CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jul 1901, p. 6

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IrRUE 011IMBIR XYIL STORY genMu*ua oei-tawk OF c oafetSbrairsady trc 1spirit. Oh. bal nirel beleted ai trot TlHE thati rh aouti] nced patience te aupot SOtII'H ber L i amrryiout et ier Sari iccea L ita tutlon-cae. the caln, tins, sal.pccsnd aFndad at'rellant! Shebba preparïd bat- 1F aaitgofer long valtisg, for deity codai vile avaitlngtihecoaî t a dar - - -- - - -- - vas te briliher fuit recemposnt fer pant agoni. Bout even aha bai] nt cuilflriént treuth et vili te beur ber tirough vii- e.gAPTEt XVlt er-a person Whe aeemed te hee eekisg eut a terrie tuggi, taentable bar te par a solesn-ia.ýbehd theteselves Hame Place la tuas wiiiernesof ,true- matutain bier custenai mansker, tae hep 0 . eieneLyon-,. titere te rettain torts, conuuuilg. t the saie tm.aie~rr itaigtaBncaScn ore , daya tore peeedi-g t q card, ihie b ieinluhi, baud. 11ev %tant miseri hhiah. aduMe. Fer cia Iltvat bere that Itose lad cue agerly eh. btiet orsart! lHe croced- vas alwaya viehthotia, trot mrnlgig tdu t~tmeeting hier father. She tould flootti] p-met bier glaner. TYes--it vaa nigt; cempelci] ta vitnees a 'bappilitea li &c tcasd a,; te thettght ef hie,, Hngh Lamente! But boy chaugoi]!Ilic wici bod vecked tiei ove. Ail t" latt Medfferonc elvween is tertutne' dimappeartdin luthe outrance beneath. $lie vaa barder than ahie boidImagiDe it mdîmbats.futi"a poverty. hi, lonelinlesp; spraug taooneiose the douro e Ic pnf' e n u] I bocage a dail totura. q<'b*4omek'ss anadern,,. It coltrbsi- ment. A tannlllar tep oves lust vihott; She ouat motetber ceunisLouis ai aha Ïë iq dtterl> ,vttbler lot that Hni e Wttil paîîiaedsSathe deer opeutdIW Raewas vent, tiatore tic inoviedge oftlicr çt lbe t~crefletioti. tettetd itai bef ait hçr. uvu fate-et a rivais triumph, avas glos "eljDe e aitti]. andi front marning tilt "117 ilear father!' ahe ssii]. JoYfulii. bier. StIl.hi iccatIeS ber Idn svct cega Iut+h itened and wtche andoui]Pote- as.lhe claupetdlber milettlYinh blnasrms. -hua beautiful cousn Hlan-and est bil k tmtthat lte eheîttdproorenetti ope 'Yen are glai] te tee me. thon. tmitber, ialkblsg eta tieuud plat fertie a~ ut - firse day vent by, sud nnner'tîure-hla future and] that et Iioe-and a 3eodand the third; and stli, "Gtad? ah, >ye! 1 have vaited titi 1 matde ber hilecenfidant aseoof ld, tiagln eevposaibte attempt %rasstadei]wovas ady te cry, papa." ici te the heuat viti bis ianocent, hau- te suâ s pe so. It van lu vain. Helding hlm astill by the baud, aie led tir, unoetoun v orda, and] ahe muai beur wlie,,anQnis. Or Lou. o e llit, er. hnl . s.lee as, nov, thougb @ahe veuid t. lHe talked te ber oet ils hesutltai fv~riensda-. tnu dark, aebîgni ti] Snet ttee te remark it, the reacon oethi&idldeci. gs -itlm, yt na atlfactery reaut alterti] appearance. whlc bitd t tiet "Yen are ber %liter, dear Helea." ha J41~We. Rose did net depsir, hov- pieveuici] ber tront recogeizing hlm. Flor woatd aay; "taie rare oret he iaihane aen".,$ihe atwys asella te herself. if nov. luttad et the coarnean d humbl.foi edttic rilihi laylelgied up te mc hiiblelre tbti-grill fiai] hi." , gaîti rdînari vti hum. hie vas rlothci 41 YOD Si yen l î e»ta me, cousin.", l it qea onthet foutbday that. as Lougis in the attire et a gentleman, in garmonta ."yes-yes; 1 yl bic car et br-Ij vas pasinî tsi eoe ot the principal ot a fine yei plain material, auitlng Wvilt ill taite cars et hel" ansivann]Mode- treg& lhe auddenty ebserved approaci- vith the unduielatty noble and ntdniai mene Montauban. Han couatcnaat* bi W uin etht crovd a figure tiat see- t orm and naurel grace et tic vearf.. an concenletifronm Leuis; bceuld not 1 or' Ammet immedattii hie let Tht protuaion et bain. frmerli iougheii- sec boywite nia vnn; ho digit notmari zàt hI. and] hatemîni teivami]. t lin ad di«uuinnisIcteatue«, iad irantie iuaddr tiat passacti er.?berrtramae; - 4.Iblkfpsea i n thc dlstancc. A nearer partiali r revtd, sud the e t a. liomene t t"itaitihenmail baud vitb- e« uccd hlm te niter au egclauiiatilt ine les agreemble than satalsig. No dian troutlis affectlosiate ctasp vus ed tacten. and tht next mmetttli vuder tiat Rose boa] carcety ilova irtmai, clencheS ndMmi od as marnie. Bat tocrAMa t face vith Jacquets Leronx. hlm. Yen voaid nt have guesse] tai a feeling ot deadi>' ilcineen stot aove 1»foeurr' hie excainti]. viti a brû5d ibis man boid ever bivn Wood lnethe ber' ber head viied; tic agfo t tat glav cf pitasure.saitonlahmet andSati- torat. ani] dwel, a pssant tahorer, ila ' oesavtul. atllaigtini up biisroug face, as lie a peasanta but. But Hugi. toi rogsnon» teAnd Rgto W5 aiinoetcn et',qtsdtht trani aud veil-pleascil et bis evu. bail hsen tae ant o tff ithe i os--a. to and bfur Innocent o gretibi oftiec ouat-'monseur, Yeu n iicianacter in wvilchlie bait ce long appear- br odn Ret-ally otalni] by bvas vii Lyndar? Why. 1 thouihi-hot neoitter. ti]. In thia viei te Ruse. Peihapa ho,& i t. bnaaut b, net atypnon cr endsel I gIkgofyuusDw.We bave bha]endeavoei]. th iis, change, te p..-aim ci.bu,>'brae>'pe hue et, I v1kmkni t onjut iOu. mpautihsila Helen Montauanaasurnn méq *t mince 1Istarion et the château, vent Rose frout betng obligea te contrint. àttaff*at iucky ecapayeoOUrs." vhi Ielingaet pain, bis apparent pov* nMali sAters that anilad dcpty-cere- *Wheebave yen heeta, mY ettiiti tic tuxuri f etbr position. Aa ly. But sate preaerved tic od demeianes; Maa? ndLouIs, caspîna bis band St wva, ievonderti] suently>'t ai etic c aoled bhernait ta bar part tlit 'wauI-'"arboehave yen becs?' change. yit.much a stedesrti e ta- a Wtc;ai Rs ee ]ere * . *i~5yea, mosier." tale lae il clcnmsn.mel, tstlg tnttic gouttie kMensie gave vas thé, "4164 etmnier" ure itohWi, r dcacti p aev ing brkîsa o a mrdre»-tit têta hennt upea wmlcb bar loini hbond vas lad, la ber ~lMiter Heg." ait trotntiah confidences, via even tien 111.4d possk ibille? 1 vi ' tae aihl. Tic>' eittra cenversln ton upvard ii tthe beat.bitiarent iatrei], vilc bars ta tie lii aid deirea gret. er an boh eur dntg iihh nie forani]d drve ent aveetiagitereoilen and tiat bericltter. Andi se.Jacqus, hlm ot all tiat boa] atti -taies piLacaah.eas the ajact et tiat intrail. tbls la auIimpertinent toutim;viti regard te hersirt et ti scevery <pa habu tl.n.i] y anit tvltitb h o t o otademniaig the romance in wbib Cmaau iota ntrm ina vat are Logis aid hersat' hb cocncerne&- , PARIC8IN LONDO0N. oet fHugi? là i. la sad at har apprchisi marniait viti hlm. Hugi listendt a r]teic tory, asilied pr&tb« tuyusTiag.Serve g monsaur. Be livre la a quiet ait hremaile pariet h i] vdWuas veya Croatce* las 'Tvîvs Yaas' ami] la a ceaitottile agaa. The London county conseiIif h i] o 8h0elhauomeliorne dinlg s "'il De R ecgaad."vhe Robie aCiieved D ae hr gend vor, veu] 1 sasnbit onil cemgon, ,1suaand - su vclL lic là B0oiduta" àr fla , tIlidemenmre menuraetfpain "Ton ca&tuttia oust va, fen tic Wise and negulan additions il lm oSire hlm a mmeu a*eUi i" 1 - -1t bs fffctofr baimai]e. aid continue, te maie, te 1" 1ye nsd permtted hlmtat ihieundis. London'a open space. . lt ion have se man ot tenu, guile, sae. I veut] nt bave alloei] When the enucli aupcaedci] the bIU ton tacaseta esaT«te marri a pansant, M. Metropotan boari]oet yens, In 1889il, -dhm.te, e nosl. en "Fatici. vii sot?' tnraortecn lo ,4%arso -ho cm,.t-d te Pe5Tbell "Yon viii mev ene dey, my chu]d." to vrtccnplo ,4 arse - acc visicte me.klms. bisele Sha ooiai] pcrptexei] a moment; tht. beatil apate. glace tics nl oe affius et Montauban anSdhbigiaa ta u Iter antter'aface, gala]- ) cur (1899) baupanaci]ihat ha, not 1-"Y** hbord et Mr mprisonincnt la thtic ccciextensive atidition a te cpari. cbuiu;1w elbr. ayeru, tther» andrdcrcatlem 'greundaeofthteccii>'. S ye n aremreie îli reine, "Yca. Jacques telS me. Ah, mi chu], vîtti hnov total 8,770 secrea. 4*iàlie ho appi I set tuat youecicped! Wht 'a iii cont,.mensieur, 1 ihink iota de va noet a t thtcepot aid taonou At present tic coaneil la aegetlatiig la age. He vilha ui]d teaç taltI ttJacque, ' nfor tht acquIsition et cayeu mort opta 1niolaieLcctI e e 81ar , Wb* at ëo]a.: geed l0ge, aral. apae le dIfferent &@&at*t. Thc targ- t Ibvo . A -. aeqms, 1 'lit"si»sc4*l. "Ga.Pari]e vaa est ta an addition et teniî-tvo and a te ôite y. yà îov i9i ualPW'b hit acre te Brecveil Park, and] an ob, on meoccasion, tiai on., 'iiaee ft tisIe. Tht vretch viilort:.elal et the conseIl lntqmeui a rep- ,muloi as 1 *hall neyer forget. I mcet a jut aceount." Me. te have Yeionitr me. If ion "'He cal]'avas mnet gmi cousin. H11e matativaeofthtei.Dahi>'Malt that tic -é~ e4te aster itieMYiiservie, 1 vm* iai. paaL" nejoiatlonsa ilbecs pnacticati>' cer- -tIb se, a*" psilyiotavel; If met, «Sa toid tic truthi. He vas ne rela- pletti]. et iym sui a snomasmai boy to ot, îeurs; eniy t boa] uiv hlm &t ttine ottht couesuic'a succen- the contny or set gdura Rtc vas an Innoceant. or. at teu.t, ain ate amanagemrnt et Londousa 3* o bu cstatic rlcty. Cet, t.oem-teemtag boei. via iretOs oe.5ve telrgs asBak ioBfl-hlm la yeun latanry. asni thèn, ye. kse*, ot prstclreivsBai Iti Ir s c, mensieur iam cery I bada Yeu ca] esnh other consis atter- bhn tivii267 acres. The mont tx- raamh te enferryour inde.... arda." ieaive nov la Hampfftea] heati. râ am cioty Mater Hlig; i hava 1"Bat boy v iciei]lha vas-nhbrigad wvb lac ratic addition et Paoliarneni .W» imitf or nageraalong insu, and] chier! Aih. if ve bha] invuh.Papa, bilinarniers neoleu lias 507% acres. bu ierie] &bout, btmaMd iire, ev match mare sreadtanlha reu have Tic elneiy-ihrec parka, gaidees, asd cav«W i tse ila. ihave gai wsmed! We acheti! néver bave daredti]ta pnoae ipecn nirttjn ~ .~cdt. lmaidh.te e; iti't bave hlm coeneinto the cottage." dopn ot tii. cpeent vn lar e frlen 11119v lovh. vasDonce; se you WtibupanBgburi]icus 4010 anm nitouhm. And tien.svesmilon. lt touchai] inmiel »ad ictha t f"l'Arnys 'appy 'antlng grouni]," lit*iàn« orparthâ 1 el ee t faia Rs ouud that lews iigaloremcntiotied tate cquarter et au et a core oer iice. mon- linquiet retiremestinlutht od rity ofLy-acre ai Puisai knovu an tht "Bridge f-- e-voned et Gaspardc. 1 Iltichr, "Asd 1 amt net puer, Rose; do flt let chrbicmnt '." er nte itr 1101111g ofNMataerug ilth'. adthai mtibe ion, for I beow yonu w h me eeitlyerlute î0o> tb ou elev reli husk ai] mi dorain couferi nud plenir. acquire]. But uot coiel>' ton thai ea- oguir tremblai]. "isla v afsieici] "Oh. fatier. 1 am noseglai]!" ahe iturn. am;;fton vas Inl 87 that mach i]anlt- apte et ialmei. e]. bier tins filtag viii tears. -1&i am sebi places us Bttersea Pari, Victoria "VeIL tien. Jacques," be naid. aic glad! Yen do oittenw hu bitter han Park, Waednveti Commen, uni] Cils- y" mei tai v it hlm. und i]vlu reeive been tht thenght, semetiteen.ti1I as galaPark becarne tic pnoperiy of Loin- nue compnsation,. pehapc I1aaboil tin *bout ta marri a velîbi and] titI,,] mas, etfèaa.ucailier srangememt. liereatter. sud Itava rpsi. ptnbaps. ln peveri>' snd don ratepayers. lu tiat oee ianoai 1 %riaiyou vould bec» me adioead of c sut. 1 baie s theUaudtilmea tot tht.lesatiotan parka and open 8as'e yeur viereahouts. 1 mai vraut yen ecca- I va, cominlttiig s i-that iveu] vwýre acquied. Thtsutirner vas ex. sionaiiî. Wil rau do se?" ratlier rouie hack te Yen and] ahare yoni ceede] by ont lea1890, but tic additions "if ion desire it. monsie-ur ye.' lot. humble an it vas, thon vedin l spien- vene b>' ne menus se Important Curi- GNo.d t1' dor and magnificence andS bave ion." ,,onni>' lgubrloas im tht tact thai oui Hatenint te tht hatel. lhe ran quuokly "Thihut nelonger. tien, et iu.h thiega. eor tîcateleven nev opespacegScI upattan sd entered the apartarnt vhere smii hem tatier. gaveiî. *'Taie the hap- Rose and 11.le, vert itting. lie imme plucsvilch iso ait-ed yeu ned in wviih ver, ciurchyards! F"ood for philoso- di]iteiî impsrteil to the former the, Intel- I. aise. chah b,,happy. I ahouttlhili tpiera 1itre. ligeuce hee bcd r-eie.ed couceiu iher esse, utî rhild. if yen asre te deaceni] te îecindlng tht gresi parka contnolid father. Tht youog girl fhanted iim àaernifonner rude station again. Thini > ide ohn ié tecuni>'council uhousani]t me saa, Roe. aa le îood cincums-Led-eeriycdte vtbel "t aaboil r.<e tim te d$Y-t an se niait stances; do net compare yonr tation andi]vrrwddadetifetct Boy gooi] ir a boe been te ttke ail thii mine. aund tate yorself nehapp w heti montoered]a]sn aiît tremble toi me"*she @ali,. gstefult>'. cause 1 do Dot share thetsavante« yen luitht vent] poscescea tteirspsectable "Ai tilgt troublie!*'exctalned LOuis, ejey. I deofnt vast tiem, Rose. 1 total et 5.055 acres et publie paria, gai. Salir', amnie tisiet her; -1 know ne trou- sheald aspure thete!" le apebe excitedi', tdens, und recreatiln grounuds. Rougit; iehoseunsamtryiog ii) eimtir rou. t.y cii]tien, pressin hi.huai] te hie hîov, pakiug, itia glves six sud a boll Btae. 1 am as happy as you are' ighed deeply. Thn lhe rontinuti]: "I ha- square yartic et cîlvan icînent te even': A&ttntmoment tht martiis ctertd ie tcytyen viii ie happy vltb tht rouit, .aticl]liOnieLi and icard te ncna vtich bai] IreeiddYOer future buabani]. 11evseen are yeun , vm - n hldI rae o ils arrivaI ta btu-rarried?" don-a priceleas possessien that le, lpet "Ithaka rt ,(otl.,cfte Lyon% fur i i uIntan'. or tbree ment,apapa.," au- baisa, uot appreoaei a elis tull vorti b, ot.Rost, my darlingY' sii]l he. sanr-cI-, ., lîghtiy hlt.shiug. Withlu itis vaci aies, tour tasprtasi 4. But tieugh ail vaite,] vith impatience, tlKtn" c.,tgratultte yen nov niinprovincial tevus centS ha t ui a Rin Lamente i]id not come@ that doay. teai.îronctlttg event, if tiat bectthe sUit eanve 434 acres. a %puce equal tg The marquis and Louis vondered ai the cage; forc I stati net sec- you arum proba- Hide Plrkuni a i ît>-four acres over delli; sud tht i-gtttirs of Rose grevtIdY for a,îte timt,. Tc n "livt vatohnt. But tie day pactei] "At. vty is that, ipapa?' said theTe uicipal ae oatar], Mat *", 4tue evenmng ve i, .bto adii] set Young girl, anxtousi> - cbecter's uhnvng nctuhtnee. te 1.»1 > rom. "I ave itaines tntoici 1muai ai- acres, au] In tuiss praaecnowde - "Bie wyl couic te teorrow o3au nt tend, sud wt.i, viiioc-upY me clonety 101,000 coue. On.eofthticothert tev ~zz~ 9 Iwo Mid Tro ani tlu d ad. 10 tt Md e damr car d"a ,o etl rab T'he tic trucl but trac At steel crus rar. The, dcv Ti iacleSam,: "Dou't j'ai 108h darmed chaps aow thet tire saala't set yt?" -Si. Paul Plmeer Preu. we pic ,aie AN CLOSES. SHUIT OUT 0OP TME KENNEDY la FREL mt ne»tbNateloi o Ne Ierkloitin ClP DEFENDER TRIALS. Thec Doctea' Wbsac'Irriai ceatiew rai Ecla ofa Il Rel.' Yae i 010#006 F flacuca ItbaSl eaned Fl,ffow. 0,or Dr. Damnel J. Kencedy. tie Ncw tortKa more li»a aquarter oetlttCcbnti]cap' dcteigloviehan betieau titres t Ka ita aid daposita. te anaetiobeatne lamUfoi the amtader etfBell>'Reynolds. vith tic leventi Na- a conviction ai firt, i tional Bakif etwa icb vansmetsldcei Tri Citiy va by ihe Ceoutet Vn 4116Thursdai clouai] b>'Appeisuan]ie (a Comptýirof thtiiJury disâtrcaments té Conirscy Dawes. , iter, is frise.and irl Tic Comprellar 'in ui]crctood thaison. gavc ticheanin- a Bolio preose vilt hea tiil atuidai siit - ha antan.] by Dis- , te secam tic repa>'- tmictAtteint>'Phi, sin mento et ail fîtbis, se tiat bat et ameunt ot the Itas. ntb ti PEut ES9ATIE. Tii directoie met a*Tie case vaw os.. Z.i PM. I an] ocoidie thii condition eai] snet -otf tic mon esipr- I.mxunr t'ot ha tetOilleil, a]a ànoiSlofetsuspendhus-pleîng the NewvYork athortie. bavaPM van ai once poafcd an tic dot. bai] te demi vith an] alto uo te mntmes Onlyt>' vojoaycpreovne 3008.000 in- oeetiy. caoaivaspal] ie ibe eboni ta osa lump T'lccte eprnntoce iu b>' Gee. Samuel Thosns, te enLatle hteu edy vii] corne ver>' close te $100.000.P maeti& aliuden demisn.d on it. an]d c- an] Il mai axcaad tin cite.'*a rosite a I denialli te atnnrs tic piantdenrey for biseUMSv Lvo.t ctn> t i ritra a sous, E. R. l'bamis, but that vas sot 0;th a expannaof the rsecrllonerai u et I sb xpa fth eod uso el cntuni te «ve kIL Thomnas W. Lavrsem, vboccyacbhtIlu- $2.00.l'h. thir] trial vas thc e a Thuridai. afier a sigthgirue, the ie.-rc depeudencc bas becoiraobt eut et tic pie- cetty. l'eu experts vrt enlie] la & tors funsd ti v ont] havc e ma ua> ra ae o i micsTic district attorney ffered ta ses ti checks te te amnâtn et $664,000, wvbihciuts, la05onofthte ichsi mea thesthibei.i]ftnne'Oexperts vers pal]. l'en g vert lu te ctaarltaf bousec.suntiis bel»- country amd i]ef eticment liharai cii- n t 00 par day for tit>'dais sisregate àI ed them te their mnotusonste deliilthe sens ot Butes. Ha ha aIse a fisancier 115,000. Ti tagvpcs1ee iih doro ai esce. aitienait tey nid tht>' vie han made hic influence laiti luiWall b. f ully $5.000. Salaries andi cituescen cmiii] bave palS thé dcbiii bace. The aireet se otien as] se profoiinily that bc and ] inr"*feca and] euer expeuditures e destre set ta be la lie posiinofs e. c-linciarde] vii tte greatesi respect bi vili tring tht ameunt up te $40.000. Dr." ceptleg Stposita ta a bati tiat aligha bethc gtslaaen ot apeculatios in that quai-Kned otagiGirhneo Sae issoiveait aise imtesn" taeitaction. iter. Mi. Lavsens ar oelunCame- Ilan] an] horrovei] vint mentiyi ho The btiai', tallue r sdi>'madea arip bridge, Mais, tetytvo yenrs smgo. an] coul] te detray th"ecx e r hn:etlit rset pie la &il treet, Tiare ores a short bagan bia carter te aonciice boy lt a trial. At thtetienoft thattriai evtry dot- Bnrry on te stock e«Change, it quicb bauk. Ris prenant Imiresis art targe lai hc bai] or conli] horrov ha] titan recoerr>. Ramoni tai otier' bans an] varie]. Ose o e bistoitoe] Par- spani. Tieunsomtetfbis neighbors on vere tuvelycvcrewtts ucl Putpet aireat. formances vas bis çonseli]atieu etftth. States Islani]d stcv wfriands la New Tht clonci] Instituion la the anc popo- cepper minium indasir,. Tark- ainci s amaI smofmo nney te toile tarti keove ai Penny eat'o bau, tbat tie case te the Court ef Appeats mand got le, peltihclan an] ic brother haing arneng 4 EBMStE1 MORRISON OUILTY. tht Court eor Generit Semalons te assigu er ttc directors. jury CeavIcte Mcr ef Maulnahîtar ta Canivell & Moore te ltie chaine et tht A New Tork dispaîti ays: "Thc eut- tiageonmd »*<re.Case on appent and te tny the case a se- look fer te storkbelders as] depoatois Ai Eldorado, Kan., Jtaait Morrimon ond urne. %I. Moore sai] niaSt te mont la net esceuraging. Tiers la duc depoa- ovasftenu] guit>' ot mannauhttrinlute rigi] ecoaoety bai] Ieen exerelse] tby the lieor@ a total et $4127.78.12. Te caret second Segrea, laie Thturda> aftîeruoon. detruise in tht second] end titird trial@. Mes tiers la a bauk'é capitul et $500.- for te îiîtg ot ced that he suppose] the tve ha]l cent 000 sd a surplus Of $150.000. vhlcb. ara. Olîn G.Cas- the deteese not fer front $7.000. He itit 1.earci],. are vipai out. atn] collat- Ille. Mr&. Catle aid tisi Dr. Kenned'@ persnuat riteni]u -erat represesîi $8e589,459 in ioss.Up- Uwon va.ihled inluirbai] actue] an nb»eena servers an] mec- on tesumo reaie] ytiittsalceoft tus hbeeitlna rate songer boys and privatdetectives, se0 coilterat depeinds thteeas or fait- after a struggle liai sari vorkbha] rosiotii. 0 ibtis cettaterailaisnet viai Wall stietisou. No oe s a v oul] CaI it eigei]. It la n]mitoed thteart. Tht bus- Ma, Wh, iiso,*,ed Kieeitk« Fole t tuat stocihoider.su55dt'epositart 'ahI baud et Mr.. Cas- Victb., te Conoumptten. Pl bave te siare a losget $1.000.000. Kigit>' tic previetîs te iii Jonaph Lsdue. tounder et Dawson Pl cents on the Sllai la a iharal estimate marniait bai]been Ctyinlutic Klondike,.i ta d. He cae- fi iii Watt Street t ilhat the depositois attentive te Misae] avaie ai bis borne la Schuyter Falla, C mai get.Eat zia. Merilson. sud Jeai- N. Y., WVedniesi]ay di à Tie faluer he fOu it enr>' Mr- ensy, Ihini.allege]. vas the ais for the eveing atter a long til i quand & Ce.,tiafliers me] breblefa, the trame]>'. - illuesc, havin £tIli- M g nall rne t inkibasian econnete] viti Coudtl er ien Itht "Racket" Store, e a vietit te cou- i the embarrasaint ote cSaventi Na- vas tehe eofthue tovu. Iu tht store auption vîîîe lna tional Bank, vis anounccion te stock vit bmt wvei]Jeasie Morrico.ttAok.Ht teavesO arChange PriSai. haii]secne dauuttet ofa epete Judge. a vii]e uni] ose Site vus lu love vih Coalie, su] it ila ses. Ht va i sT STILL CAVINO FOR TbdéM. saipponci] uhai hic marriluge te Miss Wile yearî et]. b tIr anaîti]ber ticioni]recsu. Betere ieath -Ladue boguebishlm ,y KousagWootaa &S00 Mn lis] îited hon tacultilta.Mis. Censile carter as a prospcc- f 1- waa te CeeR foa' Te. made a tatemeut te tie effeet uhat ieff te nomisearly lite. r- Kanas niet usa e bUnvesi lins vit aie Morîsen bha] Come jtateber home, le pushe] ie otht cl ro» tuis year id ca't gaietsoumi et maiaite] suuaanioumei], and ball a LDE N a r t lh v c c i tiens. Tha-tan»e h avte enlieS on Mi- abuse] asnd thr.aicad ber, au] thaIt as]dattly lbraie] in the Yukon regies et ni an] the Easst- Btaten toi more Mian Moiricei thi] nalui dravi-n a razr,.in ithéearîî 80'. He ciarted a trading hA veth00 s uarasaeaig ut»- fote ta l lit fber i]rtan sd commit- pont viére Dawson nov sads an] ou O pest bad.liti eaidaycheUhte te onsaugit. Tihonairs. Catlcthtélsd.he stqured vax diaceverci] tiec i,. tiroug thteNmIcemil Cree einpleimemii die]. Orai geid thai made the Klodeîi fata- i. agesci; but tua agaBo>'la unabli te au»- miss Morrîsensi deteuse vas thai . n He ictuiued frot Davsen te ao pty mes fai enosîb te mot tue Semad. wbile passini the Castie homne, te Young Seiuylei FaIts tn 1807 te marri Mia ~~~0 Tevaici tXsguas, tbouub psit>y' vIte ha] csited ber In snS accuse] ber Anna Man. Tic viendrons stadles tel] md he hes C"RiRo eiStiMlaatil se et indacrettn et vilci nie vas noet t ir hlmau]tier prospectera vie damea te a failure l large in othern oonsti«antate ha hayon] gaiti. lI ici enger, aveinedt]eue, frtmAlaska ici] te the mai]rush te tae th tccapachti et iha peplceofthte ata tc fndant, Mis. Caatie raiuetabicidresser lKlondike tuni yesî.à a~~~~ tim le. tirernsous sireot.etand, proderi s aruser. made a nee Lsiue ia eft estâtes ln the loindike0 te hmostancie. T oo norg] h n edyaitaci open ici visiter, lu cai] te ha vot'th several rmillion dollars. a a- tarmera te planst a gicaeter acreage titan theenscfile vich tolloved, MIa. Morri-8 PO verbetna.Orieri fer 5,0S0amsbava sou mai]. elle gaine] possesaion ot tht Odda asti Nd.. s- aiercd beessanot te barrent the raser an] Setende] ber lure ai the rost New Mexieco Arizotna an] Oklahoma1 ?Se gieai rre, ast aoûte iel te i tM.Csî'are nov te territorial canidates for hs asnas be ar-vete], Mont ot the jobs et- Ini thec1,tettiMs onausa-saec] lin i]ar g ftroue 90 te 100 dais, quiadber father, Jndgc Morilon. hi- Henry Oerlcie, a feamer, Committedl an] sudticre lha faitsli ainstfnrsica]>'em- potiecate] atltbis proprîr. tt gr',hic ibisbomle near Black Jacik, Speneifrietnt 9 tbte ytar te the brother. vbo ha] platine] a tripi te the MOe., hy it isblg_trychuite. Ih liet men. Wagon range front $150 te Purin, Exposition, gave e» a"il os amy !uitpnrBni ei> amre et $2.50 a day according te th i île] etloue. end ber yonnger brother. voîketi Atchisen Ceuni>'. Kan.. cemmnitte] sui. v. on sund hcede board ami] ledgiig. ns ith a] ncver wvrer b efere te tb- ride. itleabelieve] hc vas insane. Women are vumici] ty tic farmera, taie meney tom Jessi'. deteese. The At Colline. Mile.. in an altercation ha- vives ta het» tae co for the hungry rfaim townspeople are divide] i opinion aboniutvec H. D. L.arrey au]daanOd man bauds. tutt lis sari;te impss5ible te get tie vtrict. nmdDvs ohmnwr ild « Coulea. G ise guaare offcred. fan bis- The cjury tcoek tetrteon ballets. Tht ailedof vhs, bo t velebite. t Lt êr vamestn thns epain lu thec cit. Tht fini eone stoed i]cx fanmerder in tiri The DuetMibitihpeetSe ton biaivames pal] liKanstargeretfor iegre. iOve for murder In ithe second de- Kn dadasi tamrviifi tabor has causai] troubla te the airoade *grec, sud Fr] Spieni, the Scveth Day medy>' hlonged ta tht Kiug'a champion. il that are btiidisi ezUasclna In setiew Afvetîi. voiât! fer acquittai. - Mir. Mis. Adetaide C. Morgan, vite ef Ai- Kamnaan Okabl-Ti modshai proul saiS hi veut] neyer vote toi mer- tiElvn],,arn,,a bc raai il i beu pylm $1W30a Sas tCorutw aiW erdc, sud thosevheoiee-tonmurden, a Chicago ihvorce, viti 1,00a ymoi erc, but thé»e mmcahava ÏtuS unicoauraber ibaa bave a titird tripi et thé Case. ABen Slptb yste Uta $1a l a 2aia' a Iaebowt«e lds, and eaispreilid on th isblgesi Segraofi et iai. cogte4 the ivtto esn r>. mmi of bebt flc Rtnn.-% #f e am *dapuiabtr tici coutil] ndher tii» 3 * ogo . te th i e va lie Bd Crocs eus- a. f te ** r tA'4 o - bba cich OuS-».ajAreaiai..lm-. p'5U»l-0vsible @ou* aiso 150. 8, th» vant-bomi] IIted. et th inehst U4inn on the Wabac I w a v a W ae k ed ait C a s,,a in e n iia t aru7 L".,eai12:30 Ming by jumpng th track and p1umE- lovn a fortî-teeî cmbaskinent Four a bdion, mRU 0t Italien lénécigrantn Om rai te Colorado, w&rc tale», trois the. b, aud about itypenneau ara %jtr. ais No. 8 le oofuhet tii.deet iii of tice Out 09 the. limited e1 tie "i Prom Paru vent ih la mada Up vwo apetios-ene f romt Detroit and otber trom Teledo-and conistseto «m s.Witi comblited baiga. car 1aipriis, ose Cembinatien. one der. r uunt tire, chair cars, tire. qff. SMa the prlvatt car outhei.gen- sapej" ent oft ronUnoeesit lm.Wiam Cotton. Tiietraia vas hebur lt@aand, vaz makiug up tost a. Wbtta oni a sharp eui,,, runulng [y xtr mitas au hour. the engin.. uta wekmed colvert, deraling lit- pluinted down the embanlmnent. The ais car and the. %rat chair car Scie- cd timmelva. whiicte theemigrant 1a the laie ad. tA otilod by two Ur csa, vent devrae the tett aide tha tock. 'nle Aret aepar otftthe la was badly cruebti] aud twi.îei, adi i Itiii, forward and id trucks e. of tii. mbankcuts. a lcapar telloacing vas* twinted anil Windows cruatel in huad*. Tho cil vu', torm linundar the. car, me me la elther,.,1-,er van'taur- Outy theict let.'aoilthc puivata et thIftou tir-r aiued on tha ek uBWuurd. Lt theftrofettie-Int,.ent goî c ep tiat itlecid hardly L-I..imbed, baed and] jumbid in a na-. aith two ir cars os the. top oeth-' émiSgrant r.vas vhav, the. desiha aturr,. 'r. o va n arunii lpiya a.agà ding aousd. then a plauns-t. %h baign. rhe acaska thst toilouti] vaufesrfeff te ria, et the hnjured and dying ver.. rut &bd liteassnistance couid itc giv thein. Il vaover- on.hur hatore thc wi cnav arrived vith tighta. atraVtch and madîcat aid. Tha raitvaY P... », tint tha tresie vnsundaermard théc racnt bhavî mina and gavc waY der theawealut et tic haavy englne and da. ARMEAS I4OLD UP A TRAIN- aznetake Visaren.manant, . i procue Httavast ien"ai Drven te odesperation hy sit Of tib"îr filds hélas ruiei]for .ant or bar- %tan à parti, of twtn t YCage Cousti Lena,) fermer$ hetd np a vect-bound buta Fa train Tuend&Y igt teuetitain eiep necessanr for Meopns ticir Min.No. 55 vaa pueitu ofetater- 0a émail tove. whu bfor husky. .vUy armed tanme, <-otpei]theteu a cati and ordertd the engineer te stop a .certain c-roeng saumile South of t place. At the 88m' time othera nuted revolvers it the. onductor &set Mbffes.and viien ithe train atepped epetiai] them ta .eut loe., ruthet tv' Digngaicar. ýoutaaini harmet band- med fer tie Wénttrc fiaids. 'heu there va, a litre- ofljct tef ween the harrentern. vin res.tteith- ig"us émeures Italien hy th. wouid- eemployer*, Finatty. however, Sitar terni of cari pari, ha.] heen sevevety ured, a compromisenéas effefei]hY remal peinons flot ,agaged la the con t., and the two h utdred hnrvoffter. grd te vork in Usage (COunty at 88-5u dey. The twe cars vrr a- e-t'ptied, the rentevu gong Serona th- Prairie guid ilhy tie taru.ers.Tht traie vs. rte apied and backed u p te Burtingame. *eat ercitement pr.'naila bersose eftbtht riueuofe the offense sud the promi- n.e et come et the, Parties engagcd. CI4AFFEE TO COMMANO. Clat tfa Pbtiispaaea Fotiowinitith order isned front Waab- oton anakiagiJndge Taft civil governer >the Pilippines, au order han bec, in anti] naming Gels l'imite as mililary govertiar ef the or rhip>elao. Tht mit itary bas heen or ,iered te racrate the Ayuntamtiento, thé large putblie btuild- ing me which va. ereeted ont of the municipal fends o01 'itliia for govert- Sten t t purposes, Gaz. eCHÂtIE t'. This will be eccu- pied tiithe iiIfftiersa la the Philip- pinen. The palace 4f NlalRcayan. hereta- lrs, occupied is anieadtiuartpesfor lGens. otis aud NiaArthî,r, alto has been or dered varatti] by the teilitary authOrç ies, and vriii be ercupiti] by Ciev. Taft. tatacayan u, radquarters et the Spanlsh cîtttin<gen.'ra i we, je colis mand lu the Phiiippittei, and thetitves tf the islands litive ruine te regary'an the heudquartern ormget ofgeverame»t. 'he V,,tada mpyn. another large pubic building. la te be fhe militAry headquar- te@, and viii bc occnpied hY Uts. Chat- fée. 510 STEAMER WRECKED. unI»taiaa vlh 55Pascengari AbOard <bec ýAgesnd. neh.orient Bteam Navigation coin- >aulyle steamar Lusitania, Captaîn Mic- li, tront Livrepoot fer Montrent, hav- ni 5W0 pnaneners en hoard, vas vieck. td Tacadai night eff Cape Ballard. Ti Luitania vas tiound reound Cape Race for Mentreal, vitti a large carge sud a uip tead et gaa5tnent. Shc mietook ber cours" in a dense foi; and vueut &jhore near Renewi. tventy miles norti yen lit rozy ch. and oabe tinet pu leargînf lAttia 1 daugbte phabet Fur la tha ti a" dud and vs what seoeus the gPl dent@ tbam, the pu bis tlt whicti "Ida' of CAr and at her ho somali Mm' lives i fOie Ie emetl arbool Kan t Wl ,ou Il .ore ( more b about 15te asn piaout sil te auè" thc hi He- LA. Som- 0 itw Mm. eT. Y Iau Id N00 -c'fi

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