CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jul 1901, p. 5

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IF WE KNOW.ÀNYTfliNG WE KNOW You have but few spare mo- ments to read and med itate over advertlsemefts. But put us on your shopping Ilst and corne in and seec what we. can do for you. W. ame sure we cati save you tirne andi moncy. TRIOGS & TAYLOR, LBERTYVILLE,,ILLINOIS. CLOSE-D OUI. I-faving closed the season's bicycle sales, WINl now cali your attention to the sale of Pianos, Organs, Watches, Clocks, iewelry, Etc. Have one good second hand Mason & Hamlin Organ--six octaves--which 1 wilI seli for Lookout For My Next "Ad!" C. R. SIIERMAN, -ILLINOIS.1 Sommer Dress GI ods 4*lrgelue'r tl;>; Satin Stripe Dim- Mtes, Law ns, Swiss Novelties, Satines. Victoria Lawns, Batiste Checks, iti. Bought at a Bargain. WuiI bc SoId at a Bargain. Cail and Examine.' l5hese are al n-ew goods. arrived Monday. XN'e luiî vu siî dl( i lst Iall >î l 'lsi ii suiilliiiii 4Ii4N. s >>;;hl i ljIi 'l î aro'It'Ii 1 ip i;î I mii t>> 14)50 pler veeît t>> îi:île r>»>îîîfia or 1'iW.wk Our 1901 liiît W;îists at [joni 7'Mct>>$1. 50 are tue t;i îterost th ii; Iîl ie>. S-traw tifts iCorne iiithis week. We're sclling e Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN genral mercbanalst. Libertvville ,- Illinois.- PIC1CED UP HERE AND THÈRE. Local Items of lnterest to Lîbertyville Readers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- fb 44444 C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. in Effect Monday, June 3, 1901, at 13:01 8. M- TO CHICAGO. Wi4V4h DAI. Leiart From NeW Depot. X..> A -...... .....- . . 7 .4M. li..................... 7 55;. . il4... ... 1* 1) i. 'Il l,- - ...- ...... 1i 4. e,'>N.,. 444> wil f;, înos . ?Va; L I ii 111. o , l,*;.o FROM ÇHICAG(;. vUES iiAYS. Arrive at New Dei>ît. No 1'>............... ' 1... ......................~ ii .i ".147. .....1..... >17i. S> «147 .............. .- 41 1 ,,ATU5DAYS 0144. NI,.14,)ý.... .......... lai>I,.4i ,NI, .139, 147 and Ut545 liii) 1<,I l:k., 1: .No. 1leI ung to JaMovitk' "Il; ýNi. 13, 1.17 andl1iuMne10M.. TO CHICAGO, FRON CHICAGO> WERX DATS. WUK DAYB. D,'part From OId DePot. Arrive ai Old De; o; No. in............... aa.rn. Nn-3........ ......... .....iC5:1.M. .............. . . . . 7:15 IL M. 141 ........................r 5 r. e, 44.. . . 12 M35 . 1.45. ......... 55p.M Oî'>54A5. ,UNDAY5. No 1.12 ............9: 23 a.mNo0.1, ....... ..............1 Dont 1001Lto cee lisi>Iti Tise INDZrE3)MÇT tasiiel i day ;'ariy tibis week tb show <,U r lutrisi>t> oelebraie. Cnt you4 t issties. If yIt lhei, g got&Mad Thisale Comm;i Iir ar- - > . > -, ;î-, ý11 :w nu,-. rfle tIn î ,-î>I Irigli> 1ur4 Arl'î.tha ,a'tt"-l g,914r" . ti;" hoit,.4 les>- LI- i >.>,.L , o 1h.. >4' 4>d ti, i"l..0fortise Mir. Ueo. >lrri't4enqulit>) ick ibig ho;me Wst of tise village. Smibh 1 Dvia have It aev dllvery wa gon. c E. Loins, a Chicago plrinter, speni ,;,eljshy witisi, broller A. B. Lewis. Fij54k Slpley sen asitlng Joba lSl>or ln tis el,i,,iai t,,Odout fera iew daya. Mi"s >,IîjS îCrosby, of Evapgtonr, l,>v;4bon;;ay on an excursion trip ilirourglsCailurala. We, rvsrlookad tise taclthtisi Dr. Tayorlis a q ue aav tanisepe.blilît spetially for the Lake ConitY Cor oer. MAay of thm ynag fots are arrang- ilig to tbil11e 4tlîutai Dasaord Lake. 1 lie wetii'-r irnitting, a lulg crowd mni ii galbiîr t tisat p<îî,lsr resort. M r.»a>..)1Mr4 . ,411;; Me(oraiek bave luviteil ib>ir ueigibslir4tu p55ticitae wîttii iliru in eelelraliiig tise Phi. A diaîplay o i >e~wtrlk'will 1bc *'eiji up" frmi ;;> i'1r lai il 1tise evelli tg. Il I 1.l.. gr ia.sanvel way 0f Ray- ing fi bis aid tiis ee t tai e baya atud s;lls biîldert' tin,'e lseaper tisan film c, mlpetiurs,. Iend t il fy;>a are la tihe mtrket for twiue. 1liei.' ottreoiPtleoia lecture ai tise tisou iîhurcli 'liursday lîlgision tise P'.o~ullay, ,uiiier auspIes o!flise M. E. ri'îir. wai but poorly aiteuded, aitlit. il w4 as exceptt;îually merl- torioiim,. tirs.L'. Lil iaiiby lefi Woduesday tfr S£5,,>;4N. Y , tî,r a moutli'sa riIt wilS lier par>iie. tMr. Han"by iii s;,îilber flîlà fes n>eis and ibey viii atteud tise l'ai] American Expoition beflrt reluri i ug. C, N. l)iîr>iudl roglit bael< a !ew niîseltm,'C î,urceisse> iu tise Mid.way ai the l'ailî Amrleun Expoition, aad one bi' preseu)iel to t;. W. Parlisureita ereatt;g là,> endl of i>orrimeai. Drop la snd Ut will shlow it to yolis Capt. Tiis. Meilielîern, of tise triiglit gteameýr Lailir plying be- twacil t i fegin5it Bttu lsP, caine up ro ilhicago tise tiret of the week for a ahort vIsi i ushfim cousin, Wm. Strvcaciu4 witie lite ve8sel vas dis. aiargiiig lber cargo. Dr. E. H. Smiths roeclved sud huug ini bis u»ire ttiatisset'k a isture of bis de, w,, ite, ne blli iteause of its reinarkal.i,' llkeue'itlais ttracting mucS attentionu. Dr. Smithl bas spont con- miceraiîle time and nîouey la seeurtag a lîliliro it; bisliklng sud Sas 5sac. coed,t, It h lea Mater color, executed Ity a Ciiesigu' artiet, a frlead o! A. B. Lewis and isl inîlees a work o! art. ta faci ae Selieve lta siperlt>r te auyiiing lu tisat particular linù or work ve have ever oetu, and o! course tei prlzed very igily by tbbc dtxton. SuudaY t ute home o!flise bride tMr. Adkiue M. i'an'y sud Milas Eda tiargaretisis tzctîii wveeunted inl marrlage. Tise yoîsug couple are veli kuova in Libertyvilîe, visere hy long association tboy isave formed maay Intimate an;atiiscsSd frienda viso learued vhs lpeasure o! tise liltiiug culminatieon!olise frienaiip nlpeaed loto love aud;tezenti iearty oungratnlatloae. tir, anti Mc. Ossey began isousekeeptug, on bisa old Oaney isomesteati nons 0f iova,, tir. Chan aaey vacaiUng andi movini mbiis ne housa on iothser portion 0otheUsame ftcnav wh1«& vas ÊeeeutlY dindd. >TJ 1eikt& ~ w if. pro* obe of pcrpauM.Sp Blkler & Lee aue layliýt >1witl Is for Horace Bulkley'a nt-,, ili kl on Milwaukee avenue. Tho Lakedeeoemetery \'. et,,; wiii meet vutirMM A. tP. t"L> i InI>; Gnh. Tisere vili Se. voit. fiall tise tlisigais ai o i ir people opooSe. tiey OPIni la somebudy else vais t ti fise trouble 1lu aco>; tO.l, tisai even tisoagistis etsre>.t,r I meod aobody inove visera tissy rî- lire.Frank Wallace i Nalle Dynsond, anud Iucioantiw; r;' uenai of Me1. sud lira. Frank Dym ',iAii tîuday. C. I ibierian ltisa eek t fne >î t3honlager pianso te0. W. I i'tlirild. "-Old Sisrm'la vt.deawak,' 1,r bo,.îues ai alil imes. Sunday vas tise Soit,-> I>y ex. perienced la tbis secion>; for ;any years. Tise tisermometer rîije fo.i 4 98 te 102 lanlise sade. Work iabu ben reued ail , >.gravel pli, thse new lover blug nl ii i .Tise gravel pamp vîlI Dot 1 it iiiorkIng order for @orne days yei. Tise INDEINDENT b>.- mi st >fied tise "-ruaeRfoverulng n',- Lard o! ltlevlew for 190", la book ',ulfise Bloard moees nexl Mo;,dav. lir@ e l'liage, wv it., oe<els q;ite 111 ai tise home ci4lber >.iigita'r, Mrm. Win. O. litiszer, inc,%i .îkoga>î. use able lu relogs u e iiiay. Lynna Colby puir'> i>-îol of Jolin Kielltl lisa eek liAs bo0,'e lot toi Mil- waukae avene, f,îr î'r>Y tise ;ld Ssii nier place. tMr. lsel>n, t I)ectm to, use te Ohio, iis formner>ii' Scisanek Brotisei ti ptittinin a large firelgisi oies..; , îî;tise rear cf tiseir store. fîtlm of;> -iv'>nt capaciiv tu allow of carruag, ,I ,in;g elevatel t. tishe"Cond lnor Yt- p ,,rIn'mu iert'iy. Dr. Chsia. (allowas;, il i 1leave iatir- day for a ilsisiug s;;> i uutim>g tripini norîbersa Wiscoi.411i>î iiiMiiieb.>ta. Ha wiul be accowmciiliby issu Chf- cago friende and ex p 4-t, > be al,4t;îit two veets. In Aarora trio>: ,i s lsoug ex- perleaed from il,,-.î r. t pave4muent visicis vas ali i r d wathier. Il has aoftened unser In,' 1-t sîu ,and1it yl have 10 SecLfaiti-r agalu. An- rois isuacoaclindeil ttii h Ae lime te lsy aisala inhlise 'ry 1>tiSAi ,tweauis>r. lire. Lyman SIînigtie f Ciicago, im vitisg wvus Mrm. I1>Il. Frenchs. Mrm '. Spragae wua areedI':; int JLibertyvilîr many years ago, livr 1. i-liad conduet- tng a general istore n Ih, 'C Il. IB. Egeir' building nov éittaii>îl - i.>lutatise 1's. He vas Siserili of Laki i (iî»îty ini lmt >4 .1 A party o! LII>rtyviýli Masons, hon. sistlng of Mesars Smit1>> L.wl, Davis, Suyclans, Mac0iill;i. ;a.e'll ester, Kaiser, Fîiser ,anduL I ii>uwent iL> Wheellug Saiîrulsy 1iii'> i Battend a meeting of lise tint ii,,w r'er 0f thai place. Tisey relient liii> oiiioe enty- five viatliag Ma,îie .artilîpated ln thea eveaÀsg's eîîj;;l ie' t and "vork' ini tise ihrd degru. i banquet. fol- lovet i 51tise liwi'ilz flouse, and tiseyre balking aboui>t ;Lc,,'ere',, muet bave becun 'Ji si,>i ,>ii tast. fine o! tisebout4s, lig bis cf .july novliie la one cislli hie "rüjeating torpedo," thse lnveîiîîîîî oh s New Jer- sey man, and wiich li-lit'tSýd lins a @zmali fortune luin ti- weekm. "ise torpedo la abal l c'a bwieais idp- ped la a ohemîcal i îîîî>,îSitston, tise secret of Ils lavet.'. ulter wsiîciAit18 baketi sud ready for tLii îuarket. By dnopping Il agniluat îa liardl substance, or cleailg tise IbaIl t,,ge'tist'r, a sharp report la produvecîl. it eIiLI e ru- peated antîl tbis,' "Ldiig bus> been vura off tise hall liory youagstcr about lova Ia bu>y t>ieoiug repesters, vush no coaaetîqut ,,,rrY î;pon part o! motbers, as lb,; t y le a porfecbly isariesaone. I have purcisased ai iciaera stock vagon and viii rn;Ib ilto aayone viaig tb Move hec sto>ck. Wu. WAMBaaND. 38 3-di. Sure Cure For Illu.ves. If yonr horte lias tise beavea, take ml, word for Il bisai Dr. Laukap's Heamve Cure wiliicure'Lilm If gîven m. oissg t.irectious. For cale by 0. A. ApftmU, Liisertyville. $1.26 a hot. ?we IioWea viIlcure t11 Vornt :CdNCI PIO~EINC . LînzarYVUz., JuIY 1, 1901. Village Board met ln regnlar sesionl, fait bioard preseni. )4Ai,,u biy Shsermian and halser thsai minutee cof regular meetin;g of Jane 3rd and 9pecial meeting of 41me 131hI4 be aeceptût! as read and plier> on lie. Carl led. Au orîlitnce, providiUg for tise psy- Ment l'y tise village o1 an amount equal i;; difference la cosi besween board aud aspisait walks where pro- 3eriy Iolders put ln aspisal sidewalke, was read anIdisjcussed, meeting vush geieral approval. On motion of Jast ani Proctor ttiseordiuaanoe asreferred to tise village attornsey for nmre addi- tions stil corrections, to lie brougisi up ni next meeting for passage. "lise Illowiag bills vere rond andi referred lu thee finance commttee andi on tbeir favorable report vere alloveti and warrants ordered drawn for tise respectlive amounîs: Freensan iPower Supply Coe.$11467 %Vm. Daviaon. ....... ......8.75 Lake (Co. ladslcedenl.........7.29 M. Freismau. _ . ..... 50.00 Geo. Davisoa ... . .. .,35 'Ireaxurer's report sowd amount on khiadeaiteset report, I.7 R88 e.. ceived ince. $12,C4. Palul ont ines laid report, $17747. Balance on band, $2804.oo. Motion by Just and Proclor tisa% treasîirer'm report be cccepted. Car- ried Moved by Corleit and Jusl tisat 0eo.j Il. Lee estate lie allowed rebute of $1.10 village tax andtisaitishe Lake <Jo. fliay and Gravel Co. be alloveti a r.- baie of $4.40 Village toi, Carried, ail votiag aje. Moved hy Just aad Shserman tb ad- jouru. Carried. W. C. SANioSs, Clerk. l;y thi' cosucil proceedinga h ittll le notiied asau rtiloajce wu itro. dlîc,'d îâlouday algis ai tise village bsoard meeting providing for tise vif- lage te psy dilference la cogt betusen board sud aspisait vaîka visere pro.. perty owvuers will put tuamapisaltI valks. ln viner words, tise property owuir pays tise prie of a board walk ansd gela une of1 aiplsaît at no addiioasS cosi. l'bis la to encourage our ciii- zena t, bud botter waîka and wW re- sutitns aa ni!ormity of idewaiks about tise village ai once pleaiug tb tise eye, durable andi lasting. Thse or- dinance sslll come up aitishe naui meeting for passage and cisould meet vus tise iearly endorsement o! every tr ustee, as il promises tu do. A Wise Man's elberations. A wemetern edito! la tise autisor o! tise fulloviu>g golden tisongisl upon mar- niages. Ninie-tentise of tise nnappy marriagem are tis e inuht of green isuman calve8 Seing atlowed 10 rua ai large lis soletY Pasture vus iso yoke onu tbem. Tliey mnarry andi iave ahil. dren befuf e iley have mustaches. Tisey ire fatisers of ivins Sabre isey are î,rolrletorm o! 150 pairs of pante, andi tise litle girls lisey marry are olti wom';î Sefore tisey arer twenty yeus li. ()cca>4osll7 0oneof liseir gosiing m>arriagem turn u ot aIl rîgisi, but It la a ia"se> of luek. If tisere vas a lsv ligulust young galoois sparking andi >.ýarry'ing i;efore cattlng aIl tiseir leeli, Ive R> îîiose tise utile eusses would avade, >1 soim;îeasy. Blut tisere ougisi t0 ho a entimnit agaî la lime enougis t,îor tisese bantanste tlik of liaditig a hilillet whis;ntisey biave raiseti enougs H>olley t,, uuy a buadhe of laiS 10 make a lieu bose4. But iisey ases a gI vio lîî;îks cmnuing aud lisey are afraid t bore are not golug te ho eaisongi 10 go aromndand tbey begin te apsylreal sury, andl bcfore tbey are avare of tise mauctiy ,of tise marriage relation lhey are ilcised for lit e, and bafore tbsy îîwn a coot, slove or a bedstead lisey lî,îve lu gel uip la tise nigis aad go atter tise' douer, se frîgisiened Muat lisey rua tiemselven ont of breatis, and abuse tise docter because lie doult rua too Andit vintise dociora gel tisera tiser is niot encugîs luien la use Sonne 10 wrap ni> lie baby. i' ; la >1,11- .îîi,',y sou 40 will b., sulekiy .. >rîî..îty l>Itlif toi. use De.Wibt'a ilIii i>?. 4&klv-," B.wars ef vorthlsas îimti i> 1.Iý.LceaL.Lbertyvlle. Ilousekee>ers, Attention. 1 ui> reparvud to do ail kIntia o! up- lîojlmterlug, maitrets maklag andi furai- ture repstig. Samples furniaisetifor tre.-ctvering fiirniture. Heatiquarter s ut leatis furuitisre -store. Work done ut your boeuse tir ai furnîtilie alore. Ail mail orders 4isould be addremd 1 Warren M. hiestis. losapnRO Rog. SulilDdvi't Weasr a Mank. lit h- >le itil;tY vas omiletel yiddeu by wi, ii oîii ,lIîles Ill 514e umeti l>îbaArmila is ave. Thoen tli"y vanlshed, seai l Eruf ltions Flaver MSený, Bola. Ciiîr.C>,rtti, s acui Fýions Irom is use. lt;>IIIllbl'îfor Cuits. Uorus. Buens. Scaltis anti l'île Cii>.' oiiram>tsd. 25icmit F. B Liovi.4;m. LI;s'rtyvlll'î; OSAY5Làxr5PHAsEb. JotsephBxIbder, tise velilkuova up. b;lqterer, le agatu lu lovnansd pre- pared tu upisolsier aud rapair tarai. bure. iesd;îuarlersa a Haatisa fai-i bure store.3-d Caleuidure for 1902. Tiohe ;of tise business publicevWho couiemîilt' Imeulng calendare for 1902 are iereby remiaded &bsat tise fIxnu I'NNDENT eau euppiyLtIseM as clseaply and sartieiiodesigua as any. body <ean. We expeci Our camples tnaa tsv dsye, and yl guarantee every pitresaser tise exclusive use o! auy desigu, su fur as ve are coacered. Il you cou teluplate seudiag ont alin- dams tise eonmung year, gir. in a chianole to figure wvus yoa. btop at tirays Resiaurani visen la towu-reet yourseltad gel il kiati. o! rofreelîmexîts. (Iold drinks, tee rs andi cake aissym on bsand. P&M ohm. hakery aud Sat o!fesaIs ervei. Everytisngued es a seaso. OBra IbmAraTAu»> Idbe~uqll% I.U.4. 15c. per yard. 3 pieces, China matting, , t patterns and a fair quality of go« usually sold for 25c. per yard; at 'i a yard; or by the piece containli 40 yards at only 15c. per yard. AT TUE FAIR9 Libertyville - - Illinois The INDEPENDENT and W.dy Inter Ooean bot ornt year for $1.75. Try thwm. The. INDEPENDENIT publismami. general County news dma any othu paper pubuised l i Lake County. It is the. kadlng weekly, il I fi i ICE CREAM Iàbertyvile TITflT M linois. IXJN'T Be deceived into buying cheap goods. It don't pay. We always carry the best obtain- able at a reasonae pri ce. 66QUICK SALES AND SIIALL PROFITS"P is our miotto. Let us eall your attention to our lino of lawns, dimities, mercerized satines, per- calest and ging. hams for S h irt waists. Ail the latest patterns. We also have a. nice lino of Plcritines, Korongoo and Prints for Wrapper8. Btst in town. Call and @ee 'em. % " '% emflus * %* Our lino of grocories is always *frShl and complote. Lot our dolivery eall and take your order. Prompt service guar- anteed. LIBERTY-VILLE n ous - tIsinail 5 uranese. à m a a en wý Lovell always has It on, hand ln ail popular flavors. Best Ice Cream to be had anywhere at any cost .... ý.. Ebw àdoï ý ', moide.,

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