ha jempeti ou hliaestgis l e! e' 5, $14.. .cdo yardsi belon- ton-n tn-o miles anti matie Buffa lo-Cattie. haie shippiog msèer. mt thie ran ta Evananille uiacrotpalieti $300 to $6.00: hora. -tain te prime. $3.00 tLe ketoile ap switebes anti rame nieur rmon- t aM;beep. fair te ehoice, $350 taoh a pucge Te 4.25;lambe, comumun toextra. $450 taun m.n bte pme( ertrinn. The 75 -bau sue pathe pasacaur un- theu Pagitne NwT$5.ate.75. o 600og.e enobitg ant. realiting somethiniz wne ew83.00 t e ttl.50 $3sT5 tp. 6.00; btei$423 nrag. tout tac& saltel. Wies> Hemayon $.0t 65;aep 30 a$.5 wna takun train thu cab Le n-as a rving n-et. Ne. 2 rou. 72e (o -j&; cocu,. No. 2, manoc.47e to 48c; atoNo. 2 n-ite. 32e (oa3&, menia. _______buttai. cruimri. 18c te 19e; egglinest' Miite. IDUTHVE.N TariceS ULCIIL o r. 12e to 13.7 Witc of CoutemasetiMurtierer lu Obia PATHR EAND> eON &HOT DEA>. feu cutte mer Thrat. der Lisae utLnaa. alt orotEdwi tutb' NeIhberboot igQarrel et Daitem, a-, mil nuso, tLe Clevelandtuardurur, n-ho la unu- L.as5ta Doble. Mudr. hem der sentencte et electrocatiom nt thu Ohio As tise resoît ut a btter cightsovhoodtb pententlari, ttunipteti suiMIe by cnuing faut, C. D. Gulti anti is -uar-old so leu Lui tbroat. Dleappointrnent ove! thse ru- Clarunce lie tend rititleti nith Inillets ( fuasat f ehéGovraor to commente ber et Dayton, Ion-s. The man n-uvid then- huahantia sentence n-a$ the cause oth(e soting i OliAver Bricter. Brcters W teeti. A apecial gourd-wnasplaceti over itour inti tisa nheu Lc etcGuilti andtieLi Ratbven to prevent ia maaling a similai soi) tiseaotler eflernoun ('uild tren- a aitempt. lira. Ruthven la servîng a teniucruvivur anti cumusteccti ring anti Brick- an lu prson for recelviugMnsto entgoud. cerwnasbAt threines. ehait is ouutia St. t eig sihs. TishetîLobt. Brieker Gir Tin Pite Lcaes. liged.L i rishs%. Oas fred by tLe boy. Buicter ces The conférence et the Americîn 'uinavîng kiotedth ie revover troni Guiit'a Te Plate Concpanj'a oMeiiais al(b tLe rep- baud.Itricter (ben comnuectiiring lie reseutatAi4o at thé Asnaimnted ul o- anti bis buolber George came op altis a gai eatton o!fIren, Steel anti Tin Wrtura hta nih id u anla iei resuiteti a he(bu Iinug o! a ew n-ho Leli the revolner. The boy fell hi. u cmle. l'he nrtmen saitetfor&an ai- andunsa Latiler spraug to pick np rtue vaeet 10 pr cent. Uuter tise sua plaint Bieeter absat ant i biSethilo. sculoe(liey ai retelve as ativauceet 2 pur cent. Nearly 30.50 men n-il l e ASSAULT AND ROis TREASUIRA(R. ti benefitei. i-bc, Thirve. Ocet 50,000 ad Set lAre tea iltle in udry Accident. th. ceartbo.c Serun persans n-ru injuret by tise ex- At Minden, Neb.. Couty Truaîorer bý Illoolon t a cupoîn lu tue Auercan Car Norlin n-es assaultaul by roSSera li&te tLu tii anti FOontiriCompany@ ahope ia Chi- other uigt, the treaaury hotudof1t,$9t-ic cae. One, Tisomas Cuaiet. tiidet thelu 000 ani tLe court bouse set ou lre. Mr. t couti hospital. Tise explosion woaIPcens- Nurliln ortet in bis ottice lu tise cour. ut, ubte empIoerayse'.b>'pon-der o! ty- Louse outil 9:45,.nh Lenut(oa arus- ninaldte la a quantiti etwaiste irais ahicL tourni.On ia relteubu luctheu wnaseiunt Metant. The lois ta building tour numi wnet tuan-ork agein. Arttr pa-bu anti cupola sa $500. ibi Aire minutes tiserteuseinédtoIbu a p, flash Andtbcisewuanu more oîuil relises>a, Articles e# Incorporation of eigit coin nt isLounsrvae h ob e paee@-itis $5,000,.000 capital bavec 5cm nd at (he piperain tise routu n-ru aon- fletlit Pierra. . tIX, j 'hladlphia ire.île saeggereslto tLe tour and garek ant 15eireitsatoznsericaes tlepLone tLe nitras. Atter tLe ire rouipasr Aiau andt tlegrapis rampanlet. Tbey aru hi- exiungîulaîîetthe fAmes tIi' muîîey tran- teusfta o ver operatios inlut(e UniteudPr nas fouod broken ouut lihese sudahg StBates aud n ail thue n- iposessions outhtie veair luoteti.______ t thse Unitedi Statut, aneil as in Alaska. SI11KH INJUNCTION REFUSE». of Fatal Accident et MA.e jtgcTrauSld ba onsAbat WitSylvBreater H dley, William "t' it- An Socb Caes. t tisgton. Waltar Hatile, Frank Ballon Jutige Tarvin. in tise Kenton Count>'ln 1'ued !Newton Hatler n-cru buldng a tip- <Ky.) Circuit Court reusedth ie inusnc- pie et the Zelle-%eCiellan mine, BrazAl, thon n-ich Johns T. ISnderhii. master sInti., the scaffoiting brute andt (bujfr11 plomber, ot Covinglun, istuti ngainst thirt-ta. teut. RadIer sud Wbittiug- strhiig piutbes recetly Au Lia emptoy, A tun acre tntaliy hurt cnt tise Ibrue oiis ta retreint heff trousinterterAngailla 2t ers n-cru seruoutsi> injurui. nen n-ho bd at en tiseir paces. TheuS * Bodiestf lFormer -Lovers Fouad. ' ourt iselthat tics rases n--re neor tu 1 * The oies ut Frank C. Forrest 'aan jutiges (t enude, but for jnrics. Il n-ould ne dLouiie ((rutLaIt nere tout in tise rod bu srrung Lc e dclareti. for a court o!r y Oive mrs ca.ti utQulncy. Ili. He asaiequlty t0 convict anti pîîniîis men in suris d abut tbrougb tis e Latianti elleijirougis0' case. lise eart. Tlsey n-cru former Auersansd Ustiouee y QnaAA'atins: Fuîat. Lad qîsarreleut. ((Le ls ipputet tuaLas-e In St. Loui Heur>' Ditunmr divstul si been jesAlus tof Forrest. n-ho rece(ly Lad iiacif ofut u, hbtansd tisint. iti> ytE beun attcnktlv« tua àQuinry girl. waitet for part ut a freight trintaeîass w )f W.m.. ganes Ctid's tifr. andt iets telibuniteiy roliet imisner tLe ls 't Me' rbhye !Fucut ) , asling. rattling tructs. Daier oncedit ro hSeh Iglu ayesofFinnt. lthruoff non n n-ager b>' roting thiri>' qsaoiiiilui tbe tran-bridge intîu Saiuîllç Bar 0 thir(y tajs. He irshet townnt(e birds x as te Le ofut4-year-old Dbrlîiy Neill, ails questilirs o! liquer. Aont bis posi- oftbe daugitur ut the Wnss aiil n Lieton io donsequence ut tise notorty eir l liaue Ms. aye la isîiti. trs.gaineti anti itterward tiratu anout ion-a hou M@'Hays a imiLn.,, %rm etanti>'. ____ Hayes atîppated theisee î utilheipt came.,n-bei bth n-cru rerueti. Fatal Bâisi ausHoitel. S The Centrai Ilotel at Kern. Cal.,1 e- Loue Liv« 1.tsi 5rui»g Minea. ceugit lire. Onu lite ilanownnteuharec t A lange breater nt No. 2 mne of tue beun teat and ti (br perlions are luisiug. ujg Delanwtre ant i udauts Company in (Ae EtiTibLett. a rumen. Ladt LAais Rul ensteen part of Wiibesharre, tPa., n-'à crusee. Tise lire lInuuppuae ta(obave dtrojed hy lire. Condy Conuor jack t sarteîî frumth (e explosion of a lamp in- Ranis. Peter O'Dounci anml John Bug- une out(he rooai. tY ale. insu n--re et noe n No. 2 mine n aisen the fine broie out, cruetuiasiug. Craelh Kilt. a Baby. Tise loti s wilibc ultui>'$100.000. Onuec ti. ,a boy hîsby 2 juara oIt. n-a ______ illeti ant i egiteen ider persans injuredti Six urt lu R.suna-a. mure or les senluisayin luaecoliaotaue r- Six ' cluotladies ot-re rturnlug trotu a uiuu-îrlccar ho lrviig Park; boulevard. n Sunulny csuaipicnsiet Wspakunuîs Chiciu'go, nits no iwagonsla ladeti ail he Ohmiowhth lIiro"e lterhedt la bir picicturs. à" cardiage Tan-uit Y.Al acre îirrn -mca- Rsen au Kllet haia Nlubbon. 1 t ri tetivounIndseer'rcivinjureti. JetSieets, a ranbmlial. %uaL n sd tilt-1 h7 , Vý la 1.Celillo. cul (icrge W. Crâne,. anotîur t-inciser. in tse'et ln uvers off tise Isandtoretn-Laldattactet im ic nhsa ii ahooter Tsîîîuusa Ii, Jspaaeae torpeduu boat&ilnt eeland. Mont. SBLete nas clou. ciuldii1uid ll- -repudith(at une or ILetu raluil i..'t(e coroncr'a jury. 1 a, se n liat eveýr'aIuses> acre dtit-Ouu- Nw TortkfiantClas. cd ________Cuunîîuroler Dan-us turcelth le rloaing i tiMdicat Collège Damaued. of tise rippet Seventis NationaliBauk tilege ut Pisyiciaus anti sungeosin ut NewsTort. Bl inuW~ashinlgton ls CiLîro asia hdI>'dancuget by tire catn- anbt c-iuîiaiprossenutilons ailfohion' bu- ediblîtiîghiiîsg. Pante uneti in ad-cartie ut îer-cerlification t ciseeka. joiTiou. Wet Sie isupital, trusts bleh iii if tiseer patients wcre rencurcîl.1Ts. iefteta l$avsrt. uit ~~al Tîl'-'vînitv ight-oared cren- letealcol U&1<NA LOOK BT A RULINO. tteA41s.cetCominmeioner of Internat iît rce eWiAA Cause Bis Ls. The b&n&s caf lise coutrî aihi Le hein "S» b>' (ha rullng of CommliiOMIie 9 terai Revenue Yerkes thai bouti tfck books canaur Le returued ietr tise aprinatet no-cent stîmp bas bseu eca- id'b he ugoverument anti redeemeti. ec bankIng Louses anouther large fiscal titllion n--ics have Auvetet aereral, mdredti(onsantidoliara lu impriattil etk 'books ton tise connenience o! tlaeir itumera Lave sougist lu vain toeIduc* ie eonmloner ta tolion- tle pincedent abiiheti nheu tise stamp taxes follon- 4(taeCivil War aurea aoliaheti. At utt tAnce tLe checks aura retorne tu( i on-nets. Tise aceountin: o0tura of ieepartacunt. son-ever, insAît (bat the es hnateo (bem sîmpi>' a stamp. tiat cannot Le redeenietisudtirban retarneti tise poison offeriag il for redumption. bey aleu ojet because of the unusual ork hivolvet inla acb a trans.t>i. FU? SIX liEN IN ICS DOIL bomoasCasapody-. TAt Ifie140f*I550. but Wàs Bacapes Frigîi Prison. Hli a dorien costumera n-ho n-se sip- t bour t aiTbornasCarmody's her iu lcs4ge aLen (bres smaketirotbaere ea' aud his saloon aure forer!ti et te max- s o! tbinu revolvers luto thée abcon lbox. The rubbers rAfleulbuthe it o 10 anti relieveti ('arody ot Lia aatcb ad stuti. Caencdy alune escalper! con- rment lu tise rouler. WLan At came ltom (o cran-A luattrreLis six costom- ia auru lobuti!tiserelu le n-riggled asti useti.but rouît uot getl.thraugh tise »r. "*It'a fu.L e gsapei. "Icnt tus. elu." asdtihie robiescri paret i m le torture. Atter tLe tiltn-as robbud ie six men acre Illed] out ufthtie Ire box id eacb n-as vearcised andtihan sent act agala. TLey rem. and in utise. dool' unti> the robberi encîped. ]tOhhE11D AND MMIJRIRAD. adjia et HrtAs Aires Fouadi Under Bridge taNebraska. T'Le Lody ut a mai.supposer] in Le s 111le buyer namuti Martin Ayres. n-as anudtie leother eveuing hi farmarasu- er a bridge lu Daihy townsiAp, aixteen les n-est o!fPortea. NuL. The men@ end n-as crusbed anti bis cio(hAng show- deniducu ut a nt ruggle. Nu moueî ras foulât! on (Le Lotiy,ant iAtlainthougbt bat bu n-as beltiap anti murticret. Aires us a strager. ____ Raan-ay ey An the Arma. Clifford C. T>yler, son o! W. 9. Tyler!. noffciai o! t-Le Chicago. Miauktee anti -t Paul ruant, n-butilsappearei tram ;ation sAx mouilL a go withut apparent ausu, bas beun Aucateî et San Antonio, .x&a& He la cohmatut inlutise armu sand eant i Ls parents are non- active>' un- agut in aecuriug Lis tisebirge. Love o! Aventuure n-ss the ruaI motive for drert- nt Lis position._ __ IRailsociTîict.Bto'ea. Buliingtuantiissouri River .a.lA nadticeeta in thc acotunt of I$8.000 bave -u stolon. Oliver Sisouat ut Bastings., eb., wnaarresteti ati Bien chargut r(fà dispoalng o!flise tickets sud n-lti -ing implietet An tise cunspiracr. A -tket brute! of Denver,. who Lad bis icteî Ukien op. iduntilleti Siosunas tise an n-Lu soIt At ino im. Buacks Mu t.'hance Col. Prof. Joisuaten ofth(e University of tîntssLas dlscncvrut a crans isy aLluli à@ caperta io make thse negro n-Lite. prot. Joaton'. metboii conusisîs ot in- Dutîting (bu negronis (bue germa ut ai its a lbiulauus.a isarmiesa duaease wisuh prouslues (boa. otities ut nature 5000 as albinos. Ceaol na .Uuder Atresîs T1he Kansias City. Kant., Ciity Cotînril as granteti s franchise lu mine ruai un- unr lie sîreets. alleje or pubie building. fr tise rity. Tise franchi.e ruans entî cars cudtihebuannual concpc(titoun tiste (ty is (o bu $2.0 pur acre,.(tIs Scibievet se tamoas 1,emneun-ortis ro.l rein rîtns nuer tise cily. ____ Grieat Atie Oaieved. I'rcciulcut BLaffer orthlie Amaiganinîrd4 saîs(-lîtion orticruiac trike oftheb 20,0001 union employet ofthtie Anicrivat La-et Steel Company Leccîi.e ofthtietoit- res' u fierees un nitgt' orle to rendh genient. Trouble tisrs-utcni 10 upreusd ii tlls1118ufthebU'nisted titlcs Stce 'îcriosandt i u icule 1.,0.000 men. Ansr! Wite - Uses n.WhIp. Prof. J. R. V. yîmnatist, n-ai sevureiti boraun-ippet in Itie Arena rrua taurant, New Yort, Sy Lia n-ire. Bu uns tilting nlth Actreas JuilIiaMornison, wLu waa (niet and icittd lit Charta ioug.ilait yuur for killilue Frank Iuw- Four Moncaiute oDeath. Asthe result ofth(e breaking of a tea tut-arr piattornu bulIt ou a saffoiding in. aite anti briging the top of a moukîtroli tatsk in tiseBEstern eulevator at Buffalo six n tell a distance of eAgLty ftet Four aure tilt one Inatatitly, andti otisers tileti ithin a ftuboura. Dlies in ths lileetrie Chair. Edwin Rotbveu. coloreti, waa lec(n< uutentihueb.auriez at thse Ohio State Pum Itentîry. Thse crima for wLleL Rutsven ar Rutlshen. s e eommAttuent papers reati.n-ai electracutet, wnaahe u mrdi et Police Offilcer Shipp laClevelandi0o tLe night of May 6, 1900. gin" *$ " Bettie. W. L.. Mereiths, onr o! W. M. )lors tits of Chicago, chief ut the nationt bureuîtfutengravîug and prlntiusg, ne aLot anti tillut hy John Consîtinu, a toi mer Chîcago policeman. lIn i duel at Se aitlie. -usagiNIftG tRKet planWAfl ioy% Toutha a*Md&aWon Comprise (the VtAu5m-PsdtAeendousé teabis... Obapoq b, lForce.of the Six hou asud Ove mon 'acre intanliy killuti abortly after nocm Monderay Lya igtann boit (t sl rock an oid pier. a short distance nortis of (Le marine Lospi- talin Chiscago. The victimea rangeti lu &go finim 12 te » yeuars. Whion a terrifitetoru bruite over (bu city (Lelaid»ansd men souigbt refuge nun- der a sie-rcofecl aheter t the andi et the pier nenreet (Le shore. A paty ut tacive waecrouchins An (Le narron- spaen-heu the boit ot ightang trnck the touf. Elevun acre inutantaneously killed. Tie tweltih une. Willie Auderson, hld a mer- vrelous escapo trous thsefateout Lia com' panions. He waa made unconictous by the shock, but tuAi underueath the otheri. He revivet Ilun aton-minutes. andi cleti for help. Tise bodies ut &il the vitima Ladi(ta ss removeti before Anderson wes ruacheu lie watt taken to the LospitiA ant ili recover. A majurit> ofthte boys*n-ho met deatb t0 auddunly had ieft their bouses to go lan swlmmlug. The beacb at lthe pier i s lop' Aug, and lads eauwade out nomie distiance. The pier laskuowu ais Rabbin@' pier. liav- lng beun huit by Burr Rfltibns, tise olt cirrus mnu.n bse residence lasneuaiby. The place in alto a favorite fiahînit xround. Isle fierc"tisunderstotumwbis cause np about 12:15 ocloct, accompanieti by windt ami ligiting iaaheo, drove thse timiti unes itise crowd ou ud about the Plut te tise littie boi@ n (be titubera, n-Acis aonifisleriuen liad aei in pat sesol as a lotiging place. Tite raviti nwu root- cd wltli ainenune ut theseAset contioctors of eWutrlcity tnon-n. The boit etruck squsrey onu thia riuansd rau don-n the Iron-studded tituberasootuh(e huddieti Mnssout umant, belon-. There n-as nu ery ut pain or feer tront (lie toome< eutes. Tbey leot thir lves i an instant. quieker thau à carrent fron tLa mont' punertuA dynamo could have acteti. Thrown In every coud-uvable at- titude by (bu coneusaon. tise>'preau1k(t a gruasoose spectacle irien tLe polie ar- riveti. The arm anti lon-er limbe of the victie acre entwineti une with anotiser. andtIt requlreti a hit bour ta exîricate tise bodies endi straighten theta out on theundut. UndernnatL, eryAug piieously for hlp. n-as Wilie Anderson. the otli one alive lu (Le an-fol doni of tiuth. In tbu hilstory of lightnins itrotes cent- hinghoman lires thure la nu record of elevun meeting deatb by one boit. P~our jeara &go four persans n-eru tilieti hi ilghtnlug ai tLe 0U"Ont Monument u Lin- coin Park, but Pleveu nt une itrote la buileved to bu tLe appalliâng record n such accidenta. GOTHAM GASPS Ai' 111. Terrifie Beat nt New 1Teck Leeves Trai tf etb. New York n-as lite a fierr tts!nade Monday. A brazeu son poureti scorcli- Ajg raya upon tLe reat cuty, brooght destin anti desolatin end aiuso*t sucecti e4 n paralysing commerce and Indostry. Oniy three times Anutthe thirty.ssne Years (bat theUnIited Ktates goversament liai kspt a record Las (Le oMetcai thermoasstel gante bigLer tihont i i Montii. The government ubsrvatori, oî tise top tif onetofotth iLgst buildingsîlanthe diy n-Arh no(LAng tu obetruet uni breath of air tbat tira. sweitered n thu atternot vlth (Le theruuometer st 9M degrees. wbihî u the lireet tLe usercory marteti 111 de- gresn. Taice In furmier Jîîlyî (Le official tuunpeature bass een biger--on July 9. 18-76. anti on Jliy 3. 1898--heu it'ras 90 degrues. The oaly occasion wben the 100 degree mark bac been reached -al n september.181. Ninety-tour (icrauna lied f rontth ie et tect ofthtie heat. andthîe amsbulanic arr vicu proveti liaaîeqtante tii reus,îve ail Who acre pro8trated listithe streeta. Tris destiasreporteti du onuher1> represent ail lires sBatrifia-ci by tLe s'in. as ver: mauy deaths are attrileuteîi (o otset causes. tbougis îe heît 4. resus' reglîboai- 1bIc. 0f (Le perffos 1rsrated mauy art .buyond tishe o'f reruery, siie uth,-r lAI suigafer trosttLe effect for jeaniq rTise effeet uî,on blaigfesn-as mirl e s e rions (bau tise tosai panic. atiti ssIes il *matirofuth(e large estaiibiicts tel tîsiiy 50 pîer euti belon thle normanisiii urus fti is esson .or thse yCr. 'TisclAr mets alune proaîwreil. Disptalhes 'sh,îts linîtran ul'n, edesîhs trout lise Lent in uîiî'citi- 'Mou a day sus tulons. Pittstiurtt----------m i'ittiilpti................. 14 fltt Dean 1Ferrar, -Lu Las been tangremoas- J>' lAInt aICnterbuory. is convalescent. tiemoril Presityterian Churcb. Bn>' City, xiîcis.. Las« cîtendeula n tnaulunis rail (o thse Rer. Wlilsiamtryant of De-- tuoit. The Rer. E. 1.sîceiies Jenner Of Bsay- onne. N. J.. bas uereped (Le ructaili or Churist E[iscoul ai Cîur'h. Chlppuwn Flls .Win. Tise ter. W. R. Haîstesti bas buen aop- polutte orrespoziidit sucretar'ofuthlIe Muethetilat Lospital îand ueacuneas hotme to bu huit at Intianaplsols. Dr. Josei T. Smthi. pastore nerltuuet of Central preibyterlan Cisuruis. Balti' moreLa résignesi!uit presfideust outheb boardi o! trustees ot Prineton> Tiseuîg- icsl etulary. The truatueus ut Montania WesIeYss University' lssre selecteul tLe Ren. J. Wal- (un Morris. A. M.. Pis.'1D., as presidunt ot the instituution tus tîtte tise pace ot tLe late Dr. 'Tbomsas N'sin ((roi. Tise ttev. J. H. Rtendait ut Grand Rap. Ida, Msiel., Las been îtrscdet b>' bis people o! îLe Fotutain Street Baptiet Csurch tuailithran- is resigithon nui to tues ail lui toonters. N. T. »r. John Colemian Adams, pattor ot Ail Boni' Unluersalat (barris. Broolyn, bas reclvet saîînanituo(i,çail 10 beronie tise paîtrofuthtie Chareh o! tLe Reslecn- or, Hartford, Cons>. Tise F&rat Germsen Mthiotilat Cburrb utf et. Paul. Min., ihueJuît ceetratedthe(b : Impletion os tLu fiîst bl(- cecuto ie t exitence. Whes t At&rasorganiet !n 1851 nt. Patul n'as Village o! onl 34.1 en .Antrew xN- o mar. poater o! Midi- useffelleod&t xplero alCisUorOIs eain *Wd i Ui u v ry*bm Bout In(b là t. Xperts aré ispo1atwu the Sovlde ut wheat, ste cm a nd rie andi fOracasing tite rbabie yhiad. PregentconditionI are roerabis tu a mmsoth yWild of aIl eras. bot witthe (ls at two inontis de. ends the fate of ail growlng ropi. hotilt favorable weather aucun, a 109' ýl of fOOdttuiR l' cient tt endiail iEu' :p wll Le assuret sud a a nrket eu in oued, At in estisnatud. ver, rendit, or «Il tbat. la flot conaamed lu ithe Unit- aStatuesandi partitifprieusare look"t or. riais yen r's crop of wbcat, tfinpris. t prospects. will bLe INster thal, t& 11900, alihongh (hure buas been a rie. action of 1,200.000 cresAn tLe acresg.e 9aprint whuat., Lest yul.' crop wat V-»0.000 bushels, vaioed latter bar- eting at $325,177. FrOM prêtent ilcationa. Il in esîlsoatedtât t (i. aras yield i le flot leu, andi proba. Ir more, tissu (6MOM00000 bogheis waLli, ýlait îear's ferai prices. aould bu rrth $419.2:0,000. The critil iUe or wheat le tros mou, until Aug. 15. rusient conditions are moot favorable, ,e excessive moisture or prolouged ronght may decroase the yield by huit. he acreate ln Taxas, Oklahoma l'ad tant&s la flot et large as let year. but he aliortage there will Lce cunter bal- ked by increaseil acreagu laIllinois, iiesouri. Oblo. Mdichlgaandi Indiana. Feoreign conditions are expecteil to caethu prie of aheat firus. Thse resici ccrop is reported below the &ver- te. GIreat BritainualA Le a good eue- amer and At la helleveti Oerunany aii msort 100.00,000 Luahela. sîthonth lber ul Inmporte are about 40,000,000 buah- s8. The corn crop, aLle hackward (bus r and i sthougs the aceage devote ta ta cultivation la conaiderably leus tha.. ea the case lait jear. la expectedti 1 >rig a gond figure andi psj the growcre men butter (han la1900.Muan svo have arutnly etudieti the corn situation bu- eva (Lit 40 cents a bosuA ah i L e the mnimumu prîce. The total yleld thia aie adI le, If theu aarer Le favorable. La grat ae lant yuar. 2,100.<000*000.[ and ta vits aili reach (bu tremeudous suai W-".,000,000. Oate wall probably show a sligLt de- .ase ln production ani hardiy so great iyield at was gathureti lait jear wll saIut. It la possible, hoacrer. thatthe igres for 1900 a yieli of Ofl0<l0000 )»heia. mai Le reacheti, ahiei, ut theu tua prevallint last jear. aould bu worth =5400.000. Bsriuî sud rys show a sobstantial lu- aes»elen at year'a produc.tion. lu LOM. 56,920.000bombe[& of barley. Tal- ad et p4.07U,21. wrere grown wlsile this ear 75,00.000 Lushels, valueti at $30.- 10,000. are looketi for. Bye ia expected t show au lucres» frotu lant yetr'a fir- gr. 23.9027 bushela. yalued at 912,- $1,413. ta 26,000,000 busisels. values i a Ptiot the South corne reports ut brlght proasects for a treuceudona crop of rOt- on. Stimulated by the Ligh pnies of [t yea, tLe plamters have given over to the culivation of cotton 2.111.000 acres mure tham n IWO0. It in expecteed isat this ysec the jielti aili Le Dot lots tau 10,084.000 pountis. worth $5tZ.024.- 00. wbile lait ypear'scrop n-s 4,(M.119,- OU pountis vaînetiet $334M7.B0S. Alto thero are excellent prospecte for aiy, tobacco, potatoms. raetables, ad fruits ef ail hindi. The tarmur'a profLs ivmise to Le large. exceedint thuseof any year for a decatie. NEW TRADE VEAR BEQINS. outieoo for a Larre Volume of tBaii' SM. gaa IL.(oneiBright. Varie Sami on Mondai madetheeL kmerieun people a Prêent of $40.0m0.. 10(0. Witb thls nct ur generoeity lie open *d uvtiste ncw fiscal year, and Uic otti- -lais ot the treasury depsrtiwft îresîlct tht il ai L e the imont jheuuieuiiilyens in thse history of tise gavernmut. not ex eepting even that n-hIi cloeed "n uthi treaaori abut Jus doori Bitords> niglit Thià. donation coames lun utheahPe Oft reduction i thse nar taxes thse peophi have Leen paYing for (Lree years in or der to meet Uice estraordinary expenue, caused by thsen-ar wn-hS APalu. MaisY 01 bheau taxes aili remains upon the stalttt boks, but the mnt anno3ing Of the" bave been lifted. The @tou r tixes imposed upon lisa checks, prumissory notes. telegrsmu, tei phone nmessages, niortgacea, leanes. cpreêt&rueipts, mouey orders. proprictîsi mediciuei. etc., bave ail iseen rePealcîl perfumery and coameticnand chewiul gum have alto heem released trou th bondage of n ar taxaion. n'hile ten mil lions bave buen cut off of brrr. Bank chsects Lave yieliied.ann annua revenue of betwceti$l00 llanl $d, 000,000), anti pr0miss0!y fnotes sinus $4.000.000. Telegranis at 1 cent cci-1 have paid tribute to the citent of $750, 000 a year sud mouey orders a litA more (han $000000 al yen!. Patent mced chnes have supplied aimait$0004 year ut (Le Wl! tai. latîtraticelecte and mortgages have tîsrnlahcd anothe $4.00000. m ad the extra tax ons igar aud tobacco $10.000.000. Hereatter tome of these taxes will b collected.1lu uaodlfied torni. IBeer drop tronc $2 a barrai to $1.60 nitholît th nanal 7% ~pur cent discounit. The apo ciel tex on cigare and i cgarettes lari tincut andth ie tax on legaclea amende ao as to net incînd. legacies ta chariti hIe, relilous, literalry andi educational At atltutions. Notwithotauidiug thse redu, (ions. anti lighteaihiî off or $40,000,00 (bevre abould jet remain, about $60.00 M0 a leur imposetildormigtise daya n-Le revenuas were beini provldud ta pros cute thsen-ar. The Unitedi States ended gaturday ti re test fiscal Yenr n ts isto ty. h çxports reacheti An round nutubers $1 300,OOO.000-wiec brute not onlY s Americani records, but ail correspondît records ln (Le worid. Ini tLe great yem endlug aith ISOOt(e United i Kngdo exporteti more than thia, inclndlog(il Immense volume uf gooda It murl>' tran ahippeil. hut its figures orf domesttr -e Bari Russel mai mmi (lt utor di- vores AMe toc fragile ter expert pur- posus-DOtsoit New-s. WLu ca't Xue (rade Dr. John Alex- enter Donla for Agunaldo or tise Sultan Oir suIu?-Iopeka Journal. Alter ait Montana poillUapoin eaX le Quto deeunt w n-hbtlaceatinlaeMPari- mmn aiti thse Penasylvanla îrtlele-To- puta Journal. lu certain cases a sbrf aliti a béck. houe ià aorth more (ban (Lhe (brise branches ut a State govermnt.-De- troit Plree Press. Anti 00w the Nea Jersey Snptsia Court geti Ato lise. declerlug street rail- n-ay franchises taxrable. aiasua.raIs] n tate.-Detroiî Frepress. The mothurs' cousrent et Michigan ap- puars te Lave ru short etfacothers again, so elected a epinstur to landi their et forts.-Detroit Free Press. The Mayer or l'ottavllle, Pa., Itartet Ont wlîL au ex tise ether day anti chop- pell îown tise billboards (bat dinfigureti (Le utrceets.-.Denver pont. .ludgjug trom tLe action of tLe grand jury,.'Iu la l about as cougestlal a Place iiu SbiîL to du business as Deai. coald Aln.tîcitroitlitrePress. u b as,, l- î , i a ( o u m a y b e t u r b u le n t . isittedou tremembeur baving huard ,f either l', hilàX4 or Penusylvanla cbsrli', crabe lu thei l.ud....Derolt News. There la no grenter wnoder of tke worid (ban ILt- nicrel o! the uvoinuonu Of citî tui)urtliOia,n au suen lu Anuni- Aan 0etOes-tir&s,i(Rapîis Prems What allAi t hrî,îit 1Pierpout Morgan te gobble (bu cartisi 11e sn't lUt@ t zaay ai(b biOi. sud i 'tretor atirtlut kim est auîhng.-TOi.ira Jounsal. Thse Detroit people omis1 îý b> ale te, bilditilte s cruditabLe u.umsam t o>lit. Pingres tron theatoues (Le>),ks.,w nbile le n-as alive.-Grand itaplu se., )tir. De Lima appesrs ta bu aIn-,t(b. onlyonn-hasilatLoroughly satinfli ws*à the ducision of the Sopremu Court. lis! geta his moeny bect.-toceutr H.raI,. Tise King of Engisutils a deult- more partieular about the douleatic rec- ords of n-omen acqualntancea tissu tLe PrtAce 0f W aies ever asî.-Detrslt .Nen-s. Dr. 1)on-e neglets toatit. on-ever. .that luen-as ahso, ondoub(edly (Le part? that cansed a sensa(ion lu naturai is- tory circles by conversina n-l(b Baltm ~Grand IRapie l'res. Don-le hbagot Il mtobie bea ttsat thc Chhrago dotio( want ho tidnsp bhlmi.lit in ditrilcit te underatatn-bwal (bey aeuîd aitis bAnc unies ttiey ieb 10examine 'ils gal-Topets Journal,. It seuusî sirange that nobody @ver bhought ot apphying to Tise Hague orbi- (ration commsnsieon ta intervene lu tic n-ar beIn-cn tise Saivattunlsta ant ibîl Vouhuts.ur.-To)iîte Journal. If John Bull w-l asdui s n-ar ie collet erefulhy Le aili ses tisat ilno-oiu bc atrotle of e'ouomy to lstop (haen-ar andi give every sîsrvlviug Bner a tarou andi a lite peusion. - iilssiehis Letiger. Sam Joues.,(tuevetaugeliit. tartel Is nith a îalary otf$300a tes!. Noc i-i Ineome in estîmateti at $1,'i)0a asi U»ls 'riere As nu disputîng the tactth(liaid vertisios pays.-Baffat.sTîiiiem. "Dr." Don-le asylhe do"s sot kbau lie ba a heati. Tisais gttiug netrer 'u tarIs; tban anyone expeu-tuî. Antind n-llli e actuowledire tiit Lu Laonul u it ergan excerpt c gui ?-8t. Paul ijti. lu a Missouri couont a mortier trial ia Sena conutcted Inluthe open air lu ai- cummedute tise at(entiiug croate. Tlîe saisie ieirable tarilitici ail nudouist ie olteredth îe peotple lu fsue Ui ianginé; Denrer i'o.t. Ail the proot neceasar? ta convi-.ts emurderer batsbtten rretuily arnatîte-t ,andi taggeîl in caeterau Mauacliusctuî. m ad non- there in Lut une mure torusai:ty in observe. Tbry nmuet catch hilit Clevelandi PlinîîDenier. sTisat Calituàrnîsn oman n-bu, on se tf counit ot ber cillireia. stopped a at.r e tist at]Ld ,iî..everaloccrasions print i / i tise nord 'lh. iould aî-.o suee thi- tbere are no Biblles Ijinc around crac luInber bonce. I uînver Puet. fit h uiçl~spiu'nsntetr ta jutre s-er nigts i lothemt. utirs. iborne bîsututs cfoi Ybath robes lu rotinertion walthîe brnu;g utoftise Wetst Bluien boli (Lu t wn-uti 9t. bu matle tîproprîcte cunîmeuts ttiai n îragcu.iy etruit FreIPress. Thse great baltie ofth(e century lia, non- Ilie vwngcîî. tise omiîaita beinc isct ecre aci îiliization egehnsl lise ni.,- - î1ito. Tise nuvautage ut torce ian-with t be alliance. bt. tisen. the Moquito Lii. thektiliansd trcinilsg.-Baitimore Âmcri- dan. 1- Fred Funstoti ssys that urtepus steak ajl tise tougist proposition bie ever tach led. lic n-ns bora (tonle lu dine trou mules thet Aiâti oîttli"ed Ihpir treigbt ra wagon sitctaluea. as u ur soliier boys of (Le Civil W'ar n-cru somelimes compuiied cu do.i-Denvi'? Fost. st Sncelbis desthIs t Las buen founti that le tise supposc(Iito-isîrebeun murderet i lii- - lusaire Wiliam M. Rice ut New Yort - Las lwasaters living In Iow-a. BotL are ti nidons. are ove! 70 Yeara oid, anti boti - have Lad tu esippont lisemitlves takig s- lu n-asiuf. If Rîce n-li not murdereti c-he oughin bo ave been.-Iiuffalo Times. 0. The mont wouteitul tory ot Kentucty )-cbivsiry ever ptshied ln (set et Cul. li "Jack" Chiaitise ceebrateti fighter n-ho le n-at aitis Cuebel n-heu the latter n-su itsssalnated. Col.i.bLa sorluoff ec frontîlriuking n-hisky bei-noie ia aife fi asteil Lim tu. Ant iLe 1la amuan ot bis 1-word.-Buffaio 711m1>1. M l u icenning oct Pekin il muet bue admît- lK ed lha( tise lli-s sso leaued It up. r 'rbey cuîutiulrably reduicl tAie duath rate usn anti put (bu cotire place la s rery faitr he s fîniîsry condition. C villzatin May id - 'a ance n-tb a gun antia Pluisner bitg. bat (bere lawanys a rcke outitpconceael d a bout lie periC sun- <.icv eiand P in c d D e a e r . "Home is the thiîimns fight tor. Nos main wouild tig) lu via!to tieuti a boardl se Ing bote." This la une ufthtie pitiîy Uri mot." EQUApes tar-berati rutilantp eoutalas .salrtiig. prored-- tulge la i ta cultiva le 8ai fronted il n-heu put tactîve a ent traes be printe. junrilon. My tex natiest. ltuéase amur. ti Moi" fou otrorei n thik Of. dys bus »on, eut ta éan ou ed ofteni ois 'J partmes isoleelaL bie de>', waalaId., n-e-aler dbsî tira liber det th i me that nouf ed--lot i isadst-1 at tIse i ieMlaPbs eaut 09 4i bette!nw-s I»iaal. i alUation feeligb thuenicti nals. jeu Lut (buesý te extric Aprgit trateatih et a pis; 11sf of Pl lng fer a Lape th .er a a ulafortum tellupt te loteat ter; Pori Ing of IlA Wats (bu day lil ai hI. non-. problabii allanices riapture9 for iou i wtexicas (by fer tarer os knoasti 'oany o maen et Mavu oi tise rt tuira et lion ut Dot." There of n-bs on tLe Roeet tiLis de, duis' pi limaesLi isaruto Maiyp earnlng greii theulave tkiraugl: 100,Sc0 tî îuau aitl i ( nt am tabulet of gala ara Ca turnin Excitât noeur t not sei tells ln tuera i majorAi are bru robe l table t ositi Forty asler' t cipleti flunicei tLe vi Laysng ci thutut Ton e ilic your 1 men ln .1. 1

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