CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jul 1901, p. 4

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i à #bt oim s UAboyv)ile... ~~Ihuagi Boad etTrade am ruaI 190. SaWe, o *M IbI. ka ilompl et, the govemmiieiii for ys ~ar juil cleseci axceddciIts timbures by $76,000,000, whilah wu " w000.000 Ian the esurplus *b insfiscal ysar. Tbers vIl %&" sb urplus for tise, fisyer gManday, asliehe t of tise i oegu essdueIug var Ula, es, ou î . el iendsy sud that vili Te- e tise revenues o01 the goverumeul "i exieti orbeveen oty sud *Ulindollars. I cw s1 s boie va.te vlisdrav the nict *«fapfl r0. Cuba uev, instoas! hlgnthlie Ouban geveru. i * la ~5ll ndas ho as et. neesmasuds!te lisretri M typer cent0teiseOe Amrisan treepa nov laE b. entd home, and tlie vois "'e ang ho turnes over z 'Cls . Re (bina i la u t oppcrlnully tesliaitise wla t(ha Cubsa ta géve:n (hemn-l me lia a iay-tli- preouva- e offlace. proba O flo aproperty,1 ý ist ls ade"atoS! that secre- r!,bol a apposes!teus.ny tsr4ber re- *j#ofou troope on tho tlans, O *Cubais have tisAigovemlu. L amuuanali ms aganha à âo*:nusUltare nov jmisuagot fit bwaPromPtes!by a g9osd 0et 41W»pavias soulul hobopoUy ~tssl te n p ti! Aeinlt ,*pèvem U StW.M40A0. As lieehomue knO*I04 - oim" ,a 4slM f 1004l0,000mue.sBd saSraau tis ta0doeh qi overnueulproposes ~*éZimu abouls! ho seducees bobtl indemulte li e peici btetou tise manne: vl( tb~,eposalvas eoslvoc. t La Wtll net ho aceoptec, qusjSoe !i e peven axae t(ssquoeas (hoest adllar XTELMUBINOSX ai abouts! nt tof<et -U Net thiai coa--allai il te te (bi bassecres larmouy lu on*Au lu OblI. Tiai la te it otrminsled (ho icisers. Ilaueipiia veman purcissec @tîka bous. u.t dersenoas ouffy quiet, y- mev. igisI, it la zali, dos more iaru fipbuxton ban unlgit dom, ýo *ris lu parIs ngv crry dês. Gel luto the proctoilo -, poRt ýinvutlgnuonn e! trusts 5Ib.Attot.5ea-er~i auatnmpent- ýýîi tincugli ra. eyAttorney- é4ral levesalse but none.sudI as o Wb viwvat. B4eeir ay vîli not loavo tise 1 ijl Me oatethlai doptas! OOW «lA amixsUay relecteci lits et! orta 'le prepea alesbtfer tise Nleaagnaa iensl. Johnu Bay ln ntas quitter. Tb* Goman have dlacered that oap meise excelleat fertillisviien laimmu? gatleid oser pont sof. Al tisoyare goedi for uothiug chi t las feetanuet (at a unse has been tounus fur tissunt lait. Pcsslbly tise mealng efthtIe dey nay ual ho sntîreiy compteisendes! lu (li suas!tise Philippnes, but vo viii wsge:tha&thtIe y0ngsuir tiers yl seabeate thse fourtUsvIth muue ap-1 A Poor Mllienare arved lni Landlib,auaa b stisiqp._t oc. ris ne. niDr )r. Nil al, ion.L >1)5 158 Ph. Pr) 'il. i I 'y a 'i Lcr. A sage has la!lt gaiuai kD& lau at;...,.. m t vth eILpretter5loring. gea ans! ave lusprunc biahei aamlnlg ada ofutgirls and s la tise bet VI epsition for th. Mu t 0mariliyt UhIcorti, me lord!" wes thse eeted reply.ot oeeof the num- twse natlonalty m4 be geessec. Wbat Won the . t. bie:-.Oodes, oy dld you huit kNger mota e Uoa-Wltl a hammier. Mr piîd whilc ago." IIVI lisar >ou 0r-. ,usither. 1 thouglit you were &R.y storles. dm bbie kuglit up on an Tir«sullt1 lsatIt' M.i A mU l aa iteir tralelinIexpe»Mifte »b islilp- pine§am arealovs A rAis urme, Whso oVer speuds a -ent n Yen, la ne mortaudoinla yenthon a poor feli o io luinà a ent te apenci -theretofo r tUtise poor smon just as ou do tU ic ii-ua.When yen meet Tishesnos bumoe lias ound the enter et population taelie a point six miles sonth-eu1 t o (lie vUllageOe Columbua, Bsrlhoomow euitY, lu noutbera Indlaa&. The Oculer of ares. eelllclng Alofasiaud the nov possos- sous, tlam Emporia, Kan-a. TbeoMMdIOif the postofnlce pent. mnt alvays ha»e soins Oort 0f trouble on boud. ilg no* (boy are worrlIg9 <ver tise mas -t-ensu vieacvertises Uai hoe yul cure deaIneso for a certain nm. 'o (hase vho seud tise roquired muonu th le -acvertîser soudes 9.000 pillas, vith is reettfet a le Dont mors tban ane a day, guara(eing & cure Wb"SeUtathlie pille have blic o res. As lise (anti Or uniruli eft ibis daim mn net lie determines! for about Oive aud s hall yer, the suilsoricles de net know vhat course te tas. it la generally mScpteci (bat the mna succeistulmon are, (hoâý Who routior1he gres.test service te thelr flow mou. Certain Il la thut (lis man Who piraceecis on thie theary (bat is liste part et vadein te ieep everY- ching ai use or value ta husell. yull never grov or expans!tlu hase q;Usltles hicli are neoesnrj teh mail oeuplete devslopmemt, Sncbl s Man evenlua4licornes t t iuis tm su individuel lis la of very greal lu- portanceand that ho "isuovs il&Mil" BigltIbere viii 1b1s advmsoent endi. when lie anas begius te vorahip hi. ovu grealuosa grovtb bocome Impossi- ble, il ater net wlial lia puranît, couinag or position lu lite. A#the .pressai wnlting vs have ne dourtre 1 Ilrow ourselves lute Alys.- banl'a base. but, uif vobulcievor <tocde ta do mano v olda't saunp againa double-twIafi @hosisal nndc tros! on 1the lria sa ua»Y de, saye im «omp. qeti;;veuls w.esti a square mm ! 01rougis On rteblow ont tise gis, drinx mceestufalsdiye. Idt devu lu tise lap o1 a hui MW, Mie cigrotumS reaula Konlfuci a n ule ans! a pom incge uofvhiey. W. vouli iaipli giton$ an odillon e Ou pape:lur lai v p venîds! trivê ta e tolesl btaofou bilitY te priai (lie plain, square-tes trulli about people - Va uudarsand, 1, sud tsen calulY avait lthe eund. Dewltt'a Witah Hel salve slseild lie frmtI applied te culs. burus sud eaIs. pattqieare wI ekthneRS.ceunterfelts. hW. suete gel lJeWitVs. For suie lis'P. B. LovsLL. Lîbertydtie. Il. esitet V5e.. Tic aquire (symupthetieaily>--rini very aarry te bear (bel yeur husbsns la at tb. pint et deelli. irm. Bdge, but yon muant(s'y and! le ebeerfuL »s yen kuov il vili lu ail tor tht- best, tMrs. Badge-Ai, yen. indees!. air; I111 b. a blessiug vhcu "s goe, l'il ho able te lire lu coinfot tIsesas I 'ave 'Ina lu tour different lub.- Judr. I lyflOrvou A" butgtau, A" doesnt gazo n w-b Scotts Emulsioni fer tuting bables. Tbay ai m ftmtbe atart. Ma ci Notice of Oadia'a Sle Of UsaI atI.. mu4. if. SULIA. tas. STkT&001110M. Bi vîrtue eof eiuaord5i et tise Go atv Court y &adOouul.eatosid aitishe jYes u teriET. eTudml laT e t Ioabaid is. 1. In ala saeist uifa tles'e 500c u h lutte BaoiA Plt t pa D .1%an aW uf 1= 11.sGo 1'l csis a ts bo rt ne'cce rpem. aisdyseil rua agteaI0 ublc ee h tri lg ofUliue ule orl.,n ls tn 8 reew loUal 1 -i. A 09 tRUAAI onarîhe orLire!y ifof . oPy r 1ne uni.Il. usas Alefraurîu Tis Bat Inmet for tis- Ni. Y. H.Omo l . y tso r bth lus t or bstrats.n' d ItelaIde tros at or. sd as rth, ulsiA ed Guerdsaefr lfred.11. liffULs. Lle rtW .1 Gavaax Paaat; aa. X . lvauisor oel a"s Patued f.Pki. 1 "trequently heer Fou gay that mon-i ey talla," sbe remnarisec. "Tes; it la an oh! ByIEg *and a tiDo one," lie rsplled; "but. untortunately. wilie meney taâ, a&l thait Dot ".Wly do Yon s587 untoi'tuUUtuy?"1 alie asisedL -"RecauseIft tat vers ge," lie su- eed 'I WOnld hO uarrieci tu a&ts.b Wbus tartuneCY-Lodon PInn The equnoetial tome ame nO louger belleved lu by scientiflO pesions-Thej equluoxes are the dates or(the yesr1 when tiheamn rmosestie equaior aM one of tise oqulnoctlalPoints. ThcY c- car about Mardi 21 "ds Sept 21 and, thougi sus heave been kuowu teoc0- cur about those timies. tbey are »i longer conalderes! ae due to the pu- sctly aturel eecurrenSof etthe cross- log. Ival*, 110.1 We eOUMy the Ouesct assoit- ment ot Corsets in leva, trou 35e te S2.501. A> Ae noheet Inlu U tnder. voar- S Cljdren'. shool flats sallr Bat% tram.......3u 100 bunches plowers, slightiy soled, for.................. -....... re FOR TH9E B ARQAINU CGALL.ON MRS. PROTINE, F. BAI R$TO W. MarMle  and . »n u. WOMRK OF Deerpton. LJ Crroipeades h.-"- 50e A gU8HEL, O Now 13 the timo to gret your contrs.ct and seed Il. B. Colby & Co%. Smithu & DRvIu, E. W. Parkhurst's LIBERTYVILLR, ILLINOS. -PICKLES Qc1II.S, lreagefl, cHewmya" Ubos'lvNI, Minoi% austea, Wu.' <aa;feaMd Wituse job *5AIL Il w. C. fl*- 'tble, Grays. ,XI T* 50 USD. -' '2o. kM p bundaY nightOu is 0 lua. .............lsi 140 I. o il.l . P. 1*Il P. U..Fiideys anusatuidayaelf s . ..m.................... Dalis' afrloud Ii o.s OlOmeitIWlitmore feu eoff bis Wh"e lest Sunday ans wos quiet badty lu- Thoeswilbea show êverY eviiDg tîala eok ltUe lent ounIturge's lot, ogne r Ostat d Par k avenues. Misse ede andci Cndrey, our prospectivo isacers, atiended ithe Tmeaux'ineuttute in Wauisegan lait wssk. Therevae a veiy large atiendanoSLa Setnrday evoidag. T bere vili be ne donne tise:.ibs flerday etefllng. 'Vis caupeive diris vîi lao place la tise oreacoor ethte 4t l(ho (caima esu get bora.Tise pizes vîli net ho avandes! iUali lovard evenlng se 9il Vhli bave a sase.. Tise taundalien tor tise nov asdl. lion go ou* sabol 1in soUunder way. Mr. Ds.sle 14ith contracter, being hy lote o lvent hicider. Weunuderalsud lise commtrawuvaslot fer $21(W). Mr. CleveluI, et 09AudaraLoOkIa- hama. b h" Deouchbre nome (Ume dlspeing et al1t et ho unes, roturuos! tu li.boute Tuecadai. laurdgy ho tell lieu bis hlieansd brouie a sheulde: blae. Mi.. Mary TuSes, sho gradialtec Irm t"o pammar Seool hare vit tis lisiof W. la nov qualfes! tu lesh. 8h. attendeâ the Inâtitu te Ma 1 veissd recelveci a certllesta. lise vili prob"bly mecistishe heel on quauvlmyst.o. a b"s! ouptis1on geucrsfly reaullts rai Inactive liter sd s,,ei. lu aid sncb eae DeWitt's Little e BaiBIera podueo ftif s- tua rems Ir .Jil.LOvrm. L. Lxtri h.. Jnly 4(5bing (ho brUidav et9lira. Doemo, ber oildrsu andi grand- chlulren yu iiu I. Iccelebratleu. Rer Ivo sons d theur familles trous Norvees! Paris sud Chicago wviiibc prmenteui s vl i aso ber daughter, lire. Suos, ans! 1ev. Stevens ans! ehidren. Il viiibce s happy day. Mrt. and lir. Galloway and a açupie eft rlenuls freinChicagoe viiispend tise uext tva veeka lu a drive ausoug tise isises ef Lake. Odunty. Tliey cens. out to eo e bu'a boel ltantTuenday. linre. <aleay spen% seversl day. rscenuy vitis le:rlrolieroi B. J. aind W. B. 114il. Fred HIglsy speut s day et lait week Witt bis braIsera hors te bAs! thein gond-bye. Ule t lusi yod tor Aaka t e cgone et leat s. yenr. Tic refîmes! camp ah White'@ Cross- iug, tbree or tour miles troni lore, lias iscu quanulues!, tee cases et smail poz bing discoveres! there lsst lieu- day. Comiplaînt wu ae ,by asr- rouudiug farner@ te Superviser Car- fild, vsho t uedltelY seenred thle àtrvîces ot Dr. Shaffer asd veut te lui- voeUgslo. Tioes er. (vo e olde- velopos! cases. 1Il sesus etissIo men vera quarantînsdat a scamp lu Wlseousiu aud rau avay frein ibore, domliote thîs placle. Wa trust theî dlsease vii not bove tlie camp. Ceoucil Proceedings,. S2eÀvaLÂKu. Jas) 1,i. fS VisDâe' ltealMet in regUier v-io it,, ht Presidet bitherna latise Cai'. Tr.,,e sud Wilisur. Minutes of 'uni regltlsr meetingr reasd aud appaoved aserrected. SpOCWellsommitee reporteci a Ilae aof 2103.50 la LIe viagze tirur'.aud thisa, rrC ot tressurer and 01l0rS.-ra s mri, pries. Moed asiyStrsvc sd ud til Lo sa-t tre et cenisitee. Motion csned. Thea !oliowisglst 555. ae rad u faeli enotsldereci and spou motion aiowea s sarruetis erderei drac fo ree,, îi amonlte 0on prper lueds.. A. E. Wooey & son. el. lîgitsI.... .1 Z -s - -r fo 61 8184 8 lot loo MIca.. V.5l ryasr.......... ....41 J.lsti.ltes........ ........ .....-A n lot» l5uis s«se.................. .. 2N C. Heu. Iaior............... ........ 300 J. Wliiiuu. lelier................ 995 Les Strea, laSer ....... .......m N. hagard. isOor........... 48 H.ary Kirolseu. laSser....... ......I 50 W. f, lasr .... ........ 00S J. Tiary. labor.. .. ........ .. Wi.Wedge, tir., laSser...... ..... ..... 150 y D Fritsch,. sais. ý............. ... 4w00I edinaue NO. r37ase. gven usecond resoing. Mothm bliS' Oseler and Strag tu scept ordinsisce No. 37 as rend. Motion> card. '.looc Sy Sisaffer as u 1,cl s0druew an order ou, thc tressurer in fsvor of tiseescirnau ci thse street an il-dge eoesssttcu for 8100 jÇ: putreigletangreviel olbn a srnled. Mollen, by 1Letumansd Sarrau to rive tiray'. lait ecamp, Id. W.A. PermionO 9011 nuYthss bul liteisatiliSS lsuors on the plenic grouvids. july 4 j001. Moton easried. Motion 153 Strsueand 'wils>sr t) idjouru. Motion ceried. O iW555Ti. tierk.. St'ory of nafloodoo Hat. Mr. John Cooper, eueet of oly couD. tls meat premineut ctisens, ls lu thse elty on ils vey tu Auguste te attend thse oid velerens' reunion. Wheu ho gel off the train. he looked up CePlein Warren Moseley, une eofIlis braesnt et lthe boys vIse went ent lu the- sIxtIVs. asd tbey lmmedietely begen swePPIng remlniscduces about lIseur urmy lite lu Virginul. FnaUly Mn..<éeper sales Caplalu Moseley Iflbs rpmir-mbleres! th. Yankee bat. A reporter vio vas stand- ing tiser. heurs tIse followinx ,tory, vhisels botl men voucb for as being sb- soisilely truc: on tise rot dny oethtie bottin et WIn- ciester e Yankee vus kil.-d pe near the Due of iattle tIsaI a moblie, fthtie aome of btcLendos.c-- 1).orth Georgia. plcl<ed op te lisat and!put il ou s.ndlworc l. lic hldnet hliitOu is lie for more tien (vo bours viOn he vas abat f lrougis the beal, thse bul- jt plerclug thse bai lu elmost the saoue bioe iat thse bullet ball enteres! tIss kiles!tise Yankee, Anether miller et tié name et WOO- tes ef cempeuy il. lS'urli (leorgia. picee! up lb. hat and! put il ou, eund lu leu. thun an heur lie, toe, vas klUt-s!, the bullet striklug hlet lu tise IseecI cr the place viere Uice tier Ivo ijulleta hsall euteres!. Tic naît day another soîdier efthtIe nome et Klpatriel eofUCompany H, Feurth Georgie, vas wearlug tIhe bat vhil,5e.tee. vegs sIm lun(lie lies! aus! kilie. Atbeugl thse bai wes a fine oeeIt w55 left lylsiz on the fiels!, as t-ert n'as D ne uen-li n'uld vear Il. as tour ina vise ad nnru t vere tiien cols! anussiff, aud ecrIonee bas! botn sbot Ihreugi tIse het I luliSat the' place.-Maeu News. A traveler lu tIse vest, thse Rey. C. T. Brasly, Beys t t fal thIs mexalta- tiens e of er 1>5hoever vltncened. trous an eartiqusisO 401011, a cyclone 1l% tIs mail eppglling, - The.midaiglit jbleci- nlesiet1Ith tunnel, tise lightnlng dort- lug fren itinluineeelvshile ilercenesa, tie strauge crackling souns! troe',lis besoin, îhe ouddeînemil et ise rreisti. bic ettacI. ls -eie utlll eifttmotion. lits wiId lepiog sud bounding, like il giganîic best of t rY.'le ' wfl MonT wlsicli ollOW9, al MSht isît tl"bly<r- Secterizestliet strenge ravager eft lite plains. le continues: The cycloneplalys O(dd prlnks. i have see-n twe h,,rses lîttes! lu air eand carefuliy leposites!, unharîsses! lu s tiels! about aus igil t esa ie avay. 1 have scen chitkenu. sud gemt pcked diean et teathers sud yet feebl~y alive. 3One bouse. 1 reueumber. lied a iole I on feet lu dLimeter cut eut eflils root, e. If by e circulai saw. i have at-en tIse blacks, vhirliug clous! lift ta build- ing and biheke It te ple,-e. s nae shakos s. pepper box. Ont-eOfthei vernI cyclones 1 ever kuev threw e lieavy iron aste ebo)ut se a chid ulliglil loss a woedeu laiî1o't iblock te, Play. Il Io.aen L4'rcslsiIoe.s eli nl' Ru glmoSI omnipotent menaIt-r, aud il beems te love thse ideous jokies of il.. sd *WU Mcncct!sg. if PAUJL MAC <IUPFIN. Atiarmes. A hMl'UsSAT, N Ns,'S'SsF. S',in tltsit! 1 Ssrra»jblely rives thatt h ti rib,.-el ha, t., 4t 1,ftthesAt Wiliansi i'>..ten r 5,,rg ile4et desea.dxIII atto-sLte o 4useti C)ut rt of Lasea ot ten h5,of te hé, issiden attise Court Hotiva lu Wauiewan. ln ,aii Cosnty. onutise urst Mondmy tif AUuuI n euL 1901, wirn amd sisare aIl pcrw)nnvhavinat Ad elin's tisinst .-Idd Existe, arr uetifled and ru- le qucted te prarent thec amu e a Id '",utLr adjudication. GrF- T.itsPeI. ,Exsnt, 23 Wauiseisau .1., 19 501.54-s In- Lake County cin bo obtained at F.H. Kuebker's Depait-, ment Store. 1 s a i W o a b b r u O r e s h y s F l u r . .i.. . . 1 ponuUd PrIceD' aking Peider ...... ..... sweot Gubais lioeut .......... ..... .... 8 IL)» GonIoffe........ .. ......... .. -....... I roqu et mei .................... .. ........... Laies Shéirt Ws.lsis, nov styleo................... Whte . . . .. »* ,,» 40 limbri-s Slk lu aIl colora.. ... .... Il men'.A515.00 Clay Worated, liltex ............. ... se, 310.00 Strîpeci (Grayî ..... .................. 7 50 By'$55 50 Black Clay nuits iO g no Brown cheel........... F. MKUEBKER, (3RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, Graysiake.Ililinois. BUYS AN A 1 Rave (hem up .e.... .3 AIseo Agent for.... Crescent Bicycles. i ea sdI Jois a better vsoel for les. money tisai eau buy olsewbene. Vou viilusndthis assertion 1you luvoatîgato. CALL AND EXAMINE. NEW OPAL NEW NOMEL &WILSON PrIces and Terms ta Suit You. ts you ntruc Ho»s. liot uWatber-Mm-- ~-DeUauds CDONiClotNs. Cail 'sudnses onr Ladies'Uw yBloes ans! Itlppers lu ta ansd blasi, your aboie., a pair,. . ................... ........... .... .... 1.........1.00 î4t pair Ladlss' sud Ciiiireu'go Bine, at, a pair........................ go Mleisnans! Beyi bLocs il&Hkilds. Ve have a fine stock of cloîhea for Men and Boys. Cailisud see ihent. Giod ud iîtaforMi., oaiy.................. ..........3.00 Gooci Busck(Clay Worated ilsuJt, osly 6.50 (,eod edd Waol Peutm, alils". Overails,. Faut., glibîrts.etc. LADIES_____ Gelgi i ik Waiat for tise Fonrtis Bviral scft. ShIrt Walvls, Wrappea, Bliack Saline, Lavus,, ludia Liii-s, Caiieses, SbeotLugn, etc.; Laces sud lilbouss. i'ruvs.i ans! Unbriliam, lu tact. anythlug Yen need. 1i1 not lu tocis cligisdiy gel h fon yvu. Best Groceries in Town~----.'vs.-, ~..- Cened (Ioda. Te»s and Cttes Out. sire is to always give satiafaction. W. W. EDWARDS, ROYAL ROBIN, 34320. (iras! by Rtobin. son ot Axteil; 2-near-els record 2:28. Axteil, recoud 2:1;sire utfE911rMe. i:08'§; Prayteli. Stjli'; Toei 2:12% itergn(Io ite 2:1A . 1;Axmere.2:UIIà; Axtailai!. ria%; &xwortlr. 251:AXIA. 2:1114d; Aiokêt.,l. 216%; :Acts TelI. 216%;:87 obsla l2 :30. jesam ,.Neqki&e s' yPrleps:a. ire et (ireesinde,r2:lI; Trinkft.'2:14; I'rluess. 23:4; tlueipis.2ieAi; Star Prtneeps, XIO47 GeneVfs, 2:17%.44 Cotls"rss1i. mie .and jîlamne utf Mseinaçli P, 2:12-, Princelitersuela. 2:13; yikiad. 2:s14. Ote.. atC. 2d dam. Hnmmlua BIrd. siter teJubIlant. 2:22. hi <irorW, WllkAa.81t, rffori :. lto ot tiai ,Wilkes. 2ais; and!92 aoliers. dam ut lijUngur. P. 2:06M: 1S t ethn 21nS.4 ROYAL lROBIN. toMd a a edsme lron n orsa vîtis two visite ilent lobniosiHe ntauda ia-s bauds ugb nds!wiweigbUoarlyliSSsbg. BroîS i Ivt. S.Vaels. Bt. Mattisewa. y. fis blues! linos.areofet tbaoutas vIls bca anun hy hie tabuissios!pedigree, Thst ho viii iaspens, thea ideai ,coach aud grand rossiiSitill s ,thýà" tglenu douIL, as h'î net unlyinr slts but puesessos tisee quslittea la a niarkasci egîns. Ail mares paetnmed fresunutil JoSy I. Accidents or oneepspat owaera inI. Partiesfait- lIn te attend manier. muvini uolt fthe country. or is3iieuhst fmare forfaite insnrance. Rtoyal Robin von bie rlbouaet Lake Conty Auroultural Fair. 203e. TERMS: $t.oo taimaure. J. H. BRADLEY, Roildout 111-1U014nol. ocn aM. Lt. P. Hy., gt a « É l 0 VbAcq. 7sae 1<151 t m 5s.4oe L Cl I-f. wiI Pianos, ý-MýLIBEF Most Remarkable Bargains ever offered in Lake Cou nty. 1 wfli çontinue mny sales at cost to ççpmmence Jtine 24th. On Mondays ail Irobacco and CliwUs at coat. On TuYesdays Canned Goods. On Wednesdfays Boots, Shoes' and Blippers. ,on TIursdays Hardware and TknWare. On Pridays ail Dried Fruit, On Saturdays Tea and Cof fee, ACflON SALE gaturday, J une 22, 1901 Ai :00 P M. George Battershall, 1 . -1 Bageoa's "Little Itaîr." The Boston TrascriPt BeYs tlst BOa- (oas Llttie ltsin sestabilsheci ln thc very quarter where Paul Revere liveci sud wlsence lie bute Ithe message Of tbp belfry. The 014 North squamre II- piek wltb the coter e&W musie Of for- elgac faces ans! tngues. The Olci Northi elsurchl tasif cannaI havC far te go te neigliber vitls raucisOai eliapela eund Roman Cs.tholle cethedrals, the *bie dicet o a forelan world usurp- lng th51 1place where Once Piirltasiim relgucci supreine. llsey say thât the Boston ItalIens are ,Very tfly, tsat frulli belug geood relit payer. they are béeoing notable praI- erty buyers. Tlicy are a munie lovlng a)md art loving people. *Go to tIse Museum et Flue Arts on thi. free days and ses these meus Italinslu thelr rage and h liul sheus. mens, women and! ehlldren, standing betore thse Ouesft thinga lu the gallery and! eppreciating A"s thet aiglit reminsis a wrltcr ln The Tranpt of a sliabby cabmen lu Florence vie elwayis carried hle Gorumalensma Liet lu his coat pocket snd whose passion vas for the. preservatioii ot thse talietn tougne la Ilsa purity, "a ouly the Sienuese 00w psellerve it,iguorina." À Waller. ofspeclal Vaias, Whlle Sir William Harcourt waa traveling la thse bigblends wltis Lord John Russell and oCher frlcocis they ver.eule day crasslug a Scotch loch. and in course of soins conversation vils e boatuien.frein wlom (bey were trylng te elîcît Information as te lits vlews on thse beeuty efth(le anrround- lug lendieepe, thse man sanreci theus tiat thc vater of tise loch bas! e ope- cielvelue. Wien asîcci toexsplabn viat Il was. lie remarerîci tbet It baid lishe reputation of meklng thse Ouest toddy lu Scutlaud.-Chasobera' Journal. Atle meeting et thc Measield Bouse seulement Mir. Perey Alden, tie yard- en. tels!ae@tory ofthtic sother ef Robert louis Stevenson. TIse widev of thse novellet wa telling hmv. lu Uic Island oet Sema.thelenldy lied taken wasayli eanattive ciiettala vlie lised hlUes!thousandsansd estes huadreda." **Oh, Fanuy!" cacaes!n 1tise uovellst's mother lu berrer, "yen know It vas ouly 11!"-London Chren- t51. - 1 ý Graysiake lIt le yp td m Il Illinois.

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